Learn English through Story – Level 2 || Listen English Story || Graded Reader

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    English Through Story Level 2
    English Through Story IELTS | english fairy tales | English stories | story in english | Learn English Through Story

    My name is Brigadier Gerard in 1814 I was a soldier in the French army and we were with the Emperor Napoleon in the town of reams one day a man McDonald came to see me and my friend major shantier the emperor wants to see you McDonald

    Said come with me we went with him to the emperor’s rooms shpaner Gerard the emperor said come here yes sir we said see on this map the emperor said we are at Reams here and there is Paris the German and the Russian armies are near Paris but I will stop

    Them my brother the king of Spain is in Paris now and he has 100,000 soldiers take these letters to my brother brother the emperor said I am going to Paris in 2 days and he will read that in these letters you shantier will ride your horse to Ali then Neri then to

    Paris and you Gerard will ride to swasa and Sen and then to Paris only these towns do you understand I said do you understand sir yes sir we said Shar pontier and I rode to the town of bok there he took the road to Ali and I

    Took the road to swasa Gerard shoner asked me why did the emperor say what was in the letters and why did he tell us to go to towns where there are Russian and German soldiers he knows we are good soldiers and clever men I said shantier laughed we are good soldiers my friend

    But clever men oh no he laughed again then he rode away I rode my horse Violet to swasa and I thought about chantier why did he laugh it was dark and in a forest near swas saww a woman stopped me and said soldier Soldier are you going to

    Swasa the Germans are there I did not wait I rode Violet fast to swasa there they were in the streets German soldiers I took out my sword and shouted the Emperor Napoleon France the Germans rode after me I cut one soldier’s arm with my sword they tried to catch me but Violet was

    Very fast we quickly came to a quiet Road in the forest and the Germans could not find me I gave Violet some water then we rode slowly to Sun the night was dark and quiet I thought of a girl lazette she lived in Paris I was happy then there were men

    Shouting at me I saw six German soldiers standing near some trees one of them shot at me one of them got on his horse and rode after me Violet ran fast but she was tired now and the German Soldier came very near me on his

    Horse he had a sword but no gun I rode Violet slowly I was ready to shoot at the German Soldier then I saw his his face he was very young a boy of only 17 or 18 I thought of his mother I shot the boy’s horse oh after that we rode fast

    Violet and I then I saw hundreds of French soldiers on the road and I was very happy I stopped and talked to one of them my old friend bouvet I’m going to Paris bouvet I said I have a very important letter from the emperor to his brother but why are you

    Here the Russians and Germans are here said bouet I talked to the emperor and he said go to siss I said come with us my friend said bouet we’re going to S Le with some Polish soldiers they don’t like the Russians we arrived at siss in the morning

    The Russian soldiers were all in a big house in the town there were German soldiers in the forest in ear son leas the Polish soldiers shouted took out their swords and ran into the house bouvet ran with them then I went into the house my sword and my gun in my

    Hands I was a soldier of France I wanted to be with bouet and the Polish soldiers but I had the emperor’s letter and I was wrong not to go to Paris good now we have S Le said bouvet I want a drink where’s the wine let’s look for it come

    On I said we went to a big room under the house and found some wine we started to drink the wine was very good then there were shouts in the house guns shot and feet ran it was the German soldiers from the forest bouvet ran back up to the

    House I thought of The Emperor’s letter and I stayed in the room I wanted to get to Paris what can I do I thought there are two or 300 German soldiers in the house there are no windows in this room where can I go then I saw a small

    Door I opened it and went into a small dark room I looked for a long time and then I saw a face a man’s face a Russian soldier’s face he shouted I shouted then I took out my sword and said come here slowly who are you come on who are

    You I said I’m count bout he said a soldier of the emperor Alexander of Russia why are you here under the house I said I came down here for some wine this morning I drank some wine then you French came and I stayed here he said

    Count bout K this is all very difficult and dangerous I said why he said there are polish soldiers in the house and polish he said and I’m a Russian soldier I’m a dead man what can I do I’m thinking I’m thinking I said I looked at the

    Count your uniform I said my uniform he asked you have a Russian uniform I said take my uniform the Polish soldiers will see you in a French uniform and you can get away You’re a Good Man the count said but what will you do the Polish soldiers will see you in

    My Russian uniform oh I said they know me I’ll run to them and Shout I’m Brigadier Gerard I’m French the count gave gave me his uniform quickly you stay here I told him I’ll talk to the Polish soldiers first I put a heavy box at the door of

    The small room I didn’t want the count to go up to the house and see the German soldiers then I walked into the house in the house I put the big Russian hat on my head and walked slowly to the door good morning one of the German soldiers

    Said to me I only only knew these words in Russian at night I’ll see you near the tree in the morning I’ll see you at the river the soldier didn’t understand Russian but he was happy with my answer I found Violet and rode quickly away from S I rode Violet for some time

    Then I saw a man he was a Russian soldier he rode quickly to me and smiled a Russian soldier he thought thought I’ll go and talk to him I’m finished I thought I took my sword in one hand then I took the emperor’s letter from my

    Shirt perhaps the Russian will kill me I thought but I’ll eat this letter first the soldier shouted at me in Russian but I answered in French Napoleon and France the Russian stopped I rode fast at him my sword was out out he rode fast at

    Me I hit the soldier with my sword he didn’t hit me I hit him again he was dead I rode fast for St Dennis and the French army in Paris I arrived in St Dennis the French soldiers saw my uniform a Russian they shouted he’s Russian one young man came

    At me with his sword I shouted at him in French I’m Brigadier Gerard I come from the emperor ah his face went white then I gave Violet some food and water then I rode to Paris to see the emperor’s brother the king of Spain the people of Paris knew of

    Me they knew of s and the Russian uniform in the streets the men shouted at me and the women smiled I was very happy I gave the letter to the king of Spain and he read it after he looked at me for a long time perhaps he wants to question me I

    Thought is Major Shaner here sir I asked the king no he said who is Sharon he has a letter too sir the same letter I said oh I see now I understand the king said I do not think shantier will arrive he laughed not arrive why did the king think that what

    Did he understand and why did he laugh I rode back to Reams and went to see the emperor he was with some soldiers they had a map on the table before them then the emperor saw me what’s he doing here the emperor said McDonald where is shantier with the Russians sir said

    McDonald they have his letter good the emperor said shpaner is a clever man and I’ll give him a medal but you Gerard no medal for you sir I don’t understand I said you told me to give my letter to your brother oh the emperor said I wanted the Russians or the

    Germans to catch you I wanted them to have the letter read it I will be with you in Paris in 2 days with my Army we are going to swasa then S I want the Russian and German armies to go to swasa and S the emperor

    Said then we will go to Ali and Nui and from there to Paris it will be easy for us to get to Paris do you understand man I understand now I said now now McDonald where did you find this man the Emperor shouted I stood with my head

    Up sir I said to the emperor you told me to take this letter to Paris it was very dangerous I did it for you I did it for France then I told the emperor of the Germans at swasa the Young German soldier in the forest count bout and his uniform and the Russian

    Soldier on his horse they didn’t catch you the emperor asked that’s good yes that’s good then he laughed and said McDonald give me a medal for Gerard he is not a clever man but he is a very good month of June and the weather was beautiful Stuart left school he was on

    Holiday but he was not happy he did not have a motorbike Stuart was 17 years old he left school but he did not start work all his mates started work immediately but Stuart did not want to work he wanted a long holiday and he needed a motorbike Stewart lived in

    Leeds a big city in the north of England Leeds is a busy City full of offices shops and factories it’s not a good place for for a holiday Martin a friend of Stuarts worked in a garage Martin had a bike for sale it was a beauty a Japanese

    Suzuki Martin wanted 350 lb for the bike but Stuart did not have 350 he didn’t have any money Stuart went and looked at the bike every day it was a beauty he wanted to buy it where can I find 350 £50 Stuart asked himself Stuart left the

    Garage and walked back home his house was in blenham Street near the university there were lots of old empty houses in blenham Street the University was one of the biggest in England the university often bought land and buildings most of the old houses in blenham Street belonged to the

    University some of these houses had been empty for years Stuart often searched through them sometimes he found old books and gramophone records one day he told himself I’ll find something valuable there was a large house at the corner of blenham Street its owner a rich old

    Woman had died a few days ago the university bought the house immediately now the house was empty there was wood across the front door and the windows were broken some looked out of a window it was a man of about 20 he had long hair and was wearing a

    Headband he looked strange he was a squatter squatters live in Old empty houses and they don’t pay any rent The Stranger waved to Stuart he wanted to speak to Stuart what does he want Stuart asked himself hi hello like to help me okay watch this house how long half an hour

    Okay I’m Stuart my name’s Frank I’ll go and get my things are you going to squat here Frank yes don’t let Els in I’ll be back soon okay see you Frank walked off slowly down the street his head was bent forward and he was looking down at the

    Pavement he was about 20 but he looked much older Frank went round the corner and Stuart turned towards the house it looked interesting the window was low quite near the ground the street was empty Stuart put one leg over the window sill and looked inside outside the Sun was shining

    Brightly inside the house it was dark Stuart stood for a few moments and waited slowly the inside of the room became clearer there was a calendar on the wall lots of old newspapers were were lying around on the floor there was a mattress against the far wall it looked new Stuart looked up

    And down the street there was no one around he quickly climbed into the room Stuart walked to the middle of the room and kicked away the old newspapers there was nothing underneath them there was no carpet and the floorboards were covered with dirt Stuart took the calendar down from the

    Wall it was an old one 5 years old no one had changed it for 5 years then Stuart remembered the owner of the house the old woman had been ill for a long time she hadn’t got out of her bed for 5 years the mattress was leaning against the far

    Wall Stuart went over and looked at it carefully it was a good mattress Stuart picked up the mattress and turned it over carefully there was some stitching along one side about 10 cm long Stuart held the mattress between his knees and took out a small knife steuart cut the stitches carefully and

    Then put his hand in the hole he felt a bundle of newspapers and pulled it out he quickly unwrapped it inside the bundle of newspapers there were some Bank notes suddenly Stuart Heard a Voice it was Frank hey Stuart Where Are You Frank was shouting Stuart quickly wrapped up the money inside the

    Newspapers he held the bundle behind his back I’m in here Frank he shouted Frank came up to the window and looked into the room what are you doing in there Frank asked nothing replied Stuart I’m looking around Frank climbed into the room and came closer to

    Stuart Stuart moved to the wall he held the bundle of newspapers behind his back Frank looked around the room he didn’t see steuart’s knife on the floor you haven’t taken anything have you asked Frank I haven’t taken anything of yours replied Stewart you’ve moved this mattress said Frank Frank picked up the

    Mattress and turned it over carefully then he saw the hole in the side you this mattress it was stitched is this this your knife yes what were you doing nothing you found something I didn’t what’s that in your hand where behind your back nothing you’ve got something some old newspapers hand them

    Over they’re mine Stuart remembered the motorbike he needed the money he was going to keep it it was his money not Frank’s Frank was holding Stuart’s knife in his hand he came nearer to Stuart give me those newspapers he said again Stuart had an idea there’s something

    Else in the mattress he said to Frank there was something under the newspapers it’s still there there Frank looked at Stuart for a few moments he didn’t believe him at first look and see said Stuart Frank Put The Knife down on the floor he picked up the mattress and put

    His hand deep in the hole Stuart did not wait for a moment he turned and jumped out through the window into the street he ran quickly there was a turning on the right Stuart ran Round the Corner he heard a shout behind him it was Frank round the

    Corner there was another old empty house it had a large Garden on one side thick bushes had grown All Over the Garden Stuart jumped over the low wall he ran for a few meters and then hid under some bushes Stuart heard more shouting and footsteps the footsteps became louder then they

    Stopped Stuart waited silently he did not breathe then the footstep started once again Stuart laughed quietly to himself Frank had quickly picked up Stuart’s knife he jumped out of the window after him Frank saw Stewart he was running Round the Corner Frank ran after him and turned

    The corner but the street was empty Frank stopped for a few moments and looked around he noticed the old Garden perhaps he’s in there thought Frank but everything in the garden was quiet Frank saw nothing there was another Corner farther down the street Frank started running again he was still holding Stuart’s

    Knife Stuart was happy he had escaped from Frank with the money Stuart sat up under the bushes and opened out the newspapers the bank notes were wrapped tightly together Stuart unwrapped them and counted them carefully 10 20 30 320 325 Stewart had found 325 and Martin wanted 350 lb for his

    Motorbike it was cool in the garden and Stuart lay back under the bushes I’ll wait here for half an hour thought Stewart then I’ll go to Martin it was now nearly 12:00 the day was getting much hotter a police car was parked in a side street

    There were two policemen in the car the sergeant a fat round-faced man was half asleep the other policeman was younger and taller he was a constable suddenly the Constable sat up he had seen something strange wake up Sergeant he shouted look over there where what asked the sergeant still half

    Asleep over there someone’s running with a knife replied the Constable the man’s gone mad it’s this heat quick get out and catch him said the sergeant the two policemen jumped out of their car Frank saw the policeman he threw steuart’s knife away and started to run the Constable soon

    Caught him and held his arm tightly the sergeant found the knife in some long grass the Constable took Frank towards the police car the sergeant came up to them he was holding the knife oh it’s you the sergeant said to Frank what’s going on Frank I’m looking for a guy

    With a knife what what guy he’s stolen my money what money how much money I don’t know a lot you don’t know where did you get it in an old house come on into the car where are you taking me asked Frank to the police station replied the Constable but I haven’t done

    Anything the money was mine that guy took it what’s his name Stewart Stewart took it who’s steart asked the Constable I met him in an old house replied Frank where you found the money asked the sergeant yes I found it inside a mattress said Frank who’s got the money now asked the

    Sergeant that guy Stewart he ran away with it so now we have to find Stewart said the Constable Stuart waited in the garden for half an hour it was getting hotter it was nearly 12:00 I’ll have to move now thought Stuart Martin goes for his lunch at half2 Stuart looked out carefully from

    The bushes the garden was empty he hurried out of the garden onto the street he walked towards Martin’s Garage Stuart did not see the police car it stopped outside the garden a few moments later look in this Garden Frank told the policeman perhaps he’s hiding in here hi Martin

    Hello Stewart how much for the bike £350 I want it how much for me still £ 350 have you any money yes how much £300 that’s not enough £325 okay she’s yours great thanks the policeman got out of the car Frank got out too the Constable held his arm

    Tightly the sergeant went into the garden he looked around for some time then he came back he was holding a bundle of newspapers there’s no one there the sergeant said but I found these old newspapers that’s them shouted Frank something was wrapped in those newspapers just then a motorbike drove

    Up towards the police car that’s him shouted Frank excitedly that’s the guy he’s bought a motorbike with my money stop the sergeant called to Stuart sto Stuart did not see Frank what do the police want Stuart asked himself I haven’t done anything wrong I’m driving correctly Stuart stopped the

    Bike by the side of the road he took off his helmet is that bike yours the sergeant asked him him yes it’s mine replied Stuart I bought it at the garage down the road then Stuart saw Frank what have you told these cops Stuart shouted angrily at Frank wek

    All go to this garage said the sergeant they all walked back to Martin’s Garage a big black cloud now covered the sun it was beginning to rain so this lad paid you £325 for this bike the sergeant said to Martin Martin agreed and where did you get this money the sergeant asked Stuart

    I found it replied Stuart I found it in a mattress it was in an empty house the sergeant took the money from Martin we’ll look after this money he said you two can go now it’s my money shouted Frank do you want to come to the police station with us asked the Constable

    Frank walked away still shouting I’m sorry Martin said to Stuart it’s my bike again not for long replied Stuart what do you mean asked the sergeant it has started to rain now replied Stuart I don’t want a holiday I’m going to get a job I’m going to save another £325 and by that

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