Time to tackle my toughest test – wiring! You all know how much I despise electrics, so I’ve roped in Brother Dan to do all the clever stuff. Another step closer to getting this Triumph motorcycle up and running!

    Music by @ashleyjamesharding: https://push.fm/fl/ashleyhardingmusic

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    Dom’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominicchinea
    Ranalah Ltd’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ranalahltd​​
    Edited by Dan Cross: https://www.instagram.com/djcross87

    It’s so cold the lens keeps fogging up as I’m trying to talk look the lens keeps fogging up I was scraping the ice off the van this morning look at the lens I’m so sorry I’ve got to say a very big thank you first of all to Monty uh Monty’s classic

    Motorcycles what a guy that timing gear that we found was damaged one of the teeth was damaged on last episode Monty had watched the episode and before I’d even called him to try and get a new one Monty had already gone out to his stores

    Found an old used one cleaned it up got it ready for me so as soon as I called he was like yep got it here it’s already in a bag for you it’s all done love it so the new gear is here it’s on the bike

    It fits and now the engine spins freely so that was the problem I’ll be throwing that other gear as far as I can throw it down the car park now I’ve got the engine in we’re able to kick it over which means we can actually read the

    Current coming off of the uh the alternator uh the power it gives out which means we can make the wiring Loop well luckily you’re not going to have to look at my face very much in this episode because brother Dan is coming up my brother is very good at electrics in

    General and I am the complete opposite I don’t understand it at all I know the rest of the engine isn’t together but we’re going to look over that for now and just whilst I’ve got brother Dan able to come down he’s given up a day of

    His time which is very rare I just wanted to jump at the chance and get the wiring loom built I went online and found this company called vintage supplies uh if you have not heard of and you need and you have an old car and you need anything

    Electrical my goodness they have got everything you need um I was able to buy the really nice old fabric sort of cord covered cable all of the nice bullet connectors for the ends the bitchman sort of covered fabric to as a sleeve to go over the edge of the over the outer

    Sort of conjur I guess of the electrical cables they’ve got everything and I called them up it was quite embarrassing to be honest I called them up I like I don’t even know what I need I don’t know what color wires I need I don’t really

    Know how much I need I don’t know the run of the wires I don’t know if they’re going to go front to back and back again so I don’t know how long long I need them but the guys at vintage supplies were so helpful honestly the coils the

    Electronic ignition kit we’re going to try and do it all this electronic ignition kit is by Boer Branson and it’s thanks to you guys actually for recommending them uh I went to meet them they’re only up the road from here not far in Maidstone and what a helpful

    Bunch of people very very comprehensive instructions wiring diagram it actually says which colored wire what is what it’s not just the red wire goes there it actually tells you what that red wire is so if you’ve got a classic bike get in touch with Bo Branson and they’ll sort

    You out if any of you are new to the channel you might not have met brother Dan before he is well it’s my brother not a monk he’s just brother Dan because we’ve got Dan filming Dan who edits the videos and brother Dan who is an electronic engineer he’s very very

    Clever this Voice’s quite annoying but Dan doesn’t really want to be on camera so I set up a few time lapses got some nice little shots of some nice long shots of just both of us working away I quite quickly realized that dam was ready to wire things up and ready

    Running cables and stuff but everything needed brackets making the coils needed brackets making power box this other box the ignition box all of these things just boxes with with sort of holes but none of them fitted anywhere on the bike and I wanted to hide them up inside the

    Seat and under the tank and I had to make all these brackets so I was frantically welding making brackets and bending up bits of metal to try and make sort of bits to hold stuff whilst danam was next to me working out rooting and and which wires going where and which

    Colors to use so this is the bracket I’ve been making beautiful bracket isn’t it Dan beautiful best I’ve ever seen y that’s holding this I don’t know what we’re calling that the power box apparently and then power going along there to the coils well not to the coils

    From the coils and then up to to the headlight cool there’s a lot going on in there isn’t there why are there so many wires over there oh cuz there’s another box that’s like the ignition box yeah is well look the numbers changing what are you hoping

    For even more than 12 I thought’ be more than 12 it’s not even four let me try your foot four and a half maybe you can work some Miracle I know you’d leave me to die on the road I know you’d leave me out here in the cold I know you’d leave me with a Lo to my and if you had a second chance you do it again by midday we were well on the

    Way it was looked like most of it was going to be done we were flying ahead or a little problem there a little problem there the brake light switch there where’s that going to go like mounting the brake light switch another problem another bracket I had to make there was

    Just a lot but it was good fun really good fun uh and it went really well other than it being freezing freezing Cold so massive thank you to to brother Dan for coming up and giving us a hand he’s left me in a very good position um the bike is looking really good uh and I’ve just got today to just spend I mean I’ve spent some time already this morning just tinkering around quite

    Calmly just making sure push r tubes push R trying to find top dead center on the engine I’ve been looking at the timing basically that that electronic ignition kit from Bo brandston my goodness it went together really really well Dan did not have a problem with any

    Of it I’ve just finished the ignition and I kicked it over it took a few goes I don’t know why but I just saw a little Spark from the spark plug that’s looking good I haven’t filmed the timing side of things because I’m not super confident

    With it I did actually have to call the guys at buy a brandston and they were so helpful I literally 20 minutes on the phone to them whether I need top dead center or 38 37° before how I work out all that and the measurements and stuff

    Um it got a bit complicated and I don’t want this to I don’t want people to watch this and quote me on how I did it cuz at this point I don’t know if it’s actually right and how I’ve done it is correct so I’ve skimmed over that bit

    And we’ll stick to the mechanical stuff but the electronic ignition kit awesome so far so good I’ve made a few brackets stuff’s mounted up up um and I’m just tinkering I’m trying to close up the engine I’m trying to get the head on we’re about to anneal the copper head gasket which is

    Honestly a new one on me I would have just fitted this like this assuming it’s new why isn’t it already soft I don’t know maybe it’s what age hardened because whilst it’s sat on the Shelf I doubt it um but that’s the rules Apparently [Applause] damn [Applause] It well there we go one ruined head Gasket lovely there we go right let’s get the head bolted On Is this how it’s supposed to be this can’t be true just getting by is getting to me is it getting to you I don’t see you throughout my day but I dream of you at night which has then led me to my next problem there’s like an oil feed from

    The tank to the top of the Rockers uh and I’m missing two nuts so I can’t bolt that on which means I can’t completely finish that job but the Rockers are on uh and as I kick it over you can see the Little Rocker adjusters moving inside

    Everything seems to be located as it should be and R rolling over like it should be uh the new timing gear from Monty is on perfect the oil pump is on it’s all done it’s so close and with actually if I kick it over there was a

    Little spark uh I’ve got a bit of an issue with a clutch this bike honestly it’s two steps forward one step back put all the clutch in put the push rod through fitted the cable to the lever and there’s way too much slack it’s almost like the inner cable is too long

    Um so I’ve called Monty uh our good friend where is it here and he reckons that maybe this little feral bit goes on the end of the cable at the gearbox case end he reckons that might be too short or the push push rod might be too short

    I don’t know I don’t know yet but I’ve ordered a new one of those I’ve ordered the nuts for the top um small little fiddly silly bits some big news as well look what I’ve fitted to the forks the steering stops are on so many of you

    Commented saying I’m an idiot for not fitting them I it was just another thing I hadn’t got round to doing but now they’re on it’s done so the bars now no longer hit the tank the tank is safe don’t worry there is absolutely a fair bit more work to do got the original

    Amal carb I’ve got a rebuild kit from Monty I just need to sit down when I’ve got a nice quiet half a day or so take it all apart give everything a really good clean make sure it’s all okay it’s all serviceable replace all the gaskets as necessary and put it back together

    It’s another bit of a fear rebuilding carbs I’m it should be okay they’re just lots of fiddly small little springs and stuff so just need to rebuild the carb and then I can bolt that on hook up the throttle cable oh yeah throttle cable oh that’s something else I need to get but

    The wiring is is done and that was a massive fear of mine so brother Dan thank you very much for coming up and giving me a hand it all looks good the fact that we’ve got a spark already I can’t get a shot of it because I’m on my

    Own I’m trying to hold the bike kick it over hold the camera I can’t film it but next time someone’s up here I’ll get them to film little shots you can see it we’re nearly there that is the end of the day for me today I’m freezing cold

    And knackered and I need the parts from Monty which aren’t going to arrive for a couple of days now so I better end the video here thank you so much for watching I promise we’re nearly there and we can get on with a Porsche finally

    Maybe in the New Year might be quite a nice New Year treat but I hope you’ve enjoyed the project so far any feedback please leave me a comment I know you all do I really appreciate it you all know a lot more than me about these uh but I’ve

    Enjoyed learning it’s been a good journey thank you very much hope you’ve enjoyed this episode take care see you next time a quick reminder before I go to watch make it at Market coming up this week coming is the last week so there’s five more episodes 10 more makers very

    Very talented makers um it’s a good week as well they’ve saved some good ones for the last week it’s on every day 4:30 BBC 1 uh but you can obviously watch it on I player later it’s on catchup the viewing figures are really good so thank you so

    Much everybody that has been tuning in I really really appreciate it everyone’s over the moon and all the makers so far have done so well thank you for supporting them with buying their products but yeah that’s it 4:30 bbc1 make sure you stay tuned one more week

    Left that’s it then you can watch something Else [Applause] Oh


    1. I put an new Amal carb on the '54 MSS Velocette as the corrosion, and other unseen aging inside cannot be made better. The die cast material was not made to last forever. It will continue to age with new gaskets and being cleaned up. Also add a Saint Christopher or culturally appropriate amulet for mechanical and travelling protection to be on the safe side.

    2. It’s great I just love what you are doing here 👍🏼 I’m in the middle of making a 1967 T120 so this is familiar, although yours seems so much smoother than my build👌it’s going to be great Dom👍🏼

    3. Great progress!
      I'm totally convinced yours will be done before mine now!
      Powerbox and Boyer ignition is a good shout. That's exactly how I run mine. Works well without a battery too if needed.
      You have also reminded me that I need to order a carb kit and new powerbox. I donated mine to my previous project! 😂
      Leave the detailed timing to my channel. I'll do the boring bits. 😉😁

    4. I didn't see any gaskets or gasket cement on the rocker boxes or the inlet manifold! TBH I never used gaskets in those applications when I had my 650 Bonnie and relied on gasket cement, but I would now. Fitting a Boyer Bransden ignition system on my Bonnie was probably the mod I did. Dead easy to time (rather than two sets of points), a lovely even advance curve as witnessed on a strobe, and once fitted never needed any adjustment or attention.

    5. Hi Dom,

      Really enjoy watching your youtube endeavours. Would like to watch 'make it a market' but do you know how I can? Im located in the Netherlands and the BBC website has the player blocked for outside the Uk…

    6. Thanks so much for the restoration of the Bike. Would love to do that myself sometime if I find the right two wheeler. For now I am working on an MGA back here in the states. Have all the mechanicals done along with the body work (may need to rebleed the master again though) and it is set for painting on April 8th. Was wondering why you don't use a sealant like aviation permatex on the head? I use that religiously on engines I rebuild to avoid problem. Just a skin coat is all that is needed.

    7. Great videos series your making great progress and showing us all the things fantastic. One thing though having spent a lot of time doing everything you should cover the engine with sheet/towel to keep everything out of the engine!! You were welding and grinding nearby and things can fall and end up inside your nice clean engine!!!

    8. The little Tiger is starting to look really lovely and much against my purist tendencies (I love originality), I feel obliged to say that I think that you have possibly Nailed this one Dom? Keep up the good work!

    9. Starting to take shape nicely now Dom . On my T 90 I seem to recall that there was a ball bearing in the clutch pushrod to prevent the end from overheating . Does your bike have one and have you included it . Looking forward to hearing it roar into life .

    10. Hi Dom. Really enjoying your restoration. Reminds me of rebuilding my 5TA to T100 spec in the 60's. Looking at your carburettor it seems the flange is bowed. There are many methods of sorting this out on Google/YouTube. Just have a look an select an option you like. Also looking forward to you starting on the Porsche again!

    11. Hi Dom, worth checking the oil tank for leaks before finishing the project. Pressure test and soapy water to highlight the leaks. All my old triumph have had this issue and it’s a pain to fix once you’ve finished the project

    12. Hi Dom, worth checking the oil tank for leaks before finishing the project. Pressure test and soapy water to highlight the leaks. All my old triumph have had this issue and it’s a pain to fix once you’ve finished the project

    13. Hi Dominic, a strange question for you (maybe not you because you have a background in graphic design) I watched your other show Make it at Market and i am trying to find the font that is used on the show, i have used the usual routes but i can't seem to nail it down, if you happen to know could you put me out of my misery please *my girlfriend says hi too lol) Thank you, Dominic, and keep doing what you are doing 🙂

    14. I still have a screwdriver with 2 marks filed on it, from 25 years ago, it fitted in the sparkplug hole on my old BSA 650 lower one was TDC upper one was the ignition timing point, lined up with a fin on the head a dead handy tool made timing the ignition a breeze. BTW it's Nigel, I did the Jukebox last year with Mark on TRS, met you then.

    15. Been watching the whole series Dom, superb work by both you and John It's really a bit pointless me commenting on these old video's but I have to say after hearing in so many video's how cold you are, well why don't you get a heater? Bob

    16. I'm assuming you have to apply heat to the head gasket to get it deformed so that it leaks the prerequisite amount of oil, just enough to make it an authentic British bike?

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