Supreme Chancellor of Zwift King Bath Salts
    Race was from March 31th 2024

    Helloo hello hello everybody Welcome to the basss first channel on today’s episode you guys can see that I barely started this race um so I was behind the the eight ball for this for the start of of of of this race here so I would have loved to have pushed the pace

    And we probably would have sent out we had I think we had 18 guys on the first lap but I’m pretty sure we could have made made it into a TW a 12 man group right off the ri but we didn’t but so I asked who is the top dog

    Here I think they knew who was who who was the man to watch so someone quite quickly said you so I think they uh I think some people knew it was funny later on that somebody asked are are you still with us I’m literally three three two three

    Three quars up up up the group here and I’m like no I I’m I’m out the back which I which I you know spelling at a at a higher heart rate is kind of hard to do sometimes so I a little further up someone like I can smell the epson salts from

    Here the good old epon salts not the uh confused with the flight of Florida ones those are different Bast SS we have the duck here so we are going up to the Sprint Banner here so this is the start of the second lap so I was just using the

    Steamroller making sure that most people are uh not not not getting away here and stuff like the one guy did try to uh break break away I think he got like a maximum like 10 seconds but our group uh promptly uh br br him back into the into the group where where

    He where he belongs you know so I have the feather so don’t know how I quite edit this out if I show it I I did it at the uh at at the at the at the underpass there which is a a good spot to do

    It it’s like so I so so here’s me I’m like am I still off the back question at this point I don’t think these guys had much sense of humor left in them which we’re 20 minutes into the race here uh Birdman’s like right one guy’s like you’re such you’re such a dark

    Horse which is kind of funny so we have the penthouse dock like so we’re going underneath here so you can use the feather here if you were going really long but I was like okay do I do it or do I hold off on it I’m like at this

    Point I’m thinking I’m almost lost in here so from here to the Finishing Line I dropped 420 watts of power so I lined myself up with where I thought everybody was going to hold was going to hold together that I I realized the guy in the red and black was not

    Holding that wheel so I’m like I didn’t pass him as fast as I thought CU I’m still getting draft off off of him so so I realized he he he he he’s he’s done so then I go up and grab grab grab these boys’s Wheels now

    Here so I think a lot of these lot of lot of these guys were wondering what to do I kind of waited here too long because you see how that guy in the gray just slingshots through that’s really what I should have done is just just slingshotted through

    But but I didn’t so I waited came across around around this corner and I absolutely full sent it all right if you guys like big big big big wants comment like And subscribe and my my legs died but up 50 met be before the line all right byebye e e

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