I was recently reflecting on the last 9 years and wanted to share a video today where I share HARD TRUTHS to what you are going to experience on your journey.

    This isn’t like many of the videos you will watch from others which is trying to sell you the promise that it’s going to be easy. If you are like me (which I know you are), this is going to be the reality of the journey.

    It’s not pretty. Be prepared.

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    DISCLAIMER: I don’t believe in get-rich-quick programs. I believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that’s what my products are designed to help you do. As stated by law, I can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, programs or strategies. I don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? I’m here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of my websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only.


    #KevBlackburn #MassiveAction

    Just wanted to talk the opportunity to say thank you for watching! I really appreciate your time and your support. If you found any of this video useful, please support the channel by subscribing, clicking on the thumbs up button and maybe even sharing this with your friends.

    To your massive success,



    In this video I want to share with you some hard facts when it comes to entrepreneurship and business this comes from 9 years in our personal Journeys our entrepreneurship Journeys that have taken us from being able to quit our careers to multiple warehouses to have a fantastic team and be on the mission

    That we’re on today but that’s just the tip of the iceberg right that’s just the The Shining light that I talk about I share we’re proud of what we’re doing but underneath the iceburg there’s a hell of a lot right and some of it is incredible some of it

    Is just outright ugly right and that’s where the hard facts are the hard facts the hard the the hard truths it’s hard it’s really hard right it is finding energy from absolutely nothing sometimes you feel like you’re getting battered and battered and battered and battered and that’s never going to change it

    Feels like you’re getting battered and battered and battered and battered it’s going to take long hours early mornings late nights you’re going to sacrifice your weekends there’s going to be no more going out on the weekend there is going to be times when you’ve got the opportunity to go to a party

    Party or a club or you’ve got the opportunity to go to a nice barbecue the sun’s out let’s get the deck chairs out and you’re inside you’re working there’s going to be times when you have to sacrifice the sacrifice time with potentially your loved ones your children there’s going to be times when

    Everybody around you is asleep in the middle of the night and you are up believing you’ve got courage you you you you are drawn into the future you are drawn that this has got to be done there’s something deep inside you that goes I don’t know what this is but I

    I’ve got to keep going I’m getting pulled into the future you’re going to learn a lot about yourself you’re going to learn a lot about the way you work your emotions what triggers you you’re going to learn a lot about your comfort zone what you’re scared of what you’re fearful of

    You’re going to go into confusing times where you don’t know something where you go I don’t know what this means what does this mean does it mean the end of the world does it mean the start of everything right you are going to have to break pretty much every single belief

    That you may have grown up with right for me personally being from a council state very much in the world of prior to the internet you’re outside you’re running around you are playing football you’re playing Kirby you’re climbing trees you are playing um block you are um you’re you’re up you’re outside

    You’re on Rollerblades you are on the you’re on a skateboard you are on your bike you are running up and down Fields you you are you’re from a world of the the world that you’ve grown up in is very much like this is this is what

    You all you know this is what people do this is how people interact your neighborhood right you’ve got your parents that may uh shout across the road to your next door neighbor how you doing how’s things everybody out on the street that’s how I grew up right very much counselor State

    One single parent um unfortunately my I never known my father have also um unfortunately didn’t have my mother my mother around from when I was 11 years old and you you grow up and everyone has their story right everyone has their reasons for who they’ve grow gr up as

    And with those you get beliefs why things happen why things don’t happen you uh you see the way people live what people have what people don’t have for me it was like I remember when the first the PlayStation 2 came out it was like some people couldn’t afford it some

    People the people that did afford it was like Wow they’ve got PlayStation 2 or things like satellite television Sky it was like people had just just standard freev view when somebody had a sky or Sky Sports News or or or sky sky sports or Sky movies it was like wow you’ve

    You’ve got you’re rich you’ve got money there’s beliefs right there’s things that you’ve grown up as that you’ve seen and no matter where you grew up you have to reinvent yourself you have to question absolutely everything why do I believe this why don’t I believe this

    Why do I think this is possible why don’t I think it’s possible why do I feel uncomfortable with this why do I feel comfortable with this with the way the world Works does it actually work like this or does does it not work like this the beliefs that you have around

    Money financials you’re like money doesn’t grow on trees we can’t afford it is that true the reality is true in terms of your reality but when you are trying to break through when you’re trying to build something out nothing you may have you may literally be doing something that your family has never

    Ever done before in the generations that have gone by you maybe your parents didn’t do this maybe your grandparents didn’t do this maybe it’s far back you look at nobody in the entire history has ever done what you’re attempting to do so therefore there’s going to be some

    Realities with this right there’s going to be some realities there’s going to be people that maybe judge you there’s going to be people that maybe react to you there’s maybe people that doubt you there’s maybe people that try to do you over stab you in the back there may be

    People that don’t want to see you doing well they might try to tear you down some people might might want to push you up but then tear you down behind your back reality is uh the journey that you’re on is a very very interesting Journey you are going to experience the

    Full experience of Life the times when you are exhausted the times when you are mentally exhausted fatigued and you’re like what do we do here but there’s always going to be a shining there’s like a light if you imagine like a a lighthouse in the distance you’re

    Like I don’t know what this is but like something is guiding me towards where I want to be so you’re going to have to have some truths truths and hard truths in terms of there’s going to be a lot of distractions as you go on your Journey there’s going to be people

    Things events experiences failures successes that are going to try to take you off course that are going to try to take your focus away that are going to try to make you question yourself who do you think you are what do you think you’re doing are you actually capable of doing

    This these are the things that are going to be happening on your journey and you have to work on your composure you have to work on your discipline you have to work on your consistency you have to work on your the the the inner cultivation of

    Like I’m willing to take the bumps the bruises the scares the stabs the the hits across the head the hits in your chest and you’re going to keep moving forward regardless that’s the facts things outside of your control are going to change and you’re going to have to deal with okay I can’t

    Control this but what I can control what can I control what do we need to do today the tip of the iceberg is the amazing Milestones that you can achieve right the you can quit your career you can make money for the first time you can maybe move into we’ve moved

    Into warehouses right you can recruit teams these are all like shining reinforcing the the beliefs for you that like you’re you can actually do this and you are doing it but there’s going to be a hell of a lot that happens in the meantime there’s going to be you’re

    Going to learn more about people than you’ve ever learned before you’re going to learn about your your friends you’re going to learn about your family you’re going to learn about your team you’re going to learn about the the people that are on your side not on your side

    There’s going to be days when you you feel absolutely exhausted and there’s going to be times where you doubt like what what is it that you’re doing here but there’s going to be that shining North Star that something is pulling you towards it but you’re going to have to go

    Through this you’re going to have to get through it you’re going to have to do everything you possibly can to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens and all you can do every day is one step forward taking messy Massive Action every single day some days are

    Going to be great some days some weeks you’re going to be in momentum you’re going to be unstoppable you’re going to be like come on let’s go next next next next the other times you’re going to be like oh what’s next what’s next what’s next what’s

    Next you’re going to have to accept it you’re going to have to roll with the punches you’re going to have to understand and be aware that your motivation levels is going to go ups and downs you’re very much going to have a motivational cycle there’s going to be

    Times where you’re like I don’t know whether I’m like nearly burned out here or or why am I not interested here why am I not excited for this why do I feel like this why don’t I want to open up my laptop these are some of the times that you’re going to

    Experience but it’s actually when it’s all said and done it’s not actually about any single day it’s not actually about any single week maybe not even every single month or year it’s actually what you do over a decade it’s actually what you do over two decades it’s actually what you do

    Over three decades it’s actually what you’re able to do when you’re in an ultramarathon it’s not about those that quit that stop that get injured that they haven’t got the mental capacity to like break through their their their urge to stop it’s it’s actually about those that never stop

    It’s actually about those that continue until until successful until completed until finished it’s those that are able to go yesterday was a bad day but today is a new day it’s those that are able to go last week didn’t have a great week last week but this week I’m going to have the

    Best week I’ve ever had it’s those that are able to accept the fact that you’re on it you’re making it happen and then you have a day off you have a lapse you may be working on your Fitness right and you have been to the gym every single

    Day and then like you you you just need to lie in and then you miss the gym instead of beating yourself up about it you get back onto the treadmill it’s those that are able to accept the fact oh I’ve just lost1 here £200 here I invested in something that did not work

    And instead of going I’m not doing that again I’m not going to try stuff again you keep trying you try again you try a second time a third time you keep keep knocking on the door until one of them answers until one of the door handles just lowers a little bit you’re like

    Something was there I’m going to pursue this right and it’s it’s that never ending flashing light that um lighthouse in the in the distance that makes you go I’m being pulled towards this I am pulled towards this I am going to make it happen no matter what

    You’re going to learn a lot about your skill set the things you know and what you don’t know you’re going to learn a lot about the unknown unknowns those that you just don’t even know that something’s happening and it’s now going to kick you in the face you’re going to

    Learn about creating value creating systems working with people you’re going to learn about financial management you’re going to learn about organizational structures you’re going to learn about legals and taxes you’re going learn about so much on your journey that some of it is like I don’t actually know what this

    Means how it means but you’re going to learn how to become resourceful who do I need to speak to what do I need to learn what Focus do I need to to have right now what’s the priorities you’re going to learn how to be productive be organized you’re going to learn how to

    Get the best out of the the circumstances that you find yourself in whether you are low on capital or you’re rich with capital whether you’re low on time or you’re rich with time you are going to learn so much about yourself and it’s the realities of the the the facts of your entrepreneurship

    Journey you’re going to have to be resourceful you’re going to have to use every single ounce of your creativity your Innovation there’s going to be things that happen just happen that you can’t you couldn’t have foreseen you couldn’t have controlled but you’re going to have to be willing cuz you

    Can’t control some things right you’re going to have to be willing to go no matter what happens I’m taking 100% responsibility and we move on anyway we keep going anyway doesn’t matter how bad something happens you have a duty an absolute duty to keep going no matter

    What so I just wanted to spend uh 12 15 minutes so here um just talking about some of the realities because we’re all in realities of our own we’ve all got our own lives there’s things that are happening things are not happening but the truth is it’s those that are still standing in

    2030 2040 2050 it’s those that appear to have an overnight success that go wow that person is successful how how did you do it like what did you do it’s like it’s actually the things you don’t see it’s the early mornings it’s the late nights it’s the taking action despite not

    Knowing it’s the abil the ability to figure it out it’s the ability to recruit a team it’s the ability to be creative try this try that try this again try that again the ability to invest in something in trainings in mentorship in in Mastermind it’s willingness to let go it’s willingness

    To say to somebody I need help today it’s willingness to be involved in a group of people that go I’m not sure what we’re doing here but we’ll figure it out we will make this happen they’re the people they’re the ones you are one of them that keep

    Going so what can you do after this message after this video right now what can you take a step on today what can you take one step of progress today not consume another video not click on another YouTube video whatever it is just go do it go do it today and then

    Tomorrow do it again tomorrow then the next day do it again then and then before you know it you’re going to you’re going to stand up one day you’re going to stop swimming and you’re going to you’re going to figure out where you’re at and you’re going to

    Realize that you’ve gone so far you’re going to realize look where I am this is what I’ve managed to achieve my name’s Kev inspiring you every single day to keep taking Massive Action in your life and business if you want to be around people that are aspiring entrepreneurs successful entrepreneurs taking Massive Action

    Every day I highly encourage you to check out the systemized summit that is coming very very soon that we’re going to have a wide range of people there but one thing that is absolutely not questionable is people’s determination hunger and ability to take Massive Action every day speak soon take care

    And as always keep taking Massive Action bye-bye


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