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    As efforts to secure a ceasefire in the Israel Hamas conflict continues Israeli Prime Minister Benin Netanyahu has agreed to send delegations to Egypt and Qatar to push forward the negotiations negotiators have been trying to secure the release of Israeli hostages as part of a possible Gaza ceasefire deal on

    Friday netanyahu’s office said Netanyahu spoke with the heads of Israeli intelligence agencies shinb and mad and approved that delegations on their behalf go to G Doha and Cairo in the coming days US President Joe Biden says he will go to Baltimore next week following key bridge collapse earlier this week

    Baltimore’s Francis scoty Bridge collapsed early on Tuesday after a cargo ship that had lost par hit the bridge in Baltimore Harbor in Maryland meanwhile the US government has approved an emergency fund of $60 million for the bridge reconstruction a major cleanup effort is underway in the US city of Baltimore where crews are

    Beginning to clear up the wreckage left by collapsed Bridge earlier this week a cargo ship collided with the Francis Scott Key bridge on Tuesday it remains in the middle of the Patapsco River blocking shipping traffic officials say they are working full speed to reopen the vital shipping channel DD India Sally Patterson has

    More the governor of the US state of Maryland W Moore says workers at the scene have an incredibly complex job on their hands they’re tasked with cleaning up up to 4,000 tons of debris Left Behind after Tuesday’s bridge collapse in Baltimore authorities believe the bodies of four of the victims who are

    Presumed dead after the Collision could be buried underneath the rubble Governor Moore says recovering them is a top priority to bring closure he says to their families his state has been awarded an initial $60 million in emergency funds by the US government to clear the vital Waterway and begin

    Rebuilding the bridge to know that out there you have to navigate high winds and electric wires to go out there and to see it up close you realize just how daunting a task this is you realize how difficult the work is ahead of us with the Salvage operation this complex and frankly with

    A salvage operation this unprecedented you need to plan for every single moment and every time you take action to move a piece of wreckage you understand that that requires you to reassess the situation US President Joe Biden has promised to pay for the Reconstruction stressing the importance

    Of the Port of Baltimore to the economy more cars and trucks go through that Port each year than any other in the country and last year it transported $80 billion worth of goods there are concerns that there could be a spike in prices at least temporarily while Supply

    Chains are disrupted and more locally at least 8,000 workers on the docks have jobs that are directly impacted by the collapse meanwhile the national Transportation safety board is investigating what caused the incident the agency is interviewing the crew members from the ship which was headed to Sri Lanka it’s also revealed that the

    Cargo ship was carrying 56 containers of hazardous materials some of which spilled during the crash the agency’s chair called the investigation a massive undertaking which could take up to 2 years to complete Sally Patterson in New York reporting for DD India Russia has vetoed the renewal of

    The UN panel of experts who monitor North Korea’s compliance with International sanctions the Kremlin says its veto is in line with its interests the Russian move comes submit accusations from the United States South Korea and other countries that Moscow purchases weapons from pongyang to use in its war in Ukraine Dasha ches has

    More from Moscow Russia deto the UN Security Council resolution that sought to extend the monitoring of un sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear program Moscow says its video comes as all approaches to solving the problem on the current Peninsula have yielded no results and will not improve the

    Security situation in the region Russian foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zahara said in the absence of mechanisms that revise the un security council’s sanctions and is them the only hinder confidence building and political dialogue zaha pointed out that the group of Experts of the UN security council’s

    1718 committee has in her words lost all the standards of objectivity and impartiality she said that’s why Moscow insists on establishing specific conditions for sanctions in order to review them and to make further decisions moscow’s decision has been criticized by the Western countries that claim that Moscow is seeking to avoid

    Scrutiny and allegedly violates those sanctions by buying weapons from ponan Moscow dismisses those accusations the vote will have no impact on the actual sanctions against North Korea which will remain in force Dasha chova in Moscow reporting for DD India a Moscow District Court ruled on Friday that the ninth suspect in the

    March 22nd Concert Hall attack should be held in custody until May 22nd pending trial luto nazad a native of Tajikistan had been charged under Russia’s terrorist act in which more than 140 people were killed in the attack separately Russia’s investigative committee said that the suspects had stated that their actions had been

    Coordinated by voice messages from a man via the telegram messenger it said it was investigating potential involvement of Representatives of the Ukraine special services in the organization and financing of the attack Ukraine has received a $1.5 billion stranch of funding under a world Bank program prime minister Dennis smhall

    Said on Friday helping it pay for its budget and social spending as it defends itself against the Russian invasion Ukraine is riing on financial aid from its Western Partners but foreign Finance dwindled in the first two months of this year and a US Aid package has been blocked by republicans in Congress for

    Months since the beginning of Russia’s fullscale Invasion Ukraine has largely depended on foreign support to cover its budget needs Kev uses almost all of its domestic revenues such as taxes and customs duties to finance its military as it continues to defend itself against Russia’s Invasion a recent drop in

    Foreign funding due to delays in aid from the US and the EU caused uncertainty at the beginning of this year where Ukraine received only $400 million from Japan in January and $800 million of financial aid from Japan Norway and Spain in February now that Ukraine has received an additional $1.5

    Billion from the World Bank program and also recently the EU approving the disbursement of $4.5 billion the Outlook seems more positive but these recent delays have raised uncomfortable questions on how Ukraine will be able to finance its expenditures if support were to stop Ukrainian President Vladimir

    Zalinski said on Thursday he spoke to us house Speaker Mike Johnson on the phone reiterating how vital it was to pass the 60 billion dollar military aid package for Kev which has remained stuck in the US Congress for months he said Russian strikes on Ukrainian cities were

    Escalating and that they can only be stopped by the physical force of Defense mumi Lim in Kev reporting for DD India Ukraine’s Air Force downed two Russian missiles in the southern Port of city of Odessa on Friday afternoon debris from the missiles hit civilian infrastructure injuring five people Ukraine’s Southern military command

    Denounced moscow’s forces for insidiously directing missile strikes on industrial areas of Odessa the Ukrainian military said its Air Force has destroyed 58 Russia launched attack drones overnight from a total of 60 along with with 26 of 39 missiles of various types Ukraine’s prime minister Dennis smhall said energy facilities in

    Total of six regions had been damaged the largest private power firm DC it said its three thermal power plants had come under attack on Friday and equipment was severely damaged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski on Friday declared his income for 2022 Rose to 12.42 million and which is about

    $36,000 from 3.7 million the previous year with an increase attributable to improved rent collection and sale of some government bonds a statement on the president’s website said most of the income of the president and his family came from his salary Bank interest and rent payable from his properties in

    Previous declarations zeny reported a family income of 3.7 million and in 2021 before the outbreak of the war in 2022 an income of 10.8 million the Steep decline in 2022 was attributed to less rental income Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski pressed on with changes to officials close to him on Friday

    Dismissing two Deputy heads of his office and appointing a former top security official ambassador to neighboring mova in his nightly video address zilinsky said he had appointed Alexi danov former of Ukraine security and defense Council as ambassador to mova saying danilov had wanted a diplomatic appointment I have approved his

    Candidacy as the new ambassador of our state to Republic of malova he discussed with me his vision for his future for Ukraine malova is an extremely important state for us both from the point of view of security challenges in the region and of bilateral cooperation the Millennium seed bank is celebrating

    A major Milestone after banking more than 40,000 different plant species in an effort to preserve rare threatened and important wild plants dubbed the Noah’s Arc for plants the MSB holds the Guinness world record for the largest seed bank facility on Earth let’s listen in under this typical British landscape

    Lies a very International one seeds from more than a hundred countries are stored at the Millennium seed bank as flooding drought and wildfires sweep the world with increasing frequency the project aims to protect the plants facing destruction seed banks are the way to say right well we need to fix that

    Problem in situ let’s get the seed off off U off piec if you like we get them back in the seed bank so we can look after them keep them in good quality so that when we do have this CL CL um modification or climate strategies to help prevent that ra raising of

    Temperature on the east African mountains as an example um we’re ready to go we’re ready with material that could be used to put things back in the wild they never been in seeds are collected from the wild and sent to the bank for processing after being cleaned

    And dried they make their way into a specially designed underground facility to of the world’s plant species are at risk of Extinction to protect them their seeds are kept inside this vault which is resistant to flooding explosions and radiation 2.4 billion individual seeds are stored here the project is the

    Result of extensive networks with Scientists around the world we don’t have an active partnership with India at the moment but um at a recent Workshop in Bhutan back in October of last year we were lucky enough to have a botanist from the Botanical Survey of India come

    To offer his expertise he was very excited about uh setting up a seed banking collaboration um with other India has vast Botanical expertise but they don’t have a big network of seed banks so we’re very excited to work with them about um helping them to develop um increase their seed conservation

    Capacity the seed bank has been described as an insurance policy against Extinction in the event of disaster these backups will provide the key to restoring natural habitats Julia Chapman in West Sussex England reporting for DD India all right still to come on DD India news are Louie goset Jr the first black man

    To win an Academy Award as best supporting actor passes away at 87 Nigeria is set to release more than in the suspects who were thought to be part of the notorious militant group Boko Haram tropical Cyclone gmane which crossed the northeast of Madagascar displaces over 20,000 people stay with us we’ll tell you the Details we try to understand what are the opportunities and challenges that come with renewable energy in terms of the radiation is better when you compare to other District in Gujarat then we found a better uh elevation for wtg Generation solar panels and wind turbin

    They kind of have a mind of their own so you can increase generation to meet demand you can also lower demand to kind of meet Supply somewhere in the middle it uses a renewable resource the sun to generate power so it’s quite good we do have the option of plugging the cold

    Room to the power grid typically a balcony system consists of one or two solar modules these modules contain crystals that convert sunlight into direct current or DC this inverter then turns the DC into AC which is the type of electrical current used in [Applause] Households you’re watching DD India news R I’m sadhar bhadwad former US president Donald Trump on Friday asked a Georgia appeals court to disqualify the district attorney Prosecuting him for trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat in the state the legal filing from the Republican presidential candidate and eight codefendants asked the appeals

    Court to reverse a judge ruling this month that allowed fton County district attorney fan Willis to continue Prosecuting case against the former president the appeal presented another opportunity for former former US president to delay or derail one of the four criminal cases he faces the appeals

    Court has 45 days to decide whether to take up the issue fton County Judge Scott mcfey gave Trump and other defendants permission to immediately appeal his ruling but said he would continue moving the case toward trial during the appeal if the court accepts the case Trump could seek to pause the

    Proceedings while the appeal plays out a trial date has not yet been set migrants reenacted the way of the cross on the Mexican side of the border with Texas us courau to keep a controversial anti-migration state law on hold the law would make it a State Crime to illegally

    Enter or re-enter Texas from a foreign country with prison sentences of up to 20 years for those who refuse to comply the challenge to the Texas law is one in a series of legal disputes between Republican state offici and the Biden Administration or the state’s ability to police the Border there’s concern or a rise in Deni across North and South America this year the number of cases already in 2024 suggests it’s likely to be the worst ever year with places such as PTO Rico scrambling to contain the mosquito born illness care line reports there have been 3.5 million

    Cases of Deni so far only this year across the Americas that’s three times as many cases as there were in the first three months of 2023 it’s set setting a worrying trend for the illness that is spread by infected mosquitoes as it can make people very sick with headaches vomiting

    And severe joint pain and it is potentially deadly well one of the regions that’s scrambling to contain an outbreak is the US territory of Puerto Rico which has declared an epidemic as hospitalizations from the illness surge well Den is less common on the US Mainland but there have been cases in

    Florida Texas and California states in recent years well the majority of cases in the region are in Brazil Paraguay Argentina Peru and Colombia scientists think that changing weather from climate change is having an impact on this year’s spread plus there’s also El Nino which is creating warmer temperatures and rising

    Sea levels well Deni comes from the 80s egypti mosquito it’s commonly found in warmer more humid parts of the world particularly if there’s bad sanitation and water Gathering where mosquitoes can breed rapidly last year there were 4.5 million cases across the Americas and 2400 reported deaths Caroline Malone in Washington for DD India

    In Northern Ireland the leader of Democratic unionist party Jeffrey Donaldson has resigned from the party after being charged with alleged sexual offenses The 61-year-old Donaldson is one of the British Region’s best known politicians and is northern islands longest serving lawmaker in the British Parliament he was first elected in 1997

    DP lawmaker Gavin Robinson Who was appointed interim party leader said Donaldson charges is a devastating Revelation and has caused tremendous shock within the party and has caused tremendous shock but we are a party and individuals that believe Injustice we have faith in our Criminal Justice System uh and so in the

    Coming days and months I think it is important that none of us say anything or act in any way uh that would seek to Prejudice what is now an ongoing criminal investigation sagal’s opposition candidate Basu D Fe won the presidential election on Friday according to sagal’s constitutional Council making him the

    Nation’s fifth president the Supreme Court approved the provisional results which were made public on Wednesday and were based on telling votes from all polling places he is expected to be sworn in to replace outgoing president macki Sal on April 2nd Nigeria is set to release more than 300

    Suspects who were thought to be part of the notorious militant group Boku Haram it follows the lack of evidence tying them to any crimes committed by the extremist group DD India’s correspondent Nabil Ahmed Ru reports while Nigeria the country is all set to release 300 suspects who were uh

    Suspected to be of the extremist group the militant Group which is Boko Haram a correspondent reports have a look at least 313 people have been on trial in Northern Nigeria over suspicions of being members of the militant group Boku Haram after series of Court proceedings the judge sitting

    On the case has ordered the government to release them because the prosecutors could not provide evidence that the suspect had committed any crime crime it is however not clear how long the suspects have been in custody or where they were being kept but a government official says steps are underway to

    Release them human rights groups have expressed concern over Nigerian authorities holding suspects for long periods without trial in 2010 some Boku Haram suspects were detained and only went on trial 8 years later because of lack of enough evidence against them the militant group Goku Haram has been

    Active for more than 15 years spreading violence and kidnapping people in many parts of Northern Nigeria in 2009 the group launched an Insurgency which sought to overthrow the government it has also been involved in the kidnapping of school girls most of whom have still not been found nabel Ahmed rui in arra

    Ghana reporting for DD India and the United States will take steps to impose new visa restrictions on multiple Hong Kong officials on Friday who are responsible for intensifying Crackdown on rights and freedoms in the Chinese rulle territory US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin highlighted that in the past year China continued to take

    Actions against Hong Kong’s promised High degree of autonomy Democratic institutions and rights and freedoms including with the recent enactment of a new National Security Law known as article 23 a tropical Cyclone that swept across the island of Madagascar this week has killed at least 18 people and displaced thousands more the country’s disaster

    Management office says the Cyclone was predicted to bypass the Indian Ocean Island but it changed course leaving hundreds of homes destroyed DD India’s Isaac luko has more authorities say Cyclone Gand has displaced more than 20,000 people with three others still unaccounted for they say the Cyclone was advancing with wind

    Speeds of around 150 kmph and gusts reaching 210 kmph aerial footage shows water field settlements with residents attempting to rescue those trapped in flooded homes humanitarian partners are working with authorities to scale up response but assessing the full scope of the destruction has proven challenging many villages in the region remain cut

    Off from the rest of the country hampering access for rescue teams the Cyclone season in the southwestern Indian Ocean typically ends from November to April generating about a dozen storms every year for this reason Madagascar situated off the Southeastern African Coast consistently endures the brunt of such severe weather events a

    Year ago tropical Cyclone Freddy red Havoc Across the Nation and its neighbors mozambik and Malawi resulting in the tragic loss of over 500 lives Isa luko in Dar Salam reporting for DD India affected by El Nino Surinam a country country on the northeastern coast of South America experiences its

    Worst drought in 25 years with no rain straight for 8 months has led to widespread reductions in crop yields the lingering drought has devastated local agriculture reducing crop yields by more than 25% the local weather authorities has forecast a new rainy season in April it’s expected to relieve the drought and

    Ease the concerns about diminished crop yields M rest who were crossing the vasod deama bridge in Lisbon on Thursday afternoon witnessed an unusual weather phenomenon experts call it a tornado or water sprout swirling over the region of Lisbon tornado are not common in Europe but do occur occasionally in the

    Northwest and south of the continent a state of emergency has been declared in Canada’s nagra region ahead of a rare total solar eclipse on 8th of April the emergency was declared out of an abundance of caution to PR prepare for a potential influx of people in the

    Region a press statement from the region said declaring a state of emergency will strengthen the tools and region has at its disposal to safeguard the health and safety of residents and visitors adding it will protect the critical infrastructure in any scenario that might arise nagra Falls situated along

    The Canadian US border is in the path of the eclipse making it one of the best places to experience the phenomenon Canadian authorities are preparing for over 1 million tourist arrivals they are modifying some of its programs and services and closing some facilities to keep traffic off the roads on April

    8th let’s take a look at other stories making news around the world fans late fls at the Hollywood Walk of Fame star of Oscar winning actor Louie Grett Jr who passed away at 87 goss’s long and distinguished career began in 1950s he won Emy in 1977 for t serial Roots which depicted the

    Brutality of slavery Pope Francis cancelled at the last minute his attendance at Good Friday procession at Rome to preserve his health ahead of more Easter week engagements Good Friday leads on Sunday to Easter the most important and joyous date in the church lurgical calendar Bolivian Argentine and Peruvian artists

    Spent part of Good Friday carving large religious images depicting the way of cross stations out of sand and in Dunes in Western Bolivia the festival is an annual tradition that has been running for over 17 years drawing large numbers to Marvel at the sand Creations still to come on DD India news

    Are we tell you in detail how elections in India are celebrated Indian Institute of Technology kpur has launched startup clusters 34 and 5 at New Delhi stay tuned for more Details the Indian army carries out Rising Sun brahos missile strike over andand and nicobar Islands we tell you the Details why is Isis surging again and uh what are its implications what are the threats that it poses to International Security and to India Isis has been a very decentralized organization since the beginning and that is what has given them benefit and has led them in this

    Successful manner what we India has done up till now is to uh you know a strike on the causes so deradicalization has been our Prime Focus to deal with the is purely military response is Indian Judiciary really being undermined is there a threat to the judicial process such attempts are

    Being made to scandalize the institution to tarnish the image of our judges through social media and the print media uh we should ignore such uh tactics underhanded tactics at its own own Peril they come with the consequences if something is said about the Judiciary positive manner and the criticism is

    Still there it is welcome it is a welcome Move you’re watching DD India news R I’m sadhar badat and a quick recap of the headlines Israel’s prime minister Nathan yahu approved new round of Gaza Seas fire talks to secure the release of Israeli hostages talks to take place in Doha and Cairo massive crane put in place to clear Baltimore Bridge debris as Crews assess damage US President Joe Biden says he will go to Baltimore next week Indian Navy successfully rescued hijacked Iranian vessel with 23 member Pakistani crew in a araban sea operation lasted over 12 hours India’s president Mutu present bat

    Ratna awards at rashtrapati ban today honoring individuals who have made outstanding contributions to various Fields embodying excellence and service to the nation and in sports venkatesh aer’s 50 and Solen naran’s SP play hers seal kkr’s victory over RCB by seven wickets on Friday lakau super Giants will take on Punjab Kings

    Today India’s president dropadi murmu will present the highest civilian award bhat ratna at rashtrapati bavan today former Prime Ministers Chri Charan Singh and PV narima former Bihar chief minister karuri takur and eminent scientist Ms Swami Natan will be given bhat ratna postasi former deputy prime minister and Veteran BJP leader elk

    Adwani will also be given top civilian Award of the country in yet another heroic show of Valor the Indian Navy Freed at least 23 Pakistani Nationals from the grasp of Somali pirates after a 12-hour operation in the Arabian Sea the rescue happened in the early hours of March 29 when the pirate

    Held hijacked vessel fva alamba was intercepted by the Indian Navy Cruiser ins sueda with quick thinking the guided missile frate ins trul quick joined ins sueda to support the mission Indian Naval troops used their strategic planning and strategic coordination to initiate negotiations with the Pirates compelling them to surrender without

    Bloodshed India’s minister of external Affairs subaman J shanka held talks with his Ukrainian counterpart demitro kulba in New Delhi on Friday their discussions focused on the ongoing Ukraine Russia conflict and its wider ramifications they also exchang views on Global and Regional issues Minister J Shanker reiterated India’s commitment to surrender the overall relationship

    Including bilateral cooperation I’m very glad that uh despite our some of our bilateral mechanisms have also met I think this has created a certain momentum in our bilateral relationship uh and uh today uh after this discussion in the afternoon we look forward uh also to the meeting of the interg governmental

    Commission well let’s get you the latest on what’s happening in India in the runup to the world’s largest democratic Election elections in India have been festive occasions almost like carnivals citizens choose leaders for their local bodies State legislatures and of course their Nation India has a report on the scale and vastness of elections in India these are not moments of Jubilation for a marriage or a family

    Occasion neither it’s the fervor of Diwali the celebration of light or holy the Festival of Colors these are celebrations India witnesses around the year the celebration during the Festival of Elections these happen in different pockets of India at different times of a year and it happens almost every

    Year the objective of these festivities celebrated by citizens of India is to choose leaders and representatives who would run their municipalities States and also their Nation India the Carnival of the world’s largest democracy is set to reach its peak in the next few weeks across all pockets of

    The country as India prepares for the general elections it’s a carnival in every sense of the word in terms of spectacle of colors hly Bly noise and exuberance it’s a festival of people’s participation to run a country that has set benchmarks hard to match anywhere else in the world

    The festival is observed by all Indian adults who are 18 years and above the organizer of the major elections across the country is the election commission of India or the ECI the election commission is an autonomous body set up under the provisions of the Indian constitution it’s responsible for administering the

    National and state election processes in the country the body conducts and supervises elections to the Indian Parliament comprising the loksabha the lower house and the rajas saaba the upper house it is also responsible for the elections to the legislative assemblies and legislative councils of the 28 Indian States and the offices of the

    President and Vice President of India elections in three union territories including India’s capital New Delhi puducheri and Jammu and Kashmir is also conduct Ed by the Election Commission in the elections to the Lo saaba citizens of India vote directly to elect the representatives in the parliament’s lower house these

    Elected members eventually decide on the country’s prime minister usually the leader of the party or the Coalition with maximum representation in the house the elections to the state assemblies decide on the heads of the state governments known as the chief ministers this year too the ECI is later

    To conduct election ctions in six Indian states by the mother of all polls the general elections is being organized by the ECI its first major assignment this year the election Authority is all geared up for the biggest task this is the exercise it undertakes once every 5

    Years it now faces the Herculean task of conducting elections to the 543 seats of the loksabha the lower House of the Indian Parliament which would involve huge Logistic Security and organizational engagement agent the winners of these seats will eventually decide the next national government and the prime minister of the world largest democracy

    India and ahead of the upcoming general elections Congress has released ninth candidate list in their Central election committee meeting on Friday the five candidates list is for three seats in southern state of Karnataka and two seats in Northern State of Rajasthan India’s Election Commission has is issued a notification Banning the

    Conduct publication or publicizing of exit poles between April 19 till June 1st when votes will be cast for Lok saaba and assembly elections to be held in four States including Northeastern states of Sikkim arunachal Pradesh Eastern State of orisa and Southern State of Andhra Pradesh as well as by

    Elections to be held in different states well DD India correspondent AA dongre joins us for more updates AE uh the election commission of India has issued a notification apparently Banning the the conduct publication or publicizing of exit polls between April 19 till June 1st uh this decision by the ECI how does

    It make elections more transparent and fair well uh the uh process of exit poll is uh is a is a quite a followed process around the world in democracies where elections take place where people go around asking the voters after they have uh exercise their rights that what party

    They have voted for and get their opinion about and they then they form an opinion about what party uh may be getting a majority number of seat what party may be winning in a particular seat and which party may be losing uh which party may be getting the most

    Number of seats and so on so uh this process has been banned uh according to a notification that has been issued by the election commission of India now there’s a rule that when the polls are being conducted no exit poll should be conducted and publicized U and and

    Circulated among the masses because the poll process that is going to take place in India will start from 19 of April and will continue till 1st of June and any such exit poll uh that have earlier been conducted during poll exercises uh tend to form an opinion about uh which party

    May be winning and it may uh lead on go on to uh form an opinion and lead of the public uh perception about which party may be win Ming and S the public opinion and that exactly is the reason why it may be considered harmful for a transparent and fair election process

    For the exit polls to be coming out ahead of the polling dates or during the polling days when the polls are being conducted and that exactly is the reason why uh the publication or publicizing of any kind of exit poll is has been banned from the first day of voting that is

    Going to take place on 19th of April until the first uh the last uh day of voting of general elections at 2024 in India that will be 1st of June so that exactly is the reason why this notification has been issued to ensure that there is no such exercise uh to S

    Public opinion as far as the polling process is concerned and AA in India election is not just an electoral process it’s a festival uh you know so take us through the atmosphere of how the country is getting up for the upcoming loab elections well uh the the the political

    Parties are have already started their campaigns in fact they had started their campaigns much in advance as far as the campaigning is concerned election hearing is concerned and uh now the political parties are also trying to form up equations trying to form Alliance Es as far as different states

    Are concerned the political parties have started to come up with manifestos uh the chief opposition party in India is expected to come up with uh an uh with with the with their Manifesto in the first week of April uh the B J party which is in in the government right now

    Is taking public opinion and uh it’s it’s taking uh public advice on what should be part of the public Manifesto what is the mood of the public so there are different kind of exercises that are being conducted by the political parties uh there are different campaigns that

    Are going on while the the parties that are in power both for the general elections as well as uh in in the state election that are going to take place they are trying to uh come up with their report cards on what they have done in the past 5 years whereas the opposition

    Parties are trying to raise issues uh of of of the elections of the of the issues that they think that they feel that have not been worked upon Enough by the incumbent government so it seems that the election fever has already gried the entire country we are not quite far away

    From the election it’s just a matter of 3 weeks now 3 to four weeks now that the election and voting will start and uh we will witness an intense competition between the political parties across the country you said it right AA election fervor has certainly gripped the entire

    Country and now if I talk about the bigger picture aa can you just tell us what are the states to look out for and what are the important constituencies to look out for when it comes to the upcoming loab elections well uh uh if you talk about the

    Important States uh in terms of sheer number of seats that are there uh then obviously uttar Pradesh being one of the largest state it has about 80 seats then there are State largest states like Maharashtra Karnataka there is madhia Pradesh Rajasthan so all of these states are are important for the political

    Parties but uh it would be unfair for for the constituencies to in fact rank them as far as the importance are concerned because a seat that is a loab constitu General Assembly general election constituency that is in Jammu Kashmir is as equally important as one

    In Kerala or one that is in the north eastern part of the country is as equal as it is in the heart of the national capital New Delhi so that is uh that is how the political party the gorging it definitely the election fervor is certainly gripping the country as people

    All over the nation is excited for the upcoming looks of a polls we leave it there thank you so much AA dongre for your analysis scrutiny for the nomination papers for the first phase of four loksabha seats of GAA nvada jamui and orang Abad in Eastern State of Bihar

    Will be held today a total of 72 candidates have filed their nomination papers in these four parliamentary seats the last date of withdrawal of candidature is 2nd of April polling will be held on 19th of April in these parliamentary constituencies Congress leader Rajesh ranjan also known as Papu yadav on

    Saturday announced that he will Conta test from the bihar’s punia Parliamentary seat on behalf of India Alliance rjd has already declared Bima bharti as its candidate from the seat while the Indian army in a breathtaking display of precession and strength carried out the Rising Sun brahos missile strike over the andman

    And nicobar Islands on March 29th posting images and video on social media platform X Army’s Eastern command said the brahmos missil soed hard high above the andan and nicobar Islands igniting the skies with its unparalleled might this showcased Indian Army’s capability as a formidable Force for peace and

    Security in the indo-pacific region the event serves as a reminder of India’s dedication to defending its sovereignty and fostering Regional stability and during the regular security checking in the central India’s indor pesura the Deputy Commissioner police of the region SE seed 7 kg of illegal drugs after brief investigation

    The guilty were penalized under the ndps ACT the national Technology Innovation Hub of Indian Institute of Technology kpur has launched startup clusters 3 4 and five at New Delhi the startup incubation program featured 19 startups specializing in specific cyber security areas including application security cyber forensics blockchain technology

    UAV Security Internet of Things security and cyber Insurance the Project Director at c3i HUB professor manindra Agarwal said this day marks a significant milestone for c3i Hub today we are adding uh 19 more startups to our group uh the charter of Technology Innovation Hub at it khur is uh to

    Develop and deploy Technologies in cyber security and also to promote startups in the same domain so as part of that Charter we are conducting this program still to come on DD India news are the US revises its rules to make it harder for China to access us artificial

    Intelligence AI chips and Chip making tools aif president constitutes a five member committee to hold discussions with India head coach Igor stimac we’ll tell you more Indo oi pair of bana and abden will take on Ivan dodic and Austin kisk in the Miami open finals Today as a cycle of accountability Returns the time has come when the biggest democracy chooses to write another chapter in its glorious history development Justice regionalism a big political canvas everything will be put to test in this mega battle for Glory DD India dissects what makes elections 2024 the Battle Royale in Indian

    Politics data and Analysis free from bias to help you understand why India matters the Great Indian election on weekdays at 8:30 p.m. only on DV India why is Isis surging again and uh what are its implications what are the threats that it poses to International Security and to India Isis you’re watching DD India news are I sadhar badw the US government on Friday revised rules aimed at making it harder for China to access us artificial intelligence AI chips and Chip making tools the step has been taken as part of an effort to hobble beijing’s chipm industry over National Security concerns

    The rules released in October seek to Halt shipments to China of more advanced AI chips designed by Nvidia and others as Washington cracks down on Beijing over concerns its advancing Tech sector could help boost China’s military the new rules which run 166 pages in length go into effect on Thursday it includes

    Restrictions on chip shipments to China also apply to laptops containing those chips US Government will soon announce a 10% cap on yearly rent increases for certain affordable houses units that are subsidized by the federal government the step restricts rent increases by Property Owners if they are part of a

    Tax credit program for low-income housing the new regulations will be announced on Monday Egypt received approval on Friday from the international monetary fund executive board for an expanded $8 billion financial support program it also enables the immediate release of $820 million the IMF agreed to widen the agreement after Egypt’s wobly economy

    Was further hurt by the Gaza crisis tourism and shipping are two of Egypt’s main sources of foreign exchange the agreement expanded on an earlier $3 billion 46-month extended funds facility signed in December 2022 it was put on hold after Egypt did not follow through on pledges to unpeg its currency this

    Would include a continued reduction of subsidies which consume a large portion of government expenditures last week Egypt raised prices on a wide range of fuel products the IMF also said Egypt had established a new framework to Monitor and control public investment that would help manage access demand but

    The state and Military would need to withdraw from economic activity all right here you’re watching DD India newss are time off for sport and the Kolkata Night Riders on Friday managed to become the first side to win a game away as they beat the Royal challenges Bangalore by seven wickets to

    Make it two wins in as many games KKR chased down a total of 183 with power play heroics by Sun Naran who set the tone with a fine knock of 47 to make his 500th T20 appearance even more special meanwhile lakow super Giants will take on Punjab Kings at the Iana cricket

    Stadium in lakau today India seasoned player Rohan bana and his Australian teammate Matthew ebden will take on Croatia’s Ivan doic and his American partner Austin kisk in the Miami open finals today the DU sealed a solid straight sets win over Spain’s mar maren groes and his Argentine partner haasio zos by

    6164 earlier the indoi pair beat Australia Sam V be and his Netherlands partner John Patrick Smith in the quarterfinals the all India Football Federation president Kalan dub on Friday held a virtual meeting with senior Federation members the meeting was held to discuss the recommendations made by the technical committee after India’s

    Recent performance India has played two World Cup qualifiers against Afghanistan in the March FIFA international window the first match in Saudi Arabia ended in a stalemate while the second in guahati Saw India suffer a onew defeat by team ranked 100 158th in the world the technical committee expressed their disappointment over India’s performance

    And recommended that discussions need to be held with head coach igos stimac before the next two qualifiers all right and that’s all for this edition of DD India news are but let us know your thoughts on the news of the day you can connect with us on

    Facebook X formerly known as Twitter and Instagram we’ll be back with more news as it breaks here on DD India I’m sadhar bhadas from all of us here in Delhi thanks for watching DD India news are

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