Welcome to my channel. My name is Jay and I’m a midlife cyclist…

    This is a bike channel where I have fun making epic and awesome videos. Keep watching and enjoy the content.

    It might be sunny, cloudy, windy, foggy, raining, sleeting or snowing. It doesn’t really matter as a bad day on a bike far outweighs a good day sat on the sofa! Ultimately, pretty much all weather conditions are perfect riding conditions!

    Please remember to like and subscribe for more Road, MTB, Singlespeed related cycling videos

    Location: Cambridgeshire, England

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    These videos are my way of sharing my rides with a wider audience. I’ll take you on the road, on the trail and even through the urban environment.

    Please like, subscribe and add a comment and don’t forget to click the bell to be notified of future uploads.

    This video sees me on a ride out through Pondersbridge, Whittlesea, March and Benwick before hitting a head wind for the full length of Puddock Road.

    All the music for this video was downloaded from Uppbeat and the tracks and license info are:

    So Good – All Good Folk
    Action Replay – Matrika
    Fuzz Buzz – Soundroll
    Speaker Blaster – Capturez
    Pedal To The Metal – Matrika
    Crash Test – Moire
    Supermassive – Pecan Pie
    Heart Beat – Matrika

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: ACDLRGMX4NHP7U84

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: N65UVAVYIBH2ILXT

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: RXKPWFDDB48CELPG

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: E59ETXEWVFSNWON1

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: 8EVQINAGP4IM1P8A

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: GROJDNUPVJNO5JFN

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: MYZ1EGIVVT4BWV7S

    Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
    License code: FSHA8FOCY2V4AMKP

    So, sit back and enjoy the ride. You never know, I might see you out there…

    For those of you who are interested, the following is a list of some of the gear and main brands I use.

    Active Root Natural Sports Nutrition


    This is the only product I am officially linked to. I am an ambassador for Active Root and I highly recommend you visit their website for all your sport nutritional needs.

    I’m not affiliated to any of these, they are just my “go to” products.

    Video Gear List

    Go Pro Hero 2014, Hero 7 Black & Hero 11 Black


    Edited using Shotcut


    All FX downloaded from https://freesound.org

    All original music composed, produced and recorded by me using Ejay music creation software


    All non original music has been sourced directly from YouTube Sound Library and referenced accordingly

    Bike Gear List

    Giant Propel Advanced 1 Disc

    Giant TCR SL

    Giant Rev Mips Helmet


    Raleigh Talus 29R


    Altura Cycle Clothing


    Shimano RC5 Shoes


    Garmin Edge 1030 Plus

    Garmin Fenix 6x Pro


    Specialized Elite RD Shoes


    BBB BWS-04 Overshoes

    BBB BWG-35 Subzero 2×2 “Lobster” Gloves


    Vittoria Graphene 2.0 Tyres


    Lezyne 800xl Front Light


    Moon Comet X Pro Rear Light


    Fabric Lumaray v2 Front Day Light


    Camelbak Chase 8






    ABLOC Bottles


    Elite Bottles


    Food Stuff

    Trek Bars


    Let me know if you have any ideas for future content

    Keep an eye out for me If you are ever out on a ride in the Fen Badlands

    Stay safe and I’ll see you in a bit…

    See you in a bit

    Like go Go here go feel is so good so good feel so Good morning so we’re on Paddock Road as you can see behind me um heading out today on a bit of a longer ride this one is about 42 miles um we have done it before it’s the one that goes up to uh P’s bridge and then from there through

    Whitta and then it goes from Whitt through to March over I think four level Crossings and then from March comes back to benck and then comes all the way down pck Road here so starts and finishes on this road um it is quite an early start it’s just gone half

    7 it’s a Saturday morning it’s fairly still although the turbines as you can see over there I’m moving a little bit there’s not much of a wind um it is supposed to be quite a decent day today so all right is really cold at the moment my fingers are really

    Cold and my face is actually feeling it as well but um so yes so as I say we have done this one I think I’ve done this one about three times and I’m pretty sure the last time I did it I nearly came AC Cropper on one of the uh level

    Crossings cuz you go over it at an angle to the actual rail tracks and it was quite wet when I did it last time and as I hit the first right rail track the front wheel slipped so I’ll be a little bit Weary at that

    Today um I mean it is dry so shouldn’t be any issues so I hope you enjoy this one um I will speak to you a bit later I’ll put you back on the bars get moving cuz I need to warm up a bit I’ll see in a bit I’ll see you in a Bit He [Applause] 1 So I’ve just turned off that busy road back there um the one that goes from Ramsey up to P’s Bridge which is just back there I’m now heading over to Whitt SE which is that way so this road kind of bends around a little bit but eventually we’re kind of heading over

    That way so we’re going to go through Whitt SE to March and then uh drop down to benick and then all the way down pck Road um I have warmed up a little bit now and some of you might have noticed on the footage from the bars that the mileage just changed Slightly oh blim me sorry um oh oh bloody hell sorry I’m I am still I’ve said it a couple of times I’m still trying to get rid of this poxy bloody cold um what was I saying uh yeah the mileage uh I’ve I had to stop the Garing and

    Reset the Garment just as a turned off P Road onto onto Ramsey Hollow cuz it wasn’t picking the route up it does do it a few times it’s it’s like a little niggly thing that it does but it has picked the route up now so um

    But the the mileage on the on the unit at the moment is probably 4 miles less of what we have actually done so um but but yeah apart from that and apart from the shocking road conditions back there which you might have seen it’s going all right it’s

    Um I say it is quite fresh still but I am starting to warm up a little bit um so yeah I will spin you around so you can see where we’re going and stop talking before I start yaking my lungs up again uh and I’ll speak to you in a

    Bit I’ll see you in a bit I’ll see you in a Bit and I I like it in the B He [Applause] I’m hoping you can hear that all the bird song it’s absolutely amazing I mean I’m in the middle middle of nowhere so is really quiet we’ve just come down that unfeasibly long road there which continues right down there to a Bend so we’re going to go just spin you

    Around we’re going to go down that way the road does actually Bend round we’re going to go around and head over to March which is kind of over there and then eventually we’re going to drop down to benck which is over that way and then

    War boys which I think is kind of over that way so we’re probably about halfway um going well at the moment although I am still really struggling and I’m I must have eaten millions of midges as well this this um this route is surrounded by water um I mean you can see just

    Here you got a there’s a drainage ditch along there there’s a a kind of it goes along that entire length of the road there it goes up there so I mean that is pretty much what the fen is all about it’s all kind of uh flood planes and

    Drainage ditches and everything so there is a lot of water around there and obviously as a result of that there’s a lot of midges and sort of little bugs in here so um I’ve swallowed a fair few of those on the way around and probably inhaled a load as well um yeah worryingly

    So it is a little bit Breezy um as is normally the case out in the F the the turbines aren’t going around at a rate of knots but hopefully you can well you might be able to see behind me just there um those ones are sort of turning

    There’s some over there there’s some over there there’s some right over in the distance there’s some over the back there there’s some there so as I think I’ve said when we did when we stopped here before um you know is naturally sort of breezy windy out this way so

    It’s obvious that there’s loads of wind farms to kind of capture and harbor that energy so anyway I am going to have a quick drink uh try and get rid of this irritating cough that I’ve got I will get you out of the sun there you go and

    We will press on that way so I will probably speak to you the other side of March oddly enough the garming doesn’t like March I’ve probably said this before and I normally get lost so I will um speak to you when I get out the other

    Side of March how I get out the other side of March we’ll have to wait and see um so yeah I’ll speak to you in a bit see in a Bit So I am the other side of March now as predicted the Garmin just went absolutely Bonkers just sending me down all sorts of different roads but from memory I did kind of remember the way Out so I’m on the road now the kind of Meander’s down to benck and then I’ll be hitting the top of PCT where unfortunately I think there’s going to be a bit of a headwind um it shouldn’t be too troubling but it is getting a little bit Breezy now and uh I

    Think I think the wind’s coming from that way to be honest so along here it shouldn’t be too bad sort of coming from over there and I think pck Road is sort of that way so it’ll be a kind of cross head wind but it’ll be all right we’ll

    Get down there so going well at the moment I do need a Wii I did stop back there for one on uh quite possibly the the quietest bit of road I could find got off the bike got the little fellow out and started and three cars went past it’s bloody

    Typical and one of them went past suspiciously slowly as well so I don’t really know what they were hoping to see I mean fortunately it is still quite cold so they wouldn’t have seen much anyway but yeah it’s bloody typical but I do need to stop along here somewhere cuz I am getting

    Quite desperate so anyway you don’t really need to know that so yeah going well at the moment um probably about another 15 miles left and I think seven or eight of those are from the top to the bottom of P road so um I’ll probably speak to you again when I’m on

    The bridge at the top end of pdock so I will see you in a bit see you in a Bit another car going past I believe it oh blim me I did need that right let’s get cracking on Down [Applause] so you should know where we are we are now uh we’re at top of P Road that’s the start of P Road just there so it’s about 7even six 7even miles something like that so been really good ride actually uh we started out going out that way

    Along there along to where them I don’t know if you can see those with that wind farm in the distance there but we went uh I don’t know who that is but he clearly wants to get on YouTube um so we went along the back

    There up to uh P’s Bridge which is over there and in Whitt sea and then we went right the way round to the wind farm over the back there uh to March and then come down through benck so we come down the back of these fields

    Here uh out onto the 40ft bank which is now open if you remember the last time we came along here it was closed it was lovely going down there towards chatus so we are now heading down there so I’m going to get a quick drink and I will see you in

    A bit see in a bit So as I thought was going to be the case we have got a slight head wind it’s coming from that direction kind of come coming across here So I just need to just get me a down and get on with this so thanks for watching this one if you are new to the Channel please check out some of the other videos and subscribe and like as well cuz I know it helps the algorithm if you’re a regular viewer

    Please like this one and welcome back and uh I’ll see you on the next one I don’t know where that’s going to be but I do need to start pushing the miles a bit more cuz I’ve got this uh the suffk spring classic in about 3 weeks time I think

    It’s 3 weeks tomorrow so I do need to start building the stamina and the fitness up for that but wherever I go I’ll take you with me so until next time I’ll see you in a bit see you in a bit we we the stop like this we stop like theop this

    We the party now stop like this Still the Part theop like This We I’m

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