Our friend Chris has cycled across Australia, completed the Badlands Ultra Distance gravel race 3 times and come top 10 in the national 24 Hour Time Trial champs. Here is 10 things he hates.

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    Chris Hall is an ultra cyclist who’s finished Badlands three times cycled across Australia and come top 10 in the National 24-hour time traal Champs in this video he’s going to go through 10 things that he hates number one foil blankets I understand why people think these are an amazing thing for an

    Emergency situation but I hate them and this is annoying me doing this I’m doing this for you Francis that is a big reason why I hate them they’re so noisy you wrap yourself up in one of these yes you look like Ziggy Stardust I don’t know if you can

    Hear me but every time you move around you hear the second reason why I hate them is once you’ve unfolded it you just can’t get them small like it’s still huge right so it’s basically a one use policy thing a lot of people take these for Ultra races and

    They use them always at night instead of using it for an emergency situation so my hatred with them is relying on them it’s an emergency product to be used in an emergency situation not a guaranteed thing that you should be using every single time because it’s horrible sorry to interrupt

    Your schedule programming but today’s video sponsor is sterker and they’ve just released a brand new product inspired by the Marathon Bar so it’s it’s a limited edition protein bar inspired by the Marathon Bar which I think in the UK we call the Snickers sterker have never made a

    Protein bar before so if you’re going to come back from a ride you need some protein quickly and it’s 22 G you eat one of these bars well nice is it good they are vegan they are glutenfree and you can get 25% of your first pures and

    The link down Bel do it comments down below if you think this packaging is the best packaging sterer have ever done and tell them if they should transition to this packaging in future number two handlebar bags I don’t like handbar bags it might be controversial but I don’t

    Like them mainly because they damage your bike unless you have them positioned perfectly they’re going to rub on your head tube damage your frame scuff it up ruin it just don’t use it you’re not going to see a frame that’s got damage on it yeah yeah we got one

    Yeah that’s exactly it that is the reason why I can’t stab it this is exactly what we’re talking about that has scuffed it right back to the carbon that’s dangerous and it looks it looks rubbish unless you have a black bike we could solve it by riding black

    Bikes this is number three air canisters it’s unnecessary you don’t need to carry air canisters just take a little trap pump you can get pump now which will do a better job at pumping your tires up and will tell you the PSI there’s a little hand pump that we showed in a

    Previous video which works fantastic for pumping your tires up for me it’s about waste this is unnecessary waste is having one of these it’s quite an annoying thing to carry on a bike packing trip a disposable nature of it for me that annoys me unless it’s

    Laughing gas so my next biggest gripe is wrappers and now why I’m referring to rappers is so in Badlands they were sponsored by a nutrition company throughout the whole route you would find rappers of gel wrappers bar wrappers whatever it was so if you’ve got a lovely bath like this

    One actually right just make sure you put the wrapper in your pocket I know some I’ve got a mouth full of stuff now Sports Nutrition stuff comes in rappers it’s fine is what it is but just make sure you put it in your pocket and put

    It in your pocket properly it’s not cool seeing wrappers and stuff out in the middle of nowhere you know not expecting to find a person let a load a load of rubbish this kind of stuff takes years and years and years to deteriorate and to break down so just please try and

    Make sure it’s in your pocket I don’t want to be the person going to go pick up everyone else’s rubbish and I understand there a lot of packaging like this you need it cuz it keeps the product fresh especially with gels and stuff so that’s fine completely

    Understand that there’s one brand that I can think of that is wrapping their guava things in like a palm leaf which you can dispose of the palm leaf but my only gripe with them is if you buy them they still come in a plastic outside of

    The palm leaf so you still have to throw away the plastic to then have the sustainable thing which is the palm leaf lunch number five of things I really don’t like heart rate straps it is nothing against the product they’re very very useful and being able to capture

    Data and allow you to train or ride or understand how fatigued you are completely get it’s more in the context of when you’re doing an ultra something like this becomes really uncomfortable to be wearing all the time for me what I tend to do is I just if I need the heart

    Rate data I record it on my watch this is a Garmin uro 2 which I can basically go on here and start with my heart rate now I will admit that this may be not quite as accurate as a chest mounted heart rate strap but it’s a metric which

    You can use which is ultimately what you need is a consistent metric so please become uncomfortable after a while I wear a watch anyway so it doesn’t really bother me so number six I do not understand why people do Ultras with Road pedals it’s nothing against the

    Pedal system it’s very very good works really well good pedal efficiency and stuff but quite often in Ultras you’re going to be walking around quite a lot and needing to be off the bike as well whether that’s going into shops you know if it’s getting a fery whatever it is so

    Just using an SPD pedal is so much more convenient I and useful they’re not really much heavier you can clip in on both sides and ultimately you can wear shoes that you can walk in and you’re not going to fall over on so just use Mountain bite pedals not Road

    Pedals seven extreme weather conditions I don’t know why I’m using this I found it here we’re seeing that climate change is obviously causing more volatile temperatures rainfall etc etc there’s something very unenjoyable about being in 40 5° heat which happened in Badlands in 2021 or being in a flash flood

    Thunderstorm which happened in Atlas mountain race in 2022 so I really don’t like extreme weather conditions there’s not much you can do about them I just don’t like them is that fine rain oh this is from this is from this is from the national Hill Climb um number eight bad root planning I’ve

    Done this before I think many people have done this before you’re kind of at the Beck and will of all these root planning apps and you know mapping programs out there and ultimately it does happen where you have terrible bits of Road Road that’s not Road Road that’s not

    Anything about 20 km of gravel which we had on our trip once and ultimately you can’t do much about it but it’s really really annoying it slows you down you get frustrated by whatever app or program you’ve used to plan it because ultimately you’re using that to dictate

    The surface that you ride on now bad root planning is annoying because it can cause things like Mechanicals punches extra time that you didn’t expend to have to waste so bad root planning is bad if you’re doing an ultra event or an organized event you would like to hope

    That those rootes are well planned and well versed I have done an event once where I ended up walking up a sewage pipe a really good thing to think about when you’re planning your own routes is just use Google Street View you can double check most of the things

    And if there isn’t a street view of it it probably isn’t a road unless you’re aiming for Offroad but probably isn’t a road if you are aiming for a Road Number Nine Saddles saws a lot of people do struggle with saddles saurs it’s all about good hygiene when you’re doing Ultras and

    Stuff there’s probably a chance that you’re maybe not going to get to shower regularly or as much as you’d like to take some baby wipes these are little ones from sbes sensitive 60 in a pack it’s good them out they’re also scented oh no the fragrance free even better

    Give yourself a bit of a clean down below do it twice a day ultimately it’s going to make you so much more comfortable and it’s going to help reduce the chance of saddles SS I’m also a believer in using stuff like Shamy cream for me it just helps it’s a way of

    Reducing friction I know certain people like Francis C believe it’s a lie but there are ways you can help improve your comfort and hygiene and ultimately allow yourself to ride for further was that okay I like number 10 now let’s not bother with it uh number 10 is make sure

    You’re well prepared I’ve done many events where people have not carried things like this where I’ve had situations where I’ve had people ask if they could borrow a pump now on some events having external help from another Rider like borrowing someone else’s hand pump would be classed as cheating and

    You will be disqualified from the getting a finishing time it’s very annoying for me as the person that has to lend this to you because it means I am slower and then you’re probably going to overtake me so please just be well prepared think of things like taking a

    Pump taking everything you need there’s tons of great videos out there where people have gone and broken down everything they’ve taken for races and trips use them as resources there’s loads out there that is all for today’s episode if you want to give Chris a follow there’ll be a link in the

    Description down below to his Instagram if you have any questions put them in the comment section and he’s going to do his best to answer them thank you for watching and please subscribe to this channel for More


    1. Big Love Chris, some great advise there, but as I'm sure Francis will attest after his Triban Malaysia adventure, use a cheaper bike, without internal cable routing, and that handlebar-bag thing goes out of the window… Welsh Dragon sticker on front of my Triban RC500, not a mark after a few trips with it, although I maybe disagree with Francis on sticking stuff in it that you want quickly on the road, but then, I don't also carry a mobile film studio with me when I've bike packed. But still, get cheaper bikes, have as much fun as Francis on them, your Welsh Dragon sticker will stay in tact ;-). Can we have more Chris content? or is he too expensive now?

    2. I started this video thinking oh yeah, here we go again… but not this time I think it's all good advice, especially the emergency blanket (the noise doesn't bother me though). It's an emergency blanket, not a planned use blanket. I have a short fuse with people who don't bring tools, pumps , spare inner tubes / repair kits You are just waiting to get stranded.

    3. The wrappers thing really grinds my gears. On one of my rides, I was hanging behind a guy eating a bar when he suddenly just throws the wrapper away. On a beautiful spotlessly clean path along the water with nature all around. I confronted him about it but he couldn't care less.

      Any time I think about it my heart starts racing because it just made me so angry.

    4. 2:20 Guess what, if you don't have fully integrated cables, you can attach the back of the handlebar bag to the cables and not have that problem at all. Another L for fUlL aErO routing.

    5. Could you please add chapter makers? I know it is more clickbaity not to have, but do you prefer the long term or short-term success of your channel?

    6. Totally on board with everything you say. I use an aerobar bag instead of a handlebar bag. It's the same thing with two extra loops on the far side of the zipper and turned sideways so it hangs from your aerobars. Just as convenient, more aero, no paint damage. I do carry a CO2 cartridge. I've been carrying the same one for 5000 miles because I ride Schwalbe Marathons. All the convenience with almost none of the waste.

    7. Thumbs up to reducing waste. This point is always controversial…… but wear underpants to keep clean (thin fitted seemless short style for me), you can change them every day, don’t take much space to carry several and don’t cause chafing in my experience…… baby wipes are hideous single use plastic which we just don’t need :-). It is often said that wearing pants is a noobie mistake but we should always questions received wisdom because quite often it’s not correct 🙂

    8. I read a thing about how saddle sores are formed, apparently the salt in your sweat crystallises in the chamois in the shorts and cause micro cuts in the bum area. I don't wear cycling shorts and never get a sore bum. Marino wool works wonders.

    9. I take at least one bar with tin foil wrap. In case my tire get sliced I could lay the tin foil between tube and tire and prevent the tube from popping out of the cut. So I won’t be stranded in the middle of nowhere.

    10. not taking a pump is probably someones strategy in these events. Oh darn, I dont have a pump, you there, 2 tenths of a second in front of me…can I use yours lol.

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