In this video, we talk about why a comfortable, liveable city is impossible without high-quality public transportation – in terms of economics, ecology, and also geometry. And also about what Le Corbusier has to do with it.

    #cityforall #publictransport #urbanism #cars

    00:00 – Introduction
    00:20 – How and why public transport appeared?
    02:09 – Le Corbusier vs. trams
    03:46 – Why public transport is important?
    06:33 – Conclusions

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    High quality and comfortable public transport is an essential part of a modern liveable city you can build the most beautiful buildings and surround them with the best parks but without ability to move quickly comfortably and safely from point A to point B there will be not much joy with it so today we

    Will talk about why we need public transport but first let’s dive into a little historical background for a better understanding of how public transportation appeared already in ancient times people realized that if they live together it would be much easier to solve security issues and exchange goods services and

    Knowledge this is how the first cities appeared which were compact and grew as long as the surrounding agricultural land could feed their inhabitants and that’s why all the cities were compact and walkable delivering food from far away was problematic cuz you can’t bring a lot with horsh drawn carriages that’s

    Why cities arose in the most fertile areas the intersection of trade routes and near rivers and seas this pattern remained until the industrial revolution of 18th and 19th century and the introduction of the Railway which made it possible to quickly transport huge amount of goods over a very long

    Distances this led to the Unseen Urban expansion including places where it couldn’t have appeared before in the 19th century cities grew large enough to make working problematic and new big factories became places where masses of people needed to get to at the same time in places where these mass movements

    Were most visible appeared the first public transportation routes initially these were hor drawn omnibuses but soon they were replaced by Electric Tramps and in 1863 in London was launched the world’s first subway in just a few decades many cities have developed such extensive tra systems that their size is

    Still impressive for example in Strasburg in the 19 30s there were over 200 km of tram tracks and trams moved 55 million passengers annually but everything was changing more and more space on the city streets was gained by The Cars and later the architect Le corbusier unveiled his plan was in a

    Concept for transforming the center of Paris into a Rapid City divided into neighborhoods separated by multi-lane highways ler considered public transportation to be a left over from the past and believ that private cars were the bright future the tram has no right to exist in the center of a modern

    City wrote lorier about his plan by the way the sponsor of the plan was Gabrielle Wen a friend of the architect and surprise surprise the owner of car factory named after himself so the plan was modestly named in his honor such a shy Automotive lby ler bu’s ideas quickly gained popularity and hundreds

    Of cities around the world began to implement them demolishing old neighborhoods dismantling tram tracks and building skyscrapers wide highways multi-level intersections and underground Crossings instead the tone was set by the United States but Europe was moving in the same direction but the car Centric reality was not as happy as

    Le Coria had promised the more cities built highways and multi-level intersections the more car citizens bowed and the longer traffic jams became cars were increasingly filling streets and squares pushing out any other activity and demanding more this was combined with an increase in noise pollution and the number of accidents

    City streets were becoming increasingly dangerous and uncomfortable the main downside of private cars is that they are extremely inefficient in using Urban space and are far behind public transport in this regard for example a bombardier Flex City Trim like this one from Berlin can carry 64 seated passengers if the same

    Number of people travel by cars their line at a traffic light will stretch for more than 100 m if there are four persons in each car but this will never happen because in real life each car has an average of one and a half persons so

    In reality this line will be at least twice longer and if we take into account the passengers who can ride in the tram standing up the difference will be even more striking by the way way according to the 2017 European Urban Mobility report traffic jams in the European

    Union cost about 130 billion EUR annually or just over 1% of European GDP the same situation is with energy use public transportation is much more efficient in this regard and uses far less energy per passenger than a private car let’s make a chart and compare the bigger numbers let’s assume that 100,000

    People in our city travel 5 km every day using the tram the total energy consumption per day will be 25,000 KW while driving small cars it will be 195,000 at the same time driving large SUVs they will have to burn as much as 440,000 KW 440 is much more than 25 and

    This is just for one day couple this with engine noise exhaust and dust from Tire abrasion and this scale of the problem becomes clear however you probably see this problem every day from your window so considering that Urban space and energy are limited cities have to look for more efficient Mobility

    Modes and these are clearly not the private cars on top of that public transportation is also useful for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as it also produces fewer emissions per passenger as of 2018 the most CO2 per capita in the world was generated in the United States can Canada and the Saudi

    Arabia which are highly car oriented countries at the same time in countries with more developed public transportations such as Germany France and Spain this number is almost three times lower meanwhile the European Union is working to further reduce emissions in January 2020 the European Parliament approved the European green deal which

    Is a set of policy initiatives aimed at making the European continent climate neutral by 2050 which has become become a commitment for all EU members of course developing a highquality public transport is a complex task that takes hundreds of millions or even billions of euros and years of hard and consistent work for

    Example the French city of grobble in 2017 spent 9917 million EUR on its public transportation system which serves 600,000 glomeration of course it is complicated timec consuming and expensive but if we ignore the development of public transport we’ll have to deal with a whole bunch of unpleasant Trends people start buying

    Even more cars and driving them constantly and everywhere the streets become more polluted and noisy which leads to a worsening quality of life increased morbidity and mortality and of course people will spend more time in traffic jams which means both economic losses and simple life discomfort to do

    It right we have to understand that public public transport is not a typical business but rather a tool for healthy functioning of the city it helps to reduce traffic jams improve Urban environment and make streets safer and more comfortable that’s why cities have to invest a lot of money in it and it’s

    Profitable because where there is good public transportation business develops better there is more demand for a property there is no need to build a multi-lane highways and people have more time and money for their own needs and desires which all means taxes and economic development that’s why we need

    To buy all these new modern trains trams trolley buses and buses create dedicated lanes for them build modern Depot and do many other things that should be discussed in separate Videos W


    1. "Tram vs line of car" looks nice, but in fact that would be "Tram in traffic jam surrounded by cars without any priority". And in this context commuting by car is just WAY more comfortable and faster

    2. Try to explain it to people, who continue telling myths about public transit and "there's no time for public transportation, all money only for front line", but buying extra non-efficient high-cost prices
      I think it would be the best explanation to everyone telling that "no time for developing public transport, it's only for poor people, normal successful people have cars, in cars we feel more comfortable, even at traffic jams. But wait, what?
      Imagine feeling being late, but in comfort. What the fuck? Trying to cover being late thinking about comfort? Preffering conditional temporary comfort before punctuality? Who wants to think about comfort if you stuck and getting late even if you got up earlier

      It would be useful especially for Ukrainians in Ukraine, fighting and defending from russian aggression and in the same time preparing to join US

    3. Public Transport can also increase social mobility/reduce inequality as not everyone can afford a car. If no public transport is provided, those that can't drive likely won't find employment, locking them in poverty or relying on state benefits, which is obviously not good for them, the government or the tax payer.

    4. As always, comparing apples to oranges. The tram will be cheaper if it only moves full seats. Unfortunately outside of rush hour it keeps running moving only empty seats and thus multiplying the costs and emissions to a point similar to only driving cars. I am all for transit but please account for the costs of roundthe clock transit, not just one passenger at a time.

    5. As a resident of Grenoble I was shocked to hear how costly the trams are considering how affordable the subscription is… You can have a yearly subscription for 15€ if you're working-class

    6. I'm only supporting public transit because its a driving force for densification and thus better places to live. I don't even use it lol my motorcycle bypasses traffic anyway

    7. Trains and Trams are a thing of the past. Le Corbusier definitely knew what he was talking about when he predicted the future.

    8. I'm from Metro Manila and we have a lack of public transport that results to traffic which some residents in the region have to drive instead. However, we're expanding Metro Manila's transport system with new transits and more.

    9. Thanks. How do you retrofit cities so they are not car dependent? Australian cities/large towns, because of their age have never had an "old town" but rather sprawled and have adopted the US car and road bigger roads. Any former attempts at trams were by and large torn up. Even cities now trying to expand tram and metro networks are playing catch-up and there is no desire to create walkable neighbourhoods. Please make a video on newer european cities redesigning themselves.

    10. And on public transit you can relax and read a book or the newspaper. Put on headphones or earbuds, close your eyes and listen to music. Arrive calm and relaxed.

    11. Public transport is needed so bad! Salt Lake City has a decent public transit system but it needs to be better! There is a project called the Rio Grande Plan which will transform Salt Lake City and its transportation network opening up the possibility of state wide regional rail. Look it up if you have time its just getting off the ground and getting a lot of attention from local elected officials.

    12. Hello, can I use your video material for my video in Uzbek language? I want to translate this video into Uzbek language. We have very little content like this.

    13. The LA trams were financially insolvent and in terrible disrepair. They were private lines built by developers to create sprawl and not maintained once the development finished. Cities took them over but could not afford them over buses. That's why they were thrown down. They were simply a way to get people to buy on the new developments. That's why LA sprawled so much. It was the trams.

      You should look into sound transit. Promised to reduce congestion and buses over I5 when it levied a decade of taxes on motorists for a light rail, and it has recently announced the system was so badly planned it expects no room on trains during morning peak hours to the point it has to roll back the bus cuts. traffic along the light rail is not expected to change whatsoever. 😂

      Another example of transit induced demand failing to make a dent on car congestion.

    14. It doesn't reduce traffic, but Public transit does increase mobility and connects towns and cities. Without it, you can still have walkable towns and cities, they just won't connect to anything. This is the case with many Island and Arctic communities, very walkable but often times they have no transit to connect them to the rest of the world

    15. It’s certainly nice to have, but the big question that always comes up is “where is the money” ? I don’t think taxes are used efficiently in the US to provide transit services and unionization rules need to change to be on par with Asia if we are targeting transit efficiency.

    16. 5:10 Most likely you mean kilowatt hours, as you're comparing total energy used during a day.
      Not that the specific unit mattered, as long as the unit of measurement is the same in this comparison.

    17. Public transport isn't good because it means timetables, fixed routes, waiting for it to arrive, waiting to transfer etc. Even the trains in London and Tokyou isn't 24 hours. Car is instant departure outside your home

    18. what i miss is the efect of a third space public transport has to, the mixture of all people living in that or this area… this increases the serenity and tolerance of the users of other people, something you do not learn in a 2 t Metal Box with wheels… also i miss the effect of getting early on as kid independent from parents timetable… As Born and raised in Munich, it was totally normal for me to take as kid the Tram to center to buy my books, to go by Bus to school swimming and as temporarily our middle school was closed for renovation, to go by subway to the new school…
      Today it's the first thing i look at a city, how works the public transport, then i consider living there or get a job there…

    19. I had to bike several kilometers today because the tram drivers were on strike. Public transport is great when it works, but when not it's the worst. We won't have reliable public transport until we have automated all trains, trams and busses.

    20. Not at all, No we don't need more Public Transportation. People this is called socio-economic stresses due to open borders. All of our grids were not design to support the rapid insurmountable amounts immigrants to fill five states in such a short time as it has happened and it's still open and and more are coming. WAKE UP.
      Now is this clearer for Common layman. This is nothing more than the Hegelian dialectic & cloward and piven strategy. If you do not know what these are read a book. The welfare of humanity is always a tyrants alibi.

    21. 2:00 Today it's more than 70 million passengers per year, when we compare to the population at the time we feel that we need to make more effort , this is why the municipality of the city and the metropolis plans to ban several "classes" of vehicles, 5 these are the most polluting and 0 electric cars, this year it was class 4 vehicles which have been banned and plan until 2028 to ban vehicles up to class 2

    22. The best example is Amsterdam.Since a view years ago cars could drive in any street they wanted.Now there are a lot of streets where they are forbidden to drive,so the people took the bike to transport itself through the streets.If you look at the traffic now it is surprisingly a lot less than say 10 years ago!It is also not the whole day busy,just when everybody are traveling to work or to home.

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