Wout van Aert, Mads Pedersen, Biniam Girmay all part of mega-crash in Dwars door Vlaanderen days out from the Tour of Flanders. #Dwars

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    A new big crash behind and lots and lots of riders down oh my word and wat fard is down wat fard is down we wonder whether it was a risk coming up to the Rond of fandra and w fat could be seeing his Flanders dreams Going Up in Smoke he avoided the big

    Races earlier this season he came down from altitude he’s now hit the ground looks as Mar Peterson’s down as well and that’s an absolute shocker that’s an absolute shocker oh you can hear from the effects microphone that there are big name Riders down and Bam gay is one of them M

    Pson just taking his helmet off and checking himself former world champion yasper st’s down there he is in some distress wal fat also looks like he will not continue today Alex Kish is back on his feet there’s a rider down there from asan and Kazakhstan I’m afraid that this if you’re just tuning

    In is a real shock to the system and this is the site that no Fleming wanted to see we always thought that he would be a cobble Monuments Man but it looks as though injuries might get in the way this year ship


    1. That wasn't wind. It looks like a drainage line, or camber, but definitely an uneven surface, which would be nearly invisible to many in a peleton 😢

    2. this is for sure one of the worst* crash i have ever seen on pro cycling *worst as for tragic, brutal, speed, impact … … actually this sport is so cruel i could mentionned quickly 10 like these one just in this decade … …. one could tell that Wout was not so used to so few races and such hunger of victory at the same time…

    3. Sneu voor Wout, super kerel en een geweldige coureur en persoonlijkheid. De andere pechvogels ken ik niet zo goed, wel qua naam maar verder niet zo. Beetje lullig commentaar van mij masr ik wens allen een spoedig herstel. ❤️‍🩹

    4. It's a pity that everything turned out this way… How long did Van Aert prepare for Flanders and Roubaix, and all for nothing… He even shortened the calendar to better prepare for them. I hope he will at least go to the Giro, but even there he will not be in the best shape … 😕

    5. I started road cycling because of Wout and it really sucks to him go down like that. Prayers for Wout! Come back stronger and better! You’re an inspiration! ❤️

    6. I love this sport but, my God, it can be so devastatingly brutal! This is so heartbreaking for Wout. He has multiple fractures: ribs, sternum and collarbone and is still hospitalized after surgery. It will be a long, painful recovery for him. So sad… 🙏

    7. Wout, as a cyclist you are one of my heroes. Heal up brother. Take all the time you need. I am sorry for your disappointment in being injured. It's never fun. My prayers are extended to you and your family.

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