As my journey into health & fitness continues I jumped on the cycling bandwagon and decided to set myself another challenge: Can I cycle 100km (or as far as I possibly can) as a total beginner?….. On the hottest day of the year!

    I documented the day we attempted this ride with the good (and bad times) that we experienced, I tried to show our speed and progress throughout the day every time we decided to take a rest.

    This was a very tough challenge and we probably did overdo it bit as none of us had any real cycling experience, I can’t say I’m in a rush to attempt this again for a while! Don’t underestimate the hot weather!

    As always I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did making it, subscribe for more videos coming soon.


    1. I did a 65 mile ride untrained. It was one of the hardest rides I have ever done. Legs cramped to the point I could not move. Legs were very painful and was sore for several days after. It inspired me to get better and before long became a competitive cyclist. Now I ride that same distance two or three times a week on a regular basis without much problem. The adaptation of the human body is amazing. Good job and keep it up. Take some smaller bites 😀👍

    2. I did 164 km long ride untrained and it's so exhausting when i got home i can't move a single muscle and i can't feel my legs and i got sunburn on my both arms, face, and legs.
      Now I'll never riding again in summer in Philippines

    3. With good bike and terrain, untrained people can bike 100km.. They need to go moderate and steady though, sprinting will deplete your stamina and make your legs hurt instantly.

    4. Mann, watching this video takes me back to when I got into biking 🙂
      80km is how long I went on my first "untrained" bike ride too and luckily it wasnt too bad for me since im a generally athletic person.. but I made the mistake of not hydrating regularly and the cramps I faced were the worst ive ever had. You wouldnt believe, the very next ride just 1 week after the first one, was my first 120km ride and I absolutely killed it 😀
      Was super proud of myself and taking a swig of water every 10 minutes or so help massively with the cramps. That pride was so addicting that I go over 150km every weekend now and my body has adapted to the point that I prolly dont even need water for the entire ride(source: bottle fell out the cage and broke leaving me with no water for the next 112km of my ride, still finished like a champ B))

      Thanks Beau!

    5. I want to go home from my university by using my bicyle and the distance is quite far, about 90Km total. I'm worried i'll take 8 hour to complete it though because i never cycling that far distance before. Your video is very helpful for me, now i can estimate how long will it takes to complete it. Well maybe there will miscalculation along the way but at least i can arrive at home before dark. Thank you

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