Today we do some filming in areas around stoke on trent, ALL areas are labour controlled.
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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we are in Fenton just on City Road taking a look at this massive fly tipping site just here oh my God look at this this is absolutely crazy so we’re out and about in the city today videoing uh different places oh God these balls here

    I think that’s what they use in a in hydroponic cannabis grows uh but don’t take my word for that guys I don’t really know about that sort of stuff um but yeah look at this what an absolute dump look at this oh my Lord counselors you should be ashamed of

    Yourself for letting this go on this is awful this is this is not you know rubbish that comes from your general public this yeah that’s me suspicions confirmed this here what looks like a cannabis grow tent uh so yeah that’s me suspicions confirmed look uh brick and masonry

    Sealer yeah so this is trade this is this is I would say this this is landlords that have been doing houses up uh and have dumped that’s a wrecked up house there um yeah this is one for sorrow there guys salute you won’t get good you won’t get bad luck uh but yeah

    This is rubbish from uh from landlords this is look at this this is terrible it’s disgusting blood yeah oh glass glass everywhere out probably out of them windows and that that we just picked up there um I’m not sure if they’re going to try and do something with this but we

    Will certainly keep our eyes on this and keep keep you folks updated yeah you can definitely see that this is um this is all landlord rubbish probably another foreign landlord that doesn’t want go to the to the skip yeah we’ve got bits of sofas here now I think

    Phoenix Autos have put these fancies here cuz it won’t be their waste they wouldn’t have dumped there I mean it’s an auto place they you know if you see any car parts that’s probably them but I ain’t seen any car parts here um yeah so there’s the there’s that in one shot

    We’re going to move on to his next place now so guys we’re just in Longton now uh we moved on a little bit look at this look at all this what it is is these Road places here they’re all takeaways we’ll go around the front and

    Take a look at the takeaways in a bit we have been down here before but I just want you to see have it been any better um another Multicultural area uh Multicultural uh yeah you can see obviously takeway r everywhere look at that natural yogurt big tubs natural yogurt things like that

    Uh all that’s take away rappers chicken Philly tubs you won’t want to take away from any of these places would you yes and all these areas we’re going to today guys are all um all labor areas they’re all um while foreign um counselors we will

    Read them out in the end look at that that’s behind that Chinese Takeaway there look at that that’s terrible what we’re going to do look at that oh my God oh my God that a very safe uh fire exit is it look at all that de bastard they’ve just been thrown there

    Rubbish from the window aren’t they there uh yeah so we’re going to take a look at the takeaways see um look at this now these will be pallets the takeaways I’ve had their stuff delivered on and this big chess freezer here I bet that’s from one of the

    Takeaways de bastards so let’s go down and take a look at the shops they aren’t all takeaways guys uh but most of them are there Chinese takeway here yeah you want one to eat from there would you that one’s called Papa tiger um this is a some Sumit din nasm

    Dine uh then we’ve got nid kebab house just here um we go down a little bit further and we’ve got a vape shop um which is obviously oh American candy vape shop we got Longton barers um which is uh Turkish T Turkish Barbers and then this sort of Second Hand

    Shop uh yeah so you know obviously from what I see there’s not a single English place around what does that tell you guys even across the road to Papa grill mini market what’s that tell you um obviously another labor area this is Uh absolutely destroying now if you look at old pictures of sto content there was nothing like this in the in the 7 60s 7s ‘ 80s ’90s nothing like this go back and look at old pictures uh that’s a tanning place some more takeaways just up there it’s absolutely Grim AED right now guys now we’re in norac cot just by um the Royal Mail office on a spot where it is well known that uh the taxis come and wait for their Fair um and look at all this look at all that just there we are we got some cream

    Charger um gas whip bottles just down here there you go which is a Telltale sign that it is a taxi stop uh where they wait because they’re all on that shite aren’t they uh I’m gonna try and find a way in because there’s some um sort of stuff that we want to

    Video in here so I’m going to go in yeah massive dumping sight this is uh just trying to get down as fast as possible and then back a my MST videoed this the other day had across some watch is he just concentrated on this area but we’re out and about in the city

    Today so I thought well whil I’m sort around here look at all that I’ll common highlight this um now this area I’m not kidding you is uh well obviously if you know sto on Trent you’ll know norac cot it’s it’s almost like spot the white man in norac

    Cot yeah this is bad this it really really bad at that just a Dumping Ground for me it hey and P the third world become the third world that’s what you guys are always telling me and you are right uh there’s places in the third world that are probably better than this

    I’ll be honest with you all the while we watching where we stepping by the way guys look at this look at that it is terrible it all goes and bear in mind guys there’s places where the kids play just here got the school just there the kids

    School uh I can guarantee you if this site was next to a mosque which there is one just up the road bet you this would all be cleaned up because we are in another labor area run by another Foreigner uh probably musly uh I don’t know I don’t know anybody’s face but it

    Certainly looks musly uh but when we get to the end of this video I will uh oh my God I just spotted some things here uh I will um read the members of the council team out to you at that needles e needles oh my God this is this as Grim this

    Is this his labor for you guys we’ve got the labor that are turning us into the third world and we’ve got um conservatives the Tories that want to import the third world even more bringing them over on boats there’s only one way in there guys and that is maybe vote

    Reform let’s give them a chance I don’t know I don’t know what you guys think in your uh a b all L here oh my God how Bloody hat shall I take that back back for Mrs Vlogs Stoke there Stoke City stuff there uh number plate here there you are

    Guys get on there and have a look at that see who that belongs to I know you like doing a bit of investigating when I do these videos I’ll leave I’ll leave you guys to investigate car parts here oh my God this is absolutely Grim there’s the A500 anyway

    Or the A50 I’m not too sure look at all this it goes on and on and on and on I can guarantee you if this was next to a mask it all be cleaned up but coun he’d be looking after that won he you know he’d be looking after that I don’t

    Think that’s a school actually anyway guys I think it’s a nursery um and there’s needles right here next to the nursery oh my Lord that’s terrible ain’t it oh my Lord this is grim ain’t it guys it’s grim and there I know you snowflakes will come on here and go oh it happens

    In all areas not just uh you know in areas where it’s mostly foreign happens in all areas tell me where tell me where and I’ll go and video it it’s footage for me I can make a video out of it and I’ll tell you now guys I have

    Been down areas that are all oh Bumblebee Bumblebee um I’ve been down areas that are all all let’s say English areas British areas I got to find find anything I literally cannot find nothing there is no point in even putting a video up um because there’s nothing

    There cuz everybody uses a bin or they take their rubbish to the skip but yeah in norac cot they don’t like you for bloody hell oh my god look good job I spotted them get that needles to be honest with you they don’t you Lo like been used they look like new

    Needles um yeah it’s terrible down here guys I’m going to get the hell out and we’ll move on to his next place so we still normal cot guys um oh my God this is bad holy shit I don’t think I’m going to get in this very good look at all

    That oh my God yeah there’s trip hazards and everything around here so I’m not going to give able get in this too good look at all that and look just there um that’s the mosque just there um a very big mosque probably one of the biggest look Foreigner driving here Packy

    Driving here watch it look it’s all that the sorts of stuff that around oh that’s normal stuff and but yeah uh it’s bad is’t it very bad all the way along here oh my God lord Bo it is terrible absolutely disgusting I’m not kidding you guys it absolutely

    Stinks too um I’m just going to come off that line now uh it’s kind of a bit of a dangerous area this is guys but I just want to sort of show you uh just over there in the distance chaping Road there’s the big mosque crazy ain’t it so guys we’re

    Back Shelton now oh oh my God look at all these masty whipped cream Chargers the known high of the the local taxi drivers these are the guys that uh that took this cuz it’s untraceable um yeah so last time I did a video on Shelton I received a lot of uh

    Got some more here a lot of threats saying um saying we’re going to get you we know what you look like we’re going to get you well here I am in Shelton Come and Get me but they won’t cuz they’ve got no balls that’s why here I am come and get

    Me look at this guys look at all that look it’s all that the known High for the local taxi drivers Muslim taxi drivers so just as we walking along here guys the areas that we have visited today we are going to read out I’ve written them down the

    Um get Julian all this for me L wife Mrs Vlogs is with us we’re going to read out um the names of the counselors for the areas we visited today so we were in fenon the name of the council there was mziri am laor we were in norac cot a squat

    Mosum LA and we’re now we’re in Shelton and it’s amjad w OB labor that if this video was not an advert to not for a reason not to vote labor then I don’t know what will convince you um don’t vote Tori either we do a lot of um Mig hotels that’s an

    Advert not to vote um not to vote uh the Tories uh all this guys this is bloody revolting ain’t it we have covered this quite a lot guys to be fair um Luke takeaway wrappers coffee and chai cups um yeah but this is a known stop

    For the uh for taxi drivers and and they pull up here and they sip the coffee and chai and they toot on their whipped cream charger and uh off they go for pick up their next fair um you can um look up uh online which taxi services are operating in uh

    In STO cont rent if you’re from sto content well this is you know every time I come up here gets worse and worse and worse in that um W counselor labor counselor for the area don’t give a shit guys don’t give a fuck sorry about me language look instant Cream look gas

    Canisters everywhere more boxes of instant whipped cream um what the hell is that somebody’s C work somebody’s course workor don’t know somebody’s course workor there I don’t know uh not worth a look at well they are more whipped cream bottles if this is not an advert to not use the local

    Taxis around here um I don’t know what will convince you not to use them well I’m not trying to convince you I’m just showing you look at the look at that look at that this is labor for you guys this is Multicultural we want to be Multicultural this is what you’ve got to

    Put up with and Port the third world become the third world it’s absolutely revolting you know in this whole area it used to you could I what what brought me to this area today is that I was looking at some pictures of this area and all

    This was full of full of really nice buildings and I think they were knocked down in the ’90s and it’s just been left like this and but you can look at them online um I don’t really know how to put a picture in with me video yeah I’m not

    Sort of amazing at editing um I just do pretty standard stuff really um but yeah yeah um there you go anyway guys I’m bought the Third Wheel become the third world multiculturalism if you want to if we want to be accepting of Multicultural this is what you’ve got to be accepting

    Of as well and uh we are going to do more of these videos guys up and down the UK as we’re out and about in this travels uh but this is a starting point um and then we got as we travel up and down the UK um we are going to sort of

    Highlight areas that are just like this and the areas that we’ve been today um but um if you have liked this video do um I think I’m being video from a man in that car there uh do give it the thumbs up um and uh we will see you on the next One


    1. Our government are no longer fit for purpose!!

      We need to stand up and turf these criminals out

      They do not have our interest at heart

    2. Is this a Ruslim area, I say this because parts of bradford are the same and these dumps are usually in areas with high populations of Pakistani’s.

    3. Where i stay the housing association have created a bulk area for residents unwanted items cookers sofas, exectra which im glad people use and is emptied every other week when its full, people outside the area people now know about this and are putting their unwanted items in it too which i dont mind so my area looks nothing like that.

    4. New labour beauty spots for UK,… On the right we have turd alley, on the left is the famous Chesterfield, folks it's started labour councils take our council tax while the white collar still won't come back to work from home.

    5. Uk now becoming a third world country. this illegal rubbish tipping is now everywhere. obviously rubbish councils not bothered. another outstanding informative video well done. 👏

    6. How can anyone live in those houses with this filth why don’t they get together and tidy it up 😮 or move away terrible disgraceful area never seen nothing like this in all the places I’ve lived in terrible

    7. Might be a labour area, but conservatives have been in charge the last 12 years and letting everyone in and not doing anything about the boats, we will have boats now everyday till December and conservatives just keep renting hotels for them, I’m voting Green Party next time round at least the place would be clean and Green 💚

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