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    Stands I’m marck goldbridge and this is your latest Manchester United news and transfer news as inos send a strong warning to Manchester United fans about the future and about what’s about to happen in the summer transfer window we’re also going to be talking about Kobe Mayu is set to make his first start

    For England tonight that’s going to be a big opportunity for him some people are saying is it too much too soon I don’t think it is but there you go for Brito Romano doubling down in the last few minutes that man United have a plan in

    Place to buy a left back this summer has that now superseded the ability to get a right back at Manchester United is it another warning that we’re not going to do everything in this magnificent Mega summer that it’s meant to be uh we’ll also talk about Bruno Fernandez he’s

    Back in Manchester uh a lot of people in the chat popping off this morning about uh about Eric ten hog and getting rid of ten hog again which I find quite interesting um but look I think that the the first place to start here is that we

    Spoke about Ivan Tony last night and I apologize for not bringing this into the show last night and it’s sort of where we’re well it fits in with what we’re going to start off with here we’ve already had the warning from s Jim Radcliffe that they don’t want to spend

    Big money on the likes of Killian mbappe but Killian mbappe is relative if killan mbappe is going to cost You2 200 million pound that’s because he’s the best player in the world Ivan Tony is killing mbappe that’s not me comparing killan mbappe or Ivan Tony what I’m saying is

    Mbappe’s value probably is 200 million top um Ivan Tony’s value top is probably 70 million paying 200 million for mbappe is the same as paying 70 million for Ivan Tony in relation to what s Jim radle is saying they don’t want to pay top dollar for for reputational players

    Anymore he wants to go into areas where you’re bringing through their next kilan M bappe or the next Ivan Tony and I think that we didn’t bring this into the show last night but it’s probably true Ivan Tony is going to be top heavy expensive you are going to play pay the

    Top value for him it’s the same as going for someone like Ole Watkins and paying 100 million pounds I don’t believe we’re going to do that in the last 24 hours we’ve been linked to and you can tell me the names we’ve been linked to an AC

    Milan 16y old we’ve been linked to a bcka Junior’s uh teenager as well uh there’s somebody else I think from from France that we’re looking at as well I don’t think this is in any way shape or form a shock a surprise as to what we’re

    Going to do and I think that with the news coming out that we’re going for a left back as well realism around this summer transfer window has to be lost um or found in the statements that are coming out of the club I do not think

    That the as I’ve said the Xiao Neves story is fantasy it’s absolutely fantasy as Jim said they’re basically trying to find bargains that’s the warning that’s the revolution that’s going to make some people happy it’s going to make some people sad Rio Ferdinand was saying it’s really exciting that we’re just going to

    Buy a load of young players and players for the future it is it is but as I’ve said before with inos you’re not there to kiss their ass forever they married they’ve married themselves now we’ve been to the P we’ve been to the party we’ve been to the reception now the

    Reality Bites and with every uh good thing that they do there’ll be people who say I don’t agree with that I think you’ve got to go and get out you have got to go and buy an Ivan Tony you have got to go and buy an Ole Watkins yes

    Bring younger players through but You’ still got to bring in um play that are going to make us better instantly because younger players are going to take a bit of time aren’t they I think it’s really interesting um I do I really really do and I think what what what

    Sjim radliff has basically said is no more Superstars that’s not what we’re going to look at and fabito Romano has said that the priority positions are now left back Center back Striker and then potentially a midfielder so that that’s four priorities but it’s not seven or

    Eight players is it um I think we still will buy five or six players I still think we will but it’s really interesting how you know Fabo is well sourced man united are now going for a left back are we going to go for a right

    Back are we going to buy two center backs or are we going to buy one what I’m trying to say is is there a bit of a warning here that we may actually not buy that many players in the summer I mean for Brito himself said buying a

    Second Center back depends on what happens with Harry MaGuire so what you know we already know mctom is going to stay we already know that rashford’s going to stay we already know that Bruno is going to stay if Maguire St are you telling me we’re buying one Center back

    One left back and a striker I mean that’s that’s a pitiful summer transfer window to what we need we need a revolution we don’t need a you know we don’t need one or two players are we keeping W Baka now as well as Delo and we’re not going to do anything at right

    Back even though we’ve been looking for a right back for three years I think um Michael says there’ll be a maximum of four players signed in my opinion the bottom line is we just don’t know and I think we have to take a warning my opinion and theory is that we will see

    At least 10 players go out the door and six or seven come in the door but that’s a theory reality is we might see five or six go of which obviously you’re going to see Greenwood martial Donnie and Erikson Go I mean they’re open goals they two of them are walking out for

    Nothing so you know we can sell five players without blinking we need you know to have a real impact we need to sell 10 well what if we don’t sell 10 what if we sell five or six and we only bring in two or three like is that the Revolutionary summer transfer window

    That’s going to make1 job easier going to make us compete next season I don’t think it is and uh I think under arching this there’s so many interesting you know analytical pieces that you see out there at the moment around this as well is this fundamentally we don’t have a

    Lot of money you know what’s the best way to manipulate a fan base into a strategic transfer window when you haven’t got any money well yeah we want to do it little by little we’re only going to get rid of two or three players and we’re going to you know we’re going

    To bring one or two in and obviously we will do slightly more than that but you do worry about the financials of course you do um I also think as well um I’m going to give a a shout out to an account on Twitter Swedish Ram rum I

    Think it’s Swedish rumble or Swedish ramble um I forget the name of it um uh Swedish Rumble it is and uh basically they were very very good analytical piece talking about how um Manchester United um will um look to make the signings for younger players and I I

    Will absolutely murder the name but we have been linked to a lot of younger players at the moment and uh there is a there is a lad I think he’s at bcka Junior’s called anselmino um and we’ve been looking to bring him into Manchester United well

    Real Madrid have now entered the race um and Manchester United might not get him uh and the point of that is that you know inos are in charge today they’re not in charge tomorrow um it’s their job now to make sure that we’re fully operational um you know and and and in

    That anything lost like if a young player that we’re looking at goes to Real Madrid that’s on enos’s watch if a player that we want to bring to Manchester United we miss out on now that’s on inos watch it’s not Mya it’s not Arnold and it’s not the glazers

    Anymore we are Manchester United and the football side is being run by inos now are are we in a position now where we potentially are missing out on opportunities because inos haven’t got their balls in place we know that barard is on gardening leave until the summer

    And Dan Ashworth is still on gardening leave with Newcastle there’s this big story that barard and um Dan Ashworth will make the decision on Eric ten hog you know what there’s part of me that agrees with that Twitter account that you know what’s the excuse for his not

    Being fully operational this is football it waits for nobody nobody there is no time of the year where you can sit back having a drink on your porch enjoying yourself and going that will sort itself out in a few weeks time this is football we need to be on

    It now and I do sort of concern myself with the fact that yeah baranda and Ashworth will decide on ten hog when are they going to be here then like I want ten hog to stay but if if ashwith and barard are deciding on ten hog they’re

    Not even in post they can’t decide on them because they’re not in post so what you’re basically saying is you’re passing the book to two people who aren’t even in post at the moment oh Ashworth would love this 17year old from Argentina he’s not even in post oh he’s

    Gone to Real Madrid oh barard would love Manchester United to go out and buy Edison from Atalanta oh he’s just signed for Atletico Madrid like what what are we actually doing because I I agree Rome wasn’t built in a day but Rome Rome needs to start being built and there are

    A number of things at the moment where I just think you know even for Brit here was talking about the striker yesterday Manchester United are still assessing their options of what they want it’s the March International window and it’s B it’s the March International break and it’s nearly over we’ve got three games

    Next week then it’s then it’s you know April whizzes by six games in April oh it’s May oh it’s the summer transfer window I said this last week clubs for years used the March International break to start digging into what players they want are united digging into the players

    They want and who’s doing that John M’s still here like what are we actually doing and look we have to hold them accountable of course we do not to the extent that we did the glazers god they need they need a bit of time they need a

    Bit of patience but the concern is inos have been buying Manchester United for over a year inos basically were announced as the football lead for Manchester United uned on Christmas Eve it’s Easter on Sunday we don’t have a director football on Christmas Eve if you’d said

    To me we won’t have a director football by Easter I’d have said you’re having a bloody laugh what you mean we won’t have a director football by Easter it’s Christmas Eve so we haven’t got that what you know the thing the wheels are moving slowly um they’re moving slowly

    Because inos want what they want and I I can’t argue with that sometimes you got to be patience to get the patient to get the things that you want but let’s not pretend that we aren’t going to start missing out on targets and the minute you start missing out on targets you

    [ __ ] up the next season we’ve seen it with vanhal we’ve seen it with Mourinho we’ve seen it with soaw we’ve seen it with ten hog this year when you mess the summer transfer window up you normally mess the next season up so where is this revolutionary action that we expected

    From SIM Radcliffe um and when are we going to start to see it because I think we need to start seeing it ASAP the Dan Ashworth deal has been rumbling on for [ __ ] weeks and sorry to swear in a morning show but who really wins out of

    This are Ino sat there playing hard ball with Newcastle who and why would Newcastle care Newcastle don’t care Dan Ashworth doesn’t work for them anymore this is about getting one up on your arrival and man united going we won’t pay too much we haven’t got a director

    Of football ads when are we going to get this sorted it’s nearly April like we this Dan Ashworth was going to be our director of football at the start of February it’s now going to be the start of April we need we need to it’s a mess

    I know it’s a mess because I know people who work at the club it’s still a mess the transfer strategy is still a mess on the one hand you’ve got M doing a tour round Europe you got ten hog still in charge you got Ashworth can’t say a

    Bloody word you got barard not coming until the summer you’ve got brailsford doing a strategic review you got s Jim Blanc sticking their nose in as well and it’s a mess because basically they’re going well Dan Ashworth will have the biggest say with barard but they’re not

    There you know what are we actually you know is ten hog going to be here it’s all really messy so ten Hog’s saying the players he wants mer is going around with what he’s looking at you know we we need to we need to resolve this quickly

    And I’m not in any way shape or form saying that it won’t work itself out because it probably will but we do get to a point where we have to start saying this is going to have a massive impact on this transfer window and actually are

    We already getting to a point where next January transfer window and next summer transfer window are going to be the proper ones is this just another well we’ve tried to get things done but it’s not worked out quick enough so it’s going to be next year now because no no

    [ __ ] Sherlock like last summer transfer window was screwed by the fact that the glazers didn’t sell the club quick enough and we’re still paying that price we are we’re still uh ten hog needs a new contract before any incomings the last thing we need his new players

    Coming in with a manager on the cliff Edge says Charlie Max thank you Charlie Ian says I can see four first team players coming in along with four young project players to develop hopefully the younger players get first team game time as well says Ian uh Patrick says Chelsea

    Have bought nothing but highly touted young talent look how that worked out inos need to be careful and uh Gareth says been one of our members for 10 months Gareth big shout out to you he says Nathan Collins would be great at United he’s still young and Premier

    League and we should look at Barbosa as well says Gareth well God knows what we’re looking at at the moment I mean I want to talk about a couple of other things but for Brito Romano this morning doubling down on a left back basically saying that Manchester United have been

    Looking at a left back now for a long time it’s a left back that will be a young left back who comes in as an understudy for Luke Shaw it I’m getting I feel like I feel like Beyonce I’m getting a bit of the deja vu here um

    We’ve been in this position before so B basically read between the lines we spoke about it last night massia is done at United isn’t he for whatever reason I’m sure we’ll find out we we’re basically looking for massia again and um nobody can do anything about that you

    Know I don’t blame tenan hog I don’t blame Arnold I don’t blame my massia for 15 million quid was like Dan James for 15 million quid 15 million quid these days you you know you can afford you can afford to make a mistake uh when you’re

    Paying that amount of money um but but again you know life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans and and I feel that have we now squandered the opportunity to get a bloody right back in because there is no talk of a right back at the moment fabito didn’t

    Mention it yesterday it’s now not a priority position apparently a left back’s a priority well it wouldn’t be if malsia was okay so again like Are We Now sacrificing a position we actually need to improve on to go and get a position that we desperately have to get because

    We haven’t got anybody else else um you know it doesn’t make me happy that we’re going to buy a left back I my my my feeling is about a new left back is you know I I I never get excited about replacing a player that’s injured

    You know and and we were okay at left back um and now we’ve got to go and fill a hole because this is what happens in football this is always what happens we need a midfielder we need a striker we need a center back we don’t sort that

    Out and by the time the next summer transfer window comes out there’ll be another problem like a left back that becomes more urgent than the other positions so yeah we’re going to buy a left back but I’m not excited about it I’m not excited about it I want two

    Center backs I want a right back I want a midfielder I want a striker I don’t really want a left back I understand we’ve got to go and get one but you know it’s like it’s like you want to it’s like in your house you really want to

    You got some money and you really want to turn your living room into a modern Cinema room and you’ve saved to do it you’re just about to get somebody in to start doing it for you and the wife says you won’t believe it the shower’s leaking it’s knackered we need a new

    Shower I’ve already got a bloody shower yeah but it’s broken we need a new one oh so I can’t have my cinema room now no the shower is leaking we need to get a new shower done already bloody had a shower yeah but this one’s broken so I

    Can’t have my C room then can I no no you got to spend the money on and that’s exactly what’s happening now with left back you know frong Edison NE Gomez whatever midfielder or right back probably been it now because we’ve got to go and get a left back because

    The left back’s broken um and that’s not me being insensitive you know there could be some horrific reason why massia is not going to play for man united we we don’t know but it doesn’t make it any more exciting it’s not exciting um and Futo says we have players at right back but

    That’s not how you move forward Futo that’s not how you move forward as a football club we’re Manchester United and we’re bloody miles off the title oh we’ve got center backs as well should we not buy any there oh guess what rashford can play up front maybe not buy a

    Striker I tell you what let’s not buy anybody because you know we’ve got center backs we’ve got right backs they’re not bloody good enough mate they’re not good enough wake up and smell the bloody coffee get out of bed have a shower and wake up what are you

    Talking about we’ve got right backs they’re not good enough they’re not good enough our right backs and our center backs aren’t good enough to cause City a problem they’re not good enough to cause Arsenal a problem they’re good players I like Wanaka and I definitely like Del

    But they’re not good enough those right backs are not good enough you need d low and Waka to be sold or you need to sell d low and keep Waka we need a different Pro profile of right back you know we 100% do and we definitely do need it at set back uh

    Center back and now we’ve got to buy a left back it’s just it’s just relentless bloody problems for Manchester United hi Mark we’re on the train from Manchester to Wembley for the game tonight can you call philler Pratt says Ashley Phil you’re a pratt um and morning Mark we

    Have a left back just need to bring him back off loan from benf says Andy yeah I think you’re talking about Alvaro Fernandez and he won’t be there Super Dan says I disagree about that Mark um good good welcome to the world of having an opinion so you think Delow and ju

    Baka are good enough to challenge Man City well I’d love to see the evidence of this I’d love to see the evidence of this Doo maybe because he can play the way that we want to play Waka is a back four right back we don’t want to play a

    Back four we want to play fullbacks that get forward invert overlap the lot Waka is never going to be that we don’t want to play a flatback four we don’t want to play Ole ball we want to play on the front foot higher up the pitch and

    Therefore we’re going to need a more attacking right back than Waka but people I like sacka because he’s so good at tackling those last ditch slide tackles are mint he is so good defensively Salah in his pocket yeah all true all very very true but we don’t

    Want to play like that do we you don’t like that style of football oh just parking a bus at home to Liverpool what we doing [ __ ] hell so on the one hand wac is the solution on the other hand you don’t want to play defensive football he can’t go forward he can’t go

    Forward so um yeah look I don’t know what Beth’s talking about as well she can do one you’ve got your own show to talk about it Beth I haven’t said Del’s not good enough I said our right backs aren’t good enough we need to sell Waka

    And bring another right back in so that we’ve got another right back who can do what Delo potentially can do I still think the jury’s out on Delo I still think it’s out really like him really good player but we have a tendency in this fan base to overrate players and

    Overhype them I’ve heard people saying Theo is better than Trent Alexander Arnold I mean this is the sort of [ __ ] that that that that makes us be where we are um I think Del is the right type of right back and I think Luke Shaw is the

    Right type of left back but we’re definitely going to need another left back and another right back in my opinion um to move forward um Ray says right back’s not a priority Ry it is it is a priority you’re just lazy of course it’s a bloody priority you know what Ry

    You should go and work for the glazers they’d love you what do you mean it’s not a priority so let’s keep let’s have the low and when he gets injured and we haven’t got a right back that can push forward anymore we’ll go back to playing

    Deep again will we so according to Ray I don’t think a center back’s a priority either is it because when Varan and Martinez are injured we can play Evans and Maguire and we can drop 20 yards and play on the edge of our box every position is a priority that is going to

    Allow us to play the way that we want to play so the way that we want to play is two center backs on the halfway line with fullbacks who’ve got licensed to go forward and invert that is what we want to do and we also want a striker that

    Can press from the front like Rasmus so we need a striker who can press from the front like Rasmus we need fullbacks who are attacking fullbacks who are intelligent enough to invert into the Midfield and overlap as well and we need center backs who can play on the halfway

    Line so I’m sorry Ry there are priorities we need fullback who can do that which we don’t have we only have Delo who’s fit at the moment Waka can’t do it massia can’t do it and Shaw can’t do it because they’re injured we need center backs who can play on the halfway

    Line only Varan and Martinez can do it three of them can’t so that’s priority as well we need another Striker like holand which we don’t have that’s a priority as well the priorities in that team and the staring everybody in the face are another right back another left

    Back two center backs another casmiro type midfielder and a striker they’re the priorities elisi on the wing isn’t a priority like that 50 million spend on elisi is not a priority that is a luxury but priority right back left back two center backs holding midfielder Striker there your

    Six in my opinion because those six players make us play the way we want to play um anything else is a luxury uh hi Mark looking into The massia Disappearance it looks like he’s in witness protection Jake anything factual about that or just uh just just just an internet rumor um

    Rory says to close the gap we need to upgrade the starting 11 let those upgraded pad out the squad buying Squad players won’t drive us up the league completely agree with that Ashley says hi Mark we are on the I’ve done that one from Ashley Benfica don’t want Alvaro

    Says jsd keep him and we got amas and go for a left back says jsd yes well well I’d love it if we don’t buy one Nigel uh has been a member for by the way Legend to you and uh mud says we it’s all smok and mirrors again to justify a bad

    Summer transfer window five minutes left till the morning sneeze says Joseph yeah get ready for that um yeah look I think that um I think the overarching thing before we move on to me is that um there has to be a reality bite that things are not moving as quick as they

    Should be and it’s on ino’s watch any player that we miss out on any player any bad transfers that we miss out on any good transfers that we miss on it’s not the glazers now it’s been an inos world since Christmas what is going on why aren’t things moving

    Quicker why is Dan Ashworth not the director of football why are we potentially missing out on young players to Real Madrid why are things not more clear you know what are we actually doing I think at the moment we’re still stuck in the phase of oh so Jim’s done

    Another another spoken about man united on another cycling podcast oh s Jim’s done another interview with the BBC we’ve had all that we’re past all that we don’t need projections we need deliverance we need some things to actually start happening now you know we need to sign the 17-year-old from bcka

    Juniors and say look that’s one for the future why aren’t we doing that there’s nothing stopping us doing that so Jim Radcliff and inos have been ratified by the Premier League they are now 30% owners of Manchester United why are we wait what’s going on with Dan Ashworth you

    Know I think I think we’re in a I think the honeymoon the honeymoon Zone’s over let’s start making some decisions because the transfer window is going to be here before you know it uh James says it would be such a shame to miss out on Fran pong’s release Clause it’s amazing

    Value would like to see albera Fernandez come back and get a chance as well says James thank you very much for that well look talking about coming back um the um Bruno Fernandez is back in Manchester um he has not played for Portugal in their second International

    Game so he is back uh in Manchester now hopefully getting a bit of recuperation um more than he would have done I I expected him to play in that second second game for Portugal so he’s back in Manchester ready to go for the weekend um but not everybody is back it’s a big

    Night you heard from The Lads on the way down to Wembley to watch man England play against Belgium tonight um interestingly Kobe Mayu is set to start for England the Mayu Express keeps on moving doesn’t it now funny enough I saw something last night uh I was just sort

    Of uh getting ready to go to bed and I was looking on my phone as you do and uh there’s a bit of debate going on about Kobe Mayu and somebody was saying it’s too much too soon we’re going to burn out another English Talent this is what

    We do and um it got me thinking I thought I’m going to bring that into the morning show you know I mean I don’t feel that I don’t feel like it’s too much too soon but I I must admit I’m old enough to remember what happened with

    Rooney I’m old enough to happen know what happens with Michael Owen we we do Jack Wilshire we do this a lot you know and I’m talking about the fa the England manager that the soon as there’s a sniff of a young player boom throw them in you

    Know get them starting games of football and look I I I I don’t think 18 is too young to be being thrown in to start for England I mean look Jude Bellingham has been doing it um I think the most important thing for Mayu from a Manchester United point of view it’s

    Very separate to all this look it’s been a it’s been a roller coaster it’s been a whirlwind um his you know he really only started playing for United in was it like November late November so it’s only a few months later and he started for England so I’m really excited to do the

    Watch along tonight despite the yawn um I am I’m really excited to do it and I think that um he is deserving of the opportunity of course and uh there’s no point in calling him up to the England squad and then not giving him a few

    Minutes to see whether you want to take him to the euros and I think there’s a very big chance he will go to the Euros um of course look selfishly I think there are there are what I would call naive United fans out there who I just want him to go to the

    Euros and play every game and then I want to see him on the US tour and then I want to see him play every game next season and that that is it’s it’s nice it’s a fantasy um no no player of 18 years of age should be playing 60 plus

    Games in in a normal season and then you know going into an International Tournament and having no time off and then going on a preseason tour it’s hard enough for a 25y old to do that but Mayu is developing gacho is developing like an 18-year-old shouldn’t just be playing

    Three games a week for the and will not play three games a week for the rest of his career there has to be somewhere some sort of break now it might be after the Euros ten hog says you’re not coming on the US tour have two weeks off and

    We’ll start the season without you and you will you we we will have a a separate fitness plan for you to be ready sort of back ass of August because if England win the Euros give him two weeks off completely maybe even three weeks off and then get

    Him back to Carrington and slowly feed him back in um that’s that’s what I would do it’s not it’s not ideal I mean look selfishly I don’t want him to go to the Euros because the season will finish at the end of end of May he’ll get all

    Of June off and then he’ll be back on preseason ready to go because it’s the body development as well as the mental and physical development as well but that we we we shouldn’t deprive him of going to the Euros with England when that’s what he wants to do and

    Ultimately it’s up to Southgate isn’t it so I get why people want him to go to the Euros I get why he wants to go selfishly I don’t I’d ra I put man united ahead of Eng but what we’re going to have to do is factor in some break

    For him we can’t just go all of this season Euros US tour all the next season that’s just not going to work you can’t do that we’re going to have to find a way to manage his body uh and game time and it probably falls on us because

    Southgate’s going to take him isn’t it but that’s that’s on Manchester United we know we’ve got to do a lot of work on the physical physical conditioning of our players so look I I don’t think it’s too much too soon I think when somebody deserves something it’s never you’re

    Never too young to get it are you and and it’s very exciting what’s happening with Mayu my biggest concern with Mayu actually is and it got me thinking about this is um you know and it will be exciting I mean I’m looking forward to the Euros I

    Think England have got a great chance of winning it and you know Mayu playing in that would be oh it’s a it’s it’s a man united player isn’t it so that’s very very exciting I just worry about you know where he’s going to get a break

    Because he’s going to need a break but no I don’t think it’s too much too soon the only thing I would say and I thought this last night was there was a time when we had a front three of rashford Martial and Greenwood and I’ve mentioned

    It before and I was just like I think it was the covid season I think it was the season that covid happened and I just thought with that front three there’s just no way this is not going to be revolutionary for Manchester United Greenwood rashford martial this is going

    To be amazing and then you look at where we are well Co was 2020 so what four years later martial’s about to walk out the door for free Greenwood’s on Loan in Spain and rashford is a very divisive player within the man united fan base I.E some people just don’t like him and

    Want him to be sold some people still really like him but it’s not where I thought we would be with those three players and that is the only thing that worries me about akobe Mayu is that we’ve been in this position before where we’ve had young players that we

    Think are absolutely amazing and then three or four years later it doesn’t come to fruition and Manchester United have got a huge part to play in that of course you’ve got to look at the individual you know and there’s three different stories there of course there are but what we need to

    Do as a football club is learn from those mistakes or maybe not even mistakes just stories you know sometimes it’s not a mistake sometimes it’s a story um we need to make sure that when Kobe Mayu is 22 he’s still the exciting potential World beating player he is and

    I don’t know whether United have been great at that in the last few years like off field activities who they who who who their agents are you know things like that man united might not be able to control it but he is a man united player that’s the thing that concerns me

    I don’t really care that he’s playing for England really I’d like to see him have a rest but we’ve seen so many players go off the rails at Manchester United for various reasons you know and I think the Greenwood martial rashford Trilogy are three very different reasons

    Why they’re not the player I thought they were going to be three ridiculously different reasons let’s not even compare them you know martial’s story is different to Greenwoods rashford’s story is different to martial’s but all three of them have not realized the talents they have at Manchester United and

    That’s the thing about Mayu I would say it’s just something for the club to be aware hey Kobe Mayu is aware of it you know you you’re not set for life at 18 there are warning signs there that you can you can wander down different Pathways and it and it doesn’t work out

    And it’s the same for gacho and it’s the same for Rasmus that’s my biggest concern because I think people run away with themselves they go oh Kobe Manu is going to be the I mean I heard somebody else was calling him the next kante I mean he’s kante he’s seedor he’s

    Wilshire he’s Pogba he’s Kobe Mayu like come on but what we need to to do as United fans is have our eyes wide open because there’s too many people in our fan base who are just you know chanting and you know predicting he’s going to be the best player the England’s ever seen

    But we have been in this position before we need to be patient and we need to have our eyes open because there’s plenty of players at United who’ve gone off the rails as young talented players recently didn’t happen with the class of 92 but our our recent Legacy and this is

    A job for inos our recent Legacy with young players is that they go off the rails um we don’t have a great success rate with young players we don’t even though I mean I remember yanai was going to be the next big thing didn’t

    Didn’t do it um that we we name me a player in the last 10 years that’s broken through at United as a teenager and gone on six years later to be better than they were as a teen teager and an established first team player and there isn’t one there isn’t

    The the closest is rashford but as I said he divides opinion so that’s the thing that we need to be not concerned about but eyes opened about that’s the only concern I’ve got is where Mayu is going to be in four years time and what we’re doing as a

    Club to make sure that he does become this amazing player that I think he can uh can you wish my girlfriend Haley a very happy birthday she’s stuck at work today says Scott got why is she working on her birthday suppose it is a Tuesday happy

    Birthday to Haley H Gary says uh Gary says give us a morning sneeze I don’t know where it is I’m a bit worried I don’t know where it is don’t ever mention Scott momany bloody Scott mctom is not even a talent like we’re talking about genuine Talent like we’re talking

    Greenwood martial rashford Mayu gacho and you lot are talking about mctom come on he’s um no it yeah absolutely not absolutely not um I tell you what I was here here here here here here here here here’s something for you they need to be looked after Carlos yes Manchester

    United need to do a lot better on you know looking after our younger players because as I said I’m not blaming United for what happened with Greenwood or martial or rashford or any other or yanai or any other player that didn’t really fulfill their talent but we can

    Do better we can do better um I’m not talking about momy sorry um there’s a player I don’t know whether he’s going to play for Belgium tonight and I can’t pronounce his name but I don’t actually don’t even know why I’m mentioning him what’s his name the theia remember him

    Um I just I was think I was think I thinking about him the other day I was like where is he now I think he’s on at Atlanta isn’t he from AC Milan I was just trying to think of some Strikers that we might go for that are a little

    Bit younger because we’re not going to get Tony we’re not going to get Ferguson and I was trying to think of a striker that we could go for in the summer that um that that might be a little bit left field that nobody’s really talking about

    At the moment but um it’s tough It’s really tough and I think the the the the big problem that we do have is that we we are stuck in this man land no no man’s land at the moment or or no woman’s land or whatever it’s

    Um the plans aren’t in place I I I I don’t want to panic people but the plans are not in place we are scouting people we are talking to players we are talking to agents but there’s no definitive plan at the moment around around what we’re

    Going to look at and and how we’re going to do it so you know I read something this morning about man United’s double Brazilian swoop and I was like oh I don’t want to read it I don’t want to read it it’s going to be the biggest

    Load of [ __ ] ever and I clicked it and it was like man united in 100 million pound Brazilian double swoop and I looked at who it was and it was Gomez from wolves and it was Brer from Juventus and I was like oh my God this is regurgitated [ __ ] like it’s we are

    Not looking at a 100 million pound swoop for Gomez from wolves and braimer from Juventus um we’re not we’re just we’re not going to do that I mean the head headline itself just dictates that is not what we’re going to do um so but look as I said for me the

    Priority positions are two center backs that get us up the pitch a right back that competes with d l and does what d low does not a defensive right back a left back is NOW essential obviously because massia is not going to be playing obviously so they’re my four

    Priorities it’s basically a back four um and as somebody said in the chat you know you don’t need a back four when you’ve got Delo Martinez Baran and Shaw but when you haven’t got those four the other back four is completely different I mean it’s like having a a

    Man united back four and then when they’re not fit a Stoke City back for it’s literally 20 met back the low toan basaka is defensive Varan to Maguire is 20 meters back Martinez to Lindelof or Evans is 20 M back and Luke Shaw to well we haven’t

    Even got a [ __ ] left back so we do need they are priority positions we have a first choice back four but when they get injured we’ve got no we’ve got nobody that can play the way they play so we need a whole back for in my opinion that’s a

    Priority um we definitely need a casmiro replacement whether he stays or not we need somebody who can do that role and we definitely need a hland you know option um they’re the sixth priorities ities the fact that we’re looking at look I like Ali and I think there’s a

    Very big chance that we’re going to sign Ali but I will say it why it’s a bit like Mason Mount last summer why why would you spend 50 million pounds on somebody that isn’t in a priority position you’ve got rashford you’ve got Gano you’ve got Anthony you’ve got ammad

    You’ve still got Sancho Greenwood and pestry all three of them might go AI for 50 million quid it’s not a priority but we we may well end up doing one of those types of signings again who knows um I’d get two center backs a right back a left back a center

    Midfielder a striker and a right winger says delboy well look if we get all of those happy days but the right winger being last is correct because for me the other positions are more priority Danny esta says what a great name Mark it’s about to be a long transfer window we

    Look so short of players and availability in the market is short how does Eric tenhagen any pull this off I don’t know because you know I was speaking to somebody last week and they were saying the problem that you’ve got is barard has never worked with Ashworth

    Barard has never worked with ten hog ashworth’s never worked with ten hog so those three people have never worked that’s a triangle that no has never worked together and can’t work together till at least June and that that was it for me I was sort of like bloody H it’s good isn’t it

    CEO director of football and manager never worked together probably never spoken to each other and can’t speak to each other until at least June and that’s if man united get Ashworth out of the contract remember Newcastle don’t want him to start work till Christmas so biggest summer transfer window in years

    Three major components haven’t spoken to each other and won’t do till June you can’t start your Jan you start you can’t start your Su I don’t I don’t look I genuinely don’t know and nobody’s really talking about it because I think I think the Press is still living up of

    The ass of the club and inos but it’s not that we’re not it’s just that we’re asking the right questions how is this summer transfer window going to work when we’ve got loads of experience that if you want to make an impact in the window you’ve got to be getting your

    Players lined up today in March but we know that tenh har and barard and Ashwi can’t speak to each other so how is this working who in the absence of what does Sim do well Ash with can’t be involved at the moment so we can’t listen to him

    But we will listen to him when he’s here well when’s he going to be here then he’s he’s in control but he’s not in control barard is in control but we can’t speak to him till the summer properly but he is feeding his stuff okay manager is ten hog for now okay so

    So right so Jim who are we actually what players are we talking to and who’s telling us to talk to those players is it tenar can’t be Ashworth is it barard is it Mera is it you who are we talking to and why are we talking to them to

    Sign them or are we going to wait till June and and this is the question at the moment that people are asking it’s like yeah United are going to have a big summer transfer window and this is happening with sales as well like oh ten hog says let’s sell Maguire ashworth’s

    Not so sure barard says sell him are are we selling him does he does he want to go you know all this is going on at the moment and if you’re Man City or you’re Arsenal you sat there in March going hello you’re the CEO you’re the director

    Football I’m the manager we’ve worked together before we’re working together now I want this player from Juventus I want this player from Everton let’s go to nandos you know we are ill prepared again at the moment we are ill-prepared and it’s not necessarily anybody’s fault but we are

    We are very ill prepared for this summer transfer window because nobody really knows who’s in control nobody knows when we’re going to have that control so do you move ahead with the old regime or do you go we don’t trust that regime we’re waiting for the new regime that’s not

    Here yet what do you do um and and and that’s something we’re going to have to hopefully sort out um why didn’t we go for Paul Mitchell says turp well because they want Dan Ashworth that is their that is their right isn’t it but H you

    Know um Ian McDonald says you know full well everyone’s involved whether whether on gardening Duty or not well Ian I’d be surprised if there weren’t conversations ongoing but I’ll tell you for free if any email or Whatsapp ever dropped out from Dan Ashworth to S David bford or S

    Jim radliff we would be fined massively and do you think Newcastle would like to catch us doing that so you say oh yeah you know they’re on gardening League they’ll still be having conversations I’m telling you now if it wouldn’t be surprised it wouldn’t surprise me if there were conversations

    Going on but it wouldn’t be surprising to me if they weren’t because the risk factor of getting caught is massive and you know how do you do it send it by pigeon you can’t get photographed or let’s meet up in in Chester we’ll meet up at the Costa in

    The center of Chester no one will see us there oh massive man united fan Dave oh can I have a picture of you and Dan I don’t know I don’t know how it works you know maybe maybe Dan ashwith is feeding play names but on the other hand would

    You want Dan ashwith to be feeding players to Manchester United at the moment he hasn’t been to the training ground he hasn’t spoken to the manager he hasn’t spoken to the current players how does he know to sell Scott momy or or or vikor lindeloff so I don’t even

    Think Ashworth has any value in his garden Sending WhatsApp messages to sell this player and buy this player because he hasn’t been into the club to actually understand what’s going on either so he could have a burner phone says Andre honestly Ian makes a good point

    But that just shows you the chaos that we’re operating in at the moment is our summer transfer window being run from a burner phone in Dan ashworth’s garden and if it is how dangerous is that when he hasn’t been to Carrington when he hasn’t spoken to players or the

    Manager so I don’t know would you rather it was run from a burner in Dan ashw Garden or would you rather it was being run by Mera and ten hog like it was last year um but but welcome to man United’s transfer summer policy and that’s that’s

    The ridiculous um nature of it high gate up says well he could be watching vide tapes I’m sure he’s bored of watching that sort of stuff but yeah he could be doing that um delboy says I like hatto from Ajax he is a center back naturally

    But can play left back I know exactly who you mean I think I had him on my FIFA career mode um he said look what we need is and I’m tired of saying it myself we need some we need the end game on on Dan Ashworth we need to just get

    That deal sorted because we need that director of football they should be at the football club now um and if we’re if we’re trying to negotiate that deal down to save 5 million quid that worries me about how much money we’ve got I said it

    A few weeks ago if I can get Dan Ashworth into the club today as director of football for 15 million quid or I can keep negotiating it down to 5 million and get it done by the end of April I’d spend the 15 I’d spend the 15

    Because he will make that money back by being involved now um and the fact that we’re negotiating it down is a little bit concerning about how much money we’ve actually got available but I don’t know the truth on that I don’t know uh thanks everyone for watching make sure

    You smash a like on the video and subscribe we’re back at 2:00 tonight’s show is 7:00 because I’m doing a watch along a Mayu well I was doing England Belgium anyway but I’m going to call it a Mayu watch along um yes he’s expected to start for England tonight so we’ll

    Definitely be watching that so it’ll be a 7 o’clock show tonight take care everyone smash a like on the video and I’ll speak to you soon take care


    1. Your love for Luke Shaw is actually embarrassing at this point. Get checked. You ain’t happy about solving a position we desperately need but make hundreds of videos about CDMs and Strikers. I knew this from when you said you don’t rate Alfonso Davies.

    2. I think we have to learn from how Rashford was treated when he was a rising star to prevent kobbie from the same fate. Too much overhyping and over-publicity is detrimental and I think should be moderated with kobbie.

    3. Mark, patience. We have always said the turn around will take at least three years. So we can't expect all the problems to be solved in one summer. We aren't going to have a squad that challenges next season. Or the season after that, most likely. Patience. We shouldn't have to be patient, we're Manchester United, but this is what the Glazers have done. We're only just now getting the infrastructure that other clubs have had in place for over a decade.

    4. If this is the case then Jim and company have failed before next season even starts and they are a joke like the Gzazer boys in years past

    5. Have you guys not seen wan bissaka going foreword??? He is brilliant on the ball and making runs foreword. The only thing he isn’t amazing at is delivering a ball into the box but that doesn’t mean replacing him is a priority🤔

    6. We cant get everyone we want in one right back isnt a priority as we have two..we need two centre backs, a striker, a left back and a midfielder..right back and winger isnt a priority

    7. I am not seeing any improvement with the INEOS. Same old story, as long as they working with the Glazers this club will not change at all. We gonna miss out on players, we should get, transfers are gonna delay as usual etc… INEOS are only making noise

    8. Ideal summer for me would be as bellow:

      A young upcoming LB – with this shaw would also be lcb cover and with the new rcb coming in bellow i think well be ok for another year wothout another lcb

      A pacey tall cb thats decent on the ball (like a todibo)

      A defensively good midfielder (joa neves would be ideal but onana would be ok too)

      A pacey winger that will also create chances (nico williams)

      A back up st on the chesp, maybe even a welbeck on free.

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