Can’t believe what I paid for this bike! An absolute steal! Lets hope it’s as good as it seems…

    Well hello everyone and welcome back to the channel and as you can see we are uh back in the workshop again but uh today we’re not going to be working on the um go 1000 um I’m still got to make a video on this um the reason it’s taking me a

    Little while to getting around to it is because um I’ve bought another bike uh and it’s not um here in the um in the workshop it’s uh it’s out side um undercover so let’s go see what it Is well as you can see uh let’s call this an alcohol fueled purchase shall we um this was uh lurking in the depths of um Facebook Marketplace and it’ been there for 12 months believe it or not and um I kept messaging the guy and I just got no response he wasn’t

    Even reading my messages um and I kept trying and trying and trying um the advert said it had been up for 12 months uh I was by I’ve been trying to contact him for 4 months and uh around about Christmas I’d pretty much given up to be honest but I thought

    Well I’ll give it one more try and I messaged him and I woke up in the morning I learn behold he’ managed to read a message don’t know why that one not the others but ultimately he saw it apologized profusely and said yep still for

    Sale uh come and take a look at it see what you think um and I made him an offer and here it is so this is a um Honda vf1000f 1985 um I think they only made them for a couple of years then they changed the styling

    Um the later one was called a balore um full fairing they also modified these slightly I think they call them the FF and the um the fairing area the the um plastic area here was all different I prefer this shape is more sporty to be

    Perect on the first came out um so key ey amongst you will notice that it says Interceptor down the side um the American model ones were called Interceptor uh in the UK and Europe they weren’t badges Interceptor they were just badged as um Vf1000f um and it didn’t have 1,000 on the seat either and it just said vf1000f there um this one has basically had a repay this is actually a genuine UK first registration bike of which there weren’t that many um but this is had a repaint

    Um not a good repaint if I’m honest um and they obviously decided to do in the American colors for whatever reason rather than the UK um when I say it’s not got a particularly good paint job what I mean is um you can see here this doesn’t match um this uh tail

    Fairing um is the the lacers all coming off it um looking at the receipts I’ve got with it I’ve got a lot of receipts with it this was changed at some point so I think this is original and this and the tank and the fairing is all

    Resprayed um but you know at the end of the day it’s what a grand for a a paint job from dream machine in the UK um I say a grand I mean the grand a grand it’s a lot of money but um you know this

    Bike was a steal um I should really have had a uh a mask on head him carrying a pistol I think because you know uh yeah I just couldn’t believe the P got this thing for I’m not going to say how much it was but I can put ,000 paint job on

    It stick it back on Market Place and still make a reasonable profit on this without any problem whatsoever um so yeah that’s why I was desperate to get my hands on it if I could because of the price it was at I assume to be honest

    That as it been on eBay for so long there was something seriously wrong with it sorry on Facebook for so long people have been um looking at it deciding that it wasn’t worth it and moving on but yeah so I know looking at under these lights it doesn’t necessarily need a

    Respray but trust me um when you get up to it and you have a look at things like this down here um this is where the paint’s coming off because it’s had an ethanol fuel in it’s leaked this is all coming off um so that all needs redoing

    Um there’s chips in the side panel but nothing major to be fair you know um polish that up a bit and um you know I I’ll be honest I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do with this yet uh I think certainly for this one

    We’re bearing in mind at the moment I’m doing the Gold Wing I think I’m just going to get this road worthy and I’m going to ride it um I promised myself I wasn’t going to buy another large bike um apart from well I say a large bike I me a large sports

    Bike obviously I bought the the Gold Wing but um I had a scratch as they say I needly to itch it and this came along um this was around about the same sort of time as the GPZ 900 RS um the I’ve had a couple of 900 RS phenomenal bikes absolutely love them

    Um but uh down deep down I’m probably a bit of a a Honda fan boy um hadn’t had one of these not had a V4 before either so I thought right time to try one out um I have had a cheeky go uh down the

    Road and back on it um and frankly it goes like the clappers um yeah it’s proper quick um handling is quirky because of the uh 16-in front front wheel they did change that I think later on to a 17 but I’m used to that sort of handling on the the

    Gpz900 r anyway so I’m not too worried about that um it sounds great um mechanically I think it’s all sound I’ve got a load of receipts from a garage near where I bought it from um and they’ve done a lot of work it’s got new chain new

    Sprockets uh new rear shock um the front fors been completely rebuilt uh new brake pads front and rear um now says he’s put different discs on the original disc but maybe it meant um new to him but um having been out and ridden it um the only problem I can see

    I can find with it at the moment is it’s got a really really bad um judder under braking and the um brake lever really really pulses backwards and forwards when when you’re braking so I need to investigate that um surprised at that cuz say they they they apparently have

    Been rebuilt but I guess maybe the discs are warp warped um I need to borrow a DTI gauge uh off a friend and um we’ll have a look at those now again the key and ey if you know these bikes will notice that these exhaust should be um

    Gloss black they were they well black chrome actually um like the jeers said 900 R there was a phase in that around that sort of early 80s time when all these exhausts were um black chromed very difficult to get that done now very expensive you can get it

    Done um these ones from what I can tell they had all black chrome removed and they’ve um had an attempt at polishing them to be fair it’s not bad and I reckon with a bit more work they’re going to look all right and they don’t look odd like that really because the

    Collector box underneath is just matte black anyway so yeah I think I might just leave those um so they’re not too bad there’s a very small amount of road rash just on that one but nothing major so they’re nice and solid um and I say yeah I think a

    Little bit of work and uh and they’ll come up really nice so I’m probably going to leave those um like I said the intention at the moment is get it through anot there’s noot on this in the UK we have to have a Ministry transport

    Test um this will be exempt from that in a few years time but uh not right at the moment so um clearly whoever was working on it um was trying to get it ready to for theot with all the new parts that have been put on brand new front

    Tire um a decent tire on the back the back has got an what’s that an Avon aaro I’ve never heard of it Naro don’t know where that’s where that’s come from Avon aara it’s a new one on me some El say on it there you go uh

    A’s that say oh no AV 46 St don’t know it’s a new one on me that one I’ve not come across those before um but tread itself is absolutely fine I think think I noticed the tire was from 200 oh 2012 I think so it’s get cracking on a bit to be honest

    Um so I’d probably want to replace that at some point but certainly for this summer it looks perfectly good there’s no cracks or anything it’s got decent tread on it um front one is uh what is this one this is a laser oh mezel metella lasertech this one um again not

    A tire I’m particularly um familiar with but this one is literally brand new you know you can see all the all the um points and stuff on it where it’s not even uh it’s not even rubbed off even even right on the on the actual tread

    Bit all the Nubs are still there um new fork seals so I’ve been out been out on it radiator seemed fine um the only other thing I have noticed so if we come up on here on the dials switch it on and got a light here which goes out

    In a second that’s correct that’s the tail light to tell the tail light’s working got oil we’ve got neutral this switch says HW on it um don’t know if you can hear That let me shave bit down I don’t if you think you can see it to be honest no you won’t see it but what it’s doing is it’s putting the fans on manually for the radiator um same with the GP 900r a lot of people put manual switches on uh just because

    These things used to run quite hot um particularly satin traffic so um all the lights work all the gauges work from what I can tell um the only thing I’ve noticed is um the neutral light doesn’t go out when I’m in second gear goes out when I’m me third fourth fifth or first

    But when I shift from first into second the neutral light stays on um so that’ll need some investigation but I say I’ve been up and down the road on it apart from the um the shaky front end uh or rather the warp discs I’m guessing

    That’s what it is but I need to measure those and um that neutral light I’ll be honest that’s pretty much the only thing I can find wrong with this uh so yeah I’m going to get it through anot and um you can expect to see it on the road um

    This spring I’ll ride it during the summer um and then what I’ll do is assuming it rides okay uh I’ll make a call on whether this should then be the next restoration or whether I just keep this one going as it is um I’m tempted

    Just to keep it going as it is if I’m perfectly honest at the moment uh but the fact that things like the um you know the frame has been hand painted in place and things like that might get the better of me at some point

    Um I’ll just have to strip it down but yeah at the moment not going to happen cuz I’m doing the Gold Wing and I know you guys want to see me carry on with that um which of course is exactly what I’m going to do cuz I want that on the

    Road as well uh this summer so right so I’m going to go and fetch um uh a DTI D test indicator uh and then we’ll see if we can um get some kind of Jack or something underneath this uh belly pan whether they’re going to take that off

    First uh we’ll get the front jacked up um and then we’ll see what we’ve got Okay hope you can be able to see this um I’ve borrowed a DTI D test gauge excuse me off um a friend um it’s quite a crude setup I’ve had to do here but I’ll basically um tie wrapped it onto the fork leg um I have got a

    Magnetic base for it but these are won’t won’t stay on there so I had to tie wrap it on but anyway um so gaug is set up and um I’ve set it to zero um and the idea is as I turn the the wheel we’ll see whether this disc is

    Warped or not because the dial Will fluctuate and move so let’s see how we go so bearing in mind that this disc has got um grooves in it so at some point that is going to drop down into the grooves so we need to ignore that anyway we’re starting on

    Zero and we’ll do going do one full revolution of the the wheel I can see that the um when we were back there when it was on zero the air valve is at the top of the tire uh top of the wheel so we’re going to go with that see what we’ve

    Got okay so that’s definit run out on there that bit was just where it went into to the groove on the disc okay so that’s reading a 10 going back towards zero again another blip cuz it went in the uh hole in the disc slide in the

    Disc back up again so now we’ve done almost a half a revolution of the wheel another blip as it went into the groove and now we’re heading right the way up to 20 on the dial so our total run out then if we go

    Back to the get the air valve at the top which is there so our total run out on this disc appears to be uh 20 increments on the DTI and I think I’m not familiar with this detail cuz I’ve borrowed it but I think looking at it says

    Each graduation every small little line on there is 01 of a millimeter by the looks of it yeah so okay we’ll work that out later let’s just worry about what it’s what it’s what the range is at the moment so at the moment as we can see on this

    One yeah we’re going all the way to 20,000 there and then all the way back to zero so I don’t know whether that’s in tolerance I’m thinking it’s probably not um it might be I suppose that um the disc itself is just sat on some dirt um

    Where it mounts onto the wheel uh but if that’s the case it’s probably walked it anyway so whatever I think we’re probably going to need to take this off um uh and take a closer look I’m going to set this up and we’ll measure the other

    Side okay similar setup on the um left disc uh We’ve zeroed as close as damage zeroed the um the gauge how look what we get on this one where’s the valve at the minute uh I can’t see the Val where is it gone oh okay it’s a quarter of the way around

    The other side so I know where that is let’s have we go with this one all right so we immediately gone 20 clicks out there near enough 25 clicks coming back 20 com back yeah I’m guessing that was where we were let check where the valves gone

    Uh yeah okay so that one is 25 clicks out basically so it’s a bit hit and miss this because um I’ve just got it tie wrapped on but you get the idea it’s you know yeah that’s good 20 clicks out 20 25 clicks out that

    Is right okay um I need to dig the manual out and see what’s going on what we do know from a physical point of view is the lever is properly pulsing as I’m breaking and the bike is um juddering on the front uh under braking so um I thought he said he

    Changed these discs but I could be wrong about that I need to have a look at what uh some of the receipts that I’ve got um right uh back into the workshop and we’ll take it from [Laughter] there [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] a [Laughter] now right just got back from a ride um having stripped down taking the wheel out um took the discs off cleaned all the backs of them up where they mount um put them all back together uh check the calipers we all put back

    Together properly cuz I know the pads have been changed um they’re absolutely fine um and then uh haven’t done anything else to the disc all I’ve done is rebuilt the wheel um put the wheel back into the forks and then the manual has a very specific um uh way of doing things

    Putting this back in so basically you put the Cal you put this calip you don’t tighten these clamp bolts up you leave them loose you put the left caliper on and torque that up first um then you move now then you tighten the clamp bolts at the bottom the front one first

    And the rear one last so I’ve talked those down to what they’re supposed to be um and then on the other side we you’ve got the uh the track anti-dive um you uh Tien up talk this bow first then this one um and then you I don’t know if I can

    Show you this but I don’t you going to be able to see it but between the caliper so basically between the caliper mounting bracket and the disc you slide a f gauge in between the two and you should have a 7 mm Gap um between the two can I show you that down

    There so we look no be shap from that side can I no I just can’t get you in there unfortunately um you have take my word for it but basically what you’re doing is you’re put in a caliper sorry a f gauge between that and the disc

    And you’re looking for 7 least 7 of a millimeter on this side if it’s not you then move this fork leg in or out slightly until it is then you do these clamp bolts up front one first rear one second so um followed that did it all

    Put it all back together took it out for a run basically exactly the same um lever is yeah pulsing uh like a good unfortunately so that leads me to believe oh yeah so the other thing I did was I did check the discs for run out um

    As you saw earlier uh they were. 2 of a Mill and 025 of a millimeter on the other side the manual says that the service limit is3 mm run out so in theory they are with the inspec um but isn’t this isn’t just a question of the contamination on

    The disc and sometimes it’s breaking um on part of the surface well and then when it gets to the bit that’s got contamination on it stops breaking it stops gripping so well the lever itself is pulsing so having taken all the rest of the wheel apart put it all back

    Together made sure I’ve set it back out the factory suggest um that has to lead me to believe that it’s the discs that need replac it unfortunately so I’m going to have to Source some some more of those um I don’t think I can get them new uh

    Hopefully I can get some decent secondhand ones but obviously I’m going to risk having the same issue with the run out anyway uh moving on from that basically what I’m trying to do is get this ready for theot and um couple other things that weren’t working the Horn

    Uh wasn’t working hence the reason I’ve taking the fairing off fairing on these is surprisingly easy to get off it’s um it’s two screws and that’s it um there’s a a screw in there there’s one the other side and then the whole fairing just pulls off

    The front and the back of it is held in place here um on the tank so there’s no actual uh fastenings there it is literally just those two screws one there and one the other side and then the whole thing just pulls off in in one

    Go so at least that’s nice easy to get off um the horn is tucked up in this recess here above the headlight um I’ve taken it off uh and I’ve basically thrown it in my um ultrasonic bath at the moment we should either kill or cure

    It um it does it clicks when you press the button but that’s all it does so in the ultrasonic cleaner it’s gone I’ll give that 30 minutes and we’ll see if that works um but a cheapest chips if I need to get a new one of those um it’s

    Not like it’s a a posh looking horn that’s um you know on the edge of the frame of the bike or something you can’t even see it’s tucked on there out the way so I’m not too worried about that um the other issue I’ve got is that the

    Um high beam on this bike turn the ignition on wa okay that’s the tail light going out too the tail light is working um the high beam on this bike has got a pass switch there so you can see that working but then to put it on and leave it on

    It’s this button here and it’s meant to go in and stay in so the high beam comes on but it’s not it’s just popping straight back out sometimes if I get it just right it will stay in but more often than not it

    Won’t I can’t get it to do now um so I’m going to to tell part and have a look at that um so that may literally just be worn out I can’t imagine it is um after you know you don’t use I bin that often there so um maybe a good oh

    There you go it’s see I stayed on now but now no it won’t come off so which is even more annoying so now it’s stuck in so anyway obviously this needs to come apart part anyway um I think that’s going to be it for this video turn the ignition

    Off oh the other thing I’ve meant to mention was the um it’s not in that side well you can’t see cuz the cover’s on but um I’ve noticed the battery is the wrong battery so I’ve ordered a new a new one um so uh it was working with that

    Battery I’ve charged it up so I’ve been out for a run it’s all right but uh best have the right battery um the hand power power in this was just is not enough for this bike so um you know all these things out to improve the running at the

    End of the day anyway so um that’s it for this video um hope you enjoyed it if you have please give it a thumbs up subscribe down below and I will see you in the next one


    1. very nice VF1000 gear driven cams make the difference over chain driven models. I'v got a 85 VF700S replaced tensioners when I got the bike and decked cam caps to reduce cold start nolse. problems the 1000 did not have. It still rips the road,also had front disc issues and finding good used replacements so EBC stainless steel worked very well for the last 10 years now.

    2. Nice lines.
      Not dissimilar to the 900r.
      Exhaust scrape looks more like it's been squeezed through a tight gate over a period of time.
      The Avon tyre I've never heart of.
      The Metzeler Laser was a common fitment,had them on my 900r and my K1200rs,never had any issues with them,had a Metzeler Perfect on the back.

    3. I've seen some rusty framed examples, but this one looks extremely decent ! Interested to see what you think of it when you have a good ride, as I've not ridden a vf1000. The F had camchains, the R had gear driven cams if memory serves correct . Subscribed

    4. Nice project bike, for a second, at first glance I thought it was a 900R – similar looking beast. Looks to be in very good condition for its age

    5. I had an 85 Bol'Dor version and the 1100 Magna, pitted cams is a common issue, I can see that the original oil pipes are fitted, the left side has it on top of the gearbox, very poor design as it gives you dirty gear oil as well as engine oil at very low psi at tick over, I modded my Magna to take oil from the filter housing which is at much higher pressure and filtered. Also those fuel tanks are very prone to corrode inside and due to the internal reserve and prime fuel pipes they can't really be sealed, so beware of that.
      Very torquey motor, but they can be a money pit.

    6. Congrats, nice bike. I would try to keep that bike.
      Does left front brake disc runout seems to be .28 to .3mm? Just before coming back to starting position where it is zeroed, dials runs on oppised side…

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