The full story as to why I’m doing this challenge is mentioned within the video.

    I know times are hard but if anyone can spare as little as £1 it will go towards helping children battling cancer in its many forms

    I will be out doing some of these walks at night in Forrest’s and other creepy locations so make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn in the notifications to make sure you stay up to date.

    Thank you everyone for your amazing support

    So here we are day one of the young rad versus cancer Charity Walk 80 miles we got a cover in the month of April which is pretty doable you know what I mean we only look at about two and a half three miles a day but still it’s it’s for the

    Cause if I know times are hard but if you can head over to I’ll put a link in the descript Des of the video to where you can actually donate whether it’s £510 whatever you can spare it is going to an absolutely amazing charity my daughter herself she’s going through

    Cancer and this charity is absolutely amazing they come in they see her they talk to her they bring her gifts and your donations will help keep that happening not just for my daughter but for all the other children that are going through the terrible disease which is which is cancer whether it’s

    Leukemia any other type of cancer your donation will help more than you think so here we are day one like I said we’re up at bicket and hills and it is treacherous today so the ground every which way is sod we’re only about probably about half a mile a mile in but

    You can’t knock that view so onward and upward to give you some ideas here like your feet just sink everywhere you go it’s slippy it’s wet it’s April in England nice dodgy steps to go down nice and slippy I love this place if you want to see me come out and do a

    Nighttime a nighttime walk around here give the video a like we’ll go look for some caves and other type of old structures all this is this is just this is what I’m using it’s it’s an app that I can’t remember the name of to be honest M my

    Walk or something like that the little blue dot is where you can see where I park the car and that’s where we’ve walked so far so watch this space w hopefully when the sun comes out at some point during this well not just this walk on any of the walks I’ll

    Have the gimbal with me so the footage will be a bit more stable but unfortunately I can’t get it wet lovely yeah peasant up on the top there he is some more steps we like steps steps are good it’s not dodgy big drop wow it’s you see where we are

    Now the only problem is you can see there we got to get onto a main road to walk all the way back to at Sandy Lane we’ve got to walk down Sandy Lane which is a busy road to get back to where I parked it’s all right is the main road

    No foot paths not at all [Applause] dodgy it’s squeaky bum now bending the road going have to go on coming [Applause] God for that the drive like absolute dossers so the car’s at the top of this road and I mean at their top yeah that’s what we’ve covered it’s only 3.6k

    But it’s the conditions man conditions are appalling see that’s the road we’re following up now and where the red line starts and they PS inside of that blue dot what we’ve got to get to this is what I was talking about about caves this is just a this is a baby in

    Fact I wouldn’t even call this a cave it’s more of a naturally eroded Sandstone embankment thing but there’s loads of these absolutely loads on that trail and they are absolutely huge so the rain stopped thankfully and see as I’m sweating like a bloody in ch

    Church about to bag the coat up EV to Betsy let’s get up to the car just coming up to the car now oh my days I am tempted to go and have a walk through there as well should we do it should we saw John a walk through there as

    Well yeah let’s do that so there we go you can see back at the start we’ve done 4.61k took an hour and 7 average pace 4 36 km a minute no that’s not right but that’s the bigie 4 331 calories sorry can’t get me breath but

    Like I said we’re going to sold you on and then we’re going to cover the area just to the right of that now so we just had a look when we get to 5K that’s about 3.1 miles so if we can get to 5 miles which will be about 7

    8K I’ll be happy with that here’s where we are now trying to get other folk in the shop we’re going into there and having a nice walk around where we are crack it on Lovely bit of studge so I think the circuit we’re going to be

    Doing now is about the same again about 3K all the way around let’s get it done so we just got up to one of the highest points it’s the nice view here nice little they must do like scouts or something around here but it is nice I love coming

    Here make it nails if any of you get chance bring the family bring your Wellies good out for a view though so what I’ll do now is I’m just going to explain as to why I’m doing this walk mean not just me my wife’s doing it as

    Well she’s doing so well well done woman like I said I’ll just explain as to why we’re doing it so our daughter poppy she’s 11 she’s playing on the trampoline with her friend she’s got off she’s gone to get back on and she slipped and put her

    She’s gone to instead of putting a whole foot on the ladder she just put her toes on it and she slipped and banged her knee on the ladder so it did it swelled it swelled really bad so we rang the doctor thinking he’d say yeah we’ll book

    In for an for an x-ray sort of thing but he said get a ring back in three weeks I’ll prescribe you some my beeper and gel and we’ll go from there so we did as we’re told you know what I mean you we even thought to ourselves maybe it will go down it’s

    Just a bit of swelling but three weeks went by and the lump didn’t get smaller it got bigger so we went down and he ended up booking Us in for an x-ray we had even got down the stairs for the gp’s office and I was on the

    Phone to the hospital trying to get her in cuz the said if you quick we’ll be able to fit you in but no they were closed I know what you’re thinking it’s in hospital they shouldn’t be closed but this was like an appointment x-ray sort of thing so it took a bit

    Longer um so we had to wait till Monday so I rang them up on Monday I was first in the queue and they couldn’t fit her in they were fully booked so we had to drive her half an hour down the road to the next hospital where they seen her I mean she

    Was in a lot of pain at this point I’m in a lot of pain so we were expecting like an answer oh yeah she’s done this she’s done that but now he says the your doctor will be in touch I we had even got back we had even got through the

    Door fully from being back from having that X-ray and a local hospital wrangles he says right we need to bring poppy down for an MRI so we took her down for the MRI two days later we had a phone call saying where’s Poppy the wife said she’s in school she

    Said where’s a dad is it at work say you need to get Dad out of work you need to bring poppy down to the you need to get Poppy out of school and bring her down to the hospital so we took her down a couple of nurses sat in the room with

    Poppy they asked me and her mom to come with them sat us down in the parents’ room where they told us that popp’s actually got bone cancer and the lump on her leg was a tumor she had banged the exact point in her knee where the tumor was hiding and it flared

    It to the point where it grew 2 cm across 5 cm down and 9 cm in length so that started that part the chemotherapy treatment everything like that the treatment plan which is 12 weeks in but at week 11 she had the surgery to remove the remove the tumor

    And thankfully the chemotherapy shown a 92% % necrosis which means that the chemotherapy itself had actually killed 92% of the tumor so that’s where we’re at at the minute so unfortunately that her air has just started growing back it did all come out but it just started growing back but now

    She’s started the chemotherapy again it started coming out again and obviously for an 11y old girl it’s a big deal at 11 years old you should be worrying about your hair your makeup things like that but again she she started High School in September and we found out in

    October so she’s only actually had one month of high school so this so obviously we are where we are we’re doing what we’re doing but the main thing she’s trying to get over at the minute is recovery from the surgery they’ve removed half of a shim bone they’ve removed a knee they’ve

    Replaced it with a plastic knee but 2/3 of a leg now from the knee down is now metal work so you can see from the picture that as it goes down you can see two little squares halfway down one half of the square they’re actually magnets and

    One magnet is connected to the top half one magnet is connected to the bottom half and what they’ve got to do over time is Poppy’s got to go back to Birmingham hospital I think it’s twice every 3 months and have a leg lengthened so that’s where we

    Are but she’s a warrior she’s an absolute Warrior and she’s nailing it but thank you very much to everyone for everyone who’s shown support everyone who’s messaged everyone who’s commented on the video everyone who’s donated everyone who’s been and give a gift and this is just one way we can say

    Thank you especially to young lives versus cancer for the amazing work what they’ve been doing and done for poppy obviously we are aware that Poppy isn’t the only kid in the country going through this when you go into The Children’s Hospital there’s actually around about 24 rooms allocated for

    Kids going through the same thing whether it’s leukemia another form of cancer and every room is always full and young lives versus cancer right there at the front of it all helping them out so please please please please if you can do anything if you whether it’s one51 whatever just please

    Donate I’m going to put a link in the description of the video to prompt you to my donation page but obviously it just goes straight to 100% of it goes to young lives versus cancer S I was giving that speech then didn’t realize they had the app paused obviously every Pace every step

    Counts but we’re back on track now so this track will take us all the way around back up to the car I’m just glad the rain’s receded a bit hopefully some more sunnier days to come here we go nearly back where we started on the second

    Leg let’s get through there and the car will be inside lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it oh from that little downfall down from that little downfall earlier the weather’s all up there she is there’s the old girl so I’m going to try me best to document

    All this journey all all the walk as well as dropping in some of the original creepy spooky content to make sure you hit subscribe the notification Bell you’ll be notified when I’ve done one when I’m out and that’s about it but lastly like I said guys if you can no matter how

    Small the donation is it’s going to a really really really good cause so thank you very much see you next time


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