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    E e e e e e e e e e e e e okay I’m you know how I like to go back for a second round of that because only 50% of the church responds the first time so I always feel like the second time you get an opportunity is it well

    With you see doesn’t it better when you say it like that I mean nobody wants to be like the football player that goes out on the on the field and then everybody’s just like so it’s always nice when you speak back right when you say it’s well with

    You we’re in it together I changed my shoes because I don’t want to puncture what I’m getting ready to do so as you know me I enjoy a good pair of heels I believe that’s important for every woman’s life and all the ladies said say well I don’t wear them say

    Don’t matter you still like them you may look at them just in the store but you still like them I’m thrilled to be in the house of the Lord with you I’m excited about what God is doing I believe God Is On The Move amen do you believe that are you

    Having a good Easter weekend man isn’t it nice to have had some sunshine yesterday yesterday man I just feel like God just like beamed down for 24 hours and you’re like ah It is Well Jason and I who are the senior leaders of this church we’re so thankful

    And thrilled to be able to Pastor an incredible group of people and I want to take a minute just before I preach and for those of you that are visiting I I love you and I’m grateful you’re here but I got to do some home stuff you know

    What I mean you ever heard that like you know how you get into your house and you tell your kids all their assignments and then you thank them for doing what they did that’s kind of how I feel today we have a host of people this weekend that

    Made Mosaic Church shine whether it was on Friday during our Good Friday services together on Saturday and Friday afternoon when we were on the streets just allowing people to know the love of Jesus whether it was our walkthr of who is Jesus experience wherever you’ve served our worship teams no matter where

    You’ve served this week I just want to give you a huge round of applause and thank you say thank you for your generosity of time and energy thank you so much incredibly grateful we have an amazing church and I’m telling you there’s nothing like doing life with amazing people a’t that right Curtis

    We’re going to work today aren’t we buddy yeah he’s like I’ve already been at work what’s wrong with you Pastor Amanda I want to share with you today what I believe is the end of our series we’ve been in the middle of a series a series just basically means a

    Compilation of of particular types of talks and preaching that you you emphasize and we’ve been doing a series of messages here called who is Jesus and the reason we’ve been doing that is because there’s something I’ve learned in the world we live in Everyone likes to Define for you what something should

    Be and most of the time we end up not having a right definition if you hear definitions today you know we we define marriage a certain way and we Define people a certain way and we Define autonomy a certain way and we Define education a certain way and I want you

    To know that religion is exactly the same people also do that with Jesus they make a decision on who he is and then they decide and unfortunately that box remains for many people so one of the things we wanted to do was uncover the richness of what it means to know him

    And also just to get a glimpse of how much greater there is to know about him and to know of him and to know what it means to be in Covenant relationship with him so today I have the privilege of finishing that series series and I’ve called this message the title of our

    Series is who is Jesus and I’ve called this message he is our champion he is our champion if you have your Bibles with you I just want you to open them to Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 we’re going to be reading out of the new New Living Translation it’s verses 1 through3 of Hebrews CH 12 when you get there would you stand for the reading of the word as it is our tradition here I’m going to be reading it off this

    Screen because I carry the new King James therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of Faith let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up and let us run with

    Endurance the race that has been set before us we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus this is the part the champion who initiates and perfects our faith because of the joy awaiting him he endured the cross disregarding its shame now he is seated in the place of honor

    Beside God’s Throne think of all the hostility he endured for sinful people then you won’t become weary and give up I want to talk to you today about what it means to have a champion in you and I’s life Lord thank you for the ability to preach and teach I thank you

    Lord that you are the author and the finisher of our life you said on the cross it is finished Lord help us to lean into to understanding what you finished so that we know where you Reign and we understand what you’re the champion of Lord today open our minds to

    Hear and to receive you get all the praise and all the honor in jesus’ name amen you may be seated John Chapter 19 Verse 30 you can make a note for those of you that take notes which I always encourage people to do because you you never are going to remember everything somebody

    Says talks about Jesus on the cross and actually it starts really in verse 28 when you’re in the final moments of Jesus and you’re you’re now observing John’s interpretation of what happens on the cross and and most likely John was quite close and I don’t believe that

    John was looking at the cross from a secondhand experience I believe he was not just right there he was close enough to hear the words that Jesus was speaking and and John records in John 19 starting in 28 through3 he basically says and he observes Jes Jesus thirsty

    He first observes Jesus in a natural state he’s thirsty in fact Jesus says I thirst I’m I am thirsty I realize that there’s pain in me and it’s causing a natural reaction and and the Bible says in other gospels that they came and tried to give him something to drink but

    It happened to be soaked in wine and this wonderful word we don’t use today called g g a l l that word actually means sedative it means that when men or women were crucified they were in such excruciating pain they were in such Agony that when they would ask for something to drink

    The men would bring over like a sponge like on the top of a of a stick and would put it up to their mouth and it would be soaked in wine but it also would be soaked in a substance that would help to ease the pain and as soon

    As Jesus receives this water and wine this substance he refuses it because he knows that it’s been soaked in something that would remove from him the fullness of feeling what you and I feel and the Bible says that as soon as he does that he looks up to heaven and

    He says to the Lord it is finished and with that the Bible says verse 30 that he gave up his spirit I want to make sure that I debunk a couple of very important things starting today here’s the first one Jesus was not killed Jesus laid his own life down we

    Participated in what it meant for Jesus to lay his life down but no one took Jesus’s life and you say why does that important because if someone takes something from you then they have stripped you of something and if they’ve stripped you of something they’ve made

    You a martyr not necessarily a king not everyone who has died because they’ve been killed for their faith is Jesus but there’s lots of people who have received and have had a martyrdom they’ve given their life for something they believe in but Jesus did more than that he was not

    Just a Mart because had he been just a martyr he would have been numbered with a ton of people even during his time who were so they were so committed to what they believe they were willing to lay down their life so that was not enough

    It wasn’t enough that Jesus just died it had to be that not only did he die he had to lay down his life and not only did he have to lay down his life he had to have some way to pick it back up because had he just died and laid down

    His life death would have still ruled all of the pain would have still been there there would have been no removal of it because the only way to overcome something is to finish it maybe you’ve never had children but I can tell you the countless times I’ve

    Said to a child go upstairs clean your room and then you go upstairs when they come downstairs and they say the room is clean and you know it is not finished there is no cross experience you walk upstairs you look at their room and there’s things untidy things out of

    Order and they are just blessed by their contribution and you’re looking at the 50% they’ve got left to do and I think sometimes we don’t really realize that when Jesus said it is finished he was not just speaking of the moment he was living in he was prophetically speaking of what was

    Happening on Sunday which was not just the death of Jesus not just not just the laying down of Jesus he was prophesying into I’m not just going to die I’m going to get up and because I’m going to get up your life is going to be changed you

    And I have need of a champion because Champions must finish have you ever observed anybody at the Olympics who won a gold medal and did not finish the race have you ever observed a boxing match where someone received the Big Belt that did not knock them out or

    Finish because part of being a champion is being a finisher part of what it means to finish is to also mean that not everyone who finishes is a champion but every Champion must finish fin but Jesus said I did not just finish on the cross what

    I intended to do I’ve also finished it in the future of everything that comes against you and I’s life this is powerful because those three words those three words in the English one word in the Greek helps us to see that no matter what we face no matter what’s going on

    No matter what differences we’re in no matter how we’re feeling how much our emotion is involved Jesus finished for you and me so when we’re in the middle he’s already at the end so that’s why God doesn’t get upset about all your troubles because he’s already seen the end from the beginning

    There’s already a moment the end has already been accomplished it is finished so I want to talk to you today about how we need this champion in our life and I’m going to use this amazing little boxing ring they made for me but that’s why I had to change my shoes folks

    Because I had to be able to get in it and I’m Happ to hold a handheld mic we’ve tried my mic that normally is right here so I’m gonna be doing a little crazy so y’all go just flow y’all ready can y’all flow with me today can

    Y’all be in the flow let’s get into the flow I want to talk to you about what God says about our life the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse3 it’s going to come on the screen the Bible says that It Is by faith we understand that the

    Worlds were framed by a word from God now see this is a very important statement because see the world before Jesus got involved before the Trinity got involved before Genesis chapter one was what we would call the word chaos just so you know chaos means exactly as

    You think chaos there are no Border Lines it lives in a compl complete disorder there is no order to anything anything can happen at any time anything can go wrong it’s kind of what we would associate today with the word martial law it’s just a sense of everyone does

    What is right in their own eyes and the Bible says that when we began before we began there was a sense of chaos but we know that part of what the Trinity what Jesus did in our life as he ordered our chaos and framed our world now people people get afraid of

    Frames because they think frames box them in but may I suggest to you frames have never boxed you in they give you the most freedom because when God frames you he also protects you in that frame when he frames you he Graces you in that frame when he frames you he multiplies

    His Blessing in that frame and he knows for each one of us what size frame to put over our life so here’s what happens in the beginning in the beginning Jesus said I’m going to come to a people and I’m going to frame their life I’m

    Going to produce a frame in them I’m going to help them see that this wide openen space I’ve given them is more than enough there’s no reason for them to go seeking somewhere else they don’t need to find protection mechanism from somewhere else I have not only framed

    Them but in my frame I’ve also hedged them Psalm 139 I think you have it you can put it on the screen I know the Bible says this is David speaking of himself and he says of the lord lord I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are

    Wonderful I know that so well 15 my frame was not hidden from you here was the point he wasn’t just talking about his physical body he was saying I recognize that the boundary lines of my life have been hidden in you you are the one who has created this great big world

    I get to live in the one who has commissioned me and proposed in me purpose identity security but let me help you God gave us this but sin breaks it sin’s condition comes to break our frame to make us believe we are exposed that’s why one of one of the greatest struggles

    We have in the world today is people being truly vulnerable why they feel constantly exposed why they fight for their rights because there is a sense in every person that somehow you have to protect yourself everything’s against me I got to get it myself come on Wes I’m GNA need your

    Help this is your time to shine I know I need you to grab those boxing gloves this is your Shining Moment brother me and you were not sparring today though I could use some space with you about it I’m just K I’m just kidding you’re all right yeah he said I have to

    Take my glasses off here’s what happens sin just give me a sec sin enters our life God made us perfectly and fearfully and wonderfully made he gave us a great big world he knew our frame he framed us he said this is not just large enough it’s beautiful go live

    In your frame you know how you hear hear that word stay in your lane could I suggest a new one live in your frame your frame is big enough your frame is your frame nobody can enter your frame nobody can get a picture in your frame nobody can break your frame nobody can

    Upset your frame except Sin Sin can because sin breaks communion and the frame is built on communion I’m fearfully and wonderfully made my frame you know but then sin gets involved and it begins to break down the very barriers or the hedge of protection God builds around you and before long

    These frames that are broken make me feel like I got to come out fighting against everything in my life all of a sudden I start going oh my gosh I’m exposed I’m vulnerable someone’s going to figure out that I’m an impostor in this room and I don’t have the education

    They hired me for and my marriage really does stink and my my relationships suck and all of a sudden you said didn’t can to use that word come on we live in 2024 some of y’all put crazier things on your social media all of a sudden we realize things are

    Awful and we come out fighting thank you now you got to hold the mic what happens is step in with me what happens is is our frame gets broken and our response is not to fix the frame the response is to defend what’s broken I now know it’s broken so what do

    I got to do I got to be on this side oh they’re coming at me anxiety is attacking me again depression’s getting me over here oh my gosh health health issues money issues oh my gosh fear fear fear I got to and then you wonder why we live in the

    Most weary generation on the planet we’re weary because before sin kills you the Bible says the wages of sin is death but let me tell you what your week- toe paycheck is it’s your energy it’s killing you because it’s taking your energy and it is wearing you

    Out you trying to keep up with all the things you have presented as yourself all the framework that’s been destroyed over your life and now instead of fixing my frame I’m just defending it and here’s what happens the Bible says that Jesus and his goodness to you and I we

    Know it as the cross he enters into our world he comes back into this broken frame and he starts to take off my take off a glove we got to work together bro he starts to take away the defense mechanisms that we build now just stand right here because I’m gonna need you

    Again here’s what the Bible says number one you and I need a champion because he finished the identity crisis we keep living living in this is an identity crisis you only have two questions that you really care about in your world everything hinges on these two questions who am I and why am

    I here everything every relationship every type of love you want to receive everything you believe about yourself it all resides in two places who am I and why am I here what is my true identity and why am I on this planet because see listen the world is full of broken

    Frames and the Bible says that in Colossians I want you to put it on the screen for me Colossians chapter 1 and I love it out of what we call the passion translation it says this for God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ verse

    20 and by the blood of his cross everything in Heaven and Earth has been brought back to himself back to its original intent he reframes he said hold up hold up you’re so broken you’re so screwed up you still got this thing wrong you ain’t even looking for me you’re trying to figure

    Out how to get more workouts so you can beat more things up and I’m trying to tell you that what I’m doing in your life is I’m not just reframing you I’m bringing you back back to why I created you original intent may I suggest to you

    And hopefully put an emoji over your brain just a little bit when we talk about Jesus making us a new creation it was only a new creation to us not him we are the original creation to him we have now been brought back to original intent restored in our

    Innocence but let me tell you what we do we come to church and God reframes us and then all of a sudden now we’re reframed and now we’re like yeah I got a revelation God is good I just got a few extra things I need to keep

    Away and we stand in the corners of our life in the small spaces looking out looking over our shoulders making sure no one comes close because you know I trust you God but I ain’t sure how much see listen to me the cross wasn’t enough without the Resurrection The Cross brought you out

    The resurrection brings you in which means God saved you at the cross he said you can’t do this on your own I’m going to save you but let me tell you why he got up he got up to deliver you you of the way you think so some of us got a 50%

    Relationship with Jesus we admire the cross I worship with my left while I’m holding my right I come to church with my left but Monday morning I got my right because all of a sudden I just need to be sure God you know you may need a little extra help my frame

    Doesn’t feel totally secure because see here’s the thing you’ve been saved but your life has not been delivered your life being delivered means you change your protection mechanisms you’re no longer protecting yourself you let the frame protect you when people come up against you you know

    My frame protects me I don’t need to prove to you anything God frame me get out my frame Revelation chapter 22 put it on this is at the very end John the Apostle he write y’all okay John the Apostle writes this and he says I am the Alpha

    And the Omega this is about the Lord the first and the last the beginning and the end because I love taking you to scholary school I’m going to give you an update when it says the beginning all of you going to go yeah that means the

    Beginning no no no no no that word means from the corners of your frame he’s right here I am the beginning so everything you keep trying to protect I’ve already got defended I am the beginning I didn’t start in the middle of your life and work my way out some of

    Us have been told if Jesus can be the center of the center of it all let me help you Jesus is not the center of anything he is everything if he’s the center it’s still surrounded by you and I crazy he is simply the fullness of God

    So in the beginning I’m in the corners so that you can take it off you can be set free from defending the angles around you everybody got an angle and it’s our natural response wants to defend our angles don’t let them get me I ain’t

    Going to let them take care of me again Jesus said I’m the beginning I’ve started in your corner I didn’t just get to your corner I started in the corners of your life the very place where the most angles could occur where the best Darkness could be where the Shadows are

    Best to shine I started there and here’s what I love he said I’m not only in the corner in the beginning he said said I am the end the end means your prophesied prophetic end in other words where he says his word has stopped over your life your frame keeps going till he

    Shuts up see some of y’all you’ve talked yourself out of Victory because your words alone have stopped what God God can do you’ve decided based on the patterns of your life what you really believe the end is well God you know I know you’re my CL

    And I’ll come to church like five times a year you know and get what I got to get and go back you know I got some real junk in my life welcome to the world there ain’t nobody sitting around you that doesn’t have junk the key is is is your junk controlling your

    Frame and who’s fighting the junk you or your Champion see here’s what the Bible says he said I’m all the way in the corners I’m taking you to my paid prophetic limit because I have an intention over your life psalm 16 verse 5 and 6 psalm 16 Lord you alone are my portion

    And my cup you make my lot secure my boundary lines let me help all of you this whole little thing we can be whatever we want when we grow up is a bunch of nonsense you can’t be whatever you want if you don’t go to engineering school you ain’t going to become an

    Engineer you can’t go like pray about becoming a Pianist if you never practice Lord let me do it for you Jesus you’ve got a boundary line and that boundary line has been set in your favor but don’t you try to cross the boundary line God gave you because when

    You try to cross the boundary line you are taking Affairs into your own hands and you walk outside of the prophetic Grace that’s upon you that’s why when people say stay in your lane they’re giving you the best advice they could ever give you because there’s Grace in your

    Lane but we end up fighting the wrong frame thank you us I might need you again but I’ll let you know number two we need a champion who finishes something because he finishes and Triumph our lifestyle of striving let me give you a human Human Condition striving feeling like we’re just not quite

    There that idea that I just need something to move out of my way that oh oh you ever heard somebody say I just got to push through now don’t hear me wrong sometimes grit is needed you know there are some days I’ve had to walk away when Jason and I had you know

    Those kind of arguments where grit was needed I wasn’t going to leave him but I can tell you I came close to punching him these were earlier in my pre-frame days I’m pretty sure he felt the same the Bible says that by Nature we go into a striving

    Mode you say where is that at in the Bible the Bible gives us this great this great amazing prophetic word that is actually a story that sort of speaks to us about a whole lot of things not just one thing it’s out of John chapter 11 and it’s about a guy you’ve probably

    Heard of named Lazarus this guy Lazarus the Bible says dies right now here’s what I find so fascinating about this story you can go read it on your own here’s what’s so fascinating to me Lazarus with Jesus’s friend like how much closer could you have gotten besides being a disciple and

    Jesus gets word Lazarus is dying and you know what Jesus’s response is the one you don’t want from your pastor okay cool that’s what the Bible says that Jesus went that’s tough here they’ve brought him the most difficult word and Jesus is like yeah okay well what should we have for dinner

    In fact not only does he do that he remains where he’s at four more days not only is Lazarus dying he stays but when Jesus gets there you think you have the verses for me put up the first set when Jesus gets there he looks at Martha who is like very upset

    Because Lazarus has now died like she’s mad she’s like I’ve been making some food for you you got to go back and read these stories because these stories are very good I’m telling you they could be a comic strip I’m just telling you because she basically says I’ve been

    Making all kinds of things for you and you just left us out here and he says I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and Believes In Me shall never die do you

    Believe this and she said yeah yeah got you Jesus I get that one day what you’re saying will happen she believed in a final Resurrection but she didn’t believe Jesus could do anything then and here’s what I have learned in the body of Christ and in this world the

    World would like to frame who Jesus is to you so that you can acknowledge that he is a savior he is a king he died for you and churches are necessary but not good enough for you to believe he can do anything in your life

    He wants to create for you a frame you protect to be sure you never strive unless it’s for something you want not realizing that Martha was striving she wanted Jesus to do something for her but she had reconciled that the only way for it to be done was

    With a partial revelation of who Jesus was Jesus says I am the very one you seek and then it goes on to say I I skipped over some verses for the sake of time and Jesus said as he approaches because by this point he’s like you guys

    Don’t get it you’re aren’t getting it so he walks up and he says take away the stone Lazarus is dead he’s in a tomb Martha the sister of the Lord who was dead said to him Lord by this time there is probably a stench a smell because

    He’s been dead for four days in other words don’t mess with it now you know what some you win some you lose some sometimes you get it sometimes you don’t you know I go to church sometimes God does something sometimes he don’t sometimes he comes through when I pray

    Sometimes he don’t don’t worry let’s not let’s not rake up that smell again it’s just so terrible but Jesus pushes through what their Revelation is and he said then he took the stone away from the place where the dead man man was laying and Jesus lifted up his eyes and

    Said to the father father thank you that you’ve heard me and I know that you always hear me but because of these crazy people I’m putting crazy in there you are standing by I said this that they may believe you sent me and now when he had said these things he cried

    With a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he did and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a cloth and Jesus said to them loose him and let him go here’s the key the key is

    Is by nature we strive to attain something God is in our midst doing and then we reconcile our disappointment when God doesn’t do it we’ll get them next time God sure you’re going to come through another time did it ever occur to you that the problem is not God’s goodness it’s your belief

    System it’s what you believe God can do and because you don’t believe God can fully protect your frame can do things Beyond you you’ve become okay with what you’ve had to bury when Jesus is coming along trying to impress upon you that what you buried out of disappointment I have a desire to

    Restore life to in Victory but here’s what is so interesting about this passage of scripture not only does he bring him out the guy comes out still bound here is the picture of the Cross and the empty tomb Jesus brings you out of the grave at the cross but then some

    Someone with the knowledge of the life of Jesus has to help unbind what is bound you because you are so clothed with your previous environment that it doesn’t fit the new one you’re trying to live in so Jesus restores your frame y’all are welcome for all this he

    Restores your frame he raises you from the dead he puts you back in a place that belongs to you and some of us are like this we living in a new place with the old address clothes on of who we once were because it’s not

    Enough to be called out if you are not going to be unwrapped I can’t tell you how many people I know believe Jesus died for them but refuse to believe that he has set them free Jesus died for me I believe it let me help you it’s not enough to

    Come out of a grave if you can’t do nothing you can’t eat Bible says his face was all covered up his arms were all covered up he couldn’t run he couldn’t walk he couldn’t sit couldn’t stand could do nothing in a natural world so what’s the point of opening a

    Grave if you can do nothing in the world Your Grave has brought you to Jesus is not satisfied with the striving of Hal truths we have been willing to settle for Hal truths where we’re still standing in the gaps of our life either protecting them or bound up from them

    And before long our arena is compromised because we cannot live free in the space God gave us because we are completely compelled to remain as we are are and I want to encourage you today loved one I’m coming with a word from God for you that Jesus is your finisher

    And your Champion you have need for someone who does not just bring you out but teaches you how to come in you have to finish To Be A Champion you have to have completed Something To Be A Champion and some of us we won’t go through the hard process

    Of what it means to get Unbound you know why because Bound clothes feel protective why do they put them on so that your body is protected so that you’re tightly knit why are grave clothes put on so that your body doesn’t smell quite so bad so that everything they’ve perfumed you

    With you can stay nice and tight in your little space let me tell you how it works in the real world exactly the same when people who have said yes to Jesus that have come out of their grave but yet they’ve never walked into the fullness of who God’s made them to be

    They still live wrapped up unable to engage because their protection mechanisms are the old day that’s why your reactions are the old day that’s why you can go from zero to 102 seconds because you may be free in one area but you are bound in another and before long we have to reconcile

    That he triumphed over all of our triggers and striving number three number three he finished and championed over the cycles of defeat that keep us weary listen to me I love this verse in 1 Peter chapter 1: 3 and 4 and I want to

    Just give it to you as straight as I can it’s out of the passion translation again celebrate with praises praising the God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has shown us his extravagant Mercy for his Fountain of Mercy has given us a new life right

    Here this Frame we are reborn to experience a living energetic hope now can I just help you for a second living also means moving I have given you through the resurrection a living and energetic hope there’s two energy things you’re doing right now either you’re cycling around

    The same junk of defeat over your life using your energy that way or you are living in the energy of Hope the resurrection has been given to you so that when God reframes you you don’t waste your energy but do you want to know how many

    Of us are wasting our energy we waste our energy on a relationship we waste our energy on education sometimes because for the wrong reasons we waste our energy on trying to become wealthy we waste our energy on trying to get a friend that because we just really want

    Them to be our friend because the they’re our friend it’s going to make a big difference in our life we waste our energy on social media seeing how many friend likes we had to something we posted we waste our energy in Cycles so this is what happens Jesus

    Came he said by the cross I’ve reframed your life I’ve boundary lined you again I’ve put you back and this is what you do in it Cycles you’re like God I’ve seen this same thing over and over and over again you know what Jesus is saying to you today

    Yes when you’re ready to stop the cycle I’m ready to bring energy so that you stop wasting it and instead by looking at my hope you have a new type of energy every time you see me it is Living Hope actively energetic ready for you do you

    Want to know what’s in this room right now Living Hope do you know why people who are facing diagnosis that they have no answer for but they have their life framed by God can continue to live in the energy of the father because they have an energy of Hope their life is

    Hopeful and I have come to realize that when hope leaves your life defeat is all that’s left Defeated come on to the keys to the worship team or however you can do that here’s where I’m at you and I were never meant to live stationary we were never meant to just

    Stay put some of us God reframes our life and and then we just stand in the middle hoping God does something that’s not how it works the Bible says that by the resurrection you’ve been given something living and Alive Romans chapter 6 they’re going to put it on the

    Screen the Bible says could it be any clearer our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ a decisive end to this sin miserable life no longer captive to sins demands what we believe is this if we get included in Christ’s sin conquering

    Death we also get included in his life saving Resurrection so he conquers death and he brings life we know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death as the end never again will death have the last

    Word I love this bet when Jesus died he took sin down with him him but alive he brings God to us sin speaks a dead language that means nothing to you but God speaks your mother tongue your native language this is what you were created for not because you figured out how to

    Frame it cuz see listen all of us we do this in different ways we do it with our education we do it with the family we grew up in We Do It with our time I always find it fascinating how much time people will spend on the earth doing whatever they like never

    Considering eternity no one gets off this planet without having to touch eternity say well I don’t believe in eternity well which way is better one or the other either you can believe there is one or you can believe there there’s not one but regardless you’re going to reach Something I know that we reframe our life in so many ways we we don’t realize sin breaks our frame but the Bible says that Jesus has come to put the boundary lines back on your life so you stop fighting battles you stop fighting wind you stop striving for things that are only half

    Done and you believe fully wholeheartedly in the energetic hope of God speak the language of God to see what happens years ago I’ll never forget it my father was a preacher my grandfather was a preacher my great-grandfather was a preacher I guess apparently that was like a a family

    Trait my dad got up in church I’ll never forget it and it was probably in the ’90s and he got up and he said to the congregation and no no one knew he was going to do this he got up and he said I want to challenge the church today he

    Was talking about giving he said I want to challenge the church today I want you to write down how much more you can give in the next three months time money capacity and so he said I want everyone to do it and so of course you know people are trepidacious but most people

    Wrote something down and he came back and he said I’m going to ask you to do this for 3 months because I’m going to ask you to put one thing on there with it what you need God to do in your life and people readily in skepticism not really believing that it

    Was possible some people wrote down I can give extra $5 but I need God to heal me from cancer stuff like that and he felt so strongly about it he said in three months time anybody that’s given time or money that does not receive this miracle the church will give

    Back three months and all of us sitting on the front row I can remember because I was just like oh my gosh what are we do it right now like this is a lot like sometimes you know you can’t always know where God’s doing something you know everything goes through your

    Brain three months went by every week he said something about it I’ll never forget it because at first all these amazing Miracles started to kind of come in and you were like oh yeah okay this is God and then though stopped nothing it was sort of like the Friday Saturday

    Thing of the Cross everything was happening on Friday and then all of a sudden we got into what we call silent Saturday silent Saturday felt like it lasted forever I’ll never forget it because there was five particular prayer requests we were believing God for they were big deals I’m talking about big

    Deals one of them had lost over $200,000 in a transaction with a bad business deal they had wrote down they wanted Restoration at the end of it my dad preached a sermon on The God Who is living and it was not 5 days before the end of that three months that every person who had written something down and given it to us had received what God had said every one of them here’s my

    Point I’m not doing that today so don’t get all crazy on me my point is is that in order for you to live in the fullness of God you got to go all in if you don’t believe it it’s up to you it’s the good news about having free will you get to

    Decide but those that choose to always get the reward of their choice you are rewarded one way or the other and by not choosing is to choose you still make a choice because your life is full of them so here’s where I’m at I’m going to ask you to

    Stand in just a minute and I’m going to pray for people in this room that you know your frame is broken and you know you are fighting the corners of your life in a wrong way and you know you need a champion finisher in you you say

    I’m a Christ follower that’s okay you can say I’m not a Christ follower that’s okay too because I believe today God wants to pull you out of the place that sin has created to make you believe that your identity is lost forever and restore back to you purpose and identity hope

    And joy something living and Alive sin does not make you bad Sin makes you dead yes and the reason we must say that is because if you don’t see sin making you dead you go to the cross looking to become good the cross doesn’t make you good Jesus makes you good because he’s

    Righteous he chooses you to be made right because he’s right sin doesn’t make you bad Sin makes you dead which means the cross doesn’t make you good it makes you alive you become alive and there are some people in the room today that you’re trying to understand the good bad

    Thing when you need to understand the dead life thing

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