Join us on our Sunday morning service live from St Michael & All Angel’s Church Westcliff on Sea, UK

    E e e e right e s e e e than e e ch e e e e e for e e e e Hallelujah Christ is risen I think we can do I think we can do better than that Hallelujah Christ is risen hallelujah hallelujah oh well happy Easter church happy Easter and

    Welcome to St Michaels on this most glorious of days the day where the tomb is empty Our Savior Reigns he lives he defeated death and sins the power of principality Jesus Christ is king of all king of Ages and on this glorious Sunday we worship that we’re going to sing

    We’re going to pray we’re going to hear the word and we’re going to rejoice in the goodness of what it means to be followers of Jesus the story where Christ died on Friday was not the end it was not the end Sunday the grave is empty Jesus Christ Reigns and he lives

    So I be you welcome to this church as we sing now as we pray but before we get into our act of worship and our singing let me read a psalm for us this morning the psalmist writes in Psalm um 18 verse 46 the Lord lives praise be to

    My rock exalted be my God and my savior therefore I will praise you Lord among the Nations I will sing the Praises of your name so church can I invite us as we stand if you’re able why don’t you stand with me as we’re going to go into song I’m going

    To pray for us and we’re going to do exactly that we’re going to praise God we’re going to Praise Jesus because he lives so father God we thank you for your son Jesus that he came to die on the cross but it did not end there and

    That’s um Friday was good because Sunday came Lord we rejoice in this magnificent day that Jesus defeated the powers principalities of and he gives us eternal life in him so Jesus would you be with us as we sing your Praises as we glorify your holy Mighty and Powerful

    Name Lord Jesus would you be in our midst this morning as we sing our first song Resurrection hymn today amen what a morning gloriously bright with the da of Hope in Jerusalem fed the grave clo tomb filled with light as the Angels announce Christ is to see God

    Salv brought to love B in pain paid in sacrifice fulfilled in Christen for he lives Christ is risen from the de see Mar where is he laid as in sorrow she turns from the [Applause] empty of voice speaking calling her it’s the master the Lord raise to life

    Again the voice that stands the is seeking life stiring hope bringing peace to us will sound till he for he lives Christ is risen from the dead One with the father Ancient of Days through the spirit who CLS with cty and blessing glory and praise to the king crown with power and ofor and we are prise with with him death is death of this one Christ has come and we shall with him for he lives Christ is

    Ren from the and we shall re with him for he lives Christ is risen from The Greatest day in history death is be you have resued sing it out Jesus is Alive the empty cross the empty gra life the title you have one the day Shout It Out Jesus is alive He’s happy day happy day you wash my happy day happy day I’ll never be The forever I CH I stand in that place free last meing face to face I am yours Jesus you are mine and this Joy love finally we’ll Cate Jesus is [Applause] [Applause] Alive’s happy day happy day you wash my away happy day happy day I’ll never be the same forever I am Change what a Glor what a Glorious that you have save me and go what a glor is today what a glorious Day happy day happy day you wash my away oh happy day happy day I’ll never be the same oh happy day happy day you are wash my away happy day happy day I’ll never we happy day happy day you wash my sin away happy day happy day I’ll never be [Applause] The for heav I can change [Applause] Amen yes Lord thank you for this glorious and happy days father you deserve all the praise the glory and the acclamation we thank you for your son we thank you for Jesus we thank you for who he is for his love for us that he would choose the

    Cross but it did not just die Lord he rose again three days later and because of him we are set free we are given life eternal we belong to you and him so father we just pray this morning that you would pour out your spirit in this

    Place in this church and that you would move freely and do what you desire to do Jesus would you move amongst us Lord all honor power praise belongs to you and you alone amen amen do you be SE church do you have a seat I don’t know about you we’ve had lent

    We’ve gone through the lanon season we’ve been fasting we’ve been doing all sorts and today’s Easter Sunday it’s time to celebrate the goodness of the Lord to the resurrection of Jesus Christ but even then even though we SL sometime we still do things that we shouldn’t be

    Doing we still mess up we still do wrongs you know and and and we and not we we we offend God and we affect God but again on this most glorious of days on this most amazing day the most happiest of days we can come to Jesus

    And confess our our wrong saying sorry to him knowing that he’s quick and he’s just to forgive us that he doesn’t hold anything against us so we can pray and we can confess to him in complete honesty and so why don’t you take a moment to yourselves to just

    Recollect the things you want to give to the Lord the things that you maybe shouldn’t have said or done but do it in a place where you know that Jesus loves you and he is quick and just to forgive you our Lord Jesus Christ said the first

    Commandment is this here o Israel the Lord our God is the only Lord you shall love the Lord your God with all your hearts and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength the second is this love your neighbor as yourself there is no other Commandments

    Greater than these on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets amen Lord have mercy so let us confess our sins sin in penitence and Faith firmly resolve to keep God’s Commandments and to live in love and peace with all and we say these words together almighty God our heavenly

    Father we have sinned against you and against our neighbor in thought and word and deed through negligence through weakness through our own deliberate thought we are truly sorry and repent of all our sins for the sake of your son Jesus Christ who died for us forgive us

    All that is pass and Grant that we may serve you in newness of life to the glory of your name amen amen so almighty God who forgives all who truly repent have mercy upon us pardon us and Deliver Us from all our sins confirm and strengthen Us in all goodness and keep

    Us in life eternal through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen amen amen notices Church notices it’s been a busy week with loads of amazing thing we have the Easter egg hunt yesterday that was good who was there yesterday anybody here at the Easter egg hunt thank you volunteers all those who put the time

    Who organized it honestly some of this stuff would not happen if it was just Tom myself so thank you for the church volunteering and just doing things uh we had Good Friday in the park that was really fantastic we had um the hour at the cross as well and we have today um

    I’m not missing anything else I don’t think but let’s have a look at notices I know there’s a few where are my notices we got Bridget here and we got Shirley if you want to join me at the front and then we can share your notices good morning um I had a message

    From Hannah this morning and I have something that I’d like to share with you from her she says happy Easter church family my day started Just Before Sunrise setting up mic stands and instruments on the top deck of the ship preparing for our onboard Service as I looked out over

    The port and saw the sun peeking up over manila’s Skyline I thought of the verse behold I make all things new indeed living on the ship I often feel like this with each Port I visit I am at the beginning of a new world but this this Easter Sunday I

    Invite you to also see yourself and our church as a new world today house the resurrected Christ as the beginning and end of time just as a musical octave returns to the same note but sounds a new version of it a higher version of it so we’ve Christ’s

    Resurrection returns us to the pure light of the first day of creation creation and moves it beyond that created light into the Everlasting Light of Eternity thus Easter celebrates a cycle in which both first and last Alpha and Omega stand as if United in a single day

    Sunday is the first day the Lord’s day and it is also the Everlasting day The Eighth Day encompassing all the other seven in its light this Easter I pray the Lord would help each of you my brothers and sisters bring the glory of the Eighth Day to every day of your

    Lives for it is all of you and all of us gathered over the rest of the world on this day who are truly the new creation as his risen people Christ is risen he is truly risen amen [Applause] good morning happy Easter um I just want

    To remind you that our afternoon tea is in a few weeks time and um at Saturday the 20th of April 3 to 5 now this won’t just be any old afternoon tea this is a Michael’s afternoon tea actually it’s going to be as good as the Ritz and I just get well

    Tongue and cheek uh it’s going to be a very good afternoon tea and just to wet your appetite um I just want you to know there’s going to be all the usual Foods available there’s going to be sandwiches there’s going to be homemade scones um and homemade sausage rolls I

    Should have said and homemade scones with clotted cream Jam a sorted um cakes and endless tea and coffee it’s going to be a really lovely afternoon and the good thing is it’s not as expensive as the rits so we as a team we really would like to know how many we’re

    Going to be catering for so I just would ask if you think you might like to come if you could see one of us soon I mean I myself and Wendy will have tickets today and it’s it’s open to everybody it’s not just a ladies event bring friends

    Neighbors and we would really love to see you on that afternoon I’m sure sure it’s going to be an a good afternoon so thank you very much okay um one more for me on the 23rd of April we are starting Alpha the alpha course and our church W and Mike who is

    At the back will be heading that up and running that up um so if you’re if you’re here and you’re wondering you know what I don’t know too much about Jesus Snick well that is the best place for you to go if you’re curious about Jesus want to know more more about the

    Christian faith we know more about who he is why he died on the cross what he did for us for me and you ask question that is the place for you there’ll be food there’ll be drinks there’ll be conversation Fellowship it’s an amazing time to just discuss the faith and find

    Out more about Jesus that is the 23rd of April 2024 and Mike Le the back down there and there are leaflets at the back as well so do grab one on your way out and do a turn Alpha if that’s something you want to do I haven’t got anything else for me

    Notices is there there’s a video I did not know there was a video of we got a video I believe yeah is that right and no no no video is there video no no there isn’t a video maybe next week okay um oh this is great anyways Wendy no s

    Morning I’ve based the intercessions this morning on the EMAs Road story from Luke 24 to the words the Lord is risen guess what please respond he is risen indeed Allelujah so we give it some Gusto okay so let us let us pray lord of the EMAs Road thank you for the stunning good

    News like the two disciples on that road we are often despondent our best plans and highest hopes evaporate and we are left on that weary Journey back to where we started and if not us that experience may be familiar to a loved one at this moment walk with us Lord listen to our

    Story and hear us let us hear yours straight from the empty tomb the Lord is risen he is risen indeed Allelujah lord of the journey you opened the scriptures to those disciples as you walked and their hearts burned within them help us to listen to the good news of scripture to read Mark learn and inwardly digest so that we do not become jaded with with too much familiarity but rather be inspired by

    The vitality and Truth we find there walk with us Lord and let us hear your story straight from the empty tomb the Lord is risen he is risen indeed Allelujah lord of the open door you accepted the hospitality of strangers who urged you warmly to stay a while with

    Them may we show a similar enthusiasm to welcome the stranger to open our homes our churches and our country to those in need and as we offer such Hospitality may we find that we also have been blessed for we have entertained you unawares sit with us Lord and let us

    Hear your story straight from the empty tomb the Lord is risen he is risen indeed Allelujah lord of the broken bread and the Blessed wine you performed these familiar actions and the two disciples suddenly knew who you were as we come to your table we may we too know the shock of

    Recognition and blessing give us confidence to invite others to share in the good news of your Resurrection preside at our table Lord and let us hear and experience your story straight from the empty tomb the Lord is risen he is risen indeed Allelujah amen just uh if you’re able I invite you to

    Stand just going to continue in Worship Man of Sorrows Lamb of God by his the S of man and wrath of God has been on Jesus as he stood accused be and to the father’s will he took ground of Thor oh that Ro CR my salvation where your love pour out over me now my soul r hallelujah praise And S of Heaven God own son toes ande the love everyone who nailed that tree oh that Ro cross my salvation where your love go out over me my soul oh cry out Hallelujah praise and H to The now my is is by the preious blood that my Jes J now the C of no on the set free oh is free in now my de is it is painful by the preious blood that my Jesus still now the curse of s has no hold on me the Su fre that

    Roing cross my salvation where your love pour out over me now my soul cries out Hallelu Around see the stone is roll away behold the end SE Hallelu God be pra he’s RIS from the Gra oh that rug CRS my Sal where your love pour out over me now my soul CRI out hallelujah praise and H To oh that rug cross my salv where your love poured out over me now my soul Cries Out hallelujah praise and H to thee father we thank you that the stone lies rolled away and the tomb is empty it’s not just a happy ending for you

    Lord Jesus but a happy ending for all of of us who place our trust in Christ and as we come to your word this morning may it be a living and active word that can bring the dead to life and warm our cold Hearts this morning we pray in Jesus

    Name amen amen please do have a seat as we come to our reading this morning and the reading is from Mark chapter 16 and guess what it is about the empty tomb so Mark 16 I’m going to read from verses 1 to8 when the Sabbath was over Mary

    Magdalene Mary the mother of James and salom bought some spices so they might go to anoint Jesus’s body very early on the first day of the week just after Sunrise they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the

    Tomb but when they looked up they saw that the stone which was very large had been rolled away as they entered the tomb they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed don’t be alarmed he said you’re

    Looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified he has risen he’s not here see the place where they laid him but go tell his disciples and Peter he is going ahead of you into Galilee there you will see him just as he told you trembling and bewildered the women

    Went out and fled from the tomb they said nothing to anyone because they were afraid this is the word of the Lord thanks be to God thanks be to God okay children and young people I need to ask you to come down the front of the

    Church uh so that we can uh listen together about the Easter story and why don’t we actually come and sit down at the front here as well not just at the side come and sit down at the front I’ve got some things with me and I’ve got some questions for

    You come and sit down come on Children and adults if you want to join them if you want to sit on the floor that’s fine come on down that’s it there’s plenty of space over here come this way as well right in front of me that’s it come on that’s it very good very good

    Any of you at the EAS egg hunt yesterday some of you were please don’t tell me you’ve eaten them all already no no okay everyone here very good very good happy Easter everyone oh yeah right okay yeah happy Easter everyone happy Easter happy Easter wonderful right I’m going

    To ask you a few questions do you know what I’m amazed how clever we as human beings are we’re so clever aren’t we we can do lots and lots of amazing things in the world can’t we uh wonder how many of you here are good at maths how many

    Of you are good at maths who’s good at doing multiplication in your head here a test for you what’s 10 * 5 yeah 50 oh my goodness genius over here 10 * 10 100 100 brilliant oh I’ll come up with a difficult one now shall I what’s 200 *

    2 yeah 400 brilliant okay what’s 385,000 * 67 yeah I’m know you don’t know one one no no no no no see we’re clever aren’t we as humans but we’re not that clever Stevie 2 bil 2 billion what you might be a child genius I’m not sure

    But look we’re so clever as humans aren’t we that even though we can’t do all the mental arithmetic we’re clever enough to invent something as awesome as this what’s this which means we’re so smart we can do any sum what was the sum I said I can’t even remember the sum I

    Said okay well if we wanted to find out what it was we could cuz we’re so clever we make inventions like this humans are great at problem solving now I’ve brought along with me some of the greatest inventions I think we’ve made as humans that have solved some really

    Important problems for us here’s one here’s one of my favorite inventions check this out what’s this that’s a nailer a nail clipper who invented this deserves some kind of Nobel Prize because I’ve seen lots of children biting their nails in my house and thank the Lord Mr nail

    Clipper came along and fixed that problem right what else oh here here is another of my absolute favorite again deserves a Nobel Prize for inventions this whoever invented the cell Tape Holder again every Christmas I praise and thank the Lord for Mr cellotape holder man because look at this oh hold

    On I should have planned it earlier right I won’t do it now cuz we’re in company but the scratchy back 2000s whoever invented that exactly deserves a Nobel Prize for that we’re so clever aren’t we as human beings that we can almost solve any problem not just small problems like a itchy back but we can solve big problems

    Can’t we like we can invent if you wanted to travel to the other side of the world we’ve invented things like planes haven’t we or if we wanted to well actually here’s a gentleman I’ve got a picture on the screen this man invented who do you

    Think that is it’s black and white that photo so we lived a long time ago anyone know who that is any adults Edison it’s not Edison a person called Bob it’s not Bob anyone that is Alexander Graham Bell and what did he invent inv the Nobel Prize he didn’t invent the

    Nobel Prize he invented he invented the TV remote TV remote not quite although that is a good invention too all right let’s have the picture he invented the telephone the telephone and that solved loads of problems because if you were in England and you wanted to

    Call someone in America or if you were another place in the road you didn’t have to just send a pigeon with a message anymore you could pick up the phone and that led to a whole lot of other inventions like my phone or the internet or electricity and all sorts of

    Things that man solved one problem which solved many other problems too now in my reading this morning I hope you were listening when we read from Mark gospel when Jesus died they put him in a tomb didn’t they and his friends on Sunday morning came to visit Jesus in the Tomb

    But they had a problem can anyone remember what they said to each other we’ve got a problem what did they say sorry he wasn’t there no he wasn’t there but that wasn’t the problem they thought they were going to have yeah who’s going to move the stone

    Really good well done and they said to each other as they got to the tomb who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the Tomb that is a big problem isn’t it now let’s have a look I’ve got with me oh my goodness me

    This is a heavy Stone who thinks they’re strong enough to hold that do you reckon your heart it’s heavy so be careful yeah come on then yep up you come see if you can hold this heavy St Stone I’ll put it here see if you can

    Move the heavy Stone and pick it up mind your back well that was easy wasn’t it that was easy I was expecting a little bit of a but you did it fantastic well done you hold that for me see how long you can hold it

    For in one hand very good see this Stone though although it’s quite heavy nowhere near as big as the stone that covered Jesus’s tomb that stone was probably this high and this wide and it weighed probably at least two or three tons now if you’re there’s three ladies

    Coming to the tomb to anoint Jesus’s body but that’s a problem isn’t it because they’re not strong enough to move the stone now maybe if they were really clever they didn’t have tractors or diggers maybe they could have invited lots more people to help them but that

    Was a problem for them but they found that the problem had been overcome already when they got there because what had happened what had happened to the stone yeah an angel an angel had moved it that’s right the tomb had rolled away and the tomb inside was now empty thank

    You so much you’ve done really well was that difficult not difficult no not difficult at all not difficult at all uh so the tomb the stone was rolled away so no human had solved that problem God had to solve that problem even though we might have been able to figure out how

    To move the tomb eventually uh the stone the point of the story is this that some of the things that we can’t do although we’re very clever God can do and God moved that stone but on that day he did an even greater Miracle what was the greater miracle

    That God did on that day that goes Way Beyond moving a heavy Stone what other Miracle did he do anyone yeah Jesus was alive that’s right so the greater miracle that God did on that day far bigger than moving the stone was that he raised Jesus from the dead and he overcame death

    Itself that’s how powerful you see now no matter how good at solving problems we are we can invent calculators cell tape holders telephones but there’s one problem the Bible says we will never be able to solve on our own and that is the problem of death of

    Dying but God knew that you see God knew that we needed help so he said I don’t want my world that I’ve made to die I don’t want it to die so I’m going to defeat death on behalf of everyone and so that’s what Jesus did on that day but

    Do you remember the what was the name of the man who invented the telephone see if anyone was listening can you remember his name Alexander yeah Alexander gry and Bell that’s right he invented the phone and that solved loads of problems one invention solved loads of

    Problems now in just the same way God solving the problem of death has actually solved many many many other problems that we have and I’m just going to list three firstly Jesus rising from the dead has solved the problem of finding lost things lost things has anyone lost anything before in your

    Bedroom under the bed down the back of a sofa anyone lost anything here some of you have good point I lost something the other day my set of what are these keys so I tell you guess where I dropped them that I couldn’t get them back from guess

    Where I dropped them I did the classic the absolute classic not down the toilet no I dropped them I kid you not as I was rumaging for my car keys to get my into the car the keys fell out my pocket dropped on the floor and slipped down a

    Drain that’s right and I did the old like that what am I going to do so I went on to Amazon and I bought a very special invention yeah again a very clever man or woman invented this what’s this it’s uh I don’t know what you call

    It but it’s got a magnet on the end ready look at that so I rolled up my sleeve pulled the lid off the uh drain and down I went down I went did I find it I didn’t no I didn’t I didn’t find it I spent hour was down there I have keys

    Oh this is I cut another set we have a spare set this is the spare set so I’ve just announced to hundreds of people that my keys are still down there if if I find my house is robbed next week I know what’s happened I should not have said that

    But I didn’t find my keys I didn’t find my keys also the other day well not the other day several years ago this is my second wedding ring because guess where I dropped this not down the drain I wouldn’t do that twice I went swimming in the

    Sea and down it went and do you think I found it no no cuz sometimes when we lose things they’re really hard to find again but do you know what Jesus says I am the finder of lost sheep and lost things now Jesus can find anything

    Anywhere in all the world if he wants to and his absolute specialty is finding lost people now I know you’re not lost today are you you’re right here in church but the Bible means not just lost out there but lost in here and in our

    Hearts we can be lost in life now you may not quite understand what that means but sometimes when we feel lonely or scared or that we don’t belong or that we feel that people don’t love us or accept us we can feel lost now Jesus says he can find anyone

    And we know that’s true because he went to the darkest places on Earth in in all creation and I don’t just mean I don’t just mean um the other side of the world somewhere or in a cave I mean inside the tomb Jesus went to the darkest places in

    Order to find us because the reality is we’re all lost in here but one day we’ll all be lost down there there too but Jesus went to the Grave he went to the Cross to find us and went to the tomb so that’s good news isn’t it that’s really good news

    Secondly Jesus by rising from the grave has broken our chains right what do I mean by that I’ll be quick now who knows what this is yeah this is really important yeah it’s a bicycle lock isn’t it oh sorry we’re having microphone issues down the front I’ll use I’ll use this

    One you ready okay I can’t break those chains that’s the whole point yeah but Jesus rising from the grave has broken all the chains now I don’t mean bicycle locks although Jesus probably could break a bicycle lock actually the Bible says every time we do something wrong in life every time

    We say something mean or think something bad or hurt somebody a little thing called sin happens and that sin that bad thing is like a chain that chains up our hearts or chains our emotions or chains other people and people in life feel burdened and trapped by the bad things of this

    World even the things of our own hearts and Minds how many people have ever said I feel like a prisoner even in my own mind people say that kind of thing a lot or I feel a prisoner or I feel a slave to the bad things I

    Do but Jesus said I’ve come to set you free and we know he’s done that because on the cross he forgave all our sins and the power of forgiveness and love is the only thing that can break our chains so that’s good news too Jesus achieved that

    Lastly Jesus in overcoming death gave us all hope hope if I said to you oh I’ve got a lovely Easter egg here if I said to you I got a lovely Easter egg that’s a good one isn’t it it’s a good one big one I said you could have

    That if who’s good at push-ups here who’s good at push-ups you’re good at P lra go on let’s show us a push-up you are good at push-ups very good whoa four or five excellent if I said to you lra you can have this Easter egg if you do a push-ups right

    Now would you think would you lose hope or would you have hope you would have hope okay my I was looking for the I would lose hope answer sometimes life feels like that that we want the golden egg in life don’t we we want all the best things

    We’re aiming for something but it feels like in life it’s too hard to achieve those things the the goal keeps moving you got to earn more you got to be fitter stronger happier more sorted all of it you got to have all the right amount of money and everything to

    Achieve your goals and sometimes in life we begin to lose hope we lose hope but you know what at Easter Jesus says he says here is the golden treasure I will give you for free and it is eternal life it’s not an egg or chocolate he he says because I

    Have defeated death I will give to you the greatest treasure I have and it is eternal life my life and it’s for free don’t have to strive for it don’t have to do a thousand push-ups for it or be the nicest person or the most religious person you don’t have to be the

    Strongest or the best looking or the most popular he gives it to us for free and that gives us all no matter who you are or what you’ve done or where you’ve come from it gives you hope no matter what even if you don’t get the golden egg in

    Life we all have the same hope and it is eternal life in Jesus Christ Easter is good news children really good news through the cross death death and resurrection of Jesus God has solved all the biggest problems that we are powerless to solve let’s pray shall we let’s put our hands

    Together just have a little bit of quiet close your eyes children bow your head I’m going to say a prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for the Glorious and wonderful good news of Easter we thank you that you broken the power of death we thank you that you have broken our

    Chains we thank you that you found when we were lost and we thank you Lord that we have hope of eternal life so this Easter may we all have Resurrection hearts and may we go from this place in real joy and hope of the Risen Jesus we pray in your precious

    Name amen amen amen youve listened brilliantly I’m going to ask everyone if you’re able to stand because we’re going to share in the peace and that means it’s a peace that cannot be created by us humans it’s a peace that comes from heaven and it’s a peace that brings us

    All together in fellowship and love of God’s family so the Peace of the Lord be always with you and also with you let’s offer one another a sign of this piece e F E and I hear the Sai th strengthed is small child of weakness watch and PR find in me all all Jesus PA it all all to him I left the Crimson Stain He now indeed I find my power and alone can change the L of SPS and the Heart of Jesus it All to S had left a Crimson Stain he washed it w The I stand in Jesus my soul to say My Wish shall still Jesus made it all all to my S left the and stain he wash it white as snow he washed it wi as snow he wash it wi as Snow oh praise the one who PA my praise this up from the dead oh praise the one made my praise this life up from the dead oh praise the one take my head and ra this life Pro oh praise the one my ra this from the Dead Jesus bed all to him I own s and left a Crimson Stain he washed it white a snow Jesus PA it all all to him I S left a and St he was as snow the Lord be with you and also so with you lift up your hearts we live them up

    Unto the Lord let us give thanks to the Lord Our God it is right to give thanks and praise it is right to praise you father Lord of all creation in your love you made us for yourself when we turned away you did not reject us but came to

    Meet us in your son you embrace us as your children and welcomed us to sit and eat with you in Christ you shared our life that we might live in him and he in us he opened his arms of Love upon the cross and made for all the perfect sacrifice for

    Sin on the night he was Betrayed at supper with his friends they took bread and gave you thanks he broke it and gave it to them saying take eat this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me Father we do this in

    Remembrance of him his body is the bread of life at the end of supper taking the cup of wine he gave you thanks and said drink this all of you this is my blood of the New Covenant which is shed for you for the Forgiveness of sins do this

    In remembrance of me Father we we do this in remembrance of him his blood is shed for all and as we Proclaim his death and celebrate his rising in glory send your holy spirit that this bread and this wine may be to us the body and blood of

    Your dear son as we eat and drink these holy gifts make us one in Christ Our Risen Lord and with your whole church throughout the world we offer you this sacrifice of praise and lift our voice to join the Eternal song of Heaven holy holy holy Lord God of power and might

    Heaven and Earth are full of your glory hosana in the highest please do have a seat as we come to the Lord’s Prayer together and as our savior taught us so we pray Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be

    Done on Earth as in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever amen Your his Wonderful and the things of will St in the his glor turn your eyes Jesus his Wonderful as the things will gr strange in the of glor and so we break this bread to share in the body of Christ though we are many we are one body because we all share in one bread uh so our tradition here at St Michaels is if you wish to receive the

    Bread and the wine uh do put your hands out so we know what we’re doing and myself and Tom and bill will be inting for you so just have your hands out if you want to receive the bread and the wine we also have glutenfree Wafers and non-alcoholic as

    Well so please do let us know as you come up but if you just want a blessing just put your hands by your side again they will allow us to know what we are doing for you in this time our wardens will point to the front when we are ready for for for Jus Christ out many times Again again cross where he di I’m by see broken Again exed to the highest King of the Again again I look upon the cross where he di by Bren again Again you for the cross thank you for the cross thank you you cross thank you for the cross thank you for the cross thank you for the cross thank you for the cross thank You thank you the thank you for the CR thank you for The once again I look upon the cross where you I’m by your Mery and broken Again again I thank you once again of My Your redeeming S My Jesus God’s Pre it’s your That Your took my Rede God for to Cal where Jus That Down the entr Sil Still oh pra the name of the Lord our god oh praise His name forever forless St we will sing your praise oh Lord Oh Lord Our bre The again TR where is your s the Angels for Christ the King oh praise the name of the Lord God oh praise His name forever more for Endless days we will seeing your praise oh Lord Oh Lord Our God shall we in Rose the blazing sun shall the night and I will rise among the saint my G transf on Jesus

    Face praise the name oh praise the name of the Lord our our god oh praise His name forever more for Endless days we will sing your praise oh Lord Oh Lord God oh Lord Oh Lord our God so the prayer after communion and we say this together almighty God we thank you for

    Feeding us with the body and blood of your son Jesus Christ through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be Living Sacrifice send us out in the power of your spirit to live and work to your praise and glory amen amen well we’ve got one more song before we go

    Home and have Easter with a family so why don’t we just sing this song big and loud as we can and we go on you know we just go home the Happ as we can be um so Ben over to You Be the Glory coning and bl is the victory th angel in Bri roll the Stone theing grave clo where thy the Glory and is the Th Lord Jesus RIS from the tomb us scatter And let the church with gladness HS of Triumph for the Lord live death be the Glory the No we doubt the Glorious Prince of is Without make us and through th deathless love us in th To thy home Above the Glor andless the viory Th what a magnificent hym to close our Easter Service church has been wonderful to be together um but don’t feel like you have to rush home do mingle do get to meet people there’ll be teas and coffees served in the kitchen hatch down there on my right your left and then if

    You want Prayer Ministry team a prayer prayers there’s a Prayer Ministry team on my left who would love to pray for you and with you so do please go and see Sue and gr if that’s something else in your heart and you want to be prayed for but we’re

    Going to have a final blessing and it’s a bit different as it’s Easter Sunday so it should come up on the screen and we’re going to have an Easter Sunday blessing so let’s say this word hallelujah Christ is risen he is risen indeed Hallelujah God the Father by whose love

    Christ was raised from the dead open to open to you who believe the gates of everlasting life amen God the son who in bursting from the grave has won a glorious Victory give you Joy as you share the east of Faith amen God the Holy Spirit who filled the disciples

    With the life of the Risen Lord Empower you and fill you with Christ’s peace amen and the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always this EAS this season amen Church go in peace to love and to serve the Lord in

    The Name of Christ Christ Amen

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