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    A Florida man was arrested in the spring of 2021 after he had used the taxi to carry out a bank robbery on NADA Parkway in Santa Rosa County 24-year-old Elijah Shelton who was pictured widely grinning in his mug shot was charged with robbery grand theft and drug possession Santa

    Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson gave a rundown of the ill-fated robbery during a press conference telling the media we got a great story for you on this one pointing to Shelton’s mugshot and disparagingly referring to him as a genius Sheriff Johnson explained that he’d hired a car from the Johnny on the

    Spot taxi service Shelton called the car to his home and then told the driver to take him to the cova’s bank as the dri waited in the parking lot Shelton went into the bank and ordered tellers to put money in his bag he wasn’t reported to have used the weapon during the robbery

    And prior to the arrival of law enforcement he made off with roughly $8,300 Shelton then got back to the taxi and took it home as per Johnson’s media statements the driver had reportedly had no idea what was going on throughout the incident even though Shelton’s criminal Endeavor had been successful deputies

    Were able to quickly find him given that he taken the taxi to and from his home address number 14 super chai panthong 27-year-old supachai panthong entered a jewelry store in Buri Thailand on November the 30th of 2018 he asked to see a gold chain worth an estimated

    $650 and then placed it around his neck panthong spent some time admiring the chain in the Shop’s mirror before he suddenly ran towards the exit labored in his movements by the flipflops on his feet panthong would discover that the door through which he’d walked into the storm moments earlier wouldn’t budge

    41-year-old jar knit karun the Shop’s owner had become suspicious of pong and locked the door at some point during their interaction naroon calmly sat behind the counter and asked for the chain back panthong turned around smiling while bearing an expression of defeat on his face he surrendered the

    Jury item and then waited for the arrival of law enforcement a separate clip would show him handcuffed and escorted by a police officer he admitted the attempted theft telling law enforcement I didn’t have any weapons I just wanted to make extra money because I lost my job recently number 13 Rocky fiser and

    Jennifer Bal on Friday May the 16th of 2014 a robbery took place at a US Bank branch in Cottonwood Idaho and the police subsequently released the description of the perpetrator a few days later they received an anonymous tip that a person matching the robber’s appearance was spotted blowing off large

    Sums of money at a casino in Leon law enforcement Tracked Down The Suspect 35-year-old Rocky Fisher and his 19-year-old girlfriend Jennifer Bal to a Lewiston Motel the couple’s earhead decision to visit a casino and expose their ill-gotten gains would prove to be their downfall fiser and Bal were taken

    Into custody as they were walking out of their motel room Cottonwood police chief Terry Cochran later told the media outlet that they were both booked on suspicion of robbery burglary and Grand Theft the arrest attracted attention and was picked up by multiple media Outlets due to the T-shirt worn by Fisher when

    His mug shot was taken it featured the drawing of a stick figure chased by a police car with the message deemed prophetic by the media it’s all fun and games until the cops show up following the couple’s arrest the police began investigating their possible involvement in bank robberies that had occurred in

    Ontario Oregon on May the 9th and May the 14th number 12 Kevin Staples a Mobility impaired robber was jailed for at least 4 years at Bournemouth Crown Court in England in the summer of 2008 in early December of 2007 Kevin staes walked into the bottoms up off-license store endorse it with the

    Help of a walk-in stick the 59-year-old who suffered from severe arthritis back problems and also needed a hip replacement waved the stick in the ear and threatened staff give me all the money from the safe from going to batt you when a worker told him they didn’t

    Have access to the safe Staples demanded some cigarettes instead and hobbled out of the shop 2 days later on December the 4th he entered a past times gift shop in the county mall shopping center in Crawley using a walker Staples inched his way to the counter and brandished a

    12 in bread knife ordering the cashat empty the till he lunged at the till but when the shop assistant shouted at him the man placed the blade in a bag that then banged on his Walker as he treated the disabled robber didn’t get far as he was stopped by the mall security guards

    Who were reportedly bemused by his slow escape attempt the shopping manager described the situation as a very bizarre and strange incident noting that one wouldn’t expect to walk a bound man to attempt a robbery number 11 Jordan Isaiah Thomas in mid January of 2024 an abandoned vehicle later determined to be owned by

    39-year-old North Carolina man Jordan Isaiah Thomas was towed from a private parking lot in the city of Washington roughly 100 mi from Raleigh inside the vehicle’s trunk a tow worker discovered the body of a young woman who was identified as 19-year-old Elizabeth City State University student Amaria Smith

    She and Thomas were known to each other with law enforcement didn’t reveal the nature of their relationship 5 days after the body’s Discovery Thomas was arrested on suspicion of murder murder aside from placing the young woman’s remains in a vehicle that was registered in his name he was further tied to her

    Death via unspecified evidence found at his home in enton 30 mi from Smith’s University and 50 mi from where her body was discovered the police didn’t disclose the teenager’s cause of death but noted that she’d been killed elsewhere after abandoning her body in the trunk Thomas stole a truck from the

    Parking lot and fled as of the latest updates the investigation was ongoing and jointly carried out by the Carolina State Bureau of Investigation Buford County Sheriff’s Office pasat tank County Sheriff’s Office and choen County Sheriff’s Office Thomas was held without bond at the choen County Detention

    Center facing charges of murder LLY of a motor vehicle and concealing the death of a person number 10 Derek Rossi on the morning of November the 4th of 2013 a bungling robber revealed his identity during a heist at a bookmakers in London 58-year-old Derek Rossy Dawn

    The balac Claver and held the workers at a lad brokes in Holburn at gunpoint with a swn offshot gun concealed in an umbrella when staff were unable to open the safe Rossy was forced to leave empty-handed the gambling company Branch was located within several feet of the

    Whole bur underground station and on a busy Commercial Road next to outlets such as Subway and boot as Rossy went into the street he accidentally fired the shotgun and then dropped it he proceeded to remove his balaclava to pick up the weapon revealing his face to dozens of witnesses the incident was

    Compared to a scene from guy Richie’s classic crime comedy film snatch in which two wouldbe robbers removed their masks immediately after a failed raid at a bookmakers Rossy of Finsbury Park North London was arrested shortly after the incident another parallel that was drawn between his bungled robbery and

    Guy Richie’s films was the older model shotgun he’ used similar to the pair of antique weapons featured in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Rossy had previously been jailed for life twice the first time in 1984 for a terrifyingly violent attempted robbery he was reported to have shot at

    Responding police officers and nearly severed an officer’s arm off with a point blank pistol blast it was recommended that he spent at least 18 years behind bars within weeks of his release in 2000 he brand a sonoff shotgun and held up a post office in dibon Hampshire stealing roughly

    £6,000 he was arrested in the aftermath and received a second life sentence Anne fairbrass and Hannah boreville green the two workers he’ threatened during the 2013 lad Brook’s Heist were left traumatized by the incident borille green told the court every time I closed my eyes I could see this man and the gun

    At Black fr’s Crown Court Rossy pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and and weapons offenses for which he received a third life sentence with a minimum of 12 Years in the spring of 2014 many were critical of the legal system in the decisions wake remarking upon the apparent meaninglessness of a life

    Sentence given that Rossy had received his third and was likely to walk the streets again number nine incident in Bradford after his semi-detached house in Bradford West Yorkshire England had been repeatedly targeted by vandals Bradford University economics student Thomas Goodall decided to have some security cameras installed in the spring

    Of 2012 they were provided by his father who was the boss of an alarm company and installed by Good’s brother as the latter was set in the CCTV system an unknown perpetrator shattered the window of his van and stole a bag from it 3 Days Later another robbery occurred at

    The property a man unbolted two of Goodall’s freshly installed security camera are made off with them however in doing so he steered directly into one of the surveillance devices inadvertently supplying law enforcement with a clear shot of his face the authorities released the photo to the public and

    Stated an intention of speaking to the man with Sergeant John readin of West Yorkshire police’s Bradford South volume crime management unit adding he clearly has no issue with exposing his identity to the camera and it is likely he lives in the local area number eight dillian Thompson and Dorian

    Walker gains in January of 2015 a pair of Texas men in their early 20s stole an iPad a laptop and $5,000 in cash from an unlocked truck parked outside a home in River Oaks a residential community in Houston the suspects later identified as dillian Thompson and Dorian Walker gains

    Reportedly brought the stolen items to a nearby Burger King to celebrate in a video they subsequently filmed on the pilford iPad the young men dubbed themselves The Money Team and openly displayed the cash they taken from the vehicle which was later determined to have been owned by a man named Randy

    Schaer the recording which was automatically uploaded to sha as iCloud was obtained by a friend of the victims who posted a picture of the burglar on social media the photos immediately went viral online and local police were ultimately able to use them to identify Thompson and Walker gains as the

    Perpetrator of the theft in late January they were both arrested and charged in connection to the incident the following month the two thieves whose celebratory selfies had unwittingly given the police everything they needed to catch them were sentenced to 5 years of Community Supervision in lie of jail

    Time number seven the dwit township Crim spree a pair of Michigan teenagers accused of taking part in a crime spree that spanned multiple counties were arrested on on the morning of April the 25th of 2018 according to the Lansing State Journal the suspects had broken into the homes of several residents in

    The kwith Farms retirement community in dwit Township as was later detailed by the local police chief the teens prayed on the elderly who were their favorite targets for home invasions on April the 12th they allegedly stole a gun out of a vehicle that was parked in the community

    That same night while residents were sleeping they broke into three homes and took various items including a cell phone one of the suspects an unnamed 18-year-old reportedly used the phone they’ stolen to take selfies which the authorities were able to use to track him down to a home in Lancing in the

    Early hours of April the 25th officers who’d been staking out the retirement community for about 2 weeks spotted the teenagers in a stolen car a high-speed chase subsequently ensued through the community circular drive but the 18-year-old eventually lost control of the vehicle and swerv into a ditch the

    Teens were then arrested for the thefts and also reportedly faced criminal charges in connection to unrelated lones in Ingam and Eastern counties number six Dean Smith on April the 15th of 2014 27-year-old Dean Smith walked into a Barkley’s Bank in the Welsh town of trior in order to inform the staff that

    He’ changed his home address while he was interacting with the employees at the branch Smith reportedly noticed tills full of cash and promptly devised a plan to rob the very Bank where he was already a customer only 30 minutes after initially departing from the branch Smith returned and demanded money armed

    With a bread knife and wearing a hooded Jacket sunglasses and socks over his shoes the poultry disguise did little to conceal his identity from the bank tellers who immediately recognized him from his earlier visit and pressed the panic button raising an alarm that Auto dramatically notified local authorities

    Of the situation Smith fled the scene empty-handed and was later taken into police custody at the address he’ just relayed to the bank’s employees that same day in his subsequent interviews with investigators the failed bank robber expressed Contrition for his actions which he called stupid but indicated that he was desperate for

    Money during a trial at Mera tidal Crown Court the following month Smith pleaded guilty to attemp in robbery and carrying a bladed weapon and was consequently sentenced to 2 and 1/2 years behind bars number five the salmore bike crash during a cycling event held on the Canary Island of eliro on October the

    23rd of 2021 a competitor was knocked To The Ground by an oblivious female spectator who’ wandered onto the course the incident occurred near the finish line of the 54 mile race known as the cista k salmore bike event as was captured on cell phone footage taken by other nearby Spectators the unnamed male

    Cyclist had been nearing the end of the course when the woman inexplicably walked into the road the video which promptly went viral online in the incident’s aftermath showed the fan looking down at her phone as she attempted to cross over to the other side of the street she unwittingly moved

    Directly into the oncoming cyclist path triggering a violent Collision that reportedly cost him a first Place finish in the competition medical personnel already present at the scene treated the woman for nonserious injuries the cyclist was said to have suffered a moderate head injury and memory loss as

    A consequence of the crash and he was taken to a nearby hospital for more intensive treatment as of the latest updates on the case the police in El hero had launched an official investigation into the matter number four e onlyi Jones on the night of December M the

    12th of 2021 three women were captured on surveillance footage robbing the beauty plug supply shop in tamarak Florida one of the suspects was carrying an infant child throughout the commission of the crime while another appeared to have been pregnant the women stole several items included multiple

    Wigs and sprayed mace at an employee who was later revealed to be the shop owner’s daughter tamarak police reviewed the security video taken from the night of the incident whereupon they were able to positively identify 18-year-old e onlyi Jones as the individual who’ pepper sprayed the store worker local

    Authorities had little trouble tracking down the identities of the thieves largely due to the fact that they had made no effort to conceal themselves from the surveillance cameras positioned throughout the shop Jones having in charge with robbery with a weapon was held in custody on a $25,000 bond court

    Records indicated that she also faced 15 additional charges stemming from separate cases still pending in Broward County court number three Shannon sair a blonde Vandal from Stamford Connecticut was arrested in August of 2015 after misspelling the word [ __ ] in the taunting message she’d keyed into her friend’s car according to subsequent

    Reports the suspect identified as 20-year-old Shannon Sapia had targeted her friend’s vehicle after growing suspicious that she’ been carrying on an affair with her ex-boyfriend investigators later detailed how a car belonging to sepia’s former partner had also been keyed and both of the defaced Vehicles reportedly had their tires

    Slashed when initially questioned by Stanford police AIA was thoroughly uncooperative however the authorities were eventually able to collect enough evidence to arrest the young woman after she allegedly sent damning Snapchat messages to her ex-boyfriend in which she alluded to her involvement in the vandalism incidents when the details of

    The case emerged online particularly regarding the misspelled insult many were quick to label sepia as a dumb blonde in keeping with derogatory stereotypes about the supposed unintelligence of people with blonde hair upon being taken into custody sepia was charged with two counts of criminal mischief today’s topic was requested by heuristic algorithm

    8465 Albert Dominic 140 and Eugene Moore 191 if you have any other topics you’d like to learn about subscribe and let us know in the comments section below number two chastiy Hobson in an effort to crack down on drug possession in Bernard County Texas the granite sches Police Department

    Uploaded a fake news alert to their Facebook page on March the 22nd of 2016 The hoax social media media post which reportedly garnered 1,290 shares and more than 200 comments suggested that supplies of certain illegal substances in the region of Central Texas could have potentially been contaminated with ebola The Savvy

    Police Department thus urged the public to take any drugs in their possession to their local police station or Sheriff’s Office so that they could be screened using a special device the fake news story was punctuated with the warning do not use the drugs until they have been properly checked for Ebola contamination

    Although the vast majority of the population wasn’t fooled by Granite shes police’s rather blatant attempt to catch unsuspecting drug users one unwitted individual took their cautionary advice very seriously 2 days after the post was initially uploaded to Facebook officers encountered 29-year-old Chastity Hopson after reive reports of a suspicious

    Person wandering the streets she reportedly had a small amount of illegal substance is in her possession and asked the police to test it concerned that her stash of drugs might have been tainted by the deadly virus the department subsequently announced that they had heard from their first concerned Citizen

    And had gladly taken the item for further testing shortly thereafter Hobson was arrested in charge with possession of less than 1 gr of a controlled substance for those of you who can’t quite get enough of these cases we will line up many more from some of our previous videos right after number one

    Stick around if you’d like number one Lucas chanowski following a 5day sightseing vacation in the summer of 2014 an elderly couple returned to their home in the burrow of Pendle in Lancashire England to find a strange man in their bed the Intruder later identified as 28-year-old Lucas chanowski had

    Reportedly spent the previous two days inside the home during which time he tidied up the house washed his clothes gone grocery shopping and cooked himself multiple meals Janowski would later tell investigators that he’d been evicted from his own residence and had broken into the couple’s house through an open

    Rear window believing it to be derel and unoccupied Upon returning home at around midnight on July the 14th the homeowners named as Martin halby and Pat Dyson immediately suspected that someone had broken in because their delivered newspapers had been taken inside and neatly stacked shortly therea the H be

    Became upon chanowski asleep in the master bedroom and shouted at him to leave the young man who reportedly spoke very little English simply cowed beneath the bed sheets until the couple dialed 999 and the police were dispatched to the scene in the wake of the incident chanowski was given the nickname

    Goldilocks in reference to the 19th century British fairy tale in which three bears returned to their Forest Home to find a woman sleeping in their beds the man ultimately pleaded guilty to bir burgy charges and was consequently ordered to serve 2 years of Probation and pay more than $200 in

    Fines an individual from we Kansas arrived home on April the 13th of 2019 to find a woman burglarizing the place Cherokee County sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the scene but upon arrival the suspect had already fled according to a statement made by the sheriff the homeowners weren’t harmed and the

    Burglary was thwarted before anything had been stolen during the course of the invest investigation law enforcement determined that the suspect was Kimberly Porter aged 24 the following day Porter was arrested in Pittsburgh Crawford County and then extradited to Cherokee County where she was jailed she was held

    In Li of $7,000 on charges of felony residential burglary and criminal damage to property her mugot LED people to speculate online that she might have been drinking or Worse on the job never a good idea number 11 oi burglars authorities in oai California were seeking The public’s assistance in

    Identifying two suspects responsible for burglarizing a local restaurant during the early hours of Halloween in 2019 the suspects had already left when the burglary was reported at approximately 3:40 a.m. law enforcement arrived at the bows and Bruise restaurant located on Ventura Avenue then made contact with the business owner who showed them

    Surveillance footage of the crime the video showed a man and a woman walking around the restaurant at one point the female suspect was shown crashing through a ceiling strike in a metal counter before hitting the floor reports indicated that she appeared to be heavily affected by the impact as she

    Stayed on the floor for at least a minute the suspects eventually absconded through the rear door with hundreds of dollars in stolen cash and several bottles of wine as of the latest updates authorities released a portion of the surveillance footage requesting anyone with information to Conta contact the oji police

    Department number 10 Legoland license after a 35m police chase a 21-year-old English man was apprehended for reckless driving and went asked for his Drive-In license he surrendered a fake one the incident unfolded early on February the 28th of 2022 when law enforcement attempted to pull over an Audi A1 for maneuvering recklessly on

    The roadway near Begley Southeast London when the suspect refused to stop Metropolitan and Kent police officers along with a police helicopter pursued it they caught up to the Audi on Bell Farm Lane in Minster Kent when the vehicle reportedly ran out of fuel the officers subsequently asked the driver

    For his documentation at which point he gave them a legol land driver’s license issued in 2003 the officers learned that the man had no insurance and was also found to be in possession of a large stash of cannabis the suspect whose identity was wasn’t disclosed was arrested for Dangerous driving failing

    To stop possession of a Class B drug driving with no insurance and driving with no license as of the latest updates the man had been released on bail until September the 1st of 2022 number nine Sharon Carr Oklahoma woman Sharon Carr was charged with first-degree burglary after

    A bag of Cheetos linked her to a Tulsa home invasion on February the 20 6th of 2021 shortly before 8:00 p.m. car allegedly entered a home near 51st and Sheridan streets through a window prompted a female resident to call 911 local police quickly responded but car had already fled by their arrival

    Officers found an open window with the screen removed on the front of the house they also found an empty Cheetos bag and a bottle of water which were apparently left by car while she fled the scene moments later they observed the suspect emerged from the Shadows at which point

    The homeowner identified her as The Invader her involvement was further established when officers found incriminating orange Cheetos residue in her teeth car was arrested but refused to give a reason for the attempted Breakin according to the police number eight Troy denell Baker that’s one two 3 times after robbing a credit union in

    Shreport Louisiana on November the 18th of 2019 a man clumsily fled the scene tumble into the ground several times and leaving behind evidence in the process the suspect was wearing a pink mask black hoodie and yellow gloves while brandishing a gun as he entered the wesler Federal Credit Union on

    Williamson way shortly before 11:00 a.m. after securing money from the tellers he fled but on his way out he tripped three times dropping cash and an urban camo mask the robber was later identified as Troy Donell Baker the 38-year-old was tracked to a home on Fuller love Street

    In bosia City he was taken into custody without incident by local police and the US Marshall’s fugitive task force Baker was charged with armed robbery and booked at the Cado Correctional Center on a $500,000 Bond number seven Leon saim parks on May the 30th of 2019 a man was found in the

    Trunk of a car delivered to at the Manheim Auto Auction in Pennsylvania the vehicle in question was a Dodge Challenger Hellcat which had been among a load of vehicles brought from the New York City area when auction employee Darren Leeds who was taking photos of incoming Vehicles open the trunk he

    Found the man according to Le because the man wasn’t moving a whole lot he immediately ran to fetch water for him the man was then taken to the hospital for treatment Northern Lancaster County Regional Police said that the individual identified as 25-year-old Leon saim Parks was a fugitive wanted in the state

    Of New York for a parole violation and weapons offenses police used fingerprints to identify him after which he was taken to Lancaster County Prison awaiting extradition to New York number six Tristan j h highle 27-year-old Tristian H highle fell from the seeding of a credit union in horen

    City and landed in a trash bin near police police officers law enforcement responded to an alarm at the vacation land federal credit union shortly after 2:00 a.m. on July the 26th of 2023 upon arrival at the scene officers reportedly heard noises coming from the roof over the credit unions drive through shortly

    After the roof access was opened a bag fell from inside followed by H highle himself as the man was trying to ease his way down the officer shouted on the ground causing him to fall abruptly into a tra crash bin hdle was quickly placed in handcuffs charged with breaking and

    Enter in possession of criminal tools and safe cracking he was booked at the Erie County Jail in Le of a $50,000 Bond number five Irvin Ortiz Guzman Arizona man Irving Ortiz Guzman broke into a phoenix home and got stuck in the chimney during the early hours of July

    The 28th of 2023 at around 1:00 a.m. police paramedics and firefighters recorded a residence located near 39th Avenue and Camelback Road Medical Crews monitored Guzman to ensure his safety while firefighters pulled the 47-year-old out of the chimney which reportedly took about 2 hours following the rescue Guzman was taken to a nearby

    Hospital for treatment where he was deemed to be in stable condition according to local authorities the residents knew the suspect but he wasn’t supposed to be at the house at that time because of a court order Guzman was facing charges of criminal trespassing and violating an order of protection number four Terren

    Cole in 2018 a judge speared a convicted Englishman from a life sentence telling him fortunately you’re not very good at this referring to the mans several failed robberies Terrence Cole from Liverpool tried to rob banks in alaton werry hton Liverpool City Center and Prescott in merys side between November

    The 23rd and December the 3rd of that year during the attempted heists the 61-year-old reportedly wore a scarf over his mouth and claimed to have a gun which was actually a gray hairbrush wrapped in tape he left empty-handed each time except one when he made off with nearly $500 Cole was arrested on

    December the 7th he told police he would have continued his robbery spree in order to pay off his $2,600 gambling debt the man was later convicted of one robbery and six attempted robberies during his sentencing in January of 2019 the judge told him that if he had been

    More successful he would have been facing a discretionary life sentence Cole was handed an extended sentence of 12 years which meant he’d serve 2/3 of the sentence and then be released on license for the remaining 4 years number three Jamie Neil and Gareth Tilly 41-year-old Jamie Neil tried to hide his

    Face with a clear plastic bag while robbing a store in the English town of St AEL on September the 27th of 2012 Neil was accompanied by 20-year-old Garett Tilly as he robbed at the co-op petrol station store Tilly demanded cash from The Lone female worker while pointing his phone at her pretending it

    Was a gun when the phone’s keypad lit up the worker realized Tilly wasn’t holding a gun so she pressed the alarm Neil subsequently wrestled with the worker before headbutting her and fleeing with several bottles of liquor CCTV images showing Neil’s face clearly visible through the plastic bag with were

    Distributed to local law enforcement 2 Days Later Neil was arrested after an off-duty detective Constable recognized him and call for backup Till’s arrest followed shortly thereafter in November the latter pleaded guilty to the robbery and was jail for 2 years in June of 2013 Neil was also convicted and sentenced to

    2 years behind bars number two Aurora robbery a video of a bungled robbery at an ecigarette store in Aurora Colorado went viral in 2023 the incident which unfolded on September the 2nd of 2018 was captured by the store surveillance cameras the footage showed the male suspect being greeted by an employee

    Upon entering the store the robber subsequently reached for his gun but it slipped out of his grasp and fell on the other side of the counter he then tried to get up on the counter to retrieve the weapon but the employee got it first so the suspect ran in a hilarious turn of

    Events the wouldbe thief’s pants fell down as he fled after it was seized by authorities as evidence the weapon was determined to be a replica handgun when the store owner was interviewed he said that the suspect was one of the world’s dumbest criminals number one Robert Charles Wooten after being arrested and charged

    With aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon a Texas man posed for his mugshot with what appeared to be a social security number tattooed across his forehead on December the 29th of 2017 40-year-old Robert Charles woen went inside the bio porn shop in the 5900 block of North sheeper Drive in Houston

    Although wooden’s face was reportedly covered in bandages a female employee still recognized him because he was a regular at the store the man allegedly grabbed the worker from behind and shoved a gun into her side demanding cash after the robbery wuen fled the scene in the aftermath investigator

    Connected him to at least six armed robberies in the Harris County area it wasn’t made clear when wuen was arrested but in January of 2021 he was convicted of five counts of interference with Commerce by robbery and five related charges of using carrying or brandishing a firearm during a crime of violence on

    February the 1st he was given an 0-month prison sentence of punishment additionally he received 420 months for the Firearms charges with the two sentences ordered to run consecutively thanks for watching would you rather experience a monthly reset of your memory or never forget anything ever again let us know in the comments section



    1. Mr Baker gave me one of the best LOL's I've had in a long time! Watching him flop around trying to run away was too much.
      If you're gonna commit a robbery, it's best to not tie your shoes each other.

    2. 27:33: This legit is MY bitch, car, whip, except mines not a Hellcat, same color & everything else tho, amazing!! 😊😊❤ Me & my family got & did far more time w mine a victimless crime per the judge even so this shit's infuriating.

    3. In the late 60s-early 70s you really could take your drugs to some college labs for testing without fear of retribution. A friend bad-tripped on acid which turned out to be nearly 5000 mcg, about 5-10x the normal dose. He was in a psych unit for 2 weeks. The police arrested only ONE doper? Now let them try it for a real situation where some contaminated drug hits the community and they need to warn the user community. "Fool me once…"

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