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    ► Während der NS-Zeit bildeten die sogenannten Gaue territoriale Verwaltungseinheiten, deren Bedeutung der unserer heutigen Bundesländer entspricht. Der Gau Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig mit Gauhauptstadt Hannover steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Dokumentarfilms.

    Regie: Dirk Alt
    FSK: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren

    Während der NS-Zeit bildeten die sogenannten Gaue territoriale Verwaltungseinheiten, deren Bedeutung der unserer heutigen Bundesländer entspricht. Das Territorium von Niedersachsen verteilte sich auf die drei Gaue Weser-Ems, Ost-Hannover und Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig. Der Gau Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig mit Gauhauptstadt Hannover steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Dokumentarfilms: Gezeigt werden zum einen das politische Alltagsleben, zum anderen touristische Stadtansichten aus den Jahren 1933-1945 in Form privat gedrehter Filmdokumente aus Altenau, Bad Harzburg, Bad Pyrmont, Braunschweig, Goslar, Göttingen, Hahnenklee (Farbe), Hameln (Farbe), Hannover (Farbe), Hildesheim, Laatzen (Farbe) und weiteren Städten des heutigen Niedersachsen.
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    Price is January 1933, with Hitler’s chancellorship, the takeover of the republic by the National Socialists begins, they transform the parliamentary democracy of Weimar into a totalitarian unitary state organized according to the Führer principle, the equalization laws of March 31 and April 7, 1933 decide on the dissolution of the state parliaments and the

    Appointment of so-called Reich stadtholders, almost all of whom are in personal union Gaunalleiter of the NSDAP. On January 30, 1934, the Reich government passes the law on the reconstruction of the Reich, which abolishes the federal structure of the Weimar Republic. The states continue to exist as administrative districts with no significance under state

    Law Now more and more the administrative structures of the NSDAP, the party districts that emerged in the mid-1920s, whose territorial borders largely coincide with those of the Republican constituencies. The Old Reich counts 32 party districts at the beginning of German expansion in 1938 with the Eastern Market Act of April

    1939 becoming the connected Austria is divided into seven districts, which, like all other connected areas, are also referred to as Reichsgaue. The Gauusedenland is created on former Czechoslovakian territory. After the military occupation of Poland, the Gaudanzig is expanded to become the Reichsgau Danzig

    West Prussia and the Reichsgau wacht was created in 1943 and includes the German Empire no less than 43 districts, on the one hand they form the regional administrative structure of a centralistically organized power apparatus and on the other hand they reflect the entire social,

    Linguistic, cultural and landscape diversity of the Germany at that time, a Germany that has long since become history itself due to the upheavals of the post-war period and its modernization processes [music] [Laughter] [Music] In contrast to the political centers of power, especially the so-called traditional Gau

    Munich, Upper Bavaria and in the Gau Großer Berlin, South Hanover Braunschweig, like most other Gaus, is not the focus of the national press and film reporting on public life and the political organization of the population However, they only differ minimally from district to district, which is

    Why the example of South Hanover Braunschweig can also be used to show how the National Socialist rule, the party and its associations have determined people’s everyday lives and even into the provinces in small towns and communities since 1928 The Reichstag constituency South Hanover Braunschweig is also part of the

    NSDAP Gau capital is Hanover in the entire gauge region in 1928 there were only 2000 party members by autumn 1932 their number increased 20 times in the Reichstag elections in the middle of the year the former splinter party NSDAP got 46% of the The vote cast in the Gau area,

    The resistance of the labor movement, which is traditionally strong in Hanover, formed too late and cannot prevent the Nazi rule from being stabilized at the local level by mid-1933. The GAU is led by the native Hanoverian Bernhard Rust, who has also been in charge since 1934 In 1940, Rust was replaced

    By Hartmann Lauterbacher, whose name is primarily associated with the Lauterbacher campaign, the expulsion of 1,200 Hanover Jews from their homes in September 1941 as a preparatory measure for the deportation of this and many other historical people No film material is known about important regional events

    , as is the case everywhere in the Reich, the regional leadership in Hanover certainly had people document the major local events, but their recordings were destroyed or lost due to the effects of the war, so that the political history of this NSDAP disaster can hardly be presented systematically with film material can [music]

    This documentary therefore takes a different path he wants to show both the political and everyday reality in the construction area at that time [music] he wants to take a foray into a past that is both foreign and familiar to us and sometimes even tranquil to us

    Seems romantic because it reminds us of everything that is irretrievably lost [music] whose murderous dynamics and fatal consequences at the same time leave us speechless [music] we arrange the historical mosaic pieces into a diverse and multifaceted one not according to strict thematic or chronological but according to geographical

    Guidelines albeit fragmentary whole and accept political life and political past life ongoing trivialis in addition to special fleeting snapshots in addition to datable events [music] At the beginning of our presentation there is a detailed look at everyday political

    Life in the 30s and early 40s from the south In the town of Laatzen , located in Hanover, the film chronicle of the NSDAP local group there has come down to us, a rare and particularly valuable source. Events from the years 1933 to 1941 are shown.

    An early film document from this collection documents the election campaign in the Hanover province on the occasion of the Reichstag elections on November 12, 1933 With automobile convoys calling for leaflets and loudspeakers, the brown battalions loudly draw attention to themselves against candidates for the NSDAP. At this point in time, there are

    No longer any candidates. As a result, 95% of the votes cast approve of the planned withdrawal of the German Reich from the League of Nations and 92% approve of the National Socialist unity list of the first winter relief organization in 1933 34, the

    Distribution of food, clothing and other necessities takes place in the Küken restaurant . The women only start moving when the camera is already running, an indication that this scene was placed next to the march for the first time in 1934 for the sake of better effect In the film, a photographer also takes

    Photos of the formations of the National Socialist company cell organization NSBO ​​marching under the black, white and red flag with the slogan Spring on the Rhine, this force is supported by joy, floats for holiday trips inland, parades and masses on marches This kind of thing will

    Be a recurring phenomenon in the streets and public squares of the entire German Reich in the coming years. The central May celebrations take place in a meadow. The listeners are still standing around casually. You can see bourgeois Sunday clothes next to uniforms and

    The arms outstretched in the Hitler salute. Size is not always the case in the same direction the officially established pseudo -military ceremonial of the Nazi mass rallies has not yet become established, at least in the provinces, in the way that it will be the case a few years later [music]

    These pictures are from the May celebrations in 1937 and clearly show the advanced uniformation In public life, what is also striking is the more professional camera work compared to the earlier recordings and the effort to achieve aesthetic image effects. The influence of official newsreels and propaganda films is probably also reflected

    In the unknown party cameraman The standard -bearers of the German Labor Front are the first to occupy the podium and the speakers flank the individual company formations underpass of the nspo, first of all the employees of the company for household needs Rhein lbewerke formerly ziegelmundstück factories Bernd and Köhler

    United the workforce of the Maschinenfabrik Co Ostermann and Co light metal works Since the end of the 19th century, the former village of Laatzen has increasingly gained an industrial location profile. The traditionally left-wing working class milieu forms the population group from which the National Socialists

    Fear the greatest resistance after coming to power. With the introduction of Labor Day by law of April 10, 1933, they fulfill the old The labor movement’s demand for May Day as a separate public holiday and they are not without success in gaining the consent of the workers

    Whose trade union representation groups they had recently destroyed The German labor front has taken its place, in the words of the Nazi propaganda, the organization of all working Germans with the forehead and the fist. The ceremony of the NS mike rallies is always the same. First of all, the local NS leaders give

    Their speeches here, the mayor of Laatzen, local group leader Heinrich nehlmeyer sa- the highlight of the rally is the loudspeaker transmission of the simultaneous Hitler speech in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium [music] adults [music] the spring day [music] [music] of the symbolic it turns out that the speech is not shared by all listeners

    With the same sacred meaning Seriously followed [music] the rally ends with the two national anthems of the Third Reich, Germany and the horst- [music] [music] after the end of the event, the more or less military march [music] [music] BDM girls form a line For local group leaders close to

    The flag bloc of the party and the Labor Front and the SA [Music] the following year, the celebration is all about the returning Ostmark, which means that the so-called holiday children of Austria, which had recently been annexed to the German Reich, are the youngest visitors from the Austrian annexation areas

    The dramaturgy of attentive and rallies is exactly like the previous year, the party formations are marching, the German labor front is marching, the mountain crowds are marching [music] on the festival site, the march in. A closer look shows that the party formations

    Have been arranged more effectively and the decoration of the tribune, among other things, with a Reichsadler turned out to be more demanding than last year. Otherwise, the procedure of the rally is less interesting than the look behind the scenes, which the cameraman also captures, the enthusiasm of the youngest,

    The chattiness of the older ones, the shaker and the social drinking. Most of the shops appear to be enjoying themselves, some of them know If you don’t know exactly [music] the feeling of community when eating stew on the festival meadow reaches its climax. Regardless of the May celebrations, stew Sundays are an

    Important element in the constitution of the National Socialist national community. The social barriers should fall when everyone is served from the same goulash cannon become a nuclear family like from a propaganda picture book, the folk festival character of the first of May becomes even clearer in these photos from the

    Previous year as the celebrations are accompanied by a fair [music] entertainment for the little ones [music] a counterpoint to the festival of life on the 1st May is the commemoration of the dead in which the memory of the blood sacrifices of the First World War is ritually invoked.

    When the Nazis came to power, the city of Laatzen did not yet have a central memorial site. This was only created in the mid-1930s in the form of this warrior memorial in the old park, which the inscriptions make clear The ideological concept

    Exhorts the victims of the previous generation not to pacifism but to heroism and, if necessary, to new victims. After the inauguration of the memorial in 1935, celebrations for Heroes’ Remembrance Day take place here every year, which

    Was introduced in 1926 as a day of national mourning to commemorate the dead of the First World War was renamed Heroes’ Remembrance Day by the National Socialists in 1934. This occasion was celebrated in February up to and including 1938 and

    Was then placed on the Sunday before March 16th, the day of the reintroduction of compulsory military service in the Nazi state, the flag of the Reich War Association of the Veterans Organization of the Third Reich [music] the flag bearers walk down the memorial, followed by the obligatory speech and at the end

    Of the ceremony the singing of the national anthem. Further reports from the film chronicle of the NSDAP local group show, among other things, the handover of the HJ times Laatzen on June 19, 1938 a parade of the shooting club founded in 1904 that

    Ends with a communal drink at the old Bockmühle Laatzen össelse, a swimming festival in the Volksbad Laatzen on July 23, 1939 [music] [music] and the 75th anniversary of the Concordia men’s choir on August 20 and 21, 1939 in addition to these Political events or at least events set in a political framework,

    The chronicle also contains some remarkable documentary recordings from Alt Laatzen of the farms that formed the village core of the later industrial town [music] a core of which there is little left today as a result of the gradual destruction of the historical building structure [music]

    The name Laatzen goes back to the noble von latusen family who lived here in the 13th century. Urn finds from pre-Roman times indicate a settlement further back, just as the northern towns of Düren and Wülfel, Laatzen was counted in the Middle Ages due to the extensive

    Sovereignty rights of the local farmers to the small free ones, based on the large free ones, a collection of farming villages between Hanover Hildesheim and Peine whose residents were exempt from taxes and concessions and were able to dispose of their own land. Snapshots of rural life from the 1930s. Normally

    Three or more generations lived under one Roof together [Music] Building in writings on the barns are not only decorative but are also valuable sources of genius [Music] The Flebberhof, built in 1837, is named after Friedrich Daniel Flebbe, who, as the barn door attests,

    Was married to Christiane Amalia Flebbe, who was born in the tribe [ Music] the Wollkopfhof [Music] can be seen here on the right in the picture the old chapel built at the beginning of the 14th century, the oldest building in Laatzen, it is considered the furthest

    South building of the North German brick Gothic style, the unmistakable flag decoration and the swastika suggest that the NSDAP was there The cameraman chose a holiday for his recordings on which flagging is mandatory for every homeowner . With the beginning of the war, the priorities also shift for the local party leadership.

    Instead of large rallies and popular entertainment, measures for the management of old materials , for example those in April 1940, now appear Metal collection carried out under the name Adolf Hitler donation, private individuals as well as institutions and churches are asked to

    Hand over all unnecessary items made of copper, bronze, brass, tin, lead and nickel, which are to be melted down and used for armaments. According to Hermann Göring’s appeal, this donation is the best birthday donation For the leader , as these aqua color photos show, the NSDAP local group Laatzen also does

    Its part, which is brought to the train station using horse-drawn equipment and from there transported by rail [music] At the beginning of October 1940, the city awaits the Wehrmacht returning home from the French campaign Troops quartered on Laatzen farms. The soldiers who had previously

    Been greeted with a shower of flowers in Hanover are also given a festive reception in Laatzen [music] at this point in time, Laatzen has already become the target of British pilots who set fire to industrial plants and residential buildings and bombed them With later devastation, the damage is minimal and, like this

    Bomb crater in the Laatzener Feldmark, is noted more with interest than with shock. Local group leader Nehlmeier shows the impact site of an unexploded bomb for the camera. The latest recordings in the film chronicle document the spell and ruin

    Of the Kalenberg district sports festival On June 15, 1941, they were filmed by Alfred Haller from Harenberg on a particularly colorful roll call, the competitions are purely a youth event and, from a sporting point of view, the training of boys

    During the war is of particular importance after roll call and the flag-raising in front of the At the town hall, the procession of HJ and BDM marches towards the sports field in the direction of the sports festival

    , which thinks away from the flags in pennants and uniforms, sees completely normal young people who, more or less motivated, take part in the sporting competition more or less successfully because there is no writing NSDAP local group Laatzen has it that the background to the creation

    Of this chronicle could be shed more light on it remains to be seen whether it was continued beyond 1941. It can be assumed that similar party film chronicles were created in numerous cities – almost all of them were irretrievably lost in the hail of bombs during the war

    Now we begin a historical foray through the gaugebet and first turn to the southwest where the mountain ranges of the Weser Mountains stretch. Here, in a climatically protected location, one of the most traditional German spas awaits us, whose healing springs have been attracting international guests since the middle of the 16th century.

    You can still reach the hotel here Old-fashioned using one of the carriages waiting in front of the train station [music] The Bad Pyrmont spa park, in addition to its avenues laid out in the 17th and 18th centuries, also houses a palm garden which owes its existence to the exceptionally mild

    Climate, initially as a French garden, which was first laid out here under the direction of the court garden director Werner Dirks set up palm trees in 1913, which have since gained notoriety as the northernmost open-air palm tree complex in Europe, the fountain square with a foyer and main spring, the hilligenborn,

    The strawberry [music] built in 1786, ten kilometers northeast of Bad Pyrmont, halfway to Hamelin, lies the Hämelschenburg moated castle, built in the 16th century Jewel of the Weser Renaissance whose structural dimensions and magnificent facades attracted tourists as early as the 1930s [music]

    The Wellfisch noble family von Klenke who resided within these walls is said to have a strict opposition to National Socialism, with a lance proven, St. George watches over the portal of the castle entrance [ Music] all around stretches the gently rolling hills on both sides of the Weser, which

    Crosses the border to Westphalia at Holzminden 40 km southeast. Emerging from the union of Werra and Fulda at Hannoversch Münden, the Weser served as a trade route for over 500 years, especially for wood, food and ceramics In the 1930s it was already opened up for canoeing. These photos from 1936 document stopovers

    On a paddling tour along the river between Holzminden and Bodenwerder. The tradition of Oberweser steam shipping goes back to the first half of the 19th century, dating back to the 1840s runs between Hannoversch Münden and Bremen on a scheduled basis Paddle steamers like Kaiser-Friedrich

    Built in 1888 and in the 1930s the smallest ship in the steamer fleet Due to increasing passenger numbers, the steamers were reinforced between 1925 and 1937 by four motor ships, one of them the Hecht, built in 1935, which offers space for 350 passengers

    Landgrave Carl of Hesse arrived in Karlshafen in 1699 as a Huguenot exile city founded by the architect Friedrich Conradi. Karlshafen owes its baroque buildings, which are grouped around the harbor basin in the city center. In the background, the former pack and current town hall, the invalid house built for Hessian veterans

    In the oldest building of the In the city there is the inn named after the landgrave [Music], the sculpture of the so-called couple created in 1935, which is located on the corner of Weserstrasse Brückenstrasse, is a reminder of the historical roots. The quarry at Karlsplatz is where Weser sandstone from the Karlshafen layer

    Is broken and then transported up to Kähnenwiese See you again with the canoeists, we pass the inn at the golden anchor in Bodenwerder and reach Rinteln, the Stornos Catholic Church can be seen in the background [Music] Tent camp on the northern bank of the Weser in Rinteln [Music] The next stop is Hameln, one of the oldest documented towns

    In the Weserbergland, which owes its international fame to the 13th century legend of the Pied Piper. Between May and September 1934, the town celebrates its 650th anniversary. The founding year is 1284, the year in which the town was founded According to tradition, the Hamelin children left in the wake of the Pied Piper.

    The date can be seen from an inscription on the so-called Pied Piper’s House, which was built at the beginning of the 17th century as the home of a Hamelin councilman. This heavily scratched 8 mm color film from the late 1930s shows that

    The special cultural The wealth of the city in its numerous testimonies of the Weser Renaissance and Lower Saxony half-timbered buildings lies here the Leisthaus, built at the end of the 16th century, which houses Hameln’s local museum [Music]

    Patti at the ST Nikolai market church next to ST Nikolai became the wedding house as the central one in the 1610s Venue of the citizens of Hamelin, built from the history of the Pied Piper town, there is another

    Film document that is remarkable in terms of contemporary history. On September 28, 1940, an unknown amateur films the homecoming of the Infantry Regiment Number 74 , which was set up three years earlier and which took part in the campaigns in Poland and the West

    Due to the unfriendly weather, the whole city is on its feet to greet its soldiers. The market church of St. Nicholas is also festively decorated for the occasion and when they arrive in the city, the soldiers are literally showered with flowers

    For the children who have neither the seriousness nor the world politics To understand the dimension of the events, the entry of the soldiers is an occasion for unbridled joy and enthusiasm Between the Weserbergland and the Harz lies the densely populated Leine Valley and the university town of Göttingen, which established itself as a leading educational location after 1737. Snapshots from the late 1930s above the half-timbered houses The striking double towers of the Gothic

    St. John’s Church from the 14th century rise. This film document was created on the occasion of a short visit by the Italian Minister of State Roberto Ferinati to Göttingen on September 6th, 1941. Welcome in front of the Göttingen main station in the company of Gauleiter Hartmann

    Lauterbacher, the minister and a staff of fascist officials from the Lombard Cremona will make a scheduled stopover in Göttingen on the journey to Hanover before farinaci. On the following day, the Premium Cremona will open in the Künstlerhaus. An exhibition of contemporary Italian art that is intended to strengthen German-Italian cultural relations.

    Onlookers have gathered on the market square to surround the high-ranking guest to welcome [music] the old town hall the reception by the mayor and a ceremony take place here [music] after he has entered the city’s golden book ferdinati leaves the wheel house next to him Gauleiter Lauterbacher [music] [music]

    View over the Market square in the direction of Johannesstrasse the crowd of people gradually disperses in the background the Johanniskirche can be seen in the same year as the farinaci recordings, this private film was made by the anti-aircraft repair workshop of the FLAC Park

    Göttingen from left to right Mallorca Captain Wandel and lieutenant colonel-eur of the FLAC Park in this factory hall The work rooms are housed repair work on an 8.8 cm the workforce at a company roll call in the winter of 1941 [music] rehearsal for the gas alarm

    In the Harz, the largest mountain range in northern Germany whose western part of the Upper Harz including the Brocken is part of the territory of the Gauss South Hanover Braunschweig belongs to the In the 1930s, the Harz was a popular recreational area whose rich treasure

    Of natural beauty, legends and legends, served as a source of inspiration for generations of painters and poets, a central place of longing for the German Romantics, the mystical heritage of the Harz region is deeply rooted in the cultic natural religions pre-Christian times that have long overgrown the darkness of history, what

    Remains is the premonition of witches and devil’s hauntings, the romantic magic of a landscape that makes the unreal appear tangible in the fog and twilight. Color photographs of the former mining settlement of Altenau in the Upper Harz [music] since the connection to the innermost valley railway in 1914 Altenau recorded a strong

    Increase in tourism the torfhausschänke in the eponymous district of Altenau view of the Brocken or Blocksberg the highest of the legendary mountains in northern Germany [music] a trip to the summit [music] 8 km southwest of the Brocken the or pond, a

    Dam built at the beginning of the 18th century and one of the largest reservoirs in Europe for over 150 years, further in a south-easterly direction you can reach the climatic health resort of Braunlage, located at an altitude of 550 m, within two hours on foot,

    Here the Königskrug inn on the road to Bad Harzburg Bodetal that is located between Treseburg and Thale in the border area with the state of Anhalt and thus with the Palatinate Magdeburg Anhalt is located in the Upper Harz, east of Goslar, is the health resort of Bad Harzburg, whose first brine source

    Was discovered in the 16th century but was initially used for salt production. A look at the Kurpark Rent of the 1930s [Music] the Burgberg cable car, which went into operation in 1929 and takes visitors to the 485 meter high summit in about three minutes. View from the ascending cabin below

    Us are the city’s glamorous baths and hotels located on the Burgberg the Canossa column here with a swastika decoration that is reminiscent of an eruption by Bismarck in 1872 [music] seven kilometers west of Bad Harzburg, the Käste cliffs on the Hutberg invite you to admire and hike.

    Another one opens up from the weathered granite rocks, some of which are piled up in a fantastic randomness View into the light, wooded Okertal [Music] the imperial city of Goslar Market square and market church [Music] The

    Eagle fountain on which a gilded bronze cast imperial eagle is enthroned dates back to the early 13th century. Photographs from Hahnenklee near Goslar during the ski season of 1937 The 1907 a consecrated Gustav Adolf died church whose construction is modeled on the Norwegian state churches [music] Kurteich and Hotel Kurhaus In contrast to other former mining settlements in the Upper Harz region, the economic turn to tourism was already successful at the turn of the century

    In Doppelorthahnen Kleebox Wiese . In 1933 there were 20 people per resident Guests annually who are attracted by the prospect of relaxation , natural experience and winter sports, this pageant from the late 1930s is also primarily dedicated to tourism promotion His Majesty the Guest [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the western edge of the Harz is located Bad Gandersheim, which was only declared a health resort in 1932. Here amateur photos on 9.5 mm film the wheelhouse from the 16th century the Romanesque church of the canonist monastery consecrated in 881 a snapshot from the nearby town of Einbeck

    The three-door wheelhouse from the time of Patricia 80 kilometers To the northeast of where the hills of the Harz Mountains descend into the North German lowlands lies the capital of the same name of the Free State of Braunschweig, the most populous city in the Gauss after Hanover, in which important

    National Socialist institutions settled after 1933, the rich cinematic tradition from the Löwen and Eulenspiegel instead of their core during the 90% of the war was destroyed thanks to the extremely busy Braunschweig narrow film club, which produced ambitious joint films right up until the war [music]

    The central castle square between Dankwarder Rohde Castle and the cathedral is enthroned by the once gilded bronze lion from 1166 with which Heinrich the Lion is enthroned The founding father of Braunschweig himself

    Set a monument in the cathedral, founded in 1173, in which the Guelph ruler was laid to eternal rest According to legend , on the north-east side at the lion portal, Heinrich’s house Aigner Löwe is said to have left scratch marks [music] The castle square is named after Dankwarderode Castle, a predominantly neo-Romanesque

    Building from the end of the 19th century, built on the foundations of the medieval fortress that was the duke of Braunschweig for centuries Residence served [Music] the St. Catherine’s Church, built in the 13th century, seen here from the north side Hagenmarkt and Heinrichsbrunnen in front of the St. Catherine’s Church [Music]

    Detail of the Heinrichs Fountain, inaugurated in 1874, the State Theater, the Braunschweig Castle between 17 or 53 and 1918, the seat of the Dukes of Braunschweig since 1935, serves the late classicist representative building as a Junker school of the SS like Hanover and Hildesheim, Braunschweig is also

    Widely known for its magnificent half-timbered architecture, these are seen from a moving tram. Views show the building in Kuhstrasse, located between Auguststrasse and Karrenführerplatz, a gem of half-timbered art, the Hunneborstelsche Haus was built in 1524 on commission of the Braunschweig council and judge Friedrich Hohne Borstel

    The allegorical figures frieze Schuft the local wood sculptor Simon stappen the old scales built ten years later which was used as a HJ home from 1939 until its destruction in 1944 [music] in the bakery client the eulenspiegel fountain built in 1905 is reminiscent of The famous mischievous figure

    Who is said to have carried out his pranks in the Leine Weserbergland during the 14th century is opposite the fountain in which Eulenspiegel baked owls and vervet monkeys as the company of the master’s desperation. The displays in the shop window reflect this in the immediate vicinity

    Of the Steger brewery’s headquarters The Mumme beer brewed here, also known as mummelhaus, is likely to have been consumed extensively at the Braunschweig local festivals, at least by the younger visitors. Every year in June, sports and traditional associations form, party delegations and the decorated floats

    Of local businesses and institutions take part in a colorful parade The city center of the local festivals from 1937 to 1939 contains remnants of the film material that was recorded for documentary purposes by the Braunschweig working group of the BDF a of the Association of German Film Amateurs.

    These film activities are benevolently supported and promoted by the authorities as part of a future culture of remembrance During the local festival there is also a fair, the attractions of which reveal disturbingly militaristic features to today’s viewer [music] the next destination is Hildesheim because of its rich stock of half-timbered buildings

    From the 16th century, which was also praised as the Nuremberg of the north, richly ornamented wooden – the 3g cheap old German House on Osterstrasse around the market square, proud citizens and patrician houses are grouped here: the temple and the Wedekindhaus [music] the

    Bone carver’s office building, built in 1529, once the butchers’ guild house [music] the Roland fountain thanks to its bold construction, the upturned sugar loaf is considered to be from the early days 16th century as a landmark of Hildesheim’s old town, a visit to the cemetery which

    Is surrounded by the cloister of St. Mary’s Cathedral. Here you will find the graves of the canons overgrown with ivy and wild vine [music] On the outer wall of the cathedral, the legendary thousand-year-old rose bush grows up its actual age cannot

    Be determined by specialists but is estimated to be 400 to 700 years old [music] only a short distance separates us from the last stop on our journey to the regional capital of Hanover. Footage of a train traveling through the workers and industrial city of Hanover. Linden [music] arrival In the main train station

    In Hanover, the film legacy of a family of five has been preserved, who shot numerous souvenir films on 16 mm Kodakrom between 1939 and 1942, including the only known color photographs of Hanover’s city center before the destruction the father of the family who stood behind the camera for most of the following shots.

    Walk in the large garden of Herrenhausen which was acquired by the Gau capital in 1936 and reopened in June 1937 after restoration and renovation. The Low German rose garden in these shots shows the baroque character of the The complex, which was built in the 17th century, clearly stands out [music]

    A landmark of Hanover is the new town hall, built between 1901 and 1913. Not far from the new town hall is the Maschsee, which was built under the auspices of international socialism and invites you to do sports and relaxation on a summer day

    And to stop off at the maschsee restaurants [music] where The so-called Leinema stood in 1934, and within two years of construction work, an artificial lake basin with a total area of ​​78 hectares was created . The waterfront promenade exudes an almost Mediterranean flair . Music]

    Little Venice on the Leine Posing in front of the Leine Castle the classicist building houses an army memorial with exhibits from the patriotic museum at the end of the 1930s the opera house built in the middle of the 19th century war memorial on Königstrasse the expressionist giant fountain from 1925

    In Hanover’s city forest A bicycle race is taking place in a vineyard [Music] Visit to the Hanover Zoo in the district of the same name Founded on a private initiative in 1865, it is one of the oldest zoological gardens in Germany which attracted large numbers of visitors in the 1920s and

    1930s thanks to low prices and a variety of attractions War is one of the few places that offer relaxation and distraction from the dreary everyday life [music] It was not until the fall of 1944 that the facility, which was largely destroyed, closed its

    Gates. The surviving animals were evacuated to Alfeld by the Ruhe pet shop. Mother and daughter on a winter walk It also leads past the town hall. The massive domed building on the Bult, built in the 1910s, was the work of the architects Paul Bonatz and Friedrich Eugen Schuler. These photos were

    Probably taken in the spring of 1941 on the edge of the Eilenriede, where the one created by August Warterberg in 1935 is opposite the zoo grounds How are plastics? The peace that these pictures

    Radiate is only an apparent one. On February 10, 1941, Hanover was the target of the largest air raid on a major German city to date, a premonition of what is to come [music] about two years later an unknown amateur shoots this Scene again Herrenhausen

    In the background you can see the facade of the castle that fell victim to British aerial bombs in October 1943 , the new town hall a vigil of the Hitler Youth in front of the so-called death rune of the inverted elhar zone which commemorates the previous air war dead in Hanover

    During the Nazi start The once proud towns of southern Hanover , Braunschweig , collapsed under fire and bombs fell into ruin Rust commits suicide on May 8, 1945, the day of the German surrender, in Berne near Bremen. The incumbent Gauleiter Hartmann Lauterbacher demands bitter resistance from the Hanoverian population shortly before

    The occupiers advance In August 1946, the former gau area became part of the short-lived state of Hanover, from which the state of Lower Saxony emerged a little later on November 1, 1946. In its

    State borders, which were finally established in 1949, Lower Saxony still exists today as one of 16 German federal states [Music]


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