Peter Cardwell is in for Julia Hartley-Brewer from 10am-1pm

    Feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t H back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth on TV on Radio and on your

    Smartphone this is talk TV good morning I’m Peter Cardwell you’re watching and listening to talk TV coming up urgent action is needed to protect free speech and British democracy according to a new government report I’ll be speaking to its author DM Sarah Khan in a few minutes time fears China hacked your details 40 million

    Voters information has been accessed by the Hostile State and Kensington Palace has released a statement thanking wellwishers but asking the public to give the Princess of Wales a bit of space you can give us a call on any of the topics we’re talking about today

    0344 499 1000 text me 872 or tweet us on X talktv but first let’s get the news headlines with Emily ruse Adams good morning MPS are set to be briefed about the Cyber threat posed by China while some individuals will be told about direct threats against them

    Sources close to the matter have said that the Deputy Prime Minister Oliver dowens expected to make a statement to Parliament later in which he’ll also outline that the personal data of more than 40 million voters was accessed last year Well former head of the defense select committee Tobias Elward has told

    Talk TV we must work with our allies before it’s too late we’ve all got to do the same thing otherwise China is able to exploit the differences that we have and that is the big challenge that we face we need a China strategy we need to recognize that

    This is China’s Century that in the next few decades it could easily challenge or indeed overtake the United States militarily economically technologically as well four men have been charged with terrorism in Russia following a Concert Hall attack that killed 137 people three of the men were marched into a court in

    Moscow while a fourth was pushed in a wheelchair Russia claimed Ukrainian involvement to have keev says those allegations are absurd Islamic state has since said it was behind the attack on the crocus City Hall on Friday while Lieutenant General Ben Hodes former Commanding General in the US Army told

    Us it’s highly likely Isis K were behind it this is not something that they just popped onto the scene the US and UK provided warnings to Russia back a couple of weeks ago of possible terrorist attacks so to me these kind of things give more credibility to Isis K’s

    Claim that they are in fact responsible the home office has launched a social media campaign in Vietnam to deter migrants from coming to the UK illegally the campaign will use adverts on Facebook and YouTube to Target people in the Southeast Asian country who may be considering making illegal Journeys to

    The UK an increasing proportion of small boat migrants are Vietnamese and they are one of the top 10 nationalities for migrants crossing the channel illegally it’s emerged Britain’s leading universities now get most of their fees from foreign students as they become increasingly reliant on overseas money to stay afloat dozens of Unis including

    Oxford and Cambridge only get a minority of their income from British students with some prestigious institutions getting more than three quarters of their fees from abroad where universities insist the ability to attract Rising numbers from overseas is a sign of success and top scientists in Switzerland have announced they’ll soon

    Look into whether invisible ghost particles actually exist Those Behind the major CERN Hadron Collider project which will hold experiments to look into the mystery of ghost particles which could help us greatly Advance our understanding of the true nature of the universe they say their new technology is a thousand times more sensitive than

    Previous devices that’s the latest now time for a look at today’s weather with Naz and Gaffa Times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello it’s a wet start to the week we’re going to be seeing rain pretty much everywhere spreading northwards across the UK although parts of East angle in the Southeast just about staying dry with some brightness there later and feeling fairly mild with the southernly

    Winds there but everywhere else it’s going to feel cool under the cloud and the rain as it pushes up across parts of the rest of England and Wales up into Southern Scotland and Northern Ireland some winry showers are likely across Eastern parts of Scotland and as we head

    Into tonight and that wet weather continues its Journey further northwards hitting cold air there will be significant snow likely for Central and Eastern parts of Scotland where the Met Office have a warning above 300 M up to 20 cm likely and above 200 meters up to

    Around 2 or 5 cm so some distruption to travel likely by Tuesday Morning England and wellso will be mostly dry except across the north and west where there will be Spells Of Rain then through tomorrow we continue to see the rain and Hill snow move and clear away from

    Scotland it will come brighter there some rain edging up towards Northern Ireland and Wales parts of the West country will see rain at first heading towards areas of the Midlands and Central Southern England later in the Day times radio sponsors talk TV Weather good morning welcome back I’m Peter Cardwell and you’re with talk Tov TV today we’re asking about a new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship with 76% of people not expressing their opinion out of fear are you one of them

    Give us a call let me know 0344 499 1000 text me it 72 with a word talk in your text or tweet tweet us on x at talk TV well joining me today to run through the top stories as writer and commentator candas holsworth great to have you with

    Us really really worrying we’re going to talk to Sarah Khan in just a second but she’s talking about a new phrase I think we all need to learn Freedom restricting harassment it’s not just people at the top of society it’s all over the place that people are being told they can’t

    Say certain things Candace yes I know and you know I mean you of course you see it at the extreme end where you get threats of political violence and intimidation but I think there are milder for forms of it as well I mean you see sort of mobbing and bullying

    Behavior that happens on social media even the really low level Stu self-censorship people not saying things because they fear in a workplace for example that they’ll be canel yes and I think it also fil filters down to the schools as well I mean what you’re seeing as a generation that’s sort of

    Grown up online and teachers are saying that they they’re very afraid of expressing their opinion you know rather than being able to just say okay this is what I think they kind of find people who they know will agree with them and it’s something that we have to really

    Not so for of self censorship it is we have to cultivate in schools kids being able to self-express and respect different opinions it’s so important well cice we’ll come back to you throughout the morning but I want to talk to the uh report’s author because urgent action is needed to protect the

    Resilience of British democracy and social cohesion according to the new government report uh we’ve been discussing and Johnny M as its author and the independent government adviser for social cohesion and resilience DM Sarah Khan thank you very much indeed for joining me uh I’ve been reading all about this yesterday and today Sarah

    And the thing that really worries me most of all is what you’ve written about in your article in the Daily Telegraph today a specific form of harassment which I refer to you refer to as Freedom restricting harassment is not just affecting politicians and high-profile individuals it’s having a negative

    Impact on people from many backgrounds and professions not least teachers police officers journalists Civic Society activists and those working in the Arts and local counselors tell us about your findings Sarah on this really what I think is a very important report so I my review looks at contemporary threats to social cohesion

    And Democratic resilience and one of those threats is what I have termed Freedom restricting harassment uh and by that I mean when people experience or witness threatening intimidatory abusive harassment either online and or offline which is then intended to make people and institutions to censor or

    Self-censor out of fear and as you as you’ve rightly addressed you know over the last couple of months and even in the last couple of years there has been a lot of commentary and concern about how parliamentarians uh public people in public life are often on the front line

    Of receiving this abuse but my report shows for the first time this is a much broader phenomenon which is poisoning the lifeblood of our political and Civic life so we carried out some polling for example which showed that over three quarters of the population have refrained from sharing a personal

    Opinion in public out of fear of receiving Freedom restricting harassment nearly half of the public having witnessed others experiencing this Freedom restricting harassment have then chosen to self-censor because again of fear of receiving Freedom restricting harassment I was shocked by the fact that 27% of respondents to our poll have

    Described what that what is um um what they describe as life altering a consequence of Freedom restricting harassment so the fact that there are people in our country who’ve had to move house who’ve had to take additional security measures who have had to change or or they’ve even lost their job because of

    This type of abuse so it’s it’s deeply concerning and when we ask the British public well how concerned are you about Freedom restricting harassment seven in 10 of the public were deeply concerned that it was restricting their ability to live and speak freely in our democracy

    That it was censoring their the way they were able to live their lives personally professionally but they were also concerned that it was having a negative impact on the way we are able to live live together as a diverse democracy and also that it was going to restrict

    People from contributing to public life in the in the future so as I say in my report this is a toxic and Insidious threat to our democracy to freedom of expression and to many of the democratic rights and freedoms that our country has fought for for centuries which we must

    Do more to protect we are the home of free speech here at talk TV and you can say what you want within the law Sarah where is this coming from well that’s a very interesting question and we’ve not looked at what are the motivating factors what is causing and driving this phenomenon in

    Our country I mean I suspect it’s a whole range of different views um from having spoken to a wide range of victims and having looked at all the evidence collectively I suspect obviously social media has coarsened public life it’s csed up the way we talk with each other

    Dialogue now seems to be very much a dirty word where we don’t want to engage in in meaningful dialogue even with people whose views we may disagree with that is something that’s really important that we don’t stay in our own Echo Chambers um engaging in different opinions really matter but I also think

    There are more deeper rooted um problems I think obviously in a cost of living crisis people feel resentment people feel anger they have grievances about the way their life is is is is currently um is at the moment um there’s a lot of um data that shows dis disillusionment

    With democracy people feel there’s a lack of trust with politicians with political parties they don’t trust the press for example so all of these wider factors I think is contributing to this kind of sense of well if I don’t like your political opinion if I don’t like

    Your particular job or profession um it justifies me to behave in a certain way and of course it doesn’t but I think this is a much more deeper rooted societal problem that we’ve got to get better addressing there is absolutely no doubt that there that what you say is

    Right but there is kind of the elephant in the room here as well as they’re not sarakan in that islamist intimidation of many people you were of course this report was basically prompted by the Batley grammar school Affair I I want to ask you about islamist intimidation in

    Our society because that is a major threat Security Services deal with that the police deal with that but it’s more Insidious and it’s more widespread isn’t it there there’s no doubt that there are people who are experiencing islamist intimidation yes I um you know evidenced

    A whole range of cases I mean one of the cases that I demonstrate is how Muslims themselves were at the Forefront of receiving that intimidation I mean I remember speaking to an Imam for example um a scientist he’s also an academic um and because islamists in this country

    Did not like his view um and did not support his moderate beliefs um and because he was a vocal critic of islamist extremism he regularly received death threats I mean this Imam had to have 18 months of police protection and I remember him saying to me that he had

    To have his children cowering under the kitchen table because they were so fearful that islamists were coming to attack him um so you know of course there there’s a real sense of islamist extremists intimidating and threatening people but my report goes wider it shows that there’s a real challenge of farite

    Extremists as well I mean I spoke to counselors who were telling me that they were being stalked and threatened by far right extremists were feeling very very fearful by that but the the interesting um thing around Freedom restricting harassment is it is not just extremists who are engaging in this activity it is

    A much broader section of society who feel it is legitimate and justifiable to threaten people to engage let let’s get into that Sarah because I want to ask you we’ve talked about the sort of high level very dangerous threats harassment intimidation um we’ve talked a little

    Bit about that but I want to talk about the more lowlevel stuff the workplaces the places where people feel they can’t say things just tell me how that manifests itself some people watching this and listening to this will say I know how it manifests itself but what did you find in your

    Report so I think it definitely feeds into this wider climate that I’m talking about but I also think it’s really important that we are very clear about what Freedom restricting harassment is because of course there is already legislation to deal with harassment and there’s of course there’s censorship what Freedom restricting harassment

    What’s so unique about it it’s when harassment quite extreme forms of harassment then lead to censorship so it’s that phenomenon together that makes it really quite Insidious so what if people for example are sharing a particular opinion or um you know so for example let me give you the Arts and

    Cultural sector there’s been quite a lot of surveys recently that have have shown that people who work in the artarts and cultural sector 45% have experienced intimidation bullying harassment and ostracization just because of maybe some of the controversial yet legitimate nature of their work as a result of that

    Around 44% of of of those people have experienced that abuse have then changed their product or their programs or their plans just showing how because of a direct result of that harassment they have then changed their their product because of what they are doing is the

    Dog isn’t it this is the teal wagon the dog isn’t it sorah we have a a small minority well of people and and I mean you’ve talked about the 76% of people who have had to change their opinions and I just I just think this is incredibly worrying I know this was

    Prompted as well by the Batley grammar school affair with the uh teacher who showed the image the cartoon of the uh of Muhammad I wonder I know you interviewed him for your report how with within the Realms of what you can say on National Television how is he doing

    So I mean just to be very clear before I answer that question Peter my report was commissioned actually before what happened at Batley just as a matter of clarification so yes yes I I have spoken to him um and I’m in regular contact with him and I mean strangely enough um

    Today Peter is is three years to the day when he was forced into hiding um as I show in my report he is currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder at the time of the incident he was suicidal not solely just because of what happened to him but actually

    Because of the failure of the local agencies who he thought would have helped him and that compounded his suicidal thoughts and you know let let’s remember what happened here this was an individual a teacher who had taught this lesson four times previously he was just doing what any other individual was

    Doing he was fear that so many people have Sarah isn’t it that if you do something that fals file of a mob essenti and there were a mob who intimidated him you will be hung out to dry by the authorities and by the structures that are meant to protect you

    That are meant to protect freedom of speech freedom of thought in this country there’s just no backup a lot of people feel and that’s what I shown report that victims of freeding restricting harassment whether it’s the Batley teacher whether it’s academics or journalists or anybody else they are

    Simply not being even recognized as victims um they’re not even recognized as victims of crime necessarily the victims code is not necessarily apply to them which is why I’m calling on the government to officially recognize this phenomenon of Freedom restricting harassment to ensure that we recognize and support victims of Freedom

    Restricting harassment because if we don’t do something about this growing phenomenon and let me very clear from our polling 60% of the public think this has got worse in the last five years if we don’t do something about this I’m afraid we will see an erosion of these precious Democratic rights and freedoms

    Of our country that is something that we cannot tolerate this is what marks us out as different to to authoritarian countries for example our plural democracy the right to free speech the right to exercise our Democratic rights and freedoms as Citizens and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure

    That those rights are protected which is why I’m calling on them to officially recognize this for form of harassment and also to do much more to tackle the many contemporary threats I’ve identified in my review because at the moment Peter there is no adequate infrastructure that deals with any of

    The threats that I’ve outlined and that is simply not acceptable you’ve given a lot of advice to government in terms of what they should do s I think it’s very very sensible what would you say to the man and woman on the street the people watching this interview who are

    Self-censoring who are not saying what they really feel within the law how should they express those opinions what should they do how should they change their behavior do you think Sarah so this is a really important question I mean I suppose I take it from

    Two aspects I mean I as an individual I have experienced Freedom restricting harassment so I know what it feels like and and and everybody is different and I I can’t tell people how they should behave because everyone has different levels of Tolerance I mean I would always encourage people to go to the

    Police report the level of harassment that they’re experiencing me myself personally I’m I’m the type of person where if someone tells me not to do something I’ll very much do the opposite if anyone tries to cail my right to to do what I want to do whether it’s a speech or anything

    Else me up even but again everyone’s different and I don’t expect everyone to behave in the same way as I do but I would also say is that you know at the end of the day there unfortunately there will be people we know who engage in this Behavior friends colleagues family

    And it’s important on all of us that we have to respect other people’s rights and freedoms if we want our rights and freedoms to be respected we have to recognize others if we dislike somebody’s political opinion or whatever opinion they may hold let’s have that passionate debate as we do in this

    Country let’s have a good dialogue and even an angry debate but surely we have to accept as a nation that when we start issuing death threats when we start issuing rape threats when we start doxing people’s private information into into the into the public domain that are

    The red lines that we have to accept is just unacceptable and I think those those kinds of issues are something we as as a society must have a debate about thank you so much D sarakan you’re doing important work really appreciate you coming on the program Candice uh Sarah

    Makes some really really good points there doesn’t she and it is essentially about what I try to do in my program which is to be to to disagree without being disagreeable that’s what we have to learn to do as a society it feels like we do need to start cultivating

    Those values again we’ve sort of lost them a little bit but it’s like she said you have to have a certain sort of personality in the current environment to be able to do that in these very febr times and I’m sure it’s been like that throughout history well there’s so much

    Fear isn’t there there’s so much fear that you’ll be cancelled that someone won’t like you or will will say not just I disagree with your opinion but you’re a bad person for believing what you believe I was talking to someone a couple of days ago who happens to work

    For the conservative party she was on a date she mentioned her job the guy got up and walked out I know this is such a problem with siloing and we’re falling into Echo Chambers and that’s why I say I think it really needs to start in schools we need to start teaching

    Children to self-express and not only that their opinion is important but other people’s opinion is important as well and actually you can learn from other people you don’t know everything actually other opinions can help you understand your opinion challenged because if you have your opinion challenged you’ll know why you believe

    It and afraid to have their opinions well thank you very very much indeed canos will come back to you throughout the program and today we are asking about that new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship with 76% of people not

    Expressing their opinion out of fear are you one of them you can give us a call on 0344 499 1000 you can text me on 872 with the word talk in your in your text or get in touch on X talktv Noah has done that he says I have no shame saying

    Exactly what I think good for you Noah uh Marine says it’s actually worse than that people are afraid to say what they and Brian says I’m fearful but I’m compelled to be honest and speak up I need to maintain Integrity for me not them well some of you have been getting

    In touch on the phones as well keep those calls coming Heather is in Scotland uh Heather you’re very welcome to the program this morning what would you like to say do you know when you and canas speak right now I agree with both of you because M I was brought up to

    Speaky mind and to be truthful and honest with is with integrity and I agree with you with P about disagreement you have a right to disagree with your opinions we need to not fear that Heather we need to not fear disagreeing with one another yeah it because it everybody’s

    Have a right to express their their own opinions and thought but one key element is respect yeah that is the f fundamental problem of society of this world there’s a lack of respect of how people talk how people Express their own opinions and use their own words and no

    One can’t put words in your own mind in your own mouth you are entitled to speak your own mind because that’s what freedom of speech is all about is use your own passion and be more thoughtful and creative with your mind without making threats or yeah making intimidation on people because

    That is wrong do do you fear Heather do do you do you worry about being uh saying something that people will counsel you for or or is an opinion that’s unacceptable to other people or do you just get out there and and express your opinion I don’t like people

    Being shut down whatsoever I I I believe in that fundamental Clause of people have should have the right to express their own opinions whether you agree or disagree absolutely is saying and I want to say to Candace if I there because I believe what Candace is saying because she is

    Right on every single key element of that there you too and you on talk TV everybody on talk TV have expressed your own opinion we we certainly do Heather and thank you for doing so yourself as well and thanks for those kind words Heather and yes we do we are the home of

    Free speech we want to hear your opinions controversial or not anything within the law we will broadcast it on this session and coming up after the break more Tori charmo as one pole has reformed UK ahead of the conservatives among male voters I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV stay with

    Us hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an e it me old chinina but a new report is calling for a new definition of cck name

    All right Jeremy me old China when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman it’s not a woman trans woman is a man lee would

    Have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ I just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out you might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I was

    Just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming

    And I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sexual work you don’t really need one of those in chaga squarez you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know

    Everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the

    Stat this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots of racism within it I don’t NE think

    It’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the

    Feminist did fail her we supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth welcome back to the show I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV well a new

    Poll has again highlighted the growing unpopularity of the Tories amongst voods with the latest figures uh suggesting that reform UK is ahead of the conservatives among male voters not least in r bed wall seats while joining me now as the deputy leader of that party reform UK benhabib thanks for

    Being in the studio as is the pster and co-founder of Delta Pool Joe tman Candace holsworth is with us as well let me ask Candice first actually before I chat to uh the others I mean this is clearly very very weing for the conservative party they are into the

    Teens in these figures I find it so interesting I mean I’ve sort of been very circumspect about the whole thing because I remember with ukip years ago you know when you had all these conservative MPS defecting to them and everyone was like oh the conservatives

    Are over and then it kind of fizzled out but maybe what we’re seeing now is if you’re seeing a collapse an actual collapse in the conservative vote in certain constituencies then maybe that could mean that reform could actually do something in our first pass the post system very difficult let ask them Ben

    Uh reform UK has uh you have one MP of course Lee Anderson but you’ve always in the last few years that you’ve been in existence struggled in some uh in some elections anyway to get uh success in that first pass the post system but you must be delighted with these figures I

    Am utterly delighted and they’re right the figures are right and the people are beginning to see the conservative party for what it is which is not conservative and Candis makes an interesting point you know in 2015 when um uh ukip got four million votes across the country but didn’t get

    A single seat it looked like first part of the post was going to be a problem for an Insurgent party but I think two or three things have changed since then the first is that people have recognized that the conservative part party actually isn’t small C conservative big

    Tick in the box there second thing is the economy and the way people feel about themselves the state of the country the Public Services our cultural setup and everything else is all in the spotlight at the moment after 14 years of conservative government people know that the country is broken whereas in

    2015 the conservatives were relatively popular and so the four million votes you Kip got was in spite of the fact although if you actually look at some of the statistics in this ban it’s interesting isn’t it because I I I take nothing away from the fact that reform

    Is doing well that is a fact but at the same time if you look at at the relative stages within the Electoral cycle we’ll go into this with Joe tman in a second in 2014 ukip uh predecessor to your party although ukip still exists uh won the European election with 26.6% vote

    Share in 2019 uh the brexit party um of which reform UK emerged uh came with 30.5% so perhaps being on 16 177% actually isn’t where you want to be at this stage in the cycle well well obviously you wanted to be higher anyway but what I’m saying is shouldn’t it be

    Higher well in October but let’s just go back you know we’re three years old the party we were polling at 1% three years ago in October 2023 we were polling at 5% earlier this year we were polling at 10% when I got my 133% vote count in the

    Welling bro byelection we’re now polling at 15% the Tories are down to 18 or 19 where in a smid where within a smidgen of overtaking the conservative party this is a very fee political environment completely different to any environment I’ve known in my life I take the point

    You make about the European elections in 2014 and 2019 but people didn’t take the European elections as seriously as they take the general election or or or any any B but in the last vote for a parliamentary seate Rochdale I mean you did really badly there yeah rdale was a

    Really weird byelection you know you didn’t have a labor candidate because he was cancelled at the beginning the whole Gaza Israeli thing seemed to loom bigger than any domestic issues and um there was a lot of hate and vitory all and uh it was it was definitely a very strange

    Set of circumstances Joe tman from Delta Pool uh tell us what you think of these statistics how widespread is this and how many MPS on this do you think that reform UK could actually have after the next election or is it n uh well uh there’s no doubt that reform UK have

    Been the success story in the polls over the over the last few few months certainly since October that’s definitely true they’ve improved their position and it won’t help come the general election because I don’t think you’ll win any seats and that is not to do with with the performance compared to

    The conservatives that’s to do with the performance compared to labor because you talk about performance in the red wool seats doing better in the among some constituencies against the conservatives and that that may indeed be true at this stage in the cycle but you have to contend with the fact that firstly we

    Would expect some reform UK voters probably around about a third to go back to the conservatives come the election but more pressing is the fact that labor in the red War are considerably ahead of well the only the only counter I’d make to that is these polls don’t measure

    Those people who declare themselves not to be voting at the moment and I think as people recognize who reform are what we stand for the fact we really do uh believe in small C conservatism low tax uh deregulation smaller government proud of the United Kingdom strong borders does that happen that undecided voters

    Go along those lines they’re not coming out for the Tories let me tell you that no and that is I would agree that that may be true but the idea they’re going to switch to reform is simply not bucked up by the data at the moment or indeed

    By historical precedent and I think particularly the difficult difficulty that reform will have come an election is that you have to find 600 perhaps 630 candidates and a depth a squad depth to use the to use the football metaphor uh is extremely difficult to establish in

    Such a short period of time I think if you don’t mind me saying so you’re hijacked by your view of Precedence because what I’m saying is that the political environment now is more febril than I’ve ever known it in my lifetime more more fee than during the uh during

    The referendum for brexit well that was a referendum it wasn’t a general election no said the you said the political situation and I’m saying it was as and we voted for brexit against all the precedents against all the establishment nonsense rhetoric and everything else all the scare Stories

    The people came out and they said they wanted brexit and we are back in a position where the people want the United Kingdom to be put first and foremost and they recognize the only party that will do it is reform UK labor hasn’t got a policy all that labor says

    Is they won’t do anything particularly nasty otherwise they’ll stick with the Tory agenda and the Tories are completely out of ideas and they’re imploding we haven’t seen this before in the UK tell us how significant it is that men are backing reform certainly we see that 19% especially in some red wall

    Seats according to this polling uh do those demographic groups really matter Joe or not really because of course everybody’s vote is worth as much as any no matter what their sex they they definitely matter and it’s no surprise really based on the kind of historical situation that we’ve seen whether it’s

    Support for ukip whether it’s support for the brexit party or whether it’s support for reform it tends to be higher among men men are more likely to support such groups uh workingclass men are more likely to support such groups people in some red wall constituencies are more

    Likely to support such groups and indeed people who voted people who voted leave are more likely to support such groups but that doesn’t mean that there are enough of those people in such areas to bring about the kind of numbers that would be needed to overtake labor will

    Which is what you well yes of course we will and we have seen in the past you’re hijacked by President well let history always be the judge of the future we have to adjust the way we possible that you’re presenting a positive view from a

    Strategic no not at all look at where we were in the polls in October 2023 5% we’re now at 15 we’ve trebled our position in six months in another so in another six months you’ll treble it again well I’m not saying we’re going to treble it again but we are on the March

    The political wind is in our sails and the Tory ship is floundering it’s hit the Rocks it’s sinking we haven’t had this the Tores you need to beat in the red wall labor need to beat what we need to do is get the small C conservative vote out I want to talk

    About I want to talk about hijacking because we heard another story today of course that that China has been hijacking our electoral data we know that 40 million people’s information has been uh has been accessed by China we were not given the full story now we

    Have the full story there’s going to be a statement by the deputy prime minister ler today how worried are you by the threat from China bhib well I the whole Global position is extremely difficult at the moment you know we have um a resurgent Russia in Ukraine we had

    Russia pinned down or Ukraine had Russia pinned down in the southeastern region they were going to break through and repel Russia that didn’t happen Russia is now spending eight times as much on military hardware than it did three years ago the West seems to be half asleep at the wheel NATO isn’t spending

    The NATO members aren’t spending anywhere near as much as they should with the exception of the US on armaments China is naturally being pushed into a corner with Russia that’s the alliance that’s forming China Russia and India to a greater or lesser extent and then we’ve obviously got all the

    Proxy wars that are taking place in the Middle East you know which is Saudi versus in my view the whole Gaza Israel thing is really a Saudi versus Iranian um geopolitical battle and um so we’ve got instability everywhere and one of the things without wishing to go back to

    Party politics that reform is very strong on is defense spending and we’ve been AET but part of that as well is not just about Hardware military hardware it’s about misinformation disinformation and so on and we’ve seen some of that apparently coming from China and Russia even over the weekend on uh the Princess

    Of Wales uh Joe tman and I wonder in terms of disinformation and information is there polling to show how much that influences people in their in their voting and so on I mean do we know how influential these foreign actors can be it’s the kind of thing that’s extraordinarily difficult to difficult

    To test in a in a survey instrument that’s kind of the point isn’t it yeah uh and there is an important distinction between disinformation which is deliberately incorrect information that is put out and misinformation which is information that is wrong but people believe to be true that is that is

    Circulated so they’re sort of doing it in good faith essentially exactly and and one indeed an action by one actor in disinformation can lead to misinformation from others so so it’s a very complicated complicated picture but I’m sure that in the UK general election whenever it may be this year but also

    Crucially in the US election in November this year we will see an enormous amount of attempted activity by uh by those both within the country and outside the country uh the question is how much impact any of it will make and we just don’t know at the moment what do you

    Want to hear from Oliver dyen later today I I think we’re really going to have to start thinking about this now I think the Warfare of the future is going to look very much like active disinformation then Downstream from that think are the are the attempts to deal

    With us just not being strong enough well I think yes I mean I think the social media companies in particular Facebook really struggled to get to grips with it at first and it’s something that you know very liberal libertarian minded people do struggle with you know Bad actors and then you

    Know we started seeing in 2016 we started seeing the influence of Bad actors in The in our elections so I think it is something we do have to take very very seriously and going forward we’re going to have to really think about how we deal with attacks on our digital in infrastructure deception

    Fakery um our individuals individual people going to have to start becoming a lot more literate and we’re only just waking we’re only just waking up to these risks you remember three years ago Boris Johnson wanted to put haawi through our 5G Network you know the UK

    As ever has been incredibly slow to wake up to these risks Donald Trump was calling out China years before anyone else was and you know the the sort of established liberal intellectual Elite all roll their eyes at Trump thinking he was just a warmonger but he was absolutely right about China and we

    Should have been taking preventative steps years ago as we should have done with Russia and our dependence on it on on Russian fuel do you worry just briefly ban about the proximity of the American election to ours there’s been thoughts from five eyes the security Alliance around us that we should

    Actually split them apart because of misinformation and disinformation in two of the leading Western Nations G7 countries yeah I mean they will interfere but I think Joe makes a very good point whatever these people do actually they can’t go into the into the ballot boxes and place votes and uh I I

    Don’t feel that no not withstanding their interference in the past that actually they’ve had any material impact one way or the other voting intention we’ll continue to debate that thank you very much indeed to benab of Reform UK Joe tman of Delta Pool and cace of course is staying with us and today

    We’re asking you about a new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people the reporter has found have uh not expressed their opinion out of fear are you one of them give us a call on 0 34449 91000 text me 872 with a word

    Talking your text or get in touch on X at talk TV Barry’s been in touch he says tell it as it is if people don’t like the truth tough Adam says says I will express my opinion with my vote and Carl says I don’t care how people feel about

    What I say I will always speak my mind well somebody who’s about to speak their mind is someone who’s been getting in touch on the phone keep those calls coming Dave is in London thanks for picking up the phone Dave 0344 4991 is the number you’ve called what would you

    Like to say on this issue Dave Hello pet can you hear me Dave have you got me yeah can you hear me m yes I can you might need to switch off your Telly or radio because there delay there yeah I’ll just stop me let me hit me for you uh couple of

    Things I say which um they’ve brought up um number one is um the the the first question was um about the uh every two weeks these uh people the Palestinian or Hamas supporters are basically stopping London if that was to be the far right they would be more that

    Would actually be B there’s there’s definitely a lck of policing in terms of people supporting uh holding up anti-semitic uh chanting anti-semitic things holding up anti-semitic posters and so on you you feel there’s two-tier policing do you without without a shadow of a doubt um there is two-tier policing

    Had that one guy a couple of weeks ago ELD up the the banner Hile terrorist he gets nicked but then he’s obviously uh arrested and blah blah blah yeah they de arrested him they said they said though that that was because they thought he’d taken part in an assault and it wasn’t

    Particularly to do with the banner that’s what the Met Poland police said anyway no if you saw it and you did obviously see the video it was actually assaulted himself yeah yeah he was assulted assulted him yeah well I I think there’s no doubt he was a victim of assault what

    Do you what would you like to say to the police in terms of this two-tier policing what would you like them to do mov to someone like hard Park my daughter she she works has to work weekends she has to come in from Kent so

    She she works in the home office so she has to go for this way that way this rout that rout and it makes a a couple of hours later to get to work just what about the freedom to protest Dave some people might say that’s a fundamental part of our freedom and actually

    Something that Hamas terrorists and and other restrictive States wouldn’t want there is no freedom of speech in this country anymore it is getting more and more against our freedom of speech if you want if I if I walked up the road with a banner uh uh let’s say a message

    Terrorist we set I did then they will say to me right you’re n because you’re cing this they yeah they can put what they like they put the Israel thing and say um to the r to the city and all this game and they get away with it so there

    Is to to policing okay Dave thanks for your thoughts really appreciate them and uh yeah on this session we are the home of free speech so people like Dave can say what they like within the law as he just has so thank you very much and D2D

    And coming up at kington Palace has released a statement thanking wellwishers but asking the public to give the Princess of Wales a bit of space I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV stay with us hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV

    On radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotne all right Jeremy me old China Tre when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she say let’s just be

    Honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position

    But I think he’ need to say that he got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council a lovely woman called Anna and yeah I’ve justed an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right

    Too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violin out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social

    Media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some

    That maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a

    Prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in chaga Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed

    Like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and um they put him in an ice cream store I read the St this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying

    It’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was

    22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s

    The only place where you get the truth welcome back to the show I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV Kensington Palace has released a statement thanking wellwishers but asking the public to give the Princess of Wales a bit of space well joining me now is the former

    Royal edor of the sun Charlie Ray Charlie the royal family has asked for privacy yet we’re we’re still talking about it are are you and I part of the problem or are we just covering a new story I don’t think we are I think we’re covering a new story I think what

    They’re talking about in the main is the fact that we still have on social media X in particular the um the the the the critics who keep on saying things like even the video that she she she shot where she announced her cancer was a fake video where the wedding ring

    Disappeared halfway through look it is a real video it is it is it is correct it is really straightforward I know you’re saying that Charlie but to any of the doters out there we both know that this is I mean this was this was put out because of all the misinformation

    Disinformation I wonder if you feel she was actually forced into doing that video I don’t think she was forced from what I’ve been told this morning that uh they had she and William had decided at least two weeks ago that they would be putting this video out and the the best

    Time to put it out was uh on the night that they did it because that’s when the kids broke up for Easter and they’re now I think they’re now in Norfolk where they’re going to have complete private time they’re not going to attend the Easter service next Sunday uh you know

    To allow her to recover um and I and I think it’s right that the the palace keep saying look just leave her alone and and let her get on with her life she’s got all these sort of things that she’s got to sort out with the cancer with the children and everything else

    And I think it’s right that she is left alone I mean I don’t think I mean it’s hard to sort of say that newspapers are at fault here although there are people I’ve been reading about people sort of Fed Up hearing about Royal stories and everything else well that’s just tough

    Um but I don’t think it’s newspapers or such because we are reporting what is going on that is her function in life that’s it’s interesting though Charlie we have seen some uh big figures in the media we we’ve seen Sarah Vine for example of the daily meal saying that

    She had apologized because she was actually being critical of the royal family but that that to me isn’t the big I mean good for her for doing so and putting her hands up that to me is not the big the big issue I mean China and Russia are spreading slurs against the

    Princess of Wales they’re seeing this they’re spreading disinformation and a government Source has told the Telegraph newspaper part of the modus operandi of hostile States is to destabilize things whether it’s undermining the legitimacy of our election or other institutions and that is a big problem with the

    Monarchy it is a big problem you’re absolutely right I mean and and I’m I’m still suspicious of all the the the effects over the last week or so of various stores who had their tills you know stopped whether that was something to do with China or whether it was just

    A an internet glitch there some Sor SB for example denied that Charlie but certainly I I think you’re you’re right to be suspicious I mean we had Gregs McDonald’s and ssre and Tesco actually all had problems within the same few days does seem a remarkable coincidence and Greg don’t forget Greg the most

    Important but can you get your sausage rolls Charlie yeah you can’t can’t get a sa couldn’t get a sausage roll that day um I mean it’s all right them saying no it wasn’t it wasn’t China I mean I don’t know if it was China or not it’s just

    Max has been a bit suspicious that so many of those companies were um you know affected in that way and I’m not sure not sure what they’re trying to do the the destabilization of Britain well I don’t think Britain will be destabilized I don’t think you can destabilize

    Britain we we’ve got these glitches that that happen and part of the problem is with our government is that we are allowing China or Chinese companies to come into this country and do all sorts of things that’s not helping matters you knew the Royals Charlie I mean someone like uh princess Katherine Kate

    Middleton whatever you want to call her all of this Fury is bound to have a horrendous effect on her to say nothing of the treatment for suspected ccer that she’s going through at the moment but she does seem to be a very very resilient person yeah she she does seem to be a

    Resilient person but and of course um you know they have been stung by the criticism both she and William have been stung by the criticism and the accusations quite a lot of it which comes from America you know they started off this where is Kate scenario um and

    Everything else you know right at the start we were told that she had you know this abdominal surgery and was going to be off you know work up until Easter well since then things you know the goalposts have moved a little bit it’s a little bit more serious than that

    Surgery and you know she’s she’s got to take time to process as anybody has got to take time to process the fact that they’re being told that they’ve got cancer um and then she’s got to you know she’s a young mom and she’s got to tell

    Her children who have 10 eight and five as well how do you even explain to a 5-year-old that that that uh that story that you know mummy’s going through some serious uh health issues and I mean it’s just it’s a very very difficult thing for anyone let alone someone who is so

    So prominent in our society it is but I think Katherine has been doing it right she has told the children you know Mommy is going through some you know is is not very well but is feeling fine now and will get better she’s got a very positive attitude uh you know towards

    Her uh you know had cancer and uh you know God bless her for it you know and best of luck to her I mean I I don’t know how you’re going to stop all these idiots on on X I mean it’s just the wild west I mean many people say that but

    It’s it is just appalling stuff that’s on there yeah well Charlie thank you very very much inde that’s Charlie Ray there former Royal editor of the S cace holdworth is still with me um Candace it’s so difficult to deal with cancelers so many people do anyway but in that

    Prominent position with e even the I had a an interview with someone over the weekend about this who whose husband um had councelor who an MP and what’s interesting is that she said it’s wonderful when all the well wishers send cards and fls and and messages and

    People stop you in the street and so on but it’s also a bit overwhelming by itself of course it is I mean you are dealing with such a complex set of emotions when you get a diagnosis like that not least of which because she has small children so she can’t just think

    About herself she has to manage their feelings as well if you don’t mind me asking how old are your kids my kids are five and two and a half so have you ever had L let’s not talk perhaps about the two and a half-year-old but 2 a 5-year-old have you had to explain

    Complex things I mean how have you kind of as a mother sort of dealt with that yes exactly well I mean I not it’s not necessarily myself that’s had to deal with something this tough I mean I had a childhood friend who was diagnosed with

    A very serious form of cancer and he had a small child and it was incredibly hard to deal with and you know it’s not something that the children can ever really fully understand they just sort of become consumed by fear which is why she said in her her address we needed to

    Explain it to them in a way that they could understand yes of course yeah um and it’s different with adult children you know adult children can rationalize things they can provide you with more emotional support but very very young children they can’t do that at all they’re just going to be really scared

    Of course of course um do you think that we have caught a grip of ourselves over the weekend as a society that we’ve actually said hold on a second I’m going to not actually look on Twitter and like that and and click that video about the Brazilian bum leftt I’m actually going

    To say here are the facts yes you know the Princess of Wales is having treatment for suspected cancer we’re going to be really clear in terms of what the facts are and we’re going to move on with our lives rather than indulging in this ridiculous speculation

    Yes I totally agree with you I feel like it was a sobering moment I mean there were obviously those of us who from the beginning just thought she’s ill you know when someone’s ill they often Retreat there’s no story here but it built up so much momentum and it is true

    That it’s you know just trolls on social media but the worst thing was it fed into the mainstream and you had mainstream journalists and people on certain talk shows amplifying it giving it credibility that it just did not deserve and I hope now that people look at the

    But then again having said that when people have invested so much in such a crazy wild Theory and they’re worried about reputational damage maybe they’ll just double down and find a way to Pivot and justify some of them have online by even questioning the video which was about the most straight forward thing

    One shot and this was you know just her talking I mean how simple a video could you get cace thanks very much we’ll continue to uh talk to you throughout the program and coming up in the next hour the chancellor Jeremy Hunt is warning that we should be concerned

    About an Islamic State attack in the UK and a new report exposing the eye watering cost of Labor’s net zero plans I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV stay with me between 9 and one hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV

    On radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an EV it me old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of C name all right Jeremy me old China right o o Tre go when JK Rowling says let’s just

    Be honest it’s all she saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I

    Mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ justed an email just

    Saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an

    Invasion of darcks for all I really get this but but but I am now on on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do

    It it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he

    Suggested alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite a small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in chaga Square you just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky

    Getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read to morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if

    You don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come

    Out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her was another era she was 22 supposed to have moved on

    From that don’t hwk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV good morning I’m P Cardwell you’re watching and listening to talk TV coming up China is accused of a malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions with fears at hack the details of 40 million voters the UK should be concerned about the possibility of Islamic State terrorist attacks according to the chancellor Jeremy Hunt

    Following the group’s attack in Moscow which has killed at least 133 people and a new report claims Labor’s net zero plans could cost the taxpayer a whopping 116 billion pounds well what do you think of all this give me a call 0344 4991 you can text me on 872 or you can

    Tweet me at talktv on Twitter or you can follow me at Peter Cardwell but first let’s get the news headlines now with devia Coy good morning MPS are set to be briefed about the Cyber threat posed by China while some individuals will be told about direct threats against them

    Sources close to the matter have said the Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden is expected to make a statement to Parliament later in which he will also outline the personal data of more than 40 million voters was accessed last year Lieutenant General Ben hoders former United States Army Commanding General

    Told talk TV it’s too late to reverse what’s happening worldwide our government our elected officials have got to speak to all of us as if we’re adults and be very clear that there is a threat there should be no debate that this is a threat from China because of their access that we

    Have turned over maybe without realizing it fully we have turned over access I mean whether you have different devices in your home uh not just phone calls being intercepted but much more sophisticated things of course it’s it’s out there and meanwhile the chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said his party is committed to

    Keeping the triple lock system on state pensions if the conservatives win the election the pledge means the increase is the highest of average earnings growth inflation or 2.5% ENT labor is yet to reveal if the triple lock will feature in its Manifesto four men have been charged with terrorism in Russia following a

    Concert Hall attack that killed 137 people three of the men were marched into a court in Moscow while a fourth was pushed in a wheelchair Russia claimed Ukrainian involvement however keev says those allegations are absurd Islamic state has since said it was behind the attack US vice president

    Kamla Harris says there’s no evidence to back moscow’s claims let me start by saying what has happened in an act of terrorism and the number of people who’ve been killed is obviously a tragedy and we should all um send our condolences to those families um no there is no whatsoever any evidence and

    In fact what we know to be the case is that Isis K is actually by all accounts responsible for what happened a man’s been arrested on suspicion of murder at heo airport just hours after a man was hit by a car and killed in East London the Metropolitan Police say officers

    Were call to reports of a crash in newm yesterday where a 35-year-old was found injured at the scene the home office has launched a social media campaign in Vietnam to deter migrants from coming to the UK illegally the campaign will use adverts on Facebook and YouTube to Target people in the Southeast Asian

    Country who may be considering making illegal Journeys to the UK an increasing proportion of small booat migrants are Vietnamese and drivers are being warned over long delays this week as more than 14 million Easter getaway trips are expected to take place the RAC says Journeys on some popular routes could

    Take twice as long as the bank holiday weekend coincides with the start of a two-week holiday for many schools rail travel will also be disrupted as Network rail carries out to engineering works that’s the latest weather time now with nazlin gaffa Times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello it’s a wet start of the week we’re going to be seeing rain pretty much everywhere spreading northwards across the UK although parts of East angle and the southeast just about staying dry with some brightness there later and feeling fairly mild with the southernly

    Winds there but everywhere else it’s going to feel cool under the clouds and the rain as it pushes up across parts of the rest of England and Wales up into Southern Scotland and Northern Ireland some winry showers are likely across Eastern parts of Scotland and as we head

    Into tonight and that wet weather continues its Journey further northwards hitting cold air there will be significant snow likely for Central and Eastern parts of Scotland where the Met Office have a warning above 300 meters up to 20 cm likely and above 200 meters up to around 2 or 5 cm so some

    Disruption to travel likely by Tuesday Morning England and Welles will be mostly dry except across the north and west where there will be Spells Of Rain then through tomorrow we continue to see the rain and Hill snow move and clear away from Scotland it will come brighter there some rain edging up towards

    Northern Ireland and Wales parts of the West country will see rain at first heading towards areas of the Midlands and Central Southern England later in the Day times radio sponsors talk TV weather Good morning welcome back I’m Peter cardival you’re with talk TV today we’re asking you about a new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship with 76% of people not expressing their opinion out of fear are you one of them give me a

    Call 0344 499 1000 text me 872 with the word talk in your text or tweet us on X talktv and quite a few people have been doing that including Angela who says the newspapers are full of Royal stuff I think it’s time they stopped in radio

    Stations too uh man on the moon says morning Peter Cardwell I would like to see Oliver daen Deputy Prime Minister starting to fight Chinese cyber attacks instead of using resources on his own citizens he disagreed with the whole Co situation I’m sure Julia heartley Brewer would agree have a wonderful day I

    Should say Julia is off for a few days I’m filling in today tomorrow and Wednesday um another U Tweeter has said Joe tman who’s the poster was on about 15 minutes ago J Twan is absolutely right I live in the alridge Brin Hills constituency and would love to vote for

    Reform UK but the reform UK candidate here is someone that Ali doesn’t feel is credible and not someone I could possibly vote for the selection process is flawed he says Wendy Jay also says the Tores are now full of fluffy liberal wet they are a broad Church Without a

    Religion and reform UK gets her vote well that’s something certainly that the polls are showing that reform UK are doing better and we spoke to its Deputy leader uh benhabib just a minute ago while joining me now to run through all the other top stories is writer and commentator Candace holsworth thank you

    Very much indeed for joining me um I mean we’ll talk about reform in a minute but China being accused of its malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions fears it hacked 40 million voters details we weren’t given the full story about this now we have it we’re hearing from the Deputy Prime Minister

    Later today but as we’ve seen over the weekend as well even something as um it’s important but of course not important to our democracy in the way people vote on the on the government of the day is what uh the Princess of Wales has been saying and we’ve seen so much

    Misinformation disinformation attacks by Foreign actors like China like Russia and others North Korea as well this is a huge problem candas it is it’s it’s what um like I mentioned earlier when I was on the panel that’s what the digital Warfare of the future is going to look

    Like and it’s of the present as well yes and we’re going to have to start adjusting to that especially as we start talking about increased defense spending and you just wonder where is that money best spend and I mean I think people sort of think very traditionally in terms of weaponry

    And um armaments but I think it’s also going to have to be invested in intelligence I totally agree with you and it’s interesting because people say when people think of conscription which is a big argument as well uh personally with any military people I speak to say

    They don’t want people who are uh who don’t want to be in the military in the military you shouldn’t force people to do it but when they talk about conscription you often think of sort of 18y olds running around fields and shouting at one another and uh firing

    Rifles and so on but actually I wonder if there are people in later on in life perhaps who are good at computers for example who can deal with this who could set maybe even work from home I mean maybe you wouldn’t want to do that from a security point of view but actually

    People who can contribute to the fight against China and Russia because so much of the war is now online it’s not about necessarily about tanks and planes although that’s important as well that’s a very interesting point yes it’s going to require a whole new skill set but I do think younger Generations who’ve

    Grown up online and are very illiterate about public discourse and the way it’s conducted online could actually have a lot to offer I mean they are true you know you always use the phrase they are true digital Natives and they are and they may be attracted to this I mean

    That’s one way to um um sell it to Young recruits I mean they obviously don’t want to go and die in some field somewhere but if they can that’s kind of part of it as well that’s what many people have done and sacrificed their lives for for our society and of course

    That will continue but in kind of in a different way yes well it is it’s maybe a bit more problem solving it’s more cerebral and that might attract people um and attracts generation because that is one of the problems the Army has said that they’ve had they’ve struggled with

    Recruitment what sort of relationship do you think we should have with for example China what what I mean we want their investment we want their products although some people say we should manufacture far more in this country and I agree with them and actually even the um people from an environmental

    Perspective say well we’re importing so much and that as carbon emissions and all the rest of so there are all sorts of arguments around the some of which I agree with some of which I don’t but really it you cannot ignore China you can’t just say right we’re going to be

    Elation is we’re going to completely ignore uh one of our most important trading partners but if they are spreading slurs against the Princess of Wales if they’re hijacking our voting uh records and so on how do you how do you square that Circle it’s very difficult because we just don’t have a

    Straightforward relationship with them like you say we’re so economically intertwined with them and so much manufacturing has gone to China over a number of years that it’s actually very difficult for us to disentangle ourselves from them but of course you know things are Bec a bit more adversarial with China I think people

    Thought that the more that we sort of cooperated economically the better relations would be but that’s not necessarily the case many politicians including a certain prime minister called David Cameron thought that would be the case another prime minister who changed her views dramatically on this was Liz truss a great book about this

    Called out of the blue by James he who sometimes contributes to this uh station and of course um Harry Cole the political ELD of the sun who’s got a brand new show actually on this uh station and online as well called Never remind the ballots which is on

    Thursdays: they’ve written a great book about Liz trust and they chart her views on China being really really pro-china at one point saying we’ve got to engage we’ve got to get all their business we’ve got to have all those economic relationships and now where she like other people like Duncan Smith Tom toen

    Hat for example the security minister who have been told they are not welcome in China they’ve actually been banned from China so there’s a a very difficult tight rope for rishy Sak and others to walk and Kier starmer as well when he almost certainly becomes Prim min yes I

    Mean you’ve sort of seen the big rise in nationalist sentiment in China which has has changed the relationship compared to maybe 20 30 years ago when they really did want to integrate into the global economy again on the other side of it do we need to be pragmatic is it better to

    Keep China ons side do we want to make an enemy out of China know an enemy keep your enemies close I know because we’re in a very unstable world and there’s all kinds of Shifting alliances and we’re sort of wondering you know we have to

    Figure out you know who we can treat as as not necessarily friends but people who are kind of useful to not be in also there’s that moral outrage of course over their treatment of the weager Muslims for example Russia of course where we have this basically proxy war

    In Ukraine as well it’s it’s a it’s a massive massive issue let’s turn to domestic thoughts on this because um labor have been under a lot of criticism for many uh years really and and certainly a long time and were there have been lots of people including the

    Conservative party talking about a hole in their finances over their Green New Deal over their thoughts on Net Zero 28 billion pounds but actually we’re going to talk to Ian Mansfield from policy exchange a think tank in London in a minute about how their plan to make the

    Electricity grid carbon Zero by 2030 could actually cost 116 billion points that’s money this country just doesn’t have candas I know and this is what the IMF Economist Olivia Blanchard was talking about a few years ago made a lot of I mean a few months ago he made a lot

    Of headlines about it he was saying that if we’re going to fund Net Zero it’s going to have to be through increase borrowing because you just won’t be able to justify the extra taxation because the costs are going to be huge they’re going to be enormous um we have to be

    Pragmatic about that and we have to think how we’re going to justify that to to voters I mean what you want to hope for is that you get such good technological innovation that’s adopted widespread adoption and it brings prices down yes um but at the moment we’re not

    Seeing that unless of course people are willing to be pragmatic and you know think of things like gas as a bridging a bridging fuel until we get to Net Zero for for example and not just immediate decarbonization and that that is I mean there is this real leap towards that

    Isn’t there and this thought that fossil fuels of which we’re sitting on loads of them actually should never be used in some people’s opinion but that’s just not realistic as AAS I don’t think so and you know from what I know the debates that went on amongst various

    People on all different sides of this debate that was what people thought they thought that gas being the cleanest of those is the fuel that we would use but I think that there is a sort of extremist element that’s just trying to sort of shut that down and move

    Immediately to to Renewables but I don’t think that that’s achievable I think that you know things like electric electric cars for instance there was a lot of enthusiasm for them at the beginning and it was great and it seemed like this is the way forward but over

    Time you’ve seen people have become kind of a bit disillusioned with them you know especially in in the secondhand Market they’re not selling well they don’t about this over the weekend actually was someone who spent a lot of money on an electric Porsche and it’s

    Worth a I think it’s worth less than a quarter of what it was previously there are all these problems about the the heaviness of the electric vehicles as well we have pottles as a massive problem as well I mean there are just so many issues around that um I know um you

    Will have been as upset as me candas to see that uh story that just up oil was infiltrated by a very enterprising meal on Sunday reporter and someone from just stop oil these eoom on the left said that uh there were two white and middle class who have thought that an

    Organization that puts up spokes people called Indigo rumolo that is her real name and Alex tunig which means Alex the king um who was or Alex of the king I think who uh told my producer to go f himself at one point and then In fairness apologize but I’ll never

    Interview him again um would would be were were two white in middle class and perhaps slightly detached actually from the real lives of people who choose not to actually go out and support their ludicrous vigilante proof I think that’s true and I think that’s why there’s a

    Sort of failure to understand why people don’t want to adopt certain expensive Technologies and also why people still are very reliant on their cars they’re still very reliant on fossil fuels because people have ordinary incomes and ordinary budgets and they have to put that first I mean I think a I think you

    Know for the most part the consensus is people think this is something that we need to address well people people I I think you’re absolutely right candas like people I don’t think anybody wants to uh pollute the planet I don’t think anybody says I won’t do my bit I’ll yes

    I’ll recycle yes I’ll maybe fly a bit less although some people are are very much against that but actually maybe there’s something we can do but there is there is there are so few people who actually feel they personally can make a difference or even we as a country can

    Make a difference when our emissions are about 1% oh that’s huge as well I mean that’s also a massive massive thing I mean how much you know Britain has done very well in reducing its Global carbon emission contribution but the big polluters are elsewhere that doesn’t

    Mean we have to give you don’t see a huge amount of thanks uh and uh sort of congratulation essentially from the green lobby saying just how much the UK has reduced his carbon emissions it’s always more and more and more isn’t it yes yeah they’re fanatical there’s a

    Fanatical element I think this is the problem and I think this is the problem that so many people have you know it’s not that we disagree that it’s not that we we don’t think that climate change is happening or it’s not happening it’s the solutions that’s what a lot of people

    Have a problem with the solutions that are proposed they’re just not practical in many ways will make people poorer and colder and it will mean a huge drop in our living standards and I don’t think anyone’s ever agre I don’t think ordinary people have ever had a say in

    That well well they haven’t although uh I come back to the point that Net Zero for example as a policy was in all the major par Manifesto in 2019 but of course the 2019 election wasn’t about n zero it was about brexit yes I want to ask you about another story political

    Story this is about the home office launching stop the boats ad campaign in Vietnam uh very very interesting uh detering Vietnamese National detering them from illegally migrating to the UK the government says the adverts will set out the risks of small boot Crossings an increasing proportion are made by

    Vietnamese migrants this is not something we think about a lot because they get to France by other means of course and then come across the channel I know look I think that possibly this is something that could be useful I mean the the daily mail ran a story recently

    By an Iranian man who um tried to claim asylum in the UK and he got to France I mean after this incredible journey um and the traffickers tried to point him towards Britain because they said you’ll have a better chance there um you’ll have a better chance of of getting

    Asylum and he said when he actually arrived in Britain he became completely disillusioned it was not what he thought it would be and I think that’s what people need to this is what these these campaigns need to do they need to disabuse people of these very unrealistic expectations they have I

    Mean he said when he was in the dingy in the channel he said it it was sinking you know it was very very scary and he realized the is serious and that’s not something that he probably would have known about beforehand people you know they’re looking for Better Lives I don’t

    Want to fault all of them they’re not all you know people just think it’s all criminals trying to break into into I mean that is an element of it is an element of it we’ve seen Albanian crime gangs for example although there has been a 90% reduction in arrivals from

    Albania after this ad campaign that the home office did in Albania so there is evidence this works in some areas yes I think so it is I mean there is there is a huge amount of evidence it can work look you can’t just rely so Sol on social media campaigns though I mean

    Obviously you have to look at legal deterrence yeah um and managing incentives and what incentivizes people to come over you know that’s why so many people want to look at tightening up the Asylum system so you it’s not as easy to make claims so people don’t even pay the

    Human traffickers because they know that the chance of getting of claiming asylum in the country is very very very low uh we’re talking about reform UK earlier and they are doing pretty well in the pools obviously there are some uh times we look at UK previously and the brexit

    Party in 2019 that did better but there’s no there’s no doubt about it reform UK are doing well in the pools they’ve overtaken the conservatives in some constituencies with men for example as well I mean I did think a little bit about asking benab B but the W leader

    You know should I ask him actually direct questions you know how many seats are you going to win where are those seats going to be what’s your votes sh are going to be but of course he’ll say well look we’re working towards this and and all the rest and Ben’s very good and

    He asks he answers the questions very directly and he’s never shied away from anything I’ve asked him but really this is uh very very worrying for the conservative party and labor presumably must be robbing their house with gay as well Candace yeah that’s what’s going on I mean you’re seeing um the conservative

    Vote being very heavily eaten into in certain constituencies and it’s if if this pattern holds if this trend holds it’s looking like a massive labor victory yeah at the moment um I you know it’s it’s an interesting thing you know dealing with electoral campaigns you know you’ve kind of got the hard

    Mathematics of it just the numbers but then it’s also about kind of judging the political mood yeah politics is such an emotional thing how people engage with it or actually don’t engage with it because there’s still a lot of undecided voters and unsurprisingly until you’re actually asked it was funny when I

    Worked on Election campaigns I worked on two election campaigns for the conservative party I’m not a member of the party anymore but they were they’re really interesting because you you you sort of slogged your guts out for about five weeks on these campaigns and suddenly about three or four days

    Beforehand people who aren’t engaged with politics which if you ever work in politics you should always engage with as much as possible to keep your feet on the ground yes about three or four days beforehand I remember friends and family especially in Northern went oh yeah there’s an election this week isn’t

    There oh yeah I’m oh I must get my voodo ID and I must do this where’s my pooling station and suddenly people start to engage with it in a way that they haven’t previously and I wonder with all those undecided voters I mean they’re undecided so where will they go bab was

    Sort of saying oh well we think they’ll go to reform Joe tman who’s and Marshal of course and was talking about uh the historical side of this said well actually some of them might go back to the conservatives see we don’t know this election is going to reveal so much

    Because I think that the Coalition that sort of kept the red wall and the blue wall together for the conservatives that’s that’s broken up yeah it was sort of a perfect storm of brexit of Boris Johnson I mean 2019 was a you know Jeremy Corbin being the leader of the

    Labor party 2019 was a a fascinating time just for it sort of all came together for the conservative party in a way that it’s all Fallen apart for the conservative party in the last five years and it was so shrewd of the conservative party at that time to

    Capitalize on that to be able to do that to be able to figure out like we were just saying the numbers but also the political mood but this time I’m wondering my personal opinion is you know what is going to remain of the conservative party you know I mean a lot

    Of people have been projecting that a lot of the the liberal Tories will go more towards um labor labor will sort of mop up those votes and to some extent that the liberal Democrats and you sort of be left with a a a more right-wing faction of the conservative party and

    That’s also a sort of shift in the political I think there are big questions about whether s braan retains her seat I think you know even on the left of the conservative party if such a thing exists Penny only got a majority of 15,000 a lot of that was a a

    Brexit foot as well it’s going to be an absolutely fascinating few months not just for the for the sort of cone headed kind of people like us but also for everybody else in the country Candace thank you very much indeed Candace Holdsworth writer and commentator staying with me throughout the program

    So thank you for that and today we’re asking you not just about the issues I’ve been talking to Candace about but also about a new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people asked three out of four were said they did not

    Express their opinion out of what out of fear are you one of them give me a call 0344 499 1000 you can text me on 87 tri2 with the word talk in your text you got in touch on X talktv Briana says facts do not care about feelings Alicia says

    I’m scared to answer H perhaps you have your tongue in your cheek there Alicia and John says I don’t care what I say or who I offend and thanks for the calls as well 0344 499 1000 Lisa in norham has given me a call she’s done just that

    Lisa you’re on the air what would you like to say what do you make of this good morning Peter good morning I don’t think we’re losing the freedom of speech I think we’ve already lost it and it’s been lost for some time not only when you verbally speak out but also you know

    On social medias they’ve got the algorithms out there and um you know they’ll just you up straight away there’s new laws coming in obviously there’s a new law coming in into Scotland short Scotland yeah we’re going to talk about that over the next couple of days actually because that is a very

    Worrying development it’s maybe actually a logical extension of what we’re talking about today what what do you feel you can’t say what have you stopped yourself from actually saying in the workplace or to friends or whatever Lisa well I think most of the time you actually think in your head about what

    You’re wanting to say and how that is going to be accepted and and I I feel that the only way we’ve got in in quote brackets freedom of speech is if you um agree to all what’s currently going on with all the different top topics and so

    On and so forth the sort of liberal consensus Lisa exactly and if you have a different opinion to that um you know like just for example I don’t think um the LBGTQ um should be using rainbows because I feel the rainbow symbol is to do with children and it’s that childhood

    Thing and it’s been Associated I wish it’d come up with something else but as soon as you say anything like that you know you are such an awful person and I’m like no I I don’t agree disagree if if people love who they love that that isn’t my issue you’re not you’re not

    Being ATI gay you’re not being you’re not being to you’re not being horrible to people who aren’t straight you’re saying why have you used this symbol you’re at you’re you’re using your critical faculties there well exactly but when I put something on my social media a long time ago that the stuff I

    Got thrown at me and I even had um the social media um taken it down and giving me a warning and I’m thinking well I’m not being anti-gay or anything like I said love is love and I respect what everybody does but you know and I’m just

    Using this as one example yeah just one example yeah and and it’s a it’s actually a very harmless example it’s a really you’re not you’re not saying anything really out there you’re saying something really quite straightforward that’s the thing and but even something like that and it’s it’s

    Just everything now you have to think about what you say because people will throw stuff at at you so you’re you’re actually self-censoring Lisa you’re someone who’s saying do you know what I have all these thoughts things I want to say there are things that maybe 20 years

    Ago I could have said there wouldn’t be a big issue but actually no you’re saying I’m not going to put that on Twitter I’m not going to say that in the workplace because I’ll get all the vetal this is very true and even jokes you know you know you’ve got to think

    About the jokes that you’re telling because again you know people are going to come at you and I’m just thinking many many years ago you know for women’s rights and all these different things o over all this time we’ve fought for and and progressed forward and that and I

    Think now we’re doing a 180 degree turn and that’s it and it’s not only about what you can say I I feel we’re getting very tunneled in what we are allowed to do in societies as well and you like sheep having to go down for example unisex toilets that have come in you

    Know you have to use unisex toilets or you’re not using a toilet anymore so I just feel you know it’s like a spiders web isn’t it and you look you look at you know I’ve I’ve been forced to use unisex toilet and you just got to look

    At people there of the opposite sex and you just think we’re all we’re all sort of slightly embarrassed to be here but we’re all kind of not actually expressing our opinion on this and maybe I’ve self Center to Lisa really really good points thank you very much indeed

    Lisa in notingham there thank for her call 0344 499 1000 let us know what you think what Lisa said and about this issue in general and also about what we’re going to talk about next which is a new report claiming that Labor’s 2030 net zero plans could cost the taxpayer a whopping

    116 billion pounds we going to talk about that next time Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eve it me

    Old Chinas but a new report is calling for a new definition of cotney all right Jeremy me old China o o treat go when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should

    Talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a woman trans woman is a man lee would have to go much further than his I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he need to say that he’ got

    It wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from PR city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too is that time again to get the violins out that’s

    Right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an invasion of darcks for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming

    I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I was just about to do it it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah

    Apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in chaga Square you just

    Got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in

    An ice cream store I read the St this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots

    Of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the

    Feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail her supped another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t Hawk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth welcome back to the show I’m Peter

    Cardwell you’re with top TV now a new report by a think tank claims that Labor’s 2030 net zero plans could cost the taxpayer a whopping 116 billion pounds while joining me now is Ian Mansfield he’s director of research at policy exchange Ian thank you for joining me on this how have you

    Come up with this figure because we’ve heard all sorts of figures about net zero plans certainly the 28 billion is one we’re very familiar with in terms of labor but just tell us your calculations what what’s behind this huge figure public finances which of course we just

    Can’t afford in the current cost of living crisis absolutely Peter so essentially we’ve done some well we worked with um Aurora um Energy Services to do some very detailed economic modeling it takes a real bottomup approach looking at all the different projects you need how many

    Wind farms how many solar plants all of the rest of it and builds that into an overall figure up over the next next years and the real thing about the 2030 plan is that an awful lot of this Finance needs to be front loaded so of

    That 116 billion 93 billion of it that’s over 15 billion pounds a year would need to be spent in the next six years between now and 2030 and that’s a colossal amount that’s when you say front loaded you mean at the start the outlay essentially before you get any benefit

    Before this would go on and so on um it’s interesting as well that you find about the millions of tons of steel building pylons will re carbure techologies actually unlikely to be ready so even if the money is there even if chancell Rachel after the next election she becomes the first female

    Chancellor of this country H says right we’re actually going to go for this we’re going to put this money in it’s going to cost a lot more than she thinks it’s going to and also according to your report and also a lot of the technology

    Might not even be ready yet Ian yeah I mean you’ve hit on absolutely the core point of this pizza because if you look at say the 2035 Target that’s still ambitious but you could get there if you put the money behind it in 2030 um you let’s just take offshore wind for

    Example so historically we’ve been building about one gwatt of offshore wind a year in order to hit the 2030 Target we need to be building six gws a year that’s six times as much over the next six years and you know even with the best will in the world you can’t go

    From one six over the over night and it’s similar figures if you look at solo if you look at batteries and just to give some indication of this you know a Wind Farm typically takes 11 or 12 years to build from first conception to actually generating power how can you

    Get those online in just before 2030 and of course things like more nuclear are completely out and that’s actually a real danger that if we try to throw everything in to going for 2030 we’d actually be ruling out some really important Technologies and nuclear is the big one here but also some the

    Things around carbon capture and storage which could actually get us to Net Zero on a more realistic time frame and and in a more affordable way Ian let’s talk a little bit about nuclear because it’s kind of the elephant in the room and a lot of people don’t want to say that

    Nuclear is generally pretty clean generally very reliable and actually used by many other countries like France for example uses a lot of nuclear power but we’ve seen successive governments uh the liberal Democrats were part of the coalition government when neck C didn’t want to invest in nuclear but we’ve also

    Seen 14 years of the conservatives in government not investing in nuclear What What In terms of what labor would want to do in nuclear that’s I think slightly unclear as well but really it makes perfect sense to invest in nuclear doesn’t it absolutely so key recommendation in our reports that we

    Should go ahead with both mainstream nuclear and also smrs small modular reactors and actually again this is small modular reactors arean because I think a lot of people just just they’re basically like a sort of a miniature nuclear reactor that’s a lot easier and quicker to build it’s not that easy it’s

    Still a nuclear reactor than you know the massive size well power station that you’re used to and can be built and gener it’s similar to sort of a bigger version of the things that you get on nuclear submarines for example and actually this is what we’re saying we

    Should be focused on getting to Net Zero by 2050 the overall trajectory and not rushing it for an unrealistic Target in 2030 um the thing about nuclear and Renewables is essentially they’re two sides of the coin so Renewables solar and wind they’re brilliant to giving you very cheap electricity but obviously we

    Know the sun doesn’t always Shine the wind doesn’t always blow and so you you also got to have this base load and that come from nuclear it can also come from residual gas and actually most models say you still always will need a tiny bit of gas in the system compensated for

    By carbon capture and storage just if you know you get a onewe period in Winter where you get barely any win so you’ll still need that there as a backup and actually we can do great stuff on decarbonizing the grid and demand is going to rise as we all start buying

    Electric cars and heat pumps and whatnot we can do great stuff on decarbonizing if we do it sensibly and part of what we’re doing with this report is that politicians like to go on the air they like to make announcements they like to make these commitments but as we go into

    An election year we want to make sure that everyone has the best evidence available to them about what these commitments would actually cost and whether or not they are achievable talking about politicians in uh kir Storer is in North Wales today with the Welsh first Minister Von gaffing um he

    Has uh Shira is going to argue that Labor’s plans for a publicly owned clean Energy company will get Putin’s boot off our throat amid the war with Ukraine he’s also going to say that a British own power company will be a key pillar of a British uh modern British economy

    He’s mentioned that a number of times previously including in his uh conference speech last year he says that will offer secure homegrown British energy this is a basic duty of government and it’s FR frankly unpatriotic for the Tes to oppose it what do you make of those

    Comments I would say that who owns the power company is a little bit of a distraction I mean as long as it’s not Putin I mean you know we can have it owned by the state or we can have it owned by a private company what actually will make us energy sufficient isn’t

    Whose name is on the top of the note paper but it’s how many wind farms do we have how much battery storage do we have do we have nuclear plants up and generating do we have supplies of gas waiting there in winter so that we have

    Those reserves that we can draw on it’s not about ownership it’s do we actually have the means of generation available so I’m not necessarily against it I just don’t think it’s the most important thing there will be people who question and I think I’m one of them actually the

    Wisdom of Net Zero actually as a policy in terms of the huge societal economic change that we need or would need to get to Net Zero when actually our emissions are about 1% of global emissions you’re you’re talking about what can get us there but will it actually be worth it

    Even if it happens in uh the way that the you outline yeah so I think it will be worth it as long as we do it in a sensible way I mean if you look at the cost curves on things like um solar power on wind we

    Can actually see I mean if you look at wind 10 years ago this was you know typically um costing more than you know1 pound per you know per unit generated and that’s come down by about half or a third it’s happening on solar as well you just look at the lines they’re

    Absolutely falling and actually the energy crisis that we saw two years ago shows us what happens if you are dependent on fossil fuels which are being imported from pretty unstable re um areas of the world so in the long term you know this is the next Industrial Revolution if we don’t want

    To be left behind we’ve got to get with the program but we’ve got to make sure that we do it at a rate that a can be afforded B that we can actually build and see it’s sustainable you know it it needs to be a smooth and seamless transition that’s what the British

    Public and the British consumers are going to want Ian you’re one of my favorite wonks thank you very much and and Mansfield our director of research at policy exchange think tank we still with me is the writer and commentator Candace holsworth what do you make of what Ian was saying there really that

    There’s so much that can be done but actually is it desirable to do it and how much is it actually going to cost I mean I think this is the emerging debate now it’s the the middle ground that’s emerging from when we you know we sort of spoke about the moral imperative

    That’s pretty much what we spoke about the moral imperative of getting to net Zer and there were kind of those who opposed it but now people are actually starting to think about the Practical implications of it and particular right we question that and we should and you

    Know I think it feeds into so much of what we’ve been talking about about being able to freely Express what is important to you and we need to be able to do that have a debate I mean I hear people say the science is settled this

    Is a settled argument we can’t have any further discussion about it and actually we want to have further discussion about this and everything else especially as well as the new report we’re talking about today that says there is not a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people not expressing

    Their opinion out of fear let me tell you Candace is not one of them uh so let me know if you are in fact one of them have you self-censored have you not said things in your workplace or to your friends or on Twitter or whatever because you’re worried about what people

    Would think 0344 499 1000 text 872 with the word talking your text we’re going to touch on X talktv Richard says no I won’t be silenced skir says him YF and his hate law in Scotland is the latest example of why Ordinary People are frightened to open their mouths do you

    Know what we need to talk about that in the show I think we’ll do that tomorrow say I’ll talk to the top brass about it and see if we can do that Maggie says this is a dangerous climate that’s been created by the media and our government

    Who continuously look to avoid debate or accountability well let me tell you we’re not part of that here at talk TV uh some of you getting in touch on the phones as well let’s keep those calls coming 0344 499 1000 Chris is in grimby good morning Chris how you doing all

    Right Peter how are you very well thanks what do you make of all this well I’m 73 year old I could remember when I was 14 15 year old you had free speech and very rarely did anybody get into trouble for it there was no not a

    Lot of fighting or any problems nowadays you can’t say anything you’ve got to be guarded in everything you say what do you feel you can’t say Chris well I I’ll I’ll give you a prime example of what what I was going to put forward anyway now if I disliked a black person not

    Because they’re black not because of race or anything but if I said I didn’t like someone for whatever reason their attitude the policies whatever the black card would be played straight away that assume I’m against black does that always happen Chris all the time do you

    Think I I I think it does I I really think think it does because I’ve seen lots of people on television being interviewed programs like your own I I I I agree with you it that that is a thing that happens from time to time but I

    Just don’t think it happens all the time Chris but certainly I mean it is something that you people definitely self-censor in that regard and other regards in regard to race yeah that yeah but but that is the problem if you want to dislike somebody because of what they

    Say or their policies if they’re black especially you get hounded by a lot of people saying you’re a racist I think it’s actually really I I I actually I I I think it’s really patronizing actually to a load of people who are of minority races as well to think that you know

    That they were not patronizing what you’re saying obviously but this kind of assumption that actually well if you disagree with them you’re racist you’re sexist you’re uh homophobic or whatever I mean people are people yeah but that is what people are frightened of if the

    If they say this that they may get you know branded a racist it’s like the the the gender thing I am never ever going to call a trans uh you know if it’s trans a man to a woman that is a man I I am not going to be forced into saying

    It’s a woman because it isn’t nor nor nor should you be Chris nor should you be no nor nor should you be forced to do that I agree with you Chris thank you very much indeed Chris is not a racist Chris is not a fob Chris is someone who

    Is just expressing his opinion and thank you to him for doing that on 0344 499 1000 and you can do that too well coming up China is accused of a malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions with fears that hacked the details of 40 million voters I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and on your smart speaking now you ain’t going ab and EV me old chin but a new repor is calling for a new definition of cot name all right Jeremy me old

    China when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have

    To go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from P city council lovely

    Woman called Anna and yeah i’ just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting the badge right quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled

    Out May might as well be discussing an invasion of DARS for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m

    Just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know what’s I know it’s coming

    And I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute oh a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in choga square you just got to walk up to Soho why do you know this because I know

    Everything was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and and um they put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family

    And if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say had lots of racism within it I don’t necess think it’s a racist country but it permeates

    Our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think we supposed to she was 22 we’re supposed to have

    Moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth welcome back to the show I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV China is accused of a malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions with fears that

    Hack the details of 40 million voters we’ll joining me out on pick this is the former military intelligence officer Philip Ingram Philip thank you for joining me on this how worri should we be about this and I suppose the whole matter of our relationship with China economic political security is brought

    Up when these things rear their head we should be very worried about it you China is gathering huge amounts of data on all of us by hacking into databases that they can exploit by using and abusing data that is held in servers um in in China and by traditional

    Espionage techniques and they’re turning that round to then fire targeted disinformation at us to try and change the way we think about different things um this is something that they’re doing not just the UK but to um everyone across the west and that can be things I

    Mean you’re the expert explain to this about the kind of things that they are spreading disinformation about I mean we’ve heard uh sort of from the sublime to the the important but less important for the future of our country and things like uh the Princess of Wales and things destabilize attempting to destabilize

    The monarchy but when it comes to politics which I want to concentrate just at the minute I mean how worried should we be we’re in an election year three quarters of the democratic world is going to the pools this is something that China which is not a democracy is

    Going to focus on well we have over 60 elections across the globe this year including your EU elections at least two sets of Elections UK local elections and and the Parliamentary elections we’ve of course got the US elections um and what China will be trying to do is create as

    Much disruption around the West as possible because if you put it into context as to what China is trying to do it’s trying to position itself to grow economically so if it can cause economic distress around um other countries around the world it looks for opportunities and it’s a very

    Opportunistic IC um nation and it it will try and exploit those opportunities so create discourse look for an opportunity and then exploit that economically but it’s also got territorial Ambitions as well we see Chinese vessels um in around Philippines Waters um creating havoc and trying to stop the Philippines um Coast Guard and

    Philippines Navy from operating in there we see China trying to stop the International Community from sending its warships through international waters in the parisel and Sprat islands and Southeast Asia um and we see China’s aggressiveness against Taiwan you from a longer term perspective I know we’ve got conflicts

    In Europe with Russia Ukraine we’ve got the Middle East Brewing up but from a longer term perspective China is a bigger threat it’s so sophisticated it’s so multifaceted uh Philip how on Earth can we fight back against it the biggest way of fighting back against it is awareness you know

    Awareness that they are gathering um information that they could be abusing that information and it back to us again the the the genie is out of the bottle it’s virtually impossible to put it back into the bottle again so what we have to do is limit what it can achieve and we

    Can only do that by awareness and by activity it’s no accident that it’s Miss Queen Elizabeth her first operational deployment was done into um southeast Asia um and into Waters that China is disputing um you at least the government is beginning to recognize that um and international governments beginning to

    Recognize the potential IAL threat that’s out of China we’ve seen some of the um uh the impositions that have been put on the utilization of Chinese technology in our 5G networks and elsewhere and we see the debate that’s going on about Chinese social media apps such as Tik Tok and you’re questioning

    Whether they are actually video sharing platforms or huge influen platforms and intelligence gathering platforms and they’re probably all three I can understand and I think a lot of people can understand why they Chinese would want access to the voter role for example that that is something that we

    Condemn it we think it’s awful it shouldn’t happen but we can understand it why on Earth does China really care about putting out disinformation about the Princess of Wales for example why would they do that because it creates discourse and there’s there’s a wider group that there is here um coming

    Together and we’re seeing China working with you know other International Partners North Korea Iran and Russia and Russia is very good at this as well so they’re all feeding off each other um and China is the sort of the the quiet sleeping partner in the background but

    The one with you know access to all of the capabilities and all all of the money that’s helping to do things anything that causes discourse there’s the old Chinese proverb of proverb of Death By A Thousand Cuts so if you do lots of little things the whole way

    Through nothing in itself in isolation is going to create um you know something that’s going to come back on China again but put them all together and you’re getting that political Hiatus you’re getting that confusion you’re getting people focused on things that are not important um or that they shouldn’t be

    Focused on you’re creating discourse that discourse gives China an opportunity to try and exploit it and that primarily they want to exploit it from an economic perspective I want to ask you about Russia Philip as well because we’ve had this absolutely horrendous attack 133 people dying in

    The massacre in Moscow at a there were lots of Echoes of the B Clan attack in Paris as well but I mean it’s just some of the video some of the details of what has happened so many people injured as well um the chancellor Jeremy hunas warned the UK should be concerned about

    The threat of Islamic State as well just explained us a little bit about about about Islamic State which have claimed responsibility for this attack and their role in Russia well we we should be concerned and France has just put its um uh it its warning up to the highest possible level

    So that usually means that there is intelligence suggesting that an attack is imminent um Russia has got a history of um upsetting the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda and and and elsewhere you know of we we have to remember that our Russian aircraft was attacked um flying

    Out of Egypt in 20 2015 where 2 24 people lost their lives when an Islamic State bomb went off in in 2017 um in St Petersburg Metro there was the Islamic State um detonated a device that killed 15 people Russia is working with Bashar al-assad in Syria and they are attacking

    Um the Islamic State strongholds that that there are there so Russia and Islamic State are um sworn enemies and therefore you they have been in the Target list for quite some time the Americans gave the Russians a warning two weeks ago the Americans got their timing sightly wrong they thought the

    Attack was going to be um you know over the weekend a couple of weeks ago but but the detail in there was clearly accurate because they said you know an area of of of public gathering and they stopped or or or put a message out to say to Americans don’t go to concerts

    And and other things so you Russia has got its focus on what’s going on inside Ukraine and therefore Islamic state has taken an opportunity to exploit the fact that Russia’s Security Services are not necessarily focused on them as much as they potentially should have been and

    The fact that they have even though they were given a warning they they mistrust the Americans so that gave them a bit not actually Philip just mentioning Ukraine of course uh President Putin has announced a day of national mourning because of this horrendous terrorist

    Attack he also made a a bit more than a hint I think that Ukraine might be have been involved in some way obviously that plays into his political strategy and so on but in this address of the nation is that just is that just from him disinformation in that regard well the

    The Russians have got a Doctrine called masarova which is all about masking it’s all about throwing doubt out there so he’s he’s talking to his domestic audience having just been reelected we’ve seen the announcements of him growing um his military by two armies worth that’s a that’s a huge number um

    We will we will see in coming days announcements of you know increased mobilization of of turning Russian Industries into more defense focused Industries as he moves towards more of a total war footing and and then to try and explain the economic shock that there is going across Russia so it suits

    Him to blame Ukraine in some way for this but it’s you know there’s no way would Ukraine do this sort of thing because it it would play totally against um what they’re getting from support from from the West and elsewhere and the Americans wouldn’t have put a warning

    Out if there was any indications that Ukraine had been involved in it in the first place sure Philip Ingram former military intelligence officer I always learned so much talking to you thank you very very much indeed Candace there’s there’s lots in what Philip said there but this campaign of disinformation in

    So many ways from China is something we really need to worry about isn’t it it is though I do Wonder can we be endlessly manipulated I mean what you want in a free Society is for people to be able to express their opinions and in such a way that the truth will

    Eventually emerge critical thinking yes but also there are some things that are just true of course that people sometimes don’t actually accept like the fact that g Middleton was sitting on a bench telling us the truth well what you what you would hope is is that the people who say things

    Like that become completely discredited that you know we look at them and we think you got that really badly wrong yeah and that’s what you would hope for I mean you certainly with all these troll accounts I mean they just end up in little silos but people in the

    Mainstream need to acknowledge when they get it wrong too I think you’re right canas thank you very very much indeed we’ll continue to talk about this cuz coming up in the next hour more on China’s apparent hack attack an agreement that could see Israel releasing around 800 prisoners in

    Exchange for 40 civilians kidnapped by the terror group Hamas on the 7th of October I’m Peter Cardwell here with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going ab and E it

    Me old chin but a new report is calling for a new definition of cot all right Jeremy me old China o o go when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should

    Talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he of the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it

    Wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from P city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ I just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge right quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s

    Right Prince Harry has lost his biid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out May might as well will be discussing an invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming

    I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put a statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH

    Apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s it’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in choga square you just

    Got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and um they put him in

    An ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots

    Of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and buy the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the

    Feminist failed me I’m sorry fist fa supposed to she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong TV it’s the only place where you get the truth on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk

    TV good afternoon I’m Peter Carbell you’re watching and listening to talk TV coming up this hour China is accused of a malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions with fears that hacked the details of 40 million voters Israel is considering releasing up to 800 Palestinian prisoners including killers

    In exchange for the release of 40 Israelis kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on the 7th of October and could bullying really pay off according to a five decade long study children who display aggressive behavior such as bullying or temper outbursts are likely to earn more

    By middle age you can give us a call on your thoughts on this or anything else 0344 499 1000 you can text me 872 with the word talk in your text or tweet me at talktv onx but first let’s get the news headlines Divia Ki has them good afternoon four men have been

    Charged with terrorism in Russia following a concert hall at attack that killed 137 people three of the men were marched into a court in Moscow while a fourth was pushed in a wheelchair Islamic State says it was behind the attack something a former US Commander agrees with this is not something that

    They just popped onto the scene the US and UK provided warnings to Russia uh back a couple of weeks ago of possible terrorist attacks so to me these kind of things give more credibility to Isis claim that they are in fact responsible MPS are set to be briefed

    About the Cyber threat posed by China as well as direct threats against some of them Deputy Prime Minister Oliver dden is expected to later outline details of a data leak involving 40 million voters last year former chair of the defense select committee Tobias Elwoods told talk TV we must work with our allies

    Before it’s too late we’ve all got to do the same thing otherwise China is able to exploit the differences that we have and that is the big challenge that we Face we need a China strategy we need to recognize that this is China’s Century that uh in the

    Next few decades it could easily challenge or indeed overtake the United States militarily economically technologically as well the home office has launched a social media campaign in Vietnam to deter migrants from coming to the UK illegally the campaign will use adverts on Facebook and YouTube to Target people who may be considering

    Making illegal Journeys to the UK an increasing proportion of small boat migrants are Vietnamese a man’s been arrested on suspicion of murder at heo airport just hours after a man was hit by a car and killed in East London the Metropolitan Police says officers were called to reports of a crash in newm

    Yesterday where a 35-year-old was found injured at the scene it’s emerged Britain’s leading universities now get most of their fees from foreign students as they become increasingly reliant on overseas money to stay afloat dozens of Unis including Oxford and Cambridge only get a minority of their income from

    British students with some getting more than three qus of their fees from abroad universities insist the ability to attract Rising numbers from overseas is a sign of success and top scientists in Switzerland have announced they’ll soon look into whether invisible ghost particles actually exist Those Behind the major project will hold experiments

    To look into the mystery of ghost particles which could help us greatly Advance our understanding of the true nature of the universe they say their technology is a thousand times more sensitive than previous devices that’s the latest weather time now with naznin Gaffa times radio sponsors Talk t TV weather hello it’s looking pretty wet out there for this afternoon particularly across Northern areas of the UK we started off with the rain out towards the West this morning and it’s been steadily moving its way northwards across parts of the UK now there’s some

    Heavy downpour still to be had particularly later across parts of the west of England and Wales and as that rain hits the colder air sitting across Northern parts of Scotland particularly into tonight there will be some significant snowfall over The High Ground of Central and Eastern Scotland

    For parts of Eastern England though I think it will just about stay dry this afternoon with some bright or sunny spells and with the light southernly winds it will feel pretty mild but feeling cool elsewhere although temperatures around average for the time of year now overnight as I said that

    Rain steadily moves its way further northwards across higher elevations of Central and Eastern Scotland there could be as much as 20 centimeters of snow this could cause some tricky driving conditions for tomorrow morning elsewhere we’re seeing rain across the north of England over irand and Northern Island and some showy rain starting to

    Push up tomorrow morning across Central and Southern parts of England as well as for Wales but for Northern and Eastern England I think we will see some Sunny spells tomorrow afternoon and it should become drier and brighter for Scotland Too times radio sponsors talk TV Weather good afternoon welcome back I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV today we’re asking about a new report which says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people told those putting to the survey together that they’re not expressing their opinion out of fear are you one of

    Those people give us a call 0344 499 1000 you can text me on 872 with talk in your message be sure just put that word in your message or tweet us on X talktv we’ll still with me to go through all of the day’s top stories is the writer and

    Commentator Candice holsworth Candice the big story today is really about China and the fact that they have this malign influence they’ve accessed 40 million people’s data this is really really worrying they’re also spreading slurs against the Princess of Wales I know you know as Philip Ingram Ingram

    Said in the previous segment what what these Bad actors will seek to do is to explore is Divi divisions they’ll find divisions and there has been a lot of divisiveness over the royal family online you s growing as well as not just on that there’s so many other issues as

    Well but on the royal family particularly I mean there are people even now saying completely falsely by the way just to be absolutely clear that the uh you know the video isn’t right and the or wedding ring disappears and so on I mean some people just cannot recognize when something is really

    Straightforward you’ve got someone who is a very very brave person dealing with uh cancer treatment dealing with a very very prominent public rule everyone having an opinion on it including us too and uh three young children and uh there are people just rubbing salt into that wound and China and Russia spreading

    Slurs and disinformation yes and and just just to get into the psychology then of conspiracy theories that’s clearly not coming from a rational place yes if you can be presented with very hard evidence like that and you’re still in denial then I think that that’s that’s something else you’re invested in

    It for other reasons yes I mean I think that’s one of the things that that can be exploited on social media as well is the fact that people do want to build up profiles online and they become part of a little Silo and an echo chamber and they’re all just agreeing with each

    Other and that’s a really negative incentive to have I mean that really pollutes public discourse because they’re not interested in actually finding out the truth they’re not truth Seekers It’s actually a kind of ego boosting thing and and it’s something almost medieval about it the formation

    Of these mobs yeah I do I do quite a lot of talks to young people and and sometimes journalism students as well and I often say you know what’s the newspaper or news source that you have some of them will put their hands up and say you know Daily Mail but mostly it’s

    On the more liberal side I remember there were there’s a class I spoke to there almost all of them talked about reading the guardian every day and I said right I’m going to set you a task you got to read The Daily Telegraph three times a week in the same way as I

    Read the guardian two or three times a week to find out what people who disagree with me think on why they think it it’s really important I think so I think that that’s that’s something that in in this like in this in this information age that we live in you know

    We have to become so literate about the the wide landscape of scary for a lot of people as well they just they just want to they I mean they want to to trust something in the media and and often we don’t trust our politicians often we’re

    Seeing in the polls as well that reform UK for example are doing a lot better they are beating the conservatives in some constituencies in some of those uh in some of those opinion polls for example they’ve had some electoral victories as well not quite the same percentages that UK and the brexit party

    Have had previously but reformer on the up yes you know it’s it’s it is there’s there’s a loss of trust in in institutions and I think that that’s what Sarah Khan tried to say at the very beginning of the program I thought I thought it was fascinating saying really

    Really interesting and she identified economic as being a driver of a lot of this you know people are really struggling and they’ve lost faith in our leaders to deal with these sorts again it’s that trust where you say you know I might not know who you are rishy sinak

    But I’m I’m investing my trust in you to run our country correctly and just so many things don’t work therefore people don’t trust the state no they don’t and they’re sort of looking for forther options you know the worst is when it it turns into negative things I mean where

    I mean the concept of Truth means nothing so I mean that it’s it goes into things the royal family are covering something up when they’re clearly not I mean that is just a complete loss of trust Beyond any rational s also privacy is an incredibly important thing an incredibly well-guarded thing especially

    If you’re a royal and why shouldn’t it be I don’t want everybody to know anybody who says to me I don’t care about privacy I always say the same thing give me your phone on what’s the code exactly and maybe this is in this social media age as well these are sort

    Of values that we need to recapture we need to recapture the you know discretion privacy and I think in many ways Kate Middleton which is why she’s so well-liked embodies those values she’s a public figure but she’s also a very private figure and it seems that

    She doesn’t CAU Fame as much as other people do she’s very happy to he in public I can’t think who you might be referring to some someone associated with a royal family and somewhere that would Court F we struggle with that I think we struggle that with that in our

    Era we sort of we have a culture of celebrity which very much exists online and when we see someone like that who is an icon and a public figure but who also wants privacy many people just can’t accept that they can’t come to terms with that very very

    Good point C thank you very much indeed we’re going to talk about China now pracy is a big issue of course in terms of so many people’s data and China is accused of a malign attack on Britain’s Democratic institutions that has apparently hacked the details of 40

    Million voters we joining me now to discuss this he’s a former dining Street director of communications and Senior adviser to Boris Johnson GTO Harry GTO thank you so much for joining us today how worried are you about China’s malign attack Apparently after the hack on the Electoral

    Commission I think it’s clearly uh very worrying if anybody’s interfering with the rules of the game because if the rules of the game are compromised then the outcome of the game is disputed and then you undermine the whole basis of the legitimacy of of government in the

    UK so it’s it’s very serious indeed uh I I will say though Peter that I think we do need uh a sort of sense of reality and perspective about China um we need to recognize that this is a major Force for the rest of my life and the rest of

    All our lives uh over the next few decades and so very well to express concerns when something like this happens I’ve no doubt at all they are a serious threat and that they spy on us as we presumably spy on them but it’s the only conversation that we’re having

    At the moment about China is this China the bogey man has done something bad let’s try and get back to where we were when David Cameron was prime minister in the early days when Boris Johnson was prime minister some of the things that James cleverly said when he was foreign

    Secretary we have to recognize the reality and deal with this major economy this military power and this cultural influence in our lives frankly I agree with you that we do need reality and perspective but we also need values and we also need to say this far and no

    Further but it is as you sort of intimate there and I don’t want to put words in your mouth getto but we have to deal with China don’t we we have to deal with him as a trading partner as a diplomatic partner and so on but when

    They do things like this when they do these huge hacks when they spread disinformation when they ban some of our MPS like in dougen Smith even our security minister Tom token hat from setting foot on Chinese soil you can understand why people say actually maybe we should be a bit harsher with

    Them absolutely but the answer to that is to walk the walk not talk the talk and often you know the people who are sort of loudest and you know I’m not sure that Oliver dowen is going to be that reassuring figure at the dispatch box this afternoon I’ve met some of the

    People on the fringes of our uh Security Services and they are far more reassuring but they don’t go out there and sort of poke the bear if you like they just try and work hard behind the scenes to make sure that our technology uh catches up with this they are frankly

    Technologically steaming head at the moment in China and so what we need to do is a little less rhetoric a lot more focusing on what do we need to do to fund our security services properly to make sure that we produce the right technical graduates that it’s worth

    Their while some of them to go into uh working for the country not for working for private companies and deal with this as grown-ups not just lash out and sort of Smash around with rhetoric I think we’ve got to get back to being serious people at the moment uh in public life

    And it’s not helpful to me to sort of lash out in public against some sort of bogey m let’s let’s match them let’s outmaneuver them let’s be clever than them diplomatically and let’s let’s let’s get ahead of them technologically you talked there about military intelligence Geto you talked about uh

    Defense and I wonder given that grant shaps for example and many other people within the defense establishment and other politicians have said that defense spending should be higher we’re not going to outspend China on defense spending but as you say a lot of defense spending and Military Intelligence uh

    Spending is not just about sort of tanks and planes it’s about people sitting behind desks and working in the Cyber side as well and that has to be a huge growth area there’s a line in one of the recent Bond movies where um you you know can’t remember saying that but he basically

    Says I can do more damage in my pajamas with a laptop than you can with your gun Bond um and and and that is true certainly at the moment I’m not sure how often we’re going to need a tank but you can rest assured that Cyber attack and

    At the moment it looks like destabilizing maybe prying maybe spying but there is the potential to using cyber attacks to actually shut down traffic lights to render hospitals incapable of operating to do enormous damage to the city of London all of this is no longer the stuff of sci-fi and

    Fantasy and so if we were to take the threat properly seriously we would be talking less and beavering Away harder behind the scenes and I’m not sure that the people who are beavering away behind the scenes and do manage uh against the odds often enough to recruit the most

    Exceptional graduates uh to sacrifice you know the money they could make in the private sector in order to operate for king and country that we need to give them the tools that are needed to stay ahead of the game and this is always going to be a race it’s going to

    Be dynamic it’s going to move on we’re never going to be able to rest on it we’ve got to keep it up but in the meantime the politicians would be more helpful if they were trying to give China less reasons to laugh us not take us seriously and to sort of perhaps feel

    More malign towards us you know I think a little bit of good cop bad cop the politicians should be the good cop uh let the uh let the professionals do the work of keeping China properly technologically and in terms of Espionage in check one huge Advantage we

    Have over societies like China is free speech is freedom of assembly is being able to say what we think but there’s a fascinating report out today by DM sarak cam which I think May well have been commissioned actually when you were in government or around that time anyway

    Get to when you were advising Boris Johnson which is about the fact that 76% of people just one of the findings 76% of people feel that they can’t say what they really think they’re self-censoring they’re not putting their views out there what do you make of that which has

    Come not as a result of but nonetheless in the wake of the Scandal and the uh incredibly awful Mobb protests over the teacher at the battley grammar school who showed a picture of Muhammad it’s a really interesting piece of work and it’s a it’s a a serious

    Piece of work and it recognizes the nuances and the subtleties uh that are often missing from the debate so I think it’s it’s a great basis on which to proceed because we can be simplistic on both sides when you say I’ve got you know Freedom one of the great Democratic

    Freedoms is the freedom to protest the freedom of assembly and all that so that needs to be protected but none of these freedoms are absolute and so your freedom or your right to assemble and your right to uh protest should not include doing it in the immediate

    Vicinity of a a school where you intimidate people who are not uh old enough to vote um not to mention any other considerations children with with a sort of you know sort of very intimidating kind of view of the world now this the origins of this as you rightly

    Say it came because a teacher was trying to sort of intellectually engage children in the concept of blasphemy what is Blasphemous what is not whether blasphemy can be intellectually Justified or not and he showed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad now I call that intellectual exchange I call that

    Education I call that training young minds and you should be able to do that not in other countries if they choose to do things differently good luck to them but it’s part of our tradition that our freedom is the freedom to think different thoughts and to think outside

    The box and what has happened now is that we do need to reassert the rules of the game because if if the rules of the game means that we’re of the game means we’re so tolerant that we allow people in who are intolerant then there’s a paradox there that our tolerance leads

    To less tolerance because the intolerant people take advantage of our tolerance have you self-censored GSU have you sort of thought I know you’re someone not not short of an opinion but have there been times where you have said actually I’m not going to put that

    On Twitter I’m not going to say say that in a in the context of a public meeting or in a workplace um how how have you been are you part of the 76% I suppose I’m sure that every single one of us uh you know uh now avoid saying

    Some things that we may have said five 10 15 20 30 years ago definitely and in in many cases that’s a good thing because there were different Norms you know when I was at school and there were jokes that would be regarded as you know racist misogynist homophobic and all the

    Rest of it now and um you know a lot of people uh rightly had to sort of you know Reign themselves in but we all know people and yeah maybe we do sort of think oh I can’t really say that um and not saying things that are offensive as in you’re calling names

    Or you’re you’re you’re being rude about somebody else but you’re putting forward a point of view that is entirely legitimate that other people can disagree with you over but if you look at the trans debate virtually everyone I’ve ever met is terrified of dipping their toe into any considerations there

    Even though it involves things like giving very very radical drugs to you know young people under the age of consent under the you know in in the mid flow of puberty there’s been very little debate on that there’s been a change of policy recently but most people have

    Been scared of engaging in it and that canot be healthy in a democracy either I totally agree and we’re going to talk about Scotland and its views on not just that issue but on hate speech in general over the next day or two um I just wonder if you could give me your

    Thoughts as well politically on the fact that reform UK are doing very well and then some constituencies are beating the conservatives certainly in the opinion pools anyway obviously things will probably look uh very different when it comes to the election in terms of how many seats reform can actually win but

    There’s no doubt that they are doing much better than they were previously and this is feeding in to the many many problems the conservative party has it is but you know I’m very clear on this you know the conservative leadership should and I think do worry a

    Lot more about the fact that the labor party by moving away from its extremes is way ahead uh of the conservatives not snapping at their heels but 20 odd points ahead and reaching uh towards you know what looks like a massive victory in the next general election I don’t

    Think it needs to be like that but the target should be what is it that they are saying that makes people who obviously voted conservative at the last election want to switch over to them not look to the fringes that laborers rightly moved away from and to think how

    Can we appease that 10 maybe 15% at a push out there because you head out to that Fringe and you’re leaving the center of the pitch wide open and reform are not going to form the next government I’m not sure that I can predict that much but I would bet my

    House that reform will not be forming the next government in the United king bet put them in perspective would you bet your house there won’t be a conservative recovery y before the next election is there any way to turn things around or make things less bad I mean

    Some people say the polls might narrow a little bit before the next election or is this just terminal decline for Rishi suox conservatives I think it’s it’s almost very very simple and yet it’s proving frustratingly elusive in Rishi sunak though I have issues with the way he

    Became leader but we have a man who is clean living hardworking understands Global Finance economics and Technology the three biggest things that oper the main uh opportunity for economic growth and the Improvement of public services and if he had behind him a United Team you know determined to to take the game

    To the opposition not to trip themselves off and be sent to the sin bin then we would have more than a fighting chance of you know a decent uh performance of the next election and maybe even you know deny Victory to the other side or even scrape a win what is not happening

    At the moment is that Rishi sunak not not perfect of course people around him we can all always do better you know when you’re on the inside it’s it’s always hard but the main issue and the main challenge to a conservative sort of performance uh worthy of the history of

    The party in the next election is the in seemingly insatiable appetite of the Parliamentary conservative party to self harm and if they just get with a program support their leadership give him a fighting chance and give the lineup that we have a Fighting Chance in the next election then it’s definitely not over

    Get to Harry thank you very very very much indeed cace quick reaction to What guu was saying about the conservative party is there any chance you think there’ be a narrowing in the pools that Rishi sua can get support from the people who are there because they really

    Are as he correctly says tearing themselves apart it’s so true that’s their problem a divided house cannot stand I mean this is what was Labor’s problem for so many years they were tearing themselves apart and I think that this is what Kia starma has really

    Tried to do he’s tried to sort of get rid of The Fringe lunatics and as GTO says you can have an electoral stress which tries to go for the center ground more than sort of Fringe wedge issues and maybe that is a more successful successful strategy whereas I think the

    Conservatives at the moment are are really tearing into each other over things like the Rwanda B and it’s more reflecting inter nign struggles within the conservative party those two caucuses the liberal versus the right-wing then actually maybe people in The Wider country want to discuss a very

    Good point Caris thank you for that we’ll continue to debate that issue and indeed uh the main one we’re asking you about today which is this new report that says there is now a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people not expressing their opinion

    Out of fear maybe you’re one of them give us a call 0 34449 91000 you can text me on 872 with the word talk in your message or get in touch at talktv John’s done that he says as I tell my children and staff you should never get

    Into trouble for telling the truth Martin says I’ve never been scared of speaking my mind and Steven says are country has becoming a dictatorship it all started during the pandemic it’s only going to get worse he says and others have been giving us a call on the

    Phones Roy is one of them he’s in Northumberland Roy you’re on the air thank you for the call this afternoon what would you like to say yeah hello Peter with regards to the report H is this another example of a North South divide I appreciate the incident with the profit was in West

    Yorkshire but uh throughout my six 5 years living in the north of England I can’t say I’ve ever not said what I thought or been or spoken without or not spoken with an open mind there there is there is maybe maybe it’s a cliche but maybe it’s a cliche because it’s true

    That uh people up north are uh a bit more PL speaking I think that’s possibly true I come from a background of Public Service I have worked in agriculture as well I frequently mixed with people in the construction and build building trade and they certainly don’t keep them thoughts to themselves about anything

    I’d like to think I’m a reasonable person I wouldn’t say anything that deliberately upset people but I wouldn’t just agree with something I’ll keep my mouth shut for fear of getting a brick through the window so you don’t think there’s anything you really can’t say I

    Mean obviously you want to be polite you don’t want to go around upsetting people for the sake of it as you as you say but you you you feel pretty pretty free to say things yes yeah sometimes I’m accused of been too spoken but I I consider that to

    Be a positive thing I think I think there there worse things to be accused of Roy exactly um as I say I wouldn’t want to upset anybody but you’ve got to face the truth and be honest with people you can’t live a lie it’s a very very

    Good thought um and a good one to end this section on thank you very much indeed that’s Roy in Northumberland appreciate his call 0344 499 1000 coming up we’re going to talk about Israel because it’s considering releasing up to 800 Palestinian prisoners including some killers in exchange for the release of

    40 Israeli Israelis who were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on the 7th of October I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to happen

    An eve it me old chin but a new report is calling for a new definition of cck name all right Jeremy me old China o when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills

    We should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say

    That he’ got it wrong then I had a phone call this morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ I just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s

    That time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security after moaning he’d been singled out May might as well be discussing an invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social

    Media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you probably know what are you doing I was just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some

    That maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr khah apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m sorry I know it’s I know what’s coming and I can’t stop laughing so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a

    Prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those in jaala square he just got to walk up to soos Why do you know this because I know everything was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he

    Was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they put him in an ice cream store I read the St this morning from the family and if any please police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying is

    Heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer the UK I’d say has lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was

    22 years old and I had an affair with a married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist supposed to she was 22 we supposed to have moved on from that don’t hon back on something that was wrong TV it’s the only place

    Where you get the truth welcome back to the show I’m Peter Cardell you’re with talk TV Israel is considering releasing up to 800 Palestinian prisoners including killers in exchange for the release of 40 Israelis kidnapped by Hamas terrorists after that horrendous attack on the 7th of October which has started what is

    Going on at the moment in Israel and Gaza well joining me now is Flur Hassan mahum who’s the deputy mayor of Jerusalem Flur thank you for taking the time is this I mean there there’s no reasonable nature to this at all those people shouldn’t have been taken in the

    First place there’s been I’ve done numerous interviews horrendous detail coming out about how Hamas terrorists have used rap as a weapon weapon of War we don’t know the condition of those who are still being held captive 800 Palestinian prisoners some of them some of them Killers do you think that this

    Is it’s not a fair deal but do you think this is a deal that will work well first of all it’s Hamas who haven’t accepted all the different deals being mediated by by Qatar and by the United States so we still don’t even know whether they’ve accepted this deal

    So that’s the first hurdle secondly we have have a one-year-old baby in captivity with his mother and his four-year-old little brother older brother we have 18 women that we know are being ritually raped over there what is a country supposed to do is it a fair

    Deal for us absolutely not but we have to do everything in our power to bring those innocent civilians home who were taken brutally from their homes one Saturday morning and the country has to do everything in its power to bring them back so if that’s the deal we need to

    Cope with then I personally think that we need to do everything to get them back at this point has everything been done though because there were uh incidents where the uh there was one particular incident where there were uh families of some of those hostages who stormed the kasset saying that Benjamin

    Netanyahu the prime minister of Israel hadn’t done enough hadn’t met them as soon as they thought he should have and hadn’t done enough to get those hostages back well first of all there were 20 50 hostages initially and 100 were brought home already in the initial deal that

    Was done a few months back so I think honestly politics aside the government has tried to do everything in its power to get the hostages back what I will say is that I’m in awe of the families of the hostages because I really do think that the campaign that they’ve managed

    Have kept the hostages as the top priority of the war and that wasn’t a given that wasn’t a given and so they’ve managed to keep their loved ones and the return of the hostages right as a top priority of the campaign and without them and without that public pressure

    I’m not sure what would have happened the first round of the release and I’m not sure what would be happening today how hopeful are you that all the hostages who are currently alive and we want them to be well and medic they obviously all of them will need medical

    Attention some of them as we know are people who have had many many Medical problems that almost certainly aren’t being treated properly by their Hamas terrorist capts how confident are you that they will all come home well they’re not being treated the Red Cross has not gone to see them we

    Don’t even have proof of life so what you’re asking is an excellent question out of the 134 there is now unfortunately an estimate that around 30 may already be dead every day we hear news of who the Army already assess uh were perished on that terrible 7th of October so we don’t

    Even know who’s alive Kamas have refused to give any proof of life and this is part of the difficulty of these negotiations that we’re negotiating blind because we don’t know who it is that we’re negotiating for and so I pray that as as many as a hundred are still

    Alive because we know that about 30 have been uh killed we know that from our own Army assessment so I pray as as as close to 100 our alive but we have no idea and I also don’t understand why we’re negotiating for 40 and not for the full

    100 I want to ask you about Aid especially Aid to Gaza and Northern Gaza um I was reading a report in the Guardian newspaper about this and the second paragraph I’m just going to read it to you the United Nation United na Nations Agency for Palestinian refugees

    Unra unrwa said on Sunday Israel has definitively barred it from making Aid deliveries in Northern Gaza where the threat of famine is high it gets to the 14th paragraph of what the guardian uh has written to mention the fact that un staff members have been accused it says of participating in the

    7th of October attacks called and the agency has been called a front for Hamas there’s also evidence which is not mentioned in the guardian report at all that the uh logistical and technological uh facilities that Hamas terrorists were using were underneath a hospital and that they were deliberately used there

    So we’re not getting the full story from the guardian we didn’t get the full story from the BBC yesterday when this was reported but nonetheless there are people who will go hungry because that Aid hasn’t gone through tell us what is happening with that from your perspective

    Flur so first of all what do you can expect from the guardian who have shown their true colors and the BBC who won’t even call a UK prescribed terrorist group a terrorist group so let’s start with that we already know that there are bias against Israel and pro Terror from

    The get-go um let’s talk a second about Aid and this is really what’s incredible is we have the UN Chief coming standing on the Egyptian side of the border and complaining about Israel not letting enough Aid in so I want to unpack that for a second first of all there is

    Enough Aid getting in and Israeli inspections as you would expect are there so that we know for sure there were no arms going in so the problem does not start with the amount of Aid the problem starts with the distribution of that Aid now who is in charge of the

    Distribution of the aid the UN organization unra the same organization that’s whose members are Hamas members who we caught a teacher from the unra schools taking and and uh keeping a hostage basically being part of these uh the Captivity of innocent people we know that about 14 of the workers of onra

    Took part on the massacre of October 7th and we also know that their whole entire educational system teaches anti-Semitism glorification of Martyrs and the complete denial that Israel should or does exist so it’s the same people who are completely incompetent for Distributing Aid a because they’re incompetent and B Because 60% of that

    Is been stolen by terrorists terrorist innocent because terrorist shooting innocent hungry people for daring to take the aid that is meant for them and we have video evidence of that I I I have no doubt of that Flur how do you deal with that because there are many innocent civilians in Gaza men

    Women children who just want to go about their daily lives who want to have food and there is real corruption in the system here how does Israel which is obviously to many people in Gaza an aggressor Hamas says and we’ve got to be skeptical about these figures that over

    30,000 people have been killed how do you deal with that and how do you actually distribute that a and make sure that people who are totally innocent don’t go hungry in a war situation well first of all we’re not the aggressor we didn’t start this war

    We’re complete we all we’re trying to do is get our hostages back and dismantle the terrorist infrastructure that caused the worst massacre to Jewish people since the Holocaust we didn’t want this war we didn’t start this war in fact we thought we were in a new era with what’s

    Going on in correct before October 7 so that’s the first thing and secondly what I think is incredibly ironic is that the UN is accusing Israel of not dealing with Aid when they’re standing on the Egyptian border so I ask you Egypt has a order with Gaza why aren’t they helping why

    Are they building more walls and why is the entire responsibility of the aid situation in Gaza on the party that was attacked on October 7th why is Egypt why has Egypt completely washed their hands from this situation and why isn’t the UN pressing Egypt to be a more active

    Partner in helping the situation also with the aid and also with giving shelter to people until the end of the war it’s it’s weird isn’t it it’s almost as if the Israeli government is under a lot more scrutiny than the Egyptian government wonder why that is um just on

    Israel they’ve announced new uh settlements in the West Bank recently it do sometimes the Israeli government doesn’t help itself does it I mean that announcement and the fact that that may well be going ahead is not going to play well is it well if I believed that the blockage

    To peace was an extra settlement here or an extra settlement there then I would agree with you but unfortunately we had an existential War launched against us in 1948 when there were zero settlements also in 1967 and a conflict in the 1950s with the sez Canal when there was not

    One settlement and this war really is and exactly the conflict is about much more than a kilometer here because it’s actually not a land conflict because if it was a land conflict then October the 7th you would see Kamas taking over a kibot putting their flag and saying

    We’re not moving for here this is a much more existential conflict and it’s really not about the fact that there isn’t a Palestinian state in the West Bank or in Gaza because we did left leave Gaza 94% of the West Bank is controlled by the Palestinian Authority

    And the problem of this conflict is not that there isn’t a Palestinian State the problem of this conflict is that there’s a Jewish State and the Palestinian leadership already for a 100 years cannot accept that fact flare thank you very much th Flur Hassan n who is the

    Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem will still with me is the writer and commentator Candice holsworth um this is just horrendous in terms of the number of people who can’t get uh Aid who can’t get food and water and basic supplies and they are not being and Israel is

    Being blamed it has a role here but Hamas is not helping either well no because they’re trying to drag things out as long as possible and using the hostages to do that because they’re hoping that is Israel will just not be able to achieve their aim of eliminating

    Hamas and they’re going to have to give up on that so even though the people of Gaza are suffering terribly Hamas is not really coming to the table end as usual they’re using Hamas are using their own people as a weapon they do not care they want people to die because they know

    That is a propaganda Victory and that they can blame Israel for H for for killing them actually through this a thing look there’s absolutely no doubt 30,000 people have been uh according to Hamas figures which we’ve got to be skeptical about but listen I think we can agree tens of thousands of people

    Have died in this uh War Israel has killed them uh there have been uh certainly um men women and children who shouldn’t have died who have but nonetheless we have to drill down a bit and get the truth here and I just fear we’re not from many bits of the media

    Getting the truth about what is actually happening here no I don’t think so and the hostages always get forgotten the fact that we are using like she said like FL H um FL um Hassan n said is that these are B iies that are being used as

    Leverage I mean we actually have a family of a one-year-old and a four-year-old and their parents and we don’t know what state they’re in we don’t even know if they’re still alive they are being used by militant organization to achieve its political aims I mean that is so morally repugnant

    It’s heartless it’s totally heartless it’s it’s morally repugnant is absolutely right um and the on the fact that I mean I just don’t want this war to happen nobody asked for it we didn’t and actually ironically it was Jack Sullivan the National Security adviser who said in the few weeks pre prior to

    To the uh 7th of October Hamas terrorist attacks that uh that things were about as peaceful as they could be and and Flur was Flur was mentioning that as well I know well you had the Abraham Accords which was this historic moment where Israel was going to to normalize

    Relations with many countries in the Middle East and this is why many people said Hamas did what they did they wanted to disrupt that yeah and I think in many ways what’s sad is they may have achieved that aim they’re not interested in peace Hamas are not interested in

    Peace Candice thank you very very much indeed well today uh we’re asking about a new report about here in the UK saying there is not a dangerous climate of harassment and censorship 76% of people say they have not expressed their opinion out of fear are you one of those

    People 0344 499 1000 you can text me 872 or get in touch on X talktv Logan has been in touch and says I am definitely concerned about this and the serious levels of dancing around topics I have to do I think Logan’s surname is perhaps not Roy it’s not the person from

    Succession he was never uh in that drama never uh backward and coming forward Louisa says the public sphere persecutes one side and there’s no potential to push back in any meaningful way without the risk of criminal prosecution Violet has been in touch as well and says if

    You want people to stop being afraid of speaking their mind stop Prosecuting them coming up could bullying really pay off according to a five decade long study children who display aggressive behaviors such as bulying or temper outbursts are likely to earn more in middle age and Peter card will will

    Debate that next next here on talk TV hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to have an evit me old chin but a new report is

    Calling for a new definition of cotne all right Jeremy me old China o Tre when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a

    Woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’d got it wrong then I had a phone call this

    Morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ justed an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge quite right too quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security

    After moaning he’d been singled out you might as well be discussing an invasion of dals for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you

    Probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the fourth PL Mr KH apparently wasn’t too keen on that I’m

    Sorry I know it’s I know it’s coming and I can’t St laugh so he suggested Alternatives there’s a sweet potato that’s quite small statue then wasn’t there also a prostitute a trans sex worker you don’t really need one of those inog s he just got to walk up to

    Soos Why do you know this because I know everything uh was he just unlucky getting that question with an ice cream or is it a sign of something more seemed like he was on a late night show to attract a young demographic and U they

    Put him in an ice cream store I read the statement this morning from the family and if any police officer reads that statement if you don’t cry for what you read from what the family is saying it’s heartbreaking then you shouldn’t be a police officer

    The UK I’d say has lots of racism within it I don’t NE think it’s a racist country but it permeates our institutions but for her to say come out and vote and by the way when I was 22 years old and I had an affair with a

    Married man that I knew was married the feminist failed me I’m sorry I think the feminist did fail supposed to another she was 22 we’re supposed to have moved on from that don’t honk back on something you did that was wrong CV it’s the only place where you get the truth

    Welcome back to the show I’m Peter Cardwell you’re with talk TV thanks everybody who’s been in touch including on Twitter just read out a couple of tweets here Rob says what on Earth did you just say Israel is not the aggressor that was a straightforward lie um I’m

    Not sure I did say that Rob I think I said on Flur my guest as well was saying that the 7th of October attacks were responded to by Israel and there was a period of relative calm uh beforehand ol of has been in touch says why do these

    People imagine that China is the least bit interested in interfering with our already rigged elections it’s embarrassing says all of I don’t think our elections are rigged actually I think they’re pretty free and fair but you may disagree Susan says no surprise any woman who has concerns about the

    Attacks on her right to Safe spaces from the gender ideology Camp has been aware of this for ages we read daily about academics being shut down people losing their jobs with the mayor for St and Joe cases and so on certainly we’ve covered them in great depth here on uh talk TV

    As well Robert say I would always say I believe in expressing my opinion but sadly these days the police sometimes won’t allow you to do so uh regarding the China situation as well mey has been in touch and says and perhaps we should stop allowing thousands of Chinese

    Students into our universities well I don’t think we can blame the students necessarily there are a lot of them but I’m sure some of them are spies but I’m sure the vast majority of them are people who just want to to learn things but uh there are um I mean and that’s a

    Whole other debate actually uh m in regard to the fact that there are so many people who uh I mean our our University is one of the front pages today of the papers talking about the fact that Russell group universities the top 20 universities in the country are

    Mostly paid for by Foreign students another big big issue but let’s talk about another one could bullying really pay off according to a five decade long study children who display aggressive behavior such as bullying or tempor I bursts are likely to earn more in middle age well I’m joined by the

    Psychotherapist and broadcaster Lucy barisford to look into this further Lucy thank you for joining me um this is fascinating to say that bullies earn more um I hate bullies and I’ve certainly been bullied um in in the past as I’m sure many many people have we all

    Know there are PE people probably in every workplace who are too aggressive um tell me what you think of this study well I wasn’t surprised by the findings when I’m asked to comment on workplace issues or I’m asked to describe things that are happening in an organization for example I often revert

    To the language of the playground because what often gets played out amongst adults is something that’s really recognizable from what happens uh when children are younger and that’s because we’re very primitive creatures we have very base instincts and most of society is designed to try to smooth a

    Lot of those basa in stinks out but when you’ve got classrooms the size that we have them it’s very hard to clamp down on bullying and of course social media has really Amplified the ways in which bullying can be perpetuated so it’s no surprise that actually because bullying

    Isn’t really Stamped Out in schools that you actually see it happening within the workplace and very unfortunately those very skills that will see you rise to the top uh being very assertive being being full of very big self-belief although a lot of bullies are actually very insecure but they mask that with a

    A veneer of self-belief those are the traits that will actually do you well in the long run in the workplace and if doing well is about being promoted and having a great remuneration package stands to reason that if you have those traits you’re going to be well rewarded so bullying pays quite

    Literally what I don’t know is whether it’s going to continue like that because it’s very interesting that this stud stopped in 2016 it was a very detailed study as you say over five decades which is brilliant but I’ve already noticed that the world of work is changing and the tolerance

    Levels that for example Generation Z have for practices within the workplace which one might uh perhaps uh characterize as being on the bullying side I think there’s a generation coming up behind us who are not going to tolerate certain things we already see that there’s a lot of resistance to

    Actually being in the workplace in general and that has been ridiculed uh for example they’ve been described as the snowflake generation unable to deal with the workplace well maybe what maybe what’s happening is that they’re voting with their feet and they’re saying some of this behavior that takes place within

    The workplace is shameful and I don’t want to have any part of it although some of that of course is to do with Dynamics in regard to how many vacancies there are in the country and the fact that sometimes that generation can actually move a job if they’re not happy

    There’s so many people employers I talk to you all the time who say well someone won’t won’t even apply for a job unless they’re allowed to work from home for example a whole other debate but I just want to put something to you Lucy that

    Has been sent to me on uh on um WhatsApp actually you can WhatsApp to the station 0344 499 1000 uh it’s from Marian County down she says the fact that bullies Thrive and flourish in their careers is not surprising employers only pay lip service to anti-bullying dignity at work

    Policies but they actually do nothing to Stamp Out a culture of bullying perversely they value uh bully because they sometimes get things done that’s part of it as well isn’t it a lot of managers just want an easy life and are afraid to do the thing that’s in their title

    Manage and also the remuneration structure in a lot of workplaces tends to favor people who are very assertive people who perhaps have different boundaries to the rest of us people who really who are those with the power the ones in control but again I do wonder how long that’s actually going to last

    You mentioned there that you got a WhatsApp that’s a newi is form of communication and it has hither to meant that bosses can be in touch with their underlings 24/7 but people are starting to push back on that people are beginning to say no I need to set

    Boundaries Chang the law FR haven’t they in the workplace culture and I think that’s going to change I think the bully might be on the way out but unfortunately it still lives right now they’ve actually changed the law in France in regard to uh times where people can actually be contacted as

    Employees I wonder if there are parents watching perhaps and your kid you know the dreaded letter comes from the school or email and says you got to come in because your kid has been bullying someone else a child I mean that would fill me with horror although I’m not a

    Parent but maybe parents will say well actually maybe maybe they’re just standing up for themselves maybe they’re just being assertive and those are the skills you need for life and uh maybe maybe this is less to worry about than other things because they’ll earn more money as the study

    Suggests to to be fair that’s partly what the report actually goes on to say I think there has been attempt to portray this finding as something positive that actually we’re almost in danger of losing the word about being a bully uh because We’re translating it into something more positive around

    Being assertive and Having the courage of your convictions and for sure we want to raise confident uh and very bounded uh children we want them to go into life in general not just the workplace but to you know have a sense of who they are

    And uh to not be trampled on by other people but you also want to make sure that they’re not doing that at the expense of others and I think if you are a parent and you are going to get that kind of letter it is still something

    That you need to talk to your children about because ultimately having perhaps a Psychopathology about not really caring what other people might think of you and always imagining that you’re the right one and you have the power that isn’t ultimately the way to live you might end up in your mid-40s

    With a fantastic career and great remuneration we all have no friends and no one will like you no one will like you um Lucy thank you very much indeed that’s Lucy barisford who’s a psycho therapist and uh broadcaster so thank you for to her for joining us Candace

    Have you ever been bullied no never been bullied when you’ve got red hair you either become a victim or you become tough right okay so there we go but also my best friend at school I also think everyone was absolutely terrified of her so I just had her really you no one

    Would have messed with me because they wouldn’t want to mess with her imagine I mean you you’ve Young children it would be horrifying if if if they were either bullied or were being or bullying other children how would you deal with that that’s the thing what but you made an

    Interesting point I think a lot of people worry about their children being bullied but they never think about their child being bullied because their their their children could do Can Do no harm they’re they’re always perfect little poppets who would never dream of bullying another child no they’re just

    Getting blamed for things you know I do think though I genuinely do think there is a difference between being aggressive and being assertive yeah and I I think it’s actually something really important that you have to teach children don’t browbeat others don’t try and cow them into submission or control them assert

    Your viewpoint but also respect other people’s boundaries as well of persuasion perhaps Candace thank you very much indeed Candice bus worth there that’s all we have time for today I’ll be back tomorrow up next Kevin O Sullivan and Alex uh Phillips are here with cross talk this is talk TV I’ll see

    You tomorrow thanks for your company hey very good morning to you thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online and we’re on your smart speaking now you ain’t going to AB an eveve IT me old chin but a new report is calling for a new definition of

    Name all right Jeremy me old China o o Tre when JK Rowling says let’s just be honest it’s all she’s saying let’s just be honest when a man goes out and kills we should talk about them as what they are a biological man transwoman is not a

    Woman transwoman is a man lee would have to go much further than his statement I mean he did say that he spoke clumsily and he understood the prime minister’s position but I think he’d need to say that he’ got it wrong then I had a phone call this

    Morning um from city council lovely woman called Anna and yeah i’ I just received an email just saying um that yeah I’m going to be getting a badge right quite right too it’s that time again to get the violins out that’s right Prince Harry has lost his bid for UK security

    After moaning he’d been singled out might as well be discussing an invasion of darx for all I really get this but but but I am now on social media having been dragged off my 8 pound noia reluctantly Kicking and Screaming I’m a huge hit on Instagram as you

    Probably know what are you doing I’m just about to do it oh it’s carry on what just happened were missing there was a suggestion by some that maybe it would nice to put statue of the queen on the


    1. Cardy P if that innocent Iranian man was not arrested for his banner, (and I know what the “story” is) why did a policeman take it off him and walk away screwing it up in his hands? Why not keep it and return it to him? Would they have done that with a Palestinian flag? I think not.

    2. Nefarious politicians and the likes of the BBC, because they get the most stick from people on line. But I bet they will think they can still dish it out without any consequences.

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