Welcome back to the women’s edition of Parry Ru we’re crossing to live pictures very shortly let’s have a look at the map and the course the women will tackle for rub Farm is here it all starts from the city of danant to the southeast of Ru and also very close to the border

    With Belgium now after doing a few loops around Anan the peleton will race 116 km there were 17 sectors of cobbled sections in total two sectors rated at the maximum difficulty level and they are the Monon Pavel and the Kord de labra cobbles will take up to

    29.5 kilomet of the race route we have live pictures 51.4 km to go and this is history great base it is and look there’s a bit of Carnage we just saw a fall there straight into the ditch there looks like a lot of pecky in the Belgian Champions Jersey this is a really

    Reduced field already we do know that Lizzy Dagan was out solo a minute in front in the early stages uh but the 29.5 km of cobbles it’s about 25% of the race and there she isy diag and nearly 2 minutes up uh now this is a brave move

    She’s going to do a van floating on me Tomo I think I would have said it’s probably too early to go solo but the Gap looks to be increasing and she looks really comfortable and I must say hitting these cobbled sections one of the biggest stresses is definitely

    Finding a position in the bunch and trying to hit that Cobble section within the first uh two or three Riders if you’re solo it takes the complete stress out of that uh and you get to hit those cobbles pretty relaxed and go your own pace Kate uh there are 17 sectors but

    There’s no Forest of arenburg now there’s a reason for that well there is Tomo a little bit controversial uh the reason they did that is because uh it was perceived that if they did include that it would mean that the women had to hit that section right away and have no

    Real leading and they were concerned about the safety if a big bunch did hit that section um personally I think they could have found a work around given that it’s only 116 km I think they could have probably added another 50 km to it given the strength and capability of the

    Women’s field all right the women have been campaigning for the arrival of the women’s par Ru for for many many years and a big shout out to the former UCI president the Australian Tracy Gordy who has campaigned for this event to start and it has started and uh it really is a

    Tipping Point in the progression of the women’s game on the World Tour on the world calendar Let’s cross now to our commentary team of Bri odonnell and Matt Keenan for the inaugural Parry R F 50 km remaining and it is Lizzy dagner the former world champion who’s out in

    Front on her own with an advantage of 1 minute 54 seconds the cobblestones are damp the rain has stopped however and the chase is on from behind we’ve seen L of keki the Belgium Champion she’s hit the deck already Rihanna Marcus is in this group that is chasing at the head

    Of this group we’ve seen Mariana Voss she’s shown her presence up towards the front and she’s got some good company that was Lee Thomas that we just making our way past here’s one of the pre-race favorites a little surprising number 31 that is Chantel Vanden Brook black we go

    A little bit further forward to guni along with the world champion balamo and Alan van djk in the white colors briy the European Champion the world time Trail Champion she crashed a couple of moments ago she’s getting herself reorganized and the chase is on and it’s

    A big one you can see how effectively they’re using that smooth muddy part of the road to stay away from the cobbles but now then they can once they get back onto the regular asphalt try and Chase back on it was difficult to watch van djk there before when she had some

    Mechanical difficulties but this woman is not in any difficulty at all fantastic strategic move by Dinan she’s a world champion she’s won Grand Prix pla many times so she knows how to race in this kind of conditions she’s just 1 kilm away from hitting M pel which is a

    3 km sector it’s a fstar sector it is a brutal sector and she’s on her way to the next one some of the pre-race favorites are exiting the previous one that is good for morale and it’s fantastic for Longo bini who’s just sitting in fourth position position in

    That group of four that you described there was Majerus Voss great riding by Longo bini to just hold the wheel and there’s a movie star Rider we think it could be noard also there that looks like bastianelli the Alec Chini rider in the fluro yellow so this is the chasing

    Group Lisa brenau is also there she wears the white colors she is the German national champion she’s got loads of experience and she shown herself on multiple occasions Bry throughout her career she can cope with slippery conditions and she won’t be in intimidated by the likes of Marana Vos

    In that group but she knows that she plays a dangerous game onto monzon Pavel for the leader at a minute and 53 seconds behind Lizzie Dagan the beauty of being out on your own of course is you get to choose what part of the road you ride on you can see there’s this

    Nice slightly smoother section so she’s really managing these terrain very well she was at 49k an hour on the smooth part of the road great move by Lizzy darn okay and the rain that stopped earlier this morning there’s still some wet patches but in many respects the

    Cobbles they can’t get in much better condition than this we’ve seen some dry additions such as 2007 when Stuart o Grady won and it was so dry and Dusty that the conditions had almost turned in a racing across ball bearings when it is wet it’s like an ice ring this is

    Somewhere in the middle these are pretty good conditions they are and in the week leading up to per Bay there are Le Ru they are people who go and look out at the cobbles to determine if they need work almost like maintenance of of a Cricket pitch um they want to make sure

    That there’s nothing treacherous of course treacherous is a very wide scale but uh they want to ensure that Riders can kind of navigate these roads as safely as possible you can just see the way the wind is blowing from her left hand side blowing those shrubs on the

    Right hand side of the field over across so she gets to choose where she rides on the road I had a conversation with Anthony mccrosson who many on the couch peton will know he’s doing the world feed he’s at the finish line along with Hannah Walker and has said that the wind

    Has ease somewhat throughout the day it was a relatively strong Tailwind earlier this morning but that’s backed off ever so slightly this is the chasing group Romy Casper now going through in the yellow colors for Yambo visma she is doing the chasing for Vos Bren all is

    There in the white colors M Star it’s the French woman it’s bat who’s managed to make the move in fact she’s got a teammate with her norgard looks as if she is also in the group basan Elli you’ve spotted she’s in the fluo colors the LA she’s riding strongly up towards

    The front they enter Monson pel this is a five-star sector and there is horsepower at the front the Chas is on to see if they can reel in Lizzy diagam well in any normal bike race you wouldn’t want to be at the front of the chase group because other others would

    Get an advantage but and certainly on these sorts of Roads you want to be in good position so this is smart riding by the DSM Rider she’s trying to make herself out of trouble bastinelli on her wheel but Voss is very canny sitting there in third position with Longo bini

    There’s also another track SEO ride there and I think it’s called Ono and they’re both that obviously with their teammate dining up the road they got such strength the track sea Fredo team and this is what Kate and tomama were talking about earlier on is that strength in numbers so they can be

    A real decoy to the chase the world champion balis she hits Monson pel there at 2 minutes and 42 seconds behind at the back of the group L keki the Belgium national champion briy she spoke up her chances leading into the World Championships last weekend she’s had a

    Fall already today she finds herself on the back foot yeah she rode well last weekend at the Flanders World Championships look at this High Cadence that over the mud you can see how slippery it is for Dinan also in the group that we just saw with balamo is

    Tiffany Cromwell so that’s great news for Aussie cycling fans to have that Canyon samam Rider there and Kate Bates talked about how confident Cromwell is as a road Rider she’s one at omope she knows how to ride gravel and she’s in the group with the leading a little bit slippery through that

    Corner for Lizzy dag and she manages to hold on to it equipment choices are crucial Robbie mccuan has spoken to both the canyon sham team and the M Star team and they are riding 30 to 32 mil tubeless tires with a tire pressure of just 48 PSI they are looking for

    Traction more so than just pure speed and looking to try and avoid punches when we saw that wonderful replay of Matt Heyman winning back in 200 16 as they came onto the VR they was they sort of look slow didn’t they and you think yeah that’s because normal track tire

    Pressure might be 120 so they’re not going to move quickly on that vill Dr almost 30 km worth of cobblestones throughout this 116 km race this is the multiple Luxenberg National Champion now on the front this is Christine M maurus she is always easy to spot Bry I’ve run

    Out of count for how many times she’s won the national Time tral title and road race title as keki the Belgium Champion is under serious pressure is this a mechanical looks like a mechanical as she is searching across the shoulder for the team car we saw her

    Fall into one of these trenches on the right hand side about 5 km ago and she’s clearly got some mechanical issues there’s the world champion balama on the back of that group but this is the Chase and it is a surprise not that Majerus is here but oh there’s been a big fall

    Looks like norgard has gone down so to As Long go borghini Lisa BAU with her class has avoided it and AOS in second position has not missed a beat Cordon Roo hauling the wheel there AOS and you can see people crash because of course you change direction rapidly on those

    Awful cobblestones three Oreos high and your bike will just fall out from under you but look at brenau you said the class of her Bastion early in the fluorescent she keeps chasing on as well but maer’s teammate this is the writer we spoke about vanderbrook black she has

    Missed this group so it’s a surprise bamo the world champion she’s also gone down it has turned into an ice ring so the leading Vehicles they’ve hit the puddles they’ve sent more water up onto the cobblestones and it is super slippery e Duval also crashing that’s

    The fron de Rider so you can just look it’s like almost impossible to keep moving in the right direction if someone crashes a lot of pain there for valkar rder she’s a teammate of bamo that’s rer number three guini Victoria gingerly getting her self nursed off to the side of the road

    Because there are vehicles coming through Riders continuing to charge through M rck there from X next racing it’s so hard to get your momentum back you’re probably in the Big Chain ring and trying to get some speed on that difficult terrain this is the chasing group this is group number two maurus is

    The rer is on the front it’s Vos in second position next in line is C on Rago and then it is brenau at the back of the group this is a strong group of four but only three Bri who would be prepared to do the chasing and Yambo

    Vizar teammate ofos is returning that’s good news for the chasing group yeah she looks confident on the cobbles doesn’t she Casper and she was in the right position oh sorry Ryan Marcus the teammate from yumo visma making her way trying to get back onto the wheel there

    Of the German Rider Brena who’s just sitting very smartly on the on that group of four Majerus seems to be very happy to do the work in chasing she knows now she’s the leading rider for SD works in the best position and with only

    44 km to go not a lot of time to make up and it is super slippery through this section and as we focus on the second group The Leader at 44.8 km to go lizy Dagan she has exited Monson pel she gets a little bit of rest spot she has 3 km

    Before she hits the next Cobblestone sector the back end of this race there’s not much reprieve between Cobblestone sector a little bit of bchan and then it’s back onto the p and look how the wind is affecting the Riders as well Longo bini on the right hand side of

    Your screen she’s struggling in a very heavy gear but what we’re seeing now is the riders that are starting to get a bit of comfort uh making their way back up again and the fluro colors I thought it was Yambo visma in fact it’s the LA

    Team that is mar Bastian Ali who is managing to return that’s a strong ride by the Italian to get back in contact with this group it’s also or vich the mov Star Rider sitting on the back there of bastinelli so six Riders now in the chase now that could be Ludwig the small

    Rider from fron deure trying to get her front wheel out she was named in that front group or Eugen Deval and now the nexts of the Chas is also making their way through amongst them the Italian Champion Longo borghini just behind her is the Dutch Champion Amy Peters movie star well represented here

    Of course their teammate anamik van vuon former world champion would have been there r at to watch for today’s race Longo borghini the Italian Champion she’s had a brilliant couple of Seasons also in that group was Francesca Kosh of DSM and it is a task just to stay

    Upright let’s go looking for the grass well the next racing thinking I will get find a better place to ride on this road and and it’s so challenging with the wi but she’s chosen smartly to be on the right hand side but rck now just trying

    To get her own Rhythm and stay away from the mud and it looks like racing in quicksand at that point she sees a dry patch in the high part of the cobblestones she’s making a return to the group just in front of her we saw great images before the start of Jess

    Allen from bike exchange having some padding put into the palms of her hands so that as she’s holding on to the handlebars you don’t get that awful reverberation all the way through your Arms This is Duval at the back of the group at the front of theou group is

    Keki lot of kekis they’re about to exit Monon pel conf oneri is also the rider there behind keki so camera’s focusing on keki she’s the Belgian national champion she’s calling on the radio there trying to get some assistance from her team car Voss rolling through trying to get this

    Group working and despite the fact that they have Superior numbers they don’t have a whole lot of cohesion and on her own Lizzy D she’s about to hit the next sector this is the 10th sector this one is just short at 700 M it’s just a two

    Star sector she is continuing to extend her lead she is a lucky number 13 for dining today and looking in a great Rhythm even when she the back wheel slid out from under her on that muddy section very calm the beauty of course riding on her own she can find wherever she needs

    To be but she’s always looked great on her bike she’s terrific um in a small Bunch Sprint she’s terrific in a an uphill finish won the course last year in nice of course and has performed so well over 9 years it’s in fact 9 years since she was

    Second at the Olympics in London she’s a former world champion as well I was just nursing through that corner with her pry they’re getting more slippery I think I spoke too CERN about the conditions because the sectors look to be getting wetter as the race goes on but as you

    Mentioned on her own under these conditions it’s not such a bad thing she’s finding some dry patches so this is a camera now on that second group and as we mentioned Cordon Rago the teammate of dond she’s in the group for track sea Fredo Mariana Vos from yumo visma

    Christine Majerus from SD works or bich from movar Lisa Brar and then Marta bastianelli it’s bastianelli who is at the front Voss has gone to the back of the group binau in second spot the challenge is to get themselves organized they’re not too far away from hitting

    The next sector which is a relatively short one and we’ve got the key indicator as to how challenging the sectors are by being able to see Lizzy Dagan go across them first and we know that the next sector it’s got a few wet patches it’s fairly slippery the former

    Italian Champion running for fdj that is cavali she just collects from the side of the road you can see Bastian Elli there she’s trying to get bral to do some work she she doesn’t there’s no reason why this powerful Group of Seven Riders should be losing time to a solo

    Rer like Dinan but still a two-minute Advantage for Dinan B just looking over shoulder they want to get a sense of their advantage cuz there were about four other Riders chasing including Longo bini who’s very dangerous maurus also looking up assessing the situation in front riding for SD Works she’d be accustomed to

    Being in the numerical Advantage but over the last 18 months or so as the chasing group hits Sector 10 it’s been TR Seca Freda who have often found themselves in the stronger position in regards to numbers and certainly on the form guide we would have been someone

    Like Ellen Van djk who just won World Championships in the time trial 9 10 days ago but she’s not in this good position at the moment she’s back in the third group from what we can understand at 3 minutes and 41 seconds behind D Lisa brenau at the front this is the

    Slippery corner where we saw Lizzie dagner just go ever so slightly sideways a look back at some of the conversation basan Elli she wants more contribution from her companions in this group you can see Riders taking an opportunity to get food get bidens in the sections between the

    Parve great position for the Frenchman from TR seao Audrey Cordon Rego to be in as we get a chance to take a look at the famous Vel Drome you know they’ve got a really good world-class indoor vome in rouet but why would you use that why

    Would they want to use that it’s so much more spectacular to have them ride into that open air one and there were even cracks in the v drone we saw those beautiful previews a couple of hours ago so everyone is excited to see the women

    Come in here and win this Race For the First Time Majerus looking over her shoulder they want to see if their teammates are now that’s where you can see Longo borghini in the green red and white she’s on the radio to communicate to her own teammates that that group the

    Third group is making contact now with this group of seven which is got not good news for this group having Longo borghini join them because she’s a teammate of Lizzie Dagan she has Audrey cordone Rego in that group so again TX Sago they strengthen their position and

    As that is happening Lizzie dner is moving further in front she’s now out to 217 yeah the hesitation and the waiting and and Riders thinking about the numbers game which is of course what procycling is all about is playing into the hands of T seao good to see now the FR Rider and

    This of course the European Champion number 11 making her way back and not only is she the European Road Champion she’s the world individual time tra champion and she’s got the horsepower to join that group two Riders just in front of her in fact make that three and one

    Of them is the Australian Champion Sarah Roy who’s keeping good company she’s with be and the other Rider that is there with her is Casper so two from Yambo visma the track SE Freo Rider may not Chase but Sarah Roy for somebody who comes into the race with a fractured

    Wrist or hand she’s riding brilliantly well as Kate bit said the hardware won’t let her down she’s got a pin in her scapo and a lot of strapping on on the arm and elbow but this is great now for ninth sector to go so they count

    Backwards so you know how many you have to remain onto the Palm tubo this is a three star sector once she exits this sector she then has 4 km which is one of the longer gaps towards the back end of the race before she hits the next bit of

    PVE so that’ be a good opportunity for her just to settle recuperate take on some food and take on plenty of water number 11 briy sitting at the back of group because she’s got Superior numbers out in front from TR secao she doesn’t need to work and really Roy is someone

    Who does need to work she’s the only bike exchange Rider now in the front 20 Riders definitely has got some assistance now for for voss’s teammates who are Keen to get back up and make contact again so they can assist Voss if it comes down to a group finish there’s

    Beck house at the front this is Casper she’s obviously had a crash you can see the mud on her body Sarah Roy she’s got the arm all bandaged up as we go back to Alan vandyk Sarah Roy won’t be coming home this offseason because of the challenges with Co being

    Able to return Etc so it’s going to be her first offseason in Europe that might work out well for her for the targets for the spring Classics for next year and this will be one of the races she’ll have a tough day everybody will I think

    She’s going to fall in love with Ru she’s perfectly suited to a course like this isn’t she a taller Rider with a lot of strength she’s she’s won in Bunch finishes she’s of course won the national Criterium championships and the National Road championships so you can just see some slipping and sliding there

    By Lizzie Donan but she remains calm she’s got great bike handling skills but very difficult conditions today lots of wind there’s been rain and of course when the lead vehicles and and we just saw when those team cars are sort of chasing to get back onto the

    Back of a group they throw water on the road and it gets slipperier and more dangerous with every turn but all I’m seeing with these time checks is continual growing of the time check in the favor of Lizzy Dagan and here is the chasing group this is group number two

    As they’re about to hit the next sector and even though it’s a relatively small group with just around about 10 riders in this group as they hit pontio hit Lisa brenau at the front there’s still a battle to try and get that lead position absolutely all about confidence

    And with Brena you can see she’s confident to ride at the front of this group it’s safer everyone’s expending the same amount of energy there’s not a huge benefit to sitting in in the an unprecedented Market Force is causing a shift in Direction among a number of assass there may be some long-term

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    A family of rebels oh what a surprise and finds a link no way to an Aussie Superstar I love that who do you think you are stream free on SPS on demand when you have those Crosswinds the German champion at Lisa brenau on the front plenty of experience at 33 years

    Of age she’s riding on the high part of the cobblestones it’s about as safe as it can get and that’s a relative term matura sitting behind her in fact tamy Peters now who is behind her the Dutch national champion so DS works with some reinforcements to assist with the

    Chasing no it is still maurus the Luxenberg national champion who was there looked like Amy Peters a little bit further back and it’s been so challenging SD Works they didn’t have the Firepower in the right positions as they thought but you can see now groups are trying to make their way back up

    Number 56 here she’s the teammate of or would be an ites in the front group that’s Leah Thomas and at the front of this group is Chantel Vanden Brook black she’s still got a bit of work to do to catch the second group which to 223

    Behind the lead Lizzy Dagan but as the 2006 winner Matt Heyman has always said just keep riding that’s exactly what she is doing DSM in the group they have Franchesca Kosh there this is Cordon number 52 going through as bat so the French are well represented out in front

    Voss she’s won 12 World titles across a variety of disciplines last weekend was her sixth silver medal at the world championships in the road race Amy Peters the Dutch national champion in the group norgard is there you can see she’s had a fall but the Norwegian has bounced back Longo bini rattles around

    That corner and just loses a little bit of ground here comes the chase including the Australian champion and Sarah Roy is coping well with the cobblestones she is and she’s benefiting from the aggression there of yumbo visar as they try and make contact they’re getting their hopes

    Up of course cuz they can see the back end of this group Longo bini is surprising me she’s not really looking as comfortable able on those Corners as some of the other Riders and she’s just losing a bit of distance as her tires come out from underneath

    Her brenau still on the front safest spot to be she’s calling the shots from that position there off sector number nine there’s eight to go it’s Lizzie D who leads her Advantage is 2 minutes and 24 [Applause] Seconds Paru Bay 34.3 km remaining Lizzy Dian out in front with an advantage of 2 minutes and 38 seconds this is be hours for Yambo Vima who has just returned to the chasing group and Bri o’ Donald she returned she go straight to the front she’s trying to chase down in support of

    Mariana Vos but if your share portfolio was going in the direction of Lizzie Dagan’s time Gap you’d be pretty happy with your investment well this is great commitment by Yuma Vima they’ve got three Riders and of course they’re riding for Vos but you can see these Hall monitors on the front vjk Audrey

    Cordon Roo and Lisa long Longo bini the three teammates of Lizzy D they are just monitoring the front now we can see the purple jersey of Chantel vanderbrook Lu she’s their SD Works Rider who’s made her way back to this group mageras her teammate is there as well to support her

    She’s intent on bringing this gap down Vander BR black she’s done a lot of chasing just to get back in contact with this group she has two teammates with her the Dutch Champion Amy Peters is just behind her then it’s the Luxenberg Champion Christine maurus who is in

    Third spot SD Works they’ve been the dominant team for a number of years TX agredo in 2021 they look like they might have taken over it’s they came with such a star lineup didn’t they but also really good representation so there’s 19 in this group three from Mo star or B

    The frenchwoman Emma norgard and Leah Thomas the American so really good writing by M Star but they’re benefiting now from the motivation of Dutch Riders who want to bring their Victory to Shantel V Brook black or even Peters here who’s on the front now just about losing count of national

    Champions in that group the belarussian national champion towards the back that is Maria Martins the Australian Champion which is Sarah Roy the Luxenberg Champion Christine Maduras the Dutch Champion Amy Peters the German Champion Lisa brenau the Italian Champion Elisa Longo borghini the world champion was just off the back the former world

    Champion is here the European Champion is there as well Ellen Van dijk this is a class group to be in yeah it’s really really impressive the challenge though as you said Matt is ding is not being caught they are not catching her with this effort because of a lack of

    Cohesion and Riders looking at each other and of course she has three teammates back there in the group causing just some slight disruption as she’s on Sector 8 just a short sector though only 500 M and this is a sector that is broken up in two she’s on the

    Second part of it the first part was just 200 M of templ this is the second part of it again just a two star sector only 500 M once she gets off this with 32.7 KM remaining she then has another little bit of a break she has roughly 6

    Km before she hits the next Cobblestone sector that will be good for her physically to give a little bit of reprieve but in contrast it’s also an opportunity for this group to potentially get themselves organized if they can get themselves organized safely now onto that smoother

    Section of road you can see the crowds out on a cold day here lot of swan you can see how important it is for have to have Team support after every section so that she can take the option of grabbing a bottle some you lose those bottles in

    A crash or or because there’s been an issue and so it’s so important to have someone who can provide you can see a putting a hand up now she does want a drink or the team car for a bit of a conversation and she’s got 5.7 km before

    She hits the next sector so this is one of those rare moments where she can take on some food take on some drink she has Ena Yoko totenberg her Sports director coming up alongside her and as much as totenberg has never ridden this race before the first edition of the race for

    The women she’s got the cool calm head and the experience to keep Lizzie Dagan composed the battle for position on the cobblestones though continues in Chase group number one well look at those back wheels skidding out but this is now looking at the legs in the back of the

    Bike of Ellen Van djk European Champion amazing time trial Rider of course won the World Championships not 10 days ago so trying to keep in contact with this group surprisingly Van Dyk looks as if she’s been struggling with the cobblestones and I thought that the cobblestones with her size being able to

    Deal with the getting bounced around a fair bit by the cobblestones it could have been to her Advantage doesn’t look like she’s enjoying the experience though and what we always don’t know is when a rider like that has had a crash as she did maybe there’s an issue with

    Her deria maybe she doesn’t have the gears that she needs for this we certainly saw that with lcky the Belgian champion and she is now not in the mix anymore in this group onto the second part of the templ sector There She is again with the foot out but this is

    Slippery she’s not the only one with her foot out the Italian Champion is also playing a balancing act that is Alisa Longo borghini at the rear of the group is Leah Thomas the American for M Star we can see how smart I mean a rider who can uncp to keep themselves upright is

    Someone with a lot of bike handling skills and some Poise in making sure they don’t crash now basti nelli you can see she’s was so motivated to keep this group working jerus there in the third position we have four Riders from yumbo visma though in looking after Mariana

    Voss she has three teammates to lead her out if they can make back this distance of 2 minutes and 30 seconds till ezy ding we are running out of kilometers and they’re not making the impact that we would have thought with that caliber of these Riders exiting this pavate

    Sector to have almost 6 km of sealed Road this is the moment where teammates can really help absolutely Voss will say to Casper you know get on the front and to start doing some of that chasing keep the Pace High let’s see if we can make an impact every single time the road

    Smooths out back with Lizzie Dagan whilst it’s all unfolding behind her she’s just getting on with business and she continues to maintain an advantage of 2 and 1/2 minutes this is an enormous performance she’s been a world champion on the track she was a team Pursuit world champion she’s won a silver medal

    In the omnium she’s won a World title on the road as you men before a silver medalist at the Olympic Games on the road as well there’s not much she hasn’t done well she’s also W the AG best on the age last year did that in a Solo Breakaway she’s comfortable riding out

    There on her own she’s got the composure she’s got the confidence and she’s riding I mean after the birth of her daughter a couple of years ago she’s actually come back smarter and and really chosen the races that suited her um with the amazing support of the team

    They’ve been incredible and shown that for a lot of women who’ve had kids coming back into the prop pellaton has just not been a possibility but TX Segredo clearly recognizing the absolute Champion that they have and she is a champion I’m sure that her husband Phil dagner will be watching very nervously

    Let’s hope that he started the race with really long finger nails because they’ll be getting a trim as we get closer towards the Finish she’s inside the last 30 km the chasing group this is Romy Casper Now who’s on the front for Yambo vizar there at a little over 31 km

    Remaining 231 behind well Vos is there on the wheel second position and that camera there showing you Ellen Van djk she’s sitting on the wheel of her teammate Longo bini both of those Riders incredibly successful but just not really looking as comfortable in the cobbles today as we would have

    Expected the two Riders from T seedo in this group Alisa Longo borghini number 15 then number 11 Alan van djk they were split off the back of the chasing group as a result of some technical difficult ities on the previous Cobblestone sector so they’re now working to try and close

    Things down the dant 235 it’s almost a 2 kilm Advantage she has not shifted her position she never rides in gloves which is very courageous on a course like this but she’s doesn’t ever choose to wear them Longo bini now wanting to try and use this better section of road to bring

    Her teammate van djk back up to the group they do have another teammate Orono former French national champion she is in the front group monitoring the work by yumbo Vima and Cordon rogo looks to be of the three from track SE Fredo who is coping the best with the

    Cobblestone interesting there we saw Elisa look around her shoulder to see van dijk and Van dijk is actually struggling to hold the wheel now she’s so physically strong this clearly she’s got a problem either from the crash of her body or with her bike but just losing some pictures at the moment but

    What we’ve seen is the impact that these crashes are having on the Riders is so disruptive to their legs to their equipment we apologize for a little bit of picture breakup this is part of the images that are coming out of Europe it is a challenging day in weather

    Conditions stick with us hopefully we’ll be back with a closer look at the Cobblestone Shortly just inside 27 km remaining for Lizzie Dy she has a 1.8 km Advantage 2 minutes and 32 seconds this is Emma norgard who looks like she’s been playing on a forward flank in the 1980s she is showing all the signs of having slipped through a quagmire but she’s

    Still in contention she’s in the second group on to sector s now for Lizzie Dagon this is a three star sector it is 1300 M long we’re talking just now m about how good Lizzie d looks on this bike and how well she’s handling the conditions even

    When her rear wheel slips out even when she’s riding through the mud or even some of those really significant puddles she just does not change her pedaling Cadence it each time when she has slipped she’s looked completely under control the bike has drifted she’s gone with it she hasn’t panicked she’s looked

    At ease on the Cobble stones and you can see by the equipment Choice it looks like it’s a 30 to a 32 mil tire that he’s chosen on the TR bike tide pressure as Robbie mck provided us some information courtesy of SD works and M Star they’re running at around about 48

    To 50 psi a little bit of forgiveness in the ties because with no gloves on she’s going to have some sore hands at the end of the day so now this is the group of 19 that we’ve talked about three Riders from mov star four three Riders from

    Yumbo visma at three Riders from SD work so absolutely the responsibility of those teams to do more of the work Sarah Roy the Australian National Champion who’s only just recovering from a fractured scao is sitting nice and carefully there in the middle of this group also Lisa brenau who we’ve seen

    Looking really comfortable on the cobbles she then is very smart about making sure she doesn’t do the work on these flatter faster sections and there’s quite a few riders in this group in the yellow colors of the Yambo vismar team teammates of Marana Vos but Bri it

    Looks like they’re running out of the horsepower to be able to go to the front and do the chasing of Li dag who’s still holding on to a lead of 225 Matt when you spoke about lower tie pressure the implications of that of course is you

    Don’t get as much bike speed then when the road surface is good so you can’t kind of wind it up to 45 or 50 km an hour you’re dealing with a bike that is not built to handle that road it’s absolutely built to handle these conditions and when she gets off this

    Sector the C sector 7 she gets all of a 1.2 km break before is onto the next sector there’s no let up this next 15 km are brutal yeah s and six back to back and then 54 and three are also long sections or sectors with not a lot of

    Rest bite between them so she just needs to be thinking I mean she’s shown that Rhythm there lost a little bit of her Advantage it’s now down to 2 minutes and 18 seconds M Star electing to be part of this Chase Now by riding on the front 17

    Cobblestone sectors almost 30 km worth of cobblestones throughout the 100 16 km the sectors they continue to count down at the moment they find themselves on sector 6 trying to do the chasing Under Pressure this is Romy Casper at the back from the yumbo vimar team she’s done

    What she can it looks like the petrol tickets though are empty well just also being distance a little in front of Casper is Maria Martinez riding for the drops L Cole team and a big shout out to former cyc crash National Champion Helen Wyman her and her husband run that team

    And it’s all about development of women Riders who are particularly in cyc Cross so that’s their degree of experience they’re a continental team and they’re supporting a lot of young women to come through the pathways to the professional pelaton and Sarah Roy is doing an outstanding job within this group still

    Holding on to the back Leah Thomas is setting the tempo at the front the blue colors for M star charging through to the front now is the German national champion that is Lisa brenau Franchesca Kos is the rider behind it in the black and Roy the the Australian Champion is

    Responding yeah great riding by the DSM Rider Francia Kos she’s also German she knows brenau well they’ve had a great preparation for the world championships and Brar was in that mixed relay team that won a gold medal so brar’s looking dangerous but I am very impressed by Roy

    She’s there sitting in about 9th looking pretty good she’s choosing those smoother sections of the road when they’re available she said on the back of the World Championships last weekend Sarah Roy that she was a bit disappointed in her performance I thought for somebody who’s recently

    Fractured a bone in her hand that she rode pretty well and she’s riding even better this weekend she certainly is by our standards but I think with so many Elite athletes they they reset immediately and they think well here I am in the race I should be right at the

    Front onto the next sector this is sector number six and this one is a three star category just over 1 km long to one a is where she’s making her way to the advantage it’s starting to dwindle ever so slightly it’s down to 207 and with 24 km remaining that sort

    Of time Gap under these conditions it can be reeled back in certainly if this group can Garner the motivation to work in a really strong Rhythm there will be it will require mistar yumo visma to really start working hard see if they can bring that Advantage down but of

    Course there are those trollers of course from T Sega Fredo they are trying to do everything they can to just diminish the chase stay in a good position that of course means though if elen vanik and loo bini are showing some distress and not really being able to

    Keep up they don’t want to be in a situation where Audrey Cordon Rago is the last right or left and it all comes back together so they need to stay in contact dag at and from I want to bre imagine a place where we can finally be

    Free free to zoom without a meeting request free to enjoy Savory bites and stunning sides and free to reunite with old friends and new it’s time to break free I want to break free ready to break free plan your future getaway with Norwegian Cruise Line sell safe feel free 1 2 3 4 Families can save up to $2,400 a year with Ali so roll where the trolley takes you lose yourself to low prices it’s a Vibe Ali good different still looking smooth she’s fully committed and she has gone long range attacking with more than 80 km remaining she’s down to

    232 number 31 and number 21 they’re not teammates today they have been on the national team in the past and it has brought them plenty of success but somehow they need to get coordinated use what teammates they have to stand any chance of closing down the advantage to

    Dagam well it shows you how when you have a team of five or six bike exchange only started today with five it’s a lot harder you don’t have the same um opportunities or Arsenal to send Riders up the road so while it’s easy for us to

    Say why don’t they just Chase they have to also be really strategic about using their Firepower shandel bonbrook black will think she should and could win this race so she’s not going to do all the chasing she’s got Majerus to help her out exit sector six a little bit of

    Reprieve now for Lizzie Dagan she has just under 4 km before she hits the next sector and then she heads towards the car for the lab which is a five star sector and the last of the five star sectors the next two are the most difficult sectors they are back-to- back

    Brutes of fourstar and five star Franchesca Kosh now is on the front the young German in the black colors for DSM and she has opened up the throttle yeah she really wants his Pace to be high and look how impressive Majerus is she’s in the blue uh and red there of the

    Luxembourg National Champion but the French woman also on the left wheel there of Kos she looks comfortable that’s Cordon Audrey Cordon Rago she’s one of the teammates of Lizzie Dagan she’s putting in a brilliant performance as a teammate to try and be that emotional anchor to the chase behind the

    British leader she and her teammate longa borghini are great friends they speak about seven languages between the two of them they’re very similar in the style that they ride and they’re wonderful companions on the road and they speak about their friendship and how great it is to ride in a team

    Together so a lot of solidarity in team txo number 34 that is maurus in the yellow colors VOS followed then by Audrey Cordon Rago Sarah Roy still in this group a new team next season for Sarah Roy she’s off the canyon tram after 7 years with the bike

    Exchange green Edge outfit and as we mentioned before Bry she won’t be coming home this season because of the difficulties returning to Australia and there’s quite a few Australians are stranded in Europe and the likes of Caleb bu and he’s been there for a while and his parents still haven’t met their

    Second grandchild yeah that’s pretty remarkable isn’t it and someone else is a bit stranded now as in Dutch national champion Amy Peters is just struggling to hold on to the wheels with this pace that K is setting the German Rider from TSM she is motivated now to try and cut

    The advantage down of Donan but it’s amazing there Still Remains around 2 minutes and 16 seconds so even with all this effort D’s rhythm is keeping her in a really really safe position at the moment Amy Peters there’s been no mechanical problem there’s been no technical problem that is a physical

    Problem and one that has been delivered by the young German Franchesca Kos she is a young Powerhouse that’s what you want to see a line through the number that means six is gone just five segments to go Riders are grabbing bottles trying I it’s only 21 km

    Remaining so you can see why they’re all looking at each other Vos now multiple world champion looking around wanting to see who’s willing to chase with her and when they come off the Cobblestone sectors a bit of the momentum goes out of the group now vandom Brook black

    Comes to the front the Purple colors of SD Works she’ll be retiring next season after this race she’s giving herself two opportunities at par ruay I like it it’s strategic smart but it’s also ambitious it’s like you know she’s and we’ve heard this from her teammate vanderen setting

    Her sights R high you can see now Vos and Van vanderbrook black having a bit of a chat there I mean after the disappointment on the face of Vos to come second to bamo just 7 days ago you can imagine she’s thinking I do not want

    To come second again that was at the World Championships where she collected her sixth silver medal don’t feel too sorry for her she’s got three gold medals in the road race she’s got 12 World titles throughout her career and two Olympic Games gold medals to boot

    She is the greatest of all time she is extraordinary and she’s still got plenty of shots to fire at 34 years of age not a great sign for the speed of that group that Roy’s freewheeling at the back there so just shows you that the the impetus has gone out of this chasing

    Group they were at 19 Riders now down to 16 Riders great to see two representing the drops team Sarah Roy there for Australia in bike exchange baselli riding for Al Mar cavali riding for France deer Peters is making contact again and that highlights your point about the momentum going out of that

    Group Amy Peters she was under pressure losing contact across the cobblestones and she eases back into the group once they’re on to the pitchman straight to the front she knows that she is near the empty on her fuel tank so she’ll give it everything she’s got for her teammates

    Who remain in this group that is class as a teammate absolutely that is her responsibility so just being the Dutch national champion doesn’t allow her a free pass she clearly doesn’t have the same legs as her teammate so she’s got to work now with only 20 minutes remaining the speed that they’re

    Traveling because of the the changing terrain and the wind and of course all the parve it’s not averaging 40K an hour that like we might see in a a standard Road Race So that 20K might take them at least another 35 to 40 minutes Lizzie D after Olympic games this year where she

    Finished around about 11th position it was a super emotional interview from Lizzie Dam she spent a fair bit of time away from her family and she was looking forward to getting home and there was of course all the drama leading up to the Olympics with have been postponed by one

    Year as well onto the next sector for Lizzy Dagon this is sector number five champon paval this is a fourstar sector 1800 m and this then leads in the car for AR which is a fstar sector they’re almost back to back this is the toughest part of the

    Course well she will be starting to feel more and more confident not not thinking about the win yet but just by cutting through each one of these sectors staying upright but you know every Rider is always thinking there are plenty of things that could go wrong that’s why

    People say that’s racing and here’s her teammate Audrey Cordon reggo number 12 she’s doing a brilliant job of being the dis rupor within this group and Van djk her teammate just on the right there wearing the European Champions Jersey she has struggled to kind of keep her

    Position in this group but the slower Pace has meant that she’s been able to get back on for Lizzie Dagon once she gets off this sector she’s still got 1.4 km remaining she then has 1 km of smooth Road it’s then on to the much famed and

    Feared car for the lab which is 2.1 km and it’s a fstar sector it is difficult Thomas the American in the blue colors for M Star she’s the one on the front doing the chasing Lisa brenau moving around the outside in the white colors she’s the German national champion she’s

    Followed by Vos I’m anticipating bridey across these next two Cobblestone sectors that the favorites remain in this group will go if not they should they need to they absolutely do need to Matt and norgard is a rider we’ve seen win a bunch Sprint she’s an incredibly fast finisher and one winning that stage

    Of the zuro this year she looked so powerful so she will want to hold the wheels of her teammates but she needs to respond when Voss attacks and it looks like the wind is picking up once again another muddy sector it’s slippery on the inside Dagan handles it perfectly

    And look at the keep she just keeps spinning even though it looks like an any other Rider might crash and what’s going to be challenging of course is when that group of 16 has to navigate that really awful muddy slippery right-hander and they’ll be getting communication from Team cars from others

    That have gone forward early about the challenges of the sector and it is once again the young German Kos who leads them on to the next sector it’s the shampon onel and she is flying as Dagon going sideways not panicking stays composed she is cool she absolutely is

    She’s like a Moto GP driver isn’t she look at that wonderful bike handling skills there from the former world champion through the roof Liz he diag this is impressive and look at the Tailwind so that’s keeping the speed high and that makes it even more challenging on a wety wet circuit so

    These Riders are going to find this challenging in another 2 minutes we’ll see that group of 16 and unfortunately I think we’re going to see some people crashing because they won’t have the opportunity to pick the line in the same way that Lizzy Dagan does hence the

    Battle to get the lead position great aggression by Kosh but also Majerus wants to fight for a good position Roy now moving up on the right side she’s doing a fantastic job to mix it with these Riders imagine having a fractured wrist and then riding on 29 17 sections

    And 29 km of of parve another one ticked off five down four to go one big one to come Voss now goes to the front this was anticipated one of the big pre-race favorites one of the greatest of all time it is Voss with the throttle open

    Well you predicted this in a b dke has gone down maurus has gone over the top Roy has also hit the deck so to is B an ed of M Star Carnage at the back it’s Voss at the front Roy there grabbing her right leg that does not look good and

    Van djk look she hit very hard Majerus is up quite quickly she’s shaking her left arm looking like she might be able to keep moving Peters has been able to make contact but that is a hard fall for vanik and this is of course where we see

    Roy she’s made contact with the wheel in front of her and comes down hard on her right leg but that will not slow Vos up she will just keep on with the pressure the gaps have opened up behind it was always going to be one of the dangerous

    Sectors and it has proven to be the case let’s hope they’re okay meanwhile diant she’s had a little bit of a haircut she’s down to 205 it is Voss who is doing the chasing and she’s on her own and Longo bini has not been able to stay

    In contact look at the power of Voss and she is comfortable she’s ay cross Champion she knows how to ride in sand in snow in mud and over rocks and she is showing her strength now today it’s on the cobblestones where Voss has her best opportunity to make up some time looked

    Like a little bit of a slip at the gears as Longo bini you spoke about it last weekend both of her parents went to the Olympics as downhill skiers she can deal with slippery conditions she’s on her way huge gear being pounded by Longo borghini well Vos seemed to have a

    Slight little stall there for a moment but she’s now regained her speed and she’s riding very different Cadence to to Longo borghini this is such a familiar Trio isn’t it we’ve seen Voss against Dinan so many times and similarly with Longo borghini she was third behind Voss in and Lindberg When

    Rachel nen was second so these women have been racing each other for many many years that’s another one ticked off four remaining a kilometer before they hit the car for the lab and it is Voss closing things down it is 150 well now Vos knows she has an

    Opportunity to ride just for herself she’s already taken 20 seconds out of dinan’s advantage and Dinan has been out in front on her own now for 70 km so she will be feeling more fatigued you can see the motivation on vos’s face as D is

    So this is that sector you spoke of Matt it’s a fstar section 2,00 M long so D’s doing a great job she has that Tailwind which helps as well and 100 wet M remaining across the cobblestones for Lizzy Dagon they are cobblestones of opportunity for Voss look at the arms

    Shaking you can see how much reverberation comes through the handlebars but din looking and very comfortable as comfortable as anyone can be on this fourth last section I wonder what the instructions will be from totenberg what the information will be for Lizzy Dagan with the knowledge that it is Voss who is

    Chasing how much do you tell her yeah well look at the motivation on Voss her aggressive position this is a good chase by Longo borghini though and she’ll want to try to keep Voss in her sights on this really difficult section and you could see the way Voss was almost

    Pedaling all the way through that corner and Longo borghini drifted to the outside she managed to keep it upright she’s looking for a smoother way through the corner she gets off the cobblestones she’s losing momentum through each of the BS she certainly hasn’t had the race

    Experience in cyc Cross of Vos but she’s actually doing a really fantastic job we saw that she was being a bit fatigued and a bit distanced 10 and 15 km ago but now back with the race leader maintaining composure it’s so impressive and what a contrast to where her career

    Started she was a world champion on the track in the team’s Pursuit she was a silver medalist in the omnium and now she’s on the cobblestones leading the greatest cycle cross Rider of all time Mariana Voss and she still has a 150 advantage well for Alisa Longo bini it

    Is the hope that kills you because she is being distant with every pedal stroke and Voss would be knowing that as well she knows she’s doing some damage to the Italian national champion she’s got greater skills on the cobbles Alisa’s just in a heavier gear and taking some

    Caution on these Corners this is the remnants of the second group this is amongst those who are interrupted by the crash which included the Australian National Champion Sarah Roy at the back of the group this is Franchesca Kos the young German her National Champion Lisa brenau is at

    The front Emma norgard is the rider in the blue colors from M Star she’s also in that group as is Audrey codon Rago a teammate of Lizzie Dagan who’s not losing much ground on Vos she’s not and with only 15.5 km to go Voss has to ride

    10% faster than Dinan to catch her by the finish line and that is pretty challenging in these conditions and this is the last of the really significant Cobblestone sectors they have well a hem which is at 8.1 km remaining that sector gets underway it’s 1,400 M but it’s only

    A three star sector this is a part of the course where Lizzie D and she gets off here with still 140 in hand she’ll be daring to dream and look at the passion of these fans on a very miserable day perfect unclipping there in the left

    Foot she’s trying to clip back in now but that’s to keep herself upright but of course it means the pace slows down [Applause] car for theb is done for Elisa Longo B not Alisa Longo borghini Lizzy Dagan her teammate Alisa Longo borghini is chasing Vos Vos is chasing the leader she has the familiar look of determination the cobblestones have been her friend it’s been on the smooth sectors where she’s

    Lost a little bit of brown what I love about this foros is she’s now not going to be relying on uh timing it’s not like last week at the World Championships where she may not have had an opportunity to come around balamo and take the W Victory she has to time trial

    Herself into a win and she’s doing some damage now down to 1 minute and 36 seconds but D doesn’t look on her limit yet either both of them advantaged by these Tailwind conditions that keeps the Pace High it means it’s also great for Dinan gurus son this is a shish sector

    Just 1.1 km long it’s only two stars it’s fairly smooth in relative terms as as Lizzie Diagon she manages to get off the cobblestones and that will be a little bit of a relief well this reminds me of that iconic finish with Anna vanan at the front and Van bluten

    Chasing look at the determination on that [Applause] face off the car for the LA but now for Vos is’s at 118 14.3 kilm remaining she’s in with a chance and the Damage being done now to Longo borghini and you can see the chase by these five Riders who were distance originally with the

    Crash trying to make their way back on that’s Lisa Brena the German national champion and on her wheel the movie star rer Longo borghini the teammate of the race leader Lizzy dagam Lisa brenau is the next in line it’s then norgard the Norwegian is almost unrecognizable she’s got the mud

    Caked all over her well look at the damage Now 1 minute 18 so Voss is showing that she has got better legs at the moment because she’s the benefit of sitting in the in the group and she’s cutting the corners and she’s making this course as short as she possibly can

    Dagan Vos Longo borghini the chasing group at 2 minutes Mariana Voss she’s affectionally known as the goat and for good reason well we saw that beautiful photograph of her in the showers underneath the vome thinking about what history could be made as the first ever women’s par re and here she is chasing

    Down she can taste that first Victory and she would be getting time checks from the yumbo visma team and she clearly is well aware of the significance of it being the first one as she was with laor by the T of France which was around the shamis she won the

    First one there as well yeah she doesn’t mind winning the first of anything but look Dinan is a absolute champion and every single kilometer that she’s maintaining a lead would be hugely confidence [Applause] building it’s a three way Pursuit between Dagan vs Longo borghini here’s the Italian Champion her teammate Lizzie

    Dagan is out in front a race for Longo borghini to stay in front of the pursuers which is being led by Lisa brenau well at the moment the three medalists the three Podium Place gets have set a bit of a position now Brena wants to make her way onto that Podium

    She’s not getting much support now from the M Star Rider Number 55 Emma noard but we see her covered in mud she’s already had a significant crash Bastian Elli has won the Tour of Flanders she knows how to win a spring classic and she’s been trying to get this group to

    Work together cavali is also there in the white colors of fdj we return to the leader her body language has not changed she has looked the same this entire race now just starting to show a little bit more expression on the face there a little bit more of a Grimace

    Understandably after being out in the wind or all on her own it has been a tough day it was a bold move she made the move before the live broadcast started and it was an eyebrow Riser but it has been an impressive performance but it’s not over

    With yet 12.3 km remaining Vost doing the chasing anything is possible she made some fantastic inroads on that Gap over the last 5K you can see her using this Tailwind in the fast section of the core she’s up at 46 km hour and even if Vos does get across and

    Closes it down to Lizzy Dagan Dagan’s still in with a big chance to win well and we can think back to the London 2012 Olympics and that amazing Sprint in the rain between the two of them Voss won that day Dinan was second but Dinan out

    Sprinted Voss last year in laor in nice a really impressive Sprint finish out of a group of five she had the benefit on that day though of a lead out of ala longini who launched with about 700 M to go she’s 3 km away from the final

    Serious sector Willam to hem it’s a three star sector 1,400 M and after that it’s just the ceremonial one on the outskirts of the famous valdrome in ruay the determination on the face of Vos it is seen her collect so much success and it’s a grit full of Desire

    Well she’s actually shown much better speed on the parve sections but there’s not going to be enough parve section left in this race to do the damage so she needs to keep her Pace High on this section and having a Tailwind means Dinan is able to keep that beautiful

    High Cadence the Fantastic Rhythm and of course she’s got the confidence and the terror of leading and on this part of the course where they’re not on the cobblestones it’s Lizzy Dagan in fact who is continuing to actually build back some of her Advantage it’s creeping out

    To the 120 Mark once again that’s good news for Dian of T sea Fredo Alisa Longo bini is losing time to was but she still has not been caught by the brenau group so out on her own currently in third position this is the camera shot now of

    The Italian national champion she was an amazing in the lead out last week at the world championships for her teammate Alysa bamo and you could see how the entire Italian team celebrated that beautiful Victory by B she was crucial to the lead out and it was a brilliant moment when she was

    Doing the lead out she looked across her shoulder and biso gave it the nod of you just keep going for a little bit longer and she found something extra wasn’t that calm for 23y old in her first ever World Championship like not yet when I say so was fantastic norgard at the

    Front for moar caked in m a flick of the elbow Bastion alley just behind her in the flu fluo colors of La Bren hour always Keen to work looking to come through big occasion for most Riders to get onto the podium but for dant and Voss it’s not about the podium it’s

    About the middle step it’s about the Rock and it’s about making history and she can taste it now just 10 km to go and only two sections remaining it’s been a brilliant ride and an audacious one you know to attack that far out we’ve seen it work with animic Van vuon

    But this isn’t a signature move for Lizzie D and she’s usually much more calculating we saw her ride like that in Tokyo and it cost her a medal too many riders were cautious in Tokyo and waiting to for another team to chase with the speed difference that you

    Can see in the bottom right hand corner doesn’t necessarily reflect tet Lor which is dag Vos is going a lot quicker but they’re on a slightly different part of the course and the key is the gap 118 still the advantage for Dagan she’s about 1500 M away from hitting that

    Final serus Cobblestone sector which is a three star sector of 1.4 km that is one of the final opportunities for Vos to really try and close things down little bit of rain appearing on the camera as well for Voss that’s good news Well Voss a little older than D she’s 34 and she’s

    Had 238 wins in her career whereas Lizzie Donan had 42 so it just shows you the versatility of this rider that’s why we people call her the goat the greatest of all time she’s one on all disciplines and across all terrain but it’s not enough today she

    Certainly hasn’t had the benefit of the early Breakaway the way din is and you can see now expression showing on her face the desperation the hunger and the intent it’s a brilliant battle the body language of dnan is looking more composed when you’re in front the advantage doesn’t seem like enough but

    When you’re chasing it seems insm manable it does but the beauty that as I said about the Beauty and the terror you have this psychological advantage of course of riding desperately we we’ve seen it in men and women all season long like taco vandorn you know you just ride

    Like your life depends on it and yet she hasn’t changed her body expression at all she’s got this beautiful narrow shouldered position so she’s really aerodynamic a really great High Cadence she’s still got that 787 M advantage over one of the best Riders this world has ever seen Voss claing back ever so

    Slightly it’s at 115 this is the group Racing for fourth place at the back is Chantel vanderbrook black in her first and second last participation in rubay she said she’ll be here next year in April on to W hem this is the second last sector three star Lizzy Dagan so far has shown

    Herself to deal with any obstacle the cobblestones have thrown at her well and now the weather gods are throwing her some rain as well so you can see how much more slippery these sections are really like riding on a nice [Applause] rink the organizers amongst conflict natural

    Disaster and epidemics we are there our Medical Teams are drawing on years of experience in response to the war in Ukraine but not without you as an independent organization medson on Frontier needs your support to continue our life-saving work help us provide care to the most vulnerable people during times of crisis donate

    Now six car and truck rental has arrived so get 25% off small cars big cars Electric Cars and Cars as big as trucks because they are trucks so book now with Six Dairy Farmer’s thick and creamy yogurt with its smooth creamy texture and delicious real fruit you’ll want a savor every spoonful he is to good making sure that on this second last sector they stay on the cobblestones Lizzy Dagan smartly making the most of something a little bit smoother she slides through that

    Corner keeps it upright keeps the power on very calm and collected but I think you know we’re in a way we’re fortunate these women Riders are now in smaller groups because sometimes those sections on the right are there to protect the rider but they end up crashing into them

    Cuz they’re trying to get themselves a better opportunity or a smoother pass Road look at the vibrations through her arms all of the Riders would be just feeling so jolted so Jarred it’s been an amazing feat of strength by D to break away so early in

    The race and she has continued to look so so smooth and she holds on to 115 Advantage Voss is about to hit the second last Cobblestone sector 17 sectors this is the second last one the final is just ceremonial and this one three star perhaps the three star rating is even a

    Little bit generous by comparison to a few of the other sectors this looks like a pretty nice road somewhere in Belgium or the Netherlands and they’re certainly navigating it a lot more smoothly than they have in some of the other section 40 km an hour there and she also jumps

    Onto the right hand side where it’s a lot smoother now this beautiful image now you can start to see the head shaking just a little side to side D under understandably getting fatigued but thinking about those remaining 7 km it’s the first sign of fatigue that

    We’ve seen in the expression on the face of Lizzy Dagan and even though this is the first edition of the race for the women it has proven to be the case that the slightly older more experien Riders have come to the four amongst those in contention for

    The podium the youngest is Elisa Longo bini at 29 years of age it is a race for experienced Riders to perform in and that is exactly what is happening today well Donna was interviewed a couple of days ago and said that she’s a fan she’s

    A fan of this race and now she has the privilege and the honor to be able to race it and that everyone has had the chance to Recon so she felt like everyone came to this race with the same knowledge the same information but as we

    Heard um Matthew Heyman say in a way they haven’t had the same fear that the men might have cuz they really just didn’t know what to expect when they were racing at high high speeds Voss still pegged at 113 back with a Le of Longo borghini she’s

    Holding on to third position she has a slender advantage over a chasing group of six she drifts ever so slightly through the corners she’s riding a much bigger gear than both Vos and D across the cobblestones trying to smooth them out of a so slightly yeah it’s interesting to see these two teammates

    From TR seaera they talked about the Dem bike and how good it was on the Recon well really making her way onto the narrow sections there Vos but you know such a great bike Handler we’ve seen her stay upright when so many others don’t she’s 34 seconds in front of Alisa Longo

    Borghini but she has made virtually no ground up on Lizzie Dagan across that sector it’s all looking good for the Brit to be the first winner bini such a brilliant teammate for D now she’s just not quite showing that aggression but she’s actually doing a fantastic job to hold

    Off that chasing group with Brena and vanderbrook black in it they’re probably lacking some cohesion we haven’t seen them in the last couple of kilometers camera is focusing understandably on these best three Riders is a fight for survival a battle for a spot on the podium here is Lisa Bren out she’s now

    Freed herself of the rest of the group Bastian allei is doing the chasing that is an opportunity for Bren out potentially to get across to Longo borghini and fight for a spot inside the top three Mar Valley there in the white jersey for France deer the Italian just

    Had to take a bit of a wider Corner she wasn’t content to break and didn’t want to be as aggressive kept it upright though but now here is the race lead at just 5 km to go and at the moment a handy advantage over the best rider in

    The world Mariana Vos and she’s on the outskirts of rupe she has a little over 3 km before she hits the final ceremonial sector and then she’ll turn right onto the Val Dr she’ll do a lap and a half she’ll look forward to hearing the bell and if she can just maintain the

    Momentum that she shown throughout this race so far she is going all the way to the Finish 3.5k to go to that final sector well this is often where some of the most tense moments of this race have occurred in the men’s Edition because it will be a small group they’ll be

    Watching each other they’ll want to know when to attack and accelerate and all she needs to do is focused like it’s an individual time trial you’ve said she’s an amazing track Rider she’s won in criteriums team Pursuit she knows what 4.5 km will feel like and she’s music to the ears with a

    118 Advantage how much will her confidence be going through the roof known that across that Cobblestone sector the final serious one she didn’t lose any ground at all on Marana Vos yeah and and Ena totenberg would be yelling at her she’s such an incredibly passionate former Champion now the team

    Director sport for TR Sega Fredo she’s won so many Bunch Sprints in a Tiber but she’s also won time trials she has an incredible ability to win a race when she needs to and now we’re seeing the aerial shots of this beautiful town of rebe and thinking about coming into that

    Vel Drome and that’s exactly what Lizzy will start to focus on now you can see clenching her teeth now she’s experiencing the pain and thinking about the opportunity to be the first winner and in the first women’s edition significantly the sports director for the writers that look set to be on the

    Podium all the sports directors are also women which is another one of the steps forward for the sport it’s not just the writing side of things it’s the management as well yeah incredible to see more and more women running the show as well as riding so lieta she’s the

    Team yumbo visma director sport today so that’s Mariana vos’s team and yumbo vizar of course had such great support there for Vos and then she accelerated away to try and reach that distance but it’s not enough look at the time look at the difference in speed there and Voss

    Is losing a little bit of ground it’s back out to 121 Voss the consumate fighter is now battling for second position as Longo borghini she’s still at 33 seconds behind she hasn’t given up hope on finishing in second spot we saw BR try and make a Chase on Longo bini

    But she s seems to have found a rhythm again and riding as you said that much bigger gear than her teammate Lizzy D she’s clearly crashed and come off we saw evidence of that in the ditch but just 3 km to go now for Lizzy really only going to be about 4

    Minutes at this incredible Pace with this terrific tailwind and that’s such a relief to a rider who’s been out on her own she hasn’t won a race for8 days when she won a stage of the tour to Swiss and she is flying this will be a career defining moment

    For Lizzie dden in a career that is full of highlights World title on the track a world title on the road an Olympic medal as well that coming in London behind Mariana Vos now she heads to the famous vdrome in Rue Bay she’s on her own with

    An advantage of a minute and 20 seconds when she won the World Championships in Richmond in the United States was a smaller group A reduced up uphill Bunch Sprint the same the next day that men’s race was won by Peter Sagan in in similarly spectacular form

    And she has this iconic image of herself with her hands in front of her mouth she could barely believe she’d become the world champion on the road and to see her race so well in 2016 while she wore that Jersey would have been an absolute pleasure for her and for her

    Team A Familiar roads heading into Rue Bay at a strange time of the year in October it’s been a long time in the making there’s 2 km remaining and it’s Lizzy Dagan with the 1 kilm Advantage over Mariana Voss well Voss is giving everything you can see she’s using every

    Fiber of her being to try and Chase down D but at the moment it’s not having enough of an impact 50 km an hour but Dina now really adamant that she will make it on her own into this velodrome and indeed she will barring a mechanical problem and touchwood let’s

    Hope that that doesn’t happen because she will go out and deserve winner of this race it has been an enormous performance I wonder at what point the emotion will go from can I to yes I have and then it might become a case of being overwhelmed oh I can only imagine and

    You spoke about her husband her daughter I can they will be here they’re always around her and this is the final section now the last part of par for Li New York City H going down Friday night night Atlantic City Mach when they ring lock doors Dasing me when pull bad boy and bad boy cabal the new fragrance karolina Herrera if you understood your culture probably then you would know you I need to know everything true colors from the 4th to the 7th of July onbs on demand as part of naok week D

    And this part is simply ceremonial a reminder of everything that she’s experienced this is the 17th and final sector and Dagan has dominated the pav difficult day a lot of rain a lot of wind and these Spectators are absolutely loving this first edition of Parry re for the professional women’s Pelon

    Making that sweeping right-hander you can see the barricades coming up she’s going to make her way under the ramp and into the velad Drome and she’s under the cart she has one kilomet Remaining it harks back to the start of her career when she was a star on the track a world champion a chance to reflect on the journey to get here don’t miss the turn and she doesn’t she turns right Dagan is onto the valad Drome

    She’s been on her own for more than 80 km it’s been a Grimace she can now afford to smile well Queen Elizabeth she’s now Queen of the North just 700 M to go for this extraordinary [Applause] Rider music to her ears the smile on her face a little Shake of the head time for it to all sink in a bit of rain at the base of the vrone that’ll help clean the shoes because she’s been caked in mud from the knees down but up top she stayed clean

    Because she has not missed the Beats she slipped sideways a few times on the cobblestones that she stayed composed now a smile now the fist pumped in Victory shaking her head in disbelief she gets to enjoy this moment now zips up the Jersey pride in the team and a huge

    Amount of support that she has pressure makes diamonds and today the diamond was Dagan she goes out the winner of Perry [Applause] ruay and she’s pretty happy with the team support Here Comes Mariana Voss Into the vdrome Now not giving up what a fighter this defines Mariana Voss sure she

    Hasn’t won it’s been a career that’s included 12 rainbow jerseys across a variety of disciplines but no retreat no surrender she’s looking across to make sure she holds on to second [Applause] Place oh jeez it’ll sink in eventually Mariana Voss she’ll be a little disappointed but she’s a big part of History she’s a significant part of the history of cycling she’ll finish in second position she’s on the podium in the first edition of Peru Bay for the women been a big

    Performance she kept Lizzie Dagan guessing across the final 20 km and as is always the case with Ross she fought all the way through to the Finish W to the crowd second position for the great one it’s Voss on the [Applause] podium and she’s showing the race the

    Honor that it deserves she’s clearly thrilled and disappointed with second but what an amazing Ride Now power and determination from the Italian national champion she’s holding on for third position she deserves a spot on the podium she’s checking across her shoulder Elisa Longo borghini she’s written in defense of Lizzie Dagan she’s

    Then in the final 30 km had an opportunity to ride for herself they are breathing down her neck Lisa brenau in the distance it’s Longo borini in third brenau in fourth she almost C her a courageous Chase there by brenau and she looked good all day but what a dominant

    Show by TX seero now coming in the bunch kick for Fifth and we can see Audrey Cordon go thinking maybe we should try and get three T SEO but not enough Bastian Nelly has the power no is chasing but can’t quite get there Bastian Elli it is who comes across in

    Fifth norgard is fifth k then in sixth position there’s no better person that deserve this there’s no better person that deserve this Victory you made history indeed she did make history beautiful words there there is no better person than that deserves [Applause] this an enormous performance by Liz dant

    She put on an extraordinary Display of Power strength and Finesse and it’s fitting that Voss is on the podium with her incredible performance by Voss and great work chasing by her team but they just did not have enough distance in the race to chase down D Vos taking the win in the end by a minute and 17 seconds ahead of os Longo

    Borghini at 147 breathing down her neck was Lisa brenau but these are the images that will be etched in cycling history forever well bleeding there between her thumb and forefinger on both sides she was you know the vibrations and the damage of riding in the parve not

    Wearing gloves didn’t seem to affect her [Applause] though codon Rego joins the party she was a big part of the victory well overwhelmed there by the French rer she just there also thrilled this team is a really great group of friends they work incredibly hard they race so aggressively and confidently and they would be thrilled with this

    Performance outstanding ride by the troto team they use their numbers they rod in defense extraordinary well of Lizzy Dagan so dag with the win Vos in second position Longo borghini in third was then brenau baselli Jorgenson Kos C on Rago cavali and then vandom Brook black ran out the

    Top 10 stick with us after this we’ll be heading back to the studio with Mike tomaris and Kate Pates Well there you have a little bit of history in the world of cycling with the British Rider Lizzie Dagan becoming the inaugural winner of the uh Parry R firm and we’re delighted for I know that you are too Kate Bates yeah what a sensational ride and we have to also

    Remember just the historic moment that today is for women’s cycling for women’s sport really and Lizzy’s a mother she’s got a three-year-old it’s also a really big day uh you know for the women who are fighting really hard to have their rights as mothers protected um that

    Pregnancy doesn’t mean the end of an athletic career and I think you know incredible performance from her well she’s 32 years of age and when you look at her uh her career record she’s basically done it all Commonwealth Gold World Championship gold uh per R yeah

    She was a very good track Rider in her day too started on the track so has great skills um I mean if we saw her slipping and sliding a little bit around in the mud and interesting quite a different technique actually to Mariana Voss uh who also comes from a track and

    Cyclocross background so I think the pair of them really showed the absolute gold standard of how to attack this race okay we haven’t seen a wet Parry Ray since 2002 uh the men the current crop of men that are competing on the world tour wouldn’t know a a wet Parry re so for

    The women I guess it was double trouble this was their first event on the paved uh roads and they had to contest with the weather as well yeah way to kick it off I mean I’m glad Tomo that there weren’t too many fools unfortunately we did see a few big ones including Sarah

    Roy the Aussie how well is she performing that was an incredible ride from her we hope she’s okay uh she didn’t appear to get back up uh but for the most part the skills that these women show was pretty Next Level and I can guarantee you for the men’s tomorrow

    It’s going to be a bit of Carnage out in in the mud as well what do you think the women have taken out of this first per R yeah I mean I think it’s really their time to arrive I really hope that uh they put Lizzy Dam’s name up on that plk

    In the showers in very big bold letters uh to make sure that they get equal treatment in that way um you know and I hope next year Tomo that we have pictures from kilometer 1 and and uh you know that’s a punt to ASO to try and get

    That as well because we show what we can uh but we didn’t really get to see what happened uh when Lizzy in fact attacked look it’s very important that the host broadcaster does show the event from start to finish and we uh showed everything that we possibly could from

    The host broadcast so you didn’t miss a thing at home the last 51 kilm we did see so I guess it’s better than nothing but there’s a lot of improvement to be made from everybody and I think as I said uh I asked you the question what do

    You think the writers have taken out of this uh they know now what to do for the next events and it’s only 6 months away before the next one well that I mean that’s an unusual situation there isn’t it and I I did hear uh keno and Bri

    Discussing Shantel uh vandom Brook black that she will retire at the end of next year so she’ll have another crack at it too I think Mar anos will come back next year she left it a little bit too late um tonight for sure because Lizzy is

    Such a classy riter but I don’t think she’s as good on the cobbles as Voss but she was so smart that she had such a lead that she got to be comfortable across them I mean any takeaways from anyone who finishes today Tomo is we’ve arrived y the heroes let’s have a listen

    Now to the winner Lizzie Dagan and I’m sure she’s very emotional you Lizzy dant you are and you will be forever the first Rider to win par what’s going going on in your mind oh yeah I feel really emotional I just um I don’t know I’m just so happy yeah really

    Proud a few words very humble I thought we had more than that but uh there there it is yeah I mean we saw Matt Hyman ugly crying when he won uh every Victory we’ve seen here Stuart ogrady got exceptionally emotional at the end too it is just a Race So steeped uh in

    Culture and you can see uh that Lizzie pays real tribute to her team because T sa Sega Fredo they took this very seriously and and that reflected with two on the podium K it was a very smart move from Lizzy to attack when she did

    80 km out so uh that says to me that perhaps she didn’t back herself on the parve 26 kilm of par uh where she can dominate on on the flatter sections on the flatter roads yeah well I have to eat my words Tomo because when she

    Attacked I said that’s way too early uh this is not a good sign and I thought she was a bit the sacrificial lamb for Trek but it was just perfectly played nobody was able to chase uh with any kind of good rhythm with the cobbles and it just allowed her teammates to sit

    Back and relax uh and and for her to really settle into it well there is the reigning world champion Alysa balamo uh is pretty happy she looks good in that uh rainbow jersey that she earned this time last week not so good uh this time in northern France but uh she’s a

    Champion of the present and the future oh she sure is she had a nasty Bingle on one of those uh mid cobbled sections so good to see her get back up and be able to finish uh you always look at those crashes and and cringe there were certainly some Savory words being thrown

    Around here as that happened I think for her just great experience and when you are only 23 years of age and you have a decade Plus in front of you it’s a different kind of disappointment I think than a writer like Mariana Voss who was

    Second again she she has a lot of silver medals hanging in her in her closet uh but I think she’ll be back but just look at this technique because Tomo we were oh and there’s that fall that we were talking about I mean maros is completely unfazed but they’re dropping a bit in

    The background that was the fall that took out Sarah Sarah Roy thankfully she did appear to fall on that wrist again uh but you can just see just how smooth Voss is and in control she knows the line to take there was a lot of grimacing happening between both of them

    Uh Vos was making up a lot of time on the cobbles but not uh able to bring any of it back in those uh smoother Road sections so I think that it was absolutely all about timing well Mariana certainly didn’t expect Lizzie to stay in front for the entire 80 km and that’s

    Perhaps perhaps the reason for the for Mariana’s frustration with about 10 km to go she tried so hard to pay back that difference of 1 minute 15 couldn’t do it yeah she did I mean it wasn’t to be But Lizzy dog I just want to I want to ask

    The people from Tre why they didn’t have gloves on that just blows my mind that they would uh ride paruay without gloves and I mean isn’t Voss the consument champion though Tomo because you know she’s disappointed but she’s still pays tribute she salutes the crowd crosses the line uh she’ll

    Still be on the podium and uh we know she’ll be all smiles cuz she said that that she’ll cry in disappointment but she’ll always smile on the podium because the winner deserves that K I mentioned uh the Improvement that this event needs to do over the next few

    Years and I guess one of them is uh equality in prize money if not equality at least increase the prize money for the women uh sure the race is a lot shorter than the men’s equivalent but that really has nothing to do with it um they train just as hard they tackle 17

    Sectors of parve in atrocious conditions and when you look at the the uh the prize money when you compare the two the men’s to the women’s there’s such a huge imbalance it’s embarrassing to look at and I’m sure everybody who who who who who who looks at that prize money are

    Appalled by what’s being offered yeah in one word I’d say it’s unacceptable it’s less than 10% of the men’s prize pool and you know I I joke Tomo well does that mean Lizzie Dougan gets this tiny little Cobble 10% of the size that the men do it it’s wonderful so wonderful

    That the women have a par rubet now great to see Jess Allen smiling at the end too that’s if you can smile at the end of paruay you’re doing really well uh but in my opinion the race is too short there’s not enough prize money and

    We want to see every single meter uh that they pedal so I think ASO will come under a lot of fire for that uh for putting on this race but perhaps not really checking all the details obviously every stroke of every pedal of the other one- day events that are on

    The Women’s World Tour so why not this one a lot of questions have to be asked to the race organizer yeah they do I mean I think the wonderful thing is and we can see the smiles and the emotion of the women who are finishing quite a

    Significant way down but they’re just so thrilled to be part of it uh so they won’t complain as loudly is perhaps their feeling if they really drill down to the inequities that still exist yeah and we will definitely have some that speak up but it’s also the onuses on the

    Fans as well and I’ve certainly seen on social media Tomo our couch peleton who’s so terribly loyal and supportive of the women uh they’re not impressed with the prize money difference IAL especially uh and I think if IO take the time to look at what the public want

    They can’t argue that it’s not commercial they can’t argue that people don’t want to watch it people do Katie while we wait for the presentations and the the presentation of that very unique trophy I’d like we’re looking forward to seeing what exactly the women receive and let’s hope it is a cobblestone just

    Like the men have received over the last 120 odd years um tell us about your event with Kristoff Malle and Gracie Elvin it’s a video cast a podcast it’s called The World Tour it it’s it is the women’s tour in UK uh so we will be doing seven days starting on Monday it’s

    It’s at 1:30 p.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time for 45 minutes you’ll get to see uh Gracie Kristoff and I you’ll get to see our mugs on the screen as we talk through all the details of it chat to some of the riters and really dive into the women’s racing to win

    What’s going on in your mind um I just feel so incredibly proud you know um women cycling is at this turning point and like you say today is part of history and um I’m proud to be part of a team that also makes history you know and and we’re so grateful to everybody

    Behind the scenes all the viewers watching because every fan who’s watching this is also making history it’s proving that there is appetite for women cycling and uh that the athletes here can do um can do one of the hardest races in the world and I’m so proud that

    I can say I’m the first ever winner yeah when you arrive you say that was not the plan that was really not the plan no I just um I needed to be at the front in the first Cobble section uh to protect my leaders actually today I was kind of

    The third Rider and um yeah I looked behind after the first cobbles and there was a gap and I thought well at least if I’m in the front they have to chase me so I just kept going thank you and congratulation Legend thank you very much

    Thanks well Lizzie says it was not the plan you know Kate I don’t believe is there ever a plan at rube I mean I feel like it’s an A to Z of different plans it was a very smart plan it actually really highlights the difference between

    The big teams like TX Sega Fredo who also have a men’s team they have a lot of resources around them they had a scout on every single cobbled section so 17 staff members that is a really solid investment in the women it gives them a lot of confidence to go out there and

    Race their best the fact that the podium is full of three Riders who all have corresponding pro tour men’s teams I don’t think that’s a coincidence uh at all and the way that they went out and raced and especially uh Trek they did have so many different options I’m glad

    That they really gave this race the credit it deserved in their preparation yeah that’s it’s great to see and look at the uh the happiness the celebration from the third place getter um fantastic and that just basically sums it all up also no gloves for Longo

    Bini I’m fascin I’m a glove wearer um so it’s just sacent for me to to imagine anybody going through why would that be do you have a philosophy uh you know I think it’s perhaps just to maintain grip and and to feel the bars a little bit

    Better it’s a bit counter to what you may think about uh cushioning the impact but uh I do know that the Trek girls were triing a number of layers of handlebar tape to Aid with that so perhaps it’s a bit of a appropri reception thing with the gears but I’ll

    Be checking that out because uh you know Lizzy had bleeding hands at the Finish there so clearly working hard and it’s great also look at to see bamo come in give the crowd a wave she had a tough day she’ll have some uh bruises and saw

    A saw hip I imagine after her crash well her moment in the sun came last week didn’t it and I don’t think she’s too disappointed just to finish is an achievement not many riders do finish the attrition rate is very high uh whether it’s the women’s event or the

    Men’s event and we’ll see that tomorrow and just on that the men’s event tomorrow there’s more rain expected to fall in the north of France overnight so these sloppy and sticky conditions I think will deteriorate and we’re going to see one hell of a spectacle not so

    Much for the Riders but for those of us sitting on our L Lounge loung rooms at home and uh um it’ll be interesting to see just how many riders finish tomorrow it could get ugly yeah and there is a bit of debate about whether you know as

    Fans people should be wishing for rain or not and of course you want the Riders to stay as safe as they possibly can um you know the counterargument to that Tom I suppose is It’s Entertainment sport is entertainment they know what they signed up for yeah and I also think that for

    Every hard crash you get um you see a lot of writers just slipping in the mud so it’s it’s not quite as brutal in in that way as you could always imagine but crashes do happen in every race and at any rate the weather is what the weather

    Is these conditions today how muddy it was there wasn’t a lot of rain during the race so that was all the result of rain overnight given that it is meant to start um quite badly pouring down at about midnight tonight over there I think uh even if it’s not raining during

    The race the men will wake up to much worse conditions on these roads kind of hard to imagine when you see all the mud there but there you go this is not unlike what you might see on a cycl cross course and that’s why it doesn’t surprise me that Mariana vce apart from

    The fact that she can dominate in all disciplines she’s won the cyc cross World Championship on seven occasions well they’re just about ready for the presentations and I’ll just quickly ask you Kate uh Australian cycling has gone through a bit of the some doldrums over the last uh uh few months with the

    Olympics and and now nothing doing here in the top 10 um we have to improve I think well we do but I you know I think Sarah Roy’s performance today was very inspiring and 6 months down the track she’ll be one to watch and certainly also to have Grace Brown back in action

    Will be great I love the decoration of the podium as uh we take in some of the Ambian [Applause] Put third place there for the Italian national champion well her parents were both Olympic uh downhill skers so I like to think her skating across the mud like that is probably in a dream it’s great to be on the podium in her national champions Jersey

    What a legend and we’ve said it a few times uh people have described her as the greatest of all time not just in women’s cycling but uh when you combine both the men’s and the women’s I mean there have been many Legends come and go Eddie MKS Bernard know cadel Evans but

    She is the greatest of all they say she is and the consistency is incredible [Applause] yeah Lizzy dnan where do you think this sits on her achievements career achievements Kate right up the top really I mean she’s been Olympic Champion and World Champion but there’s only one first ever winner of a monument

    Like this and there’s not many races left that have never existed for the women and and certainly none of this magnitude I think this will be something that she relives over and over again in the years to come that is one hell of a trophy I just

    Love what is the perhaps the most or definitely the most unique trophy in World sport let alone cycling so you know what I think it’s even bigger than the men’s Rock yeah I’m glad to see she didn’t get a mini Rock um it is so iconic isn’t it Tomo and and I also

    Think you know I have a two young daughters and they already tell their friends about mommy going to the Olympics can you imagine uh little all Dagan right now how excited she would be to see her mom achieve this and uh I reckon she wins bragging rights in the

    Preschool yard for a while yeah I think you’re right okay that’s all we got to wrap it up on this very historic day as we look at Lizzy day uh prepare herself for the national anthem let’s have a Listen [Applause] Well there it is Lizzy Dagon the inaugural winner very historic moment of the Perry R fam the women’s Perry rube fantastic hope you enjoyed that Kate I know you did um terrific a little bit of History yeah I think good luck uh getting to sleep for all of our viewers

    As well as us tonight with that excitement well let’s go to sleep that’s all we have time for tonight but that’s only part of one of Parry rbe tomorrow night it’s the men’s turn you can catch the entire race and you can see it streaming on demand here on SPS on

    Demand from 8:00 p.m. or you can tune in TOS vicand from 9:00 p.m. N f

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