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    Yeah blue fire liing up the pement the night is feeling young the streets are restless my head shaking like I need it I don’t know why you got me thinking so low yeah girl you got me rested yes I got to know don’t keep me Waiting heyy hey can you guys hear me let me know if you uh can hear me and having a little uh technical difficulties and if my voice might sound a bit off and my voice might crack a little bit yeah I’ve been feeling kind of under the weather lately so I do

    Apologize for that let’s see who’s in chat hope everything is working now let me know how the audio is yeah I tried some new stuff some new stuff in uh OBS but uh it was acting up for some reason awesome seems like you guys can hear me

    Hey po poker boy Faker fish how you doing preparing the chat hey hey muscle bike my man how you doing hope you got home safely medieval de hey good to see you man Sylvester Stallone how you doing hey the claymore’s wife good evening to you good to see you thanks

    For dropping bye guys welcome to the Stream muscle bike uh helped us out a great deal this weekend it was just generally really fun to hang out with him got to meet a couple of people from the chat was really fun hey Northern Ireland arm wrestling welcome Atlantis how you Doing white wolf in the chat yeah I got to meet white wolf too really awesome dude had a lot of fun with you guys hey franglish good to see you to Paul asks did you get to practice pool in one um yeah couple of people but

    Um not as many as I would would have liked to I was still kind of coping with an injury and um I kind of made it worse by on the first night uh doing a practice pool with rvj kind of made my wrist a little worse

    By doing that verar says did you beat Bowen uh no I did not grip up with Bowen so uh no I did not beat Bowen Unfortunately switch the chat from Top messages to all messages I’ll do that good call there I don’t know why they put that as like the the standard top messages would like to have all the messages please yeah so I went there with um a friend of

    Mine um also a training partner of mine called here Dylan he’s in the chat right now um we flew over to Ireland because armed Gods was generous enough to invite me over there um and pay for my ticket over there and arranged uh place for us to

    Stay uh which was really nice I jumped at the opportunity of course and uh yeah it ended up being a really great weekend we went there on Friday uh we left from Amsterdam airport and uh landed in Dublin and then met up with muscle bike and uh his friend was a lot of

    Fun and drove over there to carlington uh carlingford um right in time with the press conference and a little drinking in after pulling Ireland was brilliant says the claymore’s wife yes it was indeed it was uh the claymore’s wife also uh helped organize the event and um was

    Actually the main person I talked to while making the video getting to know more about the event and the organizers Etc so yeah I think um they did a really great job kind of struck me how the event being there in real life really was way

    Better than um than what I’ve seen not that what I’ve seen was bad but being there added a whole other dimension to it and I don’t know just the atmosphere in the crowd I’ve never been to an arly event in person that’s quite like this

    One I don’t even know if there’s one out there that’s quite like this one just to give you an impression of um what happened I think 5 minutes after we arrived at the event and the press conference was ongoing um 5 minutes after that Uncle John was uh bleeding out of his

    Face so yeah that was kind of the first impression my friend and I got right after we walked into the event and then of course seeing um all the people sitting there that I’ve talked about in my videos that I’ve seen in matches um you know was really

    Cool some reason there’s no music playing I think yeah here we go so yeah it was really nice as a here says in chat seeing it live is really impressive yeah it was and I think they did a great job with the um the venue it was in like this big um Sports

    Hall uh with a big screen it so you could watch the action on there too U didn’t feel claustrophobic at all actually had a lot of room to sit and yeah was awesome I liked it a lot plus some of the matches were like Top Notch to to me really close Matches toall says you were in camera arm historian but I don’t know which one is you yeah you can take a couple of guesses um there should be ways of finding out right let me see if I can pull up some pictures that we took um wait I’ll maybe change

    View here if I can yeah it is a little more clear right yeah so here is me on the right side and um rvj on the left side right after uh we pulled on the table and I think muscle bike is uh lurking somewhere in the background there if I’m

    Not mistaken uh I didn’t get to pull him for a long time but I did get to feel him kind of his power to a degree uh too bad we didn’t catch any of the action itself I think uh this photo was taken by my friend

    K um right after we stopped pulling I think he walked into the Room but yeah just to give you an impression of uh what it looked like you see the little um inflatable gastle in the background uh that was where all the beer was all the drinks really nice setup I really liked It yeah a lot of people bought me beers which I greatly appreciate I returned the favor as much as I could but um yeah I’m uh everyone was very welcoming in general I didn’t hear like one bad thing about what I did on YouTube I met aie

    And um Uncle John both of them really nice really nice guys who are very welcoming straight away recognize me by my V by my uh Voice let me see in the chat Here frli say how strong was rvj really strong um I’m heavier than him um but yeah really strong I I’m he wasn’t going full full on you know it’s the night before he’s got a big match so he was just kind of playing around uh but yeah strong big hands too for his

    Size but he felt very good Yes muscle bikes is rvj was unbeatable effortless power for everyone and won his match easily too yeah very strong DOA says was a fan of the whole event tournament super matches and love the T match too yeah that’s something we definitely uh need to talk about I want

    To talk about it with you guys I get your opinion on that one cuz to me it’s um yeah something that I’ve truly never seen before or that would even pop into my mind white wolf says I can verify that rvj is a super strong Drinker yeah that’s true too yeah that’s certainly

    True by the time we pulled on the table um yeah I I think he was quite a few beers in already indeed the inflatable pup hey Devon’s forearm how you doing man good to see you welcome bear says St I told you he was on the left yeah I actually had really good

    Seats um really close to well a good view of the action and really close to athletes while they were uh walking on stage doing their Walk-Ons so that was really cool got have couple of uh good views here says are generous people at the event yeah truly truly generous people

    Also um what struck me was all the athletes uh couldn’t be friendlier and more open to talking I uh talked quite a bit with indas dokas uh really nice guy I talked with uh James Stewart and uh his wife really good people very nice people we actually ran

    Into them um on the way back at Dublin Airport so that was funny one of them is in the chat right now um let’s see wish I could have been there but it’s far away from home and my finals are coming up fast says franglish yeah man um I understand priorities

    Right the only reason I could go now because yeah I was in a position with everything going on in my life that I could do it um but yeah I certainly understand that sometimes you just can’t make the trip right but I’m sure there will be plenty

    Of opportunities and I’d like to make my way to more tournaments in the future whether it be another um arm Gods organized event or something completely different I’m open to all kinds of different events yeah I think my friend had a lot of fun

    Too we had a great time it was um quite a wild right from start to finish um from like the from the car drive over to carlingford all the way to um the end which was a long day of travel on Sunday way longer than it should have taken I

    Think but I was a a pretty wild R and I’m still kind of recovering from it in a way but that should tell you something Sylvester talone says who should be next for BLM I don’t know but I was really impressed with him at the event Jim Beach how you doing good see

    You white wol says you could smell the blood in the air yeah um definitely a lot of blood sweat and probably some tears too that night I can attest to that hey dungeon master arm wrestling good to see you hope you’re well too good to see you welcome Jacobin says Uncle John cut

    Looked pretty bad yeah um I wanted to touch on that too like I saw online a lot of people talking about it well mainly on Reddit because that’s kind of what I consume as far as people’s opinions go in armor sling not that I put the most greeding into Reddit as far

    As opinions goes but that’s just the platform I use a lot in general um and I saw some people saying on there quite a lot of people um how it was an act and how it wasn’t real and Uncle John cut himself now of course I can’t say for 100%

    Sure that it wasn’t an act I I can’t say that for 100% sure but I was there and to me it looked real to my friend it looked real um the blood was real the injury was real the cut was real was it by a can to me or whatever

    Evan used yeah it looked like that it looked too real to be Orchestra it from the room itself but you know people are going to have their opinions and sure why not maybe it wasn’t who knows I think it was to be honest and then the Thum match itself was yeah pretty

    Crazy I remember Evan going around the room before the match showing off the the pin pads and yeah they were Rec covered in Thum TXS walked out through a bunch more thumb TXS on the table certainly real mcaro his blood sweat tear and Seaman yeah probably some Sean

    Too muscle bike that’s way too generous man don’t do that man oh please you don’t have to do that thank you for the five gifted Subs man that’s crazy you’ve been generous enough during the event you’ve helped us out getting to carlingford you’ve been great company throughout the

    Weekend um yeah you don’t need to do even more but that’s incredibly generous thank you muscle bike I appreciate it if you’ve received a gifted membership from muscle bike uh please thank him it’s greatly appreciated if there’s anything you guys um want to see in the membership area of my channel let me

    Know I would do want to do more for it I’ve put some stuff there but um yeah let me know or if you want some new uh emojis let me know too thank you musle bike it’s too much man you know you’ll get that back in beers right when you inevitably come visit

    Me Muscle Bike by the way um strong on the table relatively inexperienced um by his own words but yeah very strong on the table white wolf following it up with another membership thank you white wolf you didn’t have to do that man um I appreciate the support though I got a

    Really good picture with white wolf um and he sent it to me afterwards in a text I hope you received my text back white wolf cuz I’m not quite sure but uh it’s greatly appreciated thank you thank you for the support guys means a lot this event was just so positive

    Apart even from the event itself just meeting people from the arm wrestling Community reinforced um how non-judgmental they are to new people you know what I mean I just felt genuinely welcome and it’s the UK arm rling scene for a large part right that facilitated that with putting on these

    Events and with being so generous with her time and even financially helping me get to the event uh yeah meant a lot pork chop just subscribe to the channel thank you pork chop for the subscription por chop was really nice too met him to really chill dude I had a long talk with

    Um um why am I blanking on the name that’s really bad I had a talk with Ryan Bowen too um which was was nice I think at first he didn’t really recognize me white wolf kind of pointed out who I was and then yeah it clicked for him it

    Seems that was really nice got a picture with him too think I got that here somewhere let me pull that up for you guys I posted it on Instagram earlier but yeah I’ll uh show you guys too what did you think of the event I want to see some opinions in chat I’m

    Very interested in um because I I didn’t get a chance to watch the event on camera yet so I I don’t even know if I uh show up in the background somewhere but other than that I’m very interested to see what people thought about the event how was it like technically and

    The matches itself how did you guys perceive it I’d be very interested in hearing about that I’ll try to pull up an rvj picture here yeah here we go so yeah here’s rvj and myself as you can see taken by uh Mr Conelly himself Rama awe Matt Connelly also by the way really

    Nice guy talked to him for quite a bit actually while watching the events talked about uh organizing awe events and um kind of exchanging some tips as content creators really nice guy too Ryan as well of course uh also rvj during the first um evening uh after the press conference I

    Was kind of I think muscle bike actually brought it up uh who I was and he did know me and he did know about uh the rise and fall video I made on him he was totally cool with it that is uh his kids really liked it which was a

    Interesting but yeah rvj was really nice actually so was Ryan I don’t think I’ve had a single bad experience with any puller I even to my great shame after a lot of beers after the event um called the puller by the wrong name someone I had actually met before in real life

    So um I called Kevin B brick Yeah by a wrong name I don’t know anymore which name but yeah but even he was really cool about it luckily let’s see if we can pull up another picture here yeah there was the really briefly this was the place we stayed

    In um really nice I made sure not to include any any things you could recognize although yeah the event is already off so it wouldn’t really matter but uh yeah this is the place we stayed in really nice place kind of crammed full of people but they were all arm

    Wrestlers either arm wrestlers or arm wrestling fans so I didn’t mind shared the room with uh Phil Woody Phil Woody UK who’s also in the chat I think I saw his name pop up somewhere but really nice some local sides there during Saturday my friend and my

    Friend and uh and I went around carlingford playing the tourist a little bit Brad but Brad Butler says didn’t Evan slam Jon’s arm down with a false start yeah that does ring a bell that does ring a bell yeah hey James good to see you man it’s

    Been a while how you doing I’m going to catch up on chat for a second here white W says I thought I was already a member but here it is again all good white wolf um yeah I tried to put out more for members but it’s not

    Always easy while always working on a a big video but I should put more of an effort in for my members because I do appreciate the support a lot means a lot I’m working on a very a very large video about uh Mr enan tury also working on a followup for arm

    Gos cuz there’s a couple of things I want to put in yeah decent video instead of just a live stream I’m going to put some thoughts into a structured video actually muscle bikes has so many big scary pullers and they’re all genuinely lovely people very generous too yes

    Indeed a lot of the I I found that even a lot of the bigger guys and the biggest guys were the most friendly and laidback guys like I feel like I vibed really well with James Stewart for example which was the biggest guy there I think um yeah and he’s also really chill

    Guy which I like but yeah I met a lot of crazy characters too a lot of really awesome people Brad Butler says um the whole event was great in my opinion I like the venue matches were good only had issues at the very end of the stream okay yeah I saw something

    About you the thumb Tech match getting cut out for you right pork chob says after my match I got proper drunk yeah I think a lot of people did but uh yeah it seemed like you were having a good time too pork chop 30 people watching 27 likes smash

    That like button says bull de po I appreciate that man uh yeah thank you for hitting that like button and for your attendance I appreciate it I’m going to go live Sunday I’m going to make it um a very yeah regimented thing again just going live every Sunday trying to get um

    A couple of people on for the live stream white wol say a army story you are one of us we insult you the same as all our buddies and I welcome the insults white wolf I can take it and Dish and dish it out if necessary so I’m all good with that

    Medieval dead says call me fickle but I’m not a fan of their lighting yeah it certainly I think I covered this in my video too uh let me see if I can pull up a picture of the lighting kind of yeah here you have kind of a a view of what the lighting

    Looked like um I think it was if you’re in the crowd um I think if you’re in the crowd it doesn’t matter as much I mean I never felt like I had a hard time seeing the action but that might be you might have a different experience watching it um on video

    Right watching it online might be different so yeah I don’t know hard to tell um I didn’t mind it being there in person and I think it adds a certain unique flare to their event right right you can tell by just a glance this is an arm Gods event

    Now I don’t know whether the red Hue is too much you could argue that I could see you thinking that for sure but uh like I said I didn’t mind it in person like after a while I didn’t even notice cuz uh the action was really well lit

    Red is the color of War ask the planet Mars says muscle by good point there Brad Butler says the whole event was great in my Opinion. meeting you buddy thank you so much Uncle John that’s really generous my man was great meeting him too like Uncle John one really friendly guy like talking to him um before the events really friendly Guy seriously I talked to him and Aussie armor at the same time and

    Yeah and a showman through and through right obviously # blood ging yeah it was great meeting you too Uncle John really appreciate that Super Chat chat thanks a lot yeah full Woody in the chat how you doing man here Dylan says uh crammed full of testosterone the house was yes indeed it

    Was Phil Wy says wish I could meet the arm historian one day seems like a nice dude yeah if only you could get so lucky right Phil Phil is a really nice guy um really calm too which like I said I appreciate not that I can’t handle less calm people but

    Um yeah had a few good chats with him snores like crazy though but I bet I do too sometimes hey the Claymore how you doing man another Superstar of the UK arm wrestling scene performed very well I thought even with his kilon and just really nice guy all around eight pizza with the

    Claymore on the first night was really nice pork chop says Jordan was ridiculously strong I’ve never felt anything like it yeah he looked to be in really good shape work chop um yeah and plam was crazy too right PL and dimitro Jim beaches arm historian I’m

    Kind of got it we never got introduced I missed out getting a picture with you yeah I would have loved one with you too Jim um there’s a couple of people that I didn’t really get to meet oneon-one and it is it is kind of a shame

    Indeed would have loved to have met you too but um I’m sure the opportunity will present itself again I don’t really want this to be my last arm Gods event that I attend so yeah you’ll be seeing more of me if I have anything to say about

    It Jason Mero in the chat how you doing Jason good to see you my man like you as a Buller says rvj looked extremely strong defending the hook he’s done some good work training that yeah indeed I actually think I watched the rvj match together with Matt Connelly

    And we were kind of doing a a deep dive on it while we were watching it commentating it amongst ourselves um yeah he did look really strong and in good shape I’m glad for him because yeah it was really nice do let’s see what else Frankl says the engin video is

    Going to be so good I can already feel it I’ll try man to make it as good as possible for those of you that don’t know I actually had a phone call with engan um not too long before I left for arm Gods which wasn’t a very interesting

    Experience I figured I’d contact him but about me making a video on him for a couple of reasons but yeah I felt like I it’ be best if I just send him a message saying I’m making a video on him and maybe down the line if he

    Could comment on a couple of things or fill some gaps in my research would be appreciated um and he actually called me right after I sent a message so yeah it wasn’t a very interesting call yeah it was a great weekend Indeed Uncle John is Invincible yeah it did kind of look like that man maybe you took some uh psychotropic substance or something that helped you not feel pain certainly look that way medieval dead says I think white light on the table with red light surrounding the exterior would be an

    Improvement hard to look at all that red on a screen yeah true and I do think they did that for a lot of the matches to be fair the white light let me see if I can you can’t really tell from this picture sure but let me see if I can you

    Can kind of tell here right talking about James Stewart before it’s uh another really nice soft spoken guy Matangi moris good match too by the way really I was really hyped for this one but uh yeah as you can see they kind of did it here right the white light and

    That’s kind of the view I had from where I was sitting so yeah I could see everything very clearly but yeah it is I understand it is important that uh online live viewing experience needs to be good too right but it looked like the cameras and stuff looked very

    Professional and the GU seem to be doing a really good job so yeah I don’t know I I haven’t had a chance to watch it as I said before was your diet seven up in the beer tent for Uncle John I don’t I think so mcfar say question has anyone checked

    On Grand diet recently I haven’t personally checked on Grand diet maybe someone should uh do a house call right see if he’s okay Marcus deliberately made sure that it was only Sprite behind every Claymore is a good is a great Holly says Jim Beach yes indeed indeed that’s very

    True here tillan says um seeing some of the matches really impressed me feel motivated into getting in better shape overall yeah definitely come to more trainings here uh I think my friend that I brought was really surprised at how um exciting and watching an arm wrestling event in real life could

    Be so yeah I think that was kind of an eye opener pork chop says I needed a picture also in more chats next time yeah man it’s a shame I wish I had more pictures with a lot of the great pullers like yourself um unfortunately I don’t know

    Was it the drink or something that made me not care as much about pictures in the moment more about just talking to people probably hey hey spermes how you doing man another really really nice guy um yeah he also shared the house with us really down to earth really cool guy Lov meeting

    Him had a bunch of good Dos with him too that was you know to me that was the event was great and honestly kind of blew my expectations out of the water um but meeting all the people was like the real tree to me that was just yeah yeah the best part

    Meeting people that I’ve seen in in chat um and just in general all the armers there all the fans everyone was just really nice and really cool to talk to I appreciate that a lot hey spermes coming you with the Super Chat thank you so much that’s a way too

    Generous man and uh I know [ __ ] I know for a fact that he’s already really generous um yeah thank you man you don’t have to do that but it’s greatly appreciated CU a hey bro was fantastic meeting you and you as well I felt like [ __ ] brought a certain

    Um structure and calming atmosphere to an otherwise rather chaotic house I think that’s a nice way to put it so I really appreciated that from spermies K is the man says am back yes indeed he is my friend got called uh Tony because he reminded some people of Tony Stark the handsome

    Devil James says how about the Ron bath and Bowen match I was excited to see how the old Legend would handle the match a few people have said he got super hammered too um yeah maybe I don’t know about that but he wasn’t hammered during his match

    I think took it pretty seriously and it was a good match let me see if I got a picture of that one here somewhere yeah uh that was the view I had of the match really nice crey donated 13 Canadian through Super Chat hey bro was fantastic meeting you thanks again

    Spermes and thanks OBS for reminding me again I should get try to find a way to get rid of the delay right in uh Super Chat alerts there must be a way but yeah um I enjoyed the match for what it was wasn’t completely one-sided I felt like like both both of

    The guys put in effort real effort but uh Ron still very strong very clearly very strong Legend right definitely also one of the guys I have to make an episode on like a video on screamy donated Canadian to Super Chat he was fantastic okay thank you OBS for reminding me

    Again muscle bik says Army stor you would you mind modding spermies he keeps getting Shadow banned due to his hilarious uh Alias you’re getting Shadow banned spermes why is that sure I don’t mind I’ve met spermies in real life so yeah I know I can trust him

    Um to the mods out there thank you for helping me mod I don’t think it’s that necessary in my channel quite yet as we haven’t gotten to like a a critical amount of viewers yet but um yeah I do appreciate you keeping an eye out for me remember I’m honestly good with most

    Things unless it gets too out of hand I’m good with most things I have a pretty uh L Fair attitude to most things people tend to say so yeah his name as him shadow band yeah yeah I think I’m Shadow too for my comments are you Atlantis no worries

    Peres thanks for uh keeping an eye out on the messages Bogdan was a lot of fun and a very intelligent individual yeah bdan stoa uh I only met him really briefly but yeah seemed like a cool guy uh was doing a great job on the table I’m going to make a point of

    Hanging out even more with more people cuz I did um spend like a day dur during Saturday uh during the day I did spend uh as kind of a tourist in Ireland first time being in Ireland um yeah I did go out with my friend while everyone else was still

    Asleep and I checked out the sides there really nice place by the way carlingford MOG says the best chocolate in the world is made in I don’t know um Switzerland where is the best chocolate in the world made MOG Belgium of course I couldn’t not say it and I think you know

    That James says uh I got into armor sling in the mid 2000s Ron was one of the first pullers that really drew me in along with ch Bing too of course definitely looking forward to a Ron video yeah I’m looking forward to making it um as probably you’ve heard before and

    I’ve heard people say if it wasn’t for John bring then probably would have been Ron back Right so yeah I can definitely see that the Claymore wies spermes lovely guy wolf 2 was really nice to meet them and you arm historian and your friend yet question mark that was really funny because um the friend I brought along with me to me his name is really easy to

    Pronounce here but uh yeah two people over there it’s near impossible to pronounce so a lot of people just resorted to calling him uh Tony Stark Tony yeah here to the Claymore was amazing through that to be fair everyone was quite amazing um yeah had a really great time almost died um on the way there in the car but thanks to a muscle bikes friend which was honestly great first experience to have after landing in uh Ireland I really Atlantis a lot of viers disappear immediately that’s weird yeah YouTube is weird sometimes I don’t really have a lot of uh control over that I think maybe it’s some kind of Auto moderator option I’ve got turned on I should look into that before uh the next Stream muscle bike says I manage Dylan so that will do yeah indeed Dylan will do it will be forever known as Tony Stark that will be his table name or iron man I like that a lot I hope he ever comes to the point where he can have a super

    Match and he gets introduced like that I would like that of course I twt that on all my training Partners yeah Phil you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to uh Tony Stark pH left quite early uh um yeah and we left couple of hours after he it for breakfast or

    Something in the comment section Atlantis you’re getting uh your messages outo deleted that’s weird maybe it’s um some word that I’ve put as not allowed or something although honestly those are very few Tony was great unassuming I feel bad I didn’t give him more attention fantastic dude that’s okay spermes I’m sure he’s

    Fine with the amount of attention he got he is a really interesting guy known him for what seems like forever medieval dead says by the way thanks for having ads off for the stream Army storing that’s greatly appreciated no worries man I actually have them on

    But um I’m kind of keeping an eye on them and I can manually cancel them whenever I want so I’ve been doing that throughout the stream especially since people have come out and supported me with like memberships and super chats that’s crazy yeah so I don’t really see a point in running ads

    Anyways I think they’re pretty detrimental to a live stream usually right like the only reason I have them on in the first place is because um I have this maybe it’s a misgiving I don’t know but I have this thought that YouTube would recommend my live stream less if monetization isn’t turned

    On I don’t know if that’s even remotely true but uh that’s kind of a thought I have sometimes maybe it’s not true I don’t know but yeah I don’t think I really need ads on a live stream the Claymore says arm Gods wh July the 6th yeah that’s an event I’m looking forward

    To too I’ve heard about it the Claymore I’ll be mentioning it in uh one of my upcoming videos too but yeah guys all in all awesome time um everyone I met honestly was great I wish I had more pictures honestly with a lot of people um but yeah I guess that’s what future

    Events are for right and I’d have to edit each and every one of them too before I could post them on Instagram anyways but it would have been nice to have them just for myself had a great picture with white wolf that he texted me so much

    Appreciate it had a good picture with Ryan Bowen too and kind of with rvj I guess like you can see and I guess kind of with muscle bike too right he’s in there we’re kind of next to each other medieval dead says yeah I don’t

    Mind ads for videos but it can be a pain for live streams it’s either fall behind or skip forward and Miss Parts yeah for sure doesn’t really make sense right like I can kind of understand um ads at the start or the end of a stream but during although to be fair YouTube

    Has haded more functionality where uh you can kind of choose where you insert ads so like suppose I would go for a p break or something if I was streaming for a long time then I could just run an ad while I was going to the toilet you

    Know something like that I think it’s doable for something like that but you’re right like random ads nah that’s not good during a live stream I agree arm historian muscle bike and rvj in one pick yeah true quite a group pick white wolf coming in with the super chat with a $20

    Super Chat white wolf really you don’t need to do that man I’m greatly appreciative of that but Seriously such a gen generous guy and fun to hang out with thank you white wolf says uh # arm gods or next yeah honestly looking forward to another event catching up with you guys again can’t wait for it can’t wait for it thanks again white wolf there’s a lot of people that have

    And not only people that have donated obviously but um there’s a lot of people that have been supporting me for quite a long time some people over a year some people less but it doesn’t really matter uh yeah and I appreciate every one of you showing up in the live streams watching

    My videos commenting on my videos just letting me know that you appreciate what I do that means a lot and now white world is definitely one of those people and uh yeah now I found out he’s a he’s a cool guy in real life too so that just

    Makes it all the more better muscle bike is another one of those people it’s like uh my chat is full of those people to be honest a lot of regulars and I uh enjoy the community we’ve built up really um yeah which kind of segs me into

    Um musle like remember for 11 months already using his uh super chat message saying one month till the first an indeed then you’ll have a year being a member of the RM historian which I can’t really believe wolf have the has the coolest jackets for sure indeed he does awesome jacket awesome Le

    Jacket yeah but as I was saying guys um thank you for being who you are and being so supportive of what I do it makes me want to keep on doing it I think if I didn’t have the support of you guys um and like I said not only

    Financial support obviously but like support in general um yeah I don’t think I would have lasted much longer than a couple of months so yeah thank you truly genuinely thank you uh um I’ll be going live more consistently again every Sunday at the same time which is uh 9 p.m. for me

    Um yeah I don’t really I’ll I’ll put it up in a community service message or something like that but um I’ll be doing it more consistently again every Sunday got a couple of nice things planned that I’ve been planning for a really long time that I really want to see come to

    Fruition um and yeah I feel like I just gained a ton of new friends during the weekend so that feels good right feels really good um hope to see you guys next week or this week I guess on Sunday in a couple of days uh hope you have a good rest of your

    Week enjoy the last day of the work week tomorrow Friday and the weekends and I’ll see you again on Sunday I appreciate every one of you dropping in you want to talk to me at any point just about arm wrestling or whatever doesn’t really matter hit me up

    On Instagram Discord or uh even Facebook but I’m not on there so much and I’ll hope to see you guys later thanks again for dropping by thanks for being so generous uh this live stream I really appreciate you all and uh yeah hope to see you guys

    Soon going to try to get some sleep now you’re very welcome evil de uh see you next time the claymore’s wife here muscle bike Phil burmes White Wolf of course every single one of you thank you even the lurkers who never chat but uh still stick around thank you

    And uh see you next time arm historian out


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