Tekken 8
    Voice Actor Characters


    00:15 Alisa Bosconovitch – Matsuoka Yuki
    01:08 Asuka Kazama – Shiraishi Ryouko
    01:50 Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo – Marisa Contreras
    02:51 Bryan Fury – David Schaufele
    03:33 Claudio Serafino – Diego Baldoin
    04:17 ” Lily ” Emilie de Rochefort – Laura Blanc
    05:02 Feng Wei – Chuan Yin Li
    05:43 Hwoarang – Um Sang-Hyun
    06:21 Jin Kazama – Chiba Isshin
    06:58 Devil Jin – Chiba Isshin
    07:33 Jun Kazama – Noto Mamiko
    08:21 Kazuya Mishima – Shinohara Masanori
    09:01 Lars Alexandersson – Suwabe Junichi
    09:40 Lee Chaolan – Okiayu Ryoutarou
    10:24 Leo Kliesen – Philipp Zieschang
    11:02 Leroy Smith- Beau Billingslea
    11:54 Ling Xiaoyu- Sakamoto Maaya
    12:35 Marshall Law – David Vincent
    13:17 Nina Williams – Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
    14:05 Paul Phoenix – Jamieson Price
    14:47 Raven – D.C. Douglas
    15:34 Reina – Seto Asami
    16:28 Sergei Dragunov – Shouhei Harada
    17:15 Shaheen – Alain Ghazal
    18:03 Steve Fox – Gideon Emery
    18:45 Viktor Chevalier
    19:39 Yoshimitsu – Seki Tomokazu
    20:28 Zafina – Cindy Robinson


    source : https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Tekken_8


    Thumbnail art by AiShou


    Thanks for Watching

    #characters #voiceactor #seiyuu #tekken8

    Get ready for the next battle T turn eight new Challenger Foree spee spee spee for get ready for the next battle Che turn eight new challeng Kazama Get ready for the next battle Che turn eight new Challenger The Get ready for the next battle Tech turn eight new challenge Brian Fury Get ready for the next battle eight new Challenger for get ready for the next battle prot eight new Challenger [Applause] I get ready for the next battle Che turn eight new Challenger turn way get ready for the next battle turn eight new Challenger run get ready for the next battle prot turn eight you Challenger chance to Jama get ready for the next battle te turn eight new Challenger double g

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    William your luck is run out Isn’t it past your bedtime you’re not getting away die in silence goodbye that was disappointing get ready for the next battle Che turn eight new Challenger yeah oh Phoenix yes I’ll show you Bo strongest in the Universe I’m in tough condition get ready for the next battle Tech eight new Challenger Raven witness the results of my training you won’t see this coming go to hell nothing personal my in jutu is evolved to a new get ready for the next battle T turn eight new Challenger Rain Foree Fore get ready for the next battle check turn eight new Challenger drov Get ready for the next battle K turn eight new challenge For spe [ __ ] W get ready for the next battle check turn eight new Challenger stay F let’s go when it comes to who talks the most you definitely win now this is what I call fun that’s a knockout good night these are the fists of a champion get ready for the next

    Battle T turn eight new Challenger Victor Shck him out Get ready for the next battle check turn eight new Challenger your shame me show your Get ready for the next batt te turn eight new Challenger’s power I will hold it in your fate is already decided stay back Yeah


    1. The voice actor for Dragunov was Kenichi Morozumi until 7, but he passed away the year before last and was replaced by Shohei Harada.
      Harada had experience dubbing movies and performing on stage, which should not hinder his acting.

    2. 11:19 and 13:31 interest me here 2 Tekken 8 characters who speck English also did Naruto characters especially for Nina she did alot of them Naruto Tsunade and Mei the female mitsukage and for Leroy i like that he voiced the third rekage and Ay

    3. 16:43 понятно теперь с кого списали его внешность. Его даже не актёр озвучил, то есть над ним настолько не старались как над персонажем.

      На актриса Казама Аски молодец.

    4. Jamieson Price also voiced the following,
      Chad from Bleach
      Heihachi Mishima from Street Fighter X Tekken
      Ermac from Mortal Kombat
      Hashirama Senju from Naruto
      Tobirama Senju from Naruto Shippuden
      and many others.

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