Bicycle Vlog 14: ‘Bicycle Touring is Easy’ – The last stunning bit of Albania leads us into Greece where we have to lower our gears again for a couple of mountain passes. Tough but on good roads this time we find a steady pace and get into the groove of things. There are beautiful camp spots everywhere and now that the height of summer has passed the weather is just perfect. Along the famous Thracian Coast we make the most of the excellent opportunities to take a dip. And finally the moment is there: cycling through Europe comes to and end and we cross the border into the Near East.

    To see, feel, smell, hear and taste everything the road has to offer will be so much different than watching a documentary or reading a book about it. Sometimes it will be difficult and most of the time fantastic. We hope you will find some inspiration in our video’s and maybe fuel your dreams as so many other have done for us.

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    Music: Roek Ultra


    1. Loveley video guys! It gives me some memories from times I've been there.. Love every time to see you are enjoying your tour! Keep up your journey but also the very nive video's from it!! For me it is enjoying with you!! Until the next!! Kees

    2. En dan te bedenken dat je er helemaal naar toe gefietst bent. Moet bijzonder zijn 🙏🏻💪🏻 fijne kerstdagen 🎄☃️🎅☀️

    3. How did you edit these videos and add the music etc – they are beautiful educational and entertaining. It's like watching short National Geographic videos. Bravo to you both

    4. The best part of this videos is when you guys doing overnight video and you wake up in the morning you always say good morning to each other!! That is the best part of the video of any of your videos when that happens during the video. The both of you are such good people….
      My advice to you will be to organize these videos and play some for sale on your YouTube channel and I would also share advice that you need to or I should say you might want to consider taking people on tour, and you will have an adequate income for the rest of your life. There are or I should say there is a company in Missoula Montana called Adventure cycling and they have courses on teaching people to become tour leaders. And they have different levels of what they teach. So if you're ever hearing you the United States reach out to them send them a few of your videos I think you should do that anyway because the two of you have a lot to offer as tour guides and as to human beings that are touring the world. http://www.Adventurecycling.Org

    5. You both make the best Vlogs on Youtube !!!
      Hope, somday we’ll see your videos in the cinemas. This absolutly awesome!!! 🌞

    6. that is one of the best examples of truely living life to the fullest . Amazing shots of the ocean and the clift overlooking the water and both of you look so happy with this amazing journey. You couldn't replicate this moments if you went to the best hotels in the world that can not compete with nature. The greatest things in life should be free to everyone.

    7. I like the way both of you traveling. Thanks so much for beautiful sceneries and stories along the way. I don’t see your camera in Maudi’s gear list( only Samyang lens for Sony camera ). I would like to know what cameras you use including underwater photography. Hope you have a safe journey.

    8. Hey Guys great vıdeo. thanks. ıf possible would love to see a map of where you went. Myself a traveller wıth bicycle. we have met in Japan.

    9. Hi Maudi and Eric! Always appreciate the videos you make. Today i came here to watch your old videos since it's the new year and i wanted to motivate myself again to aim for my goal to travel like you amazing two! Happy new year and thanks for being my inspiration. A little question if you don't mind, or i missed out on this part. I want to get a handlebar like yours, is there specific handlebar that looks like that, or you guys had to buy a component and attach it yourself?

      Thank you!

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