Millions to spend on cycle lanes yet pleading poverty as public services collapse. Labour Party dictatorships are all the same all over the country.

    Well I went to Stair Hill this week There’s a a shop up there that I quite like called the company shop and it’s like if you’re willing to you know eat whatever they’re selling it’s a good place to go I especially like the uh the pork chops and the

    Chicken that you get from there it’s like my Freez is full of the stuff so I’ve started doing my shopping there so I go all the way to Stair Hill to do me shopping as supposed to go to like Tesco or Morrison’s or Aldi so I find myself going through Castleton once a

    Week now for people not around here you’ve never seen anything like what they’ve done to the road that goes through Castleton now that road’s been there for hundreds of years it’s the main road that connects Rochdale and Manchester and the local Council in concert with Andy Burnham’s be Network have forgotten

    That it’s a major thare completely they’ve forgotten it and they’ve uh change the road to narrow it and put in a couple of cycle Lanes but in taking the cycle Lanes out they’ve also removed all the bus stops so now every time a bus stops and

    Someone has to get on or off it holds up all the traffic for miles and buses go along that route every 15 minutes so it’s quite easy to work out why that’s a a massive let’s call it a health and safety issue it’s obvious if a fire engine has to go to

    Castleton and it gets stuck behind a bus forget it it’s not getting there it’s going to be delayed it’ll move as quick as the slowest moving vehicle on the road because it’s now a two-way single Track Road they’ve turned a major highway into a side street and it’s absolutely ridiculous I

    Was on it on Monday morning at about 10:00 and there was no traffic on the road but there was a bus in front of us and we had to stop every time the bus stopped and the bus stopped to every stop what who thought of this well of

    Course the council did and the uh the uh the greater Manchester Authority Under Andy Burnham they did it there’s two cycle lanes that no one used and a once kind of thriving Village if you like has been turned into a bit of a waste bit of a wasteland really they don’t consider things

    Like Castleton is um one of the few places in Rochdale that still provides a great deal of work so it’s like uh there’s thousands of people work around there and it’s like the local businesses probably Pro between them including the local Tesco likely provide lunches you know midday

    Meals for I don’t know 8 900 people something like that so it’s like that side of business has been completely forgotten it’s got builtin custom that area because people still work around there there’s still factories it’s close to the motorway it’s close to like gor’s industrial

    Estate which is just at the bottom of the uh the junction the services all that all that uh need so it’s like it’s a busy place it’s got foot traffic Castleton in its own right is in some parts of the country you could move it there and they call it a town but

    It’s a satellite on the edge of Rochdale in between Rochdale and Middleton now it’s like to get to Stak Hill which is another great big industrial estate which Castleton provides a lot of the workforce for well to get to it now the the best and the

    Quickest and easiest way to get to it is to actually go on the motorway down one Junction and get off the motorway which triples the distance you’d have to travel to get to where you going by car but it would be quicker as busy as the motorway Junction

    Can be it would be quicker to get through that way than it would be to get trapped behind a bus and the the buses well you know they don’t lay off they don’t not run when the roads are busy so it’s like they’ve built in congestion into the road they’re always going on

    About uh quality always going on about a quality yet they’ve destroyed the air quar because there’s going to be standing traffic on that road all the time now whenever it’s uh anything like busy so you get it where I’ve gone up there at like 10:30 in the morning and

    It’s reasonably quiet but you’re only moving you’d be moving as quickly as you’d be moving when it was busy because it’s all just decided by the buses measures have been made to deliberately slow down the traffic deliberately and then also there’s no more more access now for ambulances no access for fire engines

    It’s like there’s literally nowhere to go nowhere it’s undoable and it’s like who might have raised this objection when the consultation were going through and the answer to that is everybody everybody we’re not going to be able to get fire engines up this road anymore I was just watching a bit of a

    Video with the abysmal counselor that got up there recently was videoed uh on on the doorstep canvasing excuse me was recently on the doorstep canvas and saying he’s glad that businesses have shut down in Castleton and criticize him for making no effort and um not spending any money

    On making the shop fronts look nice and that’s what he cares about that things look nice it’s like you you’re willing to literally throw all those people under a bus so the place might look nice the idea of this two lane cycle Lane which is going

    To be extended all the way to the center of rdale by the way they’re going to ruin the road even further they’re going to remove all the parking spaces just like where are people going to park and they don’t care about that they’re like well we don’t want people

    Using cars anyway this is our way of nudging them so they uh start using public transport and it’s like have you ever used public transport around here it’s like it might have had a lick of paint but it’s not very reliable if you have to rely on public transport to get

    To work you’re going to be late and you’re going to be late quite often is public transport around here has been a nonsense since back when I was doing the plating job I used to have to sometimes get to like Manchester Airport as as early as humanly possible

    Using public transport and it’s like uh good luck good luck with that best you could do but to get there for about half past eight why John well you go to the train station first thing in the morning and uh by the time the train arrives in

    Rdale from Leeds it’s full and you can’t get on it so it’s like to be uh someone who worked in Manchester I used to work in the center of Manchester had the same then back then it’s like they’re not listening are they they don’t care they’re saying use public transport and

    Then it’s just not there waited once and every in 45 minutes at shill bus station in Manchester for a bus to Rochdale and they’re supposed to be every 15 minutes and waited an hour in 45 minutes and I asked an inspector and he says um there’s been a big bust on Crown Street

    In the center of Rochdale and all the buses have been delayed I’m like there’s no such place as Crown Street in rdale Crown Street’s like just lying just lying it’s like he was a scous for being cheeky that guy just Ling I’m like Crown Street is up new Bal

    And it’s miles away from a main road and if there’s a bust on there it’s not going to affect anything other than that area well that’s what I’ve been told Crown Street I got to rock jail and there’d been no burst and there was no Crown Street so it’s like they’re they

    Like the greater Manchester sort of Transport Authority type they’re happy to lie to just fob you off and then think they’re clever and it’s like use public transport use public transport it’s like you’ll put me out of a job with the best intention in the world

    You could set off for work every day in rdale to go to Manchester for work and you could set off at the same time every day aiming to catch the same bus and the bus just won’t be there they just won’t be your bus and you’ll turn up for work

    And it’s like oh you’re late again and it doesn’t wash I don’t know anywhere where you could work where it washes where you turn up late regularly where you’re late like once a week what how you going to get away with that how are you possibly going to get

    Away with that I would any employer allow you to justify it so it’s a matter of if you got to start early in in another town you know if you’re in the next town alongo you’ve got to go into Manchester if you’ve got to be there for 8:00 in the morning

    Forget it you need a car it’s the only way of doing it because the buses aren’t there so common that the first bus of the day doesn’t turn up so common anyone who catches buses will tell you but those who are deciding that this is the

    Way to go they don’t use buses they don’t care they’re not bothered in the slst have’ got cars and there’s a thing that rdale Council have been doing which is is is so Insidious but obvious parking they’re eliminating parking spaces deliberately so well if they’ve got

    Nowhere to park they can’t use the cars that’ll get some cars off the road so people have got to get to work people have got to live they don’t care about that it’s for us to bend to their will endlessly there’s um there’s a thing I’m

    I’m going to bring up I’m going to use it as a bit of a Maring point cuz there’s going to be hustings and the like an objection to race the council the number of people who get planning permission turned down in Rochdale because of no parking provision

    Which is the most common reason why someone will get it will would get planning permission um refused no parking provision when the council decide they’re going to build something they don’t bother with parking provision at all they’ve plans in place now there’s a little plot of land on Drake Street

    That’s been vacant for years little plot of land and they’ve announced that they’re going to build a five story block of Flats on it with no parking provision when parking that’s in the center of rdale that’s in the center of town that’s that’s 20 yards from like

    The very center of the town and they’re like oh well there’s going to be no car parking provision because we don’t see that the people of rdale need to have cars we’ve got a brand new public we’ve got brand new uh public transport so it’s like in what they’ve done to the

    Town hall and it’s surrounding area they’ve eliminated a couple of hundred parking places eliminated and not put any parking provision anywhere else so there’s nowhere to park nowhere and now they’re looking at building I think 33 flats and there’s no parking provision for those 33 Flats

    Either oh well uh the the new kind of uh the new kind of rut alien isn’t going to have a car and living close to a bus station is enough uh there’ll be somewhere for them to to um uh put the bike you know some kind of railing or

    Something where you could lock a bike to and it’s like have you ever known them railings actually stop bike thieves we’ve got Bol Cutters I haven’t but that’s the kind of thing they’re doing there’s another car park on wh with Brad that’s been the council have sold the land they owned the land

    It was a car park that supported local shops and businesses on whth road they’ve sold that and that’s going to be um apparently block flats for the homeless and they’re saying well if you don’t agree with it you obviously don’t like homeless people are you some kind of snob and it’s like

    No you’ve extended Rochdale infirmary but off but added no additional p in spaces to rdale infirmary but you’ve expanded it so now during the day there’s nowhere to park like all the streets in every direction around the rdale infirmary is just completely log jammed with car park cars on

    Pavements it’s like the working men’s club I used to go into it’s like you can’t go in there during the day anymore because you can’t park anywhere near it and they be well if you’re drinking you shouldn’t be driving okay verow Park is full every day and

    It’s full of NHS staff people who work at the hospital the hospital’s got hundreds of people working there and no provision for parking so it’s like this is part of their plan to to get us out of our cars but as pointed to public transport isn’t reliable enough for people to get to

    Work and and then you’ve got it as to work someone like myself who doesn’t walk very well anymore I can’t walk at White allall Street I’m like no I can’t walk at White allall Street why well I’ve got heart failure I’ve got 25% function in my heart so I have to be

    Able to be dropped off right in front of somewhere or else I have to park as near as I possibly can and I don’t have a disabled badge I’m going apply for one that’s why I hav got one it’s like uh what happens to the disabled now when you’ve eliminated the

    Parking you’ve dis you you’ve eliminated all of the disabled parking spaces as well as all of the normal parking spaces so it’s like someone like myself who’s a perfectly viable person who can think and speak but struggles to get around these days because I’ve had different story isn’t it I’ve had

    Four heart attacks brought on by damp and moisture because I live in a council house that’s for years not been fit for a human being to live in and they know it and they’ve done nothing about it so over the years this has led to a health

    Failure so I’ve had a health catastrophe that I may never recover from as to where as you can type into go type into Google EF 25% and see what it says it’ll say oh jumar you are seriously ill it’s like yes I’m seriously ill I’m seriously ill it’s like I I I

    Wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m on death’s door but I am because it’s like that they’re trying to be positive about it and so am I even though I still smoke there’s nothing wrong with my lungs nothing wrong with my lungs nothing wrong with my liver nothing

    Wrong with my kidneys but my heart is in serious trouble why oh bodies of water in your lungs that have not come from congestive heart failure they’ve come from the outside environment it’s like if I want to I could make a terrible terrible fuss and get lawyers involved and uh make

    Some local headlines saying Rochdale burrow wide housing destroyed my health but it’s like no one’s bothered when it’s not a kid when it’s a kid that dies oh something has to be done but when it’s an adult who’s lived on their property for years and Health’s failed are their

    Preexisting um health problems have been accentuate massively accentuated by poor living standards poor poor environment they not don’t care at all about that so it’s like rale will kill you it doesn’t really care about you uh those who would might might need the the council sorts of services or

    Government’s assistance they don’t care whatsoever you’ve got because you’re in some somewhere as dependent on the town in one way or another well you’re there you’re there to be thrown under the bus they’ll do a lot of things in your name constantly making changes to the highways and the changes they make to

    The highways make it worse the next plan is to in essence pedestrianized and Destroy Haywood which is another should be a town which is part of Rochdale in its own right anywhere else in the country Haywood would be a town Haywood has uh industrial parks Logistics uh

    Warehousing and what’s the move there or to do exactly the same thing as they’ve done in Castleton to make it so uh there’s no access anymore for fire engines or uh ambulances it’s going to be a single track rad so everything’s stuck behind the bus they’re going to do that to it

    Again they’re going to turn it into a pedestrianized Zone with nowhere to park and destroy all the businesses that are still left you’ve got businesses there that are hanging on by the you know literally the nails to stay in existence and they’re going to make that

    Worse and they say well it’ll look so much better and it’s like you want to live there people who live there don’t want it but it’s going to be done anyway the thing they’ve done to Castleton they’re going to extend it to the senator of rdale and no one’s asked

    For it no one wants it and they were they were about an inch away from voting it through the council last week and they’ve said no we’ll wait for another consultation it’s because it’s too hot at the moment the councilors risk being probably attacked in the street if

    They’d have passed it so they’re going to no we’ll wait until after the local elections and then we’ll give it the green light another 9 million pound spent on cycle lanes and it’s like the stuff that they’re trying to do there is well it eliminates all the parking spaces it

    Actually eliminates all the bus stops so there’s no Ingress for a bus to pull in so the bus has to stop in the middle of the bloody road to let people on and off they’re going to do that again too they’re going to do more of that and

    Then they’ve got the same plans for Alem road which is Believe It or Not Another uh established been the 100 years Main Road between rdale and Alm that’s going to be narrowed that’s going to have cycle Lanes as well that’s going to have the same problems as Castleton

    That will see off any business and eliminate all the parking spaces all the way to Ron and then there’ll be a leg of it under the hospices of all them Council they’ll continue it and it’s a matter of well in the future we’ve got it in mind

    That most people are going to ride bicycles or catch the bus that’s a joke it’s like well if you can afford to have a car you can have a car but you people you’re really not fit to have cars are you why well you’re not members of the labor party you’re not counselors

    You’re not MPS and soon it’ll be the only people who can afford to have a car will be people who who’ve got a company car or people who can have a car on expenses that’s what it’s coming to and that’s what their policies are moving towards to take everyone’s car away from

    Them it’s going to be great how proud of themselves they’ll be that they’ll say oh we’ve made it so green and it’s like no you’ve strangled the life out of the the small businessman you’ve destroyed the local economy and then all we’ve left is little Aldi Tesco Morrison’s

    Which is another one that that’s not not going to be with us for much longer I don’t think Morrison’s Asda that’s that’s all we’ve got and then are going to be the only places where you’ll be able to park your car as well so we’re going to have food distribution

    Centers and then I mean all this um attention going towards this beline bus service that goes from the center the dead destroyed Town centers it goes one Town Center to the other all the small bus routes you know the ones that would get you from the

    Edge of town to the town center in order to go somewhere else they’re not bothered about that they’re on the way out they’re expensive and they are poor it’s like you you don’t Main Road here I’ve got outside my uh my place you don’t see a bus after

    5:30 just none the bus drivers all go home because that they’re not on the beline route they’re just just ordinary neighborhoods and it’s like you town rochdale’s a town that’s got Hills like this everywhere like it’s not a place for cycling it’s a place for bloody diesel

    Engines that’s what it’s a place for it’s up and down up and down you’d have to see it with your own eyes to believe it that the point of the town I uh where I live kind of commands the town I Can See For Miles and it’s like it’s all great big

    Valleys it’s like uh this isn’t Lincolnshire where every it’s flat you know there’s there’s parts of this country just flat flat for Miles uh well they’re great places to cycle they’re also great places to drive because you get you get the miles per gallon that the the car says it’ll do

    Because you’re always on the flat this place is mountainous the north of England is mostly mountainous and it’s like this isn’t a place for uh pedestrians this isn’t a place for bicycles it’s just not that and it’s never been that you go and check out how

    Long it you know if you were to like ride a bike from Rochdale to Olden the elevation it’s like you’re going up a couple hundred meters I say you from you can’t see it from where I am but from where my parents live upsite you can see as far

    As old them and it’s like a town on top of a hill miles away they don’t care about that they’ve not even thought about it because to think about it SC because the plans and makes them seem stupid it’ll be won’t be too long before uh like Halifax Road gets altered and

    That’s one of the big really the Halifax Road would have to be go down as one of the busiest roads in this country and that’s next that’s going to be next the um another satellite town of Rochdale littleb which should be a town in its own right like Castleton like

    Middleton these are any if if they were moved anywhere else away from rdale there’d be terms in their own right because of the size of them there’s one Road in and out of that place one road and to go through it it’s like the the next along those roads the next

    Place is to get to like Toad and hebon Bridge so it leads off into the country it’s like the temp Center of of um littleborough has been turned turned into a car park and it’s not they’ve not built a car park they’ve built infrastructure like train stations and the like and

    Encouraged people drive your car to the train station then get on the train it’s better for the environment so they leave the car there all day because that’s what they’ve been told to do but there’s nowhere to park uh we have a similar situation with the train station in

    Rdale where all parking Provisions been removed as well at the same time as them telling oh well you know don’t uh don’t cause congestion make your way to the train station and then get on a train it’s like what do a park ah you maybe you want to think about

    Getting rid of your car so you can be squashed like a sardine on a in a train Carriage at 7 o’clock in the morning to get to work on time in Manchester at 8:00 and sometimes have it where the train doesn’t even stop because it’s so full it’s like they don’t care about

    That they care about endlessly being seen as oh we’re regenerating the place and at the same time be saying that we haven’t got any money to spend on things that people need you’ll hear of them making cuts to every service but they’re still building all this infrastructure that no one’s

    Asked for the they’ve got an endless supply of money to do that but they haven’t got uh uh you know enough money to provide decent or adequate social care you see how much money that the council’s put into uh care of the elderly social care and then if you

    Heard from anyone who’s actually eligible for these Services the service they get ain’t great someone turn up to her was late spend 15 minutes make you a cup of tea run the vacuum clean around gone on the clock and all of them driving around in cars that they have to pay

    For you can’t have this job if you haven’t got a car and it’s like how much does the job pay peanuts but you can’t actually do the job unless you’ve got a car and they’re like on a computer handheld oh you’ve got 10 minutes here and you’ve got 10

    Minutes there and you got 10 minutes here and you got 10 minutes there so they’re absolutely useless they don’t provide the kind of support that people need they don’t but they spend hundreds of millions of pounds providing this service that is diabolical so it’s it’s it’s it’s

    Kafkaesque where the money gets spent oh well there’s going to be cutbacks in public services but we’ve got millions to spend on changing the roads building cycle lanes that no one asks for No One uses when they build oh but the people in the future are going to use them it’s like

    How do you know how do you know they’ve got a crystal ball well if we uh if we manipulate people we can incentivize and we can manipulate their behavior and it’s like um how much are the Chinese charging you for all these uh studies and consultations because you sound a lot

    Like the Chinese government a lot like the chin Chinese government like you think that there are a load of Chinese people Chinese members of the Chinese Communist party like run the town it’s what it’s like people don’t get to decide and carve their own out way carve

    Out their own way in the world in let’s have it right a pretty dog eat dog place but you know it’s not so dog eat dog for these guys who are on the council is it they uh they just in essence just turn up with red rosette on and get elected

    There can be anybody there can be nobody and they still get elected why well nobody likes a Tor around here you know because they’re [ __ ] too aren’t they I think the only difference between a Tory Council and a labor council is uh different colored rosettes they’re all

    Um members of the uh climate death cult they all think of their own and their own self-interest long before the what’s good for the town they all put money they they’ll say things like uh We’ve create uh building all this infrastructure is creating jobs it’s like no it’s not creating jobs it’s

    Creating work for large building contractors that don’t don’t recruit and operate out of here you’re making fortunes for private businesses it’s like if if any of you guys out there like to sort of dabble in the stock exchange you know like to um make yourself a few quid and make a few

    Investments when the building’s one of these projects go and clock the name of the organization that’s doing the work and go and put some money on go and put some money on them because their customers are the government it’s guaranteed work guaranteed income and you know they’re not going to stop so as

    The rest the economy goes for a crap these building firms that are doing all this work oh they’ll be making money and over F still it’s just all money isn’t it they don’t care who pays the bill seems that Council taxpayers money is as e easier to spend than just regular taxpayers

    Money they’ll come up with some [ __ ] like all this is funded from ex outside it’s like is it where’s this money come from the Magic Money Tree now K starma yesterday he was giving this bit of a speech uh talking about the local election coming up saying that when

    Labor get elected in the general election they’re not going to bail out the councils and nor should they but it always been the thing as to where the the council’s always blame the central government for not giving them enough money and it’s like what about the money

    You’ve got how do you spend that where’s the money coming from and the answer is it’s coming in low interest loans the people of the future are going to be paying for this stuff and this stuff is supposedly for the benefit of the people in the future it’s like they’re willing

    To sacrifice the people who are alive today to Aid and uh give benefit to people who are not yet born and probably might even never be born you you’ve got it where it’s like these Northern towns that these councils are are um like the the right word is to overl

    Lording the regional Governors have direct control over their territories Sinister it’s like can the council stop the greater Manchester Authority Under Andy Burnham doing whatever they want can they stop them well yes they can but not while they’re all under the hospices of the labor party it’s a top down affair it’s

    Like this is going to end soon enough it won’t be too long before it’ll be they’ll cover it up and they’ll do whatever they can to um to um obate and delay but these Northern towns were going out of business the the council will go out of business very

    Soon in in places like already gone Council are already out of business Nottingham Birmingham there’s uh 20 or 30 councils that are on the very verge of bankruptcy and it’s like um what have you built how much money have you spent how much money have you

    Spent on the Arts how much money have you spent on uh um facilities and Roads that nobody asked for and have no proper use but seemed like a good idea to you guys with you’re when you’re attitude is we’ve got all this money to spend and

    Only this amount of time to spend it we better rush some plans through and uh part of our plans is well if we take away all the park parking spaces people won’t be able to use their cars anymore and that’ll be better for the environment it’s like yeah how are

    These people supposed to live and that is not their problem and they’re supposed to serve us use our mandate to do what’s in the best interest of the town and they actually do what’s in the best interest of the globalists I’ve been seeing this for years guys Parliament is a talking

    Shop they got no power your council’s got power the houses of Parliament themselves over over and above them will have the local Council the local Council have got power the PO of parliament doesn’t they can pass legislation ask questions that’s it the real poers with the councils and

    Uh the real the councils in this country are completely dominated by the labor party they’re employees are well they’re Union closed shops aren’t they they generally just work to rule it’s like there’s a dysfunctional relationship between the government and the workers and in between them are the

    Unions who whether you’re a or not will negotiate for the body and the unions are part of the labor party the unions show no absolutely no intention at all to ever break themselves free of the labor party and they are the organizations that fund the labor party so it’s like

    The unions of so pull everyone out most people out in the world are not represented by a union but you know you are every single government worker who are the most powerful unions in the country the public sector unions and who are the public sector unions beholden to

    The labor party it should be that the unions have got massive sway over the labor party but they haven’t the labor party have got massive sway over them and it’s a top down own organization and do you think the people who work for say I have a lot to do

    These days with the NHS don’t time in and out hospital all the time nowadays you know I would I had a I’ve been in I’ve been hospitalized this week I’ve been in hospital this week and uh my doctor was oh my God you should have seen her she

    Was beautiful it’s like this 6’2 black woman with like sharp cropped her she been about 30 beautiful and she I just I noticed her cuz I had curtains left and right and while I was in the hospital I uh she came to see me because she was basically my doctor while I was

    In uh Sim she was called she beautiful and she was So Graceful on her feet that I could hear her coming she had her own she had a kind of rhythmic bounce to where she moved and it’s like I bet you I’m saying to her like you move like a gazelle you’re like

    Graceful it’s like I bet you can shift it’s like were you a a track star when you’re at school she’s oh yeah yeah I’m a good runner like yeah he’s it’s like she was in her way brilliant as a doctor patient kind knowledgeable listening it’s like you’re a superstar and I’m like

    People should stop referring to your Collective as the NHS why because some of you people are absolute Heroes brilliant people innovators who take it extremely seriously are brilliantly professional I’ve had doctors uh who’ve been I’ve been under the C under in recent times who’ve been like geniuses phal

    Brilliant and then within the same organization you’ve got people who are like this don’t take it seriously are demoralized and they like have got no standards and be like well yeah we’ve let you down but hey we let a lot of people down that attitude uh I had a when I was

    Um when I had my first heart attack I he says um I’m saying look I’m supposedly like a a priority I’m like a a red alert style patient here yeah with a toning level of 3,000 and you’re starving me and sleep depriving me having me sat in a chair in a

    Corridor and uh this chap says well it’s the same for everyone and then he says if you don’t like it you need to vote labor in the local and general elections and maybe we can get something done about it and that’s what he said to me that was his

    Solution if you don’t like it start voting for the labor party oh so we’ve got um political zealots uh left-wing uh agitators and activists in amongst this core of doctors he was a very poor doctor but in and amongst them some of them are brilliant same with the

    Nurses they don’t like it they hate it they think it’s disgraceful some of them feel sorry for themselves about the work they have to do and others make do and mend we don’t get but all of them we don’t get paid enough money for what we

    Do you know they make us pay for parking to come to work what yes we have to pay to park in order to come to work have you ever heard anything about it they got HR Maniacs over and above them making demands of them political political correctness

    Enforced upon them and that adds to the sense of being demoralized and Powerless amongst their own Workforce so it’s like they go out of the way to demoralize their own Workforce and in demoralizing them they lose the passion they lose interest and it becomes like a black

    Comedy it’s like we’ve got a serious problem in this country and I tell you what it’s only partially to do with the who who the central government are and who’s impower it’s like um every NHS Authority at the top of it has got a uh a group of people with a strangle hold

    Over where the money is spent and what the plans are and they tend to be trade unionists and the labor party so when you start to see this how it all just merges into one great big try Tru trotskyite communist like there’s us and there’s you we are going to look after ourselves

    And our own but you the people who we’re supposed to serve well you’re not in the club it’s demoralizing to deal with them but then saying that you like me and you get hospitalized quite often as it is these days certain members of it are rays of

    Sunshine who get on with it and do well regardless of the demoralizing elements of the place it’s like I overheard a great conversation while I was in the resuscitation department on Wednesday night drugs missing from one of the Covenants and what had gone missing cman what cman what a gun missing

    Fentel what what a gun missing marine and they’re saying the the the uh the nurse in charge I can I’ve all I can hear it all going on and they’re saying uh well let’s see the two things this someone’s issued these drugs and not written it down in the book which is

    Bad or someone has stolen these drugs and that’s bad too so the their answer to that is to search every cupboard to search every cupboard to hunt high and low and it’d be a matter of nor you’ve got uh you’ve probably got a bent nurse on one of your shifts who’s

    Got access to these but you’re not going to you’re not going to do anything about that you’re going to pretend that this didn’t happen and just go hey ho because no one’s got the time or inclination to actually take it seriously and if you

    Were to make a big fuss about it uh the police might get involved and no one wants that no one wants uh the the old uh so bad my vision no one wants this do they they don’t want the magnifying glass on the systems and how easy it is

    For unauthorized people to get their hands on serious drugs in the resuscitation Department I was in the resuscitation department so often that’s the place where someone would go if they’d been shot that’s the place you go that’s the cold red place in the hospital I always

    Get taken to the cold red place when I get hospitalized I get to these days I’m in that the NHS Executive Club where it’s like if I get overexerted I’m supposed to just ring 999 give them me name date of birth and NHS number and they will send the

    Paramedics along as fast as they humanly can and then they’ll drive me to ffield hospital with the sirens on and dropped me off at the resuscitation department where they’ll be immediately putting me on oxygen although I don’t generally need that now that my lungs have been now that we’ve we’ve solved

    The reason as to why me lungs ended up full of water when I have a heart episode it’s not as bad as it once was when me lungs were full of water I’m happy to say that my lungs are my most recent chest x-ray which was Wednesday says that my lungs and chest

    Are in very good order there’s no water in there anymore it’s like thank you R tailb wi housing for the pulmonary edema that you gave me because this place has got Rising damp but you won’t admit it and I have a dehumidifier which you can probably hear in the background that

    Runs 24/7 and accumulates two liters of water every day and a half because of the rising damp in this property that the they will not admit to existing see what kind of place we’ve got here everybody lies all the time about everything and as strangely invested in it as if it’s their

    Money because of the way that they get incentivized and rewarded to be able to say oh everything’s fine everything’s fine that’s the place I live


    1. BBC broadcaster Stephen Nolan's friend Sir Jeffery Robinson has resigned as leader of the DUP and been suspended from the party after the police have charged him with historical sexual offences.

    2. I would like to forward an idea to you John with regards to roads leading from Littleborough to Manchester, specifically, Littleborough to Rochdale. We have already the ideal route that is already dug out ready and could be used for improved drainage aswell. Let's build a road over the Rochdale canal for cars only! It's the only solution for traffic between Littleborough and Rochdale.

    3. Andy Burnham's Bee Line bus service is deservedly getting poor feedback. It's all about the 17, 409 and 471. No other routes in Rochdale matter. Yorkshire buses on the Halifax & Burnley to Littleborough and Rochdale routes do their best but they have standards in Yorkshire which thankfully they don't drop once crossing the GM border. Also Rosso do their best on the Rochdale – Bacup – Accrington run but once again, they are good because they aren't under Burnham's control!
      Andy Burnham who lives and was brought up in Culcheth leafy Cheshire doesn't REALLY give two hoots about the GM region he rules over. He just loves the power. He loves his Bee Line buses because it's all about making himself look good.

    4. Once again john im with you I've seen what the councils have done to our town since the sixties im 62 i remember the old markets brilliant but they came with the idea oh it needs a new glass roof yes glass whoosh flattened and the abomination of the market way was built same again no consultation so what happened they just carried on and look what's happened they should be held accountable but that's no going yo happen is it

    5. Good video. We need more of this. Corruption in Rochdale has been endemic for at least 30 years. Rochdale Council killed Rochdale via sky-high local taxes used to finance corruption by the council. All the details of the other corrupt schemes they have been running are here – councilors are only interested in the kickbacks from the schemes that they give the green light to

    6. Subbed. More people need to speak out about this nonsense. If you don't speak out publicly, it doesn't count; and you get to deserve the nonsense imposed on you by these corrupt local politicians.

    7. Same town planning nudge shite in Cardiff John – google street view 'Wellfield Road Cardiff' – not only have they put a bike lane in place of the nortbound lane, they made it one-way only, diverting the southbound route down what was once a quiet leafy side street at the bottom of Pen-Y-Lan Rd and then back on to Albany Road. They sneakily did this during Divoc 91 under the scheme to 'help out' local cafes by having space for outdoor seating. They did the same on Castle street in city centre – they closed it to all traffic expect buses/taxis during Divoc then reopened it as one lane only (terrible congestion from then on of course), Cathays Terrace bike lane taking up almost half the road – luckily it was a wide street so it's still two-way but very narrow now (even the Polksi Skelp has since closed down), and Heathwood road down the side of the cemetery eliminating all of the on-street parking on one side for locals who live there and who buy resident parking permits. Nothing wrong with cycling for those who want to do it, but it's all very ableist isn't it? Then there was the £32 million spent on changing to 20mph speed limits!

    8. Cops wouldn't do anything anyway, irrespective of a reluctance by the NHS to have them involved. The NHS probably know this and outside mass-murder feel pretty secure in the matter of lesser incidents.

      My mate's Dad was in Bolton hospital about 7 or 8 years ago (he's since died) and overnight £60 in banknotes and crucially, two winning betting slips (worth £35 combined), were stolen from his bedside locker. He was on a High Dependency Ward (one down from ICU) and it was a locked ward, so it was inevitable that the theft had occurred via another ward patient (but they were all bed-bound) or one of the staff.

      My mate immediately went to the bookmakers (Ladbrokes) where the bets were placed, straight after his visit to put a stop on those two betting slips. Alas they had already been cashed, that morning, as business opened for the day. It was at the Ladbrokes in a neighbouring town. But crucially, they had a cctv image of the 'customer' who cashed the bets. Female, white, short in height, blonde hair, aged about 40.

      Classic evidence, bang to rights eh? A game of Cluedo would take longer to solve. A junior school kid would suss it out.

      Cops did absolutely fuck-all, and didn't even go to the bookmakers premises to collect the image(s) they had of the woman. After 14 days the images have to be deleted – by law, or so my mate was told. That's probably bullshit too, but who are you going to complain to? Nevertheless, the cops did zero about it.

    9. Haven't watched the waffling/droning on in the darkness as thankfully I read the comments first and was forewarned the lack of common sense and intelligence contained within your mindset when you suggest and support filling in the SSSI canal for a road, words fail me.

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