This week, on the Saturday Sessions, we explore the lovely village of Hamble via a Treasure Trail. Can we solve all the clues and win a prize? Join me on this little bimble by the river.

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    This is a secret question. If you are the first person to answer it correctly, you will win a prize: Somewhere in this video you can find out roughly what time I attempted this Treasure Trail. Answers should be sent to


    Dan’s opinions shared in this video are supported by verified facts (whether scientific or general) and they should be treated as just that: opinions. All critique and humour are addressed to the words and actions of individuals and not to the individuals themselves, under the Act of Free Speech.

    Good morning how we doing welcome back to the channel this is another Saturday session I am here in the beautiful hamul Marina and we’re here today to do a Treasure Trail now these are nationwide I so happen to be doing the one in hille cuz I live quite near hell it’s a spy

    Mission Treasure Trail it’s themed which is quite cool um it says it’s going to take a couple of hours 1 and 1 half miles of walking apparently um and we need to solve some Clues and answer the treasure questions so it’s a little bit like the Ordinance

    Survey book but in real life so that’s what we’re going to do so just before we start we’re going to read the mission briefing here we go it’s called water palava this mission may be Miles High the racing yachtsman has had enough he’s sick and tired of flash gin

    Palaces full of party people using the river they get in his way and disturb his peace so he has concocted a a Sinister plot with the help of a magnetic device once activated it will destroy all the noisy Mo motor boits in the hle which is the local River over

    There including the ferry and the Lifeboat we can’t let that happen so we’ve sent field agents or should that be scuba agents to spy on Miles and his team from under their boat spy master code Nam camouflage has caught Clues to the devices deactivation code from Snippets of overhead scheming overheard

    Scheming and has scattered them across h for us to decipher can you our top spy follow the clues to crack the code and save the day we’ll give it a good go so let’s get to it right clue number one there’s a lot of Clues here uh clue

    Number one says study the marina map at the entrance to the car park the word proceeding stores is the answer to your first clue uh then you got to record the answer in the first line of the mission answer grid and then we move on so let’s

    Have a look I’m in front of the map now so we want the word proceeding stores the word prec got it got it yachtsman let’s record that in the book so there we go I’ve got it in there so we can see the m is highlighted in green

    So looks like m is going to be our first letter so we’re off um so it’s telling us to have a look to make sure we’re not being followed by Miles uh and then when we’re safe at the car park the way we came in which is this road I’m walking

    Down now and then scramble up the hill Crossing to the left hand pavement the road to your right so let’s do that cross over to the left hand pavement with the road to your right um and then clue two it says have a good look around

    For a red and white symbol on a blue blackr a red and white symbol on a blue background okay it will definitely be leading to the answer record it in the second line of your grid once solve twist left and sneak towards the Village Center so okay

    A red and white symbol on a blue background so here we go red and white symbol on a blue background and which is obviously a dead end symbol and it says obviously leading to so it’s got to be Crow sport got to be Crow sport leading to Crow sport so

    We’ll get that into our answer grid there we go crossport is in so we can see that the p is highlighted in green so that’s our second letter okay we now have to sneak towards the Village Center which is what we’re doing um and clue three says this number

    One Copper Hill Terrace can also be found where take the word that appears before Lane and using the spider code up on the inside back page convert the letters enter them into your grid number one Copper Hill ter so I guess we have to find number one Copper Hill

    Terrace so I’m on Satchel Lane so I’m assuming it is Satchel Lane as you can see there so use this dakoda here to figure out Satchel what Satchel is in this uh in this dakoda so I’m going to do that and pop it into the grid okay so I’ve

    Done that I’ve got a load of uh random letters and we can see V is highlighted in green so on we Go so it says shortly after the uh last clue slipped down well Lane now I think I know well name lane cuz I’ve run down it before and it says Sol the next vital clue along the way down the lane and at the bottom Dart right into rope walk and scale around

    For another clue okay let’s have a look so clue 4 is going to be down well Lane which is just here so as we go down it says at the information board look underneath digging a well if one two is strong 41 is Brick and 63 is directly what is 84 record

    This word into your next line of your answer grid oh dear here we go here’s the board okay if one two is strong 41 is Brick I’ve got it okay if one two is strong so paragraph one word two sorry line one word two is strong line four word one is

    Brick and 63 is directly yep directly uh then what is 84 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 undermined got to be isn’t it undermined does it fit let’s have a look it Bloom well did fit get in there so off we go

    Down the lane and we’re going to turn right before we get to the bottom of the lane there’s a little fact here said rope was once made in hul uh the Rope making industry is Remembered in a street named a rope walk uh Copper Hill Terrace was named after a copper a

    Container where tar was boiled didn’t know that about rope okay it says I think we’re on rope walk now uh it says along rope walk seek a footpath sign on your left Tiptoe Through the wooden gate Straight Ahead towards the marina wall okay there’s the footpath

    Sign here’s the gate it’s a right of way and here we are at the harbor wall so I’m going to read the clue here along the harbor wall identify something concerning the 4th of June 2015 the role of the person who commissioned this not the name or title is the answer and must

    Me recorded in the grid let’s have a look can see something up here maybe this is it um the Royal Southern York C 4th of June 2015 there we go 4th of June 2015 the role of the person who commissioned this so is that Patron can’t be his raw

    Highness the pr not his name or title so the role so that’s got to be Patron isn’t it and I think it fits let’s put it in and it does indeed fit right we need to go back the way we came let’s go so it says we need to retrace our steps

    Uh back to the gate and continue along rope walk in the direction you were walking uh and when you reach the and D left to the slipway area and keep your eyes peeled the sun has come out as well I thought it was going to be cloudy all

    Day what a great start already done those cues we are 0.92 miles into the uh walk and we’re only on clue six don’t know how this is only going to be 1.5 miles anyway we’re now at the end of right walk and we’re going to D

    Left um and it says keep your eyes peeled now the clue says subtract the year The Cottages were built from the year the Royal Yacht Club was established the number of years remaining is the answer you seek so the year the cages were built and the the year the Royal Yacht Club was

    Established let’s have a look around that says 1850 up there but I’m not sure if that’s right right but this is the yacht club um established August 2008 there’s some costes here I don’t know if this now this is the yach club still 2008 um although that one there don’t

    Know if you can see that the Royal Southern Yacht Club says established 1837 so I think we’re going to have to go of 1837 aren’t we it’s 1850 and 1837 obviously the difference is 13 okay I’m just sat here on the slipway um I I don’t think I can see any

    Other date so it’s 1850 takeway 1837 which is 13 so let’s pop that in the grid okay there we go 13 is in was highlighted the number three so so far so good six Clues done 13 to go okay I was just walking back and I saw on

    August 1818 now these are more like Cottages than that over there so I’m thinking it’s 1818 and 1837 and of course the difference there is 19 so I might have to change my answer okay I’ve changed the answer I more confident with that one so we go

    Back to the Cottages it says here turn right and head up the hill where there are 10 sails and three flags look around very carefully for a date that follows IC it’s very small and almost invisible to baffle you you will need Super Spy Vision once you found it write it in

    Your Grid in reverse order so we’re going up the hill now uh where there are 10 sails and three Flags Okay okay so I think I found it the 10 CS and the free Flags is this Victory Pub and a very nice gentleman has helped

    Me see the date and it’s just up there don’t know if you can see it it says IC 1806 it used to be painted white apparently now it’s in Black so we’re going to record that down in Reverse which is obviously 6081 so let’s get it

    In oh it’s a lovely day okay it says clue number eight it said Advance up the hill to track down the old house it won’t be difficult it’s old I think I see it already uh but can you identify what type of listed building it is it’s

    Vital that you figure this out and record it in your grid oh dear okay well it’s got to be this one it looks ancient here I’ll show you so that does look really old but it’s some sort of listed building the old house an English listed building it’s

    Right there English listed building okay so the next clue is says spot the following image nearby which is the image here I’ll show it on screen uh then I’ve got to look for a gold midal winner and note down four seven letter words found top to bottom well I found the

    Image which is here right behind it is a gold letter box and I think if we go around here there is a plaque which says this post box has been painted gold by raw mail to celebrate Danny King Gold Medal winner London 2012 Olympic Games in the cycling

    Track women’s team Pursuit I need to find the four seven letter words in this plaque so what have we got uh we’ve got painted we’ve got Olympic cycling and pursuit painted Olympic cycling and pursuit then it says pop the letters in the following positions in your grid oh okay all right

    I’ve got do a bit of working out here give me a second okay so I needed to write them alphabetical order and then it told me to write down the letters from each word and each positioning the word and it ended up being cryptic so I’m assuming that’s correct which means

    Our te is highlighted brilliant let’s move on right it says step back step back onto the main pavement and head back up the hill with the road on your right hand side um so we’ve done that and then it says pay attention now you’re looking for yet another old building uh from

    1563 all you need to do is enter the relevant color into your grid spelled the way you find it 1563 okay 1563 now here’s a pub called the old white heart and it’s Bel wh yte all I need to do is find a 1563 somewhere and uh and then we’ll know it’s

    Right but I think it has to be 1563 perfect there we go we’ve got it in there wh yte and the Y is the one highlighted so there we go let’s move on okay clue 11 says follow the pavement all the way to a Norman Church on the

    Left and then enter the church grounds and then there’s a little bit underneath what we got to do when we get there so let’s get to the church it’s turned out beautiful today actually the thing with these this sort of tra is I’ve not had a chance to catch

    My breath yet it’s just constant constant constant Clues here we go this is going to be it let’s go into the grounds so the rest of the clue says on the memorial for the Great War which I assume is this spot the numbers that look like fractions add up the

    Denominators for your answer okay so I think here we go we’ve got a 2 over one there and a 1 over 19 below it I think that’s it so it’s 19 add 1 which is 20 I think they’re the only fractions let me just double check

    Yep ah we got more we got a four and a 14 so that’s 38 in total is it all of them going to have to risk it we’ve got a 414 and we’ve got a 1 and a 19 so that’s 20 34 38 and there we go 38 fits

    Nicely let’s move on there’s actually a little fact here and it says look at the markings on the door of the church fishermen who went to sea went to church and made a mark as they left the building if they came back they went to church to thank God and Mark another

    Mark on the door so marking across let’s have a look yeah wow look at that it’s across there right there there absolutely loads of them fascinating okay the next clue says beyond the entrance to the church seek a very old rock shaped from a fossil tree a very old rock shaped from a

    Fossil tree H where’s that then I’ve seen a rock here is this it let’s have a look yeah this memorium seat has been shaped from a 200 million year old fossil tree and installed in the year 2000 well the rest of the clue says um

    List all the numbers from 0 to 9 that do not appear here and times the smallest by the largest and enter the answer into your grid as a word I need to have a closer look at the sign I think yeah so it’s quite difficult to

    See but there are some dates on there so obviously we’ve got a one a two there’s no three or four or five or six but there is a s eight and N so I think our smallest is three and our largest is six

    So 6 * 3 is 18 and it wants it as a word let’s have a look and why not sit on the seat as we do it here we go 18 hope it fits it does brilliant and the H has been highlighted awesome let’s move on okay apparently it says be warned

    Secret agents some of Mars’s goons may be lurking ahead so we need to retrace our steps leave the church the way we came in and go back to the place of clue 10 which was the old white heart Pub so we’re going to go back there okay this

    Clue 13 is says I got to find some sort of face in some sort of stone um I’ll put it on screen now but I think I found it it’s up here look so here it is the clue says um enter the location into your Grid in

    Full but without any spaces so I’m assuming then the gunhouse without any spaces let’s put it in okay it says we need to then go right into school Lane which is right there and then when we reach Green Lane turn left so let’s go right it says once

    We’re down Green Lane we have to discover a special type of field um and then we take the first word using the cipher AAL 1 Bal 2 Etc convert the letters to numbers and add them together and then repeat the process for the second word and then subtract the

    Lowest from the highest and to result into your grid well it’s got to be this isn’t it donkey Derby field so using that code then AAL 1 Bal 2 I’m going to do my maths and then I’ll get back to you okay I’ve done my maths uh donkey comes up to

    74 and Derby comes up to 54 uh and obviously if we subtract the the smaller from the larger we get 20 so let’s hope that fits in the grid and as we can see it fits quite nicely brilliant five Clues to go come on so this clue says Advance along Green Lane

    Pass a white picket fence um and a nature reserve on your right I’ve just passed the white picket fence there and the Nature Reserve is coming up here and then it says comb around to spot the image for your next clue ahead of you that’s got to be the Nature Reserve

    Okay well let’s read the clue look out for the following restriction Zone in the following surveillance image so it’s a a no entry sign and I can see two ahead of me so let’s keep walking on the post below one of these identify a single word to help you crack the

    Code write all the letters of this word into your Grid in alphabetical order in alphabetical order well let’s go let’s get to the uh the signs and have a look oh dear we’ve got a problem so there is so the the no entry sign is on the other side and there’s the other

    One but there’s no sign on the bottom of that one and this sign is blank that’s an issue cuz I saw it from the back and thought ah yeah it’s going to be on that sign but it’s blank I’m not going to WR anything down for this one guys disappointing but we move

    On um okay as you have the special agent status enter beyond the security restriction and scramble downhill which we’re doing now there are no Pavements on the hill so take great care which we will at the bottom turn right to solve the next clue no problem turning

    Right as you approach the end of the road spot a flag Poole in the distance ahead of you and just slightly to the left note the initials of the place it’s associated with and they’ll fit nicely into the next line of your mission answer grid okay I do see a flag pole

    It’s just over there and it says the hble river Sailing Club HR SC see does that fit let’s have a look the initials for hle River Sailing Club do fit really upset about that clue before but there’s nothing we can do now uh we’re going to have to

    Guess on that green one we got three Clues to go let’s go okay says follow the foot path at the end to follow the key around to the left which I’m doing now skirt along the water’s edge uh heading back towards the village past the Boatyard Cafe and Lifeboat station for two further

    Clues uh okay okay so I assume we go around this footpath here to go along the water’s edge clue 17 says direct your attention to some wartime memories what lines were laid under the ocean from hambo to cherborg enter this word into the next line of your grid H wartime

    Memories uh oh there could be some over here let’s have a look now that was to do with the Platinum Jubilee look at this though beautiful River hle absolutely glorious what a day it’s turned out to be there’s a sign here let’s have a look okay this is not wartime memories this

    Is uh sponsored benches for hble let’s move on okay I think we found it I think we found it wartime memories let’s have a look um okay don’t talk to me Pluto lines just after the day Pluto lines which are pipelines under the ocean were laid across the channel from hambur or

    Ice BP terminal to sherb there we go Pluto let’s pop it in Pluto fits quite nicely two to go so clue 18 says with a little imagination maybe you’re looking for something that resembles a giant grape or Olive but what year was it designed and add this to the year it was

    Withdrawn and you’ve got another answer for your grid so we’re adding two years together let’s have a look I think I found it already look right there okay we can see the two dates are 1949 and 1986 So add them together and let’s pop it in the pop it in the grid okay our final clue says duck around the corner to the slipway area to seek the last vital clue in your mission what is it say let’s have a look so clue 19 use this guy to follow

    The River go higher than bunny Meadow’s footpath to find something lower with eight letters and write that word into your final grid oh we’re back here we’re back here by the um by the cages and the yacht club so use the guide to follow the river

    Okay I found it I found a guide that follows the river bunny Meadow’s foot path is there and we need to find something lower with eight letters above it and it is of course lower swanic so let’s get that in swanic is the word isn’t it

    Let’s pop it in so I’ve just um been to the little Riverside Cafe there and got myself cappuccino now what we need to do here in order to uh solve the combination is we need to cross off so for example we’ve got an M here and we

    Need to cross the M off and once we’ve done all these that should leave us with four uh letters or numbers which goes in this box down the bottom here and that’s our solution code now the problem is 15 we couldn’t find the clue because it’s

    Either been rubbed off or taken down so there’ll be one left but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it so let’s start Crossing them off so there’s an M there a p v d o 9 a six and a one G uh t y a three and an eight h

    U s z r l 5 W A and C right so that’s definitely a two that’s definitely an i and that’s definitely a k now the problem is it’s an n and a seven but but this would have been a word not a number because the clue let’s look at

    The clue quickly it said look out for the following restriction Zone identify single word to help you crack the code so if that was a word then that means a letter would have been taken away which is that which means it has to be a seven it’s got to be 27

    I I believe is the Lo solution and what I need to do is I think I can submit it yeah so I’m going to do that I’m going to finish my coffee I’m going to submit the answer and fingers crossed we get a prize but that’s it

    That’s it for this treasure shell I really really enjoyed that it’s been 3.2 mil so a lot more than the 1 and 1 half miles that it said uh and it has but it has taken me less than 2 hours it’s taking me about an hour and a half

    So bit of a weird one how that the distance is higher and the duration is shorter but still it was good fun and I believe these are nationwide so go on to the treasure trails website if you’re in the UK and there’ll be one near you I am

    Sure they are really good fun it was only 12 quid um and I’m going to submit the the the answer and maybe I’ll win a prize so we’ll see how we do with that um but for now we’re all done with the Saturday session I hope you enjoyed that

    One it was like a little puzzle in real life I’ll see you again very soon thanks so much for watching [Applause] bye-bye


    1. That was a fun video to watch, Maybe the sign was correct, it had 'nothing' on which would place a 'N' in the grid when arranged in alphabetical order. Edit
      Nevermind, it would have to be a 8 letter word, and nothing only has 7 letters, I've seen my own mistake 🤣

    2. For clue 15, the word should have been written in the Pole on the side under the ⛔ according to the clue. It said you had to come around.

    3. 0:01: 🗺️ A themed treasure trail mission involves solving clues to prevent a yachtman's destructive plot.
      3:54: 🔍 Following clues to find hidden treasure along a trail
      8:30: 🔍 Solving a clue involving historical years while on a treasure trail.
      13:38: 🔍 Seeking clues in a treasure hunt, deciphering cryptic messages, and exploring historical landmarks.
      17:44: ⛰️ Uncovering clues on a fossil tree rock seat leads to a numerical puzzle, resulting in unlocking a hidden message.
      21:40: 🔍 Participants encounter issues with signage, proceed to solve clues on a treasure trail, and identify initials of a location.
      25:30: 🗺️ Solving clues along a treasure trail by following a guide along a river to find hidden words for a combination code.

      Timestamps by Tammy AI

    4. This was cool. Thanks Dan. Will have to do this the next time we visit my wife’s mum in Dorset, as we are always looking for something new to do. Let us know what prize you win

    5. And again loving this. This is my Saturday treat for sure. I just grab a nice coffee and enjoy. Now I am wondering if they have these treasure hunts in Canada where I live. Gonna check it out. Thanks Dan for another great video.

    6. 24:27 Uh oh… sounds like either a little lad is mouthing off to his mother, or an old Karen is mouthing off to the park warden 😄🙅🏼‍♀️
      Also I feel like this is something flerfs couldn’t possibly get through without using google and still feeling like they completed it, but then call it stupid because they kinda missed the point of it lol 😄

    7. I saw this, liked it but couldn't comment, so today, Sunday morning, I'm jumping back. This seems too fun. I remember early stuff, really elaborate, back in the early 2000s. It is so awsome that it is played, often, globally. 👍💙💙💙🥰✌

    8. This was a wonderful video to watch. It felt like a great way to tour around an area and made me wonder if there's similar activities in my own local area.

    9. Please please please, send an email to the organizers of the treasure map to let them know about the missing clue. In all likelihood they have no idea the letters have gone and the only way they'll know is if someone tells them! You'll be doing everyone a favor by sending off a quick email.

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