Wir sind seit 2 Wochen auf dem Camping La Siesta de la Gaviota in Chipiona. Hier werden wir über Ostern bleiben und dann wieder Richtung Mittelmeer fahren.

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    It’s March 8th and we have reached the Atlantic and have now reached Camping La Siesta de la Gaviota. This is near Chipiona. I would like to talk about what happened to us here in this video. Welcome to it. You can see there are puddles everywhere.

    It has rained heavily in the last two days. Of course it’s good for nature, but of course it takes a while for the water to disappear again on the way. Now, at the beginning of March, the place is no longer fully occupied. There are free places there.

    This is usually the case, it has always been this way in previous years and this year Easter falls very early. And some campers who were here all winter want to be in Germany for Easter and so the wave of departures has slowly begun. However, at Easter the places fill up again. Quite simply,

    Because then the Spanish campers start traveling again and then at Easter the sites are usually full again. You can see that spring has already fully arrived here, everything is green. Overall, it is greener here than on the Mediterranean. This of course makes the landscape a little more beautiful.

    We will stay here until after Easter. So at the beginning of April we will leave this place again. The soil here at this campsite is natural, i.e. sand and grass. It’s not so nice in wet weather, but otherwise we like it. If you put a carpet like this here, then everything works.

    The pitches are quite large, almost all pitches are over 100 square meters. I have already reported on this place several times, so I won’t go into every detail about the place. But one thing or another has changed here. I’ll talk about that in this video. First a quick

    Note about the location of the place. We are southwest of Seville near the city of Cadiz or Chipiona. The places that I reported on in videos can be found on my parking space map. The whole thing is linked together so that when I click on the motorhome symbol, the map opens

    And I can then watch the corresponding video. Of course, the whole thing works best via my website, www.haco-video.de. There I find the parking space map and further information. Now back to the campsite. We have had new e-bikes for some time now. We have already used them a lot.

    Now we want to drive it along the beach. A camper gave us the tip. From Chipiona you can cycle around ten kilometers to Roda along the beach along the sea. Our bikes have wide tires and a powerful battery. With 20 amp hours. And also a powerful engine.

    So it shouldn’t be a problem to do this tour there. So it goes from the campsite to Chipiona. It’s only a few kilometers and then you go to the beach. From the campsite you follow a cycle path, a Via Verde, a former railway line, towards Chipiona. We then reach the harbor first.

    You can see it here and there is also a parking space at this harbor. We’re going to stop at the parking space for a moment , we want to take a look at it and see what it looks like there. There is a neat, spacious entrance,

    Then you drive up to a barrier, which in this case is open. And there you will find a parking ticket machine. You first have to enter your data there before you can even drive on the site. The machine has a German-language menu. We didn’t go through it.

    We didn’t look at everything, I only know this much: the place costs around €13. There is a discharge and supply, there is electricity that you can book for a fee. And there is a shower and toilet outside the pitch, which you can also use. It’s a large parking lot,

    Asphalted, but you’re right next to the sea. If you stand in the front row, you have a clear view of the sea. I would say the space size up to 10 meters is possible here. The width maybe 5 meters. There is a discharge and supply here, there is a floor inlet.

    There is a possibility to pay out the cash register and the possibility to tap fresh water. You can definitely use this place if you want to see the city. We then drove a few 100 meters further and then there is a parking lot, a large open space. There are so-called free-standing people there.

    You can already see a height limit here, but part of it has been removed so that you can drive on this place. I didn’t see any signs here, neither prohibition signs nor mandatory signs. So you don’t know exactly what to do here. The place is good for standing.

    You are also very close to the city here and you are right on the promenade. However, you always have to remember that it is not an official parking space. I can imagine that when the high season or at all, perhaps Easter, begins, this height

    Limit will be installed and motorhomes will no longer be able to access this area. Now we are on the promenade in Chipiona. And you can see the beach bar, the restaurant, on the right. Here you have the option of cycling down to the beach. Of course you have to pay attention to this.

    Here there are ebb and flow, i.e. the tides. And you can only do the whole thing when the tide is low, which means the water has receded. The sand is relatively firm. So I think you don’t necessarily have to have tires as wide as we do. It also works with something narrower.

    Unfortunately the weather isn’t great that day, but we still want to do this tour. It will now be about ten kilometers that we drive along the beach here. Of course, the whole thing only works when it’s not high season and there are no bathing establishments.

    You can see that there is hardly anyone on the beach here. Then I think it’s not a problem if you ride your bike here. You can already tell that the bike isn’t like that. Easily runs like on. Asphalt. Here in the sand you need more support. It takes

    A bit of a toll on the battery. At some point just before Roda, then you can’t go any further on the beach. You have to leave the beach and continue on normal routes. Then we went to the town of Ruta. We also did a quick shop there.

    And then on the Via Verde back towards Chipiona. In Chipiona, where we drove down to the beach, there is this beautiful restaurant. We stopped there and went there. It’s a nice restaurant right by the sea where you can eat and drink well. Now around midday the sun came out. It was getting warm.

    So you could sit outside on the terrace. We ordered tapas. And a beer with it. Here’s a tip. There is also a bar and a beach club in the immediate vicinity of the campsite. You can eat and drink there and there are also events there. However, this club is only open on weekends.

    We were there one afternoon, a Sunday afternoon , and saw the whole story. Back to the campsite. These are photos from last year. Three interior shots. I just wanted to show the part that we see here now, which are also photos from last year. Just for guidance. This is all finished now.

    It was still under construction last year and the pitches were still being created. Now you can stand anywhere right there. In the front part there is no clear division. You stand where there is space, where nature allows it and doesn’t move too close to the neighbor.

    Then there are larger spaces up to 200 square meters, like here. You then have even more space there. There is no electricity in this area. They tried that, but it didn’t work because the cross-section of the supply lines is probably too small

    And a new connection would be very, very expensive from the energy supplier. If you like being in the countryside, if you like being in nature, this is the right place for you. Of course, the whole thing also has its price given the size of the places.

    Depending on the season, you pay between €20 and €30. If you have the space at the front, it’s not far from the sea, maybe 100 meters. There is a sandy beach, in front of it a large lawn where you can sit, where you can lie down, where dogs can also

    Have their run, for example. If you want to go to the beach, you go through a corridor, a small underpass. There is a cliff here and then you are right on the beach. We are on the Atlantic, we have a tide, which means high and low tide or ebb and flow.

    And so sometimes you have a wide beach and sometimes you have a less wide beach. There is a kind of fitness area in front of the beach. There is a meadow here and there is also a tent there. There you can train on fitness equipment. But there is also the possibility like

    This. Our women have come together here and are doing hula hooping or training with the hula hoop. So this possibility also exists here. Since it is a fairly small campsite and you know almost all the campers who are at this site, contact with other campers is quickly established here.

    We are now a few days before Easter and many long-term campers have now left. The ranks have thinned out, but new ones continue to arrive every day. Spanish campers are also arriving here now and will probably be here over Easter. Easter is a big celebration in Spain.

    Then the season begins for many Spanish campers. They then set off with their motorhome or caravan and enjoy driving to the sea. We’ve been here on the site for two weeks now, and we have nice neighbors next to us who have a mobile home with a special paint job. So it’s not paint

    . It’s a slide and everyone does it the way they like. Here too, many campers who are using this site this winter have made reservations for next year or the next winter. But I think campers who haven’t been here yet have a chance of getting a place here again in the winter.

    There are always campers who realize that four or five months in one place is a long time and then decide to change places. And so there is always freedom every now and then. I think you should n’t specify too long a time period when making a reservation.

    If you specify five months, then it could possibly be difficult. Shorter periods of time are more likely to get something. We will stay here over Easter, so spend the Easter days here. Then it continues. We don’t yet know where exactly. Of course I will report on that.

    I’ll say thank you again for watching and bye bye until next time.


    1. Es ist so surreal euch jetzt im Video zu sehen, und vor ein paar Wochen trafen wir uns in Mazarron und Parazuelos. Ihr macht das so schön ich wünsche euch alles gute und allzeit gute Fahrt.

    2. Hola Amigos,
      du hörst Dich leicht verschnupft an, gute Besserung aus El Pinet.
      Eine Frage:
      Wir müssen in 2Wochen nach Portugal. Eurer Windschutzscheibe gefällt mir.
      Was ist das für ein Modell?
      VLG El Capitano 🙋🏼‍♂️

    3. 🧡🧡💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜🤍🤍Hola amigos, , was für ein schönes Video, nur um euch wissen zu lassen, dass Jerez de la Frontera ganz in der Nähe liegt und aus drei Gründen ein Muss ist, zum einen wegen des berühmten Sherry-Weins, weil man die Weingüter besichtigen kann, und zum anderen, weil es so ist Ein Land der Pferde, schauen Sie sich auf YouTube an, "como bailan los caballos andaluces" ein anderes, weil es das Land des Flamencos ist… gute Reise, Amigos!!

    4. Hallo Hartmut, ich folge Euch und euren Videos schon seit ca 1Jahr. Du machst tolle Videos mit sehr vielen wertvollen Tipps. Da steckt auch viel Arbeit drin.Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe! Ich bin jetzt auch Rentner geworden und will mir dieses Jahr ein Wohnmobil kaufen. Vielleicht treffe ich Euch beide dann mal irgendwo? Wäre schön Euch einmal persönlich kennen zu lernen. Viel Spaß Euch Beiden, auf Eurer weiteren Reise. Ich werde Euch in Deinen Videos folgen. LG Bernd aus dem schönen Spessart 🙋

    5. Wir wünschen euch von ganzem Herzen allzeit gute Fahrt und tolles Wetter. Ihr macht so sympathisch Werbung für euer schönes Hobby. Bei uns im Ort in Bad Laer wird bald ein schöner Stellplatz fertig. Vielleicht ist das ja ein schönes Ziel in der Nähe für euch.

    6. Ein schönes Video sehr informativ wie immer 😊… Wir wünschen Euch ein schönes Osterfest 🐇 🐣 🌷 mit vielen schönen Momenten 💕 Lg Sandy, Burkhard & Claudi

    7. Danke für deine Videos. Eine Frage. Wenn du mit dem Fahrrad fährst und zeitgleich filmst, hast du da die Kamera in der Hand und fährst einhändig?
      Merci für eine kurze Antwort weiterhin schöne Zeit. 👋👍

    8. Hallo Hartmut und Rita wir waren letzte Woche bei euch am Platz. Vielen Dank für das Gespräch mit euch. Wir verbringen Ostern in Porto Covo Portugal Tschüss und gute Reise. Heinz Schweiz

    9. Wie immer Super Beitrag und nicht wie ein so Gesagt er Profi den Inhalt vom Eisschrank von irgen welchen Leute Zeigen Stat die Preise und Platz oder das Ganze Video vom Hintern der Frau und dem Hund was kein Schwein Interessiert 😂😂😂

    10. Hallo Hartmut, wieder ein informatives, tolles Video. Hoffentlich klappt deine Verknüpfung mit den anderen Videos dieses Platzes. Viele Grüße von Werner (Flens)

    11. Wieder mal schön berichtet. Ich war vor ein paar Wochen dort auf dem neuen Abschnitt des Platzes. Leider hatte ich zuviele Nachbarn, die auf dem Teil ihre Rotweiler und Schäferhunde frei rum laufen ließen. Nicht so angenehm. Ein Tip, falls ihr noch nicht dort ward. Im Hafen von Chipiona, direkt neben dem Hafenstellplatz, ist das Restaurant El Nautico. Ein Tip unter Einheimischen. Viel Spaß weiterhin auf der Tour.

    12. Hallo Haco, habe gerade dieses Video angeschaut – scheint ein toller Platz zu sein. Wie sieht es hier mit der Infrastruktur aus. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass eine Ver- und Entsorgung für Liner mit Festtanktoilette möglich ist. Gibt es auch eine Wasserver- und Entsorgung direkt an der Parzelle? Wie sieht es mit dem Einkaufen aus – eventuell Supermarkt am Platz oder wie weit wäre es bis zur nächsten Einkaufsmöglichkeit? Schon im Voraus besten Dank für die Info – weiterhin alles Gute und bleibt gesund – ❤liche Grüsse Wolfgang 👋 👋 👋

    13. Sehr schönes und interessantes Video.
      Viel Spaß und interessante Begegnungen für die weitere Reisezeit ⭐️🍀🙋🏼‍♀️

    14. wie immer – ein super toller bericht. ich mag die ausgewogenheit deiner beiträge. keine beurteilung, kein gehobener finger, sondern schlicht und einfach fakten auf den punkt gebracht. TOLL!!!!

    15. Hallo Ihr Beiden, es war schön euch beide mal persönlich hier in Chipiona kennenzulernen. Toll das ihr trotz des mittlerweile entstandenen Rummels so natürlich und sympathisch geblieben seit. Ich hoffe man trifft sich mal wieder. Besseres Wetter und gute Heimreise. Werner (Flens)

    16. Super Video wie immer! Aber könntet ihr mir einen Gefallen tun…bitte während dem Fahrrad fahren nicht mehr an euren Displays rum spielen! Ich weiß ja Euer Alter nicht …geht mich auch nichts an, aber wenn einem im fortgeschrittenen Alter was passiert ist es sehr schwer wieder auf die Beine zu kommen…habe es erst wieder erleben müssen und das nicht zum ersten mal, wie schnell alles vorbei sein kann! Und ich bin ja ein Egoist… in dem Bezug das ich noch gerne sehr viel mehr Videos von Euch sehen will😊😉. Also passt auf Euch auf 👍☺️

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