A long walk through the gem of Southport – Hesketh Park.

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    Hesketh Park in Southport

    This is definitely the best park I’ve ever been to.

    Coming here, you get the feeling that this park embraces you with its arms. It’s enchantingly cozy and green. And at the same time, it offers a wide variety of activities. Let me show you…

    Hesketh Park in Southport This is definitely the best  park I’ve ever been to. Coming here, you get the feeling that this park  embraces you with its arms. It’s enchantingly   cozy and green. And at the same time, it offers  a wide variety of activities. Let me show you… I come here to: – Relax 

    – Walk my dog – Have a picnic  – Play sports with friends or family – Feed the birds  – Be alone when feeling sad, to recharge – Be creative  – Enjoy nature – Take my child for a walk  – Go for a run – Have a date 

    – Discuss important matters – Practice yoga or meditation  – Have fun with friends – And, of course, shoot my new YouTube video It’s so perfectly blended here that it  seems the gods themselves built this place. Undoubtedly, this park is the  most beautiful place in Southport,  

    Its gem and a magnet for  both residents and tourists. Coming here, in just one walk,   you’re unlikely to see all the splendor of  this place, as there are many hidden paths,   and you need to have a map in your mind  (spoiler – my Diamaire app can help with that).

    I’ve walked every path and  every nook, and from this,   I’ve gathered 20 absolutely incredible spots for  various purposes, each marked in my mobile app. And in the video, I want to focus  on the most essential places. At Hesketh Park, the location is quite decent,  boasting numerous entrances around its perimeter,  

    Many of which are splendid and breathtaking.  However, the main entrance, in my opinion,   lies at the intersection of Park Road and  Albert Road. From this entrance, you stroll   along a beautiful avenue, leading to a stunning  fountain and the beginning of a magnificent lake.

    I’m shooting a video in early March, and the  park isn’t at its best, though, in my view,   it still looks quite dignified for  the cold season. But come summer,   it transforms into a spectacular sight,  with the amount of greenery you see on  

    Screen multiplied by ten. It’s so lush  and inviting; it resembles a royal jungle. I remember my impressions when I first  arrived here. I felt like a child,   as if I had stepped into a mother’s embrace,  an unforgettable feeling of coziness. I  

    Couldn’t believe how meticulously people had  crafted such a perfect space. English folk,   you truly know how to provide pleasure and  cater to human desires. There’s nothing quite   like this in my country. I haven’t encountered  anything similar in other European cities either.

    This park is magnificent both in sunlight  and in rainy weather. I’ve also explored the   park at night, and if you enjoy solitude, you’ll  truly have the entire park to yourself. However,   there’s absolutely no lighting, and all the  beauty fades away. It’s pointless to visit  

    At night. In the evenings, it’s much better to  stroll through the quiet streets of Southport.   You’ll still be alone, but you’ll feel safer,  surrounded by much more beauty and enjoyment. The primary visitors to the park are dog owners.  Perhaps this is the best place in town for walking  

    Dogs. Almost any area of the park is suitable  for this activity, but I believe the best   paths for dog walking are the large open areas  where dogs have plenty of space to run around. I emphasize this because the park has many  narrow cozy spots that people will enjoy  

    But may be boring for dogs. For this reason,  most dog owners can be found on the main path,   the widest one, around the perimeter of  the park. I’ve mapped out this route,   along with others where dogs are more  commonly seen, in my Diamare app.

    Aside from dogs, it’s important to mention  that this place is perfect for relaxation.   For rejuvenation, peace of mind, for moments of  sadness, loneliness, or during difficult periods   in life. Here, you’ll find everything you need  for quality therapy—serene picturesque areas,  

    Water bodies, animals and interaction with  them, cozy spots to be alone or observe people. This place is truly remarkable  for quality leisure time. I’d like to mention the birds  separately, which you can feed   and possibly interact with. It’s interesting  for both children and adults. In my opinion,  

    The park has two best spots for feeding ducks.  The first one is right here, under the tree,   where birds often come out of the water to  rest; you can play with them there. Moreover,   it’s a very picturesque spot. And  on this small lawn, it allows you to  

    Approach very close to the water, offering  a magnificent view right before your eyes. Hesketh Park is well-suited for cycling and  running. However, I don’t consider it an ideal   place for cycling. Firstly, the cycling route  would be quite short and monotonous. Secondly,  

    People here are very relaxed, and cycling might  create some tension. But it’s perfect for jogging. Near the main park entrance, there’s a small  lawn. What’s attractive about it is that it’s   somewhat secluded from the road and shielded  by foliage from people, with a large cozy area  

    Inside where you can comfortably settle. However,  I couldn’t think of many activities that would be   ideal for this spot. I think it’s great for  picnics or entertaining a group of friends. Of course, we can’t overlook  the centerpiece of the park—the  

    Playground. Speaking of areas where children  can play, you could suggest the entire park,   but you could just as easily let your  child play on any street in the city. In my opinion, this playground is fantastic.  My daughter has been playing here since she  

    Learned to walk. There’s plenty of space, places  for parents to sit while their kids run around,   including a small café. There are quite  interesting climbing frames and places   for active games. Despite all these positives,  I think kids can quickly get bored here;   there aren’t enough activities  for children of a certain age.

    Next to the playground is a large lawn with a  magnificent view of the lake. It’s a versatile   space and I consider it an excellent area for  children to play, for various active sports,   dog walking, and even for a simple picnic.  It’s very pleasant here in the summer.

    I must mention the mini-golf. It’s quite basic,   but if you combine playing this golf with other  activities, it can be a nice little addition. From the playground, there’s a convenient ascent  to the observatory, the highest point in the park.  

    It’s often sunny here, with a good view, and  it’s nice to relax. The paths from here lead   to the most magnificent places in all directions.  For example, one of them leads to a green grove. This is a large meadow situated at the top and  surrounded by greenery on all sides. Majestic  

    Pines grow in the meadow, and there’s a  small floral arrangement using stones,   which greatly enhances the feeling of coziness  and attractiveness. This place is perfect for   quiet relaxation on the meadow, such as  meditation, picnics, or practicing yoga. Essentially, this lawn is a dead-end, circular  path, although there are steps leading down,  

    Not many people are keen on running  down the stairs. For this reason,   as well as the fact that it’s quite secluded  from other points and shielded from prying eyes,   there are very few people on this meadow;  it’s very quiet, peaceful, and comfortable.

    I want to separately mention what I consider  to be the park’s hidden gem. This place right   here. There’s not much greenery now, and it  doesn’t look as it did when I first saw it,   but when everything blooms, it will be  so pleasant that you’ll feel euphoric.

    When I first arrived in Britain and during  the first few months, I was in a very weak   emotional state and faced a difficult life  situation. And when I accidentally stumbled   upon this patch of green paradise and felt the  incredible coziness inside, as well as the fact  

    That I could be completely alone, I just sat down  and cried. It provided me with emotional relief.   This is a very powerful place. Apart from enjoying  solitude, I consider this place good for romantic   dates and for creativity. The atmosphere here  is very relaxed, conducive to creating magic.

    Another very similar place is this  area. A circular path with benches,   completely surrounded by greenery. It’s not as  cozy as the previous one, as it’s a bit noisy due   to cars and there are wider corridors. However,  it’s still an ideal place for quiet conversations,  

    Romantic dates, or as a place with a calm  aura. You can also walk your dog here,   but as I mentioned, dogs need space to run  around, and this isn’t the best place for that. Let me show you the entrance to a fairy tale. This  place gives off that exact feeling. It’s so cozy,  

    Atmospheric, and beautiful. This arch and  all the surrounding elements are perfect.   And beyond it is a small cozy lawn where you  can relax, away from the hustle and bustle. Be sure to visit this place, which reminds me  of a royal garden. There aren’t many plants,  

    But it’s a very beautiful place, perfect for  dog walking, relaxation, or a romantic date. Despite telling you about all the  most significant places in the park,   it will still surprise you. And  with the routes from my Diamare app,   you’ll be able to explore it from  a new perspective. Good luck!

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