Scientists have found that cycling increases levels of the love hormone, oxytocin. How does this affect your mood? Could cycling improve your social or even love life? In cycling shorts, the first openly gay man to cycle around the globe and Mathieu van der Poel signs another 10-year Canyon deal.

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    00:00 Intro
    02:00 Exercise boosts levels of oxytocin
    09:55 Cycling shorts
    10:01 Paying respects to Chris Barker
    10:32 NEW segregated bike path in Dumfriesshire
    11:25 First openly gay man to cycle around the globe
    11:54 Mathieu van der Poel signs 10-year Canyon deal
    13:22 Vittora release new tyres
    14:38 Strava release best efforts feature
    15:19 AGU cycling commuting jacket 👉
    16:57 Hack/bodge
    22:54 Caption competition 👉 @camelbak
    25:53 Comment of the week
    30:53 Coming up on GCN

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    Welcome to the gcn show coming up this week cycling boosts your love hormone sounds really creepy actually it’s good news we will tell you why it matters how to make the most of it and why it’s not creepy I’m getting back into cycling uh We’ve also got particularly invasive and

    Brutal sounding experiment which involves taking blood from the jugular vein for my money he is the most marketable rider on the planet right now that exercise boost levels of the so love hormone yeah you see I had no idea that mice liked swimming that was totally news to me this is why cycling

    Sucks and why I should take up I don’t know ballet or [Applause] something this week in the world of cycling we learn that you’re unbeatable until you’re not such was the level of domination from Macha ferol in Friday’s cob classic that his rival were left wondering whether he’s simply too good to beat until two days later the little

    Trek team slowly took him apart with some brilliant teamwork and strong riding at again wev G it just goes to show doesn’t it that when you’re hot you’re hot and when you’re not you’re not I mean we only need to ask W vanard don’t we who was spred on the cobbles

    When Mach fero was attacking to win a e3 on Friday well we did also learn this week though that that could just be because he’s a dad okay Belgian scientists concluded that the performance of male Pro cyclists deteriorates after the birth of their first children do you know what I fell

    Out of the World Tour about 6 months after Jude was born fell out I didn’t get a contract renewal and I always knew that could not be my own fault must been down to Jude well there you go mate yeah I mean you going to tell him that or

    Yeah I already have actually anyway perhaps we should ask jonis vinar how he manages trueing to is he he’s not finally we also learned thanks in part to swimming mice and yes you did hear that correctly that exercise boost levels of the so called love hormone AKA

    Oxytocin love hormone I mean it couldn’t sound any more cringy you’re wrong there actually it could because the other term for it is the cuddle chemical oh my God okay it could sound worse couldn’t it right we better explain ourselves and do it quickly I guess oxytocin is hormone

    You may well have heard of it before cuz it’s affect a pretty wide ranging they are yeah so everything from triggering contractions before child birth and lactation after sexual pleasure social bonding and an association with General mood so why is it relevant to cyclist then well let us explain so anyone who

    Does exercise will be quite familiar with the buzz that you get afterwards it’s enjoyable it’s addictive you must have break that addiction didn’t you I managed to break that addiction and actually it can be incredibly important in helping to treat clinical depression as well as low mood uh Runners have a

    High apparently I’m not too sure that cycling’s done a decent job of The Branding compared to Runners no it’s true is it someone should get on that Runner runers High cycling Buzz well let’s give a cycling Buzz yeah typically when talking about a post exercise Buzz we hear about endorphins which are also

    Hormones that block feelings of pain and increase feelings of well-being but actually it’s not just endorphins there’s a whole cocktail of hormones that are released during exercise one of which is oxytocin now it’s been known for some time that levels of oxytocin increase with aerobic exercise but then Recent research has shed some

    Interesting light on it as summarized by the always excellent Alex Hutchinson in his sweat science column both in terms of how excise increases oxytocin but also on its effects yeah so firstly a particularly invasive and brutal sounding experiment which involves nothing less than taking blood from the jugular veins of presumably willing

    Volunteers yeah after high-intensity interval workouts on exercise bikes maybe taking blood from your jugular sounds worse than it actually is yeah but high intensity intervals on an exercise bike a whole combination anyway fortunately the researchers were at least able to draw some conclusions from this barbaric test they showed that

    Levels of oxytocin In The Blood Rose following just 4×4 minute hard intervals which kind of adds another dimension doesn’t it it’s the previous research that suggested that only prolonged aerobic exercise increases it now this is interesting from a metaanalysis of existing research it seems like high intensity interval training is more

    Beneficial than lower intensity exercise at improving mood particularly when talking about more serious depression and so this definitely helps to explain it a short high intensy training basically gives you the benefits of exercise on mood without the downsides bit like feeling bloody knackered yes well this is true right so I get back

    From a short ride buzzing this the cyclist Buzz High well I mean not high I’m just buzzing it’s the cycling Buzz um but after a long ride like genuinely I’m a little bit grumpy not because I haven’t enjoyed myself but just because I’m slightly dehydrated which makes me

    Really grumpy and then I’m also tired so um they’re kind of slightly more potent responses than a than a buzz you could probably add hangry into the M thought as well yeah yeah uh so lesson one high intensity intervals are just as good for producing oxytocin the mood boosting

    Hormone which is part of the post exercise Feelgood Vibes lesson two oxytocin has already been linked or also been linked to physical responses too like reducing blood pressure and not just mood so that’s another good reason for trying to stimulate more of it right I mean this is just a reason why

    Exercise is good it’s one of those physiological things presum not more is not better though they want to do high intensity inal training over 6our rides five times a week while it’s interesting down but the researchers actually looked at that uh yeah yeah so they did a second set of high-intensity intervals

    Like one was not enough and they showed I think that basically they produce the same amount of oxytocin but not like incrementally more you see what I mean so anyway it was like more oxytocin but not like loads more yeah anyway not worth the extra pain not really not when

    Someone’s poking your jugular uh what is really interesting though really really interesting is the swimming mice yeah uh so research put mice on a training regime of 30 minute swim sessions yeah you see I had no idea that mice liked swimming that was totally news to me I

    Guess the ethical issue with this is that they probably don’t I’m imagining but it is good to know that they can well yes that is good now anyway the research has showed that after exercise mice were far more sociable than the control group who hadn’t been exercising

    Yeah now what was cool right is when they administered an oxytocin inhibitor to some of the mice so another non-ex exercise group with the inhibitor showed the same limited level of sociability as the control group but an exercise group with the inhibitor also then showed the same reduced levels of sociability even

    After exercise which suggests that it was the oxytocin from the exercise that was making them my sociable because when you took that away they were back to their usual selves yeah boring antisocial mice basically now what does this mean for usot might explain difference between you and me that’s it

    Yeah yeah antisocial down doesn’t do high intensity intervals anymore no versus me you know bubbly vious yay no I mean I’m not entirely sure that is necessarily true but all right back to the point subject in hand yes oxytocin is a social stimulant so cycling as a

    Group which is more social in the first place also then makes you more sociable after it which is why you should stop for a mid or a post ride coffee and if anyone asks you why you were out so long on that particular ride you can tell

    Them it’s because science told you to exactly yeah but Jokes Aside it actually shows how valuable exercising with others can be for helping to improve mood also loneliness and other 21st century issues it’s not that it makes you more sociable it promotes feelings of trust and togetherness that’s right

    So group rides are like an antidote aren’t they to the ills of modern living and social media what is weird though is that as we mentioned at the beginning oxytocin is also associated with love and romantic relationships which I don’t think seem to Blossom that often in cycling groups

    Do you have data on this or is this some kind of anecdotal evidence I mean what’s it called experiential data I mean this is basically that I have never experienced love on so maybe it does work just no one’s told us we’ve just never experienced it personally no

    Clearly the uh the potency of oxytocin hasn’t been enough to offset you know detracting factors I mean yeah but we I’d like to know actually whether it’s it’s just us that haven’t ever experienced well maybe can on a group well yeah this is it like has love ever

    Blossomed in your Cycling Club or amongst your cycling buddies and more to the point now you know what oxytocin is have you experienced this post ride high that we’ve just been blathering on about yeah and is it better after high intensity interval training rides or

    Long steady ones yeah so let us know in the comments section down below uh right I don’t know about you Dan but I’m going to head out for a quick group right now and then go to the pub well I’ll join you if that’s the reward well no you can yeah it probably

    Won’t be so high intensity you know will be for me all right well you’ll be buzzing at the end of it yeah you get the first round in whilst I’m still making my way to the pub and now it’s time for cycling shorts cycling shorts now and we’re going to

    Start I’m afraid with some really sad news coming from the Indian Pacific wheel race which is an ultra Race Across Australia for the second time in the event Short History a competitor has been killed whilst racing as a 62-year-old Chris Barker lost his life after being hit by the driver vehicle on

    The nullor in Western Australia yeah so police are investigating of course but we would just like to send our condolences to Chris’s family and his friends that’s always horrible really anything like that isn’t it isn’t it yeah uh we’re going to move on now to some better news about a segregated bike

    Path so just down the road from where Kirk Patrick McMillan invented the pedal driven bicycle two Villages just over a mile apart have effectively been cut off from each other for anyone not driving a car owning to the danger of the road between them that’s right K Patrick

    McMillan yeah that’s my Scottish accent I know I got it very wrong well yeah I mean I think I think my effort was probably just as poor anyway um the good news uh is that A New Path has been built due to well-invested government money and also a local church which I

    Thought was cool um they’ve leased some land for the route to Cross School isn’t it uh also kind of a travesty that it’s a sign of the times that people can be so cut off without cars at their disposal really well yeah but good that Something’s Happened in this particular

    Case of course well that’s right yeah more more examples like that needed basically be nice yeah we can find them we’ll bring them to you in other news we would like to say a huge congratulations to Andrew Morton who after 280 days and over 27,000 mil

    Has become the first openly gay man to cycle around the globe yeah not only did he achieve this feat which is you got to say far more than the bog standard 18,000 miles lap of the globe but he also raised $119,000 for the Trevor Project lgbtq plus Suicide Prevention

    Charity very cool indeed moving on to some tech news now and we’re going to start with the news that matu ferol has signed An Almighty 10year deal with Canyon bikes which will take him well past his retirement as a professional cyclist W it well I mean You’ think so I

    Technically if he is still going in 10 years time he’d still be quite significantly younger than Alejandro valve wouldn’t he well that is true um but he also strikes me as the kind of guy that might not linger on quite like Alejandro valver well that’s a bit of a

    Disservice to Val he was pretty good still isn’t he when he was 40 well I know I mean he’s bloming good well he’s still good would he he get a medal at the gravel World thing you might well have done yeah exactly but you know what I mean like he kind of

    He’s he like he was just he wasn’t quite at his best anymore he just he just there just riding by waiting for a 10-year deal to come up from someone well maybe yeah I mean I think he is still with Canyon isn’t he Val anyway we’re digressing Vanderpool for my money

    He is the most marketable rider on the planet right now he makes all his bikes look super cool I mean I’m 40 years old now but when I ride a Canon a road I I basically imagine that I’m mat V yeah which is which is you know it’s a

    Difficult thing to admit but um still there we go I’m going to be interested to see where the product development goes as well yeah it’s going to be a good collaboration I doubt already has been hasn’t it it’s also worth watching the interview that Vanderpool gave to

    Canyon and Rob hatch you can find it on Canyon’s YouTube channel which you can catch after you finished watching the gcn show that’s right don’t flip over now uh you’ll be missing out on an awful lot AR you if you did uh right some tech news from Victoria now they have just

    Released some new tires which promise not just a 10% Improvement in grip and 10% Improvement in Rolling efficiency and comfort as well not just a 34% Improvement in puncture resistance but this is a really good bit they are made from 92% recycled or renewable materials including organic cotton instead of

    Nylon yeah and rice husk Ash silica it sounds good instead of your common or garden silica um and added to that the new tire is also produced in their carbon neutral Factory that they’ve just opened oh sounds very good to me yeah doesn’t it there an old cing there I

    Also like the nods the biscuit color toga psychos of John Tomac from 1993 yes I believe it was yeah it’s such an obscure reference that we clearly won’t be able to find a photo to illustrate it well not that we can use no so just imagine a a biscuit colored tire and

    Basically you’re there it was the height of cool yeah on on those tiger disc drives as well unbelievable I always wanted one as a what were I a 10year old sadly never got one I was going to say you might be able to afford one now but

    They’re quite pricey aren’t they still I bet they are yeah and apparently they only lasted for like five minutes ah the tooga ones okay no word on theor about no exactly right elsewhere in the cycling Universe straa has just unveiled best efforts cyclist which that on sorry

    On each ride you can see your best time for 5 10 20 30 40 and 50k plus 5 and 10 miles which is a great measure of performance for those without power meters that’s right yeah kind of like like running they you use best times far more than cyclist but actually it makes

    Sense to it does yeah I mean because the conditions for runners don’t change as much as they do for cyclist in terms of you know wind and rain and all the surface stuff you know there’s a difference between off-road and on-road and Hills obviously but it’s quite a

    Good way of measuring your Fitness in running yeah yeah I think it works with cycling too over time it so yeah I think that’s propal right lastly under our recent City cycling bids there have been a few comments about my very fetching new jacket which I think D can only be described

    As super reflective urban camo can it only be described like that would you say well hang on a minute I mean I guess you could also say it is a dark gray waterproof jacket that sign shines like a Christmas tree when light hits it but anyway I absolutely

    Love this to cut long story short is now available to buy in the gcn shop yeah it’s a riding jacket but with a casual cut it is a good description is it and it’s made with aru’s premium waterproof fabric it is indeed yeah it’s part of their commuter range I’m

    Going it’s a a bit rustly probably right now isn’t it look at this check me out with my urban camo does look good doesn’t it it does it on you thanks Dan um as mentioned it’s available to buy in the gcn shop m is it

    It is uh and also you’ll find there a new range of t-shirts and sweatshirts now it’s pretty much all dedicated to some early season very big bike races uh this is the big race of course taking place this Sunday and one week later you will get the hell of the north oh size

    40 now there’s a whole host of others as well so shop. Global cycling and once we’re talking about Tor flers and pay preview shows available over on gcn racing yes so flers will be out Wednesday rub will probably be the Thursday because we’ve got a bank

    Holiday to enjoy on Monday haven’t we yes next up hack for/ bodge of the week we only got a couple this week haven’t we because our uploader has unfortunately fallen over again K and Kelly has been too busy training for his tour of f sporty I don’t think we should

    Even let him go out to the tour of f sporty what cuz he hasn’t done his homework yeah he’s not done his proper work or maybe this is all a ploy to be punished and not be allowed to be sent out I see what you mean yeah you go out

    To Flanders Killian yeah yeah yeah you’re doing the 274k we now anyway keep checking back to upload. Global cycl and hopefully it’ll be back up and running in the not too distant future well he’s promised that it’s going to be back up and running by the

    Time this gcn show okay is released so if everyone fanasy queuing up on Tuesday evening to upload yeah that would be fantastic yeah right first up this week uh this one from Marcus from midn North Coast New South Wales I bought a Bluetooth Mini keyboard for uh got a

    Cheap mini keyboard and attached to Garmin Mount now I just need Ruby to add a chat function so that I can use the keyboard now this is quite cool so we have often talked about how some people manage to chat on zift like deep into an interval session my fingers are so

    Sweaty that I can’t type on my phone anymore it just goes bananas so this because they’re feeling so social at the end of a high intensity well there is that that would explain why a lot of people seem to be very chatty on Swift but no so this is a little keyboard um

    That literally attaches to your w or your garment Mount and Away you go it’s just there at the front of your bike exactly where you want it yeah I good doesn’t it it reminds me of a sort of half of a Blackberry you know the actual keyboard keyboard from a black from the

    Early 2000s oh Blackberry well you you know we was saying earlier about like when you’re hot you’re hot and when you’re not you’re not feels a little bit like blackbery doesn’t it I know yeah how big were they at a point it so easy to tie it wasn’t it pressing the numbers

    A few times each brilliant anyway I would say that was a hack even though you can’t currently use it on the platform you’re using which is movie yeah that does seem like a like an odd thing it’s like an invention without a reason yeah but it’s preempting I guess

    Organized well yeah or just go on zwift because you can chat away there can’t you um you do hack as well yeah I am I think that’s great like I genuinely genuinely want one of these myself that’s that’s well I mean yeah I could feel a bit nervous ordering a

    Bluetooth keyboard feels it’s a bit out of my comfort the good thing is that they they pointed out cheap so you well there you go yeah and a little a little Mount to stick on the back no I think that’s a hack say hack as hack all right

    Then next one we got this one from Robert um more indoor training in fact um here is a picture of his kicker bike in his basement as he says squishy foam supports under my Kicker bike bodge squishy foam supports cut from kicker bike’s packing materials hack there we

    Go now effectively these are just three squares of foam put underneath the legs of his kick a bike which I kind of don’t really understand why you why you do that no no I don’t know either I mean cuz that is like the kicker bike is very very

    Quiet and it’s not like it’s going to be a rocker plate or anything it’s just like yes I find that a bit odd well at least as they pointed out they came with or at least the phone came with the uh bike he wasn’t buying anything extra

    Well yeah uh it’s recycling at its best isn’t it or reusing I’m still saying I mean it just that bike setup is going to look so much neater without those three bits of foam underneath it it well I mean it is yeah a really nice sizable

    Room to do your training in as well well yeah I like the uh the DeWalt kind of like workbench sltv monitor station have a t at one moment and you can do some soaring off at the next perhaps there you go yeah we’re going to say I don’t

    Really understand it Robert uh so uh so yeah bit of a bodge um now this last one you’ve added a third yourself haven’t you I have well I think think this I think you know I’m not watching to blow my own trumpet here but I think this

    Needs some kind of like like blowing of trumpet yeah basically yeah I just want people to say L look at that so uh I mean it’s entirely my own fault I got a puncture the other day and the valve on my spare enue was not long enough to go

    Through my very bling carbon rims which is deeply embarrassing but uh anyway straight out of the old Playbook from many years ago tie a not in your inner tube where the puncture is and it it holds air so you can just put it straight back in the tire and go home

    There’s like it’s a little bumpy but actually not that bad well it’s better than a flat tire isn’t it well must be better than a flat tire I mean I also did wonder slightly whether that was going to be a problem for my carbon wheels but anyway they seem completely

    Fine after it so jobs are good in I got home I think I had like a 40 minute ride to get back nice so there we go that would have been a long walk or expensive give you a hack thanks man that’s right I appreciate that yourself a hack as

    Well well I mean of course I have yeah that is the finish hacking bud with a hack from both yeah and look at that little smile on my face as that’s genuine that I mean that is a roadside maintenance hack if there was one I think so uh yeah but also massive bodge

    Packing an in tube whose valve is too short I think I had a valve extender I was going to say have you not got a sneaky little Val I do I had a valve extender but it was it was too fat to go through the rim hole I know it was aw it

    Was one of those ones where I was stood at the side of the road for 30 minutes just going like what an idiot what an absolute idiot this is is why cycling sucks and why I should take up I don’t know ballet or something like you don’t

    Get that issue with ballet I don’t suppose um right for fingers crossed we can get some more of your hacks and bodges uploaded between now and next week’s gcn show I bet you got some good ones lined up for us yeah be queued up at oh my goodness the it’s just going to

    Be an absolute Avalanche of amazing hacks and in terrible bodges isn’t it it bet be get uploading it’s time now for caption competition that part of the show where you get a chance to get your hands on a coveted gcn Camelback water bottle which will be here

    Soon will be here soon it’s just you know like you think Killian’s got something to do with this as well oh without doubt usel this is he absolutely yeah if you just like to um message Killian um he hangs around on X quite a

    Lot he does so just get on there and be like kilan where are the cam back water balls do it publicly rather than on DM yeah absolutely yeah don’t uh share us all share us all in on the anyway we’re digressing again but effectively uh if

    You put a witty caption in the comment section then you might win yourself a gcn Camelback water bottle you we’re going to start with the results from last week find out who has put the wittiest caption in we are indeed last week’s photo was this one from the Milan

    Sano Podium uh Tad pater taking a selfie with yasper Phillipson the winner and Michael Matthews next to him our winner this week is Eason Brown who put caption competition tday per capture doing his thing oh nice there you go you know looking at this photo this reminds me of

    What Lance Armstrong was hating on about like people looking happy people liking each other this is it like T per capture has just come third in R there can you imagine how much oxytocin they’ve got in their system well maybe that’s after 7our ride with two intervals at the end

    Yeah maybe Lance just like for obvious reasons maybe just didn’t get quite as much oxytocin he was never High well yeah just like maybe there’s some sort of blunting effect if you start manipulating other hormones yeah so yeah well maybe we’ve answered our answer L’s thing there but they do look very happy

    Don’t they do you feel like we’ve digressed again yeah we get on to this week’s photo yeah congratulations EAS Brown get in touch uh and we will get your gcn Camelback water bottle winging its way to you uh this week’s photo is I think the world tour uh rankings and

    Jersey presentation from gent wam on Sunday uh that is a Lisa balimo the winner of the race and alongside her fellow Italian Kiara Kon and they’re having a very good laugh about something they I want to know what they are laughing at because that looks genuine doesn’t it genuine cackle amazing love

    It yeah I she’ll get you started hey Kiara did you hear that olle is going to give Mer’s our record Another Go I mean the trouble is like he probably could actually do it now I know yeah cuz Technology’s moved on of course yes yeah um

    But uh but yeah that quite amusing well insert your own caption uh hey kiar have you heard that Dan Lloyd is going to make a comeback yes anything along those lines will’ll probably win you a bottle basically yeah uh particularly if it’s about down um and not like my ankles or

    Something like that right yeah get involved get down into the comment section and give us your best efforts please we will shortly let you know what’s coming up on the channel this week but first up some comments from last week’s show and last week’s videos in general uh first up from last week’s

    Show the cat 6609 put the UCI should ban those microphones I mean they are performance-enhancing aren’t they but not to the point that the UCI would be unhappy with them I think what’s not to like about microphones that sound better and cover some of us up really well I

    Mean there is that isn’t there yeah uh yeah it’s not quite big enough to cover uh cover my ankles up but uh you know no we wouldn’t be able to hear you even if they were uh while Scott colan put well obviously the best place for the large new

    Microphones is down the front of your shirt you’d be much more AO and could finish the show in record time well yeah that might help with some of the slower gcn shows where we’re still rabbiting on 40 minutes after we started yes but uh

    But yeah there we go um I mean you have already lasted quite a long time so congratulations for staying here um but bear with us then um underneath five ways to make every ride Great Richard clinker said uh planning route slwe wind direction try to plan to get a Tailwind

    On the latter part of your route that is a good tip actually isn’t it about how to make every ride great um yeah yeah that is that is a good one actually solid solid effort also if you’re looking at the weather you know what to wear don’t you there’s nothing worse

    Than being too hot or too cold or you know not to go out well there is that yeah Y how fit can you get if you only train in zone two uh as Gun Dogs wrote ah my old Irish mate Mike a condrea I did have a chuckle about this

    Yes SL slip of the tongue yeah I mean we get many many pronunciations wrong here at gcn don’t we um and yeah man on was just true to form uh so yeah mondria her new Irish friend you’ll be very pleased to hear as gundogs that you have a

    Similar sense of humor to Carlton Kirby who loves to talk about the Irishman Philip oana there we go right bound TV said I would love to see the same video with an unfit person and or beginner cyclist yeah that’s a good shout um well maybe once man On’s finished uh six weeks of

    Zone two training we find out what’s happened then uh we can see whether we can get a uh another recruit to do it it could be cool couldn’t it yeah it could be S Mai put like so many other comments I discovered some Zone 2 last year it became a popular YouTube thing

    Especially with Inigo for several months that’s basically all I’ve been doing it’s the winter rainy stay indoors on an urg mode trainer watch movies while Zone 2 training I watched my zone 2 Go from 180 watts to 210 over this time over the same time period of exercise one and a

    Half hours usually uh tested my FTP two weeks ago and it was the best FTP of my life wow well there you go I mean it is interesting isn’t it like obviously there’s a lot of fans for Zone 2 but then there’s also a lot of people that

    Say that it’s not perhaps the most effective use of time are they so yeah are yeah so um so yeah it’s just fascinating to see how different people respond isn’t it to different training um underneath can we keep up with a pro cyclist what we learned said uh ah we’ve

    Come full circle and Ollie is getting dropped again all is right with the world um well yeah I think in O’s defense I don’t think he really trains for those kind of like allout brutal efforts that Pro cyclists have to do day and day out he doesn’t do the high

    Intensity interval training no I mean cuz if you’re only doing like time Tru like 10 m time trials whatever you don’t need to be able to do like this could explain a lot couldn’t it well yeah could yeah absolutely um yeah and then underneath Sunday’s video about was the

    ’90s super bike Peak bike um loads of comments on there uh foban FCO bany uh said the initial shot of the bike in the ruins just redefined what all super nice shots for the bike Vault should be like wow yeah a few rules ripped up on that

    Occasion yeah and we had this from Amit Jes I’ve mullered that you have yeah mondria uh I don’t know how fast or slow it goes it looks beautiful well I don’t care sorry I thought I’d nailed person teex speak there and realiz I hadn’t well yeah I was going to say oh there’s

    A spelling mistake there he’s put ID DC doesn’t he know that no starts with a K yes anyway looks beautiful old bikes got a certain charm to them but the I think the reason why this one is like next level beautiful is because it’s not like old old it’s

    Got like deep section Carbon wheels those first generation Camp Boris so nice and then it’s not got crappy old like shift the brake levers you know the ones with the cables sticking at the top that hurt your hands hold on to like it’s just I mean there is a strong case

    To say it’s the first of the modern bikes I guess it is yeah but anyway check that vid out if you’ve not already and let us know what you think right it’s coming up on the channel this week on Wednesday we’re going to let you know

    What gear you need in order to start cycling probably most of you watching this don’t you probably already do cycling aren’t you but this is for people that are just getting into cycling for I don’t know mate the fact that cycling increases your love hormone might have attracted a new audience

    Today yeah I’m just wondering share this with you mates that aren’t cycling yet and tell them that they might find love on the local group right on Thursday how to fuel at a gas station has that been delayed presum I think you remember reading that out last week yes yeah

    You’re right it’s the video that just doesn’t want to come out um on Friday we’ve been talking about Killian a lot haven’t we uh well we catch up with Killian for his Tour of France challeng Tour of France no he’s not quite there yet Tor Flanders

    Challenge um so I actually gave him some tips D did you yeah with all my tour Flanders experience that that should help him yeah what a shame that he’s doing all this preparation now he’s not going yeah bad luck kilan I mean it’s just sometimes you got to be punished

    Haven’t you if you’ve not done your homework and then on Saturday um you know how we like to challenge Hank well uh his challenge this week is to try and fuel like a professional cyclist right so 120 gr of carbs per hour yeah which for a man that doesn’t like to eat while

    Cycling was was possibly he not like to eat while cycling no he really doesn’t like to eat while cycling so yeah 120 grams of carbs an hour um plus we got some hot Tech from the cobbles so Connor and Hank were loitering around the start of e3 uh last Friday and have been

    Looking at some pretty nice looking Pro Bikes uh and then on Sunday whilst they were over there loitering around E3 they also did an epic ride on the cobbles of rubay to not only the famous sectors they got it’s super cool right so they got Lei de to send them some hidden

    Sectors that haven’t been used in the race yeah oh that’s cool it is cool isn’t it so yeah so so not only is it the stuff you know it’s the stuff that you’ve never seen before so yeah we see see how they got on no that’s brilliant

    Imagine if it they’re so good that that video prompts ASO to start using this sectors well I mean if they see Connor and Hank on the cobbles it’ll probably look quite hard yes so you this the most brutal set this is a six-star sector that’s right making it look Connor

    Looking like Bambi on Ice potentially um but yeah anyways there we go that should be a good one right that’s all for this week’s gon show don’t forget in the comments let you know if any of your mates have found love on your local group rides or if you know someone

    That’s Moody before they go out and get back full of love yeah or you know like have you ever just broken down at the end of a group rid and had a nice cuddle cuz the cuddle chemical is kicked in I mean that’s what i’ you ever done that

    Can’t wait to read these comments now


    1. Oh, I've felt that magic love hormone once. I was so in need of cuddles that I decided to cuddle with that juicy tarmac on a roundabout…

    2. My aunt & uncle and my mum & dad met through their local CTC group (now Cycling UK) back in the early 1950s. A total of perhaps 135 years of marriage between them. Beat that!

    3. I really enjoy the GCN content but everytime lance Armstrong is mentioned I am infuriated, he's a cheat but gets mentioned fairly regularly like comments he makes around the cycling world matter.

    4. after multiple references to ballet I'm looking forward to the inevitable crossover with Si & a host of the Global Ballet Network (actual ballet youtube channels probably exist)

    5. When they teach those swimming mice to cycle, I expect we'll see another huge increase of OXT. However, when also including running (i.e. triathlon) my hypothesis is a large decrease of OXT. I just love science! 😉🐀

    6. It made so much sense to me, when you talked about the different feelings you get on a long effort versus short intensity training ! I was watching your video while I had just chosen to not join my BF on a longer ride outside, and did a interval training indoor instead. I was feeling very low before training, and just after, on a "High", I really felt that I had made the right choice ! I was feeling great. I dont always come back as happy from a longer ride 😂..
      Thanks for this video, loved every subject (and I'm not just telling you that out of my high 😂)

    7. A comment on the mics: sounding like the gain is too high. Si's voice in particular has distortion and is more essy sounding than previously. Second comment on this: not a fan.

    8. Just watching flanders with 200km to go – camera hovering on vdp. What happens if he joins a team with a different bike sponsor in the next 10 years ? (which I think his new contract with canyon lasts )

    9. Bicyclist as social? Around here, testosterone seems to rule. It's surprisingly rare to get a acknowledgement of what one intended as a friendly wave from those oncoming cyclists. It's social, all right…, if you're part of the elite clique. Perhaps it's different on the bike paths versus the open road.

    10. Have you ever been on a ride and every direction you went, the wind changed direction to give you a constant headwind? I was really thinking the Gods were angry with me!

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