Instagram: @enigmabyserkai

    Greetings, adventurers of EnigmabySerkai!

    Step boldly into the world of Episode 7, the third installment of our second season’s second cycle. Are you ready for the twists and turns that await you?

    In this chapter, we present you with an opportunity to uncover an alternative path leading to the medallion’s secret resting place. But heed this warning: even if you believe you’ve unraveled its enigmatic hideaway, the medallion shall remain shrouded in mystery until the grand reveal in the next and final episode of this cycle.

    So, sharpen your wits and get ready to dive deep into a maze of riddles, cryptic signs, and hidden treasures. The hunt for clues begins now, unlock the secrets of EnigmabySerkai and chart your course toward victory!

    Handwritten subs: English
    Semi-automatic subs: Mandarin, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish

    Video content:
    00:00 – Season II, Cycle II, Episode III (7) – introducing the country.
    01:38 – First P.O.I. – 1st number.
    02:10 – Second P.O.I. – 2nd number.
    02:45 – Third P.O.I. – 3rd number.
    03:31 – Fourth P.O.I. – 4th number.
    04:02 – Fifth P.O.I. – 5th number.
    04:52 – Sixth P.O.I. – 6th number.
    05:14 – Seventh P.O.I. – 7th number.
    05:50 – Ayke out!

    Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of Enigma by Serkai. Now, this particular episode has a special elan to it. It could help some Seekers confirmΒ their hunches, while for others it could serve asΒ an alternative path to finding the medallion.

    So, onΒ this one you’re still looking for Points of Interest (P.O.I) and theirΒ respective numbers on our grid…Β  But the use youΒ make of them is different. A post will be releasedΒ on Instagram to guide you through its twists andΒ turns. Did you guys get that? So, 3, 2, 1, go!

    Both in the 19th century, when this country’s capital was in the hands of representatives of the Tsar…Β Β  …and also a century later, when the communists held power, it was mainly in Paris… Β  …that the opponents who hadΒ taken refuge in France gathered. The capitalΒ appears to them as the epicenter of freedom.Β 

    Freedom to express oneself, to write, to publish, and to study! In other words…Β  …this is a story of a veryΒ successful and mutually appreciated immigration between these two countries.Β Β  We are about to find out why, and check out some “must see” P.O.I’s of thisΒ country’s culture in Paris.Β Β 

    Now guys, to our first clue: This church is a Catholic place of worship built in the second half of the 17th century. It was abandoned during the revolution, and it only reopened as the church of a parish.Β Β  Disused as such again, and assigned to the nation’s catholicΒ mission in the 19th century.Β Β 

    An additional fact, it used to have a restaurant in its cripts, of course, this restaurant specialized in the country’sΒ cuisine. Now guys, if you’re ready, clue number two!Β This next place was created in the 19th century…Β Β  …by those who failed in the insurrection of theirΒ kingdom and had to choose exile, which was largely in Paris.Β Β 

    At the docks of the Seine river, this sameΒ building houses two museums… …and the salon of aΒ person who is quite celebrated in today’s episodes. Of course hidden in clues.Β Β  In the past decade it was included as an international memory of theΒ world register by UNESCO. Good luck, and next clue.Β Β 

    Now, number three is on me! I have quite the riddle for you: So in Season 1 Episode 2…Β  …Jean-Paris teachesΒ you about the three big piano manufacturers inΒ France. In order for you to find the next P.O.I.

    I need you to pick a beautiful flower and go to theΒ resting place of the one founder that you can findΒ in the most famous cemetery of the city. Okay guys,Β leave the flower for this gentlemen and within a 35 meter radius try to find the one individual that played on these pianos.Β Β 

    If you manage to do so, lookΒ at the map and take the corresponding number. ClueΒ number four for more, that’s not what you said. You wantΒ more clue number four! Alright… This building was boughtΒ by a princess in the 19th century.

    Today, it mightΒ look bigger! The reason is that the princess madeΒ a second purchase, a few years later.Β Β  Resulting in the merger of both. So what else can I tell you…

    …our V.I.P also visited this place! Once you haveΒ located it, get the number! Clue number five…. I didn’t have the time to come up with a rhyme on this one. So, uh, artist, save me! As famous amongst his people as Dante, Goethe, or Victor Hugo inΒ their respective countries…

    …he arrived in Paris inΒ the early 19th century, welcomed as a hero by theΒ prince who lived in the previous clue’s place… …suchΒ was his literary fame and his patriotic passion!Β Β  He composed and published with a parisian publisher his major poetic work.Β Β 

    A French sculptor erected a monument to his glory, a sculpture, inauguratedΒ  at “Place de l’Alma” and then moved to another place…Β Β  …where you need to find yet another number. AnotherΒ number in the mix? Find clue number six!Β Β 

    Museums, the Pantheon, schools, currency, and even in an atomicΒ element ! So this person has all sorts of tributes…Β Β  …but the one you’re looking for, is a university inΒ Paris. I’ll say no more, get the number, you know the drill.Β Β 

    Clue number seven, look up! There’s heaven! No, really guys, you have to look up to be able to see something. The sun, is it moving? or are you? WhatΒ  was the name of its revolution again?Β Β 

    What was his name? Well guys, walk down the street namedΒ after him in Paris untill you get to the “Place”…Β Β  …of another individual we mentioned in clue numberΒ five, and that should be your final P.O.I. So, as I said guys, keep all your numbers, keep a lookout on Instagram and you might be breaking through.

    It’s your boy Ayke out for another episode. See youΒ for a special fourth episode in this cycle! Peace out!

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