From the northwest of England to the south of France. Lads motorcycle weekend. It’s a very last minute decision to pack the bikes and head to France. The best way to tour. No plans. Just winging it. A 5 day trip reduced down to 40 minutes or so. Join me and watch the best bits. #motorbike #motorcycle #bikelife #tour #motorcycletour #biketour #biketouring #biketours #yamaha z#harleydavidson #triumph #english #biker #bikers #tour #touring #beer #wine #england z#france #trip #ferry #boat #cruise #ship #gillybikes #english #ride #rides #riders #taffy2wheels @mcdonalds_br @McDonalds @McDonaldsMalaysia @Mcdonaldsarabia1993 @yamahaglobal @MotoGBofficial @OfficialTriumph @harleydavidson @harleydavidsonpeople @HarleyDavidsonMexicoOficial @HarleyDavidsonOfSaigon @HarleyDavidsonBreakout @ABR @lightweightadv @GeekMediaLtd @AdventureBikeRiders

    Guys welcome back to the channel um it’s a bit of a rush job this so couple of days ago decided we were going to go over to France few of us going last minute thing so I hope I’ve remembered everything the bike’s packed I’m just going to get riding so let’s

    Just let’s just go join me for the ride see what we get up to come on the first day is usually a bit of a gruer usually 4 500 Miles something like that now today we’re doing it a little bit different so we’re riding from the Northwest again but instead of going to

    DOA we’re heading over to Portmouth and we’re doing the overnight Ferry I’m going meet in a couple of the guys at a local petrol station where we can fill up then we’re going riding for 100 miles 150 Mi something like that then we’ll stop I believe we’re meeting

    Some more people there and then we’re going to head down to apartment it’s going to be a a decent day riding a fairly long day of riding but then we get the overnight Ferry and the beauty with the overnight Ferry is that you’re getting a long rest from the bike you’re

    Getting asleep you’re waking up bright and early cuz I believe it docks at just after 6:00 in the morning but we’re going to dock a little bit further into front so it saves us about 100 miles or so from the do to Cal thing but importantly we’ll be rested well I say

    We’ll be rested unless there’s a bar or something on the boat and we won’t be then it’s going to be beer o00 we might get a few little Scoops in I am currently paying for a house that I don’t live in so financially it’s a hell of a lot of

    Money going out each month which means that I can’t really afford to go on this trip but because it is a last minute thing my good friend Taffy two wheels has basically insisted that I come and he’s kind of sponsored me for this trip without him it wouldn’t be possible he’s

    Paying for my Ferry and stuff over there which is you know quite a lovely thing to do having someone close who’s got you back and looks after you at times when you’re struggling is just well it’s a brilliant thing to have so I absolutely

    Love him to bits not in a not in a gay way just uh in a he’s my best mate way yeah definitely not in a gay way he’s a bit ugly you may well have some friends that have gone through hard times divorces separations whatever it is a

    Difficult time you might just have people struggling financially give them a call check they’re all right anyway there’s that big galot right there hello anyway um I’m going to just cut now we’ll catch up at the boat because I think that may well be the best place to

    Uh continue our story we are on the boat now and yeah shocking to be fa we got in here and no food available everywhere was short duty free short only thing open was the bar and that was open for about an hour before that shut yeah bit

    Of a nightmare really we come on thinking we were going to get something to eat but no chance so going to bed and the boat is rocking it is all over the place we’ve just I mean we’ve literally had like one no we had we’ve had two

    Beers and just trying to walk we’re all over the place banging against walls and all sorts because the boat’s rocking that much it’s a tiny inside cabin but you know it’s all right it’ll do us hopefully snowy pant doesn’t keep me awake we got about 4 hours 5 hours to

    Win it to get up so join me again in the morning laters nearly there this is uh the morning after our arrival this is our base for the day in fact our base for the weekend I’ll cut to a little bit of a walk around I’ll

    Show you what the place is like but it’s absolutely gorgeous this is where we’re staying okay so Mike’s property starts where that post is so you’ve got all of this big barn we got a big tractor in there there’s loads of storage space everything then you’ve got this little

    Carport that’s where we’ve got the bikes so if it does rain bikes are nicely sheltered in there and then this believe it or not used to be like the town bread oven so where the wall starts you’ve got the building going all the way around all the way down to where that

    Black door is it’s liveable as is it’s very very clean um but there is work still being done oh it’s a ghost it’s a ghost absolutely massive bathroom got off the jing a French bathroom hav’t you one of the bedrooms hello ah it’s the lesson known tootus in

    The wild watch that bike there watch it watch watch that bite it’s back there again that b there what’s that careful what’s he like how have you slept in here wonderful I’ve got my special anti stor machine and it’s working I’ve got to say I’ll be I’m

    In The West Wing a miles away from you but I’ve got to say on the boat no snow at all it was it was delightful yes it was wasn’t it delightful I got some sleep here’s my room for the few days you can see I’ve already made myself at home and turned

    It into a bin but that’s just all my stuff off the bike but it’s just loads of car got another nice big solid sled bed they’re just properly made dead thick I wouldn’t want to move it because very very heavy we can see how thick properly properly thick but nice

    Heavy and really comfortable this house is hundreds of years old This was um the housekeeper room this was part of the servant quarters the servant quarters g box there’s the servant I was talking about I do love a Cronenberg when in France and all that you’ve got to go on the French beer

    Aren’t you outdoor space beautiful it’s like a entering the secret garden and then this beautiful space so that is a little outdoor toilet shower house and this I thought some kind of green house or something like that but it’s not it’s actually where the water supply

    Used to come from that is connected to a well and used to pump the water around for the house massive tree bet you it’s gorgeous here in the summer even the spring to be fair once the leaves all appear on the trees for now we’re still sort of in the winter

    Aren’t we in March to me that looks like some kind of medieval hanging thing see the hooks on there just imagine trap doors there or something but for now it swings so I don’t want to think about that quite possibly the biggest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen I’m not putting the star on

    Top of that come around this corner and we’ve just got even more so I think at some point this used to be the entrance to the house because there is a gate there there’s the house from the back very French but the trees they are Massive [Applause] And that concludes the Tor or the walk Round so yeah this is our base for the next few days this is where we’re going to come back to every night and enjoy oh nice cold beer I am feeling very very lucky very lucky to have such good

    Company and to be able to come to here in March I’ve never done a bike tour other than the summer so it’s just completely different for me but I’m loving it loving every minute of it so far so keep with me see what else we get

    Up to tomorrow we’ll go for a ride next day we’ll go for a ride no real plans on times or anything to just play it by here and that’s what I love so stay with us for that for now though getting some more beers so you can see our selection of

    Bikes there’s four of us here we’ve got Dave on his Drive tiger 800 we’ve got T on his Harley who keeps revving constantly to let us know he’s got a Harley th’s the Nik and then we’ve got Mick at the front on the Triumph 800 Scrambler all nice little bikes but

    We’re going for a ride out to see what the village is Like I absolutely love these little Villages loads of characteres when we stop anywhere it’s always this bike that draws the attention this is the bike that people always want to come over and talk to you and they want to ask questions about it and it could be bikers or non bikers I

    Find a lot of non- bikers are always intrigued by it as well all be it I’ll tell you this when I set up on this journey and we we fueled up quite local to home I went in to pay for the fuel and the lady at the counter actually said to me

    Oh uh I actually thought that was one of those Mobility Scooter things well I didn’t enjoy it but taed it he was giggling for about 20 minutes afterwards because he already calls it special bike but other than that um it it gets quite a lot of posi

    Comments were people saying how good it is and the kids seem to love it I think they think it’s it’s like Batman at the front bit of a Batman bike but I love it and I don’t care even if people all hated it because I just I

    Love riding it I love the stability the Comfort the performance so yeah I’m not going to keep Haring on about it but yeah it it’s still and ab absolute amazing bike for Touring you can see the little restaurant the different types of houses cuz they’re not repeating the same style of house constantly there’s just a couple of little different buildings all different types and then where are we that that little town done and there’s the sign again and you

    Know what it that’s as small as that town was and these roads are so much better than ours why there are roads in England so absolutely abysmal you look at these roads there’s no potholes at all you might have a couple of like you know bumps in the road or whatever but

    It’s not like ours with the potholes things that ruin your bikes these right RAC tracks the quality of the road is so much Nicer and there’s no reason for it why are the roads better than ours I’m pretty certain they pay less than us for I don’t think they have car tax car tax doesn’t exist over here I don’t Think and yet the quality of the road is just nicer and the character of the houses is a lot Nicer it is nice to just go around a little sweeping Bend because you know the the road surface is nice and dry that’s what I’m liking I think the most about this t so far is yeah the ride down was pretty Grim to be fair it

    Was very very wet we got stuck in some torrential rain and Hailstone and everything it was pretty pretty bad but since we’ve been here other than like an odd drizzle that doesn’t really wet the floor or wet you other than that it’s been just nice and

    Dry and it’s lovely like it’s not hot but it’s not cold either Oh oh we’ll have a look around there shortly all right f want the cover there you go it’s just video but it just get all right yeah look at that look at these little LS with me call you picking your nose h s your nose put your finger up

    Nose dirty dirty lovely little place this it’s a nice little town but it’s called kons I’ve probably mispronounced it massively wrong apologies if you’re from the area or you can actually speak French and you’re not a daff noer like me but how beautiful is this so we’ve just

    Been to a lovely restaurant just off this River beautiful place we’re just paying a little visit to some friends that Mike’s got out here already so we’re going spending a bit of time with them having a coffee maybe having a bite to eat we’ll see but we’re

    Just going to have a little look around Here Ah bik sinking lovely so this is his friend’s house here we got little barkers there but they own this house there’s land at the side there’s even Woods there which is all part of the land believe 50 acres worth these have got swimming pool and everything as well but beautiful and

    Their neighbor’s house which I’m guessing it’s going to be a similar sort of size to go without the 50 acres they’ve recently to that house and it went for €130,000 I believe or I think it was I think he said it was about 130 it was up for but it sold for about

    110,000 that’s an absolute steal absolute stealing fat I’m going to sneak a little peak of it oh my word that is that’s quite a nice big house there isn’t it with the land I believe they’ve got about 2 Acres but just over £1,000 for that and how beautiful is this absolutely stunning Place

    Beautiful he’s not hanging about absolutely beautiful it’s the only good thing about coming out this time of year you don’t get the same with tourists you don’t get people everywhere you more peaceful all you can hear is the bird singing and it’s just beautiful absolutely lovely place this

    I’ll mispronounce the name again I’m sure but but it’s called lesnak and just have a look around cuz it’s gorgeous it’s quite a bit of wildlife out today there’s three animals there just sat recovering from the night before attacking the beers the wine and everything else lazy bastard Lazy Sunday Afternoon is

    Contemplating the of Life Mike’s going to give us a song suay beautiful beautiful Dave’s turn little dance he’s not dancing today right we’re going to give him a stick and a string and he’s going to play look at that like an old Pro now it’s the simple things in life is it love

    This me I think you may have just [ __ ] yourself there Michael turn around smile for the camera Captain vog Captain all right put your best face on right that’ll do at that a bad skimmer always blames his Stones what we on today day three I think but do you know

    Something what what I’ve done this time with this tour is I haven’t put watch on we’re not tied to any times or anything like that because we’ve got our base camp we’re at Mike’s house it’s just so much easier we’re not stressing we can

    Ride as much or as little as we want to today we’ve just decided to head to a little Lake District and there’s a few Lakes dotted about but it’s just really peaceful there’s no traffic on the roads it’s just beautiful absolutely beautiful and if you’ve watched any of

    My tour videos um I don’t know what it is the tour videos don’t seem to do as well so I’m kind of mixing it up changing it around this time instead of doing day one day two day three I’m just doing the entire trip As One video I

    It’s just the way forward for me because there’s a hell of a lot of editing involved as I’m sure anyone who does these videos is were there’s a lot of work involved and yeah I’m just condensing it so you can see the start middle and end all in

    One video it’s just different to my other ones but this one’s more chilled out it’s more relaxed less rushed and that’s what I like cuz we’re not rushing around anywhere it’s just chilled few glasses of wine turned into a few more glasses of wine turned into a

    Few more glasses of wine turned into US drinking all the wine up till the early hours so it was a bit of a struggle to get up this morning but you know what I had such a laugh honestly away with these Lads it’s just brilliant a story after Story it’s really chilled

    But all the stories that we were telling last night had me in stitches really good for your soul a little trip like this especially when you’ve got a couple of mates with you anyway I’m going join in the boys again the competition is on well you can go

    First no because it’s going to sink badly because I know I’ve got the best best St here you didn’t get lower down though you went first I can’t get any more loader I mean I mean somewhere we can we can get it’s a bit it’s a bit

    Shittier we need be a bit more who’s going first come on then two more here I’m reviewing this stor let into motos I love you know now don’t put yourself in [ __ ] h oh four five six seven eight N I wouldn’t chance I’m I’m going this way [Laughter]

    Me did you know what he turns it on for the for the competition doesn’t that’s that was great most of them just have it with half of them oh yeah I know pretty good I’m already low aren’t I I’ve I’ve got I’ve got height Advantage for a change oh must have

    Been that was moners I’m impressive thank you thank a lot up at the end yeah yeah see just I don’t know it was very close that very close yeah I was G to say left [ __ ] H that was awesome that yours was like I think yours technically

    Speaking was more spe I think mine was second I think Dave got that one because you got that first hit the water and there was a big jump and then yours was consistent yeah I think Dave takes the win there that was like right thumbnail this be a good one

    That can we see all on yeah yeah well that’s some wide lens is it yeah yeah is got what about balancing the stone on your nose competition yeah I don’t think you’re going to win with that it’s a bit of a Ruder isn’t it yeah yeah it’s all about the

    Size I reckon we could ruin it though you know just bring a couple of bears and just plunk them there yeah fishing rod bring a GH bloody English Beer and our shorts shorts andest giving it need a bite here you know it’s nice having a car but it’s

    Just Paradise on a bik it’s not very touristy either is it there’s not loads of stupid shops trying to sell you crap you don’t need were absolutely yeah that was obscene that the mighty Roar of the h I think he presses every button before it starts here he is he’s got himself started too many buttons on that bike for him he’s getting cile I’m just joking he’s um it’s a new bike for him that so he’s getting used to it getting used to all the different buttons and it’s a

    But see it’s always the same in it when you get a new bike till you get used to it oh anyhow so just on a little bit of a ride today we’re not doing much because we are actually heading back home tomorrow because of how we’ve planned

    Our journey home we’re not doing loads of riding today cuz we’ve got quite a big day of riding tomorrow just short 300 miles to get us back to kah and we’re going to get the ferry from kah that’s going to take us overnight to Portsmouth so you’ve got

    About I don’t know if it’s about uh 6 hour 7 hour Ferry or something so we can have our little break there have a little bit of a relax on the boat all the way to France we cannot have have a dirty Harley David S it’s not acceptable so we’ve stopped at

    Jail wash standard we’re all locked and loaded ready to start heading back time goes very very quickly doesn’t it when you’re having fun but time to go anyway we’ll do a bit of riding bit of talking and then uh it’s the ferry upy days we’re about 57 57 miles into it

    First stop of the day it just happens to be a McDonald’s now I know we’re in France so we should go somewhere a bit better than McDonald’s but it’s just convenient it’s right off the main road that we were on so yeah sneaky McDonald’s but the weather is absolutely

    Gorgeous didn’t think it was going to be like this today thought it was going to be a bit cloudy but we’re in the 20s and I’ve got about four layers on so I’m going to be sweating buckets but we’ve still got about 6 hours riding to get us to the ferry

    So yeah if the weather turns at least I’m ready for it and if I’m a bit up so what I’d rather be a bit hot than freezing let’s go and get some food so I have to say hi successful delivery of package sopie what i e I’m just being abused by T standard

    Strange plastic reusable Big M different very different tastes the same though it’s all w I’m watching the silent reverse the silent reverse the joys of these car park spaces soon as you actually get into them pulling out of them is a pain cuz they’re kind of like on a slight

    Downhill so if you’ve got short legs like myself it’s uh a bit of a pain excellante uh I think we’ve got to go oh do we have to go around this way yeah I’m following the arrows what we’ve decided to do is we’re doing the nonto roads so if we can make

    It all the way way there with non toll roads it saves us about €50 there or thereabouts but it does take a little bit longer it’s about 2 hours longer but we’ve got time so we’re all right but 2 hours it’s about 50ish miles longer as

    Well but I think you get to see a little bit more because it does take you off to a few little towns and Villages whereas the tolls it’s just like Motorway road so you get there quicker but you don’t see as much stressful ride we has no

    Bike what does he do though works for the council CC around the West what does he do for the council what what how did you get B from B and D what what was that rhyme again fun it was Billy D bil Billy he’s filming me that’s why I’m doing miss your

    D call a pike while riding his bike met ghilly bikes had some fun had some fun had a bottle of rum had some bom I thought I had some fun with a botle of R looking up his boom he didn’t all day it was all day B

    Breakfast no only till 4 balls down yes Billy Dy it’s a true story get he met Mike met fish in the car Pike did they have fun yeah have fun and they all other B I am absolutely oh I’m done in we’ve had about 3 hours sleep and we’ve just had an announcement saying we’re going to be docking in 55 minutes yeah they give you plenty of notice which is good but it’s also bad cuz I could have had an extra half an hour was

    Skip buggers Absol abolute boogers how do you feel about that Mr snor snorrison come on I think he absolutely wonderful absolutely absolutely plenty the tank sir absolutely tank bang average yes never mind could be worse yes plenty worse has happened at se oh actually it could be raining oh

    Don’t say that nothing but rain yeah I’ll check the weather yeah never mind now he clearly wished the weather on us we’re going to end up with rain but you know we’ll see when we get off the boat but actually quite a decent Crossing when we come out it was very we

    Where you struggle to walk without bouncing off the walls but very calm can’t complain but that was all right right I think I’m going to lie down for 30 more minutes before I start suiting up if you’ve never been touring before this is the setup when you get

    Onto the boat you line your seat up with those yellow things on the floor and that’s what we stra you to to hold you down we’ve just been unstrapped and we are ready to go so we’re just suffering with uh carbon monoxide poisoning at the minute with all these coaches and their engines

    Running we’re just waiting for the green light to get out of here looks like a bit of movement down there I think it’s time to throw the leg over dear REM me That num nut’s nearly getting run over good Mom oh Cheers Cheers ears for the man who wave me out oh here we go back in wet England well I’ve got to say me for one I’ve had an awesome time I cannot recommend this stuff you know I cannot recommend it enough honestly it’s

    Brilliant lots of people at the Port employed to move their arm around like they’ve just farted in a showing you which direction to go kind of way well we’re through passport control just waiting for Paul to get through and then we’re going to hit the motorway might catch up on the services

    In fact that’s what we’re looking for a full English breakfast full English breakf first is required so we’ll catch up there car car the m6 average speed check cameras Oh my God they’re so boring this is the end of the tour and it’s a very sad end because do

    You know what I’ve had a lovely weekend it’s being awesome considering I wasn’t going to go I wasn’t able to go and my best mate was wouldn’t let me not go so he forced me to go pretty much for that I am eternally grateful to him

    Because it was awesome it was just like a good oldfashioned boys weekend loads of fun on the bikes loads of beers and wine if I was to summarize the allour best I mean good pieces of Kit that’s helped me the Nikon in particular awesome bike really comfortable plenty of power for fun and

    Because of the size of it you can load loads of stuff on it so I’ve had all my kit and then some I brought far too much stuff didn’t use the majority of it but I still had loads of room tank bag best thing in the world when you’re going through your passport

    Checkpoint it’s dead easy to get things to hand seeing the other Lads struggle having to take gloves off and things like that just made me appreciate having this tank bag that little bit more uh the satnav didn’t put foot wrong it’s guided me everywhere so back home

    Engine’s off the tour’s over back to reality now I’m back to work sad face let me know what you think because I do plan to do a couple more little weekend Adventures but for now I’m going to go going to get all my kit off get going to

    Get sounds like I’m doing a strip for you I’m not I’m going to get all my motorcycle stuff off I’m going to get myself a coffee I’m going to relax for a bit if you haven’t already please subscribe and if you have thanks for subscribing and I’ll catch you on the

    Next one see you laters bye for [Applause] Now


    1. I just love all these sorts of villages you come across in say France, Spain, Italy etc. very medieval in appearance and yes that bed looks like it would last quite a few centuries to come👍👍

    2. Ha ha .. fantastic vid that. Made me laugh . We had a fantastic time. Glad i made you come along. Thanks for the mention and your very very welcome Gilly . ❤

    3. lol last time we left from Portsmouth it was rough I’m not a good sailor so hunkered down in my chair to catch a few zzzzzz as early start and hoping to sleep the rough crossing away, woke up 2 hours later thought cor this is smooth but we hadn’t left port as the wind and waves kept the boat keyside, 😳 where were you northern France, we moved here 4 years ago toured Europe my wife and I every year for 30 years on our bikes, but France was always our favourite destination, until 7 years ago when we bought our little house here, eventually moved here permanently, near Mont st Michel, you sound like your falling in love with it to, lol Bon Nuit moi ami ….pete🇫🇷

    4. Enjoyed that 1 pal and big shout out to your mate who helped u out , went through same thing myself and without my best mates help I'd of been finished 👍🏍

    5. Hey Gilly have u ever thought of maybe live streaming these adventures on twitch or maybe YouTube live, maybe that will help you financialy. Wish you all the best man

    6. Your pronunciation of Confolens wasn’t too bad. The name simply means confluence because right by where you are standing a tributary enters the Vienne. You are very much on my home ground around there. It’s a shame that you’re under grey skies as last week we had temperatures into the mid 20s, blue skies and sunshine. Having said that, today it’s blowing a gale and pouring down.

    7. Come in the summer, you won’t be swamped by tourists then either. Bring the Voge next time there are endless tracks and trails everywhere and if you need them there are three Voge dealers close to where you’re staying.

    8. I live about 20 minutes from Confolens and the weather has been awful over the last 5 months or so, the only person who's seen more rain than us is Noah. Been ok for the last couple of weeks but the rain is back now, glad you enjoyed the trip.

    9. Did you ever momentarily forget what side to ride on, and how quickly was it to adjust to riding on the other side, now in full licence it's something I'd like to do, any tip for going abroad would make a good video

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