Papas vom Vorbesitzer selbstgebautes Heck ist gebrochen.
    Ich habe mir das dann mal zum Anlass genommen, das gesamte System auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen.
    Daraufhin haben wir den Schongang eingelegt und sind ne Weile auf befestigten Straßen geblieben.
    So haben wir einige Kilometer südwärts abgespult, bis in den Naturpark Pilat. Dem Regen sind wir aber trotzdem noch nicht entkommen.

    English subtitles available. You can activate them in video settings.

    Instagram: homesickhonda

    Everyone knows, at homesickhonda, we listen to our community You asked for an overview map, so I put something together So we started in Cologne on July 23rd then the first night, we planted ourselves in the bushes near Euskirchen then here in Luxembourg a very nice place to sleep by the river

    Laid onto the field here near Metz. Then spent two nights camping and resting a bit. Here behind the picnic hut. A beautiful nature campsite in the forest here the small river Ognon near Besancon Then two rainy nights took us to this beautiful place by Mont Blanc where we continue today

    What is the symptom here? I just did an inspection and found that the rear had more movement than I was used to And then I thought Huh? Where is this actually moving? And yes. The entire rear frame that was welded in here by someone

    That’s really just two points, right? Looks like two points yeah. This needs to be welded Which is of course extremely inconvenient because we find these trails here particularly beautiful Well, you don’t choose. I’m turned off now . But I stay cool because that’s my profession. I’ll remind you.

    Dad with a broken rear frame Has now loaded all luggage onto the seat Of course, he hardly has any freedom of movement now I just had a bit of a loss of control, but standing is really better than sitting You can compensate more. It should be clear

    But somehow you feel more comfortable sitting on the motorcycle. Because that’s what you’re always used to Oh man, I’m sorry Yes, shall we start? It´s hanging on the on the exhaust? Oh, probably the the whole thing? That was stupid That somehow looks very crooked What’s crooked? I hope just the lamp

    And the whole mask, and not the front wheel Maybe you should keep a bit more distance Yes, yes, I will definitely do it and for you? Mask is crooked yeah and the lamp too? what else? Indicator is also crooked right? The front wheel wobbles so much and that’s really crooked now

    We could have taken the street here too But it´s nice Should we turn around or continue? This is the Trail here I would continue Otherwise we’ll have to ride everything again Oh shit, I want to go back. Okay, abort, the trail was getting too crazy.

    We’re driving a bit on the road now, I’m so exhausted. Haven’t even digested breakfast yet. Dad is asking for a welder He´s shaking his head So we are now driving to the next big town. However, that is 50 km south of here Yes, because the trail was for us in our current condition

    Both of the machines and of the men, undriveable. Dad’s broken rear, which I then john cena´d into again With that it’s also better to drive on the road now And I’ll definitely look for a post office there and send my stuff home

    Maybe I’ll sort something else out. As often as I put the bike down and lift it up again, I have to save some grams I could also buy a new sleeping bag made of down. With down filling.

    That would be a lot of money just for a few grams. Well, it would actually make sense. Big isn’t that bad up front, but it is heavy. There are definitely some great trails here but also difficult steep ones and the street is also very cool

    Ah, a post office, I will give my stuff to them. Now we relax, huh? Dad located the local truck mechanic and I located a place to sleep A threader. If you can’t get it in the needle. With original emblem A bit turned off from our performance yesterday and attracted

    By a more southern climate, we decided to do a few Kilometers of asphalt. But that was actually quite fun for a change. Yes, we once even ended up on the highway Things weren’t that bad for us yet so we quickly went back out I urgently needed fuel here, but with my miserable horn

    I could never attract any attention Well, if we drive fast enough, we might still have enough fuel to get to the next gas station Towards the evening the landscape became much more beautiful again, so perfect for wor Bldldlb workplace, what the. I’m not even working

    Towards the evening the landscape became much more beautiful again, making it a perfect to look for a place to sleep Oh, we’re high up Didn’t understand a word One of my straps is loose. I know which one too. It’s pretty long. Do I care? Yes, a bit.

    Dude, my horn is so weak, I can’t even hear it myself. Exactly Now I stuff it back in just as bad Also a nice place here right? With trees and such But thats not why you stopped? No I was a strap loose yes, it’s great here basically yes

    You just cant get any pegs in the ground here, right? Yes, that’s right. Here is good Outside it´s really raining This is like inside Yes, shoes off! However, now the water is running down there You have it better All dry in here? Looks good

    Not so well tensioned but the rock is not providing any more Maybe it´s just a quick shower It wasn´t just a quick shower Ah yes, the water is running down there. Thats good. Yes, into the river It wasn´t running down there but through the tent here


    1. Hi! Mir ist aufgefallen, daß du klar zu wenig Abstand hältst. Klar daß es da scheppert. Ansonsten schöne Touren bisher. 🙂👍 LG

    2. Ich glaube ich kann euch die Hand geben, bin seit gestern mit meiner Royal Entfield Meteor 350 unterwegs und dachte Zuhause ich hätte meine Aktioncam gestartet und als ich in Göppingen ankam war diese aus🙈 heute bin ich in Kempten und morgen gehts zum Schwarzwald 😅, danke ihr habt mich inspiriert mal etwas weg zu fahren 😊🍀🏍️

    3. Danke für die Karte. Wenn ich mir hier zuhause was wünsche, klappt das in der Regel nicht so schnell… 😂👍 Ab und an mal einen Standort, hilft uns bei der Orientierung. 👍

    4. Kenn ich iwo her.
      Itchy hat sich bei der Kalahary Rally bei ihrem Spielzeug(CRF 250) den kompletten Subframe abgerissen bzw abgebrochen.
      Deswegen ist ein Mopped ohne Heckrahmen ein No go. Im Falle eines Falles kannst ohne Heckrahmen den kompletten Rahmen entsorgen.

    5. "Sondern hier durchs Zelt". Das wird ja na lustige Nacht. Ihr seid sehr unterhaltsam und cool auf eurer Fahrt. Top, wie ihr mit Problemen umgeht. Andere machen gern ein Drama aus allem, ihr nicht. Karte ist tatsächlich eine gute Visualisierung. Frohe Ostern, Günter/Nürnberg

    6. Sehr schön. Nur bei dem STOP Schild habe ich mal kurz gezuckt 😄

      Die Trulla auf dem Campingplatz ist so typisch. Ihr fahrt im Standgas da runter und sie muss den Affen machen. Wenn ihr Karl Heinz morgens nach dem Zwiebelschnitzel am Vorabend richtig einen abdrückt, wird sie ihm vermutlich auch eine schallern. Aber leise…

    7. Wieder ein gutes Video mit tollem Upgrade 🎉das mit der Kartendarstellung ist klasse, so weiß man ungefähr wo ihr gerade unterwegs seid 👍TOP bitte mehr davon 😁 Frohe Ostern und LG

    8. Als Zuhause gebliebene kann ich euch nur sagen, wie schön es ist, auf diese Weise teilhaben zu können an eurem Abenteuer. Wie ihr ohne Angst dem Leben direkt in die Augen seht. Ihr seid sehr inspirierend.

    9. Jawoll mal schön in deinen Alten rein gerammelt 😂
      Euer Fahrstil ist auch leicht a Sozis, aber geil.
      Top Video wieder, danke dafür. Gute Fahrt weiterhin freue mich auf den nächsten Teil. Safe Ride

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