This is the last episode from our 7139 km long bikeride from Norway down to Portugal, Lisboa. In this part we making our way back out to the coast and also following parts of the Camino de Compostela in Spain.

    This is our planned route from France down to Portugal the old part of Don font was it right really cute Town lots of cute weather but otherwise good so I get a flat tire and I had the best person to fix it Marielle I found the

    Whole she got a little bit of a torn in her um wheel and then now we’re gonna actually fix it this time because it’s not so big this is how you repair your juice so soon the bike will have the tire back all right so we are back with Jerry we

    Met on the ferry yesterday but this time in his home and his beautiful wife Susie wait spin cook is some fantastic food for us indium non-red some Curry chickpeas samosas and here is two hungry starving bicyclists so this would be amazing Marielle do you think you’re going to sleep good here tonight

    Very good passing through anger here in France after a nice day on the bike breakfast time for the French cows this is Angier in France so we are here at this baguette machine but it doesn’t work so don’t forget today they’re in here fresh tasty but not for us

    So this is the beautiful Camp spot for tonight and here’s the tent fixer Mr morning again this time in France and hair growth grapes for one after around 40 45 kilometers we stopped for our kind of breakfast we do normal protein shake I’m a bit more disgusting

    I put in a raw egg in mine as well and then we keep on biting reaching a top of a climb here with a windmill on the top very nice still in France not in Holland if you would think that and pretty cool shot we started a day with a

    Flat tire on annika’s bike again and now we’ve been walking through mud like it’s literally I don’t know if you can’t see it but it’s like mad that you just can’t get away when I’m with hands Under the shoes or the sandals as it is Yep we had a bit of Mudfest this morning so now we’re cleaning our bikes there’s Sonic in action they literally had a swim Having a cat parade we made it to the ocean in France Yeah we’re sitting in the rain having taco party even if it’s not Friday Okay Marielle is going to take the first swim in the ocean Sunset after a long day on the bike beautiful They are like highways for us along the coast we are on our way to beat it the ocean is just here it’s a bit too dark I got some company again the beautiful France it’s all developed bike path that goes all over the country it’s just so safe and nice

    To bike around on this it’s in a national park thank you it doesn’t really warm sunny days along the France Coast it was almost up to 30 degrees some days hot weather today huh On a smaller Ferry they’ll take us over a small channel here our bags and the bikes are Up on the Roof which we can’t see we’re having a very late lunch drying our tents out there she is another side it’s also Mexican food today nice view

    It’s supposed to be some the whole day in between 24 26 degrees and we are on this quiet small little bike path that goes for 300 kilometers back on the endless bike path again here we have a lighthouse so it means we are pretty close to the coastline here it is

    Let’s see where we end up French beaches getting into Capricorn a lot of surface in the water pretty small waves see what makes me want to surf this is part of Capricorn where I actually been many years ago crying I remember small things it’s always Steph and my friend eating a lot of gelato

    We made it to beautiful Village I wish I had my surfboard with me it looks super fun but small more of the edits beautiful town on our way to meet my friend Celine on the other side here let’s see if we find her so we are here in berries with beautiful

    Celine and her awesome boyfriend Tom that we normally hang out surfing in Indonesia together with super nice to see you guys today we’re having a day off with the biking and my friend will let us stay in his apartment just about this beautiful little surf bridge and Beach

    It took us seven days to bike 878 kilometers across France so across the border into Spain today now we’re following the Santiago never found it then foreign the whole world should do this biking through one more cute town here on Santiago de Campostella it’s very nice here it’s playing

    Staples and Mickey working her way up we’re in Spain it’s pretty good weather today and we’re doing a lot of climbs at the moment but it’s okay District we have here Maybe here is two Rioja grapes you have a try it’s good really good there in the background you can see the

    Mountains we just climb over to end up here this is how you should grow peppers I reckon look at the fields So this is the Camino de Santiago songs we are not really doing the actual Trail because that’s more made for walking but they also kind of have a bike version we which we are on had a nice wake-up time today we’re in Burgos here pretty cool town

    A lot of the roles that come in and was gravel it’s almost better some was worse and I was always kind of flat or really steep hills Hungry what is so good Look I got a freeloader again they love me One of those days raining but it’s okay we actually don’t mind Ryan oh yeah all right now my screen gets a bit funny but as long as you have good wrinkles I’m the biggest clam on this tour I don’t know I think it’s like one thousand four hundred meters of our

    Sea level or something we’ll probably see a sign when we get up it’s raining but we are happy because we’re good reindeer on us our first tunnel in Spain maybe also the last one since we are almost in Portugal uh Marielle what are you doing a lot of this

    Hopefully it comes down soon too bad it’s bad weather but we came from over there we follow the highway but I’m on the road we’re riding next to this highway pretty happy I don’t need to be on it okay flat tire number eight and next yeah eight

    And next time I will buy the marathon plus Wheels Mariel has had zero flat tires so here we go again our last Camp night in Spain we think and then tomorrow we should be in Portugal it’s been pretty rainy day but now it’s been clearing up a little bit

    So good night from us it’s morning and we’re doing our last kilometers in Spain and we are on this 525 Road which we’ve been on the whole day yesterday and it’s only us and I think it’s a really nice surroundings and it’s pretty luxury to have your own Road

    I must say here we are the twins I’m Nikki number one one minute older than me that are twin number two we made it one kilometers left so anything can happen but it looks like we’re gonna make it anyway we made it we went from Norway to

    Portugal pretty cool but we still have 500 kilometers left down to earth so not done yet we’ve been in Portugal for about one hour just get into shaver this really cute town it’s just quiet beautiful nice weather for a change we just had our first lunch in Portugal

    It’s crazy how we got good weather when we got in here straight away now we’re going this direction on the roads in Portugal still a lot of hills really nice views I think to bike from Chavez over to Braga in Portugal was definitely one of the nicest parts of the whole trip it’s

    A lot of mountains but if you were just stunning small Mountain villages squeezed in up in the mountains big big slime filling up the water bottle and now we’re gonna have a little bit of a snack before we keep on going up we found a good little dinner spot here

    Our first base camp in Portugal pretty nice and it’s a eucalyptus trees next to us first a Portuguese mountains so nice really quiet Road Google tells us we should not be here I don’t know why maybe we’ll find out later then we will enjoy check out these mountains

    It’s just endless and we’re so very happy even though we’ve been going down for ages foreign Foreign list we have Iceland Norway Louboutin and Portugal this is so beautiful foreign foreign made it to the ocean in Portugal I’m up here in Porto in Joanna’s house here she is hey Janna and look a hot tub how nice if we’re lucky maybe we get to have a swim here today not a swim but a really relaxed and good time we are lucky to stay in johanna’s amazing house there’s Anarchy resting

    Let’s walk the stairs down and see what’s going on here so this is a handmade carpet by the carpet maker Juana look at this how insane so beautiful it was perfect to have two days resting in Porto with Johanna since it was really bad weather and rainy the whole time

    Today to be off the bike really bad weather coming in for the portal privilege Church Porto we did a bit outside thing and went into the old parts of Porto back on the bikes on our way towards nasare portal foreign Last time I saw them was in France last year yeah they are moon walking Portuguese flamingo foreign ER game but this time she’s changing herself yay so let’s see how this will go And she manages perfectly was it easier or harder than you thought it’s like I don’t know I don’t know it was okay okay It was our last day on the bikes yourself the roadblock going on here Hmm okay this is how we get our daily water we’re trying to find a pump and sometimes we are lucky and it’s working With a bike path whole Coastline tourism old Beach the name on this beach we’re having a bike path the whole way to Nursery place nice house that’s right here you can find sometimes one of the biggest waves in the world today though it’s small last morning

    Of our bike took in Portugal it’s a bit foggy this is where we slept last night now we’re going this way from above good morning our last day on the bike is on this twins tattoo in Portugal very high up on a ridge and now we assume descending down so Martina

    Having breakfast at a smaller lighthouse new fresh Um baguettes getting into our Spanish Checking the cliffs out we’re gonna follow this fridge closer than this to bike on the beach less than 20 kilometers to go now it wins the tour then it’s over we made it we are in Arizona Portugal and we made almost 7 000 kilometers in exactly two months

    And then now it’s time to serve for a week we stayed a few days with my friends Titan Andreas and then me and aniki bike down towards lisabon where we were gonna catch the flight to get home Massive waves like massive this is our absolutely lost it’s by the ocean in Portugal and it’s bad weather as you can see but that’s right we don’t mind and we’re down 7 000 kilometers yeah the family castle along the beach in kashkai some kind of famous building here in Lisboa

    Where a lot of people stop to look so we take a video after being two months on the road and we’re done a bit more than 7 100 meters okay it has been a little bit rainy here in Lisa boa foreign of two highways backpack there is a stadium for Benfica well

    Thank you the cat alone for boxes Tour bikes for our flights tomorrow but we don’t know if you’re getting out from the store bikes to the airport so we are at the Lisboa Airport and we’re sleeping under the escalator tonight he’s already asleep and it’s time for me to go to bed

    Good night we are putting down our air bikes now into this boxes that we got yesterday and at the moment for all of you that are always asking how we do this we’re taking first off The Handlebar and then the wheels the pedals are already off and then

    We just lift them in the boxes and hope for the best sorry in the boxes we’re packed ready to fly home to Sweden our twins tattoo is now finished we biked 7179 kilometers in 54 days through 10 countries thank you to UTA Deport and expert for supporting us with the best gear during

    Our trip

    1 Comment

    1. Hi, most of all I admire your astonishing good humor in all conditions, of course beside the athletic performance! I crossed France this summer but half the travel I cursed😅…ok…I am german but next time I will be learning from you.
      Good luck and big thank you for these videos!
      Eberhard Koch Bonn

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