Today we re-visit the Madeley court hotel in Telford. The security where very unprofessional and seemed to be protective of the hotel.

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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we’re on a revisit at the mle court Hotel here in talford um stunning building absolute stunning building we’re walking over the public path here um so we’re just going to come down here absolutely full of migrants um we have got the security

    On already um there’s a security guard just here very muddy path so we’re going to watch where we trading I don’t want don’t slip on me ass God yeah yeah so we’ve got the zoom camera with us this time uh whilst we’re filming so I can get better shots but

    This needed a definitely needed a revisit um to see what has gone on and it looks probably exactly the same as last time um so we’ll uh security anyway that’s a security is radi radioing through now um we’ll just uh these cones ain’t going

    To stop us are they so we’ll just uh see what’s going on here I’ll just walk on the ground and see what they say um yeah there’s the migrant Lads playing football and stuff uh bins so there’s families here uh but yeah let’s just have a look

    At the grounds eh what an amazing building cut off to the public ER I reckon for I mean it must be 6 months since I’ve come so uh look at the building there amazing entity I think we’ll have a zoom in guys what do you

    Reckon so here we are on the zoom camera anyway guys gas thatass would be C there you go look at that what an amazing historic building it is look at that I bet there’s been weddings cancelled here part is cancelled here guests losing the money well not losing the

    Money but I bet it would take them a while for get the money back after everything was cancelled but yeah this is more like a almost like a concentration camp for me really I would probably say some sh so here we are back on um the

    GoPro we’ll take a look at the bin and see how well they’ve been treated here at this one yeah so so little little sort of stuff here things like that um we’ve got the security guards coming out to us now we can see just there they’ve

    Got the laundry service so they got a laundry service here yeah anyway there’s a big nice tree a’t it yeah so anyway here’s the grounds and this is just the ground yeah fine mate just looking for squirrels squirrels in this tree yeah I’m just looking at the tree

    Though so okay no it’s not okay who who are you one of the where’ your badge mate poet you know you need to have it on display it is on display it’s not on display I can’t see it have it on you have it is broke so I can’t do about

    That well you need you need have some on why you can put it on display you know if you don’t display it and you come up to a remember the public you’re breaking the law I’m not list yeah you are mate yeah you are all right listen yeah you

    Are so you’re breaking the law property not breaking the law we’re not breaking the law off showing that badge there is that’s a criminal offense yeah that is a criminal offense if you don’t have that on show don’t accuse us of being criminals when you’re doing something criminal yourself

    I just said you shouldn’t be here so if you can leave please we are going to we are going to leave there’s no time limit yeah you should know that so in that case we call the police and they can what for a man with a camera tell him about not displaying

    That so you’re going to call the police for something that’s a civil matter not a criminal matter you’re going to waste the police’s time are you the police you’re wasting the police’s time you could have just left us alone left us alone let’s do us filming let’s find us

    Squirrels in this tree and then we’ll be gone not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed are you taking the M mate hey are you taking the M yeah we are it’s it’s our video we can take the make if we want do here you can go I can take

    The me here if I want be on call him then call him then call him then and we’ll show you for wasting police time see he’s got his on show but I noticed he turn he’s turned it around yeah let’s go on the zoom anyway guys let’s go on the

    Zoom well there you go anyway guys not a single English security guard not born here there’s the other one migrant I think he was the Bulldog from last time when I came guys I will tag that video in he got Air Base in thaten he that one

    Yeah yeah what I was doing here I was I was videoing through them Gates there at the laundry service as soon as he saw us they shut the gates cuz they don’t want to see who they’re having the laundry off but uh yeah they’ve got a laundry

    Service here guys so that’s what some else you’re paying for hopefully there are look four four security guards oh look there’s there’s a white guy so they have got a wi guy so there’s another security guard there so there’s five security guards guys five security guards it’s

    Crazy that is how much wages per week are we paying these yeah and then and then R like we’re criminals it’s crazy Ain it it’s nuts so here we are just uh there we are guys look see I told you looking for squirrels there’s one right there you

    See just having some fun with them there they are on the phone to the police I reckon but I’m going to leave this grounds now anyway they asked us to leave there was no time limit we did say we were going to leave um so I’m leaving I won’t go back

    On uh that land I can get all my shots from up on the um the public path oh will nice car that is he for a security guard what do you reckon so that’s number six security guard six security guards here guys crazy that is West Mercier police this one is I

    Don’t think they’re supposed to have that cone there are they I think that belongs to the police not them right mate uh reading there anyway guys we’ll wander back up on this muddy track here I’m going to go around that way to get back up on the track

    Um cuz it’s a bit less muddy and then we’ll do some more filming for meay we are guys you see that squ there told you we were squir watching anyway we’ll get our our shots from up here uh just let me get a good place I can get a shot

    From uh I reckon they’re on the phone to the police and there they are anyway all the security guards are out in force quick don’t let them film don’t let them film we don’t want them filming this look at them laughing I wonder if them security

    Guards are Muslim and they the ones that are going to groom them into telford’s uh rape gangs uh maybe not guys maybe I’m just throwing stuff in there but we are in talford don’t know if you guys follow Tommy Robinson and but I certainly do I reckon this place is full of them

    Full of every type of one you can think of got nice cars aren’t they for security guards there we are anyway that’s the only English one eh the only English one there we go got him yeah he’s filming us now which is not a problem guys you know they’ve got a film aren’t

    They look at them they’re panicking aren’t they they panicking how many security guards do these people need here where we’re literally out in the sticks we are we’re not out in the sticks but we’re off the Beaten Track I would say and why do they need all these security guards not in

    It just wanted to show you the entrance to this building as well guys how Grand this building is but there’s a lot of history to this building a lot of history to this building you see now we’re on the public land their job should be over but he still watching

    He’s on the phone there probably to the police you’ve asked us to leave we’ve left St is no longer on their land here standing I’m just going to show you just here there’s three of us there’s three people standing there St is filming as you can see um the bogot is filming and

    The wife is there as well so we’re on the public path you can see just in the distance there there’s public people using this path so there’s no need for them to be bothered now is they but they still on the phone to the police aren’t

    They wasting the police time I reckon we get down the side and have a look down the side I do which is I think is what we’ll do next get away they’re looking across at St he wants Kelly Meers don’t he hey imagine what would happen if you ain’t got cameras on

    You look at that there’s a squirrel you see guys see told you I was squir watching that’s three we’ve seen on this video and he’s on the phone to the police probably the only one that can speak English e I’m only kidding guys I’m only I’m only winding them up there

    Look there you go anyway he looks like he needs to go on the treadmill a little bit don’t he he’s not going to be able to chase us is he so we’re are on the public land here guys and he’s recording now just behind this tree here to see if we can go

    Through you understand GD and he’s recording us on here we’re we’re on public land you’re not supposed to be recording people on public land this is a public foot path you just do what you want to here at this hotel don’t you you do what you

    Want to here don’t you hey you bunch of assholes call yourself security you’re not you’re not not a single one of you has got a bit of training between you have you hey look at that lord ass there he doesn’t know what he’s doing he ain’t got a clue he hasn’t ring

    Police there’s a man with a camera there’s a man with a camera oh no look at him he’s that Dody one we filmed before a he hey I’m older than you yeah look at him security terraining there hey you from the last time have you yeah you stupid

    Pineapple there we are Luke he’s still he still hasn’t got his badge on show guys look at that still no badge on show the rap gangs are you anything to do with the tord rap gangs that’s rud don’t know it’s only a question mate it’s only a question it’s only a

    Question no no cuz we’re not we’re not Muslim we’re not Muslim bet you are where’s your badge mate where’s your badge where’s your badge call the police call the police help help racist you racist I just asked you a question mate how’s that racist how is it racist mate

    We only asked you a question you could call me a Christian I’m not bothered that’s what I mean guys cuz I am a Christian these guys they weaponize the word racist don’t they don’t weaponize it they weaponize it look at him laughing he’s definitely a dodgy one

    And he wears his badge not a single one of them got badges on where’s his badge where’s Fatty’s badge fatty hasn’t got a badge on has he oh it’s not aggravated either on public got him there right there he’s got it guys he’s got it on he’s got his camera attached

    To why haven’t you made got them on hey where are they then cuz I’ve been zooming on on you for about 10 minutes now I’ve not seen one assholes aren’t the guys one rule for one and one rule for another why do you need so many security here what what’s going

    On what’s what’s going on for have so many security what you hiding look at them guys absolute these security guards are absolute laughable aren’t they absolutely laughable remember guys I I haven’t got I haven’t got a mask on and as me wife where that walking stick walking sck hey watch the video

    Did you saw yourself do you see what the people were saying about you I don’t care yeah you don’t care do you I don’t care I don’t care what an asshole look at them guys we’re going to make these ones famous you think you fucking 10 man

    You do your pineapple you won’t last five minutes where I live you won’t last five minutes triggered aren’t they guys look at them at them laughing so all right guys we’ve uh we were just walking around the side now the followers around the side pardon me guys

    I can tell you that but remember all this is a public road what do you guys feel about security guards that are filming people on public land if you’re on their land fair enough they should film you shouldn’t they but what about people in place of work filming people on public

    Land do you think that they should be allowed to do that I don’t think we got a delivery in here guys where’s that coming from see I can’t quite get hydro X oh yeah guys we just we’re just walking down the side now we are them security guards I tell you what absolute

    Fruit cakes aren’t they but we are in tord guys remember that and we kind of expected this um but yeah they should need to film us now guys cuz we’re not on their land we’re not we not no threat to them really are we you know you can we you know we can

    Film anything that we can see in public so if it’s onto that property then that’s what it is is it um so they’ve no need to followers and stuff like that let me know what you think about that they are very very protected protective of this hotel here

    Guys very protective what we did is we just made out we were going around the front way and then come back around the back just give him the run around a little bit that fatty looks like he needs the run around a little bit don’t you agree he needs the

    Exercise and bags hanging out the window what we what we noticed is guys is when we first turned up and there was people in the courtyard obviously the migrants were in the courtyard some of them anyway and they quickly quickly got them in now we weren’t we weren’t going

    To film The migrants we’re filming the building and stuff like that and showing you where they are um and they were quick to ride them weren’t they that’s very suspicious isn’t it very suspicious so guys uh I’m going to show you that we are not on their land and

    We’ve got no way across to their land it’s all fenced off there and we can’t climb them fenes we can’t swim across here to get to their land so there’s no reason why they need to be around the back sort of looking at what we’re doing or anything we could just generally be

    Sitting down now and having a having a a a bite to lunch or things like that she just shows you that really if you was to come down here and the you know if they saw a mobile phone in in your hand and you were standing let’s say here and

    Looking out would they come out and be so suspicious of you then um I’m not you know I I think these security guys here are very very dodgy and I think they take more pictures of the public than the public realize and that’s my personal opinion you let me know what you

    Think so they’re having a delivery there guys can’t I don’t don’t know what quite that is environment can’t read it I can’t read it guys I’ll have to look back through the footage but yeah they’re having a delivery from Hydro X I don’t know what they’d be

    Delivering and um we see an actual woman on this one a migrant woman oh she’s using the bin that’s crazy that is you about the security cards will say get back in get back in quick quick but there you go anyway guys the the security guard um one of

    Them is just off camera the one that’s wearing the the the big coat he knows the channel he does he found himself on the last video he knows who I am oh well not bothered he’ll be on TV now with his uh with his goony mates there that one there there you go

    Him he’s a right Tyrant of a security guard he has shouldn’t even be a security guard but we’ll do what we usually do guys and report them to the SAA but we know that they’re a bit wank themselves don’t we um so but we’ll do what we can do

    Hey I don’t really think that camera is going to do much guys you need a better camera than that weird is is any that camera ain’t going to do any good is it guys shall we have a look over guys shall we have a look over

    M on the uh there you go anyway guys so guys I’m just going to get you some shots of the actual building itself I think we’ve gave security the runaround enough um and it gets a bit boring after a while don’t it uh but look at where these guys are

    Housed almost like a stately home or something is it like a like a little mini castle or something it unbelievable and you’ve got sort of out buildings down here too this place is absolutely huge they’re getting a life of luxury um and as soon as somebody turns

    Up that’s it but the thing is what I don’t get is cameramen are not here all the time so why is the need for so many security you know you might find a camera man that turns up I don’t know every every couple of months or some it

    But these have to have the security on all the time and I find it very very strange to be fair so guys I’m going to do my sign off here I think we’ve give these five security guards the runaround enough now um yeah let me know what your thoughts

    Are on that guys it’s very very dodgy this one and the security guards are really really they’re on it you go near this place and that’s it they’re on you straight away and they have I’ve got every single point of access sort of almost blocked in a way and being

    Watched so even when you come across the public path you’re being watched by these which I find it very strange because if you’re just a normal member of the public you know they’re watching you and they might be filming yet I don’t know I’m just throwing speculations out there but uh anyway

    Guys I’m going to leave this one here if you have enjoyed that video do give it the thumbs up and we will see you on the next one h


    1. English security bloke spends most of his time at cafes and chip shops by the look, all these hotels, if and when it reopens they need to be boycotted for ever.

    2. So telford is the hub of one of the most infamous shaming periods in english hstory where migrants from pakistan controlled children for exploitation and unbelievable HOME OFFICE wants more in from pakistan and afghanistan to boost trade – vile scum home office should be in gaol for life

    3. Using are money 5 guards about 3 to 4 grand a week for security easy to protect scummy people using are money crazy .yes they are grooming them most probably for drug running aswell as sex trafficking.

    4. What a scruffy looking, unprofessional bunch of Misfits guarding the hotel!! What else is inside this hotel apart from immigrant’s sponging tax payers money.??
      Thanks for posting guys and girls.👍

    5. Funny how the second one arrives, and starts hiding his face with a face mask!
      Some of these places you visit are beautiful. This one with it's beautiful grounds. A place that probably commands a high price tag to stay there usually.
      Housing migrant security guards so far as seen. They laugh at us for working and holding down full time jobs. They drive BMW's because they own nothing. Go home and claim all their taxes back.

    6. I live in telford and its shocking whats happening i do know some that have altercations with the so called security. But i really hope the public remember these hotels and boycott them!!!!

    7. Hydro x is water treatment
      Water Treatment Products

      Our water treatment products are designed and built to improve and maintain domestic, industrial and process water systems.
      lots to do with water treatments to make sure the illegals have clean water and boilers are looked after etc, all paid for by tax payers money

    8. The government is a disgrace we need a British government get all those immigrants out and those coming do not let them land we need real honest people on the shires and oh yes pigs and pig meat cooking maybe the smell would put them of only a isea

    9. Is this where they are hiding all those women and all their kids that got in illegally, whilst their men came in separately. This video needs to be shown on every news channel, on the front of every newspaper, the indigenous people need to wake up, this beautiful property ‘s reputation is now in the toilet, well done guys,👍


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