With worldwide economic chaos now an accepted reality, the early 1930s were a strange time for the world. Some countries could sense the gathering storm from the political revolutions happening in front of their eyes, while some carried on blissfully unaware of what was to come.

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    Two world wars tore the heart out of the 20th century they are a rent in the fabric of history and at the center of the bungle Journey from water war is a story of global want Despair and hopelessness of the Great Depression its awful consequences and its Heroes you look at the 1920s and you think you know there were some good leaders there there was bond in France there was ston in Germany you know there were there was a potential for Europe to really get back to to to a normality and you look at the the

    Disappear of those people from the scene and you look at who is actually in power when a real crisis hits the world and the real crisis that hits the world in this period is the Great Depression and it hits a number of countries very hard [Applause] indeed in the United States the

    Depression bottomed out in 1932 production had fallen by 25% investment 50% prices 10% only unemployment had risen to more than 20% in 1929 American corporations booked 10 billion in profits in 1932 it was $3 billion in losses is our entire banking system declared former treasury secretary madoo does credit to a collection of

    Imbeciles there are 40 million people in the developed States unemployed Millions more on halim World Trade is halved in that period you can’t imagine that happening today and the consequences were were profound massive poverty everywhere a strong sense of social dislocation also a strong sense of capitalism didn’t work

    And growing fears that perhaps communism would come out of the Wings and suddenly begin to threaten the Western World and so on and so on it was not a depression exclusively for industry it was the Great Depression and it was for everyone 150,000 American homeowners lost their properties in

    1930 200,000 in 31 and 200 50,000 in 32 in 1929 Global business had been worth about $32 billion to the American economy by 1932 that had shrunk to barely a third and it seemed that there was nothing much that anyone could properly trust as low as menacing a point as any

    Came at the end of July the battle of anacosta Flats as good as sounded the death nail of Hoover’s presidency when he sent troops to contain several th000 First World War veterans assembled in Washington to demand early payment of the war service bonus they had been promised it’s War

    The greatest concentration of fighting troops in Washington since 1865 using armed Cavalry tear gas and tanks the Army Commander grossly exceeded his authority driving the protesters from their camping grounds at anacosta flats and putting their shelters to the torch Hoover who had not been responsible for these excesses was

    Vilified the commander who was responsible went on to become a national hero his name was Douglas MacArthur there’s a very famous film called I am a fugitive from a chain gang where the hero who has tried to play straight follow the American dream has lost out of every every chance he’s been

    Introduced by and betrayed by the American state in one way or another and at the end his girlfriend he comes back and he sees her very briefly you’ve escaped a year ago why haven’t you been in touch I can’t they’re following me they’re there they’re everywhere and she

    Said will you stay no I can’t I’ve got to go but but you how do you how do you live how do you how do you eat and he says I steal I steal and that line whispered line I steal it’s it’s it’s it’s makes the hands of back of your

    Neck stand up this is Hollywood as the votes in the 1932 presidential election were Ted Rural America was in a desperate State cattle are dying off by the thousands from starvation and from thirst a veritable plague has visited the once prosperous Farms of the section we’ll have a revolution in the

    Countryside in less than 12 months B Ed O’Neal of the conservative Farm Bureau Federation the Democratic nominee the governor of New York had as his signature tune for the 1932 presidential campaign Happy Days Are Here Again his name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt he swept aside the incumbent in the most one-sided election since

    Abraham Lincoln’s victory in 1864 and look my friends like a real Landslide this time he’s by Nature an experimentor a pragmatist let’s try that let’s try this let’s see what works if something doesn’t work don’t get discouraged we’ll try something else that mood of uh optimism gayety empathy experimentalism and a

    Deep deep faith in the American experiment and Republic which he never lost is what makes him a politically indispensable figure convicted of tax evasion the once all powerful Al Capone faced 1932 in a less upbeat mood Public Enemy Number One they don’t come any bigger than Alon

    Capone from the nothingness of a small time bouncer Scarface Al has risen to control to a crime and vice Syndicate that grosses $100 million a year his identity card at the State penitentiary in Atlanta Georgia Records the following details sentence begins May 4th 1932 date of birth January 17th 1899 occupation

    Gambler and there is a careful description of the three scars on his face Scarface in Britain the politically and personally promiscuous politician Oswald Mosley formed the fascist party in 1932 he’d been to Rome and that’s what musolini had advised him to do so he did it in Imitation of musolini black shirts for which follow was paid 5 Shillings each stiff arm salute a

    Lot echo down the edges saying onw it was quidd proquo for the substantial amounts that Italy was sending to fund his movement we will meet him again the world capital of adoring fans was in Soviet Russia where the orchestrated elevation of Mar Beyond the Horizon of mere Humanity cranked into overdrive in

    1932 when Pravda the official party newspaper told its readers of an astonishing Discovery all of the Articles it had published under Lenin’s name had it recently learned been ghostwritten by comrade Stalin you had to lie you had to repeat the party’s slogans and so on otherwise Stalin would kill you as the Russian

    Maxim had it you lied like an eyewitness Stalin’s image was everywhere and communism was no longer a political movement it had morphed into a [Applause] religion and the most electable scent produced by the government perfume Factory was called breath of Stalin propaganda was the air people breathe during the 1930s and you could

    See it in particular in Russia Alexander Wolcott writing from Moscow in 1932 noted I have been here long enough to learn what the major industry of Soviet Russia is it is printing pictures of Stalin Stalin you know was quite open about it he said to nades krupsky um

    That if she didn’t behave he would make someone else Lenin’s widow um which is rather nice of creating his his own piece of History the official view found little to applaud a British Embassy report of 21st June 1932 described a record of overstaffing over planning and complete incompetence

    At the center of human misery starvation death and disease among the peasantry men women and children it continued are left to die in order that the 5-year plan shall at least succeed on paper it would have undermined the propaganda of the Soviet Union to admit that after 15 years of socialism of

    Bevic rule in the Soviet Union that they’re not able to feed their own population the minutes of poit Bureau meeting 93 of December 6th 1932 concludes the Council of people’s commissar and the Central Committee call upon all Collective and private farmers who are honest and dedicated to Soviet rule to

    Organize all their efforts for a merciless struggle against kulacs in order to defeat in their Villages the kolac sabotage of grain collection obligations to Soviet authorities you could easily become being labeled a kulac by you just having two Cals instead of the average one that hardly makes you a major capitalist

    Right you might be branded a kolac because you hired other workers okay you’re engaging in capitalist mechanisms of paying other people to work on your farm but that actually discriminates against some of the most vulnerable people in in society discriminates against the elderly or the disabled in Italy in the doctrine of

    Fascism of 1932 Bonito musolini wrote If the 19th century was the century of the individual it may be expected that this one may be the century of collectivism and therefore the century of the State in Ireland where the Eucharistic conference was attended by more than a third of the population it would be the long fought for time of self-government and in 1932 Amon deera came to power Amon deera was an AER and school masterly figure but he was a brilliant

    Politician and in many ways he becomes the dominant figure in Irish politics when he is elected Premier in 1932 and in so many regards and the Ireland that you see for the next 30 Years is the Ireland that has been created by am deera deera would introduce a constitution

    Which among other things was a major setback for women embracing as it did all the rigidity of his Catholicism 97% of of ourish people attended religious Services once a week so it was one of the highest figures in the World in Japan Ultra nationalists planning to kill 20 moderates succeeded in murdering two Dan Tuma and an noi Jan Nuki as in Nazi Germany murder was a powerful political tool the attempted coups that take place the in the incidences of violence that take place during the early 1930s are clearly scary

    People do worry you know leading politicians had very good reason to worry that they might be the one who was attacked next and and fear is a is a powerful is a powerful thing I think On January the 29th 1932 Japanese carrier based aircraft bombed the chapai District of Shanghai atomizing The Fragile Buildings it was perhaps the first major bombing of civilians it ruffled feathers but no one did anything and President Hoover made clear the basis for ab ion from any intervention these acts he said do not imperil the freedom of the American people it was a fatal indifference which

    Would rebound against America almost 10 years later when uncheck Japanese aggression reached the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor the Nazi election slogan of 1932 was simple to the point of banality sad depressed dejected faces look at us in a drawing it is an election poster but it does not name any political

    Party it says on Leta Hof Our Last Hope then in very large letters one name Hitler Hitler could not conceivably have risen to power had it not been for the fact that millions of Germans were were were out of work they were dissatisfied and Hitler notoriously said there are no

    Economic problems and there are no economic Solutions there are only political Solutions the rotten democracy of viar is responsible for your hardships and your sufferings and what is required is a trans formation of Germany led by me a charismatic leader who will punish the people responsible

    For your ills um and that is the Jews and the Bolsheviks on February of the 26 Hitler swore his oath as a civil servant in the office of State culture and measurement in Branch it was a hastily contrived Arrangement which technically gave the Austrian German citizens ship allowing

    Him to become a candidate in the presidential election in 1932 13 million Germans voted for the Nazis but this was not enough to put Hitler in power he was not to achieve the chancellorship by his own efforts he was put there by fools whose arrogance persuaded them they could manage this

    Vulgarian you know you had all those people from those old families who thought Hitler was just a little jump top Corporal and they didn’t take him seriously until it was too Late we engaged him for our own ends said the deplorable France ysf Herman Michael Mario Von papen of kernigan Born Into nobility and wealth Von Pen’s appointment as Chancellor was according to France’s ambassador to Berlin met with incredulity Andre f P said that paren was taken seriously by neither his friends nor his

    Enemies German people desire nothing more than to live in peace in order to turn all the energies which they possess to the great problems which will have to be solved to bring about reconstruction of the world after the war papen called Fresh elections following Hitler’s resounding defeat by Hindenberg in the presidential election

    At the general election support for the Nazis continued to fall the movement’s appeal had clearly peaked and we won’t get to an absolute majority this way Geral confided to his diary Prussia went to the polls after the presidential election and the Nazis increased their presence in the lunag campaigning with energy and an

    Airplane Hitler lifted his part’s representation from six seats W in 1928 to 162 seats other states Bavaria vitberg anhalt followed the trend it’s a fantastic victory said ger their success revealed the narcis to be in Richard J Evans phrase a Rainbow Coalition of the discontented by 1932 the the sa the

    Storm AB tyum the brown shirts outnumbered the small army allowed under the peace settlement by 4 to one so too did the Reich spanner paramilitary wing of the social Democrats and the 300,000 strong stalh Helm a paramilitary veterans organization there were 400,000 storm Tre in uniform it’s hard to imagine now or then

    Such a private Army being tolerated much less applauded in any more mature democracy its influence on the Democratic vote as people entered polling booths past scowling thugs is hard to assess fear was already sending people across the borders between 1901 and 1932 Germany had 25 Nobel laurates in

    Physics and chemistry compared to the USA’s five the majority would flee national socialism eight such Refugee scientists worked on the Manhattan Project building the atom bomb The peace conference that opened in Geneva in February 1932 had been 6 years in the making and there was an almost Universal optimism that it would secure the peace that had been a general aspiration and was seeming increasingly fragile almost Universal representatives from 64 different countries are arriving at the

    Conf conference Hall Geneva for the meeting which it is hoped will result in a world reduction of armaments they were boyed by petitions from every continent comprising millions of signatures for 18 months they would debate then Hitler would pull his delegation out which euthanized the whole Affair To What climax are the millions

    Of loyal followers being led by their forceful leader Adolf Hitler withdrawing from the disarm conference resigning from the League of Nations Hitler has frayed the world’s nerves AR fresh there’s so many wh ifs you know could it have been stopped because of course the thing is when you begin to

    Get the breakdown of the international order if one person gets away with something or one country gets away with something that encourages others Aldis huxley’s chilling Future Vision was published in 1932 he called it Brave New World On January the 1st 1933 the newspaper Frankfurt as iton proclaimed the mighty Nazi assault on the Democratic state has been rep and the vicha zitong declared the Republic has been rescued in just 30 days Adolf Hitler would be installed as Chancellor and it’s no accident I think

    That when the viar Republic ended in 1933 it ended through a small conspiracy by those conservative Elites who thought here was their chance they could get Hitler into power they could manipulate him and they would restore somehow what they’d lost in 1919 in January 1933 Hitler threw royalties

    From mumf and gifts from supporters was comfortable indeed already a millionaire his home was a large apartment in a fashionable part of Munich his transport was a chauff for driven Mercedes limousine he never learned to drive and party headquarters was literally palatial its staff had grown from 56 in 1930 to

    275 he was rarely out of bed before noon and frequently holiday in the chal he’ bought in the Bavarian Alps so life for him unlike that of most of his fellow Germans was not bad and then at half 11 on the morning of Monday January the 3 30th 1933 it got

    Better president Paul Von Hindenberg administered the O of office installing him as Chancellor the people around president Hindenberg felt they could use Hitler and use the Nazis and use their support that they’d use them to establish a conservative authoritarian government and then they’d just get rid of them of

    Course the Fatal mistake they made was not to understand that Hitler was thinking exactly the same thing and he was going to get rid of them and so I think human error has a lot to do with people such as Hitler Hitler SW to uphold what he had long since vowed to

    Destroy the laws and Constitution of the Republic the weekly news reel shown in cinemas throughout Germany comprised six stories in the first week of February they included a ski jump horse racing and a hor show the swearing in of Adolf Hitler was the sixth and final item on the

    Program adol Hitler leader of a German national movement is made chancellor of Germany and Berlin goes wild in celebration of his victory torch Lights Parade like the Berlin night as backers commemorate his victory by marching through the streets and through the Brandenburg gat the appointment of Hitler was not a

    Miracle though it confirmed his view of himself as an Unstoppable man of Destiny it was just a Shabby shameful bungle what were they Thinking under the viar Constitution the office of Chancellor was little more than cabinet chairman and government decisions had to be by cabinet vote so so cleverly as they thought president Hindenberg and his advisers made Hitler agree to limit the Nazis in cabinet to three and accepting Von papen as his vice

    Chancellor this meant that papen would always have an 83 majority in cabinet and within 2 months papen said we will have pushed Hitler so far into a corner that he will squeak Hitler assumed power without ever acting unconstitutionally the Nazis ascended on the rubble of a disintegrating political

    System I think what really brought Hitler to power in terms of success with the electorate and later the people who used to be the electorate the mass of Germans who who became sort of well hostages to a dictatorial system um was actually the support of important media organizations like Alfred hugenberg um

    Media Empire um it’s really hugenberg support for for Hitler’s party and his agenda I believe that made a decisive difference to the success of his campaign between 32 and 33 and and the rise of what we now know as his Charisma um which I think in 32 still wasn’t at

    All unequivocal I mean he looked really quite ridiculous to many people many people didn’t take him very seriously that man Hitler certainly knows how to sway a crowd he has the A’s Magic Touch you would think that the end of the world is coming proclaiming the dawn

    Of a new nation but calling on all not to let Germany forget what she had suffered at the hands of her enemies within 2 days of his appointment as Chancellor on January the 30th Hitler called an election in which the Nazis so improved their position in the rice do

    That when the new Parliament assembled Hitler had no difficulty pushing and an enabling act into law permitting the chancellor to bypass the rag and rule by decree what had drifted close to being an authoritarian dictatorship under Hindenberg became a totalitarian one under Hitler the Constitutional crisis had led

    To the death of a republic too shallow rooted to survive the collapse of coalitions the direct appointment of non parliamentary chancellors or the Hindenberg facilitated Lurch to the right vmar is often held up as being an Exemplar for political weakness for Democratic failure but when you begin to compare it

    To other states in Europe it is actually one of the longest surviving democracies after the first world war early in the transition to Third Reich just after midnight on the evening of the 27th of February 1933 passers by heard the sound of breaking glass coming from the r dog and

    Shortly afterwards saw Flames lighting the interior of the building arriving on the scene Hitler ging and Gobles declared the hen attack to be a communist plot using fire and Terror wrote geres in his diary to sew confusion in order in the general Panic to plus power for themselves sep and Delmer reporting for

    The London Daily Express arrived on the scene and Hitler confided in him you are now witnessing the beginning of a great new Epoch in German history head dma Hitler said dma’s verdict on Hitler reached after attending a rally at the Berlin Sports Palace along with 15,000 others was that he was a crackpot

    I’ll bring it the morning after the fire the cabinet which still had a non-nazi majority met to draw up an emergency decree that abrogated civil liberties across Germany it abolished freedom of speech of assembly of the press by the summer all opposition had been crushed more than 100,000 Communists

    Social Democrats and other opponents of the Nazis had been sent to concentration camps most to a new camp outside a town named Daau the Nazis were the only legal party and Hitler had still not in any way acted unconstitutionally indeed his actions Reed 95% support in a pleite Germany withdrew from the League of Nations and the disarmament Conference in October and Sir horis rumold remarked from his post as his Majesty’s

    Ambassador Berlin that many in the Diplomatic Corp have a feeling that we are living in a country where Fanatics Hooligans and eccentrics have got the upper hand fear had now become the engine dry driving German public life fear had forced 500 leading Municipal civil servants and 70 Town Mayors out of

    Office such was the real and palpable fear of something suddenly unyielding seemingly uncaring that the 56% of Germans whose votes had not gone to the Nazis acquest there was some resistance some bravery but not Much people made the gestures and mowed the slogans demanded of them some with enthusiasm people were afraid of each other of their neighbors of thugs in uniform gal’s Reich Ministry for popular culture and propaganda was formerly launched on March 13th the American movie trade press coined a term for the material the Geral

    Machine fed them they called it Nazi Gander so Hitler was photographed from the front from the back from the right from the left from every angle Hitler Hitler Hitler the musical comedy my weakness was refused German release on the grounds that the lace panties of the girls would contaminate the morals of

    New Germany King Kong one of The Sensational movies of the year was damned as repugnant to German race instincts and on May the 10th at universities throughout Germany cartloads of books were tipped onto bonfires to the chant for the education of the nation in the spirit of military preparedness geros invited Fritz Lang

    The standing German filmmaker of the day to become chief of the German film industry you understand Lang said that my grandmother was Jewish I decide who’s Jewish Geral said Lang left Germany soon after Britain was beginning to see signs of Apache recovery but still John May night Keen

    One of the world’s leading economic theorists could do no better than declare that the economy was in a frightful model among British intellectuals in the 1920s and 1930s there was a strong sense of morbidity a strong sense that an old age was disappearing and that new threats

    Were emerging um which might be entirely destructive of the British way of Life wherever we went wrote JB Priestly of his journey through the northeastern England in 1933 there were men hanging about not scores of them but hundreds and thousands of them ship building had been a strength in the region in 1933 the industry was at 7% of its 1914

    Level before 1914 the civilization in capital c really meant that the British could March around part of their empire uh while maintaining a class structure which kept a very large part of the population completely impoverished as early as March the 29th 1933 the date of its first issue Claude

    Coburn’s notorious news sheet the week was describing prime minister Ramsey MacDonald’s visit to Rome as a new phase of the pre-war situation in Europe we have had the most interesting conversations and uh I hope that the results will be a very big Improvement in the peace conditions of

    Europe postwar had become pre-war and Munich was still 5 years away it was a time when America felt itself to be launching just a little boldly into the unknown with a new president between FDR’s election and inauguration another wave of bank failures rolled Across America it was the failure of Detroit’s

    Guardian Trust Company controlled by Henry Ford’s son edel that turned the wave into a national flood on February the 14th 1933 the governor of Michigan proclaimed an 8-day bank holiday residents awoke on St Valentine’s Day to find that for a full week they would have to get buy with

    Only the cash in their pockets or biscuit tins or piggy banks again the psychological response was irrational but real as Governor after Governor followed Michigan’s lead then shots were fired at the president elect by an unemployed bricklayer named jeppi Jo zangar who had bought a revolver for $8 from a porn

    Shop his Target was FDR’s car and his collateral victim was the mayor of Chicago May critically wounded is carried to Mr rosell’s car resting in the arms of the president-elect he has rushed to a hospital above the Mayhem a voice could be heard loud and clear I’m all right Roosevelt shouted I’m all

    Right and people suddenly felt that perhaps he was on March the 2nd 2 days before FDR’s inauguration the New York fed fell below its minimum gold Reserve ratio on the third it lost a further $350 million $200 million do in the form of wire transfers out of the country

    When Charles Evans Hughes administered the oath on a Dutch Bible which had been in the revelt family for 300 years there was a sense of urgency about the place this is preeminently the time to speak the truth the whole truth frankly and boldly nor need we shrink from honestly

    Facing conditions in our country today this great nation will endure as it has endured when roselt did take the oal office the banks in Most states were closed and in others there was a limitation on how much you could withdraw and this is as close to paralysis in a capitalist system as we

    Can get banks in 28 states were wholly closed those in in the remaining 20 were partly closed half of all household mortgages were in default and the automobile industry that had been producing 20,000 Vehicles a day was now building 2,000 in the wealthiest Nation on Earth 34 million Americans out of a total

    Population of 120 million had no apparent source of income it was time for a new deal FDR’s first action as president was to close the banks until March the 9th surprisingly Americans coped he’s not necessarily A systematic think when it comes to domestic policy but he’s a political realist and he knows first and foremost that any president in 1933 is going to try and

    Get America back on its feet again IUS were issued accepted and honored barter flourished a store exchanged a dress for three barrels of sagor bay herrings the box office for a boxing tournament admitted fans on presentation of anything assessed as being worth 50s on Sunday March the 12th Rosevelt

    Began the first of His Radio fireside chats with my friends I want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the United United States about banking 60 million people were listening including the humorist Will Rogers who said the president had taken the subject of banking and made everyone understand

    It even the bankers the chat lasted less than 15 minutes the audience for his broadcast are phenomenal 70 More than 70% of Americans are tuning into these broadcasts these are things that are permeating every home almost every home in America no one knew what would happen when the banks reopened would the Panic

    Resume long lines formed outside Banks all over the country it was the day after the president speech and these Americans were queuing to put their money back where the president had promised them it would be safe so although we’re used to thinking of The Far Side chats as these major moments of

    Presidential leadership they are surpris L few some years as few as two a year so he would ration them and again that was a more effective way he wasn’t overexposing himself he was turning these things into big events so that people would actually the president must have something important to

    Say by the end of March $15 billion had been taken from socks pots and pillowcases and put back into Banks by 1933 us unemployment hit 12 million a quarter of the workforce half of those involved in chemicals steel and machine Industries the city’s free employment agency was scheduled to open at 9:00 and

    By three several thousand job Seekers were already in line all day they came in a NeverEnding stream the scene was remarkably free of trouble although occasionally someone tried to sneak up ahead of his turn even so on March the 15th the Stock Exchange ticker tape signed off with the

    Words Happy Days Are Here Again part of the problem facing Roosevelt was that there was no clear agreement in 1933 as to what had actually caused the depression no clear agreement on why it had become so bad so therefore Roosevelt’s new deal embarks on a number of different

    Initiatives among our objectives I place the security of the men women and children of the nation first on April the 18th revelt announced to his advisers whose reaction was apoplectic that he had effectively unhitched the dollar from gold allowing the currency to substantially value to the astonishment of the entire Financial

    World in printing this additional money Mr roselt has resorted to inflation which is no longer the dreaded bogy it used to be and the Dow went up like a rocket orders for new Machinery increased by 100% and overall industrial output lifted by 50% the1 billion spent in the US under

    The national industrial recovery y Act of 1933 was part but not all of the story of recovery it paid amongst much else for 122,000 public buildings more than a million km of Road 77,000 Bridges and 285 airports about 450,000 Americans wrote to their president in his first week in office

    And maale continue to arrive at between 4 to 7,000 items each day during Hoover’s presidency one person had worked in the White House mail room for FDR the staff was increased to 70 most Americans had never heard their president speak before so they believe that he wants them to do well and when

    His policies fail they begin to say our president is being failed by Bankers corporate heads we’re going to take things into our own hands because we know this is what the president wants us to do by the time the emergency session of Congress ended on June the 16th the session that the president had summoned on taking the oath of office FDR had

    Signed 15 bills into law these had been the 100 Days Central to the reform package was what led the New York Herald Tribune to exclaim seldom if ever has so sweeping a piece of legislation been introduced to the American Congress it was the farm bill and it sought to arrest the decades long slide in the agricultural sector that by 1933

    Had Banks foreclosing on Farm mortgages at an approximate rate of 20,000 every month it was to try and bring a Cooperative order to all of this that the world economic conference assembled in a museum in London’s Royal burrow of Kensington amidst the rocks and fossils in 1933 uh a second world economic

    Conference is convened in London and it’s sort of a matching conference to the disarmament conference that’s taking place in Geneva at the same more or less the same time it’s partly why it’s in London it’s CU all the hotels are full of the military guys in Geneva the fate of generations May well

    Depend upon the Courage the sincerity the width of you which we are to show during the next few weeks let the world know that we can show decision and give leadership then FDR scuttled the initiative with what has come to be known as his bombshell message of July

    The 3D he made it plain that fixing the national economy took precedence over an international Arrangement so the tragedy of the world economic conference in the summer of 1933 is that the three major Democratic Powers aren’t able to do an economic and a financial deal which was there I mean

    They they know had the right kind of plans but there was no political will to cooperate and that then meant that everything that followed on from that when they then tried to face Germany or Italy or Japan was much more problematic and of course their economies didn’t recover from the depression which just

    Rumbled on all the way through the 1930s so was a catastrophe in 1933 Hitler made his first speech as Chancellor and Fred aair real name Frederick aitz teamed up for the first time with Ginger Rogers real history is always the story of lots of things going on at the same time in

    1933 General Mohler who would direct the fail coup that became the Spanish Civil War wrote that Hitler is convinced that his people cannot rise again as long as the Jews remain embedded in the nation that is why mola wrote he persecutes them without quarter in 1933 the brown book of Hitler

    Terror appeared in 27 languages calmly and with verification cataloging the excesses of the Nazi regime so people knew in 1933 a German Catholic newspaper described Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor as a leap into the dark it turned out rather to be a leap into the [Applause] Darkness I


    1. Man I’m loving these videos this channel is becoming my favorite I asked for more and you guys delivered and you even got my favorite narrator way to go real history channel 👍🏾

    2. Human nature has not changed much more than 2,000 years ago, which might be the reason why history repeats or rhymes. It is changing much faster due to scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and real-time global communication via social networks. Thank you for the video.

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    4. What a fascinating documentary! I love how it takes on the U.S., UK, and Germany at the same time. The numbers are startling regarding the depression. Can we hope for a part two?

    5. so?.. who bears the blame for horrors of ww2? capitalism as a fucked up idea or homo sapiens as idiot monkeys? some other ideas? yeah I know shit's comlpex but that's just a phrase

    6. I have followe Hannah and her dad, Jeff, for awhile now and both are just great down home folks. Jeff's kind of laid up right now because he fell about 20 feet out of a tree stand he was checking for a buddy when the tree strap broke. He's in a neck collar right now but it's only slowing him down, not stopping him.

    7. je connais très mal la mythologie grecque, je ne connais donc pas l'histoire des deux frères nommés Castor et Pollux…pourtant je viens d'avoir une idée très bizarre : je me demande si dans cette 2ème guerre mondiale, l'Allemagne et les Etats-Unis ne se sont pas transformés en Gémeaux…! Regardez : deux états mis ko par la crise de 1929 qui mettent chacun à la tête du pays un dirigeant très ambitieux , soucieux de remettre son pays à flot, mais dont l'état de santé est catastrophique…ce qui a finalement abouti à une bataille entre un pot de fer…et un pot en acier inoxydable. Alors quand l'orage s'est levé et que les pluies ont suivi…vous connaissez la suite, l'un des deux pots a rouillé. Bon, je sais la comparaison est nulle…et probablement fausse.
      Et si c'était le pot de terre qui vait gagné…?
      (the level of my knowledge of Greek mythology is very low, so I do not know the story of two brothers named Castor and Pollux…yet I've just had a very strange idea : I wonder whether in the 2nd world War, Germany and the USA were not changed into the Gemini brothers…! Look : two states the 1929 crisis
      knocked out seated at the head of their country a very ambitious leader who wants the country to take again position on the starting blocks, but whose state of health is catastrophic…which, in the end, led to a fight between a clay pot and a stainless steel one. So when the storm broke up and when the rains began to fall…you know how it ended, one of the pots got rusty. Alright, I know, the comparison is worth nothing, and probably wrong. And suppose that the clay pot had won?)

    8. A good approach to the question of how distracted people were by economics, and how few people commented against Hitler obtaining power, one of which was Neville Chamberlain, and another of which was Winston Churchill, the principal future war-time succession. Once Hitler had power WWII was inevitable, and it is pointless following the controversies generated by that reality, the scandalous reality that German militarism was back despite declarations that millions died to end it – the controversies were fueled by political rivalries, and most agreed to jump on Chamberlains grave, the term appeasement having a new and negative meaning. Dont be fooled by the high jumping elites, they only want high status and pay, none of them could have done better than Chamberlain.

    9. Human nature has not changed since mankind began, PERIOD! People have the power within them to change themselves, and they can do it if they would just change their mindset about everything in life. That will be the real change maker!!!!!

    10. January 30, 1933. Adolf Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany,  60 days later on March 24.1933 Jews worldwide declare war on Germany with Boycotts and economic sanctions. On November 9, 1938, in an event that would foreshadow the Holocaust, German Nazis launch a campaign of terror against Jewish people and their homes and businesses 5 1/2 years after the Jews worldwide declare war on Germany with Boycotts and economic sanctions hurting the German economy for years. Now you know why the Germans disliked the Jews.

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