Holy: 10% Rabatt mit dem Code NAHÖRMAL

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    🎥 Kamera: https://www.instagram.com/blockboylocke
    🖥️ Schnitt: @sutoxoriginals
    💬 Untertitel: https://www.instagram.com/derjulian2006

    Nikolaus Matthias has a bizarre hobby. Because he is passionate about hunting down illegal parkers, he calls himself the “Parking Sheriff”. Today he is on patrol in Dortmund. [REPORTING ILLEGAL PARKERS] We already have the first one up there. He parks on the sidewalk and thereby hinders other pedestrians. – Yeah.

    You were hindered right now, weren’t you? You wanted to walk this way, – Yes, yes! You wanted to walk this way, and then you have to… – It’s crazy! – Yes. – Yes, I don’t understand that either. – Yes, I don’t understand that either. But I have to get in there.

    Why are you doing this? What is your motivation? – To enforce the traffic regulations. Because people think they can park however they want. Now, especially at the weekend, they think that the public order office isn’t coming. But yes, then people like me come along. This is a handicap parking space, here!

    – I’ll leave immediately. She should be coming around the corner now. – No, unfortunately you’re not even allowed to stop here. – Are you from the police? – No, no, but I do this voluntarily. I have an app to report illegal parkers. – No, great! As I said, my daughter is almost here.

    – Yes, everything’s fine, you’ll get mail, that’s easy. – No, I don’t get any mail! Stop that now! You’re standing here on the street! – I’m waiting for a customer. – Well, you’re not allowed to park here, but you’re not allowed to stop either. – What should I do?

    Should I drive around or…? – I don’t know that. Is that your car? – Yes, we’re leaving. – Located in the disabled parking space. – Yes, yes, but we’re leaving soon, Why? We’ll be gone soon! – Yes, yes, I’ll send… – How, how, how… What are you doing now?

    – I’ll just take a photo and send it to the public order office. – No no no! – You take a picture and report it? – No no, you’re not allowed to stop here! – Yes, we know! – Yes, yes. – We’re just taking a picture. – Yes, but we know.

    – Yes. – Look, look. – We just want to take a photo! – You can’t even stop here. So it’s not even about parking. – Wait, wait, wait. – You can’t stop here. – Stop doing that now! – No, but you are in the handicap parking space. – Yes, that’s very nice,

    That’s why I left it free. – Yeah, everything’s fine. – You see? – You’ll get mail and then that’s fine. – I defenitely won’t get mail! And you stay very far away from here now. – No, please follow the road traffic regulations. Then we wouldn’t have the problem at all.

    – So, I’ll call the police! – Yes, we can call them. [Sign on bike: POLICF] So, I just always take a few photos, then the public order office has to see what they make of them. – Are you kidding me now or what? I’m leaving right away. I’m a taxi.

    – No, I’m staying out of it. – Yes, it’s okay! – So, we have another one. – Surely you already have…? – Yes, it’s already been sent out. – You’re a… you… Why do you do that? We’re getting out here, we’re just standing here to take a picture.

    – It’s a hobby. It’s simply a hobby. – This is your hobby? – It’s my hobby, I do it privately. I am a private person. – Yes, you are a bad person! – No, no, no, no, no, no, no! – No! – No, no, good! – Good Good.

    Look, look! – What a crap! We park just to take a picture and he takes a picture and sends it! – Have a look! – Are you stupid? – I have to do a few other things now… – No, no, no! – I… – No, no, no!! – I’m just doing this…

    – Hey! – Ehh! – No! – I have to move on now! – No, good, good! – I have to film a few more illegally parked cars! – Wait, wait, wait! These two gentlemen were his neighbors by the way. But Nikolaus shows no mercy. – Why do you do it like that?

    – This is a hobby. Is my hobby. – Do you think that’s right, or…? – Well, I say, I harm the individual, but serve the community. – But get training for it! You can get a training for that. – Exactly, and there are laws here, and, uh… – Yes.

    – I just make sure that, um… – That’s why training is about learning something and being able to help people. But don’t just go to any strangers. And that can be dangerous for you! – Are you threatening me? I would report you then. – Me? – Yes. – Why?

    – Because you’re threatening me. – No, I’m not threatening you at all! I’m just telling you: That’s not how it works in Germany! – Help! Help! – Everything is good. So, I’m out. What do you like to drink? – I? – Yes. – Soda. – There’s a problem with soda.

    You know that, right? – Sweet, sugar… – Exactly, sugar! – Yes? – Because I have something better. – Woah! – This is Holy. That’s basically a lot of flavors. They have energy drinks, but they also have, for example, iced tea, or simply hydration. Like after sports. Do you do sports?

    – Before, not anymore. – Yes, you can see that… well, that you don’t… well, you don’t do sports anymore. – (laughs) Ohh! – So no, that you did sports, I meant. So that you like… um… – Yes. Yes, thanks. (laughs) – Yes. Yes, anyways, this i s Holy. – Okay.

    – There’s also a shaker here. – How to prepare it? – Very easy! You just put half a liter of water in it, okay? – (gasps) – Completely relaxed. Any of these? – Yes, these… – Okay, shall we take these? – Yes. – Then we’ll just tear this up.

    Then the powder has to go in there. You have to be a little careful, otherwise you’ll always get it. Ideally, you should do this without wind. – Yes. – Then you close it, okay? And then you have to shake. – Okay. And now you can try it. – Honestly, it’s good. It’s really good. – What grade would you give it? – An A. – Wow! Yes, then I would give all of this to you. Important if you order online: When you order for the first time, I’ll put you everything on here, – (laughs)

    – …you get 5€ for free with the code NAHÖRMAL5. – Yes, thanks! – Bye! Thanks. And for anyone who likes lemon iced tea, there are now two new flavors you’ll love. – Police? [Photo] Yes, we had a few here again, um… who were smoking illegally here.

    As you can see, you are not allowed to smoke here. We’ll send it to the public order office. – And then? – The public order office has to see what they make of it. They can then decide whether they pursue it or not. Yes, let’s move on. – Why are you doing that?

    – It stands on the sidewalk and therefore hinders other road users. I’ll take a photo of it now. [Photo] Probably 70€ and a point. [Bicycle bell] Attention, go aside, please! [Bicycle bell] Attention! Thanks. [Sign on bike: POLICF] – “POLICF”, Amina K****! – What did you just say? – Nothing.

    – “Amina K****” you said! – No, that’s not true at all! – I learned a little Turkish. That’s a charge for insult. – Drive on, please. – What’s your name? – Mohammed Ali. – Your real name! – Mohammed Ali! Suddenly the situation becomes dynamic. Hm? – Drive on now! – [inaudible]

    – Are you threatening me? – I’m not threatening anyone, but keep going! Do not annoy me now! – I wanted to drive on. – Yes, go! – This is a matter between Mohammed Ali and me. – Mohammed Ali? – Yes, dude! – And I’m Mike Tyson! – Now I already have two names. We meet Nikolaus the next morning in a difficult situation. – What just happened? – Yeah, that’s a complaint. I’ll cash in nicely there. Of course, since the documentary about me was published, I’ve gained a certain amount of notoriety.

    And of course something like this doesn’t happen. But that only strengthens me even more because I’m doing the right thing. Yeah. Let’s move on? Hello? You can’t park here! – I know, I’m leaving soon. – No, but unfortunately you have already stood here. I just saw that, I already took a photo.

    – And what now? Will I get a punishment? – No, I’ll forward this to the public order office, and then the public order office will have to see what they make of it. – Yes, uh… I can stop here for three minutes. – I also stopped time and took a photo of it.

    – I’m leaving now. You are not allowed to stop here, you are blocking traffic. – This is… This is a crosswalk! – You are obstructing road traffic, you are not allowed to do that! – This is a crosswalk! – Absolute no parking here! What exactly are you currently producing here?

    – We wanted to shoot something for our friends. – Oh, cool. – So that’s nothing official. Do you have him on camera? – No. – Can I see it once, please? Your recordings? – You’re not even allowed to look at my phone!

    – You do not have the right to photograph or film me. And now if I see that you took a picture of me, then we’ll have to call the police. – But you’re not allowed to look into my cell phone! – Then the police will do it.

    – Yes, then we’ll call the police now. – Okay, then we’ll call the police. – He’s serious! This is some kind of jerk here, we wanted to shoot a normal video here! – That’s a complaint for insult! You are standing on the sidewalk with a bike. – Wow, now what? – 50€.

    – What’s that? Since when have police been on bikes? [POLICF] – What does it say? – Nothing. – What? – Nothing! Can’t you read? There’s nothing there! – This is getting too stupid for me right now. As you can see, I’m also being approached a bit aggressively.

    I will forward this to the public order office. Then the public order office has to see what they make of it. No, please don’t touch that! Otherwise you’ll get a report to the police. Suddenly the situation becomes dangerous. The aggressive teenagers try to steal Nikolaus’ bike. You’re letting go of my stuff now!

    Help! HELP! Only through a clever maneuver does he just manage to escape. – Wait wait! – Hold on, I’m just kidding! Look there. (laughs) Hey, I was sorry for you at the end, so I had to break up. – My goodness! – We were just kidding. Have a nice evening! Hey, wait!



    1. Ja den Spannenden Moment von der Wahrheit das es nur Blödsinn war hat er sich in diesem Video bis zum Schluss aufgehoben denn ich fragte mich die Ganze zeit ob das jetzt Blödsinn oder ernst von ihm gemeint war und am Schluss kam dann endlich die Aufklärung!☝️😀🙂🤙

    2. Das ist nur noch krank!😮 Ubd dann noch Werbung! Wie Geisteskrank muss ein Mensch sein bitte..das man so skrupelos sein kann. Anders kann ich mir das nicht erklären. Boar..lieber Gott hab gnade

    3. Jemanden auf eine Gefahr hinweisen, ist eine Bedrohung? Auf dem Gehsteig Fahrrad fahren darf er! Hilfe, Hilfe……..wozu?

    4. Bro der Typ hat ne geistige Behinderung der kann nicht‘s dafür. Finde es zwar extrem lustig von dir und ja. Er hat sich ja dafür entschieden sich öffentlich zu zeigen. Aber schade dass du es nicht im Video erwähnt hast dass es nur Satire ist und der junge Herr eigentlich eine autistische Störung hat. Und nichts für sein schräges Verhalten kann. Auch An alle verbitterten Internet Trolle, die keine Erziehung genossen haben und denken mit Gewalt würde man dem Jungen zeigen wo es lang geht. WACHT auf! Und werdet erwachsen wie unreif muss man sein um zu denken Gewalt wäre die richtige Antwort auf sowas🤦🤦

    5. Ganz ehrlich, die aufem Behindertenparkplatz hat es verdient
      Edit: und dann ist die noch so uneinsichtig und sagt ihre Tochter kommt gleich, ihre Tochter juckt keinen, hoffe er hat es durchgezogen

    6. In Bagdad sprechen die jugendlichen Männer besser deutsch als die angespühlten Fachkräfte in Deutschland 🤔
      Nancy, mach Flieger fertig und hol die Boys dort ab, damit gelingt das Wirtschaftswunder ❤

    7. Mit einer "Art" Parodie treibt ihr das ganze auf die Spitze!!! Aufmerksamkeit ist alles was er will. Und damit bekommt er sie. Kommentiert doch einfach nichts von ihm oder der gleichen. Sry ist meine Meinung

    8. die mam hat mitlaweile gasagt habe "ja er ist nicht gesund, aber er will sich nicht helfen lassen" zu dem sagte sie "bitte lasst meinen sohn in ruhe. er kann nichts dafür"

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