This video used to be a 4-part series, but that didn’t make much sense so I fused the videos now. It’s a rude through my city, ranting about how cycling can be improved n stuff.

    I wasn´t going to take the sidewalk, but the road is just to steep. I´ll regret my decision soon enough… Speedlimit on the road: 50 Km/h, right next to the sidewalk, tooottally no mistake

    Of course now I would have had to stop to turn left on the road, so instead I choose the misery of riding on the sidewalk Ffs, no more Sidewalk, no matter the price, if car can´t get past me, me not care, car waits

    To pass the parked the parked cars ahead properly (properly = piss off traffic) we change lanes as early as possible It´s important to show traffic that your sick of their shit and not ok with being treated like garbage, that´s why you should try your best to get them angry

    Of course, not everyone is to be treated like that. Public transit has to be respected, their job is just straight up stress. Only private Motortraffic deserves my kind of treatment and there are some ranks who deserves more and who less:

    Generally speaking, the bigger and more expensive the car, the more hate I give. Exceptions: Public transit and Lorries Not bcos I like Lorries, oh heck no, but Top Gear showed us how stressful their job is so I won´t make them worse Small cars are mostly fine.

    Medium cars are to be observed and determined individually Big cars is where my hate goes to. SUVs, Pick-Up, other fat-arses and Electric cars as well. Those are the Cars that really deserve every mistreatment. What a bastard, theres more space to your left you Bastard

    I should really just stay in the middle of the lane, it´s no issue with rear mirriors. But the wind is playing against me so yeah… Electric cars deserve that treatment aswell, since they wont solve any problems and are only driven by richer ppl. Rich driver = mostly more of a Bastard

    The traffic light ahead just turned red in all directions and I´m not stoping in anyway so watch me how to skip this red light. (I´m passing straight) Just turn right, go a few meters further, turn around and turn right yet again.

    0 Comfort, but on Kickbike it´s rather easily executed, also I avoided waiting like a moron for a minute Current speedlimit: 50, thanks for that, stupid councils No sidewalks for me, I got a mission, Sidewalks are an Insult

    A completly unprotected crossing with a speedlimit of 50 for everyone and zero traffic calming, no wonder. No wonder, since this Surburb was actually built under American Occupation after WW2 Noone will slow down to a sign that warns of playful children, why even bother putting that up?

    By my German Standards, that overtaking is acceptable, by my personal opinion, it shouldn´t have happend in the first place (proper Cycling paths would take me off the road yknow) Hopp, douchebag, since you would´ve stopped for a car, you also have to stop for me, fair´s fair.

    I make it look like I´m about to crash into the pile of junk, just to mock them Current position: east of the city´s main hospital I´m overtaking those 2, I dont care that I invade the car lane, cant be bothered to hit the brakes

    Tramtracks, I hate crossing them, but since Im on a giant Scooter they are no hazard for me. This is one of those crossings where you shouldn´t bother stopping at all, screw the signals

    I want to make a rapid start at the next crossing, so I have to get infront of all Bycicles. I do that by using the left lane, out of Savageness lol Done The Skoda driver behind me is rather impatient, which means that I´m about to get into a fight right after the Intersection.

    And with fight I mean, the upcoming street is narrow, Im going the speed limit already, so she´s legally not allowed to overtake anyway, therefore Im allowed to block the lane fully Notice how I stay in the middle of lane, its because Im dominant

    I don´t know what was happening here, but in anyway, I would have skipped this red light, by just passing. Confusion Ok back to normality again. On a Street like this: always take the whole lane, you dont want to be cut off or in danger, they´ll have to wait for you.

    You see the cycle lane here? That´s merely a suggestion, I block the whole thing again, which is safer and necessary as `my`lane is blocked… Also to get that out of the way, I love roundabouts, thats why I make a double round trip.

    Now again, dont let them overtake, make them wait, unless (in this case) you cant go 15. Im heading west, but want to go east, I´ll turn around a bit sooner then expected because of convinience. This early turnaround brings me to probably the city´s youngest roundabout

    If there was a car wanting to overtake me, what should I do? Obviosly, block the whole lane, as there just isn´t a comfortable amount of space to overtake. What if that makes them angry? On a Bycicle : give some ´certain´ handsigns.

    On a Kickbike: Make those handsigns, slow down, or hell even, jump off and make that arse trail behind you at a snails pace. Not like I want to behave like that constantly, but if theres no other alternative I will.

    By this point, I expect you guys to know how to behave in streets like these. Gotta say, traffic is calm for a Saturday, which is rather disappointing, as I dont get to show many examples.

    Sensing that the lights are about to go red, we definetly speed up and give zero shits about cars, as we still stay in the middle of the lane. Now Im in predator mode since I got speed again.

    Which means that idgaf about yielding and I feel like I got to overtake everyone I see. I feel strong right now. The most retarded thing of all is about to happen: Bike go slow =>Car go slow => Im slowed down FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU That was rather quick. Worst Intersection type again.

    Ima go left, block the lane and dont think about missing out on green IDGAF U $%§(=/%$= Not cursing at anyone watching of course. Tramtracks at a shitty angle, no problem.

    Now there´s a theoretical Cycle lane on the bloddy sidewalk. But considering that even the Sidewalk itself doesnt exist on this stroad, might as well wrestle with traffic lol. Unfortunetly the Street is so fat that we cant really harass drivers anymore, but this time theres noone to harass.

    Now approaching: the biggest crossing in the western center. Kriegstr, Brauerstr. and Reinhold-Frank-Straße all intersect here and ther crossing is still normal by today´s standards. I will just take a casual left turn. Now the Lanes will split up soon, so Im slowly making my way to the left one.

    On a Bycicle, this is probably terrifying, on a Kickbike, it should be even worse, where it actually isn´t, since agility and high acceleration are on your side. But then again, Im just brave and fed up to the brim with the stupidness of cars in cities so… Move now will ya? Idiot tourists…

    FOCK OFF DUMARSE Turning right and of course, I dont even think about waiting at all, it´s unnecessary. Blocking the Lane completely and staying dominant, my usual That truck is standing right where the ´´cycle path´´ ends, now I regret nothing staying on the road.

    I want to get infront, but this time I arrived too late, time for a break anyway. This spot sucks too, I´ll have to block again then… What are you 2 up to? I´m well below the Speed limit, but still feel like taking the full lane, deal with it.

    Lmao I went right past sem cops. (Im not allowed on the road xD) This is the Zirkel, it´s just chaos, the new Cul-de-Sacs is working, with tons of flaws. This is a place that tried to improve, but messed up let me show you:

    Cycle Lane was on the Sidewalk, now its on the road, at the expense of a car lane; Improvementé But after the next Intersection, the Bike lane is gone, 2 car lanes and the “Cycle path´´ on the Sidewalk is now shared space for both Cyclers and Pedestrians.

    Obvious decision, espicially since I´m about to take the biggest left turn of today It may not be safe or actually convinient, but its at least fast and in a single go. Of course, this is still shit, it needs improvement. I´m flying

    This part of the city is barely 10 years old, yet it has the standard traffic calming of that time: nothing Apart from slightly limited access, yielding signs and a Pedestrianiesed square, the size of 2 tennis fields Now approaching: the Oststadtkreisel, Germany´s most infamous Roundabout It´s just as bad as the standard American Roundabout.

    Officialy it´s not even a roundabout, but enough details, its a 50s Zone, I´m not driving into that The light is red, for all of us, so idfc Master Chad Tram -> Most of them have been removed and thanks to the useless tram tunnel, they are now 99% obsolete.

    Not much left to say, there wont be a lot happening.

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