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    Endlich Frühling! In Freiburg, der deutschen Stadt mit den meisten Sonnenstunden, kann man ihn so richtig genießen. Auf geht’s zu einer Städtetour mit viel Natur, sattem Grün, blühenden Blumen und lauschigen Abenden im Freien. Dazu stehen auch noch Kunst, Shopping und Ausflüge in die Umgebung auf dem Programm.

    00:00 Intro
    01:14 Der Seepark in Freiburg
    08:17 Das Sinnwerk
    14:03 Der berühmte Münstermarkt
    17:45 Mit der Gondel zum Schauinsland-Berg
    22:50 Das Arboretum Günterstal
    27:25 Kunst und Kultur an jeder Ecke
    36:22 Der Mundenhof und Toni, das schottische Hochlandrind
    44:04 Outro

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    #freiburg #expeditionindieheimat #ardeisen #städtereisen #urlaub #sightseeing

    “Freiburg – Expedition in die Heimat” ist ein Film von Daniel Richter. Dieser Film wurde 2023 im Auftrag des SWR produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

    . Anyone looking for spring in Freiburg will experience surprises. Now it’s time, now it’s time… (Laughter) If spring comes early anywhere, it’s probably in Freiburg. And who knows how, you can even take spring with you. MHH tasty. Freiburg lies on the edge of the Black Forest and is the southernmost major city in Germany. Before we worry about the scent of spring,

    We first visit the Seepark in the northwest of the city. The Botanical Garden guarantees fresh greenery and also provides information about bionics. Market, street art and shopping experience await in the city center. Before we go to Freiburg’s local mountain, the Schauinsland. A trip to Mundenhof Zoo – with accompanying cattle –

    Rounds off the spring tour in Freiburg. The Seepark: This is the Flückigersee and lots of greenery around it. The relaxed excursion destination is only three kilometers from the city center. A swimming lake in the big city – where does that exist? Now it might be a little cold for swimming. But sport is always possible. For example with the sports box. (Cracking) Oh! Wow. There’s a lot in there, right? Beach volleyball, speedminton, Indiaca, what is that? Ah, football. Frisbee, boules. I’ll decide on the dumbbells. Only the app for the sports box costs – 50 cents. After that everything is free. You just have to make a reservation. And clean up later. The time is also available free of charge and quite accurately. But only when the sun is shining. Freiburg’s botanical garden is a beauty in every season. Already in spring , one blossom after the next naturally sprouts here . And if it’s cold or raining – it always stays cozy and green in the greenhouse. The botanical garden belongs to the university. And consequently, you can still learn something here. For example about bionics. So technology modeled on nature. An entire bionics educational trail leads through the greenhouses and the garden . (Curious music) Professor of bionics in Freiburg is the biologist Thomas Speck. It’s no coincidence that you have a pomelo in your hand. What’s up with that? – Not really. The pomelo is one of the fruits that steams very well.

    You can drop them from the third floor without anything happening. – Uah. Oh, actually. The exciting thing about the pomelo, look, it’s intact. And if you think about it, there used to be these magic balls that you threw down, these bouncy balls. And the Pomelo is an anti-bouncy ball.

    This means that if I throw it down from ten meters, it will bounce back less than a meter. That gave us the idea for a new type of damping system. For bicycle helmets, riding helmets, all kinds of helmets. If you press it here now, you’ll see

    That it takes away the energy incredibly well. – Yes. It’s really tough. – You can really make an impression. This comes back to a certain point. With a time delay. – Cunning nature. I would say so. Above all, many millions of years of evolution.

    We then converted the whole thing into a bicycle helmet. In a bicycle helmet like this, they’ve basically imitated it, right? That’s basically the point. – No. We love the word “reinvented.” We get inspired, so to speak. – Exactly. Exactly, that’s very nice: bio-inspiration. The more general word also means bio inspired –

    Bio-inspired research. – Uh. The hard exterior that protects us when there is a stone is inspired by the coconut or macadamia. And then we have these foams inside. And what you can see here, just like the fruit, are these fiber bundles. They are introduced here as fiberglass bundles. It’s crazy how much ideas nature gives you. It’s incredibly fascinating. Above all, a garden like this only reflects a very small part. They have 6,000 species, in total there are 500,000 species. And this is something like… applied bionics. This is applied bionics, construction bionics. We did this together with our colleagues

    From the University of Stuttgart. This is kind of my favorite building at the moment. Who was the inspiration here? – This here. What is that? – You’ll be surprised. This is the wood from a candelabra cactus. So a columnar cactus like you know from the western. This is ultra-light wood. – Wood?

    Once you pick it up, it weighs nothing. Yes! – Can you try bending? This is really extremely stable. – Great. And that’s exactly the trick. – So light and yet so stable. Yes, that’s because of the structure. It’s such a network structure. And this network structure is optimized (inaudible).

    And that’s where we came up with a material that has been known since the Neolithic period. And these are flax fibers. – Mmm. OK. Very stable. One of the oldest fiber crops in existence. And it has two huge advantages over wood, which is also a great material .

    You have to wait for the wood to grow. – Mmm. You can harvest flax at least once a year, sometimes even twice a year. And the big advantage is that flax is so undemanding that it grows in soils where no food grows. So we don’t compete with grain, potatoes or corn.

    This is of course a huge advantage. The Dreisam is one of the city’s water features. Which also feeds the famous Bächle, the small canals in the city. The cozy Konviktstrasse is very close to the cathedral. And right there this “useful” shop. Fragrances are the house specialty. And you can even design your own perfume. This is actually what spring smells like to me. If I were to put it into words or into a scent, I would say… lilac? Or maybe that’s what May smells like. Or lily of the valley? – Lily of the valley.

    Scents are something very personal, right? True, this is actually culturally dependent. So, among other things, how you grew up, whether you like a scent or not. And then it is also very strongly linked to emotions. And when you smell something… it immediately triggers a memory.

    You immediately think that it smells like my grandma’s or kindergarten. Lily of the valley smells a bit like grandma. – (laughs:) Yes? Or? (Lively music) Ah, bergamot. Mmm. – Mmm. What was that called again? – Vetiver. Vetiver. – This is a root. It’s a grass that’s relatively inconspicuous. But smells intense. – Mmm.

    The violet. – Forest walk. And then somehow a little blue violet. Mmm. I think I’ll go with…sandalwood now. Mmm. – Is that enough for a perfume now? Or would you recommend anything else? I’d say it’s enough to get started. I always compare creating perfume to cooking.

    When taking a beginner’s cooking course, it’s also better not to use too many ingredients at the beginning, otherwise you won’t know where to start. – Good. Exactly, and now you can put the scent strips you have selected together in your hand. Uh. – You can take all four. I think that fits.

    Somebody is… I think the lavender is strong. – Mmm. Maybe a little… – Pull it down like this. Then you can fan again. Down like that? – Exactly. A little down in your hand, then it’s like you’re putting it in the background. Oh, mmm. Can I try it? – Gladly. Say you.

    I think that fits quite well. It’s very fresh, very tangy. – Mmm. Maybe…spring with a touch of summer. (Laughter) Good! Tell me, is there actually something like a trend when it comes to fragrances? Or that you say, this is what you’re wearing now, and people actually let it be talked into your head?

    Or is it something really personal? Of course, just like in fashion, there are trends. And many people are very tempted by all the marketing. I try to keep this very clean in my store concept. Of course, it is also the case that subconsciously… perfume bottles, i.e. the color of the packaging or bottles

    Or design, also have an effect on you subconsciously. And that’s why you like the scent. I think it’s a good thing if you strengthen your own intuition. And it goes very much to the emotional level and not at all to this head level. Now mix my favorites in the right proportions. Mhm, I find that very pleasant too. Nice and soft and round and still very fresh. Scaled up and then filled with alcohol, it creates your own spring scent. (Music ends) Wow. Person. Inge, now I have created my own scent. Yes Perfect. – Class. Freiburg is creative. The city has made extra space available for the current colors of the artistic season – which are also being used. Also – the street art scene has its own rules. Either way, there are small and large treasures to be found everywhere in the city. A visit to Münsterplatz is a must on every trip to Freiburg. And even if the weather is gray, an option remains. ♪ I can buy flowers myself. ♪ Write my name in the sand. ♪ Talk to myself for hours. There are always colorful flowers. ♪ I can take myself dancing. ♪ And I can hold my own hand. Oh, my heart just opens, so much color here. And a lot of tradition at your stand, right? How long have you been around, i.e. the status? – Fourth generation. Last year 140 years. -Whoa.

    I still notice that many older people who come here in their 80s still rave about my father or my grandmother. That’s actually great. I experienced it myself. I was still riding in the van in the seedling box, unbelted, on Münsterplatz. It was different then. There you just had a few flower seedlings,

    A few pansies. Everything was still in such heavy clay pots. That was completely different, the market. Because today you really have the full program. A checkerboard flower, a wild tulip. You have to offer something special. Is it special to be here at the Freiburg market?

    It is one of the most beautiful markets in the entire world. When I’m often out and about, I always think that the traditional is incredibly beautiful. It’s really a great market. When will the first sausage be available? Or coffee? First there is coffee, which is very important to me.

    I need my peace and quiet. When it’s as cold as today, I sometimes eat sausage. Then the sausage people say that it’s cold today too. Today Mirjam is coming to eat sausage. So thanks. And all the best. – Thank you very much. Thank you bye. Ah! That looks good. All organic? We have organic, we have Demeter and Bioland. Sometimes natural land from our neighbor. But everything according to organic guidelines, exactly. And now you have to say that the Freiburg market is an institution. And also a tight-knit market community. You haven’t been here that long.

    How were you received here? We were received really well. So when it comes to the car having to be driven there in the morning. Or if you only have large bills left. We were well received. That worked well. – Okay, so everyone gives… Come on, I have a little change left.

    We’ll switch quickly for you or something. Sometimes we get a bit overwhelmed when our carrots are small or the cabbage isn’t so neat. But none of us felt like we were anything special here or anything. Okay thank you very much. The queue is getting longer and longer. – Gladly. Goodbye, goodbye. Oh, and the Gothic backdrop for the market is of course also worth a visit. Just like the trip to Freiburg’s local mountain, the “Schauinsland”. A relaxed 20 minutes overcome almost 750 meters in altitude. The railway itself was a small technical miracle in its time. In 1930 it was put into operation as the world’s first large-cabin cable car . Ten cabins, larger at the time, including a conductor, brought people up the mountain at a breathtaking pace . (Nostalgic music)

    Is that how things used to be done here? This is the historic control station of the Schauinslandbahn in Freiburg. Exactly, as you can see here, it was in operation from 1930 to 1988. Fully functional. It was then taken out of service in ’88, but fortunately preserved.

    You can still see very little information here, but it was still a very mechanical cable car, the technology back then. That was basically his accelerator pedal. Aha. Here he could go forwards, backwards… Nothing happens down here. – No, nothing happens. Yes, you have to… Maybe just to look at it. A piece of suspension cable like this is a so-called fully closed suspension cable. It feels like a pipe when you touch it like that.

    Wow, really heavy! – Yes / Yes. That was before, in 1930 they drove it? They were already raised in 1930. The meter weighs 14 kilos, you can see it. Formed wires, fully locked rope. I have a wonderfully comfortable ride, like on a rail. In principle hardly any driving noise.

    If you use a stranded rope like our pull rope as a rail, it would make enormous rolling noises. This is not very elastic for a rope. But that was such a masterpiece back then. A huge deal for Freiburg, right? That was a huge thing for Freiburg. If you think about it, Freiburg had 90,000 inhabitants at the time. This track has paid off. People went there and reported on the opening all the way to the USA.

    Today, of course, everything here is much more modern. Today we are fully computer based. Light waves guide between the stations as an information line. By the way, everyone can take a look behind the scenes of the Schauinslandbahn on a guided technology tour. Now watch your head here. Woah! And all the gondolas are hanging here now, or what? All the gondolas are hanging on there. Those coming from the valley station, those going down. The complete power transmission takes place here on this drive wheel. When I look down there, I feel dizzy.

    (laughs:) How are you? – You get used to it. And you’re not up here all day. What makes the Schauinslandbahn unique today? We are still the longest cable car orbit in Germany at 3.5 kilometers. We are a registered technical monument. The nature up here is unique and then of course the magnificent view.

    Strasbourg, Basel, the Alps at the back. It may not be noticeable at first glance, but a truly extraordinary forest grows in Güntersthal, Freiburg’s southernmost district. A huge arboretum. So a collection of exotic trees and shrubs. Why did they even create all of this here? That was around the turn of the last century. Freiburg has tried to become more attractive and to attract the population here. A wealthy population. That’s where we built this forest road. It goes around the whole of Freiburg and is very broad.

    Back then people traveled in carriages. Such wells have also been built in the forest. And yes, different plant species brought here from all over the world to make the forest more attractive. Footpaths were created and ultimately laid the foundation for this variety of different tree species.

    Such an exotic forest attracted people back then? That was something special? – That was something special. This is a mosaic, ultimately made up of many such points. But this development of the forest was definitely an important one. Making the forest more attractive by planting exotic species. It was something special back then.

    And will the people of Freiburg accept it? I think so, it could probably be even more present, in consciousness. But people still stroll and look here. – Almost like an insider tip? I would say so, yes. Over 1,300 different types of trees and shrubs from all over the world are at home here. Here, a birch tree from China. Even young sequoia trees. This is from China. – Okay. Stranvaesia. Then here is California, the feeling tree. It’s relatively prickly, the whole thing. – Feeling tree? What do I feel? This is the Californian nut yew, in this case from California. Does it always go well?

    Can you actually plant any tree in Freiburg’s climate? No. We also have a magnolia here. There are around 300 different types of magnolias. Most are tropical, subtropical. Maybe 20 of the 300 would survive in our climate. Is an arboretum like this a bit like a small experimental station?

    In any case. – Also for the future? So, in different directions. It always remains exciting, different tree species hybridize. So fir species, for example. So maybe a North American will get together with a Chinese at some point. If you know that after 30 or 40 years a real growth phase begins

    And then some fungi attack it, then that can be a danger, but also an opportunity in climate change that they might be able to grow much better. It will be exciting to experience that. This is a large field experiment. Forester Klaus Echle would like to improve the image of a native plant a little. I still have a big ivy here. That doesn’t happen that often anymore because people are starting to saw them off. You can also see that someone has probably already sawed away at it. Such ivy! – Exactly, it can also become stronger. The ivy is trying to climb the trees.

    I think people were afraid that it would strangle the tree like a strangler fig. But that’s not the case, it just sticks. And ivy is incredibly important for ecology, i.e. for us in the forest. There are an incredible number of insects, mammals and birds. The ivy blooms in October,

    So there are actually still a lot of insects out there. And then in principle you can still use this floral splendor. The fruits ripen in January. The birds have nothing to eat there. This has a very big meaning and is always a nuisance for us, that ivy is sawed away

    That does no harm in the forest. And when the trees don’t want to be anymore… then they become art. On the Tree People Sculpture Trail. Art even here in the forest. The fact that it slowly rots is part of artist Thomas Rees’ concept. Also always changing: the Holbein horse. Stands very well on the way back from the arboretum in the Wiehre district of Freiburg. You never actually know what it looks like. It has been here since the 1950s and the people of Freiburg keep painting over it. This time someone was probably in love. Every now and then the layers of paint are removed again, then it looks clean for a moment…

    And then it starts all over again. ♪ I’m sitting on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon. The crocodile at the Gerberau is at least as famous as the horse. ♪ Love a body, share a body when you got two. ♪ But anyway you look, how do you do. ♪ Well, here’s to you, Mrs Robinson,

    ♪ Jesus loves you more than you will know. ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa! ♪ God bless you, please, Mrs Robinson. ♪ Heaven holds a place for those who pray. Freiburg is worthwhile for art and architecture fans. ♪ Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon. And if you can’t get enough on the streets of Freiburg, you can of course explore museums with art from modern to classic. Or… you can get a piece of art from Ms. Müller… in Fischerau, and her art machine. Now it’s getting exciting.

    “The god of the obese…people’s educators.” “The work is called ‘The God of the Ugly Organ Donor’.” Oh G- … It doesn’t get boring in Freiburg anytime soon. Also when it comes to shopping. Because they still exist here, unusual small and fine shops. Old trunk. Oh… That looks great. What is that now? Can I have a go there? Yes, of course, very much. This is a trunk or an old steamer trunk that I have made or converted into a cabinet for valuables . That means you can now put laundry in there or something…

    Something you’ve grown fond of… Some people think it’s a shoe closet because of these flap stories. That’s why you know it. But I would probably rather put laundry in it or some collection stories or whatever. That’s a really great idea, making new things out of old things.

    So actually, to give you a new life. That also has a nice English expression. Upcycling. – Upcycling. It actually looks totally new again. You then do some things from scratch, this one, right? No, that’s original. I was lucky, it’s leather. I freshly greased it, so maybe that’s why it looks new.

    The case is completely in its original condition, except for the interior. And here too something like that, a sticker, you just leave it on? Yes, especially the stickers, I think they tell stories. And that’s the great thing when you know that the suitcase was… Unfortunately you can’t read that very well,

    But there are stickers that show you that the suitcase was already in Nice or… Innsbruck. That’s great when you have a story. And of course it’s purely manual work, you do everything yourself? Yes. Sure, the interior is wallpaper, I bought it. Has anyone ever accused me of painting that?

    I felt very honored, but I can’t paint at all. This is wallpaper that is simply pasted over. Did you ever learn that somehow? – Nope. I’ve always done crafts, but always just for myself. I’ve always built cupboards and shelves for our family.

    At some point my wife asked, can that also be done in a nice way? And then I started thinking about not only building it in a practical way, but also making it look nice. The good pieces are created on the premises of a Freiburg brewery . (Music fades away.) You’ve accumulated quite a bit here. Oh yes, that’s the passion for collecting. And the inability to stand still. No matter, you get offered something, you find something, it’s just nice. That’s just the superficial.

    I still have a warehouse with a lot more things that I can’t part with. And I’m panicking about what will happen if I have to clear out the warehouse. And all the beautiful ideas. This is what you’ve got going on, right? This is one of the next pieces I want to start.

    Also a beautiful old suitcase with a leather border or leather trim. I also found it at the flea market. It is as original as I found or bought it. Now you can see that it’s not pretty from the inside. It still looks okay like this, but when I do it like that,

    There’s already moisture and mustiness and all sorts of things. And still old cards. Have you found love letters yet? I’ve already found savings books. Tried to find the owner but couldn’t. But there were only around 20 francs on it. I think I’ll put it on wheels.

    This will probably be a rolling bar or something. This means that old, stable rollers are added. Then it stands between the sofa or somewhere in the living room. If you want, you can either have newspapers or books in it, it doesn’t have to be bottles or alcohol.

    But it would be possible to have glasses in here. Then you roll it to where the aperitif is supposed to be. Is it a bit of a labor of love to do something like that, to upcycle it like that? – Yes definitely. It’s not about finishing as quickly as possible

    And putting in as little time as possible, but rather about making something beautiful as possible. That’s my thing. And that’s why I never look at the clock. I always don’t know how many hours I sat on which workpiece. How did you get to Freiburg? With my band actually 30 years ago.

    We did a lot of street music. As students, not yet as professionals, we toured Europe, through the pedestrian zones. And we just got stuck in Freiburg. because it is most beautiful down here. What was the most beautiful? So, you can say when you play on the street, people react to the music.

    Not the monetary thing, but the applause and the compliments. Freiburg was at the forefront. Leaving aside the weather map. But the reactions from the people on the streets in Freiburg were really great. And then there is the Mundenhof. And Toni, the Scottish highland cattle. Uh… Toni, huh? Now let’s go for a walk. Yes, it’s out now. Great, huh? Is it okay for Toni if ​​I put her on a leash? Yes, that’s okay with her. She’s been used to it since she was little.

    And was raised here. She actually really enjoys going out. Sometimes, she’s youthful, as is usual at that age, she’s a bit stubborn and doesn’t feel like going out the door. But basically she likes to see something different. Then let’s see how you are today, Toni. The Mundenhof zoo has existed since 1968.

    I had fun here as a child. There are currently around 30 species of animals at home here. Now she’s moving, you. – Yes, now she wants to move forward. How do you actually differ from a zoo? Is there a difference? First of all, in principle, there isn’t that much of a difference because we are also a zoo. There are certain criteria you have to meet to be a zoo. We just don’t call ourselves that.

    Because the term “animal park” suits us better. The system also fits better. Differences are natural… We came into agriculture. Accordingly, our concept is pets and farm animals from all over the world. Because the know-how is here. We have kept our areas as they are. Large facilities, large areas with open spaces.

    As close to visitors as possible, if possible, through the fences. And we are also free. So, we don’t have entry. And accordingly, our system is simply different. Children still think it’s great? – Children think it’s great. So. Good food. Yes. Fresh hay for the little ones. They’re so cute. They’re really shy animals. But basically it speaks for you that you’re not that used to people, right? Yes, well, you’re already used to people. The animal keepers come every day and clean and look after them.

    But you don’t like strangers standing in the middle of your stable. You don’t like that either, because the animals can decide for themselves whether they come or not. Exactly. That’s not the intention. We have an open concept. The Mundenhof likes that visitors can get as close as possible to the animals.

    But just when the animals want it. We have open fences, no ditches, to keep the animals out. But… The animals come when they want something from people. Then you can pet them if they want, but then that’s fine. It shouldn’t be the other way around that people go to the animals.

    You definitely like carrots, you’re bribeable. So you get shy very quickly… But nice, thick, soft fur. What kind of goats are these? – These are cashmere goats. Uh. Exactly these soft goats are the ones from which cashmere sweaters are usually made. They are then not sheared, as is done with sheep,

    But are combed. And the undercoat is then used for clothing. And that’s what makes it so expensive. Okay, then I’d better take it now. Because we have to see how they react to each other. They don’t know each other yet. They are both quite spirited. We don’t want anything to happen. Look, they’re eyeing each other. And who are you? This is the Anupi. -Anupi? Yes. – Mmm.

    A horse? Hm? Oh… Ah, now it’s getting exciting, huh? Sniffing might be enough to get you started. Beautiful animal. What kind of horse is that? This is a Dülmener. This is a German wild horse, so to speak. Since our concept is just pets and farm animals from all over the world,

    And of course Germany is part of it, we now wanted to, or we specifically looked for a breed of horse that exists here in Germany, but which also has wild horse blood in it. And that’s where we came up with. Because at Mundenhof we also like to

    Place wild animals next to domestic and farm animals to show the changes and to show why you can tell whether an animal is a pet or not. And what are the differences in behavior. Where are the differences? Typical wild characteristics are, above all, the mane.

    It’s no longer a real standing mane like on real wild horses. But you can see that there’s still the wild blood in there because she looks a bit shaggy. Then also the coloring itself, it is so fawn. Then especially the eel line on the neck,

    Which goes from the neck all the way down the back to the tail. Also the dark legs. Other wild forms still have striped legs. You can typically see the wild blood that is still in her. When the day goes slowly and the evening comes, the people of Freiburg take a walk on the Schlossberg. This is where we meet. Spring can be enjoyed here. This is not an insider tip. The Schlossberg is really in every travel guide. And what should I say? Rightly so. And rightly so, Freiburg is the travel tip for everyone who loves spring. SWR 2023


    1. Wir fahren im Juli nach Freiburg …. haben uns grad das Video angeschaut und jetzt kickt die Vorfreude hart 😃😊😊😊

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