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    In a turn of events between Israel and Palestine a shocking video had surfaced on the internet capturing the heart-wrenching moment when a 25-year-old girl no aramani was forcibly taken away from a music festival by hamama Fighters the distressing footage unfolds with no desperately pleading for

    Her life at she sits on the back of a motorcycle surrounded by gunmen don’t kill me no no no she’s heard saying the video had sent shock waves through the online community highlighting the urgency of the situation and the need for Swift action and interation no’s boyfriend aan is also

    Seen being manhandled by the hummus grou her boyfriend is also reportedly missing both of them were in the south of Israel attending a music festival when Hama terrorists kidnapped her and dragged her from Israel to Gaza they opened fire and launched rockets at the crowd creating Panic

    Among the attendees sadly no is held hostage by the hummus militants her roommate Amir Moi described argaman as a lovely positive woman who loves traveling she told the news outlet that aramani recently returned from a Sri Lanka trip and is an only child of her parents her parents are in shock and

    Can’t even speak Israel has imposed a crippling blockade on Gaza since 2007 following Hummers taking control and the Army had since fought multiple Wars against terrorists in a tragic and alarming development 22 innocent lives have been tragically lost in Israel after Palestinian terrorists cross from the Gaza tribe making a chilling escalation

    In the ongoing conflict says AFP reports the situation underscores the urgent need for a resolution and peace in the volatile region subscribe to one India Channel and never miss an update


    1. What Israel did with innocent people of Palestine from decades killing children, women brutally we should look behind see the context of real problem, reaction is in response ,world should seriously look into matter.

    2. Из за тва- рей капиталистов разных стран страдают люди. Мразо-тные пидо-ры капиталисты. Вот с кем надо бороться трудовому народу планеты Земля, с жадными, подлыми гандо-нами капиталистами. Это капиталистичес пи-дарьё вконец обнаглело.

    3. THIS IS SO WRONG, AS A MUSLIM, no INNOCENT soul should be treat like this..we need to pray for the innocent soul both side, innocent Palestinian and innocent israel.

    4. IT'S GENOCIDE!!!!!
      The real terrorist ISRAEL!!! look at the innocent women,children and the civilians who's killed by Israel!!!! Look at the victim in Gaza!! Look at the victim in Palestine!! Hamas and all the palestinian is just fighting for their own land.. from the river to the sea it's belong to palestine.
      They won't let Israel took it away from them.
      They are still exist against Israel untill now, because they are protecticng their land!!!
      Protecting the Al-Aqsa mosque.

      To all people all around the world, please open your eyes!!!!!
      No need to be a muslim to see who is the real terrorist and who is the real victim of this war.
      You just have to be human, and take a look from your deepest heart.
      Please open your eyes!!! 😢🍉

    5. that is only one girl killed by hammas what about the thousand of innocent girls kiiled by the terrorist country israel do any jews have guts to asnwer my question

    6. Этот ужас просто не укладывается в голове, как жаль эту прекрасную девушку, её отца который просто рыдает от горя, и её молодого человека. Вот и на Украине такое происходит, сколько плачущих детей, матерей, жён, отцов…. Боже останови это безумие.

    7. One India news if this is true then 12000+ Palestinian civilians and their entire houses have been bombed not just since 1 month but 75 years of living under apartheid. what next for India then?

    8. Liar and fake lol hamas not like that, you guy just acting and spread the fake news as always, playing victim, I pray you get what you dream of, be a victim and abandoned by the world

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