All righty today we are doing a bit of Trail building getting the downhill track sorted at lapco Road Loy singing off the tools already um yeah today we’re going to do some full top to bottom runs on both tracks so stay tuned for that um just making a beine here for

    This feature over there stay tuned cheers just so everyone knows this is a double header round when you come down to Denmar so to make it worth the drive we have made it so Saturday will be round two of the of the downhill series and you’ll do 3 or 4 hours of

    Practice a seating run then a race run and then Sunday will be round three and you’ll do the same again on two completely different tracks which I think is pretty sick so if you were questioning driving down there’s your answer you should drive down it’ll be sick newest addition to the day two

    Trail is this big horse Gap take off there down there somewhere so yeah we’re got to test this one out today no one’s hit it the um the landing um yeah quo Guido mate how you going all right s sore yeah what happened fell off the rocks at

    Lights cut my toe off pretty much you cut your toe off broke a couple of them oh crap crap it’s all right people I got the safety squint goes hard it’s in there a couple of death traps from the tracker are you going to help going to Vlog no I’m just

    Vlogging I don’t know man I just got here sorry I can’t um I don’t know how to what a specimen anyone think he does this for a job people oh yay get Deleted I saw him the other day mandatory when I passed my test he was the most Gary guy reminds someone Gary AKA Guido AKA drei dther AKA AKA he broke his toes I don’t just Vlog the whole time people Rock have you ever wait because this scary’s going to take a while let’s just do a time lapse okay here you go people we’ll play the music okay 3 2 1 the other tr kayen Gardens YouTube what do we got to change there you going man we got some

    Uh foreigners again yeah I’m I’m I’m actually a local now I’ve been here for a couple of days out Bush you know so stuck out in the wilderness got him swinging off the to already swinging off it swinging off swanging up it compulsery smoker oh it’s Gary probably unpaid though damn good

    Stuff thanks Mom yeah shout out to mom who’s this Robert has earned this smoko yep swinging off it guys we were just getting ready to ride then we’re like where’s Robert he’s just been swinging off the tools he just loves it that much yeah just getting a

    Flow State can’t stop he he’s not even getting paid today people first lap sing getting the GoPro angle sorted building duy’s done for the day time to cut some laps [ __ ] inside following Robert down I’m not clipped in into the OG Trail some new stuff Boy Over freshy ow ow I shouldered the

    Tree I don’t even know what I showed Oh full Drifter Dr it I shouldered a tree let’s go thanks bit rough yeah they call you I’m going to call you lead foot Larry all no down there that was not my fault that was the traction control a yeah cuz it’s fall everyone ready

    And you landed real [ __ ] close to that side yeah that’s why I wanted to land fur you’d be off yeah that’s perfect yeah that’s all righty track preview for the state downhill track in Denmark coming up um this is State round three track this is the track we’ll be racing on

    Sunday so it’s fully done we could do with some rain but here it is I’ll talk you down it oh and snap my chain okay into the OG top section across a new bit to open up this rock garden Heats of lines down yeah it’s always rough this is the complete OG section

    From years ago off this Rock drop preh hot this boom into a new bottom section here people plenty of off camber loose dirt really off camber there should get cut in though only had a few bikes on it tight right that’s goes into off camber couple of shers yeah boy all right

    Sher coming into big h gap that sharp spin hard right up to here or left to the final straight of jumps tabletop is a bit bigger than it used to be that was a bit Gary oh into this big glass Gap that’s your track preview round

    Three that’ll be the track we race on Sunday people yeah boy that was so cool that was sick Bro that better be up by oh what rolling is it Rolling Y it’s gone y start again brain didn’t work hi cut um all righty people track preview

    For State round two of the wa downhill series here in Denmark this is uh your track preview for the Saturday RAC trck we’re racing Saturday and Sunday um it’s pretty much the same track as what we raced last year so if you came down for that you’ll know it if

    You haven’t here it is all righty y oh jump over that like that boys right coming down couple of weaving turns hard left into a SI section where everyone was spectating who something like that flat out down here this bit chunky all right skinny Rock section oh not much room to move there

    All right come down cross the other trap double slap the right hand up full right now High Line over the rock slap it all right long left long left into double get out of the Bush jump out of the Bush hey ped across here into some open

    Corners trout this cuz why not long left pedal up here reverse drop into this Double T that’s a bit bigger than it used to be I just cased it headling to the bottom into the final jump Finish Line and there is your wa downhill track preview for round two on

    Saturday yeah boy it’s narly it’s sick it’s mad it’s got everything you want the soil was me get your ass down here to ride it if you’re questioning coming down for the downhill that’s the track we race on Saturday stay tuned for the Sunday track it might already be up

    Um one weekend two races two tracks recommend fully recommend the trip it’s worth the drive it’s B n’s sister’s cousins stepmom’s favorite track I rate it yeah my my Nan’s cousin sister’s brother’s Uncle loves that track yeah like actual L even more importantly it’s Tim’s favorite track Yeah

    Tim hello my countrymen we’re here in Denmark wa for we got cck review today we’re actually doing some trail maintenance today you as you can see we got a monkey Rock van over there man so shout out to my brothers here in Denmark for a mint weekend man like let’s go smash it

    Man oh yeah that’s a go I got I got a flat you got a flat oh no oh dude that bit’s so sketchy just there yeah it’s so hard slap it oh I love that corner drop in Mission all right you ready they good when they work yeah okay I’m ready let’s

    Go let’s go drop it drop it drop it now pedal you got for the YouTube viewers now inside oh inside line don’t tell anyone anyone man no no what do you reckon jeza straight over I’d probably Chuck a hard left right there I ped it but I went where I wanted

    To miss the whole Landing in all right people big hos feature ticked off by everybody what do you reckon thing sit I can fully sick yep do you think people should drive from Perth come ride this track y yeah I agree scary scary props to Nathan for building it myself you wet yourself

    Yeah you’re on YouTube bro let’s go let’s go right at the end of the video too so if you want to find it you have to watch it sorry it’s all the way at the end of the video too wish I had YouTube Flynn wants YouTube he can’t

    Subscribe hello my friend goodbye this is end of video like And subscribe please and that’s it thank you my friend


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