Join me on another Stream



    .c I’m feeling fly tonight like a rocket ship I want to drive fast in this red H wheel we call Show I and I want to play the game I want to roll it dice I got an easy hand that’s going to make the Dan let’s get our shoes on I’m done with all you fing this party totally Busting la la la la oh la la la la oh la la la la la la la la la la la la oh la la la oh if you want to say it say it loud cuz someone out there listening if you’re going to think you think out loud cuz you don’t know

    What you missing you let them all in oh oh oh tell them what it’s all about oh oh oh and if you’re going to dream it dream it be someone out there listening everyone’s got a voice to give and it’s time I here do whistling cuz there’s no point at all oh oh

    Oh and dreaming small oh oh oh is there RoR flying around daring there’s no time to be down s you’ll be coming of roses soon it all comes back to you it all comes back to you la oh la la la oh la la la La la la la la oh la la la la oh if you feel lonely say it loud there’s no time like present tell like can feel it say it proud be true and let us see you for the star that you are no point in dreaming small oh cuz there’s a rumor flying around and darling there’s no time to be down the sun you’ll be coming a roses soon all comes back to you it all comes back to you ooh ooh ooh ooh you ooh ooh ooh you the word is your’ll be calling of roses

    Soon it all comes back to you all comes back to You got to play it cool you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves let’s we going to build it up and then

    We tear it down they going to know our name all over this town we going to Stir It Up and do things our way so if if you want I’m feeling fly tonight like a rocket ship I want to drive fast in this red H wheel we stand and show up I moves I can a ball and play some dope I want to play the game I want to roll it dice I got an easy hand the go want to Make let’s get our shoes on I’m with youing this part to Busting la la la oh la la la la oh la la la la oh la la la la oh la la la la oh la If you want to say it say loud cuz someone out there listening if you’re going to think it think out loud cuz you don’t know what you’re missing till you let them all in oh oh oh tell them what it’s all about oh oh oh and if you’re going to dream it dream

    It because someone out there Liv listen everyone’s got a voice to give it’s time whistling CU there’s no point at all it helps if I do the right command okay good afternoon everybody hi I’m making some coffee so the kettle’s Brewing so you can probably hear that right

    Now so we’re going to have some coffee have a little breakfast and then get biking I’m still in the middle of packing everything up but we have a few things to eat I sleep well yeah I slept so much I needed I needed to sleep I was so

    Tired 17 hour stream and I didn’t sleep the night before that was a rough one I’m also on day like 21 of this tour and it’s starting to catch up to me I think but hey I got to sleep in cuz we got light check out so we check out at

    2 so hopefully my phone clock is right and it’s only one I feel like that’s not enough coffee for how much water I put in it I think I need more I’m doing two satchets yeah I’m I’m tired so sleeping in was greatly appreciated cuz I woke up at

    Nine cuz it the blinds here are really good so it’s kind of bright and I was like hm I don’t have to actually wake up and I went definitely back to bed I slept all the way till 12 basically I think it was more like 11:30

    But basically 12 is when I got out of bed I’m a m but not a sub am I Actually I don’t get ads I don’t think ex I thought I was subbed you woke up at 12 are you did too I just tired I still am tired I I think I can um go back to bed again but we can’t we got to keep going right we have a coffee the

    Coffee is not going to taste that good I don’t think okay nose is runny I don’t know where we’re heading to today we have multiple checkpoints um and places that we can go we just got to figure out the right place to be I think this is dry

    I think the sleeping bag is dry so that’s good it was quite damp last night the sleeping bag but I think it feels good going to put the sleeping bag in it stuffed sack sometimes I can’t tell if it’s wet or cold it this wet or cold H hang

    On I can’t tell with this material I’m going to go put a close to the heater but not on the heater okay I got Galaxy chocolate yes this is my snack I bought from the grocery or from the gas station hot all right so it’s one I have to

    Check out at two so we don’t actually have that much time to mess around but I’m going to try to eat a little bit and then we’ll get out of here but I don’t actually have that much time h okay which ick got at two I paid for late checkout it was 10

    Lbs for late checkout but I’m like that’s worth it I need that right now but yeah we’ll see how I feel once I’m on the bike if it’s sunny I might feel good if it’s not then I might not feel too great I have to do my hair as well oh no

    Let’s go do that good do I remember getting myself a $100 donation last night I do s Bridgewater did donate $100 did I forget to edit the stream title on Twitch I think I only edited the stream title on YouTube yeah there we go it is day 21 though because I

    Streamed until day 21 last night I think yeah my mods gave me a list of places that I can go for food it just getting ready to go to sleep I just woke up 24hour hitch and sah content did I wash my hair absolutely not I was too tired for

    That does my hair need to be watched absolutely I don’t know how to update the stream elements so we’ll have to wait for a mod to do it but it’s fine because we have a clock in the corner of my stream unless it’s broken it’s fine we’re camping tonight we don’t

    Need to look pretty greas is not open today what am I going to do I don’t know how far we’re going I have like three different checkpoints that I can get to if I want there’s one only 10 km away there’s one like 40 km away and I forget where the other checkpoints

    Are so there’s a few options all right knots are out we’re just G to do easy braids today I’m not in Ireland anymore uh I came to Wales last night at like midnight I I got to Wales oh there’s something weird going in the back of my head like a chunk of my hair got ripped off I think what happened back there oh my gosh something weird happened

    What I do I have no idea what caused that huh all right we have half an hour I probably don’t have time to eat we going eat somewhere else can’t get the island man fairy from Liverpool oh is there one from Liverpool my problem was they weren’t sailing all

    The time and I had to wait a long time to be able to do it so I actually don’t know I haven’t really had a chance to stop and think about my plans or anything because I made these plans at like 12:30 in a tent and I was like

    Barely cons conscious when we made these plans we’re just trying to get me out of Ireland ASAP I need bobby pins taking the bik in for a mo a m a moderation is that what that means morning Alex how do I sleep good I wish I was still

    Asleep but it was good I was very happy about my light checkout are we dry I think so I can’t tell the sleeping bag is wet or it’s cold so I put it kind of by the heater so I’m hoping it’s just cold and it’s not

    Wet but yeah I do want to get my bike looked at I want to make sure my brakes are still good and all that jazz I brought it in after I crashed last time but you know I have a knot in the back of my head it’s probably cuz I camped and then

    Didn’t brush my hair is today the day with the most closed things or is it tomorrow today okay does not need to get it out we should be able to survive today hope we find a gas station or something open oh yeah most things goes at four that’s true Paris scissors heck

    No 100 Sarah good morning you know you’re really close to a ferry that goes to Dublin we could totally head to Ireland today and do some side questing who wants to go to Greece anyway he wants to go to Greece I need to go to

    Greece ASP get me out of here I’m so cold all the time I’m wet all the time I’m done being drenched oh my God are you now person found me hello we’re on twitch now no more you now guys I told you I used to be a

    YouTuber and I do live streams back in the day but on you now oh it’s 24 degrees in grease wow why did you come back to the UK start with cuz my bike I did just lose a chunk of hair sad um cuz my bike was here and we had to

    Rescue the bike and I couldn’t get my bike out of Plymouth so the easiest thing to do was to ride my bike from Plymouth London or Manchester so that’s how we ended up in the situation it was a good test yeah this has been some difficult touring it’s been challenging for

    Sure it’s just hard when every day you get soaked then we got to pack up 21 days has gone quick though yeah I can’t believe it’s almost been a month since I’ve been on the road again it does not feel like it it feels like it’s been maybe a

    Week cuz it feels like I was just in Plymouth I was just on breast still we got to pack up fast here here I don’t think maybe I can have time to drink my coffee I might be a little bold if I do I dodged the snow in Devon thank

    Goodness I would have hated that absolutely okay I hope today is good day we deserve a good day I think I reckon we deserve a good day okay one sip of coffee there we go all right I got to start packing we’ll eat later okay okay this didn’t even get warm

    Rude okay I hope this is dry like I literally can’t tell if it’s cold or wet but it feels better than it did yesterday so we’re going to be camping tonight I have more heat pad things so that’s exciting we bought some from Tesco yesterday they’re not the good ones

    Though there’s ones for your feet that are like stickers so you can stick them to the bottom of your socks these ones are like bags and you can’t really put them on the bottom of your socks cuz they hurt to walk on but hey they’re better than nothing okay CCH cinch you

    Up all right I’m going to go put this in the bags over here okay all right camping bag is packed [Applause] okay beautiful okay and then the other bag will be packed soon Okay is this on maybe it’s not turn on sorry that came out of nowhere okay Don’t Stop Me Now we’re having a good time we’re having a good Time okay good how much time do I have not much okay okay um put this in here as well all righty is Media CL working I think it was actually working yesterday day I think it did it by itself for the one of the last songs cuz you played What A Difference A

    Day Makes and it worked so I think media request are on I believe they are working good okay there we go let’s drink our coffee and chax for a few moments and then we’ll finish finish up everything else okay yeah my mods stayed up super late last

    Night I don’t know if that’s how normally late they stay up or not but Trevor n n Anonymous tipped $2 10 I think it has to be 3:33 for a song to play I think that’s like the the limit but I might be wrong but Brian read that out

    Loud cuz yeah Trevor n was up until I got into my hotel and I got here at 2 a.m. cuz we sent over a hitch raid the 2 a.m. raid oh that was you doing the test what song did you want Alex I think it’s 3:33 but maybe I got that

    Wrong don’t worry about Alex what song do you want I’m going play it cuz we’re just sitting here oh he’s here oh it is $2 oh oh it isn’t cute oh no I got it wrong I thought it was 333 for some reason never Mind I where why did it work one time yesterday like says it’s there well I don’t see it but someone’s playing It One Minute All is it cuz we were dancing in the moonlight last night Dancing in the Moonlight dancing okay we are pretty much ready to roll I just have to do three trips out of here so I’ll go in like a few minutes but I think I got everything packed everything’s looking good we’ll eat

    Later my sleeves are inside out yeah so I don’t know H is crazy he’s done a 14-hour stream I hit 14 hours last night and I was toast but he does it every day I don’t know how yeah he just crazy like how how does

    He do it about to be 15 hours see I did a 17 hour stream and I I was dead how maybe he’s going to the 18 hour he told me to go live so he could raid me so oh here he is339 viewers hey thanks for the raid Mr

    Hitch how are you not dead I did one 17-hour stream last night and I’m absolute toast I don’t know how you stream for like 14 hours every day he is insane let me tell you that but welcome to the 24hour hitch and Sarah broadcast hitch raided me yesterday I

    Raided him and now he raided me back now it’s our turn to return the raid I mean I did start my stream late so maybe I can stream until what time 11: 11 is quite light I think that’s normally when he goes live my time is

    11: wait but I had a time change so maybe now it’s oh wait no the time Chang in the wrong direction for this now it will be midnight I think oh oh no oh no it was 10 before when he would go live H okay anyway we’ll see when he goes

    Live if we can raid him back but welcome guys I’m Sarah if you don’t know who I am I’m HED just’s partner his tandem partner um I’m on my own cycling trip right now we’re on day 21 over here um I have cycled from Plymouth to Wales we cycled across Wales

    Into Ireland we did 3 days in Ireland then had a tap out um so took the overnight Ferry last night on stream and we’re currently back in Wales I’m going to be riding up to Liverpool and Manchester and after that we’re going to be trying to go we’re going to be trying

    To go to Greece and we’re going to bike from Greece up to Croatia so yeah that’s what we’re doing over here did that make sense I’m not sure but I wild Camp the other night and here’s my evidence my shoes have gotten kind of destroyed from the mud I got rained on

    So like some of the mud came off but my shoes after that wild camping they are looking a little rough the cleanest pair of vs you’ve ever seen how do you deal with rainwall touring does it cause problems with the bike so yeah I’ve been dealing with so

    Much rain on this trip it’s starting to get to me like I feel like if I’m riding in the rain but I know I’m going to be inside that night I can deal with it it might be cold it might not be super fun

    But I can manage cuz I know I’m going to be warm and dry at the end of the day but if I have to Camp it’s so difficult because every time I camp water gets into my tent and everything is wet sleeping pad sleeping bag everything is wet and then I can’t

    Dry it out cuz it’s raining the next day so that’s been my struggle with the rain I haven’t had any bike problems because of the Rain but I’ve just had camping problems because of the rain every time all my stuff is absolutely drenched so I’m kind of looking forward to getting out of the UK I’m not going to lie I’m looking forward to grease now cuz hopefully it’ll be a bit more

    Dry cuz I can camp in the cold I might complain but it’s manageable but camping in the wet has been a really big Challenge on this trip but we’re about to check out of my hotel and start riding I’m just getting my shoes and stuff on so don’t to worry guys we’re

    About to hit the road if you’re from the hitch raid how is hitch’s day how many kilometers did he do hes a beast and I think the other day he did like 115 kilm okay 125 I can’t keep up with this boy oh my gosh I don’t know if the time is damaged

    Like so it seems like the ground sheet like as soon as you put weight down all the water is through it but it’s like everywhere on the bottom of the tent it doesn’t matter where and then there’s water coming in somewhere on the top cuz then I get puddles kind

    Of like on the sides of the tent and I get a puddle on the bottom of the tent as well just basically water everywhere but it’s a lot lot of rain yeah maybe it’s looking through the Scams Yeah I don’t know okay so I got all my bags packed over here I just need to do three trips down down for checkouts okay oh I should also fill up my water bottles with water cuz I’m completely empty okay sorry for this ASMR one bottle I have one more to do okay

    Oops water okay we got water tonight which is exciting all right guys it’s time to check out I have to do a few trips back and forth so probably when I do this it’ll take me a few minutes so I think I’m going to put you

    Guys into privacy so you can watch some clips while I’m gone if that’s okay um but yeah if you’re from the hit trade we will be on the bike in a few minutes um but don’t forget to follow so you can find my stream at a later date

    If you want to join the journey see some of Grease okay I’ll try to do this as fast as I can is there a Wi-Fi Here no there’s not hello there’s a deer behind me hi what’s up hi oh you got an itch I can help you I made a mistake what did you get the wrong thing yeah you got a button I got a button they oh but they think it’s a treat they’re going to be

    So disappoint guys it’s a button I thought they were both treats I thought it was different kinds but it’s a button they’re going to hate you now well you guys can play with my button It’s Kind pointy no it’s in a case guys at least there’s cats around

    Me they’re all going to H you after look you can get it oh this one came back this one’s greedy you want a treat you want a treat oh I haven’t even seen you before look at that one oh I see you this one has such a squished face

    Hi I need to change the camera angle down yeah um there’s apparently mini golf and rock climbing and an arcade here out so I think we need to explore this hotel I also need to show you guys the crazy dinosaurs that they left then turn

    Left all right I think this is the left it’s talking about how long is this trip going to take um uh there is a a gate why is there a gate now turn left where does this go to what is happening it just says stop this can’t be right that’s weird all

    Righty uh I made it to the Cat Cafe we paid for 30 minutes in a drink but we can stay longer we just have to pay more I got this really funky fresh drink and I use osum to get It want Some hi baby well bye okay but let’s let’s try this drink I got it looks super funky stay longer we just have to pay more I got this really funk fresh drink and I use osum to get It you want Some hi baby well bye here zoomed in camera of the big Buddha here look at the little mops on the the plant that is quite insane and then over here we have the gold one which is crazy the detail on him wow thank you thank you that’s all I wanted I got the

    Prize ice cream it’s pretty much gone all right see Sarah gave a dollar to a cat yesterday I gave like I don’t know how many dollars to people at a wait what was it uh rocking sex show yeah we had different evenings our evenings were a little different yeah look at that cat

    That was a beautiful bow oh wow that’s kind of a sideways bow but you got it gosh yes oh the baby’s doing it too oh my goodness there you go look at the baby PE you’re got to be kidding me oh you dropped yet okay yes you can have another one here you

    Go oh my gosh you guys are so good at bowing look at the baby oh my gosh look at this one’s paw see they like the butt PS hi you’re so fluffy he eats the entire spoon Oh I thought that was a plug making that noise but it’s a a toy

    This is the one earlier where did you come from Hello chicken a long dog we are talking to k a streamer from Portugal uh she met up with us in Porto and she’s like oh you have to try all these Foods was like oh I’m vegetarian I’m like is there

    Anything that I can try She’s Like H my butt’s soggy now I got soy Bud but yeah today’s going to be our first day I was going to postpone the trip because of weather um but the forecast yesterday I said like 80% chance of rain and it only rained for like a couple hours in the evening like on and off so I think instead of

    Wasting a bunch of time we’re going to try to get started um they go by so fast like they just disappear so I learned to buy crackers from a place that’s smaller where there’s not deer like already surrounding you we learned from last time oh oh yeah I forgot they eat clothes as

    Well buy some crackers yeah we’re going to buy crackers distinctly not interested in that for that moment maybe we k all right we are checked out we should be back live right now I just remembered I need to download my map for the day McDonald’s is up the road is it

    Actually right I’m just going to quickly download my map oh here’s the map okay I’m going to download this guy so the sun’s not really out but it doesn’t feel too bad out right now okay map downloaded all right there we go so we got some way points for food

    And then we got some way points for different campsites we can go to as well tonight okay perfect okay let’s get touring if there is McDonald’s maybe we should get breakfast from there AKA lunch it’s too but I haven’t eaten really today okay let’s do this so I just put a Chapstick on

    Okay all right sunglasses actually it’s not that bright out I need glasses that aren’t like proper proper sunglasses but are like you know still protect your eyes but I can still see okay so to me it looks like I have to go down this road everything’s back open tomorrow all right let’s do

    This we’re back in Wales I had a really good Layin today I was definitely needed I’m very happy I was able to extend my um checkout cuz yeah if I had to get up at 9: I’d be a little sad I got headwind right now though so this looks like maybe it wants

    Me to go through here kind of looks like it wants me to do this have you picked way point to for the end I think So yeah I think that would be better okay so we’re turning here Joe gaming thank you so much for the sub oh I don’t have my speaker on I got to do that oh gosh yeah yeah no I didn’t oil my chain yet I’ve been meaning to do that for the

    Past like 2 days here for a second going up this was like really easy I’m like did I forget my Pioneers but I have my paneers on I’m going to try to get to the second place Trevor if it’s not raining I can do it or if the campsites

    Open oh it wants to be down to there oh look at this this is fun I think I need a little video of this look at that okay it’s time for our first Instagram video of the day guys are you guys ready well it might be too windy here oh well we’ll

    Try good morning um I’m back in Wales we got here last night off the ferry from Dublin I had a late checkout at 2:00 so it’s already two but we just got on the bike and we’re going to head to a campsite for tonight there’s a sign over there and look at our

    Path it’s starting pretty cool we’re going over this funky Bridge all right let’s get tour in first video of the day kumu doesn’t have me going over this yes it does did I download the wrong one I’m on Route huh good oh I am about to go over it sorry I

    Think I read that backwards did I miss the shops no wayo one is over here I’m just so excited to go down this little alley it’s oh it’s like right here right the co-op I don’t know if I can put my bike in the front yeah I’m just GNA park my bike

    Here I think it should be okay so I should stock up as much as I can hey I’m going to see if my other card will work in whales or not I I got a chain around Olive they got humus what do we want oh S three yeah I’ve been having I

    Don’t know if she’s she’s struggling okay oh sweet chili hommus red pepper hummus they have an iced coffee but I don’t know if I want it whole milk Yogurt oh but I don’t have a Spoon we can get some pot noodles for camping tonight we tried the yellow pack maybe I can try the green one is that the one you guys say is good it’s vegetarians should I try the green one what’s the best instant pot pot noodle one we got green or we got the yellow

    Curry there’s also a red one oh gosh they have vegan Galaxy salted caramel chol chocolate wow sorry I ran from the child guys I did run for you beef and tomato it’s vegan somehow what one should I try chicken or the beef I might just buy both what ones are good

    Okay I’m going to do one green one but should I try a red one or is it not good what are you guys wrecking there’s a sale any two for two both should I try it even though it’s the worst flavor just to say we’ve had

    It okay I’ll try the the red one even though they have the yellow one which we like I’ll do it I I wonder if they have the hot chocolate packs somewhere here a pack of hot chocol chocolate for camping would be yummy as well oh my gosh we can get little

    Hoops that’s so cute look at how little they are oh my gosh got to tr they got interesting things h I gra the spoon so I’m trying to figure out what will last they have pastries Here uh I think there’s some dog drama outside and then a guy went running out of the store I don’t really know what that was I think I need Pringles five aventures thank you you still haven’t seen me ride a bike yet I did a 17-hour stream

    Yesterday how did you miss me riding a bike Pringles okay we got to stock up on food so I got Pringles pot noodles olives hummus why are we watching you shop cuz this is a day of life of vorian and we have to stock up on food or we’re going

    To go hungry and can’t bike no more so that is why we’re gonna get a couple drinks as well I’m trying to find hot chocolate pack I don’t think I see any of those we’re going to go back here let’s get some drinks get okay so I got olives hummus crackers pot noodles

    Pringles what else do I need for survival that’s enough probably for today we might be going to some other places along the way worry it’s Sorry sorry I’m trying to figure out what how much stuff I need okay I think I’m going to go with this for now let’s go to check out I think I also am going to buy one more bag that closed okayed press for a receipt thank you for shopping The

    Coop please scan an item or touch the screen to start think I need to pay for a bag I think sometimes you can add them after Oh no I got it okay EG Okay beautiful um so disinterested let’s go for the yeah they’re cleaning the machine maybe should I go get food I’ll wait for you after yeah I’ll let her finish cleaning it and we’ll go get some treats I got my two dollies today can’t found Trevor he’s surrounded by cats oh

    Guys are you kidding me my bike is so heavy oh that’s brutal look how steep that Is that’s Annoying put this like this we’ll go find somewhere to eat hopefully I got some good snacks now okay I’ll go there how much did I pay I think it was 1330 my One cart has stopped working and I have no idea why but I keep forgetting to look into it once the stream’s

    Done but it’s kind of freaking me out okay let’s get on the road again new room and nav skipping point one oh you just put it in nav okay sorry guys we’re downloading a new map okay um kod we only almost did 1 kilometer okay new new route let’s download it um download

    Open open file B touring continue okay navigation all right got him okay so there we go okay guys new map we’re going to go find somewhere to have a little snack before we get on the road all right let’s do this I think we are going down that path still though and

    Eventually I will also oil my chain I’m not sure what what if that’s what that’s in correlation to but we’re just going to walk past it Sorry to me it sounded like someone’s dog was chasing another dog cuz I thought I heard a guy yelling lay down or something call my SE ride before earing your chain I think we’re almost at 700 I’m not good boiling of my chain don’t do what Sarah does exactly

    S’s not an example of a good bike owner yes oh look at this wow okay this is kind of a fun Bridge we’re doing like a little loopy loop on it wow look at this bridge oh my God this is like this is a good Bridge crossbow redeem give me a pro tip

    Oil you’re train more than Sarah does 100% wow this is so interesting B12 missed again I took I I took my vitamin this morning can you sit on these or no they’re like not flat I don’t think you’re supposed to sit on them are we going through the train

    Station the water looks blue I think there’s a film on the glass that makes it look blue um um it looks like I need to get through here there’s stairs but maybe I can go down this side like this they seting inside the terminal thing

    I don’t know if I’m allowed to bring my bike in there we’re just looking for a chair there’s chairs in there it opens let’s just go sit over here maybe is this this where I was last night or is it somewhere else this is where I was I’m getting

    Some Deja Vu I trying to get back on the ferry last night we’re just going to chill here for a sec so I can eat a snack really quick okay perfect we’re going to fuel up a little I might have to book my campsite maybe while I’m sitting here

    How close and personal is this camera you know it’s a little close and personal but we’re fine I got a Red Bull wish me luck nice okay so for right now now I bought some Philadelphia cheese things I really want to eat my olives but I have to eat a lot of Olives

    Because they don’t come with resealable packets I don’t know if I can commit to this much olives at the moment olives are a great cycling snack cuz they’re like salty there’s some cheese it’s great but I don’t think I could commit to eating that many oh there’s not that many snacks in here

    All right the snack is not not hidden the spot I thought it looked kind of like bread sticks but no they’re a bit boring I had a good sleep I I went to bed around 3: and um I stayed asleep until 99 in the morning

    And then I was like I don’t have to check out right now so I went back to bed until like 11:30 crunchy just like you yeah but yeah I was so tired last night it was hard the shower felt really good though I would not buy this again very crunchy

    Should I oil my chain here is it a little fat it does say light and tasty how did I feel in fair oh the last fair was on did not feel bad it was a much smoother sailing compared to the other one that I was on so I had a much better

    Experience okay we’re going to eat a saale pastry when did I buy these Sarah literally stopped for food and get didn’t get any food I I got stuff for tonight I got two pot noodles I got chips I got my olives I got helmets and crackers I find a lot of packaging in

    The UK you can’t reeal it properly like it doesn’t come with a lid like my olives just have a piece of plastic I’m like how am I supposed to reseal these olives keep up the good work can’t wait for grease thank you so much I feel like I’ve been working hard even

    Though I haven’t done many kilometers compared to other people I feel like I feel like I’ve been going through it on this trip and I’ve been trying to keep going okay just the end of this one is dry if you have empty bottles you can use it for olives I good E you guys know what I meant though well it’s kind of hard for me to go west at the moment but you know okay those snacks are done yummy I really want those olives where in the UK are you we’re currently in Wales we just got off the ferry from Dublin to

    Hollyhead last night a scary reception at the campsite closes at 5: what Alex do you know where I’m sleeping I don’t even know where I’m sleeping wait don’t look at my phone is this in Canadian dollars or is this in what what currency is this in is it the 31st it is

    Okay I hate how you have to put in so much info for camping like why do they need to know my address why do they need my phone number why do they need my tent Dimensions I forget how big my tent is I had to do this last time

    How many meters is my tent cuz it it’s required uh Big Egg Nest tent big Aus bike packing two person tent D men CH I think this is the one person but it’s fine specs it’s 224 224 CM 224 wait why is this in meters it’s centimet I don’t have meters like five how many how much is 224 cm in meters do I divide by zero I’m Canadian we don’t do this so 0.24 and then the width is um 132 so it’s

    1 2.4 oh divide by sorry I mean no math so it’s 0.1 I don’t no why is it in meters I’m going to say my estimate time of arrival is going to be seven so that’s 1900 isn’t it there’s you have to pay for the shower reception is UNM after hi please

    Inform Park while you’re at stay okay I honestly don’t know if I put the tent size incorrect but it’s fine they’ll be like it’s a tent she’s she’s probably can fit okay I have to go pay one of my cards doesn’t work anymore thanks for booking okay we booked it

    We got a campsite tonight my guys Trevor Sarah 3 is on so I don’t know why it’s not showing up on the Bell box okay let’s go bike I’m just going to finish my Red Bull and then we’ll get out of here maybe oil a chain if there’s a washroom in this area

    This will be a good place to oil my chain cuz then I can wash my hands after my chain is dirty but I don’t have a way to like clean the chain beforehand or wait do I have an Old Sock it gets much nicer outside of Holly

    Head and joy North Wales thank you I guess yeah I’m in North Wales now we avoided climbing up here all right almost done I don’t really know how to get out of here I think I’m going through the train station to get out I think that’s what’s happening I can’t really

    Tell oh I did have a sock of hole but those socks are like $20 a pair cuz they’re Marino wool I don’t know if I could do that to a Marino wool sock it’s going to hurt okay so we don’t have an electric hookup tonight so some o if I’m camping I’ll

    Definitely have to charge batteries somewhere actually if I’m going to way on my chain I won’t put these on no power okay we just need to throw this out and then we’ll try to figure out how to get out of here I think there are toilets here so I can wash my

    Hands and some plastic all right Mission oil chain cuz honestly I don’t know how I’m supposed to get out of here does it want me to go like out here I think it does okay let’s oil the chain I think this is the same way we left yesterday honestly okay where is my

    Oil I think it’s in this paner o this Cable’s probably destroyed it’s like really kinked you never know though could be fine oh my gosh happy I also have an Unbrella should I do this wearing my new clothes or should we not be wearing light colored clothes for oiling this chain we’re having such a good time we’re having B stop Me okay there’s an oily sock in there I have gloves maybe I should put on a glove we got to take the Instagram video you guys are so crooked your heads are like this hi it is time to oil my chain it’s so crunchy I’ve

    Done like 700 km and I haven’t oiled it yet so it’s time it’s quite dirty as well but we got my oil here and I’m going to try my best to make it less crunchy oh yes we have a kickstand welcome to the kickstand this is my oily

    Sock oh my God I thought the bike was about to smack me oops I just I just Sarah Sarah I was trying to get a little bit of the dirt off my bike but now I got it stuck these are my hair dying gloves from when I colored my hair in a hotel

    Room okay what did I do though hello what did I do why did it get stuck is it the kickstand oh it’s the kickstand you guys are right I thought I messed up the chainel already I’m like what is happening so I have to lean the bike okay never mind kickstand is not

    Coming in clut right now come over here bike we’re just taking up the entire sidewalk it’s chill okay let me try this again girl does bike touring doesn’t know anything about bikes it’s good honestly I don’t know how long it would have taken me to figure that

    Out it would have taken me a while this chain is really filthy though I’m just going to try to clean it up just a little bit before where I will the mud really got into this guy okay it’s looking better no I just wanted to get some of

    The extra mud off the chain cuz it’s it’s been through a little bit okay I also probably don’t do this the correct way but I’m doing a little dab on each on each link because it needs a drink and then today my Chain’s going to fall

    Off and I’m going to be sad and we’ll have to put it back on is that not the right way I don’t know I think some people do it fast they just go but I do this really slow have I done the full rotation yet don’t know I think I have

    Maybe yeah okay I think we’ve done one full rotation but I think I also have to do it on this part of the chain like the under part for telephone ped oil your chain or your chain will be crunchy no that’s a pro tip isn’t it fun

    Fact fun fact this oil is green but it’s in a purple bottle I’m not sure why okay I think it’s oiled should I like wipe it once or should I just not do that I don’t know I don’t know what it needs leave it all

    Right we have an oil chain and my hands don’t even get that oily can I reuse these yes I can I’m going to try to at least Tan One by hope there’s a big cette one by 11 it’s a B of a struggle sometimes I do really want to upgrade my

    Bike or upgrade the cassette I need upgrades cuz some of my hill climbs are are very very very challenging let me tell you yeah sorry I have a song stuck in my head what is that song Don’t Stop Me Now I’m having a good time I having a ball okay chain has been

    Oiled it’s Queen but what’s the song called is it just called Don’t Stop Me Now oh my my gosh sometimes I just think about my fairy ride last night and how crazy those people were there’s really really drunk people like in a huge group on the ferry last night and like R’s like they told us we could start boarding a guy was on a chair and he

    Fell over backwards and he was on the floor and I was like what is going on um and then we got on a bus all together and it was really crowded and the FL guy that was on the floor was beside me and uh he growled in my ear and then him him

    And his friend laughed they thought it was funny um and then I kept seeing him he’s crazy they all had hats but the one guy I’m like sir you were just on the floor oh we left huh wonder if I pulled a cable somehow oh let’s see if this media request will

    Work crash organism tipped $5 Queen Don’t Stop Me Now all right let’s see play why did it go from working so smooth to not it’s making me really Sad but now I see the dancing on the Moonlight it just seems like things are delayed huh play oil the media share I think I do need to oil it has mod approval been enabled I don’t know maybe let me try this Command right now and see

    Oh you had a $15 Dono with a song oh gosh did we not end up playing it I don’t know like L Trevor’s been playing the songs for me but I think he’s busy today so let me play Don’t Stop Me Down by Queen just on Spotify so you get your song and

    Then later I’m going to try to re do my media share stuff Ohing so you will be around Todaying around this is the song that’s in my Head where am I supposed to be Going I’m having good am I going down I’m not going Fair where am I supposed to be going down This out a Little do I go down there or up here It’s Master too Trev I just got a master Three I couldn’t afford to take a day off it was going to cost $500 if I wanted to take a day off so we’re taking the day off Later speed I’m not really tring speed of light right Now such a good Time he appreciated me Waiting they s and grease when it’s hotter and cheaper yeah hello Thor e $5.50 let’s do this was that a song don’t know as well if Trevor’s lurking he can probably play the song don’t know for me but I don’t want to make him feel like he has to be Here also clean oh it you want to ride your bicycle I want to ride my Well I think Trevor’s playing around with it the music is changing fish tipped $960 should have tipped for this while we were in Ireland all right we got two song donos Hello students what is this school has begun the summer is over what I am in command this is not Queen is

    It guys what’s happening for that each and every one of you will spend 3 hours in detention today immediately after school in the basement what is happening what do you think you doing Mr oh it’s a music video what kind of a man desecrates a defenseless

    Textbook I’ve got a good mind to slap your fat face holy a headwind today you are destroying your life with that that that garbage all right Mr sister I want you to tell me no better yet stand up and tell the class what do you want to do you guys know what this

    Is I want to okay I is this um what’s it called is this the Uh is this the D black movie or is this like something completely different is this school rock Doesn’t that s like we got a Rock what is this I Way’s only I you I want Ro was the sister that was a weird weird Intro is there so many speed bumps on this Road we didn’t miss a song request though Right okay when I feel the there’s I holy you Headwinds how CH oo sounds happy is this Irish song [Applause] now all right here we Go oh they are going down this path hey all right let’s do This [Applause] [Applause] You I might have to take a video here The mus made Just like a with the of his best friend Final follow [Applause] isim [Applause] too 360 C should we to It just on your left thank you I a puppy He’s so happy oh my gosh H just on your left oh no it’s flooded up Here Do something break on my bike what was that Sound I think it was just the mud in my Tires I think it’s just a mud in my tires I don’t think I dropped anything look at my [Applause] tires check the kickstand yeah I think it’s just the mud that’s stuck on my tires yeah I think it’s just the mud and the fenders I just taking a little video all right tour is going good so far actually I’ve only done like 1 kilometer maybe but it’s very pretty

    We’re kind of by the water we’ve done some hill climbs already my tires are in a state cuz I rode through some mud I don’t know what’s happening over there but yeah let’s keep Going okay I think I need to take off a layer that was the 360 cam want to stick the 360 cams you normally need to have like high because I think that’s how they work better if they’re held up high so if there’s a camera like really high up

    In the air I normally think it’s a 360 cam sorry I’m trying to take off my coat but the bike doesn’t want to stay up okay there we go warm already what’s an issue yeah 360 not safe for streaming yeah you never know what’s happening around you thank you for the song request

    Guys um hopefully I can get my media share just working without the mods having to do anything it was working so good for a few days and then it stopped if you guys are saying like I can’t bike on this road it’s a cycle route cycle Route 8 I can see the

    Sign I don’t know what people are saying I’ll get in trouble for but this is a cycle route oh the music I think you guys think the music’s louder than it is the speaker is beside the mic cuz like the mic I don’t know if you can see this this is the situation

    Yeah it’s a JBL clip I really like it the battery life is pretty good as well there’s another Puppy okay here go puy if this is anything like Mikey’s Bluetooth speaker setup it only sounds like cuz it’s pretty Clos to the mic yeah like they’re this far apart the speaker and the mic but normally I’m riding on roads of cars and cars are allowed to play music so I

    Think I’m allowed to play music where your music did did we not play your song If we set up a hillo the more people take our house the more H we can find oh my Lord nope uh Trevor can we see if the weave’s song is there bike works better after the oil

    Yeah a hillon that sounds like my mer night Mir hitch camped in this Forest oh really okay so hitch hitch like through here don’t touch the AF what where in this Forest can he get in it’s easier to get in places oh yeah I see there’s a path in

    There yep it’s easier to get into places without the bike but I think I see some trails in the forest nice Forest oh this song’s Back oh no this is a different one wait no it’s not wait we have this one already stop Me Pleaseing all around the world this is the best outdoor channel on Twitch thank you so Much I appreciate it thank you me a call good time I’ve been to 17 Countries rocket ship on my way to England through the sky 200° call me Mr I’m I could C back there I always the chain it’s happy Now oh that’s some good headwind music definitely changes the mood was that the right song request oh shees okay it’s windy oh Mitch filled up my tires like the day we left on tour so I don’t know how often tires May to be refilled Wendy when is like climbing the hill sometimes

    Yeah and then you don’t get the Downhill this is Holy Head Island so did hge the fairy from hollyood and not rosair I I cycled all the way around Taiwan like four months ago it’s windy he yeah okay we’re working hard you pump your ties about once a week oh wow I do it like once a tour

    Shouldn’t Sarah avoid Holly head because of the hills and she is here now we had no choice but to take this fairy tipped $5 crash thank you for the $5 donation I’m guessing there might be a song attached of this we’ll get a plane shortly we’re just really making my mods

    Work oh did we just get a s on YouTube here we Go okay let’s go Oh no on the street give my time to my chances with the distance now I’m back on my feet man and his will to survive so many times it happens too fast you trade your passion for glor don’t lose your grip on the dreams of the past you must just to keep

    Alive I am the I to the chall of the last Of is O tiger here shout out to you they me I like Little I the orinal whole album of this it for my birthday as a kid I don’t know when this came out how old is swagy ring up straight to the Top Glory all right thank you for the song appreciate it I definitely like writing to music it just brightens the mood so much cuz yeah if I wasn’t streaming there would be music 100% of the time it smells really bad over here like gas oh why does it smell like this it

    Smells like fuel I missed my turn I think but I think this is the road why did I oh weird Okay I I don’t know why I had to go around like That Alex TI $5 push it Alex tipped $5 push it he let’s I try to come back there’s the police at the gas station well the car is pass me with 1.5 M now push the tempo push the tempo push the tempo push the tempo push the tempo push

    The all right this is a good Viking Song Now I can bite thought I got red light dang it I was ready to go Temp temp temp Temp my mission is to make any song about bikes only bik sh without Sofer red lights be responsible Kids nice yellow car thank you we’re heading for Wales yeah we’re back in uh Wales so now the drivers are good again for some reason the drivers in uh Ireland were just absolutely insane none of them would move over like they could have waited like 2

    Seconds for the other car to come so they can move over but they didn’t they just got another $6 donation from DMS high energy Tunes let’s go all right let’s Go thank you Ms for Runing my music Oh no I read that Likein all right we’re going straight through this Roundabout I’m so sweet I’m so fine so nice Side that’s a little bit of a climb but we got it Mike thanks for joining us for a little While oh this is another roundabout wow so okay sorry I’m just like thinking to myself I’m kind of happy I moved to Edon like in Victoria Trevor and I didn’t have any like friends or family in Victoria so like if we were home for a holiday we would just be like by

    Ourselves but since I moved to emiten I don’t know if this is the right way um my auntie actually invited us over for Easter like dinner and I was like oh we actually wouldn’t be alone for holidays that’s nice cuz now I’m close to my family of course I’m not there for the

    Holiday but you know it was really nice that she invited us um am I going up the mountain Mountain are on the road Oh shoot what am I doing up the mountain are on the road up the mountain on the road I don’t know we go the same way this one’s for you

    Chat got it okay this a sidewalk closed I think I’m supposed to be on the road I thought this was a bike PA so I stayed up but it looks like I have to go on the road anyway now while we trigger the red light I hope we do I don’t

    Know we’re not a car uh uh oh it did change okay we triggered it these people working today on the construction we’re not a car we a bus we’re a bus yeah I’m surprised they’re working today there’s three of them there oh no we tiger lost their wallet oh boy

    Check all all your trousers all your jackets bet I’ve been there I lose things all the time could be a job that’s on rush it looked like pipes under the ground or something sit in the fridge I really need to do laundry soon my clothes are so muddy and dirty and

    Gross you guys are happy you’re not seeing me in person I’m a little muddy sound like excuse for a hotel no I got a campsite I’m paying for the campsite too so we’re not wild camping but there there’s no power and you have to pay for the showers which I find so

    Stupid cuz the showers is probably on a timer you put money in and then you don’t get that much time and then you have no more change so you’re like half showered did o oh no that’s OG I thought that was O I’m like you found yourp tape more music it’s

    OG I was excited for the wallet being found cuz thatd be panicking I still got six days until my next shower Oh What is this song I don’t know this yeah just shower in the Rain oh we can actually see the song quested Nice I’m learning about my Stream always Embark at people Again thanks they clapped for us we got a little cheer On I think it’s because the music I think if there’s no music there wouldn’t be Clapping I can get I get I I see I got to pedal to the beat Now here yeah we’re back in Wales where it’s Kelly C this On can we change for Price what is my Price on come on come on $5 for 200 for 20 M it’s windy it’s all good for every $10 tip should be a 1% grade 100 for stairs oh God why do you guys want to torture me 400 we go up 10% for 400 m do you know hitch is a BJ you are2 a broadcast journalist yeah I heard someone asked

    Trevor if he’s a BJ in Korea right is it broadcast journalist am I going up this hill Oh BR has jockey okay this is not hell then why am I going this slow Al up up say a song Thank you Alex I like the S up we Go you want to feel how feel you want to know that it doesn’t hurt me you want to hear about the deal okay are you sure that was not a hill why am I this high Up all places be running up that road be running up that hill be running up that Building I don’t know this s will protect me from Monsters why is this so downhill I’m suspicious still Shap there is thunder in our heart so for the on love tell me we both M don’t we it’s you and me you won’t feel uny I make a deal with God and again to swes what just happened what I couldn’t hear what just happened who did what my screen is filled with Subs are got to hear Brian what just happened 20 get to subs from Who ad HD q n qn thank you so much for the 20 gifted Subs oh my gosh I appreciate it uh sub goal complete thank you so much and hdq andq is gifting 20 tier one Subs to Sarah Bridgewaters Community have very briti Subs in the channel wow

    I feel like Brian’s voice changed you sounded very proper there and you’re a first time chatter oh my gosh thank you welcome to the stream I don’t know if you’ve been watching for a while but it says first time chat from viewer thank you wait they not even sub

    Themselves hdq Q they have given n gift Subs in the channel thank you for giing a sub to our 20 gifted subur 100 thank you CLA for the 100 bits we’re at level five hype train right now so much hype thank you for this one gifted

    Subs I see your first time chatter so welcome to the stream welcome to the Chat Alex subhype 20 sub hype thank you Alex for the bits thank you level five hype train almost level six wow guys thank you so much I appreciate it all is this a fire what is this I know they’re not fire trucks they’re just red and white trucks I think they’re garbage

    Trucks not fire trucks just gifted 10 Subs to the community oh my gosh you just GI a 10 Subs I didn’t hear the name again oh my gosh 10 more subs we’re at level seven hype train all right who did that one we need to shout them out get them some

    Eggs was it was it the same person I just missed my turn cuz we’re too hype alicat 54 cheer de 500 oh my gosh wait who gifted the 10 it was the same person oh my gosh thank you so much oore Gore tipped $8 one more this urns dedicated to everyone in

    Chat oh my gosh I can’t keep up Darth credible hul Che de1 oh hype Train Happy egist everyone I thank you for the 500 bits let me catch up I miss some things we’re level seven hype train right now holy okay we got Darth with the 100 101

    Bits hype Train Happy eggfest everyone OE or OG tipped $8 for song alexel prex 100 wow Sarah did you see this awesome hype train we got going on Wow Wow anyway good luck on these Hills thank you Alex wow thank you for the 100

    Bit Alex I like hat for the 500 and then yeah ADHD qn qn thank you for the 10 gifted subs and the 20 gifted Subs holy moly all right that was a bit crazy wow thank you so much guys you made me do a U-turn was that the

    Mission all right uh I think we might have a song requested I don’t know if we should play it now look up to someone pedling long road why not help them out a little thank you so much One Max 3 a subscription one Mitchy gifted a tier one sub to Maxi max3 this is their first gift sub in the channel thank you hang on there’s really cute sheep hi babies And another gift of some from Mitchie q q is X exc’s cat hi one sec all right we’re going down the road and look at these sheep they’re the most cute thing I’ve ever seen Look at these lambs and just gifted 10 Subs to the community oh my gosh they’re so cute this one was staring at us pretty hard oh my gosh look at them silver Molly just gifted five Subs to the community thank you guys holy I might have ruined that song

    Request we I might have to redo it sorry silver Molly with the five gifted subs or level eight hyp train holy five gifted subs from silly Molly um we also have 10 gifted subs from qan kin thank you so much 40 gifted Subs to the channel holy

    Heck wow but these Lambs are so cute what look at that little one oh my gosh oh why are you guys so cute Alex old prate sh X1 100 throwing in some bits to reach level 9 back train we are almost at level 9 thank you thank you guys we’re 98% level eight

    We’re here celebrating with the Sheep sorry I don’t know I I think I accidentally ruined that song request when I started filming the video I don’t know if we can get it to replay thank you guys holy heck we are super hype in Whales and just gifted one Subs to the community thank you for the gifted sub again look at all these sheep okay bye sheep thank you thank you chat let’s do this level 9 hyp train is I you I don’t know I don’t know what the highest hype train I’ve ever had

    Is this could be it this feeling down on your T midnight don’t be sending up the cor smoking cigarettes heartbe 100 wow wow wow wow thank you V man for the bit Alex just gifted five subs thank you Alex for the five gifted Subs you guys are going absolutely wild thank you Ang one me sub One a as thank you so much guys spread outy I’ve had like the most love on this it’s insane J offive fighting for justice oh is that my mom passive that’s his Trevor 99999999 just gifted five theity TR gifted five sucks mod H,4 500 thank you for the 500 bits oh my gosh we’re almost at level 10 holy you guys are going and I think Alex just gied as well and Alex was the 100 bits as well Alex gets 100 thank you we’re at level 10 Alex holy no coffee with a

    Cofo oh thank you so much holy it’s me Delano just cheered 100 bits as well oh my gosh guys we’re at level 10 this is crazy thank you guys for so much support on this trip this trip has been absolutely wild so thank you everyone for watching and joining us on this trip

    Thank you guys it definitely helps us stay on the road and keep going and me Delo just gifted some subs as Wellig from give to two subs I believe and thank you for the bits as well so I could really hear the donos coming through with the song I thought the donos would be louder the song had the most volume thank you guys I hope I didn’t miss thaning

    Anybody level 10 hype train that’s crazy thank you were you sing that songs from your childhood the one that was just playing and just gifted Subs to the community oh God was that 30 gifted Subs oh Mylanta oh 20 holy should I call you heartbeat should

    I call you K Ken oh my gosh thank you Norwegian hering gifted by subscription a one face in the holy moly holy moly guacamole guys thank you so much the sub goal has gone wild today if you’re a gifted sub Welcome to The Bike Tour everybody enjoy s thank you thank you so

    Much Alex old PR just gifted two subs to the community thank you Alex for the two gifted Subs 89 out of 20 holy crap thank you guys oh can you see that little speed sign that’s say snail it says 20 that’s the cutest speed sign ever hi you f e welcome to the

    Stream oh my gosh just gifted 20 Subs to the community what q and Q heartbeat thank you for those 20 gifted Subs aliat 54 just gifted one Subs to the community and Aly cat with the gifted sub oh my gosh guys wait we’re at level 12

    What Mikey Zer be tipped $20 for some food later Mikey thank you for the $20 for some food later I appreciate it thank you guys okay I don’t think I’ve ever been to level 10 or 12 hype train oh my gosh kod 116 just subscribed K with the sub as well thank

    You wow this is insane who knew the stream would be so hyped today I started my stream late today normally I start in the morning but I started at 1 gigaflux 92 just subscribed thank you gig oh gig Giga thank you for the sub all new hype train alltime high was reached

    At level 11 we got the new record thank you guys Jeezy just subscribed Jeezy thank you so much for the sub I thought your name was chezy that’s what I heard but ezy or Jeezy thank you so much guys holding the whales again but if anyone’s new and watching

    This stream make sure to follow so you can continue watching the tour and find me just gifted 5050 sub to the community find me at a later date uh we just got a bunch of more gifted Subs I think it was 20 was it from q and Q oh my gosh holy

    Moly that was 50 wait what did I miss it was 50 gift subs from them 50 oh my gosh sheep we just got 50 gifted Subs the Sheep are hype oh my God level 14 wow oh my gosh can’t you if you are new to the

    Stream thank you so much welcome to the community we got a pretty good community over here thank you for the 50 bits as well look at all the wool stuck in the has a b this is Insane oh my gosh G it one month add hdq NQ n gifted Rippling streamer subscription hdq NQ and gifted a tier one sub to ripling stream they have given 132 gift Subs in the channel they’ve given 132 Subs to the channel absolutely insane holy wow welcome in everybody if you’re

    New that this is insane absolutely insane thank you so much guys it really really helps out the stream to stay on the road for longer they’ll help out with the flight to Greece as well but yeah this trip has been crazy um my shame has actually grown quite a

    Bit like on this trip it’s only been 21 days but we’ve actually gotten a lot of new followers on this trip already and we’ve had an insane amount of support so it’s really exciting amazing what are you doing all right so if you guys are new to the

    Stream I live stream what it’s like to do cycle touring through different countries so that’s mainly what I stream here on Twitch is longdistance cycle touring I’ve cycled through Portugal Spain Belgium the south coast of England um I around Island and Australia I don’t know if I lost connection when I said that

    But on a bunch of toys for x 200 Claire thank you for the 200 bits as well okay there’s all my tours we’ve done solo I did take a break in the winter I went to Asia so I did some like walking City streams in Japan and South Korea without the bicycle

    But yeah thanks for joining me along on the journey we’re about to head over to Greece and we’re going to bike up to Croatia so we’ll be heading like six countries from GRE Greece up to Croatia this is going to be like a 4mon tour I did I cycled all the way around

    Taiwan yeah is that not on the list all right so we did a level 14 hype train that’s my biggest one ever but yeah so when I travel on the bike I have some camping gear with me so we try to Camp when we can other times we’re in a hotel

    Tell how many times have I camped on this trip maybe five it’s been kind of hard to camp in in this weather but yeah we’re going to be camping tonight Quest Dublin we just came from Dublin last night I’m just going to pull over here one Mitchy gifted Talam a

    Subscription one Mitchy gifted a tier one sub to Talam they have given four gift Subs in the ch Channel thank you thank you so much so should we visit Snowden SL draa I don’t know what that exactly means is it a mountain is a small Mountain oh oh oh no um no we

    Should not go there it’s a tiny Hill no no no Sor I’m just blowing my nose we’ve done 14.7 km we got a little whils to go still not going to lie my neck is kind of hurting so I’m trying to do up some straps on my backpack to see if it will

    Help or not my neck is kind of of sore so I’m just doing up some backpack straps hopefully it will help okay let’s try this again okay you not hurts from carrying all the new Subs maybe maybe that is it all right are you guys

    Ready yeah okay let’s go we’re at a bus stop right now because we are about bus we have enough passengers to qualify as a bus I think we come enough to qualify as a train how many people do we have on board right now

    I guess we are a train right now we we were pretty hype that’s true 1.2 do you need me to call the campsite I booked the campsite but I probably doing a light checkin cuz they close at 5: so if you don’t mind Trevor um I’m going appreciate it a

    Ton oh and we got a ra as well from RW Rob RS Rob raided my stream with 36 viewers welcome in Raiders welcome to Wales we’re currently back in Wales trying to get back into England I got into whales last night we took the ferry from Dublin the overnight Ferry

    We’re on the wrong side of the road that car kind of made me look like I was on the wrong side of the road cuz he went all the way over he was also flying I don’t know what the speed limit is but holy he was going

    Fast but yeah we should have got more Daylight cuz we had a time change last night speed limit Zoom jumping okay jumping not okay we’re surrounded by sheep T ezy just tipped $20 TJ heey tipped $20 just a small bit to support your trip content like this is fabulous stuff thank you

    Thank you for the $20 donation definitely helps out thank you I’m glad you enjoy this kind of content yeah I think my sleeping bag is dry I couldn’t tell if it was wet or still damp this morning but I think it’s dry yeah we’re climbing right

    Now s if all this traveling H Pockets St your bike do you mean like on the flights on the flights I go to a bike shop High lambs and um we get a box and we put it on the plane as a checked bag and then with all my paneers

    I get a big cardboard box and put all the gear in that so that’s how we travel with the bike two check bags one is the bike one is the box with all the paers okay yeah when I F in the Box I take off like the handlebars and I think you’re supposed

    To take off the pedals as well and maybe the front tire I haven’t done it in a little while hope you get to stream of EX BC someday oh my gosh I was in South Korea but when I went to South Korea they went to Japan like we swapped

    And then by the time I was out of Busan and they came back we like completely missed each other the timing was like completely opposite sorry strong thank you Matthew oh he’s in oh there she’s in um Taiwan they will be around just call them when you’re close by or by the

    Front gate okay thank you Trevor wait where was I on Halloween I was I went to like Universal and they had like really fun Halloween stuff but I think that was actually before Halloween okay it was really windy there for a sec up we go up we go up we

    Go gates and doors shall need help I have a problem with gates and doors all right what a start you know remember Australia that was a crazy start to tour I think the first day of tour just brings chaotic energy so my chat disconnected so I might pull

    Over here and see if I can get chat back so let’s just stop real quick my neck is really hurting today okay I’m back I don’t know if the stream ever went down my neck is um hurting I might take a painkiller if I’m being honest CU I’m kind of in

    Pain and we still have quite a few kilometers to do go okay I don’t know if it’s muscular I’m not sure what’s going on but it’s quite sore okay this might be the wrong pan here no this is right from the hotel bed maybe no it started to hurt last uh yesterday

    When I was biking but it wasn’t that bad but it’s kind of hurting right now jabing at the speed do you normally say a chiropractor I’ve never been to one I’ve never oh wait no I was going to say I’ve never had um a massage but Trevor’s mom got hitch and I

    A couple’s massage for Christmas so I’ve gone for one massage in my life and I was like so scared cuz H guys I hate like people touching me um and I was like oh my gosh a massage that sounds like that sounds like horrible um but Trevor and I got to be

    In the same room and Trevor’s like I’ll I’ll ask them what they’re going to do so you kind of know what’s going to happen and maybe you’ll feel better I’m like okay so it ended up being fine but I was probably really tense for my massage cuz I was nervous oh no oh

    No oh no oh no um I think we need to go into followers only mode so if you guys aren’t following here’s a good chance to follow so you can still chat when we have to go into follow mode that’s a weird message what was that that what what are all these Bots

    Discord GG what this weird Bots interesting pretending The Raid oh that was a pretend raid they did such a bad job at pretending sorry my neck okay I took some painkillers hopefully those will kick in put some lip balm on cuz my lips have been getting dry with all this

    Wind hey we got another gifted sub add hdq nqn gifted Siberian a subscription add hdq nqn gifted did a tier one sub to Siberian thank you they have given 133 gift Subs in the channel a casual 133 gifted Subs in one day Insane q and Q do you even know what I look like have you only seen my hands I did not feel the benefit of that massage I kind of just yeah it was fine it was kind of like a cute Coupes thing cuz we got to go into like

    The pool and uh hot tub area before then we soaked in a copper tub and then we got massages so it was like a whole little package deal but yeah like it wasn’t like um let’s fix your back massage it was just like a full body kind of Thing Greg g a tip $6.90 need to change a few words to R because you’re a manic eror very thank you for the 690 need to change a few words to riding because you’re a manicure is this a s bump bump bum bump bum bump was there a song request with the

    Donation just another manic Monday so it’s almost 5 but we should have a few more hours of daylight we should have so I think so the sun used to set at 6:30 so it should set at 7:30 tonight that’s going to be a lot nicer we’re no longer in slow mode or

    Followers only all right Maniac 7:45 tonight Sunset oo that’s good we got time yeah hopefully I’ll I’ll get a day off eventually and my neck will heal I think it’s cuz my shoulders are kind of shoked up when I’m climbing or something Max de Story Time with

    Sarah this would be my first large redeem ever H what kind of story do you want Max is there like a topic a certain kind of story you want then I can maybe think of one it’s really hard to just pull stories out of

    Like thin air I used to do it but after doing a few stories I’m like okay I need like a inspiration maybe something from Asia since I wasn’t able to join you o an Asia Story I’m going to have to think okay I don’t know if this is a very good story but something that we did in Asia which was like my favorite day well I had a few favorite days but in Japan there’s a place called Cat Island Waterford wizard gifted anorg

    Subscription Waterford wizard gifted a tier one sub to anore G they have given 38 gift Subs in the channel so yeah in Japan there’s a place called Cat Island where there’s just a bunch of stray cats but they’re all kind of like taken care of by the community on the

    Island and stuff but you can take the cat train then keep take the cat faery and go visit the island so we did that I got the ferry but the ferry I got it a little bit late cuz of course I got lost so like we got Cat

    Island and there were so many cats it was amazing I’d like Walk Two Steps find another cat and have to stop it was like the best time ever and like most of the cats were really friendly like they come up to you and get some pets cuz of course people give the treats

    Um yeah so I like Walk Two Steps stop pet a cat walk two steps stop pet a cat but I went back to where to where where the fery was cuz it was almost time for me to leave and there’s one really cute cat that came running over and I was kind of

    Like hunched over on the ground with a stream and he came and he sat in my lap so I got a lap cat and I was so so happy and he was just like purring he he was so happy to be in my lap I was having a great time

    And then around on the pier where the ferry was there was some fishermen and like a few cats walked by with entire fishes and they’re like walking so proud carrying their fish it was really really amazing the cats were thriving they’re so cute I didn’t I

    Should have spent 2 days there but I had to get the fairy back home sorry that was hard to tell the story about climbing the hill but I tried the LA Cat didn’t want me to leave it’s always hard to leave once you got a la

    Cat yeah I think we might have missed a s Dono but I wasn’t sure did I visit perol in Australia no I did not I stayed on the East Coast but yeah I think maybe we need to add some clips from the Asia trip I think we should have a few more

    Clips to be able to add a P was so good there’s so many good moments from that trip we also went to like a monkey place where like they’re not in cages there’s just monkeys everywhere and we got to go hang out with the monkeys we went to Nara Deer Park again oh

    Japan Japan is good it’s just sucked with the time zone cuz I feel like most people didn’t get to watch yeah when I did juu Island on our last day there’s like a little maze thing that you could go to like kind of like an activity Park

    But there’s also a bunch of cats there felt like a mini Cat Island and I also got a lap cat on there in that area that cat got really mad when I tried to stand up he did not want me to go I just drove over some

    Glass but yeah I did get stuck in the Maze a little bit The Maze had like a if you’re good at the mace it would only take you this amount of time if you’re like okay at Maes this amount of time if you’re bad like 2 hours and we like went over the

    If you’re bad at mesa’s time frame I was pretty stuck in there I ended up having to follow people oh my God the sprinkler cat how do I even explain that oh gosh okay let me try to explain sprinkler cat so at the maze there’s a little

    Fountain and you could press the button to turn on the sprinkler and cats can drink from it there was the biggest chunkiest cat sitting beside the sprinkler and we had turn on the sprinkler and he’d go over to the Fountain and start licking it to get the

    Water and he loved it that cat was super super chunky he was really cute but he loved the little water fountain I think we did it three times for him so he could have some drinks I think those clip should be featured on my channel but I don’t know

    How hard it’ll be to find those clips they are Clips featured I believe of that cat I posted on Instagram a long time as well on my story but so cute I’m pretty sure I featured all those clips from that day there’s random buses going down here it’s interesting hopefully tonight’s a dry

    Night I’m over the wet water waking up in a puddle I’m over it hopefully it’s a bit warmer tonight as well last time I was camping in the field no no no it was cold thanks sah it’s been a really good Easter so far exciting and fun thanks for joining me on Easter

    Where abouts and whales are you we’re in like Holly head hi sheep hello those sheep are heading but but head butting look it sly are fighting well they stopped cuz we’re watching they were like head butting they stopped they got shy there’s a black sheep right there they so

    Cute the mom’s staring at us we’re staring at them okay let’s keep going we’re almost halfway to the campsite hopefully it’s not as hilly for the second half but I’m guessing it’s probably similar to what we’ve been doing oh I like that car what kind of car is that that was really

    Cute my socks are Marina and my t-shirt’s Marin W and my quarter zip is Marino I have lots of wool products cuz they’re antimicrobial so they don’t smell but yeah each sock like each pair of socks are $20 I think there’s like different I don’t really know how it

    Works the marina wall but I think you get some that are more lightweight and some that are a bit warmer but I forget like what that’s called all right let’s go when I go to my next cathlon store I have a few things I want to buy I really want some sunglasses that

    Aren’t super shaded so I can still wear them on cloudy days cuz my eyes are probably going to be dried out today cuz I don’t have my sunglasses on it’s too dark with them all right I’m starting to get hungry makes sense it’s dinner time maybe we’ll have to stop for a

    Snack before the campground so I feel okay cuz yeah I missed breakfast this morning cuz I was asleep but we still got some pastries I got like a old croissant in my bag and then I got my olives to eat tonight I’m excited for my olives olives and

    Feta how bumpy is this going to be okay not bad there’s another Speed Racer windy the wind is going in the wrong Direction what did my mom say I lost out for a bit like I miss my mom entering chat I see my uncle hi Uncle this is the second day in a row where I got asked if I’m a woman yes I am a female I think the title even says girl solo biking

    Tour at least this time they can’t see my face is it because we’re so hardcore that you just thought I was a dude I’m going to take as a compliment thank you so much for thinking I’m so strong that I must be a man how much does my bike

    Cost uh honestly I can’t remember um but my bike is a Riverside 520 tour from to cathlon but I don’t actually remember how much I paid I don’t know I don’t think that was the first time chat question in I think you’ve been exposed I think I can see your last

    Chats oh maybe I can’t oh so I can pull the logs oh exposed oh no there’s so many sheep today so many uh Fields his name is death Seeker oh it is is that what they try to do they just go and see we’ll get them banned

    Oh we did miss this song from Greg I don’t know if Trevor is here and if he can play it or not good memory guys my nose is really snotty I need a tissue I don’t want to stop you’re trying to make people laugh by calling me a man

    It like takes up my entire budget um so we try to sleep outside but even the campsites are expensive here I just paid $40 Canadian to sleep in some grass with no power it’s uh hurts a we bit to climbing today they have a washing machine the

    Camera site I don’t know I even have to pay for the shower it’s coin operated I think I have two coins yeah and I don’t even get to like use the power it’s literally a patch of grass and it hurts so much to be paying that to sleep in some

    Mud but it’s really hard to Wild camp in the UK cuz everything is a farm everything’s owned over here in South way if I pitched up at ours oh no that sub go looks real good good yeah we had a 14 level hype train today chat went wild so much hype so much

    Love 167 out of 20 have you guys missed yesterday yesterday was my longest stream I’ve ever done I streamed for 17 hours yesterday and that was crazy we had a crazy day yesterday and then we got a 14% or 14 level high train today also crazy oh shoot add hdq andq and tipped

    $100 adding to you found for having some electricity thank you q and Q for the $ donation thank you so much it’ll definitely help me stay in the hotel I’m hoping to be able to take a day off soon so I can sleep and recover so thank you so

    Much so will be definitely used for for good I see mountains to my left or to my right I don’t really like to take days off in hostels anymore I used to live in hostels for 2 years however with all my camera and expensive equipment hustles are a little difficult

    Now I used to be a Backpacker in Australia for 2 years but um now I have like a bunch of cameras a bunch of batteries all this PEC is a little scary I’m taking a video of the mountains over there for Instagram if you guys don’t know I post

    Daily Instagram stories so if you don’t see the entire Tour live you can catch up on what happened on Instagram but we have we have to stop and take some cringy videos every once in a while oh this is a photo okay 5sec timer photo now we can take a

    Video I’m going to let these cars pass though and then we’re going to be awkward all right I’ve done like how many like 22 km we’re halfway done before we get to the campsite I just wanted to show you guys this new view we found look at that we got some

    Mountains and we have so many sheep we’ve just B been um riding past sheep Fields all day but this is quite pretty but yeah I’m only halfway done so we got to keep on going okay that audio is probably tragic that audio is probably just cars um yeah my neck is really sore

    Okay we done 22 km yeah my Tik Tok did glitch yesterday I think I deleted it but then I was too tired to fix everything so I gave up on posting last night I’m trying to see if I uploaded the chain story but I don’t think I have enough internet right here

    I thought I might as well upload it but now I can’t see what story I uploaded last okay we’ll upload them at the campsite yeah I can’t tell cuz I think I took a video of me oiling the chain but I don’t remember if I uploaded that

    It didn’t let you comment yeah I think I uploaded the story when I was on the ferry and I think maybe that’s why it glitched but yeah there was a weird glitched Tik Tok but why did that one get 2,000 views I don’t know it was one of the higher viewed Tik

    Tok stories and I’m like oh why why did almost 3,000 people see this what way is that tractor turning if he’s turning this way then I’m going to wait but I can’t tell what way are you turning tractor what is he doing I can’t tell what way he’s turning he must be going

    Riot I always s hope all your gear got dry thank you I think it is mostly dry wa what is happening these roads are being crazy okay I’m going after this car I’m just I was mostly worried about the sleeping bag but I think it is dry oh wow look at this view

    Holy all right view hello wow okay we’ve been climbing today I reckon it felt like I was climbing a bit it’s really windy right now the headwind is stopping my speed hey hey hey Don’t Stop Me Now all okay this is a downhill but I got to head wind it’s a way bit

    Chilly oh I saw a little bunny I saw some bunnies on the left in the field they were cute what was my speed record this trip was it 52 or was it 57 I can’t remember I got real fast down one of my Hills wow look at this view so

    Pretty oh we have an animals command that’s fun we have a dog in the cat counter I didn’t real he could do that that new command no sheep counter we can’t keep up with that I don’t know where we’re going around this roundabout if I’m being honest I

    Think we’re going like all the way around going to let this car go well not all the way around wait where am I going not here we’re staying off the a55 the ass so we must be going here don’t touch the butt think I was supposed to go down this one yes okay

    Oh we got a climb coming he didn’t smile back at me I smiled and nodded he just stared think I need to get out of this corner all right let’s try to get our speed up I lost my speed already Media Share broken uh did we get a donation for a media

    Share it’s not working automatically but I have a mod who’s been playing them today maybe tonight I really got to see if I can get it working again yeah it’s DJ Trevor 9999 I see mountains I think I see snow on the mountain is that the Snow Mountain whatever it was called

    Aly cat H 420 testing great day thank you let’s see he sents testing great day let’s see if it automatically plays I swe he’s here oh oh so he’s trying to see what’s wrong with it okay your SL shall be played momentarily I hope I don’t think there’s a time out of

    Slow mode I think it goes in a que Nory it was working for a few days and then last sudden it stopped but when I when on camping after we eat dinner let me try to see if I can fix the media share cuz it was really nice when it was working

    Smooth if I call it Snowden go go to slash my tires I forgot the name of it I just learned about it today hey we got a [Applause] music I don’t think we played Greg’s request Earlier The girl on a Satur night looking for the fight of in the real time world no one sees her at all they all say she’s crazy now we can bik faster this is a good bike song when the Dan becomes dance get cut you like a night give the

    GI on the wi be will will be she’s AIA the and she dancing like she’s never let’s go she’s the seen Amer it’s a place Of I’m going to take a water break pass you a push the world always the My neck hurts so bad today never sto with her head against the wind she’s AIA and she’s dancing like she’s never Before I can’t park a train at the bus stop oh No oh No I took some painkillers for my neck but they don’t seem to have kicked [Applause] In you can cut you like a Flash Dance is that also a Movie guys I haven’t seen like most movies Trevor Has slowly been making me watch films I’ve just watched Foot Loose for the first Time wait yeah it’s fo the one where they’re not allowed to dance or listen to music right yeah Foot Loose yeah Kevin Bacon there’s three versions of footless oh Dang on Sat in the noes at all they say she’s C the be of heart changing woman into she has done So good we’re listening to it tce like she’s Never she’s And sheing like she’s Never my Eyes vage but can’t hold you are all your life for that moment in time hey I think we got a YouTube sub thank You welcome to the tour there’s a cotic struggling stretching for the never St with her head against the wind she’s AIA and she daning like she’s all right a little busy all a Sudden going through Here Yeah I’m trying to Pedal really fast right now C you like a KN I’m going real slow right Now All right let’s see if the song plays again we got headwind and Hills today that’s what it feels like at least headwinds and Hills I hopefully I can get my tent set up before it’s dark since I don’t have a head lamp how do I feel about anime music oh gosh like

    What what do you use for maps we’re using Kimo for my mapping it’s a bit better than Google for bikes we got two hours of daylight left I still got a while to go but my neck is really hurting me so it’s making this a bit more challenging than I would Like you say run goes with anything Al tipped $420 they say you say run goes with anything Let’s test that okay I’m scared oh a phone I use a Samsung s22 Ultra all right Alex what is This is this anime oh no lyrics go I’m not pey fast enough for this I here at Academia I’m trying to Pedal fast we’re just going so slow Hey Jan of course I’m anim music I think this is my first anime song of the trip oh there baby cows oh the mic died are you muted hello Hello I don’t know oh it’s fine okay Is pokon Anime I think it is in my Books all right the G for the anime can we turn off the head one today that’ be greatly appreciated going to stop you prefer elevated music what the heck no I wonder if it’s going to be this windy tomorrow I hope not hopefully my neck feels better but I’m guessing it won’t

    Since I’m sleeping in a tent and I don’t have a pillow oh the control the wind control broke oh gosh I need that repaired ASAP we’re going east east east let’s get away from from Ireland noin Ireland fun fact fun fact I don’t have a

    Pillow I just have to use my down coat as my pillow what’s my favorite music or genre h I like a lot of singer songwriter on that like with like lyrics that kind of tell a story I don’t know I I go through phases on everything well maybe not

    Everything yesterday we were listening to some angsty music but yeah I have a few favorite artists it’s hard to pick you know depends what the mood is for some reason sometimes a lot of the songs I add to this one playlists are really sad it’s like s sad

    Music and then I have to sometimes get off that playlist cuz I’m like oh it’s so sad is that a m 3 sport is that my car p and I just bought a car before I went on this trip like the week before I think that’s my car but in a cuter

    Color is the reason for not pay no pillow no I think it’s just the biking I think my shoulders are really hunched up when I climb and it’s starting to hurt my neck we’ll have to do some stretches once we’re done oh that was the SUV version Oh the front looked very

    Similar tomorrow the worst rain most of the day oh are you serious oh no no that’s going to suck I don’t like cycling in the rain I’ve been so miserable it’s cycling in the rain soggy Sarah this recorded we’re currently live recording this but this is all live video at this very moment

    Okay is this the place with the really long name or is that just the really long name but not the place with the longest name it is pretty over here though Hey Thomas from YouTube how many people are watching the YouTube stream right now CU we’re dual

    Streaming on YouTube and twitch at the same time we got both up if it doesn’t say go go go then it’s other place you’re watching on both thank you very much hello from YouTube and Matthew’s on YouTube oh there’s a bunch of back clams 16 on YouTube

    Nice she she was at one’s exciting yeah ttch just uh recently let us do multicasting on YouTube so we’re new to the YouTube live streams oh if you’re late sometimes you watch YouTube at 1 and a half speed to catch up oh I didn’t know you could do that I have no

    Idea hey Mommy I am not your mother can I ride motorbike no I crash too much on on this bike for me to be allowed on a motorbike yeah you’re zooming at one and a half speed nice wow look at that’s snow on those mountains over there oh my gosh on Twitch hi

    Tess it’s really cool I’m getting a better picture on YouTube but a better chat on Twitch yeah I guess the YouTube is missing the twitch chat aspect don’t climb that mountain we’re not I hope we’re not I’m going to try my best not to snowdonia show us something what am I

    Supposed to be showing I’m just going to follow an NA true I don’t know where I’m going I just put on my map that my mods make and I go they could really make me go anywhere can read both chats I can we have them connected on stream buddy so I

    Can see both chats at the same time no bribing the mods that’s really cool yeah it’s really handy yeah we’re in North Wales right now we were in South Wales now we’re in the north we got here a weird way wait you’re not allowed to bribe the mods have you been bribing

    Them oh Alex has been bribing my mods what the heck heck we’re flying I feel like I’m going really slow because of the headwind today I’m heading another like 14 15 km but we’re going to be going to Liverpool or Manchester right now your mom got a medal for doing 100

    Miles a March a bike touring or hey Auntie my aunt he’s here I do cycle all day long from like when we get up we’re on the road until we go to bed oh yeah and walking oh nice show something what do you want to see I’m showing you whales

    Welcome to North Wales I’m showing you the beautiful mountains and the sheep and the horses I’m showing you so much I can show you the world wonderful beautiful Splendid tell me chat what do you think of of North Wales it’s a whole new place I hope you liked my out of breath

    Singing while climbing the hill that’s all I got but Trevor and I like that song I think it’s one of our favorite Disney ones this is Fair but this is not the place with the longest name we’re what now tomorrow you do 100 miles on a bike how many kilometers is 100 miles that’s a lot you do that in one day holy it is a weeck chil the wind is quite

    Cold but I don’t feel that bad when like I’m actually like working and cycling I feel cold once I stop and then I freeze hitched I thought hitched like 125 today I do got a coat on got my one jacket on you just sub to YouTube Hey thank you let’s go up his

    Closed all right it’s almost six I’d be worried if there wasn’t a time change that it would be dark soon but I think we should be good I hope so sun should set at 7:40 and then it won’t get dark till a little bit later weing some pot noodles tonight and olives Yum no I got a different flavor I got um what did I get I got the green pot and the red pot but I don’t know I forget what those flavors are something but it’s actually vegetarian somehow and beef something but it’s also vegetarian we don’t know why or how but apparently it

    Is beef and tomato and chicken and mushroom I did like the yellow and the curry flavor I need to blow my nose nose I’m going to pull over here think you can hang on for four more hours potentially my neck is really hurting ow the B Killers did not kick in

    I hope it feels better Tomorrow I’ve been struggling a little today okay I don’t know maybe I did sleep funny but it was starting to hurt a little bit yesterday but today it’s been pretty bad sorry I’m just looking at the sky tring going to stretch my neck okay let’s go I hope I don’t have that

    Much farther to bike I’m hoping it is only like 10 to 15 more kilomet I hope it’s not more than that I used to have inflatable pillow but um when I was cycling in Portugal my sleeping pad was like extremely moldy it was absolutely disgusting so I

    Had to get rid of it and I wasn’t sure if my pillow was also moldy and I was like kind of too scared to keep using it cuz I couldn’t see like the inside so I stopped using that pillow because yeah sleeping pad was covered in like

    Mold and I was just too nervous to keep using the pillow cuz I put my head on it so I used to have one and then I had to get rid of it it was kind of expensive though so it sucked stay on this road commit will tell me to take a left

    Okay I’m wearing a next scarf right now a little buff oh like right here okay we’re going to stay straight instead Adventures to s I’m not good at riding I wish I was I sub to all with all my different YouTube accounts I hope it will tell you

    To take a left stay on this road will shorten your route a bit since you’re having neck issues thank you okay yeah that’s a climb thanks for letting me know see I’m not doing great today I really hope I wake up better tomorrow 99% of chat can’t do this maybe maybe not

    99 whoa why why would you do that like why wouldn’t you move over what the hell sorry that guy tried to touch my butt over there in the car for like no good reason that I can see I’m pretty sure there’s not many cars sheesh we’re cusing

    Chaos it’s not allowed on solid white but they could have waited a little bit to give me a bit more room where am I going just straight I’m guessing thanks for subbing we got a new YouTube sub okay this will link up with the RO all

    Right I got a downhill but I got head went so it doesn’t really feel that rewarding right now all right let’s see what we can do on this oh that’s pretty wow oh Le a bike gr shoot oh it ends anyway not worth it wow we’re getting closer and closer to these mountains

    I’m getting paranoid am I going over that bridge you didn’t make those map so you Trevor did okay keep that in mind that’s all you’re saying all right Alex 100 maybe the neck will get a rest when you’re looking up at the mountain climbs oh no maybe my neck will get a

    Rest when I’m looking at the mountain climbs Alex no thank you for the best well will I take the correct exit is this the exit shoot I don’t know nope I second guessed it I should have believed in myself not that exit one more now we got to reclimb that

    I’m going to wait for these cars to come back this way and then I’m going to do a U-turn and try to get up okay they’re going real slow what was that what was that little finger thing he did he went like this left did I not do this

    Right he was squishing my head oh no maybe driver why do you want to kill me are you mad at me what did I do it’s like because I stream for 17 hours didn’t I do hire in Japan I don’t know did I CU on the problem in the weather is yeah

    Oh I’m going to privacy okay oh but we’re at the bridge can we wait till the bridge if I’m going over it I don’t know if I am the bridge in no way it’s my in I need to take a video of my bridge I don’t know what this means

    About bikes bicycle I can’t read this language it’s not very pretty right here cycle rejoin carriageway ah got it there’s English on it oh my cameras come off its hinges I don’t think we did Waterford wizard tipped $5 coffee on me in the morning thanks for the warm welcome back to your community Sarah maybe the modem died oh we’re live oh okay we’re live let’s take a cringy Instagram video um also thank you for the donation for coffee tomorrow water forward thanks

    Should we just walk across the bridge Maybe That’s a walk we might be able to look at the view sorry is my hair in the camera it’s windy like my mix are pastel blue yes exactly it’s so pretty but really windy I’m kind of a weird height for this bridge can you guys see it’s so windy up here there you

    Go it is really narrow oh it’s a weird Bridge isn’t it yeah there a river well maybe take a picture why is this so windy holy oh that’s me I don’t want a picture of me holy this is windy holy this is brutal I okay yeah I’m glad I walked and not

    Tried to bike through this I can’t breathe I feel like there’s so much wind going through my nose holy guys I wish you could feel this my helmet’s attacking holy this bridge is 198 years old oh my God that’s crazy let’s build for horses wow I’m not tall enough to put you over

    The top so you guys have to go in between the rails gorgeous turn it now sh J be gone W that wind it was insane we definitely held the wind going in the wrong direction today I’ve been finding the wind all day so I’ve been working extra hard today to

    Get through all this wind you want one more look let’s see can I just take you off my shoulder now you can look over top there you go hope the campsite is not windy the wind makes me so much colder beautiful all right so if this was yesterday the sun would have been

    Setting right now but since we have the time change we get one more hour of daylight this bridge is almost 200 years old I think I’m doing something weird am I supposed to cross the street H I think I might be supp supposed across the street I can’t really tell

    So I need to go this way then I think maybe I’m turning up this hill maybe I can’t really tell to be honest uh I can’t tell did I mess up oh what am I doing what have I Done hey we got another YouTube SA oh look at this view now we can see the bridge we just went over nice okay okay I’m sticking to that first day is chaotic we just walk through a farm okay some was here yesterday as well yeah there’s there’s even more I

    Think some of them are hiding have short little legs so yeah cats are always sleepy hi um I can’t bike on the highway can I no no don’t you uh I go open the gate the gug yeah okay um because you can go there not on

    There no no okay and then I can get out okay okay thank you I open the G thank you so much it a gas station person okay might as well ride the bike over Cat Cafe and I have money to buy treats this time so we should have more cat action how you

    Doing so yeah we have coffee and cats so it’s going to be a good day sorry I decided that I wanted to put my hair up listen to this cat breath listen to it so anyone know who this dude is look at all the Penguins they’re so cute they’re definitely like

    Cats they’re just like having little naps everywhere I guess they’re not in sunbeams like cats but they’re in the shade that so cute for swim he looks so little I wonder if it’s a baby or if it is just the size is this a hippo what are you is it a micro

    Hippo he’s so little do you guys know the Canadian house hippos he’s basically that size I think he’s itching his nose on the wall look at his little feet yeah how long can you stay under there okay I don’t know he’s in the middle no it dropped him one more $3

    Invested I just want to the K or just the one oh my god oh no he fell to this cat bre listen to it listen to it to breathe bye but there’s lots of cute cats here I see the one that I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff hung out down here Oh get in there yeah it’s good stuff isn’t it you want like a little bit more yeah get it get it some more water she just balancing cute there’s a girl coming my kickstand is not standing straight right now and I don’t really know why is it because my weight’s really

    Unbalanced why or is the ground weird um kick stand thank you Yeah no it’s fine I was having problems so did you fix it yeah I just updated the Bell box oh I don’t know why this one yeah say hi K made it I made I ran I was like dodging people no it’s really busy here are youing next um today

    I she said for here you can I can go yes yeah okay just a little just little okay okay okay thank you steps yeah they got eggs I don’t know if we’re going to get any but I just wanted to come in there’s Turtles oh my God no

    Look at the whoa there’s giant turtles here oh my goodness that’s crazy oh my gosh that’s huge okay hello there’s other tents I haven’t seen a tent in a long time well basically I haven’t seen a tent on this trip tents okay I didn’t get the most flat

    Spot there’s fly spots down there but there’s people like at the tents and we’re streaming so I’m like okay we should probably not stream re beside them so we’re kind of on a hill but I’m sure it’s fine enough I wonder if I’m allowed to pitch

    Up here I don’t know we’ll make this work so let’s set up our tent figure out the best spot for it it’s definitely on Hill okay I think I know what we can do okay going to blow my nose go higher if it’s water I don’t know let me go let’s go

    Look all right today we did 37.7 km not bad for starting at 2:00 well actually 2:00 is the time I checked out on my hotel we might have started later let’s go see if it’s flatter up here I just don’t want to annoy people with the stream cuz yeah the flatter

    Spots are at the bottom of the hill I don’t know if I’m allowed right here on top of the hill maybe I can go up here it’s flat like right here H look right here it’s kind of a premium spot do you reckon I’m allowed up here we’re only here one

    Night I wonder I wonder I kind of like it let’s go see what you guys think bad all right I’m sure not many other people are going to be coming in tonight that need camping spots okay we’re going to go set up there hopefully I grabbed the right paner no I didn’t

    Okay yeah if it rains we got the best spot that’s true okay I’m going to go put you guys up here and then I’m going to drag my bike up I like it this will be the best night of camping on this trip yet going to go grab my other stuff I’ll

    Be right back there okay tent okay it’s a bit of a walk to the washroom but that’s fine this is going to be a good night yes all I’m going to start setting up my tent I might put on an extra sweater or two before I get cold

    So I have a feeling I’m going to get cold real quick my feet are already kind of Frozen if I’m telling the truth oh thank you Mikey towards the hotel thank you so much thank you guys for helping me stay inside some nights I appreciate it so so much thank you so

    Much can we get some hype in chat oh I should grab the mic before it’s under all my layers okay put the mic on my scarf okay let’s set up a tent and hope it’s dry I don’t know I feel like the ground’s already a little bit

    Wet but it won’t be wetter than the muddy field I was in we’re having such a good time good time we’re having a ball don’t stop us now ready for this watcha it didn’t work never mind Watch so I still don’t know what side is like the supposed to be the wider side or not I don’t know if it’s gray is wider or the orange is the wider side with this tent one side is a little bit roomier than like where your feet

    Are and I haven’t figured out what side it is oh I think maybe the gray side is longer I still don’t know does anyone know this is such like a weird question what side of the copper spur big egges tent is wider cuz I used to know and then I

    Forget what did I pay last night for a hotel $180 Canadian dollars and I checked in at 2 a.m. well I guess I ended up paying 190 cuz I paid for light checkout so I got an extra two hours we’re having the ball it’s not the same size they have different

    Sizes cuz the poles are also like built different I know there is a difference whoa there’s a lot of people ball okay this tent me this tent took me so long to put up in the complete dark when I was in the muddy field I don’t know

    How long it ended up taking but like I couldn’t see anything cuz it was so dark and I don’t have a headlamp all right now the fun part this is my favorite part of this tent is doing these little clips we go pent perfect yeah this is the twers big ESS

    Trevor Has the one person this is for when we were doing the tandem tour and then I just used it so I didn’t have to buy a tent right I guess we’ll blew up the air mattress together right now so why not I don’t know if you can see me can

    You guys see or is it too what can you see I don’t know and then I just got this Thermo rest sleeping pack right before this trip I need to get better at filling it with air though I’m pretty bad at this cuz you’re supposed to like catch the air like

    This but I can’t really get full bags Trevor is better at this I getting an entire bag full watch out no no that was a bad one sometimes I cheat and I blow a little bit of air from far away and it helps sometimes but I suck at this I’ll get better I’ll

    Get better so it looks like it’s doing nothing wait is it on the deflate side hang on is it on flate it might be on deflate is this why I’m so bad at this okay let’s see if it actually fills up of air it was on the deflate

    Side I was like it should definitely have more air in it than it does okay and that’s why it was so hard to squish got it guys don’t laugh at me it’s a fair mistake classic Sara it is a classic Sara thing oopsy daisies now I can hear the air going still need to get like a really big one get out of here this is a pretty big one there yes so once it’s not on deflate um it goes up pretty

    Fast but when you’re filling it up when all the air is coming out it takes a while Pro tip make sure it’s not on deflate okay what else do we need okay what else do I want in There put my little Med in there okay and then we’ll put the cover on and steak her out we’ll get our boiling water going soon for dinner okay this part of the tent took me so long when it was dark cuz there’s so many like straps and things on here I was so

    Confused when it was pitched dark out what was happening can you go over the tent please okay be that way please you got to what you want true was I missing some w w it does help honestly okay we just got to stick her down thank you Alex for all the bits

    All right let’s do this sniffle we’re having such a good time good time we’re having a ball we’re camping and it’s not it’s not going to rain it’s not going to rain is it supposed to rain tonight I hope not R from six oh tent not waterproof not

    Anymore for some reason I’ve been getting absolutely drenched inside my tent and it makes me extremely sad and yeah I feel miserable so should I pack up my tent before 6:00 a.m. is that what I’m hearing 410 a.m. so we’re riding in the rain tomorrow it’s a shame cuz I’m over the rain

    Okay okay there’s something on the ground here I can’t get the steak in I think it’s just a rock dang it okay there we go tent is up oh it’s a puppy hi where did you come from hello hi hi I’m Sarah hello puppy I got a friend puppy what are you doing W oh my gosh why does a stock of him what are you doing that’s not a stick it’s in the ground I don’t have a stick dog what are you doing you looking for something looking for a

    Stick what are you doing oh my gosh no this isn’t a toy you want direct from the BBC weather tonight light r and a moderate Breeze after 3 a.m. low of 7° Tomorrow high of 11° low of 5° with a mix of light rain and some sun showers

    Hi oh no no no no no no no no no no I need that one go get your stick I threw I threw you a stick yeah there you go he’s got a stick he’s good now chaos what a friendly dog okay we should sit somewhere maybe can I

    Don’t know I need to see what you guys can see see where we should sit what about my phone it was a little trampled on did I step on it or did the dog step on it oh you can see the view okay the dog stepped on okay let’s have some

    Dinner I kind of need a flat place to cook though maybe I will move us just off to the side here where’s l b slatter okay we’re moving that dog was super cute is this view okay for we need some water okay I’m putting some heat pads in my

    Shoes cuz I can’t feel my feet is it one in each eight hours what that dog was wearing all the biking today yeah feet are frozen will Sarah be able to open this packaging no oh I have a Sprite we need to go shopping what what what do I need I need a

    Headlamp oh are you talking about my dirty crusty shoes I need to clean the jet boil I make coffee and I wasn’t able to clean it last time H wait did I grab the scissors there oh they’re in here hand warmers use hand air activated open by hand do not cut I cut

    It air make that warm a make this warm yay scissors okay I need to go clean my jet boil the washroom is all the way down on the bottom of the hill how long do these need to be in the air in the air for before I put them in my shoe

    Cuz it maybe I should go clean my camp stove come back and put these in my shoe see you sir Alex see you are you leaving my toes are frozen there there my shoe sometimes it doesn’t feel like it I don’t like these ones ones as much

    As the ones that stick to your socks cuz these are hard to walk on but I want these like on my toes so I’m going to try to open my shoe a ton and like get it in there ow ow yeah I need some feet ones putting it on top of my toes

    Instead okay one in my sock going to do one in this shoe and then I’m going to go clean my jet boil and then I’ll be back cold feet but yeah I don’t know what the best shoes would be for me to wear when biking these ones keep getting

    Wet but a lot of shoes would do the same thing hitch will say cycling sandals for the win but imagine how cold my feet would be in sandals really cold pumps no okay I’m going to go wash my jet boil I’ll be back okay War toes okay byebye for for for for for

    For for e for for for for for hello hello chat do you say my area is a mess just a little bit don’t worry let me hide this from you now it’s clean we’re having me we’re eating instant noodles okay organized chaos yes organized chaos is what we got going

    On new flavor we’re going to be trying out um one of the new flavors I’m only doing that much water I don’t think I need that much for the instant noodles I might regret maybe I should put it all in can you guys see all right we’re taking a cringy Snapchat

    Or not Snapchat Instagram story oh why is there a timer on this video I don’t want that why was there a timer weird let me try this again hi we are camping in this beautiful campsite tonight absolutely gorgeous also there’s a really cute dog that came and said hello we are

    Currently boiling some water with our jet boil and we’re going to be trying these pot noodles so it’s chicken and mushroom however it’s vegetarian so new pot noodle flavor un locked I’m going to be trying this one tonight and then I got some other snacks for dinner but yeah we’re done cycling I

    Think I did 37 col today so not that much but I did start cycling at like 3:00 today so we’re happy and yeah we’re camping tonight St me now peel back lid halfway remove satchet pour boiling water to fill line recover pot with lid leave for 2 minutes stir in

    Satch Contents leave for another 2 minutes seize the opportunity okay here’s another satchet this one is soy sauce these packets are So Random this one’s going to be soy sauce Apparently trying to absorb the heat from this little facial moment all right we’re boiling okay now it’s the scariest part oh that was really easy I’m getting better at this so you guys don’t think I should do it all the away Anonymous just TI $20 towards Hotel thank you thank you so

    Much thank you guys so much for everything we’ve had a crazy past couple of streams thank you for helping me sleep inside okay I did it just below the line oh was Mikey Mikey thank you yeah this is a jet boil I don’t know if it has any more

    Names but jet boil it’s really good for boiling water fast it’s hard to like cook anything in here cuz it’s so small but it’s good I’m just holding it cuz it’s warm nice and warm I don’t want to put it down jet boil also make a frying pan attachment do they

    Actually to be honest I never used this much on other trips well I like I tried to use this in Japan but then I only like used it like three times and it didn’t feel worth it but this trip we’ve been using this pretty much every time we

    Camp so I’ve been kind of liking having the jet boil especially when it’s cold out and we’re camping because um it’s really nice to have boiling water to help warm me up when I’m frozen so I’ve been loving it I’m really happy I brought it and then in the morning we can also

    Have hot coffee yay all right this is nice and warm so yeah I’ll probably be using this tonight to do my boiling water trick there was a dog that came and said hello he’s full of energy he was he was a fun dog did I lose the lid oh no here it Is I forgot to look at the time when we started cooking my noodles hasn’t been that long let’s get my olives out as well olives all this with feta and a herb dressing yum Wonderful some people don’t like olives and trap I like them from Costco hitch and I love the garlic stuffed olives they’re so good yeah I wonder how late I can sleep in tomorrow honestly sometimes when I’m camping I sleep better in the morning cuz it’s a

    Little bit warmer I think than at night and I’m like okay I’m finally like not frozen and then I can actually sleep at least that’s what’s happened last time I was camping yummy the it boils cold now I can stop hugging it time to hug the instant noodles so

    Warm oh you leave live for 2 minutes and then leave the satchet for another oh I did this wrong those are did the sub thank you I think Brian is asleep oh shoot this is just soy sauce this is so random mixy mixy mix mix mix sa how do you say

    Sa guys I don’t know what I’m saying wrong do I actually say it wrong satch it sat what how do you what is it supposed to be Satchel satchet huh Sach okay we almost almost at 200 gifted or 200 subs today that is a little insane s sa

    Away it’s like the walk no it is not 100 I wonder if Brian can sash correctly s s wow no s it is not sachche is it sachche how do Canadians say it Mom Mom are you here please help there’s so many bugs on my tent

    Gross no it’s not it’s not it can’t be no no it’s not True are you kidding me no fun fact Sacha is not called sachet it’s a sachche see my mom agrees my mom said Sarah you said it right I learned it from my mom I’m crying now has it been two minutes should we try my noodles I really enjoying holding them they’re really

    Warm well we’ll have to ask hitch how he says satch it AK sachche I don’t trust you guys okay this is so weird it definitely tastes like chicken flavor but it’s not chicken H how do they do that that’s so weird H must be p no this so interesting I think I like

    The curry one more though it’s so interesting hm confusing I think I like the curry because of the mango chatney thing that we added in that was really yummy so I think I like the yellow one more than the green one and then we also have the red one the

    Beef and tomato something one I’m just drying these Olives good thing about noodles is they have zero notan I’m sure they have salt oh I’m also eating olives and I have chips oh we’re getting our sodium in uh Oh how’s my water intake not great yum okay we’re thriving and it’s not dark which is really exciting Yum okay we’re doing good last night at this time we were almost on our Ferry I can’t believe I guess today went by pretty fast cuz I started late I started my stream almost at 2 I guess I started my stream maybe at 1 today so it feels like we should have

    Been live for like eight hours by this point but we haven’t yum I need a tissue but I don’t want to get up but I will go get a tissue cuz I’m getting sniffly I’m stuck I’m like on the hill guys I’m struggling I am happy to have a warm

    Meal it helps a lot what else oh I have hummus the thing about like every time I camp and I have hummus I don’t want to eat it cuz it’s cold but if I’m in a hotel I’ll devour a tub of hummus but when I’m camping I’m like uh hummus is

    Cold I don’t really want it we also got sweet chili hummus which is interesting because I’m going to be eating a with sweet chili crackers how’s everyone’s Easter weekend going hopefully good I’m ready for the weekend to be over cuz everything’s so expensive and closed but um yeah

    Yeah hopefully I sleep good tonight in this tent I hope I don’t get too cold I don’t know how cold it’s supposed to get overnight hopefully not bad but it supposed to rain tomorrow I’m not excited so is it’s supposed to rain all day Tomorrow h ton ts are the best what are what is that okay so it starts rain okay yeah it starts okay it’s raining all day tomorrow starts raining at 5 6 7 okay don’t think it matters what time I pack up my tent you broke your toe V man oh

    Gosh you broke it because of the rain or are you say saying sad cuz rain I got to start cooking here later doing a glazed ham deviled eggs and potato salad nice enjoy I got sauce on my chin oopsy daisies is it sounding muffled my mic is right here it is

    Blinking red so it could die anytime it normally dies at 7 hours 30 minutes how long have I been live today the birds are chirping in that tree we have an hour for the mic trying to get all these little noodles out right now yum yum yum all right bye

    Birdies okay when YouTubers try UK food T tongue always win or near top score what are they like is a it’s a pastry I think maybe someone answered but I didn’t read it they’re from Scotland caramel wafer okay caramel wafer hey Sarah it’s been a while since

    I tuned in hope all is going well well thank you welcome all is going well today it hasn’t Rained on us yet I I hope it doesn’t rain until tomorrow but yeah tomorrow looks wet but today we had a dry day super exciting it’s been a while since I’ve had a dry day I’m going to open the Sprite it’s been in my paner all day wish me

    Luck not as shook as the my seven up yesterday cheers it’s busy my seven up I was trying to open a seven up on the fair yesterday but it’s been in my pineer for like 5 days and it was so it wanted to explode so

    Bad I like had to like open it and close it right away or it would go everywhere and I did that like five times and I’m like okay I should be able to open it now but no it exploded and got into my pasta well it wasn’t that bad

    Of an exposion but yeah it got into my pasta oh thank you Cliff happy Easter all right I hope I sleep good tonight oh wow we got a raid raided my with 1,289 viewers kir Kitty thank you so much for the raid welcome in Raiders hello hello good evening from Wales what were you guys doing over on that stream what were you guys up

    To hope you had a good stream oh K Kitt just gifted five Subs to the community oh what they came in and gifted Subs holy moly thank you for the raid in the gifted Subs oh my gosh 500 bits five gifted Subs equals GTA walk oh my gosh wait

    What interesting okay thank you so much for the raid welcome in everybody um hi I’m Sarah I am doing a huge cycle tour I’m on day 21 of cycle touring um we started an English rode our bike up through Wales spent 3 days in Ireland doing some touring up to

    Dublin and then last night we had the overnight ferry from Ireland back into Wales so we kind of did a weird loopy thing but yeah we’re we’re in the UK right now doing some cycle touring and then eventually I’m going to be going over to Greece and riding all the way up to

    Croatia so welcome in we’re camping tonight so this is where we’re going to be sleeping I don’t know if my tent’s in frame but I have a tent beside me and my bike is behind you so let me maybe give you a little bit of a tour if you are

    New if whales were sheep oh my gosh we were literally just riding past sheep Fields all day there’s llamas over there let me try to get up I’m currently like on a hill and a little bit stuck okay so this is my bicycle we have a bunch of frog stickers on

    It and we got some stickers of country slot we rode the bike through thank you thank you for giting a sub to our Raider Nico thank you so much and then yeah here’s our tent that I just set up tonight so this is where we’ll be

    Sleeping and yeah this is the bike that I do all my touring on we got some frog stickers some Country stickers of places we’ve been but yeah that’s our setup the sky is beautiful tonight wow that is quite crazy look at the sky gorgeous but yeah we’re just eating dinner right now and

    Chilling so yeah if you guys want to follow me on the Journey make sure to follow the stream so you can see me when I’m live in some other countries as well okay I have heat pads in my shoe right now so it is kind of awkward to walk around

    Okay how you travel with the bike ship it overseas or can you get it on the plane as a checked item so yeah that is what I do I go to a bike shop and I ask for a box because they always have extra boxes because they get new inventory

    They’re like oh yeah sure and they normally I think always give it to you for free but you can also pay them to box it up for you for flights so it depends what you want and then yeah you just have it as a checked bag some

    Planes have different prices for bikes I typically fly of Air Canada um and it’s $50 to ship your bike cuz Canada likes to promote um outd outdoor activities so they have a pretty good rate for a checked bike yeah the thing about streaming is you guys always get the view not

    Me that’s how it goes we might have to drink this broth it’s warm maybe I need a video of it though it’s quite pretty oh that’s my face got it it’s getting a little bit colder out right Now chilly I don’t know what the temperature is right now but at night time it always gets really cold it’s like cools off once the Sun goes away hopefully I can get a hotel tomorrow I think I might have to I’ve been H having a hard time

    Camping two nights in a row just cuz all my stuff get soaked and then I can’t Camp if I have a wet sleeping bag um so yeah hopefully I can get a hotel tomorrow guys I’m drinking the broth I don’t know if you’re supposed to or

    Not it’s okay it’s maybe a little too thick for drinking but it’s not bad Poly head is 11 feels like eight it’s not that bad the other night when I was camping I was so cold I was frozen but yeah I’m going to be riding in the rain tomorrow not excited for that but yeah we’re going to be in the rain pretty

    Much all day tomorrow unless magically the forecast changes tonight but yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be a day tomorrow we’re trying to get up to Liverpool or Manchester so we can get a flight to Greece I don’t know how far I am from Liverpool and Manchester I think

    I still have a few days of cycling I’m 118 from Li Liverpool and then Manchester how far is Manchester from Liverpool okay so Manchester is like 167 all right that’s a few more days and then hopefully I can have an off day so I can do laundry and sleep I have I’ve been

    Streaming for 21 days on this trip I’ve had only two off days but I was still working on the off days so I haven’t had like a proper day off yet so I’m really craving one at this moment especially of how cold and wet everything’s been I really

    Really I really need a day off here but I should have one coming soon so just a few more days and then I can rest 100 km day tomorrow is it flat if it’s flat sure if it’s not flat No today was like today they felt pretty hilly but I don’t know if it was actually like that hilly or if it’s just cuz of the headwind the headwind today was like it was strong headwind it was making it really challenging and whales nothing’s flat so probably some climbs Tomorrow you check them donations fun and see if it’s flat oh I just want a nice flat rout with bicycle Lanes yeah with a Tailwind as well why not it’s so sad so my partner hitch is also cycling he’s in South Korea right now um and every time I tune into his stream he’s on like a cycling path and like it looks nice I’m like what the

    Heck why am I on these really busy narrow roads with crazy drivers fighting for my life and then hitch is just on a cycling path like what he’s a little spoiled right now yeah today the roads weren’t that busy though the roads were pretty chill today

    Yesterday I like caused a traffic jam I was like cycling I think I was like just getting into duin or maybe it was a little bit before Dublin but there was one nice car who waited to pass me but I was going really slow up a climb and they needed so long

    And by the time they passed me there was like 30 cars all stuck behind them I was like I cost a pile up oops so I pulled over and I let all those cars get past me it was bad I bet this is cold now it ended in the serious U-turn oh hitch

    Had to do a big U-turn yesterday I did about like 20 u-turns last night or no not last night yesterday I was doing U-turn after U-turn it was pretty hectic okay this is my garbage put that there okay so we got some Pringles to snack on I still got some olives over

    Here to eat yeah the sky is changing they have a little campfire over there I’m a bit jealous of their campfire actually I want to look at the video I want to see what you guys can see cuz sometimes the action camera I think makes things look darker oh yeah it’s pretty

    Dark and I’m like sat I’m over the pretty part of the sky look at that sub goal 174 out of 20 insane that’s crazy increase sub go to 200 just add a zero 200 sub goal almost complete we had a level 14 hype train today it was pretty

    Insane this is my biggest hype train we’ve ever had level 14 the one before that the biggest one I think was level 10 or was it level 11 I don’t know but we were very hyped today yeah the support today was insane absolutely and the support yesterday was also

    Insane so thank you guys thanks for helping out the stream to make things keep going I appreciate it so so much yeah these last two streams have been pretty pretty crazy cuz yeah I had like a couple of donation goals yesterday like I had donation goal for like the ferry cost in

    Like you guys like completed the donation goal in like an hour to help me get the fairy it was insane oh I found some 300 met 15% inclines Trevor do I need to ban you no Trevor I have a sore neck please no no 15% inclines I checked out just chatting

    English streamer earlier and your seventh seeing you in the same screen as I don’t know who that is Kent was insane cool we are going up the leader boards it’s kind of wild um my average concurrent viewer ship yesterday was 995 like almost a thousand average concurrent viewers for yesterday I’m

    Like what that’s insane like we got a hit trade like pretty early on and then a lot of viewers well yeah we kept like a thousand for most of the trip we lost viewers when I got onto the ferry but yeah it was pretty wild see my average concurrent viewership being

    995 it’s Brian not working to the community oops I think I turned down my volume when I opened my stream we have q and Q with the 26 gifted Subs does that mean we have 200 Subs out of 20 now 200 out of 20 thank you so much 200 out of 20

    Subs daily sub goal complete oh my gosh thank you thank you so much you gifted like I don’t even know how many subs today but it it was pretty pretty intense yeah we need some hype you’re right M if you have some eggs if you

    Were gift to a sub or you are a sub check some eggs in chat for all our gifted subs today let me get on it thans there we go beautiful all day eggs but yeah if you’re a gifted the sub welcome to the community I hope you have a good time

    Here you’ve been following me today well I’m glad you you stuck around like most of the day actually so I hope you had fun maybe I’ll see you tomorrow as well I’ll be back on but probably in the rain wow look at all these eggs it’s just just eggs wow this is great

    Wow beautiful um actually if you guys are new to this stream should I explain the eggs don’t let me explain the eggs let me show you the eggs is that a helicopter this is Happy egg he comes traveling with us so this kind of became the mascot of the

    Stream because I thought it would be funny to take really beautiful travel photos of an egg I just thought that’d be funny um so he’s come on most of my tours we also have one that has a sad face but right now we have the happy

    One and uh yeah he’s our little mascot this is where the eggs come from I haven’t actually brought him out much on this trip he’s taken a few photos that I keep forgetting what paner he’s in so yeah this is a happy egg he comes on

    Adventures that’s why we got eggs in in this channel see it’s cold now I don’t want to eat the cold food but I know I should probably eat more it’s hard to eat when it’s this cold out I go for 5 minutes and you’re at 200 nice yeah we got a bunch of gifted from Subs um within the last five minutes mhm to compl to complete our goal to q and Q that’s why there’s a bunch of eggs and chats we’re pretty H okay um

    Okay I don’t think I can eat my hummus tonight I’m too cold what else can I eat that’s not frozen Pringles this is such a salty dinner I’m a bit nervous it’s fine though right pot noodles huge portion of olives and chips that’s fine right yum Maybe I should have heated a water

    Bottle and have it with me right now and then I can reheat it at night before I go to bed maybe that’s what I want to do since we’re going to be sitting here for a little while I think maybe I’m going to boil a big thing of water and have it in

    Between my legs here to warm me up while we eat and chat so I don’t get too Frozen sitting outside yeah I think that’s a good idea I think that will help there’s warm water in the bathroom but it’s not boiling so we’re going to boil my own cuz fire

    I wanted to find some hot chocolate powder so we could have a warm drink to sip on but I couldn’t find like the individual satets sachets God I’m still going to call it a satchet cuz my mom agrees with me that that’s how you say it okay let’s do this ready

    Guys watch me not be able to do this now fire ah I can’t get the cup on I might need a store in the morning how’s it this hot already it gets hot fast okay now we can drink the heat all right now we are boiling water

    Um yeah I might need a store in the morning Is this another relay relay race will hitch be ready on time yeah do we get a raid hitch again so my partner hitch and I are in completely opposite time zones so he’ll raid me and then last night I raided him back and then this morning he

    Raided me so now it’s my turn to raid him again so I don’t know what time he’s going to go live but it’s pretty much 24hour hitch and S content but I don’t know what time it is in South Korea right now and what time he’ll go

    Live but it’ be amazing if we could rate him again does anyone know what time it is in South Korea hedge cycle partner or life partner both why not to both oh it’s 4 oh God we still have a lot of hours um I’m actually hitch’s tandem partner

    We did did a big tandem tour hit I we rode our tandem from France to Norway um that’s before I was streaming on Twitch when I did that trip yeah I don’t think what time does hitch normally go live like 7 4 five six

    Seven o that’s a lot of hours I have to stay up I don’t know if I can stay up there late how is he so he rates me what time does he normally end his stream normally I’m already live for hours I think it’s easier for him to

    Raid me than it is for me to raid him cuz like it was afternoon it was like 1:00 when he raided me I think it’s easier for hitch to raid me I think this is an unfair fight yeah he he usually eats a few hours at

    The end eating yeah I guess that’s what we don’t do we’re not in a restaurant for a few hours killing time like I’m already just sat outside in a field getting cold I know it’s getting really dark at the queen song yeah we’ve been singing that song all day today

    Oh another gifted sub hdq gifted Fu hour subscription HD q n q gifted a tier one sub to Fujimoto ya they have given 160 gift Subs in the channel 60 gifted subs today holy s Moto you’re first time chatter and now you are a subscriber welcome do you got a propane

    Burner you can use heating and tent I use like I wouldn’t do it inside inside my tent but I heat up water in my vestibule like in the little outside portion of the tent so I can be sitting inside and boiling water so that’s probably what I’ll do

    Tonight okay I’ll get i’ll get um a light for us soon once this water is boiled I’ll get some lights J 4 sub thank you Jan for the sub thank you so much guys this water’s almost boiling it’s nice and toasty pipe Train’s Clos

    Oh this water is going to help a lot for me to stay warm and then I can eat more snacks CU I’ll be Warmer I’m not excited for tomorrow every day is raining I tou something hot that kind of hurt guess that’s what I get for hugging the jet boil that’s also a good Queen song or is it Queen I don’t know yeah it’s pretty Mercury at least I don’t know if it’s queen

    Queen but it’s Freddy hello guys hey Zoo hair how you doing welcome to the campground it’s a little bit dark but I’m going to get some lights soon I’m just boiling some water and getting a little facial in the steam all right she’s boiling okay this is the hardest part is getting

    The container off it’s stuck okay there we go okay pour it into this water bottle now we can be worn beautiful yeah however let me go get a light it should only take me a second to get a light for us warm water yay super excited oh that’s going to be nice okay

    I’m just turning this rest well thank you OA Harper for the 100 bits just turning on the second phone and we’re going to use the torch on it as some lighting it’s turning on really slowly oh there she is okay torch that’s bright is this better

    All my layers are on Where’s my water bottle yay we have a warm water bottle ow is this leaking hot water there’s no mosquitoes I think it’s too cold for them what are your feelings about using travel outdoor category for your stream I heard that is not the best idea cuz I heard

    That less people go to that category and like scroll through it to see stuff more people explore the just chatting category to find different streams to watch cuz hitch my partner tried to stream and travel in Outdoors for a little bit and like his views his Discovery went down like crazy and then

    As soon as he went back to just chatting everything went up again so that’s why we’re just chatting and not traveling Outdoors cuz apparently yeah it’s just better for discoverability yeah it might be better for smaller I don’t know I’m not I’m kind of a small channel in a

    Way cuz we’re new to this but yeah I don’t know got a suggestion have you got any UK based mods maybe they can put on BBC sounds to get more localized weather reports like for the commands well you keep going as long as it pays for itself the travel yeah that’s what

    We’ve been doing for the past couple years we’ve been fortunate enough to stay on the road for this long for the past two years yeah there’s some big expenses with travel streaming like flights flights are really expensive Soldier thank you so much for using your Prime so yeah as a travel streamer

    Biggest cost is flights so that’s why my trips end up being so long is cuz I can’t afford flights all the time so I’ll be on the this trip for like four months before going back home and then hotels add up so that’s why we try to camp as much as possible

    To help with cost even though this campsite costs like0 Canadian dollars yikes while camping is much better cuz this this campsite was with no power as well so I don’t even get a charge tonight and then data is the next biggest expense food I don’t really think about the cost of food which

    Is not not good probably but I don’t go to restaurants that much bring back IRL yeah there used to be a twitch category called in real life and everyone misses that category Bion gaming thank you for the prime thanks so much for using your Prime on me better while count next time it’s

    Really hard to while count in Wales everything is a sheep farm today we were riding it was just sheep farms which reminds me thank you Monk for the 500 bits we do have a hype train almost that level too I need to post my Instagram stories we’re going to do some behind

    The scenes work great now did I post the story twice good morning I’m back in whales okay so I posted good morning I’m back in Wales we have a few stories to post wait we’re on day 21 I might have scuffed up why did they get rid of host I don’t

    Know I’m really sad they got rid of that on Twitch I love that feature so if someone was offline they could host a channel be like hey I’m not online but you should watch this person but they got rid of that cuz hitch used to host me

    The dog did not visit again we only saw the dog once okay we’re uploading The Chain video so many sour voices what’s an unused feature Brooks GI did a sub thank you so much Brooks thank you sorry guys I’m just on my phone for one second we’re just uploading our

    Daily Instagram videos so if people didn’t get to catch the stream they can tune in to Instagram okay I got a couple more videos I took a few videos today um what when did I post I just posted that one this water is like so hot it’s

    Actually kind of like burning me but I want to hug it cuz it’s warm but hurts a little oh host oh host I see redeem story time is there a scary story okay Scary Story scary scary scary story um okay I don’t know if I can tell this story

    Really good cuz like I don’t remember it perfect but in grade six that’s like the final year of elementary school they would bring us to Blue Lake Camp and we got to go camping in these little like cabins and stuff and bunk beds with all the six students cuz we were graduating

    Elementary so yeah all of us went to Blue Lake cabin we were sat around the fire and um the teacher was telling a story and it was a scary story I forget what the story was and stuff but it was about like someone like drowning in the river

    Cuz I fell out of their kayak or in the lake and that the person haunts the lake and everything and like if you listen closely you can hear sounds from the pond and another teacher was over by the river laying in a kayak and they’re like making sounds over by the water

    Like look you can hear things so we’re like oh my God and we ran over and someone’s like there is a canoe where did the canoe come from and then a teacher like popped out of the canoe and everyone screamed that was a scary story told by

    A teacher and then they wouldn’t full on cuz there was a another teacher hidden in a canoe jumping out and scaring us yeah but it was fun the canoe kayak I don’t know I think it was a canoe but yeah that was fun it’s fun that they took us all

    Camping I’m trying to upload this video and it’s not working that was scary I it wasn’t a scary story but it was one it was a scary story that happened to me okay this did not work I broke I broke Instagram I’m trying to upload the Sheep oh no I think I

    Wrote think I forgot to change the date I messed up my Instagram stories I think I put Ireland I have whales and then I didn’t change it to Ireland on the other ones sah okay so whales and then I accid put that as SRA wrong country who

    This okay I need to change it the whales delete delete okay oopsy daisies why is our music I’m so confused o tiger thank you for giting a sub Ozark thank you for the 100 bits Y is here and watching Easter stream with me oh nice hi hope you guys are

    Enjoying I’m just breaking everything right now I was trying to okay sorry guys I just wanted to do these posts really quick and now it’s taking me a long time okay day 21 of tour there we go quite dirty as well and the manu’s playing I don’t know

    Why we got a song request in the background okay uploaded that then I need to upload this one going good so far bear with me everybody day 21 of tour whs and then I need to copy and paste this so I don’t keep saying Ireland copy there we go okay How do you say Tuesday Tuesday impressive multitasking I messed up so I don’t think it’s impressive right now crossbow spent 1 month 9 days and 23 hours watching how long has 999 been watching that is a fire behind me where is that fire is it at the house wait multiple people have

    Fires I guess we had a mini fire oh Trevor’s spent two months 28 days and seven hours watching me I’m so sorry Trevor I’m so sorry my poor mods she you spend zero hours no I can’t that can’t be true ever dark spent 21 days five hours

    Watching Sarah it is so crazy that twitch like has a record of that it’s like weird to see swag’s been watching for one month 26 days and two hours swaggy we’re just seeing how long people have been watching two months and five days for monkey nice we’re just calling everyone out are

    You cold Sarah always I have a heated water bottle but it’s like kind of like burning my thighs to be honest like it’s so warm like I feel like I’m being burnt but I’m so cold that I need it I’m trying to find the balance here balance between burning or and

    Freezing and I’m currently trying to upload my Instagram stories right now while we chat to get it done so I don’t have to do it tonight in my tent so bear with me I’m sorry guys trying to get the post up this always takes a lot of extra

    Time so like normally after I’m done streaming I still have a bunch of work going on but my friend is like Sarah you can probably like edit and like post Instagram some Tik toks on stream people will probably not mind I’m like oh you’re probably right

    So I’ve been trying to upload them while streaming so I don’t have to do it all at night what video was that I’m almost done I keep breaking Instagram though I feel like I’m going too fast for Instagram to handle but everyone says they’ve been enjoying the Instagram videos so I do

    Want to keep it up This water is Warm and I am sniff hey you’re new here how long you tour in for we’ll be on the road for 4 months my plan is to be to e okay you guys are on my knee why is it windy okay posting the bridge what else do I need to post the

    Llamas we got to post the llamas why is it so cold LL llas okay so my touring plan oh when did it get cut off I’m touring for four months I’m touring all the way until twitchcon which is the end of June so we have a long time on tour

    Um so soon in a few days we’re going to be going to greeze and I’m going to be biking up to Croatia and then I don’t know where we’re going from there but yeah we should be on the road for 4 months okay we posted llamas how many

    More photos or videos that I take I think I just have one more to post on Instagram story we’re going too fast for Instagram to handle don’t tell her I think she agree to that what what now huh looks like the climb fund is met now just to find the best

    Climbing areas in Liverpool is that what I agree to cuz I don’t think so I think not but yeah we’re going to be going to Greece we’re going to be flying into Bens and then biking up the coast that is my plan I need to eat more

    Snacks that’s what my plan was supposed to be but I got carried away was trying to do my Instagrams we’re taking it easy tomorrow yeah can we take it easy every single day it’s raining all day tomorrow I’m not I’m not excited hot sunas I’m so ready okay we posted all the stories

    Now now we go to Tik Tok so my last Tik Tock was me cooking instant pot after getting hailed on oh no my Instagram stories are already dis disappeared dang it I’m confused so my last tick tock was me eating instant pot I’m confused instant po what I’m

    Confused so it was day 20 it was yesterday I posted the hailstorm and I posted the instant noodles what video did I take after the instant noodles huh I take too many videos I can’t keep track of this okay it was that video okay okay we figured it out I need to

    Post this one day 20 of tour day three in Ireland at the view okay okay I figured it out guys too many videos okay how’s the trip gone so far um the trip so far has been going pretty good like oh is it day 20 was day yesterday day 20

    No yesterday was day 20 okay I’m sorry the tour has been going pretty good the hardest thing about right now is the rain and how cold it is I absolutely hate the cold I am not um no the cold is a no for me so I’ve been struggling with the

    Weather it’s really hard to Camp when it’s raining this much cuz all my stuff gets wet but like the touring’s been good we’ve been having lots of fun on stream but yeah holy heck it’s been challenging with the weather so I’m ready to get to

    Grease I’m ready for it to be dry I’m ready for the sun yeah I’m from Canada but I don’t do the cold um yeah okay sorry we’re doing our other social media post while chatting so I just posted that green video I fell behind on posting Tik toks yesterday

    And can’t figure out like what ones I posted and not I think I need to post the McDonald’s the fancy McDonald’s day day 20 of cycle tour day three in irland have you have you ever seen a McDonald’s so fancy it’s like the fanciest McDonald’s ever but I couldn’t sit inside cuz all the chairs were taken so we ate outside in the cold okay that’s uploading the Bots are back what the heck Bots oh not the Bots you weren’t even letting true is the lighting solar okay or do I

    Need to fix that cuz this lighting is kind of better on my my eyes wait there are mean Bots as well horrible Bots terrible I don’t like them get out of here get them swagy get them that Tik tok’s uploading let me upload another one so we just uploaded the Mac one okay

    Okay day 20 of tour Ireland beautiful okay day 20 of cycle tour day three Ireland taking the fairy back to whales okay location Ireland post it’s crazy that you stream twice today too yeah stay on until hitch comes online I don’t know hitch it when I asked it was

    Only 4:00 a.m. for hitch so it might take a while for him to be live but it would be nice to rate him again we were able to rate him last night but I think he went on when it was like midnight for me or something but sorry guys if you’re a

    Little bored I’m just trying to get all my insta posts and stuff uploaded so I don’t have to do it tonight but I know it’s probably not super fun watching me do all this but now you guys know the nightly routine of post a video add the captions

    Upload save the video go upload it to Tik Tok add a caption add the hashtags post it’s it’s a beautiful routine I lowkey hate it because it takes so much time but I think it’s good overall I’ve gotten a lot of like Instagram follows from the stories

    And then the Tik toks get a lot of Engagement for some reason I don’t know I’m posting them at a weird time right now so they might get zero views because I’m posting them at a weird weird hour I just need to post this one I

    Think yeah this is the last one from yesterday I need to do and then we just have to upload today’s post onto Tik Tok and then I’m done we just need to add the text day 20 of Tor Ireland SL whales okay good add location whales oh and then I need the hashtags

    Okay Hashtags UK whales oops post oh my gosh okay so many so many posts hash sheep hash help I’m cold # tired # 17 hour stream # fairy # I need sleep H tired bedtime #b Ash soggy tent beautiful okay most of these are uploaded I don’t know I’m uploading them

    At such a weird time I don’t know if they’ll get any views but hell I tried so now we get to do the super fun thing and we get to save our current Instagram stor so I can Chuck them onto Tik Tok it’s for ending Loop # same outfit for a

    Week Ash influencer ashm Creator this is warm but I honestly get a lot of like um engagement on Tik Tok like people ask a bunch of questions and stuff and it’s interesting I don’t know why cuz like on Instagram there’s not much engagement on photos that I post but Tik Tok Tik Tok

    They like to comment okay we’re just downloading a couple Videos I need to eat snacks so I don’t get hungry t I am I think it’s time for Pringles where are my Pringles I can’t see here they are Pringles so guys we’re gonna ask you a question I’ve been having a debate with hitch do you if you can see

    Me do you eat your Pringles this way like this or do you eat your Pringles this way like this what way do you eat your Pringles wait how are you going to answer this option number one down or option number two up first first first first second first first second

    Second okay cuz hitch thinks you’re supposed to eat them this way up I’m like don’t doesn’t that hurt you but I think it should go on your tongue so I don’t know how hitches eats them ow number one is definitely the correct way yummy day 21 is day 21 right of cycle

    Touring I’m back in Wales hash whales hash UK UK tour # UK travel Ash Wales hashtag ah ah T travel UK stunning we love it okay whales post oh I should have saved that caption hi Scott welcome to the stream how you doing Pringles we eating Pringles in the

    Cold we’re camping in this field tonight I don’t know if you can see me is the lighting okay or do I need to fix the lighting I don’t think I can copy this okay day 21 of cycle to it’s finally time to oil my chain sorry we’re just uploading all the

    Tik toks right now we got a few to do okay then I’m going to copy and paste all these copy do whales location okay perfect all right it’s going slow but we’re doing it now we’re going to save this video guys I tell you it takes so much time to do this every

    Night like it’s really hard to do once the stream’s off cuz all I want to do is go to bed guys what’s your favorite Pringles flavor mine is definitely sour cream I think it’s the only good one but I’ve only tried a few others I normally do this in my sleeping bag yeah

    Sour cream cheese and onion oh cheese and onion TJ easy tipped $15 another small little tip sorry TJ easy thank you so much for the $15 donation thank you a ton are the salt and vinegar Pringles good I don’t know if I had them thank you so much thanks for all the support

    Actually you know what I’m sad about your CIS selection in the UK Canada Canada has the best potato chips we have so many good flavors like all my favorite flavors are only in Canada I don’t know maybe I’m biased but like like guys if you ever have a chance

    To try like ketchup lays ketchup chips you have to they’re so good and you need to try all dressed I really like the Ruffles all dressed chips they’re so good so yummy delish and Miss vickies maybe Miss vickies aren’t Canadian but we have them a lot it’s like a honey mustard Miss

    Vickies oh so delicious you guys need to get those ketchup chips are the best that’s right they’re so good that’s because Canada puts artificial flavor and everything maybe but they’re yummy laser Walkers over here Walkers that’s like a zombie name isn’t it hey Scott there’s a car sorry about the

    Audio I feel like it downloaded The Wrong video thead maybe not look how cute these sheep are I hate my voice oh my gosh okay sorry it’s taking me like an hour to finish these posts but we’re always getting a bunch of Tik Tok comments we can answer the Tik Tok comments together

    Tik Tok has become ad Central now a lot of influencers that you follow post mostly ads instead of content oh really sad don’t think this is uploaded now it is my voice so let’s see what comments we just got I’m glad you like it where you from as

    It’s normal in Ireland and UK with older buildings to be kept like this by law buildings are protected all right we’ll tell him that we’re from Canada oh I’m from Canada I’m from Canada so we don’t have any old buildings this was so fun to see smiley

    Face okay we answered the Tik Tok comments you found the you found the water now to be fair it’s hard to miss the Irish sea just don’t tip your toe into it frostbite trust me oops I gave that a dislike it’s beautiful here but but cold for sure

    I think that’s all I need to answer there we go okay answer the Tik Tok comments getting our K so many posts if only so I could whip up a giant campfire whip out a guitar and play some songs and then get K kicked out of the

    Camp site for starting fires and making noise that would be perfect hey we’re respectful campers actually my neighbors on the bottom of the field they have fire so I guess fires aren’t banned here we had a many jet boil fire but it’s not like a proper fire okay we’re almost done uploading

    Our Tik talks for the night I think I only have three more to do we’re nearly there but now I don’t have to do it in my tents so I’m happy now we can eat chips I only follow like 11 people on Tik Tok and I think they’re all my friends

    Okay I got snipples they’re multiplying okay day 21 of cycle touring M the U okay let’s go Across let’s go Across the bridge hash whales post we’re almost there just need to save the llamas and then save my dinner tonight okay swagy oh Brooks gifted it said thank yous swagy you just swipe and let the cards fall but I keep getting the vids I love watching like it knows what I like very

    Creepy really likey do not follow me we’re heading towards Liverpool tomorrow we won’t get there but we’re going to get closer to it oh imp is here how you found the temperature camping outside I’m camping next week in a tent in um bring layers I’m currently wearing

    Six um get some of these hand warmers they’re they’re they’re great to have in your sleeping bag with you boil some water and put it in the water water bottle and put that in your sleeping bag it’ll keep you warm but yeah it’s a bit chilly I’m not going to lie one morning

    I woke up and it said it feels like zero and I could see my breath and I was like yeah that’s not good so it’s a bit cold currently Frozen yeah it’s quite it’s quite quite chilly okay we’re on our last video to post I hope you guys are excited looks like

    It’ll be low of 11 degrees next weekend yeah just bring lots of layers and try to stay dry that’s my hardest part is staying dry 11 is better than zero for sure I’ve been frozen so so cold okay last video saved let’s upload it and then we’re done we’re done for a

    Day day 21 of cycle touring camping camping tonight beautiful okay we did it we uploaded all our videos we had to upload today how long did that take like an hour you intend to SP spend time in the pub until sleepy that is that’s a pro move right

    There I’ve just been sat in the cold for a few hours we sat down what time was it like S I just been sat here cold but we’re going to eat some Pringles we’re going to chill I do have like a butt pad piece of foam that I’m sitting

    On my feet feel wet I’m not going to lie I think my socks are wet Alex commented on my story I missed the llas today but I did see a doggo okay everything should be uploaded we’re free the videos aren’t getting views because we uploaded them at a weird time but it’s

    Fine do you get sick often do you just sniffles I get sniffles cuz I’m cold I think I don’t know I just get really sniffly on the bike but I haven’t I don’t want me to even say it we haven’t gotten sick yet on this

    Trip and I hope it stays that way I got really sick last trip when I was in Spain I got like heat stroke or something or heat poisoning I don’t know I got really ill for a while I think it’s starting to rain uh oh is that water falling from the

    Sky I’m going to start packing up a few things just in case oh my God my legs are asleep for for I’m going to be boiling water later a lighter okay this can go on my bike I wonder do you think I can stream in my t for I think the scissors fell

    Out I can’t see what’s happening put this away that’s garbage okay to bring the wash with me later I want to see if I can get you in the tent that’s the tent is stuck in my hair did I break it did I break the stream my phone just connected so I

    Don’t know if I’m live I tried what did I do broke the internet I break it my phone doesn’t know what to do with it so welcome to my tent this is intimate you guys are in my tent what the heck welcome um welcome to my

    Room m is over over here this is a thermal rest yes what’s the full name I’m drawing a blank right now therest something sorry I moved my mic much better yeah ther rest Neo air I don’t know blanking I’m just going to see what you guys can see in this tent it’s much

    Warmer in here why were we outside it’s dark but it’s fine it’s a good um sleeping pad but it’s a little expensive well I didn’t feel like moving earlier cuz I was still like eating or trying to but I was like H it’s fine but yeah I should have came inside I’m going

    To eat Pringles still the sleeping bike should be dry I’m eating Pringles in my tent yummy super good yum yum and I got some pop left all right guys I’m so much warmer it’s crazy being not on the floor really changes a lot pretty much everything set up for the

    Rain yeah there’s no wind chill I think that’s the big difference is that it’s not windy anymore I do have to go back outside to brush my teeth and everything and um oh I want to change some of my clothes because I’m wearing clothes I don’t really want to sleep

    In I want to change into my um Mara W um Whatchamacallit wall quarter zip as well cuz I’m just in my clothes that I was cyclan in h used to do story time in his tent H what kind of stories I sleep with two pairs of socks

    On currently with heaing pads in between them so that’s how many socks I wear two pairs of socks two pairs of trousers and six pairs of C coats and shirts and then I go inside a sleeping bag liner and then I go inside a sleeping bag egg and that is called

    Survival and then I have a buff and I put that over my ears and my nose it’s very uncomfy and I hate it and I also sleep with a water bottle in between my legs super fun nighttime Pringles no I get like I just like I can’t stand sleeping in tight clothes

    So the fact that I have like so many layers on inside a tight sleeping bag drives me absolutely mental like I want to flip around I want to like not be constricted but I’m so constricted I’m like I can’t handle this and I have a hard time falling asleep because I feel

    So like gross but eventually I pass out I hate it yeah normally that is my sleeping outfit is a huge t-shirt that’s like a dress PR tonight I’ll be watching some YouTube to fall asleep too I’m not sure what YouTube yet but I normally have some go-to YouTubers that are my comfort YouTubers

    Where the Vibes are good my comfort YouTubers are normally um good myth loal morning R and Link they just do really stupid kind of funny videos and I’ve been watching them for 10 years and that’s what I normally have been trying to fall asleep to um but yeah they upload like almost

    Daily so I get a lot of lot of content from them turn down my phone brightness I uploaded these Tik toks at the not a good time sometimes when I post a Tik Tok they’ll get like 600 views in like 10 minutes these ones aren aren’t moving we’ve picked a bad time

    Guys does anyone in chat watch YouTube CU like I don’t think Trevor watches YouTube um I think he’s more like a movie guy he’ll like put on a movie if he wants something to relax to but my go-to is always YouTube that’s why I haven’t seen any

    Movies no I justed it music listening not really Tik Tok I watch oh YouTube is great you can find anything there yeah yeah I just like I really got into the YouTube culture like once it like became a thing so like Middle School I think it was like I’ve really got into

    YouTube and like I was yeah very into the YouTube culture I knew like everything YouTube that’s why I was a little bit of a YouTuber at one point I was very obsessed there was so many different channels and people I follow it felt like I was like their friends in the way

    With the S of videos they would make it was like comforting but a lot of my favorite YouTubers no longer make videos a lot of them have quit because they’ve been doing it for so long one of the ones I used to watch Matt Pat he did the game theory

    And um film Theory videos he he just quit that’s the most recent person that quit you know Matt Pat yeah he was an OG YouTuber and then yeah red link are OG YouTubers I’m just I just am proud to say I knew them before they had a million subscribers cuz now they got

    Like they have so many subscribers I always forget how many they have but I’m always impressed they Have 18.6 just a casual 18.6 oh D perfect D perfect is good also like first funny videos I watch the try guys they’re they’re a good group I like things that aren’t too serious to fall asleep to but sometimes I do fall asleep to murder documentaries but I

    Have to stop doing that because I was having some wild dreams and I can’t be having wild dreams in the tent Epic Meal Time is Spong dreams mhm my bike is just outside my tent I may should probably lock it still I haven’t done that yet how I feeling about tour this

    Tour has been challenging it’s been difficult in different ways it’s difficult because of weather um it’s my first ever like uncomfy tour well I guess Japan was kind of uncomfy but yeah normally I tour in warm places at a good time of year but this is like hey let’s start touring in win

    And um yeah it’s been challenging it’s just hard being wet all the time I’m over it yeah Japan was cold but it was more dry wasn’t it so it was easier to camp it’s just the rain that’s been really challenging this this been your favorite tour to watch so far though

    Interesting you’re replyed to my Instagram real from 21 day oh from day 21 please read but no reply needed you know it’s me because I signed it on Instagram okay it should be in my DMs sniffles Sniffles the Tik toks are it’s fine having such a I just had way too much guac and tortilla chips I’ve been obsessed with guac recently that’s been my new thing well I’ve only had it like twice but I found little guac pots and they’re really good I do love some

    Gu Japan tripping one yep that’s the Japan trip sideways egg have you guys watched that we’ve changed a little haven’t we we don’t fall over every day I’ve only fallen over once so far on this trip but yeah we um we fell when we struggled a lot in Japan

    Japan was such a hardcore place to do my first ever tour I was like H I’ve never done a bike tour by myself H I barely have ridden this bike I’ve never ridden a fully loaded Touring bike um but yeah I’m like why not do it

    In Japan a country I’ve never been to a country where I don’t speak the language let’s go for it there’s no bike Lanes or anything that was such a bad decision but hey we tried we tried our best we got pretty far we got from Tokyo to Asaka right that was

    Crazy good thing Japan didn’t use roundabouts yeah her Japanese or English um if you’re in the cities and stuff pretty good the more rural you’ll get um like the less English is spoken the less English signs there are but everyone was really nice and like wanted to help you and like talk to

    You um so yeah it was fine really it just takes a bit more time to communicate what you want I never found my grandma no there was a grandma in Japan not a grandma but she was like a little bit older and I was having a bad

    Day because I was about to do my climb and I had like no batteries all my batteries were dead so I really needed to charge and she’s asking if I needed help or anything and I was like oh I I don’t know if I told her I needed to

    Charge batteries but I tried to I think I was like oh I need power I need to charge my phone and she’s like oh okay okay you follow me come to my house I was like oh my gosh okay we’re going to her house so she had an ebike and we did

    Like a U-turn and we like zipped down the street she was so fast I could like hardly keep up with her and we stopped at the house she dropped off some bags and she’s like no not my house um I’m like oh okay we’re just stopping and she

    Like left the driveway by the time like I was able to turn my bike around she was gone she disappeared she was nowhere to be found I have no idea where she went I like tried to ride down the street really fast I’m like where did

    She go and I didn’t see her so I went back down the other way I’m like where is she she was gone disappeared never saw her again what’s happened in Japan go to by Grandma she’s like she’s too slow never mind I’m out of here Pringles in a tent yum

    You probably me to charge all my bits ahead for the weekend all your bits oh your head torch I got a tent light thing too oh okay I don’t have a head torch cuz mine broke and it’s so inconvenient I was trying to set up this

    Tent in the pitch dark in like a swamp like I could not see where the heck I was cuz I was wild camping I just like crawled into this field and it was so squishy the floor was just mud and I tried to set up this tent with

    No no light it was so hard it took me so long cuz I couldn’t figure out what way it was what what was happening it like took me half an hour to get this tent up I haven’t been to an outdoor store I need to get to the cathon the cathon is my

    Hero not a sponsor but really wish it was I love to Cathlon okay we got a Tik Tok comment should we go answer it oh we don’t need a comment it people are just saying what McDonald’s it was give it’s a fine comment when is Hitch gonna go live guys we’re trying to do 24-hour hitch and S streams

    We’ve done three in a row cuz hitch was live he raided me I raided hitch he raided me so now we need to raid him what time is it in Korea it’s harder for me to rate him because how the time zone works it’s only six oh dang it

    Hitch if it if it was seven we might have had a chance H just camping in a kind of public place so he’ll want to start early sometimes if we say his name three times it works let’s try hitch hitch hitch Trevor are you there Trevy Trevor sorry not Trevor 9999

    Hitch we have multiple trevors dang it guys I don’t think it worked shoot H and Trevor AR here dang it can we play a quiz oh do you mean like the little quiz that we did a couple streams ago unfortunately I need a mod to do those

    Quizzes but it did seem fun because you have to do it from a desktop and I don’t have a computer but yeah we were using quiz kit the other day but my mod has to run the quiz cuz yeah it would have been so fun to do like nightly quizzes but I can’t

    Do it off my phone makes me sad it was a lot of fun I thought so if you go to the cath I recommend their camping lamp all right I’m going to try to go to the cathlon there might be one in Liverpool or there’s one in

    Manchester I forget where but I’m on a mission to get to the cathon did he ate at a restaurant last night or just Camp he was at a restaurant for a long time eaten food and then he went into a bush and he told me to start my stream

    So he could raid me so we did just dreaming of chocolate chip cookies is he oh yeah hitch was eating worms what was with that why was hitch eating worms what was that about there was a side dish was it actually worms what was it was it actually

    Worms brought it to him and he couldn’t say no hit will try anything if it’s food that the country actually eats he will try it silk worms really silk worms interesting what do they look like were they small like little Wormies two dein in Liverpool and apparently one in Manchester e beautiful that’s good we got options for deons cuz yeah I want a head lamp I want a headlamp wait what else I have a I have a list why am I forgetting my list head lamp H lamp I had a huge

    List oh like waterproof socks or like waterproof shoe covers but I’m going to be leaving England anyway but it might still be nice to have um yeah that’s what I wanted maybe new shoes cuz mine are destroyed yeah and then I was thinking about getting my bike upgraded but it

    Depends on what the cost is and if it will be worth it so I’ll probably talk to the bike shop and see what they think maybe I’ll get my bike looked over as well since it’s been through a little bit of stuff yeah okay that was my list I think

    I don’t think there’s anything else I think that’s all you don’t need a bike upgrade just a like upgrade I’m trying I think my legs might be a little bit stronger but I’m not sure there was one like at the start of the stream today I

    Started biking I was like did I forget my Piers like the bike felt really light light light yeah kind of sounded like I said light the bike felt super light and I was like what’s going on but I have my paneers on but that didn’t last very long cuz then the headwind came

    Did I work at what I forgot no it definitely felt like I didn’t have all the paniers on at the start though I was confused mic’s a little low sorry my mic is charging so it’s down on my knee it’s on my knee so it’s only 6: a.m. in

    K it’s really hard for me to raid hitch back can we interview Sarah what do you want to ask me disa moose thank you for the 11 months for 11 months thank you I’m inside a tent yes he is here hitch it’s really hard to raid

    You it’s easier for you to raid me I have to wait for you to wake up I’m in a tent hello sir we’ve been talking about you what’s your Fe favorite season um lemon pepper is kind of fun lemon pepper it’s kind of a fun fun season or Papa and where um anywhere

    Go live please it’s okay hitch hey CH we’re eating Pringles in a tent how you doing are you cold as well actually I got some like Spice from Japan when I was there like a little pack of spice and I’ve been adding that to Ramen in my tabuki hitch just woke up he’s

    Warm why are you warm I mean good for you that you’re warm and healthy not me I’m a little bit cold I like summer I like summer in Australia take me back please is that a better answer Alex wasn’t it too hot no bring on the heat please bring on the heat

    You should hop in your sleeping bag well I am kind of in my cycling trousers so I was trying not to but I guess it doesn’t matter okay let’s get in a sleeping bag I’m just in my dirty cycling clothes but I guess all my clothes are dirty for

    I also have a sleeping bag liner which I like to use because I hate the texture of sleeping bags that’s like a giant sock okay 24-hour sleeping stream is that what we’re doing what hitch is Hitch here Hy TRV you look at how many Subs we got crunch crunch

    Crunch W little Flex we’re on hitch level now I just need to see what you guys can see we’re in a tent I tried to move the light around did it do anything not really but it’s fine enough so she flexing heck yeah we got over 200 Subs in one

    Day wait we got 200 subs and we currently have 573 we got most of our subs today what are you filming yourself if you’re using your phone we are using a Sony action camera um powered with a bellaa box so it’s like an action camera

    Hooked up to like a mini computer and we send that to Twitch well we send it to a server which goes to Twitch I don’t know how to explain it very good you can start on a little bit Trevor I can wind down I’m warm

    Now I’m in a I’m in a sleeping bag you don’t have to start R away I’m hanging in here cuz now once I end my stream I have to go do chores and I don’t want to get out of my sleeping bag you can FaceTime me I can see what you look like

    Cuz you’re also in a sleeping bag a how cute we’re both in sleeping bags on our thermal rest are you in your tent as well are you in are you in a big egus copper spur TR oh here he is hi hi you are in a

    Tent of course 6 in the morning well I wasn’t sure if you’re in a cube no just a tent at a reservoir at a reservoir yeah nice are you tired look feel I good I heard you did like oh sorry I said I’m on a good sleep schedule I

    Like get tired early but I wake up early ah I heard you did like 10 and how many kilometers yesterday 120 something I don’t know the exact number 120 you’re crazy yeah yeah I see that I see your nose there Trevor what you got what do you what do

    You mean izing like your nose don’t judge me when’s the last time you moisturized it I wore sunscreen yesterday just yesterday yeah Trevor I’m in the UK and I wear it three times a day I know but your your skin is very sensitive say hi to Chat hi good job but you’re warm oh yeah how it’s four degrees right now but like I got sleeping bag you’re crazy I’m Frozen all the time you’re what what Trevor what the heck have temperature issues but you have a ton oh I see

    Yeah you have a good riding B my neck is in a bunch of pain I was having neck pain all day yeah which just made it harder to keep going so I only did like 37 to this campsite but I started at 3 so you know that’s not bad yeah that’s fine

    Yeah part is to like Liverpool Manchester um I think Liverpool’s one60 or is that Manchester from where you are or where you where’s Liverpool 118 to Liverpool actually oh that’s not bad just a few days funny how you feel yeah you try stretching your neck I find if I get

    Neck pain if I like fully extend it down to the point where it starts to feel like a stretch yeah I even do it when I’m riding like as long as I’m in a straight stretch where I know I feel safe I keep turning it my chest I’ve been turning my head

    Left and right and it’s been Cracking oh yeah and then um that helped me is when I’m riding rather than looking like straight like uh forward i’ more keep my head like down kind of down look up it keeps your spine more neutral position oh so like down but eyes up I guess I can try that Tomorrow yeah yeah if you’re kind of leaning forward on your bike but you’re looking with your head straight forward you’re actually like crany oh oh maybe that’s what I’m doing I don’t know or I slept weird last night cuz I was so tired it could be multiple things I just

    I’ve had neck pain in the past and these are things that helped me they might not help you they could cuz yeah it could just be sleeping on funny or something but I thought I’d offer up a few things that has helped me in the past okay well

    Trevy I might need to maybe go back to my stream okay but say I’m G start say goodbye good bye hi bye okay I’m gonna raid you once you’re live probably yeah 24hour hitch and Sarah I didn’t think he would be up still when I turned the my phone on I

    Thought with the extra hour it’s going to be hard cuz yeah like it’s 10: there so yeah all right see you all right sorry guys that was hitch we never get to talk to each other because of the time zone so I’ve only talked to him twice since he’s been in

    Korea and one of the phone calls was only like 10 minutes yeah so we don’t get to talk to each other anymore he didn’t even know that was going back to Wales so you guys get to see us more than we get to see each other we got a little call look at

    Us we normally say I love you to each other but I couldn’t embarrass him on stream like that don’t worry guys we still like each other this is 48 Hours of s hitch already yeah yes it is I do have to get out of my tent at

    Some point so I can go brush my teeth and get rid of my garbage so I don’t want to get out of my tent though it’s warm but my heat my little toe hand warmers are really warm right now they’re in my socks and it feels feels

    Good they feel warm and then I’m going to reboil my water and um have that why need cycle Korea together I went to Korea four months ago and I did a big Korea trip and then hitch went to Korea cuz he wanted to do a biking tour and we’re just on different

    Schedules but honestly the schedule is the best because people that follow hitch can watch hitch when he’s live and then people who follow me can watch me when I’m live um so honestly this is like the best scenario for streaming for us um so we’re not competing against each other when we’re both

    Live in reality this is actually the best scenario for for streams eventually we’ll be able to do something together no tandem plant so far yeah so it’s hard it’s difficult but we’re trying to make it work so we’ll probably take some time off after our trips are done and then go

    Back out on the road and do different things you know what’s my main goal on this trip to get to Greece and up to Croatia it’s taking me a while to get over there but we’re trying where are you we are in a tent in Wales camping

    Tonight but yeah it’s hard now that we’re both streaming to make trips work together when I did the tandem trip I was basic basically on a vacation like I wasn’t getting paid I had to like leave my job to go onto the tandem trip so I

    Was just like there for the ride but I didn’t have to pay for like food and I think Trevor paid for my flight but that was basically like a vacation for me even though I was working the entire time it was technically a vacation so that’s that’s why the tandem trip was

    Able to work back then so now things are a little bit different cuz now we both need to be working vacation that’s not a vacation a vacation that almost broke me oh my gosh I was so sick when I went on the tandem trip I had a chest infection and like I

    Was not used to bike touring and we had to get to twitchcon so we had to do like 100 km a day days every single day and we weren’t allowed a day off and I was like fighting a chest infection I was like dying we were camping I was like oh

    My god what have I done it’s like yeah I was new to streaming as well so I was like scared because I thought people would hate me on camera and oh my gosh yeah tandem tour the start was a bit Rocky after twitchcon my chest infection went away cuz I was able to

    Sleep but yeah that was bad the start was really Bad I don’t think I ever went to the doctor I ended up taking a day off in France I think and then hedge kept cycling he’s like sorry Sarah I have to cycle I can’t take a day off you can take the train I’ll see you once I get

    There I’m like oh okay bye hitch so he picked up a hitchhiker for the for the bike on that day yeah some craziness you really need to watch the t tour YouTube videos yeah I haven’t posted that many of them because they take so long to

    Edit but I was trying to edit the tandem tour because a lot of people didn’t see it hey oh hitch is live 24hour hitch and Sarah okay guys well our main boy hitch is live we’ll raid him in a little bit we’ll let him actually get his stream started because he does stream starting soon for like 10 minutes 7 minutes so we’ll give him a moment to actually go go really actually

    Live and then yeah I’m going to go brush my teeth and um crawl back into this sleeping bag with more heated water and then I’ll wake up probably hopefully at a decent time tomorrow and stay dry I hope I stay dry tomorrow but we’ll see too awkward for you what what is

    This gifted 14 Subs how many gifted Subs do we have today or not gifted how many Subs on our sub goal do we have holy moly thank you so for the thank you you broke me thank you for the 14 gifted Subs too awkward for you 22 two I see what you did

    There he had to get it to the 222 I see beautiful thank you so much too awkward for you beautiful and water for Wizard is gifting a sub as well thank you craziness guys well we smashed the sub goal today I must say what’s behind me a

    Tent no it was 223 it’s okay I’ll accept the 223 sleep well Sarah thank you Clash 223 Subs in one day and I’m only at like 500 Subs we almost like doubled my Subs in one day that’s crazy justed Subs to the community see thank you for the gifted sub as well

    Thank you guys that craziness wild day quy that’s right and another gift to sub from or not gifted just a sub from Synergy subscrib energ welcome to the community you have egg emote now I hope you enjoy them oh my gosh guys thank you no honestly we had like

    So much support the last two days um well we had a lot of support for this whole stream but the last two days have been quite crazy with the amount of support with everything so thank you guys thanks for helping out with everything thing thanks for

    Understanding my uturn that we had to do I appreciate it it makes things less stressful knowing that you guys are going to be understanding about like the decisions that we make it’s nice we got a good community over here don’t we the nicest twitch Community you guys are

    Nice yeah that’s how I feel um very nice here who’s a good chat you guys would give bikes 1.5 meters I know it you guys would give me space when passing you just gied 22 Subs to the community too awkward for you just gied 22 Subs to the community oh my Atlanta 22 more oh my gosh wow look at us literally I feel like we doubled my Subs in one day this is insane oh my God another one oh my gosh too awkward for you you just gifted like I don’t know how many Subs guys let’s get some eggs

    For too awkward for you I’m trying to get some right now POG thank you so much for all the gifted Subs holy gosh we’re at 269 we’re almost at 300 that’s insane wow thank you for all the eggs that looks beautiful thank you too awkward for you oh my

    Gosh he was able to get it to 69 with the 22 gifted as well that’s funny stunning 20 was the goal what she got was 269 yes you know we’re overachievers over here what can I say that’s insane I’m going to get my stream summary and it’s going to be like

    Crazy oh yeah twitch didn’t pay me last month for some reason um which was quite concerning so I hope they pay me this month cuz it’d be um slightly inconvenient if they don’t so I hope they do yeah I didn’t get paid from twitch last month another

    One Mitchie thank you for the gifted sub we’re at 270 amazing hey we got a raid G view gagaman thank you welcome to the tent turn I got it to send it to him maybe I don’t know why they didn’t pay me like normally they pay me through

    PayPal but it didn’t work and then they’re like sorry about that we’ll try next month I’m like you’re going to try next month what if it doesn’t work next month then I have to weigh another month and then yeah craziness anyway I’m sure I’ll be fine I hope

    So cuz yeah I updated my info they’re like okay we’ll try next month thanks and anyway that’s like another scary thing said my manager I did tell her but I don’t think she’s done it’s all fine poor hitch looks barely awake he is he in a sleeping bag as

    Well hitch and I are like in similar situ situations right now oh yeah I need to check my car that’s not working oh I also needed to see if I could fix the media share I guess I’ll do that tonight and see if I can get my media share working

    Again B to Bay content beautiful Subs Sarah currently has 665 Subs see we like almost doubled my subs today that is crazy wow Brian had to work hard today Brian’s working overtime force close stream buddy oh okay I’ll try to remember to do that once I turn off the

    Stream all righty folks should we go raid Mr hitch is it time he’s probably online now what do we reckon I’m off to bed 4 a.m. this morning oh gosh loone definitely time for bed he’s definitely online all right bye imp let’s start this raid some of

    You guys might already be watching him but I’m going to send you over to Hitch cuz 24 hours SAR and hitch content is happening now oh yeah he is in his tent I’m in my tent this is so cute all right I’m sending you to another tent the same brand tent in the

    Same sleeping pad but I’m sending you to South Korea so go say hey the hitch what’s the raid message from 10 to tent or something like that I don’t know from 10 to 10 this is intense we could do a pun this is intense and then you can send some eggs

    I don’t know I I’m bad at this because I had a hitch I might L for a while before getting on my sleeping bag because I don’t want to get out so you probably will see me in in chat over there but thanks for joining me today thank you for all the subs

    Today that was absolutely wild thank you guys I will be streaming again tomorrow so look out for me tomorrow and uh yeah we’re going to have a good night I hope hopefully I stay warm go say hey the hitch and I’m going to have a good

    Sleep all righty get your raid ready we got to go over strong okay guys all the eggs I want to see wall of eggs when I send you cuz I’m going with you on this raid wall of eggs ready

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