In this video, we’ll show you how to spend 3 days in Valencia, Spain – The perfect travel itinerary for a weekend getaway!

    Valencia is a beautiful city with plenty to do for visitors of all ages. From shopping in the vibrant markets to admiring the stunning architecture, Valencia has something for everyone! Our 3 day itinerary includes visits to some of Valencia’s most popular attractions, like the Torres de Quart and Virgin Square, as well as the Oceanografic and science museums.

    This trip will give you a wonderful overview of Valencia and enough time to explore on your own. If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit on a budget, Valencia is worth a visit!

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    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    00:07 Intro
    00:43 Day 1: itinerary in the historic center of Valencia
    05:04 Day 2: the City of Arts and Sciences
    06:24 What to see inside the City of Arts and Sciences
    09:38 Day 3: La Albufera, around Valencia
    10:50 What to do in the Albufera
    11:57 Where to eat in Valencia
    13:04 Outro

    #valenciaspain #TRAVEL #valencia

    Today, we’ve got something super special lined  up for you – the ultimate 3-day itinerary in   the stunning city of Valencia! Trust me,  you do not want to miss out on this one.  Now, if you’ve been loving these  travel guides and want to see more,  

    Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button  for all future adventures. And hey,   stick around till the end because we’ve  got some secret tips and hidden gems that   you won’t find in any travel guide.  Ready to dive in? Let’s get started! Day 1: itinerary in the  historic center of Valencia

    Torres de Quart and Serranos First up, we’ve got the Serranos  Towers and the Quart Towers. Now,   these aren’t just any old towers – they’re  like time machines taking us back in time.   They were actually the main gates to  get into the city back in the day.

    Walking through them, it’s like you can feel the  history and stories that these walls have seen.   And let me tell you, it sets the perfect  vibe to kick off our tour around the city. Now, the Serranos Towers are in pretty  awesome shape. They’ve been standing  

    Tall and proud for centuries, and they’re  still looking good! On the other hand,   the Quart Towers have had a bit of a rougher time,  but they’ve got character and stories to tell. But here’s the cool part – you can actually  go up both of these towers! There are three  

    Floors you can explore and the view from  the top? Absolutely stunning! You’ll get   a panoramic view of the old town and trust  me, you wouldn’t want to miss that. And it’s   just 2 euros to go up, or totally free  if you’ve got the Valencia Tourist Card. The cathedral of Valencia

    Next stop, We’re checking out the  Valencia Cathedral, and trust me,   this is not just your regular sightseeing spot. Alright, so from the outside, this place is  just stunning. You’ll definitely want to snap   a ton of pictures. But hey, don’t just  stop there. The real magic? It’s inside!

    Now, once you step in, you’re gonna  be blown away by all these amazing   paintings. It’s like every corner tells a story,   and you just gotta see it for yourself.  It’s an absolute must-do if you’re in town. But here’s where it gets really interesting  – the Chapel of the Holy Chalice. Guys,  

    This place is surrounded by stories and a bit of  mystery too. They say, right here in this chapel,   is the Holy Grail. Yup, the same cup that Jesus  is believed to have used during the Last Supper. Now, nothing’s for sure, but the cup inside? It’s  covered in gold, sparkling with precious stones,  

    Rubies, and emeralds. It’s just something  you’ve got to see with your own eyes. The Turia Fountain and the Virgin Square Next, we’re hanging out in the heart of Valencia,   checking out the amazing “Fuente del  Túria” – a real icon of the city.

    We’re right here in Plaza de la Virgen,  with the stunning Cathedral just steps   away. And right in the middle of it all is  this cool fountain with a big guy lounging   in the center. That’s supposed to be the Turia  River – yep, they turned a river into a statue!

    And check this out – he’s holding something  pretty special in his hand. It’s a cornucopia,   stuffed with fruits and veggies. That’s a big deal  around here and a nod to the city’s abundance. But wait, there’s more! Surrounding our reclining  river dude, there are 8 statues of women,  

    And each one’s got a jug pouring out water.  These ladies represent the 8 channels that   bring water from the Turia River, making it  possible to grow crops all around Valencia. So there you have it, friends – a  little piece of Valencia’s history,  

    Right in the middle of the city. Stick around as  we explore more cool spots in this amazing city! Lonja de la Seda (the silk market) This place isn’t just any regular old building;  it’s actually a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Yep,   you heard that right. It’s a big  deal! But you might be wondering,  

    “What’s so special about  it?” Well, let me tell ya! The Lonja de la Seda has been standing  tall since before Columbus even thought   about sailing across the Atlantic.  And the crazy part? It’s still in   incredible shape today. Back in the day,  this was the spot where traders would hang  

    Out and hash out deals for their goods  right under these super cool archways. When you step inside, your jaw  is gonna drop. There are these   amazing rooms filled with columns and all  sorts of artwork and inscriptions that   basically told the traders, “Hey,  let’s keep things honest here.”

    And the best part? Getting in won’t break  the bank. It’s just 2 euro, or if you’ve   got the Valencia Tourist Card, you’re in for  free! But if you really want to get the full   experience and learn all the cool secrets of this  place, I’d say go for a guided tour. Especially  

    If you’re only in town for a short 3-day trip,  it’s totally worth it to get that insider look. Day 2: the City of Arts and Sciences The new, the modern, the cool stuff – that’s  all happening at the City of Arts and Sciences,  

    Or as locals call it, the Ciutat de les Arts i  les Ciències. This place is like a mini city of   its own with six super unique buildings, each with  their own special vibe: there’s the Oceanographic,   the Science Museum, the Hemisfèric, the Queen  Sofia Palace of Arts, the Agora, and the Umbracle.

    Tickets for the City of Arts and Sciences I’ve got some awesome tips to help you  save your cash while having a blast! Now, this place is huge and each spot  has its own ticket price. But no worries,   I’ve got the lowdown on how to  make the most out of your visit. 

    Thinking about checking out more than one  attraction? You’ve got to hear about the   combined ticket. Grab it online, and boom – you’ve  got a two-day pass and you’re saving big time! Alright, let’s break down the prices: First up, we’ve got the Oceanogràfic. It’s this  mind-blowing aquarium and trust me, it’s worth  

    Every bit of the 31.90 euro ticket price. Next, the Hemisféric is calling your name,   and it’s only gonna cost you 8 euro. And hey, don’t miss out on the Principe Felipe   Science Museum. It’s also just 8 euro to get in. Oh, and the Umbracle? Totally free, guys!

    What to see inside the City of Arts and Sciences Oceanografic: the aquarium of Valencia We’re checking out Valencia’s  Oceanographic – and get this,   it’s the biggest marine park in all of Europe.  Yep, you heard that right – it’s massive!

    So, imagine this – we’re gonna dive straight  into the Arctic zone. Penguins and puffins? Yep,   they’re here and you’re gonna see  them up close and personal. Next up,   we’ve got the mysteries of the Mediterranean Sea  and the deep blue Ocean. We’re going deep, folks!

    And hey, we’re not just about the underwater  life here. We’re also gonna swing by an aviary   and say ‘hi’ to some pink flamingos. Just a  heads up though – watch where you’re standing.   These guys are known for their surprise  ‘gifts’ from above, if you know what I mean!

    Feeling hungry after all that? Well, we’ve  got you covered. We’re gonna grab a bite   at this mind-blowing underwater  restaurant. And to top it all off,   we’re catching a dolphin show like no other  – it’s all about those flips and tricks. The science museum

    Alright, folks, buckle up because right  after you check out the awesome ocean world   at the oceanographic, you’re gonna stumble upon  our next cool spot – the science museum! Now,   this place is far from your typical  museum where you just look around. Oh no,  

    This place is all about getting your hands dirty,  experimenting, and just having a ton of fun! Think of it as a playground, but not  just for kids, it’s for everyone,   no matter how old you are. Now, let me tell you  about the coolest part – the top floor. It’s  

    Like stepping into a world of science magic.  Ever wondered how much water is in your body?   They’ve got this special scale that fills up  a cylinder of water to show you exactly that.   Feeling strong? Test out your jumping skills and  see if you can beat a cheetah – yeah, a cheetah!

    And for those of you who love a good challenge,  try keeping your balance on something super   wobbly. Oh, and did I mention? You can even  take a trip to Mars. Inside the Science Museum,   there’s also this amazing Foucault pendulum  swinging back and forth, proving to us that  

    The Earth is indeed rotating – sorry to  burst your bubble if you thought otherwise. Hemispheric Check out the Hemisfèric when  you’re at the City of Arts and   Sciences – it’s right next to the  science museum and you can’t miss   its unique sphere shape sitting  in the middle of a pool of water.

    This cool, shallow pool has a  couple of awesome uses. First off,   you can rent a little boat for  a fun ride around. And second,   when the evening hits and the lights  turn on, the whole place transforms,   making the structure look just like a giant  eye reflecting in the water. Super cool, right?

    Step inside the Hemisfèric, and you’ve got a  ticket to another world. They show 3D movies   on this huge, circular screen, and you  get to pick which one you want to see.   Just make sure to get there 15 minutes  before the movie starts. You can dive  

    Into space adventures or explore the  wonders of nature – it’s all there. Now, I’ve got to be honest – while the outside  of Hemisfèric is all futuristic and cool,   the inside experience could be a bit better. Maybe   with some more exciting movies? But  hey, it’s still worth checking out.

    And don’t worry about breaking the bank;   a ticket is just about 8 euro. So, ready  to add this to your adventure list? Day 3: La Albufera, around Valencia Ever wondered what to check out in Valencia? Now,  

    It might sound a bit offbeat, but hear me out  – how about visiting the birthplace of paella? Yep, I’m talking about the Albufera Natural Park.  This place is not your typical tourist hotspot,   but that’s what makes it so special. You’ve  got sprawling rice fields, quaint boats,  

    Local fishermen, a variety of birds, and plenty  of spots to grab an authentic plate of paella. It’s a quieter place, not overrun by tourists,  which honestly, is a breath of fresh air. Now, if you leave Albufera feeling  a bit underwhelmed, chances are,  

    You might’ve missed out on its real charm.  This place is all about authenticity. Picture this: Over 70% of the park is covered  in lush green rice fields. This is where the   magic happens, where the main ingredient of  your tasty paella dish comes from. You’ll see  

    Herons swooping down for a snack, and  fishermen setting out on their boats,   decked out in their hats, armed  with nets and wooden oars. So, if you’re up for something a bit  different, Albufera Natural Park is   definitely worth a visit. Trust me, it’s a  unique experience that you won’t want to miss!

    What to do in the Albufera we’re checking out this super cool lake where you   can hop on a boat ride for just €4  a person. Trust me, it’s a steal! But hey, that’s not all. Ever tried paella? Well,  

    You can grab a mouth-watering plate of it right  at El Palmar. And after that, take a leisurely   walk along the paths super close to the water.  It’s like having a mini-adventure right there! Now, the boat tours? They usually kick off from  El Palmar and Mirador d’El Pujol. And guys,  

    You gotta stay for the sunset. Whether  you’re on a boat or chilling on the quay,   it’s like watching a painting come to life. There are a bunch of different  paths you can explore around here   too. We’ve got the historical Gola  del Pujol trail, a botanical one,  

    A sensory path, the historical Saler  trail, and even a fun recreational one. Just a heads up though, the signs around here can   be a bit tricky to follow. My pro tip?  Park your car at Mirador d’El Pujol,   also known as Embarcadero. Right after  that, you’ll see where the trails start.

    And hey, don’t forget to wear comfy shoes,   especially something closed  because, you know, mud happens. Where to eat in Valencia Kickstart your day with a  sweet note at Horchateria   Santa Catalina. Nestled right in the  bustling heart of the historic center,   this joint is all about bringing those  old-school Valencian flavors to your plate.

    When the clock hits lunchtime, make your way  to either the Central Market or Mercado de   Colon. Trust me, this is where the magic happens.  Dive into the world of the iconic Iberian ham,   served up as tasty croquettes or  hearty sandwiches – your choice!

    As the sun dips and the alleys start  buzzing with life, that’s your cue   for dinner. And not just any dinner, we’re  talking about the authentic Valencian paella,   served right in the pan, with rabbit or chicken.  It’s an experience you don’t want to miss!

    And hey, while you’re here, why not indulge in  some tapas or enjoy a full-on Spanish feast?   Just a heads up though, locals usually  don’t hit lunch until 2 pm and dinner is   a post-10 pm affair. But hey, the market’s an  exception; you can grab an early lunch there.

    Don’t stress though, you’ll quickly fall  in love with the laid-back Spanish vibes. Alright, adventurers, that wraps up  our epic 3-day journey through the   vibrant streets and stunning sights  of Valencia! We hope you’ve picked   up some great tips and are feeling pumped  to explore this Spanish gem for yourself.

    Don’t forget, if you enjoyed  this video and found it helpful,   give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe  button so you won’t miss out on any of our   future travels and adventures. We’ve got  plenty more where this came from! Until   next time, keep exploring and stay  adventurous! Safe travels, everyone!


    1. Bienvenidos a Valencia, espero que hayáis disfrutado en mi ciudad, ah!! y cuidado con el agua de Valencia, entra muy suave pero después literalmente es como si te hubieran dado una coz 😉

    2. Spend in VALEncia – video is really amazing. You Explained everything very well. Each and every point is very clear. I got to know many information from this video. It's really impressive how you explained everything in a single video. I really appreciate the effort put into making this video. One of the best video i have seen regarding the subject. Thank you for taking time to explain everything into details

    3. Hats off to our travel guide for being an exceptional source of information. Their insights on local culture, historical landmarks, and practical tips is informative. A heartfelt thank you for sharing the wonderful video.

    4. Absolutely Amazing video about How to spend 3 Days in VALENCIA Spain. In this video everything discussed very clearly. This video is full of informations. Thanks for sharing such video.

    5. Such an beautiful video with lots of information.
      The tour guide of Valencia, Spain is so well planned .As an art enthusiast, I am awestruck by the sight of The Cathedral of Valencia especially Chapel of the Holy Chalice. The Virgin Square is the perfect place to move around. I am mesmerised by the city of Arts and Sciences.I would surely visit Albufera National Park to get close to mother nature.Thank you for sharing with your viewers

    6. I really loved your video about the vibrant city Valencia. Actually i was searching for this kind of video on valencia. You explained each and every important points so nicely. This video will help me a lot. Keep creating this type genuine travel videos for us.

    7. Kudos to our travel guide for providing comprehensive and invaluable information. Their expertise not only enriched our understanding of the destinations but also ensured a smooth and enjoyable journey. A true asset to anyone seeking the best travel insights!

    8. Spain is such a nice country.I have planning to go there next year .Valencia was not in my list but after watching this video I will definitely add this one to my checklist.Thank you so much for this wonderful short tour.

    9. I love this Valencia city. Best place for spending vacation. The city is so mesmerizing. The tour guide is also very much nice. The video is very informative and useful also. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    10. VALENCIA is a beautiful city in Spain.. Such a wonderful nature, road, food and soo kind people.. Your presentation is very exclusive.. I really enjoyed the travelling video.. Keep posting..

    11. This video is really awsome.. This is very interesting and informative video… This video is clear describe about traveling… This is really beautiful city… Thanks for sharing this video…

    12. This is truly a wonderful travel itinerary. You've explained everything about how to spend 3 days in Valencia, Spain, very well. Valencia is a beautiful city. You provided proper information about Torres de Quart and Virgin Square, as well as the Oceanografic and science museums. This is very helpful for travelers. I really appreciate your effort. Thank you so much

    13. Buenos dias. Thank you for an excellent video. We are retired educators planning on visiting southern Spain in the fall to look for our next home. This area has an amazing beach boardwalk. Condos here are much cheaper than in our city, Portland, Oregon. We love a walkable and accessible city. Healthcare, transportation, safety, and reliability are our concerns. Gracias! Dean & Cindy

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