After exploring Mallorca for the first time last year Lion & I have been dying to go back, and we finally got the chance again! Equipped with my Izalco Max and a Paralane² e-roadbike for Lion, we were ready to attack Mallorca’s epic climbs.

    Also I got a chance to test out Rapha’s new classic shoes, first impressions in the next episode!

    This ride on Strava:

    Lion’s bike:
    My aero bike:
    My gravel bike:

    My new shoes:

    My favourite drone:
    My camera:
    My lens:
    My iPhone lens:
    My carrying strap:
    My microphone:
    My GoPro:

    Music from:



    1. One of your best videos. Editing, entertain, and cool house music which mix great with cycling.

      The Rapha shoes look great, but they look narrow for my semi wide feet. 😓. If they are made by Giro they all run narrow on me.

    2. Fernwee, heb een vraagje. Heb dezelfde fiets besteld, welke ik in mei krijg. Weet jij of er een normale Garmin houder op dit stuur past? (HideMybell) en tot welke maat banden er in dit frame passen?
      Wil graag 28mm gaan rijden namelijk. Alvast bedankt! Gr Matthijs

    3. Your videos are all amazing.. I'm guessing video editing is maybe what you do for work..? Rapha need to sign you up to just create all their content, so much more inspiring than their semi fake events they film for Ad's.

    4. The oily rainbow effect on the metal is called 'anodised' (Google translate says the Dutch word is 'geanodiseerd') from an electrochemical process

    5. The greatest motivational speech in all of cycling and one I will remember every time I walk out the door— “All the other cyclists are already back at the hotel drinking beer”. Oh brother… that was perfect!!

    6. Amazing video! I did the tour yesterday and still enjoying it with my memories and your footages👍

    7. Again, you make a cool video! How big is Mallorca? Is it large enough to stay for a fews and see most of it? How about is it possible getting lost on purpose on back roads?

    8. Sweet video 😎👌 the hotel looks like it's in a great location. I am looking for a 'bike hotel', as you mentioned. Which hotel was it where you stayed at?

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