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    #49ers #Aiyuk #Deebo #NFLDraft

    And we get it rolling on the kug show hope everybody’s having a great day it is April the 2nd that’s right we made it past April Fool’s Day 908 on the west coast 8 minutes afternoon on the East Coast but none of that matters because we’re both hanging

    West guy Haberman in the house little dual stream with a guy and myself guy I saw you were kicking butt in the uh in the U in that little media Madness pool man you’s what’s the latest well I don’t know about the latest I mean the latest I it was the final four

    I think I was getting destroyed by Croc and I think um our buddy Brad you know it’s funny there’s a lot of people that don’t know Brad and then there’s other people that you know it’s like Brad is a force of nature Brad Graham and Brad Graham was taking down

    Last I checked was taking down the great Matt mayoko um and to a lot of people Mayo well I know I was up against mayoko I assumed I was gonna get my ass kicked um yeah well you know it’s funny I’m up against uh I was up against um uh the

    Guy who actually is the head of the of that website uh uh okay that’s that’s bad news for you yeah uh what’s his name Gara Rob Gara Rob stats G Guerrera and then somehow I encouraged my audience to rise up rise up I said and take me take

    Down stats and they did me they did me a solid then I had barrows in the next round and I’m like I’m losing to barrows I lose to barrows everybody loves barrows you know barrows is barrows and everybody loves him but somehow I got by

    Barrow but then I got in this round with Croc and Croc is has I believe put me away or is in the in the in the midst of putting he’s he’s your Caitlyn Clark there you go um we’ve got this one from Invader 49ers who said guy had throat

    Surgery yeah guy you don’t sound quite the same but we know you’re on the men uh tell us your tell us your your condition my condition is uh I had a RFK Junior transplant I was like make me sound like I want to run for president

    Let me sound make me sound like Trent bulky uh let’s see a week ago Friday so like almost a week and a half ago I had a vocal cord procedure some would call it a surgery there was a surgeon uh to laser a bump off of uh one of my vocal

    Cords that had’ been bothering me for like a year when I would do games especially like when I would try to project my voice so this is is just the uh the normal Rehabilitation when I texted you yesterday about doing a show I said if

    You can stand this voice for an hour we can do a show uh so this there’s no harm in me talking I don’t need to go lay down I’m uh I’m not doing damage to my voice by uh by talking so I just I just sound like this you know it’s not

    Laryngitis it’s not something yeah you’re not sipping on uh on on or are you sipping on tea I mean what is the rehab uh uh method is or is it just hey you know what just hang out it’ll come back yeah just do your thing uh don’t

    Push it but you know it’s I’m not screaming and yelling I went to Springsteen on Sunday I didn’t scream and yell uh and um you know I’ve got a vocal coach that I’m gonna start seeing uh she’s gonna make sure my they think it happened because my vocal cords hit

    In the wrong in the wrong place because the way I talk so uh you know I’ve been talking to I’ve been doing some vocal exerc I gotta do some warmups today I warmed up to get to this today Larry really how was the warmup uh Sprints any

    Any heavy lifting yep yep a lot of push-ups a lot of push-ups well we we’ll take you in any form dude because of course your content is phenomenal and we always love rapping with you um we’ll get get into a bunch of Niner stuff today um and you know

    It’s here we are it’s it’s the 2nd of April we’re inside the draft window the draft is literally 3 weeks away and the 49ers for the first time in a couple years have a number one pick because they did not trade this one for Trey Lance so surprise surprise the ners

    Are due to pick at 31 and the the big story surrounding the 49ers is a story that people I don’t know about you but I’m tired of I’m sure most people are tired of and that is the future of Brandon iuk and and what’s going to

    Happen to iuk you know it’s funny you get into the season well there’s a million stories right you know you go to to down to Santa Clara you talk to player a you ask him five or six questions there might be a story or two

    Out of that I go down there do the same damn thing there may be a story or two out of that then there’s the the stories that we see on the practice field and it’s like you look up and you’re like hey there’s like 15 20 stories in the off

    Season it’s usually not the way it goes um last year at this time there were a lot of people going Krug will you stop saying that Trey Lance is going to be traded he is our guy long term he is not going to be traded shut up about you and your

    Trades and sure enough he was traded unfortunately it didn’t happen till August so that was still four more months of this um but this off season the the kind of the story that won’t die is this Brandon iuk Willie wony do they want him do they not are they going to

    Trade him are they going to trade Debo you know they’re working out guys that are supposed to go in the middle of the first round but they don’t have a middle of the first round pick so that makes you think that maybe he will get dealt then you have people saying you know

    What they’re really Mike gapo from the NFL Network they’re very far apart in their two offers um and then the next day you’ve got Lynch hey you know we really want this guy and this and that before we get into smuk stuff where do you actually think this is I mean can

    It’s very difficult to separate the reports from fact do you think he’s a Niner always gonna be a Niner and you know um Shanahan and Lynch are absolutely in love and they’ll do whatever they T it takes do you think they’ve got a price and a c off point

    Where they’re like if that gets Beyond this we’re trading this guy or do you think that the the master plan is to trade this guy I mean if you told me the master plan was to trade auk for a mid-ir round pick take a tackle and then

    Take a receiver at 31 in this draft I could make an argument for some damn good receivers at 31 what do you think the master plan is with auk if you had to guess well I think the the master plan is for him to be Brock P’s catching partner for the

    Next seven years I mean I think that that is their ideal situation because I think when you look at his age you look at all their expensive players which if he stays he’ll become one he is the one that fits on Brock’s timeline the best right he fits better than KD and

    McCaffrey and Debo uh without like it’s not even close he’s on the same timeline as Jan Jennings from like a when he was drafted standpoint he’s Young when you pay Brandon auk you’re paying for his prime Larry you’re not paying for past performance and I think one of the worst

    Not one of the worst things but like I think in in some they fear the the um unlikely which would be somebody offering them a pick that they couldn’t refuse right somebody doing something illogical like offering a mid- first round pick for Brandon auk which does it

    Doesn’t make sense to do that you can get the third fourth best receiver with a mid- round pick in the first round this year so somebody shouldn’t do that like it doesn’t it doesn’t pencil but if somebody did that I mean for what’s best for the organization I

    Think they’d feel like God this is such great value even they know you’re not getting Brandon I Yuk’s equivalent right now maybe in three years maybe in two years but it in all likelihood not right now right but I think the most likely outcome is he’s

    Playing and I’ve said this for a while Larry that he’s playing this year on the fifth year option and I think the conversation we’re having about him now is like a more real conversation next year as it relates to deot so you think Debo may get moved next year is what you’re thinking

    Because I mean if you if you ask me and I’ve been talking about this the last couple weeks or last couple days I think auk’s coming back I think I think they are going to draft a receiver somewhere in their first two or three picks I would not be surprised if the Niners

    Drafted a receiver either in the first or second round um I could see it I could see it and then maybe a year from now trading Debo Samuel if that receiver comes of age a little bit um for maybe something that’s not kind of poultry in return you know maybe like a fourth

    Round pick maybe a fifth round pick or something like that next year to some team that’s not one of your arch rivals in either conference that’s kind of what I see as far as wide receiver I don’t I can’t imagine I I love Xavier um Le or

    Legette from South Carolina I see a lot of AJ Brown and him I was watching path to the draft last night and sure enough they made that comparison and it’s an easy comparison to make right they both played in the SEC they’re both big and strong and fast and physical um I can

    See that I can see Malachi Corley being compared to a Debo Samuel out of Western Kentucky um I can see those comparisons but it’s it’s such a projection I mean NFL wide receivers I mean Jerry the greatest receiver of all time um wasn’t great as a rookie you

    Know he was he was far better as a seconde player so for whatever reason and we could probably talk to Shanahan or some wide receiver coach about the intricacies of the the position but for some reason wide receiver is like a almost like a redshirt position where

    You can draft a guy and for every Randy Moss there’s like a hundred guys who just can’t do anything that rookie year and then come out in that second year and they’re like hey wow look at this guy this guy’s ready to roll you knows

    The offense he’s quick in and out of the breaks he’s you know he’s so refined and um you know it’s it’s it’s so I I don’t know that if you’re a team in a Super Bowl window that it makes sense to trade a a veteran wide receiver who’s cooking who’s an

    Allpro even if you get your handpicked receiver in the draft I just don’t know if it makes sense yeah well I don’t think you’re going to get you’re not getting a top three receiver even with an iuk trade it does not Mak sense for this year maybe it makes sense for six

    Years from now but you’re really replacing the guy that you know like replacing auk with another Receiver right now you’re replacing the wrong guy you’re replacing the younger cheaper guy right it makes more sense to replace Debo if you’re gonna replace anybody right now and when you you know the year

    To replace Debo is next year because his dead cap hit comes down precipitously so like that’s that to me is the window next year is the window um and you know the beauty with auk like he’s still showing up he’s still working out he still makes $14 million this year like

    It’s a significant increase in salary for him this year so it’s not like he’s playing on a $2 million contract so you know like what that means is he can afford to wait for next year’s contract he can you know now as for the receiver

    Part of it like the draft part of it I mean they’re probably gonna draft one to your point like I went back and looked at all their seven drafts this will be the this will be Kyle and John’s eighth draft okay in the previous seven drafts

    They’ve last year was the first year in which they didn’t take some combination of multiple receivers and running backs they’ve done receiver and running back or receiver and receiver or running back and running back every year until last year last year they drafted Ronnie Bell the year before it was Ty Davis price

    And Danny gray the year before it was Trey Surman and Elijah Mitchell the year before auk and Jennings 19 it was Debo and Jaylen herd 18 it was Pettis and Richie James 17 it was Joe Williams and Trent Taylor so they’ve taken nine receivers four running backs and almost

    Every year they take some combination of multiples of that position so they’re doing it Larry like they’re they’re taking a receiver and a running back or they’re taking two receivers or they’re like that’s going to happen in this year’s draft it just it happens almost every year for them it really shows too

    How difficult it is to handicap those two positions at its core because those guys have the ners have swung and missed and we’ll look at the niner draft history under Lynch and Shanahan later on in this stream um all right so I entitled The Stream will the 49ers draft

    Their next star wide receiver uh in this upcoming draft and um I don’t know I mean I I I think there’s I think this is a really intriguing draft for Star wide receivers I mean um obviously Harrison at the top Malik neighbors adun I’m not a huge fan of Brian

    Thomas I’m not a big fan of Troy Franklin either uh I’m not a big fan of lad mcon he scored two touchdowns all year then there’s ad donni Mitchell there’s the burner Xavier worthy Keon Coleman Roman Wilson Xavier leot or Legette Ricky peaw Malachi Corley devontes Walker I mean this is a really

    Loaded group Rice’s kid Jaylen McMillan uh Javon Baker from Central Florida who’s really good oh I like him mcaffrey you know his brother from Rice had a pH phenomenal year and then even down the list I think there’s some guys Marcus rosemy Jack Saint from Georgia I think very underrated player Isaiah Williams

    From Illinois very underrated player bub means from Pittsburgh can really run at 6’2 215 pounds there’s some guys who can really really run too in this thing you go deep down the list Ty Tyler harrold from Miami is a absolute Blazer at at uh six feet 210 pounds or so um there’s a

    Bunch of receivers and then we didn’t even talk about the slot receivers I mean then there’s then there’s a whole group of guys who operate out of the slot I mean Malik Washington from Virginia is amazing a lot of people like Anthony gold from Gould from uh Oregon State uh

    And anas Smith from A&M is a good player I’ve watched him for years jayquon Burton from Flor uh Florida Atlantic what do you think guy is there a receiver that that you think fits the ners specifically or is there a receiver that you like that you’d love to see

    Them grab in this draft well I mean I I I wish his name was something else because if just it it’s uh it feels too easy but I I do like Brandon rice a lot uh I like Jacob coing I don’t know if you did you mention Jacob coing at

    Arizona from Arizona yeah you know good receiver I like Javon Baker from UCF who you mentioned like uh you know they they had a really explosive passing game with a kind of inaccurate quarterback uh and they went through some quarterback issues at UCF this year they their guy Jr John rice P plumbley

    Got hurt then came back and um and they had a really good offense like they had two really good receivers they had a good run game it all fit together he catches a lot I haven’t looked at like his catch percentages or anything but what from what I remember he catches a

    Lot of stuff just like in his vicinity I think he’s a good catch a pass catcher um so I mean those are a few names but like to me that list can keep going and it’s just listening to you talk I I think they’re drafting multiple receivers in this draft even though it

    Feels kind of crazy to say because you look you go well they got Jennings um I don’t you know I’m I’m kind of past the Danny gray Ronnie Bell’s gonna have to earn it back right kind of situation so like to me it feels like a draft where you you can you can

    Draft multiple receivers and guys who will like maybe one of them starts returning for you right away the other you know what I mean like I think you can get some snaps because when you look around the team it’s just where do you find snaps for somebody just go through the position

    Right like where are snaps available Snaps are available at corner right now right there’s snaps available at corner maybe linebacker maybe linebacker there’s kind of always snaps available if you can earn them on the defensive line for this team yeah no doubt we we’ll see what happens by I guess the deadline is

    Tomorrow but there might be some snaps available at tight end depending right on what happens with Brock White and then offensive line potentially right there’s snaps available on the offensive line there’s not really a lot of snaps if you look at if we went back and looked at how many

    Snaps Ray Ray played last year would you have like 18 targets I mean maybe maybe that’s high but they but those are somebody has to get those targets so there is a spot for somebody to come in be a returner get 20 targets um and then become maybe a bigger piece of the

    Puzzle next year so you can kind of soft red shirt if you’re a receiver on the Niners so are you saying that any receiver of the Niners Draft has to have returnability you think no I mean like does Brendan rice he’s not a returner right he K he kicked returned a little

    Bit uh definitely Colorado he did yeah he doesn’t look like you’re but I think the return is different all of a sudden like I one of my early theories on the return Larry is are do running backs make more sense as returners now well they’re more usually more

    Durable you know they run lower to the ground like now it’s like a short area find one hole and hit it right right like I just wonder if the I don’t know the XFL kick returns I’ve watched were pretty they lacked creativity like so I my theory being you

    Need a like a running back who plays behind a shitty offensive line like that’s what your returner needs to be now because you got like linebackers out there trying to block in small areas like it’s just a weird it’s a weird deal all of a sudden and I wonder if running

    Backs will thrive in the new NFL kickoff so but to answer your question no I don’t I mean if you had to you could put I know people won’t like it you could put Christian back there um but you could put Ronnie Bell back there like whatever I’m not overly concerned about

    It especially if you take two guys take your best pure receiver first and then take a guy that’s a little more of a Swiss army knife second I don’t you know let’s hone in on Brendan rice for just a second what do you think of him as far

    As you know I mean do you think the Niners would be a good spot for him I mean you know there’s a there’s obviously the comparison to Jerry but Jerry to me it’s like Jerry is so so his his you know he’s so in his own category

    That I don’t really think anybody would draw any comparisons and say well is he as good as his D I mean obviously he’s not his dad his dad it’s like comparing Pete Rose to Pete Rose Jr or something you know it’s like come on I mean there’s there’s only one there’s only

    One Jerry um yeah but I like this kid and the and and there’s several things about his game that I really really like one he scored a touchdown on every 5.2 catches um and that’s a great you know that and if you watch him like he’s really he’s not the explosive athlete

    That Jerry was but he’s not a bad athlete and he’s got good height he’s got good size and then when you watch him um Brendan rice you see a guy who it’s like you can see that football is important to him you know what I mean

    It’s like the guy runs the routes and he does a lot of the things his concentration I felt seemed like better than the typical College receiver his um his all of his technique as far as just you know his hand placement when he would turn around his breaks in and out

    Of the brakes he just seemed like a more refined receiver than your typical than your typical receiver I mean he just he College receiver he just looked so much more refined um and obviously his father is the legendary Jerry Rice who was awesome at Mississippi Valley State and great with

    The Niners and the greatest wide receiver of all time but what what do you think what do you think is is is it better for Brendan rice to be a Niner or to not be a Niner I don’t think it matters because I think he can handle it

    Like I’ve watched him a lot in his career going back to Colorado he is not phased by being Jerry’s son and at first you thought well maybe he’s a Colorado then he goes to SC where the light is brighter it didn’t change him at all so I don’t think it matters one

    Bit to him if he’s a Steeler or a Niner um I mean maybe it matters to him but I don’t think it’s gonna affect him in anyway I think there’s a lesson uh in the Danny gray draft pick for the 49ers and I think Brendan rice

    Is a great example of the opposite I think one of the lessons for the ners and and this applied to Trey as as well but more so from a receiver standpoint Danny gray if you’re a one-trick pony if we’re bringing you in to say okay you do one

    Specific thing you’re fast and Debo and auk and Jennings they’re not fast like you so we’re gonna put you in specific spots where it’s a chance for the fast guy it’s going to be really hard to get on the field because in order to really earn playing time and earn a snap you

    Have to be consistent you have to to be even across the board you have to be a good routee runner a good pass catcher uh you’ve got to be able to do everything because these other guys auk and Debo they do a little everything especially Brandon right and so when you

    Try to fit a piece in who just does one thing to a lineup of guys who can do multiple things it’s really awkward it’s difficult to find a spot for that player where you put them on the field three times a game but then somebody else is

    Open because they ran a good route you know and I think what Brendan rice is is the kind of guy who you can give him I think seven to 15 snaps a game early and you’re not looking for him to do just one thing like that’s why Danny

    Gray can’t get on the field because you can’t give him 15 snaps because he’s only doing one thing right like to me Brennan rice is a little like the what what we saw from Chris Conley late in the year right what was Chris Conley he was on the field and ready for whatever

    The moment required of him and when the moment required him to run a route that he’ never run with Brock and catch the ball he did it and I think that’s Brandon because Brandon rice can run every route and because he’s so mature as a as a football player that I can put

    Him out there for 10 to 15 snaps and he will run the right Route 10 to 15 times and twice the ball might come his way so when you have specialty receivers what like Danny gray needs to be on a team or needed be on a team

    Where he’s like they’re bad and he’s like their number two guy and he just gets to run and run and run and run and run and four times a game they hit him and it’s like well it doesn’t matter that his routes weren’t crisp or he

    Dropped two balls on the ners you have to run crisp routes and you can’t drop the ball because you may not get another shot right and so that’s the type of player they got to draft they have to draft a player who can get on the field with consistency first and then that

    Will create production for that guy and I think that’s what Brandon rice is and I think that’s that to me is the lesson in Danny gray well and you saw the latest on Danny gray right with the whole yes yeah so you know I mean I

    Don’t know if Danny Gray’s head’s in the right spot to me just being in the locker room and being around him it seems like he lacks confidence and um I don’t know I mean I I I wonder about the durability of the kid seems like every

    Hit he takes is you know he’s he’s it hurts him um it just he just seems like yeah I mean I understand why Kyle wants him and I’ve talked to Kyle about this before hey the advantage of having the guy that can run off the the top of the

    Defense and and stretch the field and create space and and that’s what Danny’s there for but if you don’t get on the field you’re not creating Jack yeah you gota be you gotta be on the field for other stuff too right that over the top throw such a low percentage throw that

    If you can’t do other stuff then it’s you know what are you doing what are you doing so Brendan rice can do so many things that you can put him on the field in a normal situation and just expect that he’ll be in the right place at the right

    Time two other receivers I want to talk about one is this kid out of Virginia Malik Washington and dumpster fire Dan is in here twice he says give me Malik Washington for value and then he came back with I love Malik Washington I’d take him in the third or fourth round or

    Over most of these guys uh dumpster fire Dan and I are in a in lock step on this one we’re both uh big fans of of Malik Washington I I I love this kid he was a he’s a grad student he’s only a 5894 pound receiver started at Northwestern

    Transferred to UVA grad student he’s originally from Lawrenceville Georgia um and he was one of the 10 semi-finalists for the bitof award this guy just all he does is go out there and catch and catch and catch he’s also first team uh academic All-American so he’s a smart guy he was

    Voted a team captain so he’s somewhat somewhat of a leader um you know this guy was great in high school he was great at Northwestern uh he’s great at Virginia um you know he was a three-time scholar athlete in high school so I mean he’s he’s that kind of

    A guy lettered four times in track um you know claimed a State title in a national championship in 2017 in the 4×100 meter relay uh honor roll student pursuing a master’s degree in higher education I mean this guy’s and then if you watch him and you saw this year for Virginia

    Virginia was not a good team this year but man this guy was everywhere I mean he may he his bad game was like nine catches for 91 yards and a touchdown I mean this guy had huge stats all year long um have you seen Malik Washington

    At all from Virginia and and and I guess more importantly can a 58 receiver you know succeed in the NFL to the point where you would take him on day two uh I mean to me you’ve got a better shot you know Kyle Shanah you just have a better

    Shot with coaches who know how to get you into space I don’t know how did they use him Larry like was he running end rounds well he did he did a little bit of everything I mean l Lally they they ran them on Cross short crossers across

    The middle of the field they ran them on on hitches uh they ran them on downfield routes um he’s quick he’s he’s a little bit more powerful than you think um he he kind of has a Tyreek Hill Vibe without that explosive speed he’s not quite as he’s not the Speedster that

    Tyreek is but he’s got the same body type he’s thick he’s powerful he’s explosive in short areas I mean I’m I’m just interested in in good player you think if you think he’s a you think he’s a second or third round pick at 5’8 I think he’s a late

    Third probably early fourth round pick I mean I I would like return he can return yeah he can do some returning um I I I just think yeah he’s one of those guys that he’s just very productive very uh very mature um you know carries you know runs the runs the routes

    Correctly um you know really good at using your movement against you um he’s good I mean I mean he’s yeah Joey Nicholls says he’s nowhere close to Tyreek but he’s a good player no he’s not he’s not Tyreek but he’s built like Tyreek he’s got the Tyreek exact I mean

    If you want to say what’s he built like he’s exactly Tyreek U but he doesn’t have that kind of ridiculous speed he’s more of a moderate speed guy but he’s very quick in a short area and he’s incredibly productive and it’s not like the guy played for you know some tiny

    Little division three thing he played in the ACC and he did it against some some top tier guys I really like him quite a bit the other guy I wanted to ask you about was McCaffrey’s brother I mean what do you think of McCaffrey’s brother two years ago he’s a quarterback last

    Year he was a receiver for the first time and he had a bust out year he ran a 447 he’s got pretty good size uh when you watch him though there’s something kind of underwhelming about his movement it’s like is he really faster than Christian I don’t know I mean he he was

    For the stopwatch but I don’t know if he actually is as field fast as Christian he to me he looked he looked good but not great he looked you know Dependable but not special um have you looked at McCaffrey’s brother at all yeah and I’ve and I’ve you know I’ve watched all the

    Mcaffry as most of us have I love the idea of converted quarterbacks at safety at receiver at linebacker sometimes you get a linebacker that’s a converted quarterback but you often get them at safety um and I really like him at receiver just generally speaking I’m intrigued by him he does not look faster

    Than Christian to me but Christian also looks like he has you know taken a lot of um track instruction in his running right when you watch Christian run you see a person who appears to have worked on their technique with in a in a way that’s

    Created and he looked like this back in college to Christian ran from a form standpoint this way back in college um and it’s efficient now Christian doesn’t really run away right when it comes to like runaway touchdowns unless there’s a significant Gap he did in college not as

    Much in the NFL with the Niners um I’m intrigued by him but you know to me like this would be a low this would have I I wouldn’t take him on you know six seventh sixth round I mean I don’t know where I haven’t looked lately where he’s

    Projected but that feels about right doesn’t it seventh round undrafted you talking about Luke yeah um they’re saying he might come up there’s a lot of teams that like him and he may him off the board uh end of the third or beginning of the fourth that seems that

    Seems like an overdraft doesn’t that seem unlikely to you when I first saw him I thought you know what this guy’s like a six round pick um and I usually go with my first instincts and now I’ve watched him a little bit and I think yeah maybe a late

    Fifth but I’ve heard talk that there’s that he’s very popular among NFL personel people and that he may come off the board earlier um to me I would say fifth round is The Sweet Spot there the other the other question guy I think which by the way Larry if if they

    Draft him the fifth round that might make him the second receiver they take so if if that’s the case that’s fine to me yeah yeah and then there then there’s the question of how many receivers can you possibly have on your roster you have Debo and iuk and JJ you have Ronnie

    Bell you have you know they have uh Tate Martin they have Danny gray I mean are they you know are these guys are you know here’s the other question I would say too is that the receiver market and this is the the thing I mean it’s not

    About iuk because IU’s an all pro the best guys get paid I mean Calvin Ridley you know whatever 92 million and you know 50 million guaranteed you know it’s like there’s money out there for for great receivers but I’m looking at the receiver free agent pool right now just

    The receivers these are the receivers now it’s granted it’s March or it’s um April 2nd so free agency is come and gone for the most part these are the receivers that are still on the market this is a pretty in intriguing group of receivers Hunter Renfro Allan Robinson o

    Obj Michael Gallop Tyler Boyd Michael Thomas mvs Marquez Valdez scantling Kendrick Bourne DJ CH Jamal agnu mcole Hardman who was traded last year to Kansas City shaem Grant who might not be a bad ad as a return guy uh Lisa Chenal who I’ve always liked um for whatever reason hasn’t happened

    For him he’s out there Maris Goodwin Chase Claypool who they’re saying may go to Canada I’ve always liked clay pool I don’t know what the hell happened with that guy you apparently you don’t hang out with him yeah well yeah I don’t hang out with him but he had a nice Rie year

    And then he just kind of evaporated um and then a couple other guys I mean Trent t laquin Treadwell those guys are just kind of guys Trey Nixon’s not bad who was with New England he’s 26 um but I mean that’s a decent group of of wide receivers that you could just

    Sign off the street today if you didn’t want to draft one but I think they want to draft one they do it every year yeah they do it every year I mean they’ve drafted nine receivers in seven drafts so they want to draft a receiver Larry

    They like doing it now now they might do it in the seventh round right they did Ronnie Bell was in the seventh John Jennings was in the seventh they get they actually have a pretty good eye for seventh round receivers so that might be their you know that might be where they

    Do it that might be the second guy they take I think they’re taking a guy earlier than that though but I you know um I would not be in a rush on any of those guys you named because you you are paying for 15 catches to 25 catches

    Right that’s what you’re paying for or it’s almost like an insurance policy unless you had a guy I just I don’t pay for thought was a return man like jaem Grant is an interesting name he’s not a great player but jaem Grant is a very good returner and if you wanted to have

    A you know a lightning quick return man I don’t know about his health but if he was healthy I’d be interested in him I you know I I still what are these returns going to look like I mean I would imagine they’re studying the XFL but yeah I mean I hope they’re

    Studying you watch them like they’re these returns were a mess from a block standpoint well just nothing nobody there’s zero creativity and I don’t know if because the coaches don’t have it or they didn’t have enough time for it or you just can’t do it but like rarely did you see

    From from I just watched like somebody put together like clips of all these it’s like occasionally you’d see like a pulling a pull block right but mostly it’s like dudes blocking one-on-one and it’s just chaos yeah chaos so I don’t I don’t exactly know what it is we’re going to

    Get here um unless you feel like you know and maybe some of these guys do feel like they know uh and I would imagine like they’re getting on the phone with guys who coach in the XFL to ask them um I don’t know I I wouldn’t make I

    Wouldn’t spend too much money on a return guy before I even know exactly what kind of return guy I need um you know it’s funny I’m I was just scouring the internet before this morning before the show and there was an article article out by somebody named Chris part from yard Barker four

    Potential Landing spots for Brandon iuk um and you know it’s like these rece you know they list the Steelers the commanders the Texans and the Jaguars uh as potential homes for Brandon iuk the one thing I would say about kind of you know dovetailing our previous thought I could see if you’re

    In the market for Brandon iuk or any veteran wide receiver it’s probably because you’ve got job security issues you know um and and I say that because it just seems like you could draft the best receiver in the game you could in the draft and yet you may have to wait

    Three years um where if you get Brandon iuk gon a trade you know you’re getting a great player right away now he’s you’re getting a great player who doesn’t know your system but you’re getting a great player I just think of like Jacksonville and Pittsburgh as you

    Know I mean Trent balky may be fired if they don’t go to the playoffs this year I don’t know uh maybe he’s willing to make a trade because of that you know Mike Tomlin I think’s got a win um in in Pittsburgh I know he’s been a winner but

    He hasn’t won in the playoffs in five years um you know that they’re interested is not a shocker to me so it’s when I see these teams Houston I don’t know I mean Deo is going to be there a while obviously Washington’s a brand new regime they’re not going

    Anywhere anytime soon but I would say the real attraction of an iuk is that you know you’re getting a guy this year can play yeah I saw I heard uh I don’t know if you heard Doug Doug Peterson at the uh League meetings the owners meeting whatever the league meetings the

    Other day I heard an interview that he did where he’s like you know yeah the next step for Trevor Lawrence is just like in the big moments to make the right plays I was like God that’s kind of a God if that’s the question you have about him that’s kind of a major

    Question to have about this guy uh they’ve invested in receiver for him I agree with you I mean like the team that always quote unquote made the most sense even though it makes no sense was the Jets like would they do something desperate at 10 right now the idea that

    Someone’s gonna offer you the 10th pick for Brandon iuk feels pretty insane but that’s the point it’s like the Niners would have to get their socks blown off and somebody would have to be a little irrational to offer them a pick that feels that special right like that Jags thing you remember that

    Jags rumor whatever the hell that was a ago and it was like the 17th pick and Z Jones the the reason whoever came up with that idea included Z Jones wasn’t because the ners have like some desire for Z Jones it was because the Jags were

    Saying save us $6 million and take Z or whatever the number was take Z Jones if you’re getting the 17th pick right that’s my theory on that whole thing a seem random it seems reallyand was random but like my point is just that 17 and Z Jones like you don’t if you offer

    17 for Brandon auk tell me if you agree with this you don’t have to add more like 17’s a hell of an offer for Brandon auk right yeah I I I mean personally b a more than fair offer for Brandon iuk you don’t have to add players I I I hear you

    But at the same time there’s a bust rate of course I wouldn’t take it I’m just saying based on what receivers get traded for Larry yeah right 17 is a very fair offer based on what the market is yeah I just you know my whole thing is

    It’s kind of like the Buckner with the kinlaw thing it’s like you know uh you know you’re getting Buckner you know what Buckner is you know the Niners are getting the pick and they took kinlaw with it well they don’t know and there’s a bust rate or there’s

    A you know there’s a rate where um you know somebody says Larry Dr says Larry thinks uh iuk is worth the top five pick no I don’t I’m just saying I I personally would want a two for one in any situation when I’m trying a vet trading a veteran player that’s

    Producing and good and you’re giving me a draft pick I want two draft picks why because there’s a bust rate there’s a there’s a there’s a Mis rate on the draft picks you’re yeah yes you could get Brandon auk at 177 or you could miss

    So it’s like and I’m trading you a sure thing so all I’m saying is I would like a two for one I would like at least two picks for one two bites of the Apple if I’m giving you a guaranteed thing now it doesn’t have to be two high picks it

    Could be one high pick one low pick but I just want two picks that’s just me yeah I mean of course but Larry if if I’m offering you 17 I am not offering you another pick like that’s a hell of a value right but if you’re offering me 17 for an

    Established receiver you odds are you need that established receiver to produce for you next year for a reason and there’s only so many of them so to say hey I’ll take your seventh round pick or sixth round pick in addition may not be a deal breaker but that’s what I

    Would ask for I would want a 17 and like a a late a day late day three pick just so I could have one more chance to find a replacement you know I mean that’s really what it is you’re trying to find a replacement and I wouldn’t

    Trade him for 17 understand I’m with I agree with you but I just when you look at like Tyreek you look at these trades like history says that Brandon yuk is not gonna get you the 12 the 13th pick in the draft you know you’re just

    Not no a lot of times people would say hey if you got a late first that would be good all right let’s talk about another position I want to get your thoughts on safety where are you with the 49ers at safety I mean they’ve got uh taleno hanga and they’ve got uh Jer

    Brown but aanga is coming off um you know an injury and he was injured a ton in college and Jer Brown is a is a second-year player they’re probably both better at strong safety than free safety but um where are you with their safeties I mean they’ve been talking to just uh

    To Julian Blackman you know there’s talk that John Lynch may bring back taan Gibson who I’m not a huge fan of just because Gibson to me will catch interceptions but he’s not great and against the run and he’s not great against the pass and so I don’t love him

    But I’m looking at that safety spot I’m thinking fonga hurt we don’t know about Brown exactly and then it’s a very physical position the rest of your guys George odm’s a special teamer the other two guys are are more just kind of stop Gap uh replacement level players you

    Know practice squad guys what do you think do the Niners need to sign a safety uh before before Camp starts and you know do you have do you have any you know thoughts on on potentially what could be out there for them I mean I I I do like Julian

    Blackman um going back to college right he he is like a he’s one of these prototypical Utah tall defensive backs um but I don’t think like you’re not drafting that spot with any expectation that you’re going to get help right away right this year so even though it’s not

    Ideal I think some combination of brown hunga and Gibson can get you through the year um it’s not ideal it’s not the first option but I think if you’ve got those three guys playing safety for you you have professional NFL safeties and you’ve got Ward maybe you’re drafting a

    Corner right maybe you’re not but you got Mooney Ward you got Lenor you got an all pro linebacker hopefully you got a better pass rush and you just get you get through the year with a guy that’s been a pro bowler at another guy that

    Might be but maybe he’s not um it’s it’s kind of weird really Larry right now the situation they find themselves in because it felt like at one point you know hunga was an all pro and I I talked to my buddy will Blackman a while back

    On the channel and he’s like people do not understand how good this guy like this guy is all that and then other people kind of think like yeah it was he’s an all he was an all pro but is he really he’s not Ed Reed an all pro right

    Um and there there feels like there’s a redundancy with him and brown skill sets that makes you wonder if Jer Brown was actually here to replace Hua not play alongside him right like they don’t feel like they don’t feel complimentary really it’s not cam chancell and Earl

    Thomas but that said huun is a hell of a player Jer Brown’s a hell of an athlete he got a shot so if you had to play the two of them together this year I’d be into it like I’d be okay with it even though I don’t think it exactly fits but

    I’d be okay with it because I think they’re both good players you know what I mean um and I don’t really know what your other options are I guess you if you go Julian Blackman fine and then maybe he and brown replace hunga eventually but maybe taloa comes back

    And has great year I mean that’s very possible right he he had an injury that he should be able to bounce back from and he never really was it wasn’t about his speed it was about his brain his anticipation so he should come back from injury I think as a good player

    Still but that that’s where that’s where I’m out with them that’s where I’m out with them looking at the safety free agents guy I mean Jamal Adams Justin Simmons uh Eddie Jackson quandre Diggs I like quandre Diggs quite a bit um Micah Hyde Tracy Walker Marcus May jron curse

    Uh Adrien Phillips taan Gibson if you go further down the line uh you got guys like um uh who else is interesting on this list uh well Julian Blackman of course and and um you know is there is there any safety on the jron curse is a kind

    Of an interesting name what what do you is there any of those veteran safeties that you look at and say because I’m not a big fan of of taan Gibson I just don’t think taan Gibson plays tight coverage and then I I watch him as a as a runfit

    Guy and he just doesn’t always take the right the right run fit so it’s like okay he’s he can give up big plays against the Run he’s not a great cover guy so what does he give you he gives you like if you overthrow a pass and

    It’s just lofting in the middle of the field or gets tipped he’s got a great knack to pick it off I think the guy’s got like 36 or 37 career interceptions um but other than that and I understand why on the tail end of Ward and tart they they were attracted to

    High productive interceptors but to me you got to do something more than just be a high productive Interceptor at safety I think Gibson’s one of the reasons the ners weren’t very good against the Run are you saying you don’t want to miss like safety three or or you would

    Not want him like that’s that’s how I think of him well I mean I I just think if he comes back he’s gonna be safety two and okay because odm is safety three and your special team I mean odm’s a special teamer I don’t I don’t think if

    If they had to start Odum from scrimmage I think they would be looking for somebody off the street um so what do you think of huanga and brown together I mean I like hanga but hanga um wasn’t help healthy in college and is proving not to be healthy

    In the pros and I think he falls off tackles I my son did have a stat a couple weeks ago that was amazing that the ners were amazing against the Run pre hfa’s injury and then after the hunga injury they dropped precipitously against the Run he’s really good at

    Attacking the mesh point he’s really smart uh understanding when to play you know run or pass I just see him as a liability and coverage and a guy who falls off blocks at the line of scrimmage he just to me he seems like a even if you don’t love him a pretty good

    Option given the position they’re in right now yeah I mean he’s yeah if he’s healthy but I don’t think there’s is there do you have much I mean I guess you know until you’re proven healthy you’re unhealthy but the timeline should line up pretty well for him to come back and be

    Healthy but I I just wonder if they if they were kind of already planning to replace him well and if they do replace him you know this is a decent draft to replace him in and and this I’m really glad we have you here because I know how how

    Much you watch the Pack 12 many of the top safety guys are Pack 12 guys let me throw a few of them your way you tell me give the list um you know these are the Pack 12 safeties that that are really you know I think viable for the Niners

    There’s Cole Bishop yes that’s the guy there’s number one you like Cole Bishop I love Court Bishop there’s kayln Bullock from SC there’s Jaden Hicks from Wazoo um really good player there’s Katan oladapo from Oregon State yeah who’s got kind of the the bleach top he

    Kind of bleached the top of his hair he he is intriguing to me there’s Evan Williams from Oregon that’s your scouting report he bleaches that’s why I remember him um who else who you who did you just say Evan Williams from oh Fresno State Patrick M McMorris from

    Cal who was a transfer from San Diego State who else is on oh here’s a guy that I know the ners have looked at they’ve looked at uh the combo safety running back from Utah sonone vaky vaky yeah vaky two years ago he was a running

    Back and got forced into action in the Rose Bowl to play corner and played okay um he’s a good player they last year they had some uh running back injuries and uh made him a running back like the week of a game and I think he went for over 100

    Yards so maybe he could return I gotta go back and look at his game log but he’s he’s interesting and then I was telling you before the show the the guy that really stands out to me is um is Jamal Hill from uh from Oregon who 6

    Feet 225 you know he’s I is he a linebacker is he a safety but man you looked at that workout I mean the guy ran 44 he had a 40inch vertical he made one of the most amazing interceptions of the year I probably think he’s more of a

    Linebacker than a safety but um I I there’s no doubt I’d want to draft him Jamal Hill I mean anybody go watch that guy that guy’s he wore 19 for Oregon he’s just a just a monster I mean this guy’s a big-time hitter he’s he’s he’s really really really physical he’s fast

    PH has some dominant traits and kind of plays with a Swagger um of those Pack 12 safeties who do you like I love Bishop really yeah tell us what you love about Bishop well he’s he’s been a guy that’s he kind of played right away for them he’s physical he’s

    Fast um he is a uh you know I think to play safety for Kyle Whittingham requires a lot intellectually they’ve had they’ve done it before there where they’ve moved quarterbacks to safety just because they ask a lot and he’s a guy that was an instant impact on keep

    In mind on really good defenses right like he showed up at Utah at a time when uh they had a bunch of star player like first round picks and multiple levels of their defenses cornerbacks linebacker pass rusher and he played basically right away for them I think he’s from uh

    Peach Tree City Georgia which is the uh golf cart capital of the world or at least of America they’ve got like their whole town has like bike paths everywhere people just drive Their Car golf carts um sounds nice so I like him Katan oladapo from Oregon State I like he’s

    Really just uh he’s a physical presence I I’m looking at him listed at 61 he’s a big dude um and again like if you’re drafting defensive players from Oregon State or Utah what you know you’re getting is physical players tough-minded smart physical players so uh he fits in

    That he fits in that category really all of those guys you listed Larry were for the most part were pretty productive I thought I I thought Patrick McMorris would come out of this year as like a top three round guy and I don’t that didn’t exactly happen um Evan Williams

    Is a solid player not Uber fast but again like super smart right playing for Dan Lanning uh so like all those guys were really productive players they played in a league that threw the ball a lot but also had excellent running backs the last year the Pack 12 was

    Highlighted as the year that you know Washington went to the playoff went to the championship game but I think one thing that really happened in the league was you had a bunch of really good quarterbacks and a bunch of really good running backs so to play defense in the

    League required you to stop the run and stop the pass so all these safeties I think come in having seen physical run games and dynamic pass games good quarterbacks so that’s a list of really good safeties um that’s a list of really good safeties like faky also intrigues me

    Just because of the way he played last year like he they just plugged him in a running back he play a running back so yeah those think about Lanning Oregon State Utah uh USC is not known for its physicality on defense so [ __ ] bollock but you know several of the guys you

    Listed came from really physical really physical programs um and most of them had to tackle most of them had to tackle what do you think of this one tdb is vy’s better at running back maybe that’s why you draft him yeah I mean he he fig

    Out he’s a he’s a combo there’s no question he’s a combo player um what is the Niners primary need if you said going into this draft is I mean people would say oh it’s offensive tackle but they yeah it’s pretty obvious that Kenan you know loves Trent Williams and really

    Likes Colton mckivitz and they’re looking for more help but doesn’t sound like they’re looking for a plug-and playay guy and then um defensive tackle but they just signed a couple guys um corner but they’re you know six seven deep there and really you know you know

    I don’t know how it’s kind of it’s kind of debatable how how Prime you know Premier the or at least how primary I should say the um the that position is what about linebacker what do you think I mean is linebacker the biggest need I mean they signed DeAndre Campbell but

    They’re not gonna have Dre green law um I’m looking at some at The Mock Draft simulator at 31 they could be staring at Edan Cooper who’s phenomenal from A&M Payton Wilson from NC State who had you know he’s the bnov award winner this year and he had a crazy workout I mean

    Just an amazing workout but injury concerns I love Cedric Gray from North Carolina a ton to me he’s a he’s a lock to be really good Jeremiah trod from Clemson very very productive player I mean they may be staring at the best linebackers in the in the draft at 31 do

    They dare draft one there what do you think I I I I think they should dare I’m not saying that they should do it but I would be open to it like I do think offensive line is big need I I do think you can get a good offensive lineman at

    31 but if you don’t think he can plug and play this year that it may not be worth doing uh at the I I did this yesterday on my show Larry but I’d like your reaction to it in the last 25 drafts going back to 1999 last 25 drafts

    The last five picks of the first round is what I looked at so the range that the Niners are in right picks 28 29 30 31 30 29 30 31 32 yeah 28 29 30 31 32 14 offensive linemen have been drafted in those spots in the last 25 drafts 14

    Total three of them became all Pros half of them became good players for their team so it’s 5050 that you’re getting a good offensive lineman in the last 25 years in that spot not great not great if you’re play guy this year there’s so such a such a um you

    Know the quality of offensive line play in the NFL has has declined to such a point where I think that there may be teams reaching for offensive lineman in this draft that may be even a bigger number this year of people kind of taking a swing at an offensive lineman

    But it it kind of speaks to the need and the difficulty in evaluating those players yeah but there’s also difficulty in evaluating Corners yeah in this area because I do think that’s a need like you said there’s a lot of guys but there’s a lot of guys that you’re com

    With coming off the bench right unless you yam do you like Isaac yam we have you and I haven’t talked about him I do actually like him I you know I liked him before he went to the Saints and then this year he had a really good year at

    The with the Saints he was at Boston College he’s a Long Tall corner I think he’ll compete uh for a spot I I like him as a I think he’s kind of an underrated free agent pickup you know since they got him at kind of a cheap price too I

    Saw somebody in the chat CH said uh demerson Texas Tech Deon Taylor demerson well I watched I watched his film and you know all I would say was hyperactive tackler I mean that guy’s just everywhere he plays super fast he’s not the biggest he’s more of a grab and drag

    Type tackler he’s not a thumper he’s not going to hit you and you’re just down but he’s so freaking active and he’s so hyperactive I mean it’s amazing how his energy is off the charts yeah he the key to their def when he got hurt at the end

    Of the year it affected them on defense like he’s a he’s a very good player uh so that’s another guy like but he’s old you know like you you might be drafting a fifth year senior in this draft like I don’t love that idea right early

    Um but anyway I say all that to say corner is like I’d be open to a corner if you said if you said to me the 49ers are if you said Larry Krueger reporting the 49ers have decided they’re going to go BPA at the end of the first round

    Best player available what positions should be in their box where they would go BPA right offensive line linebacker safety I would put linebacker in the category of like who should be in their BPA box there you know what I’m saying like I I’m I’m I’m in this mode now

    Where forget BPA I would want to Target I like the way that Brad Holm and the lions are doing it I get the feeling when I’m watching their war room that they have a small board and that they’re targeting certain players that they really really love and then they’re

    Going after those players Brian Branch jir Gibbs the tight end from Iowa all these guys feel like you know we we don’t just want a tight end and we’ll take the best guy on the board and feel a need we want that guy and if we don’t

    Get that guy then we we don’t even want this position maybe we’ll go in a different direction so it’s it’s it’s like BPA but it’s your BPA right your board’s BPA I like that like like I’ll give you an example at corner I love Max Melton from ruter right he’s smart he’s

    Tough he’s physical he ran in the four threes uh if you watch him against the Run he’ll step up and start you I mean he’s a big hitting Corner who runs 43 who’s smart comes from a football family his brother plays for the pack

    Um you know I mean he’s he’s a he to me Max Melton is a is a really really good draft choice well he’s projected to go in like the 50s or 60s or maybe in the 40s and the Niners pick at 31 well if you love him take him you know um that

    Would be you know that’s a guy like if that you know I don’t want any corner it’s not like I want I just need to have a top corner I want a you know I’d handpick like a half dozen guys that I Cooper de de is from from Iowa who’s a

    Is he a corner is he a safety you know returner he’s he’s he’s a football player you know a lot of people really really like him and think he’s a real talent um couple thoughts here before we finish up there is this is now we now have a pretty good

    Track record of the Shanahan Lynch combo drafting um it started in 20 2017 with that disastrous draft of Solomon Thomas over momes and Watson and then Ruben Foster at the end of round one followed by a Kell Witherspoon CJ bethard Joe Williams it wasn’t even the best

    Williams running back in that draft from the state of Utah they took Joe Williams I I I saw it who was the best state of Utah Williams running back well it was Jamal Williams Oh and I saw it come across the board and I’m like ah Jay Williams Oh the Niners got Jamal

    Williams from BYU I really like that kid I’d interviewed him before the draft I’m like hey Jamal Williams that’s not bad and then all of a sudden I’m hear oh no it’s Joe Williams I’m like what but they got KD in that draft and they did get DJ Jones

    And that’s kind of saved that whole draft um but that was a bad draft okay so then that’s 2017 2018 they reach for mcglinchy at nine overall he’s a right tackle um and then they go Dante Pettis in round two bust but they did find Fred

    Warner in the third round by the way draft mlin ahead of Colton Miller what’s that they yeah mlin Colton Miller goes after mcglinchy I think has to be mentioned yeah bad draft though another bad draft tarvarius Moore kentavius Street DJ Reed got out of there Marcel Harris Julian Taylor Richie

    James I mean what did you get you got Fred T you got Fred Warner good player but that’s basically your entire draft that was 2018 right 2019 was their best draft right they had BOS on Debo uh onew then they missed on Jaylen herd in the third round but they got wishnowski

    They got green law in the fifth round um so that wasn’t bad that’s a pretty good draft Bosa Debo green law wishnowski you got four starters uh you know some some Pro Bowl caliber players then 2020 they they make the Buckner trade they draft kinlaw that wasn’t a

    Good pick but they did get auk at at uh 25 they took Colton mckivitz Charlie Warner and they got Jawan Jennings in the seventh round so even though they only had five picks uh and they missed on the first you know it wasn’t horrible then Charlie Charlie Warner played 65

    Games I mean played every game basically for four years for a six round pick that’s pretty good that’s not bad then the 2021 draft is also kind of a circus because they traded up for Trey Lance uh Trey Lance became a bust they did get

    Aaron Banks out of it they did get a Ambry Thomas out of it they did get demo Lenor and aonga and Elijah Mitchell all on day three with Jaylen Moore so that’s actually a even though Lance was a whiff and Trey Surman was a third round whiff

    They did okay in the rest of that draft I mean those are that’s a pretty good rest of the draft they just whiffed on Lance um and then there’s 2022 they have Drake Jackson to this point a bust TDP no longer with them Danny gray this point a bust Spencer

    Berford I don’t know what you’d say about him wac I like they got Nick SEL and but then of course what saves this draft is they got Brock pie in the seventh round so bad draft but py in the seventh is pretty good yeah burford’s I

    Mean if you said in this draft the Niners are going to get in the fourth round an offensive lineman that plays basically every game for the next two years You’ be like oh probably solid and I’m like well but he only plays like half of every game like oh that’s weird

    Uh so and then this this last year just what I would say about Spencer perers like really has served a purpose but also should not be just anchor at that position is rep is you know you should be trying to upgrade him as well or he

    Upgrades himself but not bad he’s had a little bit of an inconsistent um you know football card I mean he was good as a rookie he wasn’t as good as a second-year player we’ll see what he is as a third-year player yeah yeah TBD um

    And and then this last year Jer Brown in the third round they didn’t pick till the third round but they got Jer Brown they got Jake Moody cam La 2 derell lutter Robert Beal D Winters br Willis Ronnie Bell Jaylen Graham there’s some players in there I like Jaylen Graham um I like

    Lutter Moody’s your kicker Jer Brown’s a pretty good pretty damn good safety whether you know what what position he settles in on strong or free we’ll see but I mean decent draft but overall what would you Larry I I think the 23 draft it could go either way right now but if

    We did kind of trend arrows on every one of the players in that draft like it’s not like two are trending up Moody and brown Jer lat’s not lutter uh everyone’s talks about it but we’ll see Beal again it’s early like you these are fifth half

    Of this draft is day three more than half of this draft is day three right one two three four five six seven seven of the 10 guys 70% of this draft is Daye is Saturday so it’s it’s unfair to them like Ronnie Bell that’s a f it’s been a

    Really good seventh round pick so far for what a seventh round pick is if a seventh round pick might be one of your top four or five receivers that’s that’s fine but we right now it’s trending towards two starters out of that draft which okay should the Niner fans have confidence in

    Lynch and their drafting I mean we don’t one we don’t know how much of that was Adam Peters how much of that was Lynch how much of that was Shanahan how much of that was Rand carthon how much of that was you know Tariq or any of their

    Scouts or whatever we don’t know uh we don’t know who’s banging the table for who was it coaches involved um you know Steve wils when you watch the video of this last draft seemed to be really hyped for some of their picks like he

    Maybe had a a big say in some of the some of the selections uh I don’t know though that for sure but I mean how do you feel about the ners ability to draft um because they I mean if you just take if you just take their first two picks

    Let’s say in every draft Solomon Thomas Ruben Foster Mike mcglinchy Dante Pettis Nick Bosa Debo Samuel Javon kinla Brandon auk Trey Lance Aaron Banks Drake Jackson Ty DAV price Jer Brown Jake Moody do you see what I’m saying there it’s like there’s you got you got brown and you got

    Banks and you got auk you got Bosa and Debo and that’s it you got five you it’s one two three four five six seven drafts and in the first two picks you’ve got five good players and and you had 14 picks in those seven drafts in the first

    The first two I don’t know it seems it seems like a it seems like if they’re going to be competitive with these lions and and Packers and all the best teams in the NFC and the teams that are getting better their hit rate has got to

    Be dialed up a little bit better than what it’s been is that being too critical or you think that’s no I don’t think that’s critical I I do have confidence in him but I don’t think that’s too critical um I also think if you if we look at like some of those

    Names you just mentioned that didn’t work right Drake Jackson Tre Lance Javon kinlaw uh those three stand out to me as guys who were M are project well and Drake there’s still time for him but um you know he was kind of a let’s take a shot

    On a projection in the second round it almost feels on a few of these guys well actually what I was about to say probably wasn’t fair but um yeah like it makes you wonder should they emphasize College productivity with their first pick this year that’s what that’s my kind of snap judgment reaction

    Should it be an emphasis on College productivity and if you’re saying at none of these offensive linemen at 31 are going to Plug and Play so you’re talking about development don’t love that then right like if they’re drafting an offensive lineman at 31 like I want that guy to

    Play like I want them to think he’s good enough to play now because they need their offensive line to be better if it’s not going to make their offensive line better this year go somewhere else make your team better this year with that first pick that’s because I I think

    The that offensive line draft thing I gave you earlier looking at it yesterday one of my conclusions was the way you’re gonna replace Trent Williams is probably just with a a real you might have to spend a ton of money to replace Trent Williams or a ton of draft Capital to

    Replace Trent Williams you just you may not be replacing him with a 31st pick in the draft or a second or a third round pick right that’s a that’s a hard ask so maybe that’s not what you’re trying to do here you’re just trying to plug in a

    Guy that can play and you’ll worry about replacing Trent later as opposed to H let’s get a guy develop him maybe he can become Trent like that that might be too small of a of a Target that you’re trying to hit so that that’s my take that’s like going through it my first

    Reaction is maybe you need to emphasize College productivity early now part of this to right is like it’s tough all these picks are not equal Jer Brown was a third rounder Drake Jackson was 61 like the end of the second round so they’ve you know sometimes their first picks if not

    They’re not top 15 picks the one that was was kinlaw and mcglinchy and you know kinlaw was a Miss mcclinchy was a starter on a you know Super Bowl team but not what you would have wanted so all that said I they do find good players they do they’ve consistently

    Found good players just not in the spots necessarily where you think they will um interesting report I’m just seeing now on ners Nation says the 49ers had interest had interest in former Bengals free agent wide receiver Tyler Boyd and he says and says potential this is Kyle posy article potential backup

    Plan for Jaan Innings question mark um what do you think of Tyler Boyd now he hasn’t signed yet from what I can tell um does that does that give you any indication uh if you know there’s teams that are interested he’s he’s he’s still a free agent he

    Could he you know according to Kyle posie he could still be a valuable addition to the ners he would serve as a reliable Plan B if Jaan Jennings were to sign an offer sheet elsewhere while it’s uncertain if the two could coexist in this offense as both players

    Excel in the slot Boyd’s potential signing offers a reassuring backup plan for the team we kind of hit on this before that the crop of free agent wide receivers that’s still available here in early April is kind of an impressive group um what do you think Tyler Boyd in

    A lot of ways always kind of hung in the background behind Jamar Chase and T Higgins but man when the game started he was always really really valuable you know what I mean it’s like nobody talks Tyler Boyd until all of a sudden it’s game day and it’s like you gotta cover

    This guy I would be all about that if they could get a if they could get a Tyler Boyd to now I don’t know that he compliments the rest of the receiving core but it does make you think if they went for a Tyler Boyd or or I guess I’ll

    Ask you what do you think when you hear the Niners have or had interest in Tyler Boyd does that make you think that there’s going to be a receiver trade that they’re preparing for uh you know some kind of Joan Jennings departure or is that just hey you know what damn good

    Receiver out there who with good ball skills get him and and stack him and and uh give yourself more options going into the draft I don’t know feels like due diligence meaning in case Jawan is gone in case somebody offers us something for auk let’s get an idea what’s out there

    And what it would cost but to me I don’t like I wouldn’t sign a contingency plan and then get stuck with that contingency plan when you don’t need it financially doesn’t make a lot a ton of sense to me you know what I mean like if you were preparing for what if Jawan

    Leaves well then there’s enough receivers out there that you can just wait till jaan’s gone right he’s not leaving so feels like due diligence to me I mean you know this a team that also likes to add players during the year so you get a chance to meet with a guy

    Maybe he comes up somebody gets hurt what’s our list look like in October you know uh like I do think teams do that right so um it feels like due diligence I don’t quite see where he fits in and to me like he would be a weird he

    Had 91 targets last year that’s a lot he had 67 catch why would he come to the 49ers like doesn’t make any sense for him like you’re GNA go the only way he’s a Niner right is if they’re moving off of one of their top three guys

    Yeah right I mean they’re they’re not they wouldn’t could you see a scenario where they signed him and didn’t move off of their top three guys I don’t think so why why would he do that unless he felt like the Niners were some uniquely position team to win the

    Super Bowl Brandon Allen’s like bro you gotta come yeah I mean sure well yeah maybe maybe the Brandon Allen Factor yes but I don’t I just it seems like a weird thing it does it seems like he’d be worth more money to somebody else is the point totally yeah you know um last

    One Colin coward do you watch a lot of coward uh yeah are do you probably know him huh you probably are friends with him I friends I’ve met him over the years yeah so coward did this whole Soliloquy the other day and and sometimes I’m like man this guy’s great

    And then other times I’m like ah this guy sucks you know as far as or he’ll get like super into his point the point that he was making the other day I don’t know if you saw this but his point is that once the ners

    Sign Brock pie to that to that big money extension he’s making a million bucks or two million bucks now I guess with the uh adjustment in the cap uh that little stipend he got the other day doubled his salary stien 700 something grand um but he basically his point is that and once

    The ners sign him that the ners will become the cowboys that they won’t be able to compete that they’ll just they’ll they’ll have so much money tied up like the Cowboys have tied up in Dak they’ll have all this money tied up in a quarterback that’s good but can’t really

    Get them over the top they’ll have to you know what I mean they’ll have to to some they’ll be they’ll be a competitor but they’ll be like on the outside they’ll be a team that makes the playoffs but they’ll be a team that’s not really a Super Bowl title Contender

    What do you think what do you think is is is he on to something there or is there is he missing something that we’re or am I missing something well I go ahead yeah I mean first of all as always creative take like just from a from an

    From the as let’s if we’re grading the take good take he’s got the Niners he’s got Brock he’s got the Cowboys I got M that is a money take right there uh and I understand the logic I do think there’s logic to it but what I would say

    To Colin is I don’t think the primary flaw for the Cowboys has been that their quarterback’s not good enough I think the primary flaw for the Cowboys has been that their coach is not good enough like to me Dak with Kyle Shanahan’s a different a much better player like or at least

    Performs better there’s no question that Dak is overpaid but I don’t think his coach is getting most out of them and for the you know for a good period of time when you watch the Cowboys like they have had skilled player talent and good defenses I think their flaw has been

    Their head coach so I’m also not convinced yet we’ll see but the ners are going to have some leverage and the 49ers might treat negotiations with Brock more smartly than the Cowboys did with Dak I think the Cowboys were enamored with the idea of having a another one of America star quarterbacks

    In Dak and he’s a lovable guy um but I’m not convinced that when Brock signs his contract it’ll be the biggest contract for 10 minutes in the NFL for a quarterback we you think it’s gonna be a step or two beneath that we’ll see let’s let’s here’s the beauty we get to play

    This year out and see what Brock does we have a we have this year and the Niners will have the leverage on the following year on a player who’s made so little money relative to what they could offer him in like the middle of tier one QB

    Money so I think the primary diffence to summarize my Counterpoint the primary difference is not uh the primary difference is the coach and I think Kyle’s a better Coach than Mike McCarthy I think by a wide margin ESP think yeah go go good no no that’s

    That’s that’s it so so anyway the point is like I think he is getting at a very interesting the interesting question that’s got debated last year and will be debated again this year and will be debated again for years and years unless the 49ers won a Super Bowl soon which is

    Is Brock really the kind of guy that deserves the top of the quarterback Market money is he really a guy that elevates the players around him or is he just running an offense more efficiently than most people can but lacks the ceiling to carry a team we’ll see I

    Don’t know the answer to that yet I think to act as though we know that he’s a carrier I don’t think that’s correct I don’t I don’t think we know that he’s a carrier I think he’s got to do it more and I think he’s got to do it with uh a

    Lot on the line I don’t think he has to do it with less but he has to do it more times uh for for me to believe that like okay you pay him whatever the top of the market is and he’ll take your $7 million receiver and he’s gonna he’s going to

    Get that guy 70 balls we’ll see we’ll see the the jury I I Am pro Brock I Am pro Brock the hazards of doing a show like this I am Pro Brock I like him I like them even when you remove the money but we this thing the jury it’s not over

    And done yet like Dak we know we’ve known what he is right with Brock I don’t I don’t we’re not exactly sure yet exactly where that ceiling is so um you know that’s what that’s what this year’s going to be about but it’s possible I don’t think it’s like I I don’t think

    What he says is crazy you pay the wrong quarterback you can’t win a championship I mean that is that’s true but the 49ers have a better Coach than Dallas and I think the fornat also have a better organization I think Dallas is you know run a lot by Jerry and his kid

    They listen to their Scouts but they don’t listen all the time to their Scouts and so I think their draft record is kind of Hit and Miss but as we stated before the niner draft record is a little bit of Hit and Miss um all right

    Man good stream the LA the last question on the way out the door I said the last one was the last one but this is the last one is there just non Niner I always like to finish with one nine non Niner question um in the next three weeks we

    Going to hear all kinds of dialogue about the top of this draft and the quarterbacks we’re already hearing about it Caleb Williams Drake May JJ McCarthy Jaden Daniels Bo Nicks Michael penck Spencer Rattler Michael Pratt uh Joe Milton III I mean there’s you know Sam Hartman I mean there’s there’s always a

    Lot of talk about quarterbacks if you could have one quarterback out of this quarterback class who do you want Caleb you you believe in Caleb yeah I think he has been uh without Pier when compared to these other guys I don’t I don’t think these other guys are in his category I

    Also like Michael penx I like those that’s my guy my guy’s penx I’m going with penx I like penics but um you know he ran the sub4 five uh sub you know sub four4 I mean I mean he guy ran fast and um and got a huge arm

    And he was great this year for Washington I saw that game against Utah he just made play after play after play it seemed like he just kept putting the ball in tight windows from odd trajectories I will say this by that was his great I mean that was it was great

    But that was like everything worked that day yeah I mean also there’s something really weird about penx though that makes me uncomfortable in that he seems like he throws from odd trajectories for no reason at all you know I mean it’s one thing if like hey

    Man you were being rushed off your left you had this linebacker coming off the corner and you know you change your arm he sometimes just looks like he just kind of lowers his arm angle and just kind of shoots it out there for without proper mechanics for no reason at all

    Yeah he doesn’t use his lower half yeah he’s he’s really an Armand freaking monster um but the the arm speed the I mean the ball speed the you know the playmaking ability the you know I mean he’s just he is he’s a different thrower of the football and I think you saw it

    In Indie would you have the guts to take him first Larry no no but I I’ll say this um I definitely if you said to me how many quarterbacks are going in the first round I don’t think there’s any doubt Kay Caleb Drake McCarthy Daniels

    Nicks penx I think all six go in the first round yeah yeah uh I do you like Nicks more than penck or you like pen more I like penx more you do yeah but Nicks is more athletic Nicks is a more durable player like penck you know came as a beat up

    Player to udubb and never had an injury really like he did at Indiana he had multiple ACLS he had a shoulder injury by the time he got to Washington but he did get beat up in games you know like multiple games would end with him just like doubled over

    Happened happened multiple times at the end of the year so you know it’s not a durability qu I do Wonder like is it because he he’s he’s sneaky athletic but uh he got peppered behind a good offensive line he got hit a few times you’re like God that

    He is in pain that’s a painful position so maybe it means nothing like he held up he didn’t break a rib he didn’t bust a shoulder he didn’t uh tear an ACL again or whatever but uh and maybe I’m looking at it maybe the the way to look

    At is the flip side like he took big hits and kept playing and played well that sort of thing were you a Jaden Daniels man at ASU back in the day I was yeah so you’re not surprised that he went to LSU and lit it up um I was a

    Little surprised in the sense that it kind of felt like I had already been proven wrong at Arizona State like oh I guess he’s not as good as I thought so I’d kind of give it up I I had sold my stock I’m like well all right I guess

    I’ll sell my stock and then he you know I’m like I’m like the guy that sold Bitcoin at 5,000 he’s like well I don’t get to claim that I knew it was going to be 62 70 you know that’s right Bitcoin all right guy good stuff man what do you

    Got cooking the rest of your day um you know I I thought you got through the stream with the with with the uh you know the voice uh Still Still you know healing up I thought I thought it went smooth but what do you got cooking the

    Rest of the day well you know the question is not if I’m going to get through the show it’s whether the person the people listening to this will be able to get through it uh that’s the question so uh I got to get a few things

    To my tax guy and I got to uh maybe go to the I’m going to play uh Wy went w n te tomorrow golf course in Livermore supposed to be nice like a Vineyard my buddy uh to’s uh you know toy well Count’s buddy is is the starter out there the starter what’s

    His name remember get his first name gosh I for I forget his name but um but he’s the starter out there so mentioned Towny but also uh um I’ll tell you Wy it’s I like the layout you’re gonna get a lot of sun there’s not a lot of shade

    On that course it’s a it’s a it’s a sunny course it’s out in the middle of out in the middle of you know no trees it doesn’t seem like I need some sun tell me I need some sun but yeah I mean I like that course I

    Even like some of their wines I’ll buy their wines that you know I mean certain bottles yeah I like I kind of I don’t know anything about I don’t know anything about wine I’m not a I don’t know anything about wine either but I I

    Know what I like I you know I I like kind of a smooth red I’m not a I’m not I’m not a white Wine Drinker I can’t drink white wine nothing no I don’t like chilled wine but I like uh a nice red one a nice uh Mero or Cabernet or a

    Certain select Pino noirs there you go there you go uh anything you want to promote you got anything coming up that you uh that you’re doing besides your golf at Wy everybody get out to Wy and and you know provide a gallery hit that like button

    On my uh on my on my round of golf tomorrow uh I think I’m gonna do some Lombardi and I are goingon to do a show Thursday nice uh Thursday morning so uh t for that yeah good good stuff thanks to pig and a pickle for being the title

    Sponsor of the crew show thanks to guy thanks to all you guys and have a great Tuesday enjoy the day peace careful you


    1. As much as we love Deebo. Its time to start lookong for his replacement. Hes not getting any younger and has some wear and tear. Oline is the most important priority right now

    2. They need to trade BA now before is too late let’s not do what we did with Debbo “ send him to Jax 17th & 3rd rd pick”. Name last QB who won SB was not top 5 and elite

    3. I expect them to draft OT in first round. If they don’t like the value of what’s left at that point, I think their next choice will be defensive back. 3 starters in the secondary will be free agents after 2024.

    4. For all the complaints about the 49ers drafts over the years, they put together one of the best rosters year after year. Their hits are HUGE hits. No one hits on all of their picks. They are doing something right.

    5. Jacob cowing is a short yardage specialist but he can also run routes and win on man coverage. He would fit perfect in the shannahan system. Id take a flyer on him and bet on him to replace deebo as a gadget wideout. Hes not as big as deebo obviously but hes a bubble screen guy and lethal after the catch. If he pans out you could trade deebo next year and free up some cap.

    6. All this Aiyuk trade talk is a smokescreen for them trading Deebo. Deebo the diva is just not a good WR or a good RB– hes just a gadget player. Too dumb or lazy to learn how to run routes, just unforgivable…

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