In this chilling true crime documentary, we explore the disturbing story of Cameron Wilson, the teenage serial killer who terrorized Cape Town, South Africa. Born into the gang-ridden slums of the Cape Flats, Cameron Wilson began his reign of terror at just 17. From his first brutal murder in 2014 to his eventual capture, this true crime video tells the shocking serial murders, rapes, and assaults committed by one of South Africa’s youngest serial killers.
    Join us as we unravel the crimes of Cameron Wilson, the Cape Flats serial killer.

    The cape Flats area on the outskirts of Cape Town South Africa is a harsh world it’s an area plagued by poverty gangs and substance abuse issues located on the low-lying flat lands southeast of the city center neighborhoods like Valhalla Park and Hines Park are home to both ordinary families trying to make

    The most of the circumstances and dangerous gangs who compete for money power and control it’s against this backdrop that a young man named Cameron Wilson came of age even though he was only 17 years old at the time Cameron embarked on a reign of terror that would

    Leave the communities of the cape Flats living in fear possessing a cold-blooded ruthlessness far beyond his years Cameron showed no mercy as he raped murdered and assaulted dozens in just a few short years the young killer demonstrated a complete lack of remorse for even his most gruesome crimes attacking without warning or provocation

    Cameron demonstrated no pattern or preference for his violence his victims ranged across gender ages and had no clear connections he killed both impulsively and also withdrawn out torture murdering for money for power or just his own cruel enjoyment with a Killer Instinct seemingly coursing through his veins Cameron had the

    Potential to become one of the most notorious serial killers and violent offenders South Africa had ever seen Cameron Wilson committed his first known attack in October 2014 that would set off a string of violent crimes on this day 17-year-old Cameron had ended up violently stabbing a man named

    Alfonso fun royan to death following a loud confrontation between the two on the day of the incident 22-year-old Alfonso was walking through a winding street in Valhalla Park heading to visit his grandmother though the neighborhood could be dangerous it was a path Alfonso took nearly every day without incident

    But on that day residents peered out their windows at the sound of shouting in the street below they witnessed Cameron striding quickly to catch up to Alfonso grab him by the shoulder and spin him around without hesitation Cameron plunged a knife deep into Alfonso’s chest leaving him to bleed out on the sidewalk

    Although the attack was witnessed by several members of the public most were too afraid to come forward this was because Cameron’s father was a prominent member of the 28’s prison gang one of the most notorious and dangerous prison gangs in South Africa Witnesses feared retaliation from not only Cameron but

    Also his father and other members of The Gang This fear was not unfounded as just 3 days after Alfonso’s murder Toya stabber a man who had witnessed Cameron murdering Alfonso was shot dead Toya stabber was a well-respected member of the community and ran a shop

    From his home with his wife he was known to be a hardworking and honest man who was dedicated to providing for his family he kept to himself and didn’t know Cameron or what he was capable of on the day of his death Toya had noticed Cameron Wilson entering his store he had

    Recognized Cameron as the man who had murdered Alfonso 3 days earlier so not wanting to have anything to do with him Toya asked Cameron to leave his shop this led to a verbal altercation outside the store and Cameron eventually fled on foot with Toya following behind in his

    Car presumably to figure out where Cameron lived so that he could call the police however just a few minutes after Toya had got into his car and started following Cameron Wilson neighbors came rushing to inform stober’s wife that her husband had been shot dead just down the road

    Witnesses told his wife that it was Cameron who had shot Toya but once again no one was willing to provide a statement to police or testify against Cameron Wilson out of fear of retaliation the police struggled to build a case against Cameron due to the lack of cooperation from Witnesses this

    Lack of accountability allowed Cameron to continue his violent crimes without consequence this culture of silence and fear perhaps emboldened his brutal instincts even more and for many in the cape Flats the worst was yet to come emboldened by his ability to evade punishment for his first two murders

    Over the next two years Cameron Wilson descended into a spree of horrific violence and depravity the cape Flats Community lived in fear as again and again Cameron attacked without warning remorse or hesitation in December 2014 Just 2 months after killing Toya stabber Cameron murdered 20-year-old Ernest arasmus in a chilling attack on

    Christmas Day Ernest had been visiting a Tavern in Hines Park Cape Town with his girlfriend where they purchased a small bag of cannabis before heading home however they soon realized they had dropped the bag somewhere along the way retracing their steps back to the tavern the couple searched the street to

    Recover their drugs it was at this moment that Cameron appeared riding up Suddenly on his bicycle he demanded money from Ernest but when Ernest insisted he had nothing to give Cameron ruthlessly pulled out a screwdriver and plunged it into ernest’s neck leaving his victim to bleed out on the sidewalk

    While Cameron pedal quickly away from the scene 4 months later in April 2015 Cameron’s violent spree continued as he attacked two more victims in separate incidents the first was 20-year-old Cody phander who was walking with a friend when Cameron approached them and demanded to look inside Cody’s backpack

    When Cody refused Cameron became enraged and pulled out a knife stabbing Cody in the chest before he fled the scene despite being critically injured Cody phander survived the attack later that same month 17-year-old Dorney Davids became another one of Cameron’s victims Dorney had been visiting a friend and

    Was walking home alone across an open field when she bumped into Cameron’s cousin she knew Cameron’s cousin from the area and the two were friends so Dorney thought she had no reason to be fearful the two started chatting as they walked across the field and nothing

    Seemed out of the ordinary that is until Cameron himself suddenly appeared and aggressively grabbed Dorney Cameron dragged the terrified girl away from the streets of and houses to a more isolated area here he forced his cousin to start kicking Dorney before instructing him to move away Dorney begged and pleaded with

    Cameron to just let her go demanding to know why he was doing this yet Cameron ignored her cries and proceeded to rape the young girl as soon as Cameron had finished his sadistic assault Dorney seized the chance to break free from his grip and started running but Cameron

    Quickly caught up to her and stabbed her viciously in the back of the neck before fleeing the scene and leaving her for dead Dorney was rushed to the hospital and ended up Surviving the horrific ordeal but she was left traumatized and struggled to cope with the psychological impact of the unprovoked attack despite

    Her surviving the assault and being able to identify Cameron as her attacker he remained free and continued his spree of violent crimes it is unclear why he was not arrested after this attack but it is possible that the lack of cooperation from Witnesses and the fear of retaliation from Cameron and his

    Father’s gang played a role Ro in his ability to evade Justice Cameron’s attacks seemed entirely random with victims ranging across ages and genders no one felt safe yet somehow despite the growing body count and Trauma left in his wake Cameron Wilson continued to walk free at the end of April 2015 Cameron

    Wilson committed one of his most brutal and chilling crimes yet when he raped and murdered 16-year-old Stacy mahali Stacy was walking home from from school with her friend Abigail plates who was also 16 when they were approached by Cameron and his 13-year-old accomplice at first the encounter seemed harmless

    But it quickly turned Sinister when Cameron pulled out a gun and forced the terrified girls to follow them deeper into an isolated area once they were isolated and alone Cameron proceeded to rape both Stacy and Abigail while his 13-year-old accomplice stood guard after the sexual assaults Cameron handed his

    Accomplice a knife and instructed Ed him to stab both girls the attackers then placed tires filled with gasoline around the girl’s necks and set them Al light in an act known as necklacing this horrific Act is often used as a form of vigilante justice in South Africa but in

    This case it was used as a means of torture and murder as if the necklacing wasn’t enough the attackers also pelted the girls with rocks and Bricks causing further injury and Trauma the girls were then left to burn alive writhing in agony as the flame consumed them Stacy

    Suffered an agonizing death from her injuries she was stabbed multiple times and sustained severe burns across her body the postmortem results showed the horrific pain and torture she experienced during her final moments somehow despite her injuries Abigail managed to survive the barbaric attack she was able to identify Cameron Wilson

    As the primary perpetrator as well as his 13-year-old accomplice despite the fear that many in the community had of testifying or pointing out Cameron Wilson Abigail showed exceptional bravery she was able to positively identify Cameron as one of their attackers and saw to it that he was arrested for his crimes yet

    Inexplicably despite Abigail’s eyewitness testimony and the strong evidence against him Cameron was released on bail shortly after his arrest the decision to Grant Cameron Bale was met with shock and outrage from the community many questioned how someone capable of such a heinous crime could be allowed to walk free some

    Pointed out that this was evidence that Cameron was indeed Untouchable While others speculated that it was his father’s position in the 28’s gang and the fear he instilled in the community that allowed Cameron to be released on bail the real reason for Cameron’s release on bail remains unclear but what

    Is known is that it would prove to be a devastating mistake as he went on to commit further violent crimes and inflict even more harm on the community after being released on bail Cameron Wilson continued his violent spree through throughout 2016 leaving a trail of victims in his wake over the

    Next few months complaints and reports of attacks by Cameron streamed into the local police stations on a regular basis one of his victims was a 22-year-old woman who he attacked after she refused to give him her lighter the woman was walking alone when Cameron approached her and asked for a lighter when she

    Said she didn’t have one he became enraged and attacked her punching and kicking her until she was unconscious in another incident Cameron robbed a man at knife point and then stabbed him in the chest when he tried to resist the man who was robbed and stabbed by Cameron

    Was walking alone at night when he was approached by him Cameron demanded that the man hand over his belongings pulling out a knife to intimidate him the man initially complied giving Cameron his wallet and phone however when Cameron demanded his watch as well the man refused and tried to fight back this

    Enraged Cameron who then stabbed the man in the chest with the knife the man fell to the ground bleeding profusely as Cameron fled the scene with his belongings the man was rushed to the hospital and luckily survived the attack but he was left with serious injuries another one of Cameron’s most brutal

    Attacks was on a woman who was walking alone Cameron approached her and began beating her with a hammer leaving her with fractures to her skull and other serious injuries the woman was left for dead but luckily she was found by a passer by who called for help she was

    Rushed to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery to save her life the attack was completely unprovoked and highlighted Cameron’s disregard for human life he seemed to take pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on others and his attacks were becoming increasingly violent in September 2016 Cameron Wilson committed the crime that

    Would finally lead to his downfall the brutal rape and murder of 18-year-old Nikita Moore on the night of September 10th 2016 Lita told her father she was going out to a friend’s birthday party it was the last time he would see his daughter alive the next morning a woman walking

    Her dog in a field near 8th Avenue discovered Lita’s lifeless body the young woman was completely naked her body riddled with stab wounds investigators would later determine that Lita had been stabbed a staggering 98 times with dozens of wounds to her chest back and stomach her face was brutally

    Beaten and her jaw shattered but worst of all her breasts and genitals had been viciously mutilated parts of her intimate Anatomy had been sliced away entirely blood spatter evidence suggested a frenzied attack Lita appeared to have desperately tried to flee for her life but her killer chased

    Her down and dragged her back to the murder scene drag marks along with defensive wounds on Lita’s hands painted a picture of a horrific prolonged ordeal with Lita desperately fighting for her life as news of Lita’s murder spread through the community shock and grief gave way to outrage and despair family

    And friends were left reeling at the incomprehensible cruel crty of her death Lita’s mother Shireen fell into a catatonic State and had to be sedated her Father Andrew was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t bring himself to identify her body the task fell to Lita’s Aunt who nearly collapsed at the

    Sight of her brutalized niece determined to find Lita’s killer detectives began interviewing her family and friends one of the first people they spoke to was Lita’s 16-year-old sister meria meria revealed critical information that would lead investigators straight to Cameron Wilson Lita and Cameron had known each other

    For several years before her murder in fact Cameron was the cousin of Lita’s sister mercia’s boyfriend he would often visit the Moore household to spend time with his cousin and it was during these visits that he first met Lita initially their interactions seemed friendly but over time Cameron began to develop an

    Obsessive interest in Lita Mercia told detectives that in the weeks before her murder Cameron had begun relentlessly pursuing Lita he bombarded guarded her with explicit text messages and threatened her when she refused to date him Mercia recounted a chilling incident the day before Lita’s death when an enraged Cameron barged into their home

    And grabbed Lita holding a knife to her throat he warned there would be consequences if she continued to reject him on the day of her murder Cameron once again showed up at the mo residence Uninvited and clearly intoxicated he confronted Lita and warned her not to

    Attend the party that night as he didn’t want her around around other guys shaken but undeterred Lita still went to the party not wanting Cameron’s threats to control her life it was a decision that would prove fatal meria told detectives that she had been at the same party as

    Lita on the night of her death they arrived at the party at around 8:00 p.m. the valhal Park Civic Center was already packed with young people dancing and socializing colorful lights flashed across the room as music pumped from the speakers Lita quickly spotted her friends and made her way over to them

    Greeting greeting them with hugs and laughter shortly after Lita arrived Cameron Wilson showed up uninvited he immediately sought out Lita and tried to pull her aside to talk Witnesses reported that Cameron seemed agitated and angry grabbing Lita’s arm and yelling at her over the loud music Lita

    Looked visibly shaken and tried to pull away from him Mercia noticed the commotion and rushed over to intervene she got in between Cameron and Lita telling Cameron to leave her sister alone a heated argument ensued with Cameron shouting over Mia’s objections at one point he shoved meria aside and

    Grabbed Lita by the hair trying to drag her towards the exit other partygoers took notice of the escalating situation and stepped in to help a group of Lita’s male friends confronted Cameron pushing him away from Lita and telling him to get out enraged Cameron shouted over the

    Music that Lita belonged to him and threatened to act as he pleased towards her he then stormed out of the party glaring at Lita as he left at some point during the the night Cameron had made his way back into the party and Witnesses recounted seeing him

    Speaking to Lita they said that Lita appeared upset but resigned and after a tense conversation she was seen leaving the party with Cameron although reluctantly Mercia who had kept a close eye on her sister the entire evening grew concerned when she saw Lita heading out with Cameron she quickly caught up

    To them outside and confronted Cameron asking where he was taking her sister according to Mia’s later testimony Cameron seemed agitated and defensive when she approached them he told meria that he and Lita were just going to get some box wine from a nearby liquor store and that it was none of her business

    Mercia found this Odd as the liquor stores would have been closed at that hour sensing something was off Mercia pleaded with Lita not to go with Cameron she reminded her sister of Cameron’s earlier threats and controlling Behavior urging her to come back inside with her where it was safe but Lita perhaps not

    Wanting to cause a scene or under underestimating the danger she was in brushed off mercia’s concerns Lita assured Mercia that she would be fine and that she’d be back soon she told her sister to go back inside and enjoy the rest of the party Mercia still uneasy

    Asked Lita to promise to call her if anything happened or if she needed help Lita agreed and then walked off into the night with Cameron that was the last time Mia would see her sister alive she would later deeply regret not doing more to stop Lita from leaving with Cameron

    That night and the guilt would haunt her for years to come police believe that after leaving the party with Lita Cameron took her to a secluded field near 8th Avenue it was there that he brutally raped and murdered her subjecting her to hours of unimaginable torture Lita fought back valiantly but

    Was ultimately overpowered by her murderer’s rage after hours of unimaginable torment Cameron left Lita’s battered lifeless body exposed in that field discarded like trash he calmly walked away from the scene leaving behind a trail of blood and horror as if Lita Moore’s brutal murder wasn’t horrifying enough the cape Flats

    Community was dealt another devastating blow the very next day on September 11th 2016 just hours after Lita’s body was discovered a passerby stumbled upon the lifeless body of 20-year-old Xavier bester in a field not far from where lakita had been killed zavier was a neighbor of the Moore family and lived

    With his mother and sister in the area he was known to be acquainted with both Lita and Cameron Wilson in fact some residents whispered that Xavier had been romantically involved with Lita although her family denied this detectives noted the Eerie similarities between Xavier’s murder and Lita’s like Lita Xavier had

    Been stabbed multiple times and left in a secluded area the proximity of the two crime scenes and the timing of the murders raised suspicions that the cases were connected as investigators dug deeper a chilling Theory emerged several witnesses came forward claiming they had seen Xavier at the same party lakita had

    Attended the night before some even recalled seeing him arguing with Cameron Wilson outside the venue following the discoveries of lakita Moore and Xavier bester’s bodies the pressure mounted on law enforcement to apprehend Cameron Wilson detectives worked tirelessly to gather evidence and build a case against him knowing that he posed a grave threat

    To the community after an intense Manhunt Cameron was finally tracked down and arrested on September 12th 2016 as he was taken into custody he showed no remorse or concern smirking at officers and seeming almost amused by the situation despite the mounting evidence against him Cameron maintained

    His innocence in all the crimes he was accused of for each murder charge he had a different story or Alibi in the case of Lita Moore Cameron claimed that on the night of her murder he had been at home with his mother watching movies and playing video games Cameron’s mother

    Sylvia Wilson staunchly defended her son insisted that he had been with her the entire evening and could not have committed the crime when confronted with eyewitness accounts placing him at the party with Lita and leaving with her shortly before she was killed Cameron changed his story he now claimed that

    While he had been with Lita that night it was actually his friend Xavier bester who had killed her in a fit of jealous rage Cameron alleged that he had tried to stop Xavier but was unable to prevent the murder for the murder of Alfonso F royan Cameron claimed that he had been

    In a different part of town at the time visiting a friend he insisted that he had no motive to kill Alfonso and that the witnesses who had identified him were mistaken in Stacy male’s case Cameron’s Alibi was that he was at a family gathering when the crime occurred

    He suggested that the police look into Stacy’s boyfriend as a possible suspect claiming that he had heard rumors of domestic violence when faced with the testimony of his 13-year-old accomplice Cameron then tried to shift the blame to the young boy and insisted that it was he who had murdered Stacy regarding the

    Killing of toy her stabber Cameron maintained that he had never even met the victim he accused the police of fabricating evidence against him and claimed that he was being framed for a crime he didn’t commit as for Ernest rasmus’s murder Cameron initially claimed that he had been out of town

    Visiting relatives when the killing happened however when presented with evidence placing him at the scene he changed his story Cameron now alleged that Ernest had actually attacked him first and that he had acted in self-defense the sheer number of Alibis and contradictory statements Cameron provided strained credulity investigators found it highly unlikely

    That he could have been in so many different places at the time of the murders or that so many people would have motives to frame him as the investigation progressed the full extent of Cameron’s alleged crimes came to light he was charged with a total of 15 counts including the five

    Murders as well as multiple counts of rape attempted murder assault and illegal leg Al possession of firearms throughout his court appearances Cameron maintained a shockingly dismissive attitude he laughed rolled his eyes and made sarcastic comments showing no regard for the lives he had destroyed or the pain he had inflicted on countless

    Families when the charges against him were read Cameron smirked and pleaded not guilty to each count despite the overwhelming evidence against him in June 2017 after a lengthy and emotionally charged trial Cameron Wilson was found guilty of 13 out of the 15 charges brought against him the charges

    Included five counts of murder attempted murder rape and illegal possession of firearms the courtroom was packed with family members of the victims who wept and held each other as the verdict was read for many it was a Bittersweet moment Justice had been served but it could never bring back their loved ones

    As the judge announced the guilty verdicts the gallery erupted in a mix of emotions some cried tears of relief While others shouted angrily at Cameron calling him a monster and a coward amidst the chaos Cameron began to clap slowly a smirk spreading across his face before he turned to the gallery saying

    That at least he was still alive for the five murder charges Cameron received five life sentences he was also given an additional 15 years for the attempted murder of Ernest arasmus as well as several years for each count of rape and illegal possession of firearms in total Cameron Wilson was sentenced to five

    Life terms plus an additional 71 years in prison the judge made it clear that the sentences would run concurrently meaning that Cameron Wilson would become eligible for parole after just 25 years for a man who had committed such heinous crimes and shown No Remorse the possibility of release seemed far too

    Lenient there was also frustration and anger over the fact that several other crimes Cameron was suspected of committing never made it to trial investigators had uncovered evidence linking him to at least three more murders and several rapes but key Witnesses were too terrified to testify against him fearing retaliation from Cameron’s

    Associates as camon was led out of the courtroom he turned to face the gallery one last time with a final taunting grin he blew a kiss to the crowd reving in their anguish and disbelief


    1. We have another one like him who cold bloodedly murdered my nephew on the 17th June 2023, found out that he has attempted murder charges, robberies and hijackings under his name but there is no sense of urgency to get him locked up by SAPS(because these crimes didn't happen to them or their families). His mother literally protects her son in his wrongdoings. I wanted to post his wanted picture but I'm not seeing that option here(please assist if you know how)

    2. The jews will be proud m,they take take take when they cant get what they want they kill rape humiliate torture,do u see anything happening to them? No this is the world we live in today,its everywhere

    3. His going to jail to have free meals and watch TV for free while we trying to recover from the pain he cause in our community. Inside the prisoner his gonna be a boss

    4. Society is cruel towards shy introverted people. That and the stress he must've endured with his gangster father this is why he snapped i think

    5. Sad to say in south africa you have a bigger chance of going to prison for protecting yourself against him…. or locked up for speeding tickets, drinking and driving and anuthing else to put a good guy in prison

    6. Judges should stop sentencing animals like this concurrently that’s utter bs as it makes no sense giving him 5 life sentences it just seems theatrical

    7. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡…. So this guys acts this way! Denies that he killed and when evidence comes out, he changes his and you people still wanna play games with him??????????

    8. With all due respect this country is a sad place full of hate and injustice.
      AKA was killed in cold blood a well known artist but no justice! South Africans your destroying yourselves with these gangs.

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