#cycling #bicycle

    For Is You it’s the afternoon of Saturday the 10th of April Roger devlaming arrives at the Brooklyn team’s hotel in Lamay north of Paris his teammates and the team Personnel are already there to meet [Applause] him rer damink is Brooklyn’s star and he’s one of the favorites in the classic Paris Ru cycle [Applause] [Applause]

    Race Eddie MKS arrives at the maleni teams hotel in Sev the mechanics meet him and are ready to go to work on his bicycles Eddie Ms is the biggest name in professional cycling and he has dominated the sport in an exceptional manner for several years he is Roger of

    Ling’s rival in Paris r b the legs are shaped for a massage one of the most important steps in preparing each individual Rider the muscles must be softened in Readiness for the torture ahead damink like his his Rivals is already in fine condition benefiting from some of the hard spring races in

    Italy and Belgium For Eddie MKS personally supervises the preparation of his machines he has the reputation of being a super perfectionist a maniac about mechanical details something always needs to be adjusted especially the height of the saddle Fore spee spee speech the Brooklyn team’s doctor Dr modesty gives damic a checkup blood pressure 120 pulse 40 everything is in order such a low pulse rate isn’t abnormal for a racing cyclist in top condition there foree speee [Applause] And in Shanti the flandria people are very optimistic they’re counting on the Belgian Duo of Freddy Martin and Mark DEA Freddy Martin on the right is 24 years old the new Superstar of Belgian cycle racing and so far he’s the predominant Rider this season in their tactics Martin and DEA enjoy

    The benefit of flandria experienced Sports director Guam dreon an expert at making use of inter team intrigues a tactical conference is going on at sanson’s hotel they’re pinning their hopes on the young Italian Franchesco mosa who many consider the only non-b Belgian with a Chance Italy Fresco mosa is hailed as the new

    Great hope at last a new Campion isimo who might live up to the glory past reminiscent of the great F copy roger dlam Gets Ready psychology plays a big part a question of Mind Over Matter and Paris ruet is a special challenge for him like Merks devlaming

    Has won the race three times it’s his ambition to set the record of four wins in the finest and most difficult classic event in professional racing he knows that his arch rival Merks might be the one to do it tomorrow four Victories what gives Paris rubet it’s reputation as the hardest and Most Fascinating of all classic one-day races is the drama which always accompanies the last part of the course over the infamous longair dunor the hell of the north this hell consists of some primitive narrow country roads with centuries Old cobblestones Lake parve

    Dunor roads no longer used for ordinary civilized traffic but only for the driving of cattle and for a bicycle race a truly legendary course year after year this hell is the setting for a veritable dant Inferno with Incredible tortures and even martyrdom sometimes the roadside is transformed into a quagmire and the

    Cobblestones into a skating ring and this hell has become the home ground of the Flemish Supermen an exclusive Affair reserved only for the Strongest Sunday the 11th of April it’s 7:30 in the morning from here at the square in Shanti the 74th Paris ruay will start in a couple of hours the race was Run for the first time in 1896 six and has since been run every year except during the

    War years and every year adds to the legend of the hell of the north Paris Ru Bay is 166 mil long but the first 100 miles are ridden on ordinary ashel roads it’s at noi that the cors of strategic Zone commences the terrible PVE Dunard at the hotels this morning the teams are getting ready to meet up at the starting place in Shanti each one of the bicycles has been taken apart each bicycle has 10 or 12 gears but the individual Riders have each chosen the number of teeth on their Sprockets the machines of mosa and his best support Rider oay R are equipped with specially strong patented tires in the hope of avoiding too many punctures on the almost impossible cobbled Roads the competitors consume a solid breakfast Brooklyn is a good team Roger devlaming can expect loyal and effective support from Riders such as dwit deunk Vander slagmolen bononi guini Osa they are all riding for Dam’s chance a rare steak is a good breakfast for what lies Ahead it looks like it’s going to be a Paris ruay beneath clear Sunny spring Skies some of the teams are using the ride to shant as a warmup in the morning chilly air Eddie Ms and his team will also ride part of the way in but Ms isn’t ready to ride at all until his bicycle is ready Stop time left Oh [Laughter] Spe all 15 teams are now assembling in the square in chanti each one of the 154 participants must sign on for the start it’s a presentation ritual one which also gives the public a chance to see their [Applause] Heroes Link je L ven Brook L ven Brook the French have long since given up all Illusions it’s many years since the French Riders have been able to hold their own in this great French race the last French victory was 20 years ago but that isn’t stopping anybody from

    Cheering the National Heroes to France winner Bernard T signs [Laughter] in and Veteran Raymond pulidor 40 years old but still among the best the Italian Champion Franchesco mosa is he the man to beat the belgians [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] AB Hold On Play it’s 20 minutes past 9 the 74th Paris ruay is slowly getting underway ahead of them is 166 miles and the Riders are expected in Rue Bay in a little more than 7 hours but how many will [Applause] Arrive I [Applause] missed That’s And at the municipal stadium in RH Bay preparations are already being made to receive the race still over 7 hours away BNP stands for Bank National de Pari the principal sponsor of this year’s race whose organizers as with most of the best known cycle races in France are the

    Newspapers Leep and Le perisian Liber the field is neutralized through the streets of Shanti until it reaches the official starting line and then it’s a free for all outside the town It’s beautiful weather but cold at this hour of the day and the Riders are wearing special arm warmers and leggings in order to keep warm this is where the race is to be let loose with the shadow of Shanti providing the [Applause] backdrop but something’s holding up the start something unforeseen and probably

    Highly irregular something’s blocking the road and delaying departure an obstacle which is not included in the race program it’s a demonstration they’re demonstrating against one of the sponsors of the race the newspaper the Parisian Liber and they’re protesting against the redundancies of The Operators on liner

    Type as a result of automation it’s a long-standing labor conflict and the organizers of the race are not entirely Unprepared [Applause] But the delay can also be used for adjusting one’s saddle it’s such a quiet moment that Brooklyn service car even allows Merks to borrow a pan See [Applause] A professional bike rider is of course a moving advertisement so why not a little space for the workers the Riders are let through in single file the Chain Gang run the gauntlet of epithets about the capital whove organized their race a political lecture for the [Applause]

    Road but if the race is going to be ritten anyway and it is then even the demonstrators have their favorites to cheer such as the idolized Bernard [Applause] t [Applause] [Applause] For Fore speee riding in the back seat of Brooklyn service car is a race commiss from the French cycling union he sees to it that everything proceeds correctly in the driving seat is Roger Dam’s team director Franco Kori valencian about 10:00 valan is over 100 miles along the

    Route and the Riders are expected there at A4 2 when they can pick up food for the second time the feeding station is being marked out with [Applause] tapes [Applause] the cafe valenci a waiting room for bike fans this is one of the big days of the year even though nobody’s deceiving

    Themselves about a French victory in Paris [Laughter] rub no the time is 10:30 the race eventually started but with more than an hour’s delay and within a few miles three men have broken away and have gained a slight advantage Three French Riders who in any case

    Don’t have a chance which is perhaps why they’re trying to distinguish themselves at this early stage when the favorites are still idling and nobody’s interested in increasing the pace [Applause] oh [Applause] A fall due more to the size of the field than the pace nothing serious but considerable chaos which Rouses the mechanics on the back Seats the damage is quickly repaired and at this slow pace it’s no problem for the casualties to reach the field Again here Bernard T once more still France’s greatest hero after his Triumph in the 1975 tour France he doesn’t have much of a chance in Paris Ru because he’s not good enough on Lake parve each team has its own service car the rider having mechanical difficulties

    Or who for some reason wants to contact his team director calls the car by raising his arm the car is immediately summoned by radio the 15 service cars are placed in a definite order for which they’ve drawn lots of course it’s an advantage to be as far forward as possible because you

    Reach your Riders more [Applause] quickly it wasn’t the time is 5 minutes to 11 the three breakaways have increased their Lead the rest of the field is still intact and nobody seems much inclined to start a pursuit of the no hopers the many motorcycles swarming around the field of press photographers film photographers radio journalists and internal Communications people besides the official cars is a long courtage of press cars who determine their own

    Position either ahead or behind [Applause] GL GL glor Rube 11:00 the Eurovision production Chiefs for the feature covering the last hour of the race are worried about the delay [Applause] for [Applause] there’s excellent teamwork in the Breakaway Trio they’re all sharing the pace making so that their riding really amounts to something they built up an advantage of

    Nearly 9 minutes which still isn’t particularly disturbing for the main favorites of the race and The Field’s pace is still moderate as a matter of form it’s ten and flandria which is to say the supporting riders for Merks and Martin respectively who’ve gone into the front

    To make sure that the pace in spite of everything doesn’t get too slow Merks himself and Martins they’ve gone ahead on a quick reconnaissance of the Situation right in the middle of the field wearing the rainbow jersey is world champion Henny Kyper of Holland Sheltering behind his support Rider guini Roger devlaming Waiting R R Har [Applause] the field rides through compia [Applause] A Brooklyn Rider raised his arm and Brooklyn has drawn first position in the line of service cars so they’re on the scene without having to pass the others changing a wheel can take a maximum of 10 [Applause] seconds the three up ahead now have a good 5 minutes lead just before s Quentin

    All three still seem very fresh and they take turn in the lead with a smooth harmonious Rhythm the smaller man with glasses Mariano Martinez is better known as a good mountain climber his slender physique and characteristic upright style is better suited to the mountains than to the flat roads

    One of the three Jac bullas has punctured fortunately the Jobo team car is right behind the Breakaway Group off again it took N9 seconds and it’ll take some pedaling to reach the other two again meanwhile the race has arrived at San Quentin but here’s something unexpected happens a new obac the cars can’t get through and have to drive up over the Pavements and through front yards chaos

    Again the bike RAC has turned into a steeple chase it’s another demonstration for the laid-off workers of La perisian Liber [Applause] no [Applause] [Applause] for but both the Breakaway Trio and then the field are allowed to slip through and after some delay the accompany in cars the bike race goes on the Trio’s Advantage has begun to diminish because now they’re approaching longair dord it isn’t far to hell now

    And the main field starts to accelerate through lat only four miles before the first cobbles and the field have gathered speed right behind the pack of two official cars then the 15 service cars a few press cars most of them have gone on ahead the doctor’s car an ambulance more press

    Cars the cavalcade ends with the broom wagon soall because it sweeps up the Riders who’ve retired from the race then the bike rack car to carry their bicycles no V immediately before the rough stuff the time is 10 minutes to 2 a single rider in the lead it’s t one

    Of the three breakaways then there there are the other two Martinez and bulas but there also is the field it’s important to be among the first in on the pathway as the twisting cobbled roads cause an immediate spreading of the field this is where hell Begins the first stretch of parve is

    Only 2 mil long but terribly difficult the surface is completely deformed and here past norvi there’s a steep hill as well and who’s the first man in it’s tal he doesn’t appear to have considered resigning yet [Applause] but then it happens the front of the field catches up with him and streams past

    Roger damink followed by Walter [Applause] plart daming is now in the clear and forcing the pace [Applause] there’s panic in the field and signs of [Applause] Disintegration the Flaming continues his tremendous push not that he intends to go it alone but rather to provoke a state of alarm and split the Field behind him and leading the pursuit is his sworn enemy Freddy Martin Andre drix is at his rear wheel and they have damic under Control but the wild dash for the lead has had a itic effect it took just a couple of miles to split the field the merciless weeding out process has Begun [Applause] in the front group of about 20 men are mosa DK plart and two or three Brooklyn Riders behind Defan but Ms is here at the head of the second group and behind him Walter go [Applause] fruit there’s tala day of the three breakaways the one who held out the

    Longest and there a little ahead of the new mainfield is Raymond pulidor who year after year has placed himself as the best Frenchman in the [Applause] Race at the rear the weak and the more unfortunate are being left behind while those who don’t like cobblestones prefer riding along On The roadside an accident here on the first stretch of par can be disastrous this is where the broomwagon has something to do when they start giving Up one of the first to pack it in is our old acquaintance now number 173 Jack bullas who was in the Breakaway [Applause] Trio there he is poor bulas completely done for and the end of Paris Ru for him will for K For All The All [Applause] h For these old Cobble roads are hardly ever used except by Farmers on their way to the fields and now on this calm Sunday in April a bunch of crazy bike riders in fine weather the crossroads are a good picnic spot for the nearby villagers people wait to get a glimpse

    Of the great race that has made this region legendary they wait for a few fleeting moments of action drama torture and even Heroism For [Applause] The time is 20 2 now the race appears to be Regrouping And there’s not much distance between the two leading packs in other words ms’s section has closed on Dam’s group there are about 15 men in the first [Applause] group and Merks at the head of the second group commands another 18 but Martin isn’t in either group he must have had Problems but there he is hidden behind a motorcycle a little ahead of the main field now Martins has to try to catch up alone with none of his team to [Applause] Help a mile later and the situation is fairly obvious they’re still pounding away in the leading groups several in that company don’t want to make it easy for Martin to join on D is leading the way in front of ver once again the Flemish Riders are dictating the

    Pace despite the tremendous pressure up front ms’s group led here by Goa fruit is about to make contact only 7 Seconds separate them so emerging of nearly all the men that matter is imminent how far now does the hapless Martin lag behind he’s got to slog away at it in

    Order not to lose his chance if the main group swallows him up and they aren’t far behind he risks getting stuck with them Martin is a very strong Rider particularly in time trials but it’s remarkable that none of his teammates up ahead have come back in order to help

    Him the Gap is full 40 seconds between Martin and the leaders and there’s 20 seconds between Martin and the main field here being led optimistically by the Dane Ole r r has always been well placed in Paris rude and it’s obvious that he intends making his presence Felt there are other good riders in this group too who contribute to narrowing the deficit hoping that sooner or later the speed up front will diminish but most of them are doing their utmost just to keep up the back end of the field is starting to fall

    Apart and one by one the stragglers have to call it quits the weeding out mercilessly continues following the main field comes the line of vehicles the officials in the red cars still won’t let the service Vehicles pass the field and drive up behind the leaders The red Pur shows also direct the traffic they’re the command center of the race from which the other vehicles are kept notified about the positions of the Riders by radio and likewise the service cars are called up singly when needed a four number 163 a anord of

    France he won’t be getting back on his bike Today the service Cann keep an eye on the right side of the road it’s there always on the right that riders with mechanical problems await Help such as here for example it has to be quick now because so much is happening up ahead and he’ll have to do the best he can with that Wheel the radio reports that Martin has now received assistance from his teammate Michelle ponier who’s dropped back for him and that they’re closing on the leaders who are now bunched in a single Group after the exertions of Ms and go fruit Now damic has to be notified that Martin is Approaching Valen 20 minutes to 3 it won’t Bel long now from the cafel plus everybody knows how things are developing marttin has reached the lead group and the pace has been reduced But something happens just before banen two Brooklyn Riders have broken away the Belgian deunk and the Italian Osa here speed over a level crossing This Breakaway is a tactical maneuver neither deunk nor Osa are among the real contestants in this race they’ve been sent by devlaming with the intention of for ING his Rivals to Greater activity it’s obvious that damic wants to dictate how the race is to be ridden this year he’s on the offensive

    Even with this Ploy by his own support Riders the expected regrouping takes place behind the Breakaway on the outskirts of valencienne Kyper pulidor and R have caught up it was their last chance to be included in the finale which begins after the feeding station in the town some of the very worst cobbles are waiting further north the race is barely

    Halfway into Hell the second feeding zone is right outside the caida [Applause] pl there’s a lunch bag for [Applause] Everyone and it’s also where many of the Riders dis Mount the hopelessly out dist the weary support men who may feel they’ve done their Duty some even that it was well performed they know that here the team Personnel are ready to take care of them that there’s transport to [Applause] [Applause] Ru [Applause]

    For some of them gave up long before valencian but were lucky enough to get a lift from private motorists just out to see the bike race [Applause] fore speech Foreign [Applause] [Applause] for uh group For [Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] [Applause] The two Brooklyn attackers still have a slight Advantage it can’t go on for long because Merks as usual has assumed the role all the others are eager to see him in the lead position once in front he heads the pursuit like a locomotive it falls into place for

    Devlaming Merks now has to ride after the Breakaway which damink has organized Merks is causing the group to string out the new pack is about 40 strong here where the paving stones of Hell start again barely 2 hours of the race remain and a more comprehensive sorting out is

    Imminent soon the long column will be thinner another fall the battle for a place is hard and dangerous on the sharp Stones where the speed is again Fast and [Applause] Furious and pulidor is furious he wants a wheel and [Applause] now there’s some very fast riding now it’s difficult just to keep position to keep your rear wheel Martins DEA Dix Goa fruit damink and Merks leading Merks attempts to break the others with his tremendous

    Power the time is 20 minutes to fall at the cycle track in Rue the countdown continues in the interim period there is cycle racing but track racing is only a substitute the real thing is the road and the crowd is awaiting its Heroes this old track’s most distinguished function has been to

    Provide the setting for the conclusion of one of the world’s greatest road Races Ru is close to the Belgian border and today the track is a mea for thousands of them the Eurovision television commentators are getting ready transmission time is an hour from the Finish A few things have been happening in Hell the two Brooklyn breakway ways have been overtaken but straight afterwards a lone Rider took off it’s Frenchman seil who bravely takes his life in his [Applause] hands but he doesn’t get very far on the left Martin’s leading man

    Mark DEA on the right go to fruit Merks has temporarily stopped his attempts to split the field everyone is happy to take a breather [Applause] More mishaps a Brooklyn Rider is among the Unfortunates and there lies Walter plart he might have been one of the strong men but his luck ran out as it does for so many they’re waiting for the doctor and for transport as the Brooklyn Car rushes up after damic Again and up here the battle is coming to the boil every other second the rhythm is broken by somebody trying to break away all the favorites are active now and have put themselves at the front of the field damic DEA Goda fruit Martens Dongo they keep a sharp eye on each

    Other Martin has taken the lead but off to the right devlaming suddenly attacks way out on the side of the road he pedals away in a new attempt to get Free mosa is the first to react and then Martens and this time they know that it’s due or [Applause] die devlaming once more in the process of splitting the Field marttin gives it all he’s got to overtake his two Rivals finally he catches up with them right behind him is Goa fruit and Ras and so the situation levels off but the field shrinks about 25 men are still together with around 22 miles still to go to [Applause]

    Rube one after another they Falter Now there’s a new fall it’s Martin Freddy Martin has Crash The young Belgian star has no hope now of success the race is over for the man many considered the top favorite Martin sadly ends the race as a passenger in the doctor’s Car wter Goa fruit has taken the lead and now it’s his turn to force the pace so that it hurts Goa fruit the former winner of Paris rube seems in good form and is riding very well with his smooth powerful technique he’s a real expert in this terrain and is not nicknamed the

    Bulldog of Flanders for nothing and suddenly it happens four men have broken away Goda fruit DEA dlam and Kyer dlam looks back and proceeds to increase the speed even more notice DEA tucked into daming slipstream he’s riding for himself now the crash by his captain Martin has released him from all obligations

    The remainder of the field are a couple of hundred yards behind two men have separated themselves in a midway between it and the breakaways there are the two Frenchmen pulidor and Dongo desperately trying to include themselves in this undoubtedly decisive Escape still another Rider approaches the two at high speed and passes them they just can’t keep up with Him it’s Franchesco mosa with his distinctive style his still aerodynamic position on the bicycle is an imposing sight of almost effortless rotary action Mosa continues to bridge the Gap and now mosa has made it and there are five men in the leading group But Goda fruit has problems he’s punctured a real disaster for him and so another man’s chance has Gone now it’s obvious that the decisive move has begun and in the service cars an appraisal of the situation is made who’s still in the race and who isn’t mayor mayor All righte The Italian mosa the Rival Belgian devlaming and DEA the Dutchman Kyer in the world champions rainbow jersey these are the four who’ve gained for themselves a vital Position Merks unaccountably wasn’t there when it happened but naturally he’s leading the Pursuit the Eurovision TV camera is positioned directly behind the four leading Riders the live transmission has begun and we’re into the final hour of Hell May the four breakaways how great an advantage do they have 10 [Applause] seconds 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 and here comes a single Rider it’s the Frenchman Dono about 50 seconds behind the Quartet and here comes Ms Goa fruit and the others about 15 seconds after Dongo and so more than a minute behind of lamink and the Others some of the worst parve lies close to rube and on these misshapen roads in these dust clouds a lot can [Applause] happen the four negotiate a sharp corner and K once [Applause] [Applause] Again There’s dong still 50 seconds [Applause] behind and the Merks group a good minute behind the [Applause] leaders now there are only 12 men in ms’s group the rest are scattered in the dust mosa and damic are doing all the work in the lead group they’re the ones making sure that the distance between

    Them and their pursuers is constantly increasing neither de Maya nor Kyer Take the Lead they’re just hanging on or are they being crafty and saving their strength L DEA glues himself to Dam’s rear wheel he’s been in that position since the start of the Breakaway he’s still

    Marking damic and in so doing furthers the war that marttin and damic are waging against each Other Kyper is always at the rear is he tired or is he waiting for a chance to get a jump on the others that’s his speciality and that’s how unexpectedly he became the world champion last Year the rest of the way is ordinary ashel Road it’s unlikely now that anybody in the rear group can catch Up Penny Kyper now he raise his Hand but defaming is alert and immediately wipes out the danger and the ace Belgian still seems to be controlling the Race [Applause] Spe For on the final miles devlaming again keeps the pressure on his pacemaking is tough and exhausting it looks as if he’s trying to force an early Showdown by continuing his attacks he’s hoping to drain the power from his three Companions The Merks group is about a minute and a half behind dong Gom has been swallowed up by them and now no one shows any desire to make a break for it Dutch tur France star zot elk is tired Merks seems resigned to his Fate mosa tries to make a break for it but again daming parries the move in a Flash and Kyper again but daming sees it and is on his wheel at once Eddie MKS the race is over for him he hasn’t been able to dominate this one

    Suddenly he mounts an attack only a merx would attack at this late Hour the final kilometer which of the four is the best Sprinter normally it’s damic no doubt about it and then Mosa Merks but he doesn’t succeed in breaking loose the others are on his tail and he doesn’t force the Issue the time is 10 minutes past 5 a little relaxation before riding into the stadium [Applause] defaming and mosa have probably expended the most in building up and consolidating the breakaways lead so just how fresh are DEA and Kyer [Applause] [Applause] there are one and a half laps to do on the track devlaming maintains his command of the [Applause] situation [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] devlaming makes the tactical error of riding a long Sprint from the leading position Moser attacks from above but he doesn’t box in DEA who slots in between

    Them and rides a really explosive finale [Applause] first Mark DEA second mosa thirdd damic fourth K meanwhile ms’s group approaches the stadium four Riders have detached themselves Yan Ras MKS Goa fruit and Dongo [Applause] foree [Applause] next [Applause] round [Applause] The surprise winner Mark DEA a tremendous Triumph for this support Rider who rode his own race when his star Martins dropped out and victory is especially sweet snatched as it was from the hands of Martin’s arch enemy damic [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] spee [Applause] like [Applause] and from the television platform over to the official Podium and the photographers advertising interests form the economic basis for professional cycle racing and for the organizers Paris R Bay is a business Enterprise so the bank national de par rac’s principal sponsor is naturally in the picture and

    That’s what the bank has paid [Applause] for [Applause] another ritual is the Victor’s obligatory refreshment a bottle of mineral water also in the contract for the rac’s producers just another necessary detail but a bit more hell if he doesn’t like to drink it [Applause] Eddie MKS inscrutable as Ever Roger devlaming disappointed and Furious Maya the happy winner Foree And that was Paris rube 1976 a great race with a surprise winner a year with a very special character Paris Ray 1976 and it will be remembered as a race of fluctuating Fortunes in the dust of the onfair DOR in a week or so the same cast will be

    Assembled the same actors the writers the journalists the officials the Rivalry will continue but few will have forgotten that Sunday in Hell A All Oh

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