🦶We review: Is butter bad for you? Is butter Healthy? Is butter good for you? The Benefits of Butter, Osteoporosis Treatment & Vitamin K2🦶

    00:00 🧈 Butter and dairy overview
    Introduction and apology for demonizing.
    Butter and margarine comparison.
    Nutritional content and considerations.

    02:25 🍔 Butter vs. margarine breakdown
    Historical perspective on margarine.
    Nutritional differences and similarities.
    Impact on cholesterol and health.

    04:57 📊 Butter’s health impact
    Discussion on butter’s effect on cholesterol.
    Mixed research results.
    Association with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

    06:26 🥗 Dietary guidelines and recommendations
    Moderation importance.
    Limiting saturated fat intake.
    Emphasis on a balanced diet.

    07:56 🥛 Vitamins in butter and dairy
    Vitamin content in butter.
    Grass-fed vs. regular butter.
    Impact on bone health and osteoporosis.


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    👉 LINKS 👈
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    Osteoporosis All in 1 Supplement: https://geni.us/OsteoporosisAllin1
    Collagen for bone: https://geni.us/MultiCollagen

    Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K2 Supplements:
    Watch this Video: https://youtu.be/esTz-_Mpm4Q
    Liquid D3 + K2: https://geni.us/LiquidVitD3K2
    Best Vitamin D3: https://geni.us/VitaminD3-10k
    Best Vitamin D3 + K2: https://geni.us/VitaminK2D3
    Best Vitamin D3 5000: https://geni.us/VitaminD3-5000
    Vitamin K2 MK7: https://geni.us/VitaminK2

    Best Magnesium Supplements:
    Magnesium Video: https://youtu.be/5DzSw8Ynhpo
    Best Magnesium L-Threonate: https://geni.us/Magtein
    Best Magnesium Citrate: https://geni.us/MagCitrate
    Magnesium Citrate Powder: https://geni.us/MagCitratePowder
    Best Magnesium Glycinate: https://geni.us/MagGlycinate
    Magnesium Glycinate Powder: https://geni.us/MagPowder

    Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Check how much EPA & EHA in it, not the total fat content):
    Watch this for more: https://youtu.be/8CVHgrf-FLQ
    High % EPA & DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acid: https://geni.us/Omega3-2000mg
    Best Vegan Omega 3: https://geni.us/VeganOmega-3
    Best Omega 3 1,000: https://geni.us/Omega3Nutricost1000
    Best Omega 3 2,500: https://geni.us/Omega3Nutricost2500
    Best Krill Oil: https://geni.us/BestKrillOil

    Multivitamin for Men: https://geni.us/MultivitaminMen
    Multivitamin for Women: https://geni.us/MultiVitaminWomen

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    Dr. Tomasz Biernacki received his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine in 2013; he completed his Surgical Reconstructive Foot Surgery & Podiatric Medicine Residency in 2017; he completed 2x traveling Fellowships in Diabetic Surgery, Skin Grafting & Nerve Surgery. He is double board certified in Podiatric Medicine and Foot & Ankle Surgery. Dr. Biernacki is a licensed podiatrist & surgeon in Michigan. This video should not be used to self-diagnose and is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Biernacki and you. It would be best to not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam & diagnosis. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.

    This is Dr. Tom Biernacki Today I’m going over the butter and dairy secret for stronger bones revealed. We’re starting now. I have to apologize to you guys, the viewers. I had some artery videos and they had a ton of views, and I unfairly demonized butter and dairy in the past.

    I kind of bought into the old cookie cutter training, but now my eyes are open. I’m looking at a lot of the numerous studies in the bottom line is four eggs for butter, everything. All these high level systematic analyzes, meta analysis are coming out

    And the cholesterol in our diet is playing a smaller and smaller and smaller role in all these synthetic additives and replacements like low fat foods are actually more dangerous and inflammatory for us. So the debate between butter and margarine involves considerations of taste, health and nutritional content. So here’s the breakdown.

    Butter is a dairy product made from churning cream and milk to separate the solids, the solid fats from the liquid, which is the butter milk, the benefits of butter. It is a natural dairy product with a simple or natural manufacturing process. Many people prefer the taste of butter for its richer, creamier flavor

    And for baking. Butter is often favored in baking to create flaky textures and rich flavors. The good news is butter actually has amounts of vitamin A, B, K2, as well as some healthy fatty acids. But the negatives are it does have some more saturated fats, which has been linked to cholesterol levels.

    But I think as time goes on, this has started to get disproven and this kind of goes back to and so Kees and his seven country study, I touch upon this in my other videos, but essentially Dr. Keyes looked at studies from countries and initially associated

    High levels of fat intake with higher levels, cholesterol and higher levels of heart attacks. But there’s something called the French Paradox, and some people do report that France was left off this study. And for example, France has high amounts of butter use. You know, they eat their baguettes, their croissants seep.

    My wife speaks French so I can pronounce it like that. But essentially these foods in France did not lead to higher levels of heart attacks. And for example, if you look at countries that eat the most meat or if you look at regions like Hong Kong that eat the most meat,

    They’re actually lead the world in number one life span. Now, granted, they do have some heart issues in that country, but other countries like India, for example, who eat the highest percentage of vegetables or vegan, they have high levels of heart attacks. So something to consider.

    These studies now show that is not the case. And butter is also calorically dense. If you eat too much of it, you can gain weight. Now let’s take a look at margarine. So margin was historically considered the healthy option. Margery is a nondairy product typically made from vegetable oils.

    It has lower saturated fats. Most margarines are made from vegetable oils and contain less saturated fat than butter. Historically, margarine ended up being terrible for you because it had trans fats, but now trans fats are technically banned, so they should be eliminated as of 2020. Margarine is also fortified with plant sterols.

    These can help lower cholesterols and technically margarine is suitable for vegans or those with lactose intolerance. So if you’re a vegan or have lactose intolerance, margarine is probably the way to go. The negatives are historically these had a lot of trans fats, which actually did raise cholesterol more than butter,

    And they have artificial ingredients at flavors colors, depending on the brand. And for cooking and taste, it’s said not to taste as good. Nutritionally, they’re both pretty high in calories. Fat content. The butter is higher in saturated fat, but the margarines lower in saturated fat.

    Cholesterol is present in butter, but margarine does not contain cholesterol. The difference between butter and margarine comes down to your preferences. The reality is both are probably not the healthiest for you. But now, as time goes on, butter was probably unfairly demonized. In my opinion.

    Looking at the studies, it’s probably the more natural and healthier option and does have some vitamins in it. And your cholesterol in butter is actually involved in vitamin D synthesis. There. Is that benefit. Is this significant? It’s probably not very significant. Dietary cholesterol is not necessarily said

    To raise your blood level as high as previously thought. And that kind of goes back to Dr. Keys and the French paradox in the past, there is a lot of individual variation. Some individuals are referred to as hyper responders. They show a significant change in blood cholesterol when their diet changes.

    But a lot of people now are not necessarily effective. There are high level meta analyzes on butter. Studies specifically focusing on butter have produced mixed results. Some research says that butter might raise LDL cholesterol compared to other fats like olive oil, but less so than trans fats

    Or some saturated fats found in processed foods. At 2016, meta analysis published across nine papers and 15 countries concluded that butter consumption was weakly associated with a high incidence of cardiovascular disease. It did actually lower diabetes rates slightly, and the rationale for this was that calories from the fat meat eat less sugar,

    And there was no significant association with overall mortality. So what does this all mean? The effect of butter on health can differ significantly depending on what it’s replacing in the diet. For example, if you eat a buttery foods and cut out sugary foods, it’s probably better for you. But if you’re cutting out

    Olive oil or nuts, for example, that’s probably not a great trade. The current guidelines and recommendations are that moderation is key. Butter is seen as preferable to trans fatty foods like margarine in the past, surprisingly, and I know I’m going to get a lot of heat here, but in the paper they state

    That butter is probably not as healthy as some vegetable oils. But I know whenever I mention vegetable oils, people get upset, especially the American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat intake. It should be no more than about 5% of your daily calories.

    Butter is not as evil as we once thought it was, but it should comprise a very small amount of your diet, no more than 5% of your calories. You want to eat more protein, more fruits, more vegetables, more whole grains, more lean proteins. That’s really the key for a healthy diet and living.

    Let’s look at the vitamins in butter. Butter does have some vitamin D and there is an association between vitamin D and calcium, but it’s not huge. Butter also does contain some vitamin K2. I did watch a study on this, but the vitamin K2 levels actually pretty low.

    Like realistically, if you supplement your vitamin K2 or get it in the form of eggs or some other meats, it’s significantly higher. You also want to consider grass fed versus regular butter. Grass fed butter has higher levels of vitamins and potentially higher amounts of omega three fatty acids.

    And for this reason, butter and dairy can be very helpful. I did a video about the top ten lies about dairy, and the bottom line is a lot of people are lactose intolerant and can’t take it in. But those who can, generally they have stronger bones,

    Stronger vitamin D levels, stronger vitamin K2 levels and butter kind of follows along with that between dairy and butter, because technically butter is dairy, they can be helpful and have been shown to be helpful for your osteo process. There was a meta analysis on dairy intake and reduced osteoporotic fractures, and

    These did show that dairy significantly can help with osteoporosis risk. But here’s the real key for osteoporosis. There is something called wolf slop. It’s not whether you eat butter or dairy, it’s how much stress and strain you put on your muscles in your bones. In society today, we’re not doing that.

    Osteoporosis risk is high. As we get older, there’s more smoking, more alcohol, more stress. We’re not moving as much. This is very important. You have to strength, train and resistance training to address your osteoporosis. So while butter is not as demonized as it once was,

    It’s not some type of miracle solution for osteoporosis either. Butter and milk are healthier than previously reported and studies and science backs that up. But you still need to strength train to strengthen those bones. I always tell people it’s 100 times more risky not to strength train than to strength train.

    And the reason your back hurts and your joints hurt when you initially start is because you’re not doing enough of it. Once you start strengthening your body, your bones will strengthen your tissue and your muscle will strengthen. Check out my guide on all the best supplements and treatments for osteoporosis below.


    1. دکتر جان می گویند کره طبیعی که در روستا تهیه میشود بهتر است تا کره که در کارخانه تولید میشود.

    2. What a flip flop. India uses a lot of butter in the form of ghee. I would not blame heart attacks there on vegetables. I really think you are most effective staying away from this very confusing and dairy supported area as the research just is not clear. Let's stick to your speciality as you have really been helpful there!

    3. Love this! We are on our 4th doctor. We use doctors for bloodwork each year. Finally found one that believes in that cholesterol isn't bad if you are metabolic healthy. Plus previous 3 were overweight. Made zero sense that they were giving health advice. Plus they were never trained on nutrition. Only medicines. Not cures. Grass fed butter is extremely healthy!

    4. Any research available on what Ancel Keys diet consisted of? A quick look at wiki shows that he lived to 100 years of age. My diet aligns closely with a keto Eggs, meat, fish and some vegetables kind of eating. I've been taking Vit D, Omega 3 between 10-15 years and have added some other supplements in the past year or two.

    5. Grass fed butter, milk and kefir are healthy and delicious. This plus high quality protein and organic fruits and vegetables is undoubtedly healthy.

    6. You recommend margarine for vegans?! It has the potential to contain oxidized fats. Also grains?! They have the potential to spike insulin and do not have that much nutrition

    7. "Dr Keyes" was NOT a medical doctor. He was a charlatan who cherry picked, then misrepresented his data. He was a narcissist and a liar. Margarine is poison. Natural saturated fats in the diet are no longer a problem food according to the American College of Cardiologists. Fat is an essential food to build and repair nerves. Your brain is mostly fat. You're still perpetuating the disinformation emanating from the food industry.

    8. We already know that we can't trust the American Heart Association as Nina Teicholz pointed out in her book from 2015, The Big Fat Surprise. After reading her book I decided that I NOW wanted to know whether the people in charge of a study regarding our health were vegans or vegetarians bc they LIED and LIED for decades about studies done regarding animal protein and fats. The American healthy eating pyramid was a pack of lies promoted by the vegans and vegetarians who were behind it. FYI, Teicholz was a vegetarian for 25+ years before she changed that. I point that out just in case some ppl think she had an axe to grind. She didn't !

    9. If it isn't bad enough that what we were told thirty years ago was bad for us, is now good for us, a recent study also found that if the animals giving us food are stressed, then they aren't providing us with all the nutrients they might give us compared to animals who aren't stressed out. For example, cows who are grass fed and allowed to roam in the fields vs cows tethered inside barns or free range chickens vs chickens stuck inside all the time are not giving us their best. Holy crap, I only have control over so much. If I can't trust the Dr's and I can't trust the studies, and now I have to be concerned about whether a cow or chicken or yes even a fish is happy or not, it's getting to be a little crazy ! 🤪

    10. People have been trying to follow food recommendations from the American Heart Association and the food pyramid and guess what people are just getting sicker all the time. We need to take control of our health doing our own research and not always think that whatever our doctor tells us is always in our best interest. You can go into a doctor's appointment armed with knowledge and information about things regarding your health that your doctor knows nothing about. Get educated. Do your own research.

    11. Seed oil is poison and so is margarine
      Do more research
      Butter is actually good for you
      Some ppl do excellent on a carnivore way of life
      I prefer keto
      Also cholesterol means nothing
      Keto is well balanced

    12. 1/3 of the amount of ghee or good quality butter is many times better for you and is superior in flavor than margarine. Point being, avoid margarine and gimmicks pretending to be alternatives while not overdoing the better options.

    13. This maybe the most balanced and objective medical channel on diet therapy. I like the way we learn and relearn as Dr. Tom researches, refines, corrects and challenges once established guidelines. If possible, I’d love to see a video on the benefits of whole grains from a clinical perspective on diabetic foot patients, as I’m yet to be persuaded in regards to their dietary efficacy in countering insulin resistance and excessive blood glucose. An interesting and informative video! Another great job!

    14. Pure organic grass fed butter is healthy and nutritious. It's the low quality ones blended with seed oils loaded with omega 6 that are the problem. We cannot put all butters in the same pot.

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