Since 2021 the Scottish Greens have secured record funding for walking, wheeling & cycling.

    We are now seeing the impact of this funding with new infrastructure being built in our cities and towns.

    Last week, Patrick Harvie MSP, the Scottish Greens minister for Active Travel opened the new City Centre West to East Link active travel corridor in Edinburgh.

    I’m here in Edinburgh. I’m at the culmination of 10 years of work. We’re seeing the opening of one of the biggest, most important pieces of active travel infrastructure. Edinburgh, like many other parts of the country, is going to see a transformation in active travel,

    With a record level of investment that we’re bringing to bear from the Scottish Government with really ambitious network planning from local authorities, including Edinburgh. If we do this right, we can create really healthy, vibrant communities as well as cutting our carbon emissions, which is something we urgently need to do.

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