Escape To The Country Season 17 Episode 55: Suffolk

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. house three was amazing but i'd hate to have to duck so low to get in and out of rooms. I have arthritis in my shoulders and knees both involved in ducking but it was beautiful!

    2. The buyers who "adorn" these shows are hilarious on many levels – some bored out of their minds with all their money, others well, just simply interesting – the presenters are always stunning in their abilities to lift the joy value of these beautiful lands

    3. I adore Alistair Appleton, he is so soothing and intelligent, so centered and genuine, what a wonderful soul …. Love you Alistair, thank you for helping me keep calm, thank you for soothing my aching heart . Thank you

    4. Lovely Houses, especially the last proposition with its Fairytale picket fence! The Community Farm is a Brilliant Idea! Might want to imitate it over here in Quebec.

    5. Sorry Alistair I love you but just can't cotton on to this miserable couple…couldn't watch any more after you walked into house no:2….cheers from Western Australia
      BTW I loved the cottage gardens…cant grow them so well over here with the heat.. I used to live in Tasmania and my garden was full of old roses, cornflowers etc.. and I adore those sweet willies

    6. Heartbreaking to see such neglect at their advanced ages. The lack of life in Graces eyes was so terrible.
      They are now two of the luckiest horses to be with the Moons and live out their lives experiencing love and care. A massive thank you to the Moon family. ❤

    7. Another wonderful episode with a kind and caring couple. All homes shown were beautiful, but I feel none was really right for them and their needs.
      I hope they are all still healthy and happy.

      Thanks for sharing this episode! Alistair was as usual so gentle and kind, a wonderful man!

    8. I don’t understand, did the large garage next to House 1 not belong to that house?? Could it not be converted?? It would be perfect for Les’s Mom and just cover the 4 steps to the side door of the house and it’s all set. Hmmm 🤔

    9. House #1 too many low doorways!
      House #2 it's kind of dull. There is no "wow".
      Mystery house – concussion heaven! How good are they at "Limbo"? It has possibilities and they're both short.

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