Die Wirtschaft schrumpft, und die Touristen finden ihren Weg immer seltener in den Karibikstaat. Die Wut vieler Kubaner richtet sich gegen die kommunistische Regierung. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

    English Subtitles
    Today’s topics: Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine continues; Secret services uncover pro-Russian network; more news, sports and the weather.

    00:00 Vorspann

    00:50 Ukraine weiter unter russischem Beschuss
    Die westliche Unterstützung hatte zuletzt nachgelassen. Gleichzeitig verstärkt Russland seine Luftangriffe auf die Ukraine. Bei Charkiw bereitet man sich auf neue Angriffe vor.

    03:04 “Stärke der Luftangriffe hat zugenommen”
    Tag 764 des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine. Zuletzt schien es so, als ob das russische Militär dem ukrainischen überlegen wäre. Woran liegt das, Henner Hebestreit?

    04:40 Geheimdienste enttarnen Pro-Russland-Netzwerk
    Europäische Geheimdienste haben ein Netzwerk enttarnt, das über die Internetplattform „Voice of Europe“ Propaganda gegen die Ukraine verbreitet haben soll.

    06:57 Keine Oster-Streiks bei Lufthansa
    Die Gewerkschaft Verdi und die Airline haben sich im Tarifstreit beim Bodenpersonal geeinigt. Im Schnitt gibt es 12,5 % mehr Lohn und einen Inflationsausgleich in zwei Stufen.

    10:06 Was tun, wenn man den Job verliert?
    Trotz Fachkräftemangel ist es manchmal gar nicht so einfach, einen neuen Job zu finden, wenn man gekündigt wurde. Zwei Betroffene berichten von ihren Erfahrungen.

    12:10 Proteste gegen Regierung in Kuba
    Die Wirtschaft schrumpft, und die Touristen finden ihren Weg immer seltener in den Karibikstaat. Die Wut vieler Kubaner richtet sich gegen die kommunistische Regierung.

    14:17 Erstes Container-Schiff mit Methanol-Antrieb
    Die Antriebstechnologie soll den CO2-Ausstoß der Schiffe um zwei Drittel senken können. In Hamburg ist der erste Frachter mit diesem Antrieb in den Hafen eingelaufen.

    16:38 Diskussion um Tanzverbot an Karfreitag
    Das Tanzverbot an Karfreitag sorgt jedes Jahr für Debatten. Viele halten es für nicht zeitgemäß. Die Kirchen und zum Beispiel die bayerische Regierung wollen daran festhalten.


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    #Kuba #Wirtschaftskrise #ZDFheute

    The nightly news with Mitri Sirin. Good evening. Norbert Lehmann is in the studio for sports updates. Good evening. Let’s take a look at tonight’s topics. Heavy air strikes, Russian combat drones, and missiles hit residential buildings and the civilian infrastructure of major Ukrainian cities.

    A sigh of relief for Easter vacationers as Lufthansa reaches an agreement. An average wage increase of 12.5% for ground personnel. Demonstrations against the dancing ban: the sometimes strict regulations for Good Friday as a day of quiet are controversial in many federal states.

    It is day 764 in the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Western support for Kyiv in the form of weapons and money has recently waned. At the same time, Russia is stepping up its airstrikes. The Ukrainian military again reported massive drone strikes last night in the regions around Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro and Kharkiv.

    The target is often infrastructure, but residential buildings are also repeatedly hit. Henner Hebestreit shows us how the Ukrainians are preparing for further Russian attacks east of Kharkiv. In Ukraine, the age-old art of war: digging trenches for a completely new line of defence

    Between Kharkiv and the Russian border, which is only a few kilometres away. Here, we see tunnel construction and the assembly of reinforced concrete structures. Our soldiers are protected here and can fight from secure positions. Things are progressing well here. We are building this along the entire border with Russia.

    The top regional military administrator personally inspected the construction work, as he was very worried that the Russians might march on Kharkiv again and overrun the defenders this time. In Ukraine’s second largest city, they experience the terror of Russia’s missiles almost every day. Just yesterday, a newly developed guided missile hit here.

    Civilians were killed and injured. I think that was a first test on the civilian population of Kharkiv. They wanted to know what it could do. That’s how cynically you have to see it. In the opinion of the people here, the choice of target also reveals the cynicism of the aggressors

    And beyond the nearby border. We celebrated weddings and birthdays here. People came from all over the city for the celebrations. The Russians knew exactly what they were targeting. The Russians’ increased aggression comes at a time when the Ukrainian air defences seem overwhelmed and the military urgently needs new ammunition.

    Hence the hasty construction of such traditional defensive positions in the fields just outside Russia. Henner Hebestreit is in Poltava for us, which is west of Kharkiv. Russia’s military seems to have been in the lead in recent weeks. What does this mean? We’ll have to see how superior Russia’s military actually is,

    But definitely, the strength of the airstrikes has massively increased. We remember those hypersonic missiles that hit Kyiv last Monday. There was a gap of only seconds between the alarm and the detonation, so the civilian population had absolutely no chance of getting to safety.

    Yesterday, this guided missile hit Kharkiv, which is about an hour and a half away from here. Even there, it became clear that Russia’s technology is advancing and that Ukraine is struggling to keep up with, to intercept. Unlike in Kyiv, it actually hit Kharkiv. There were casualties and deaths.

    If you check these Telegram groups at night, where citizens of different cities post what happened in their regions, the flight directions of drones are reported. There are several dozen on the way, some of which always find their target, causing injuries, deaths and property damage. That’s a different…

    I don’t want to use the word “quality” in this context… a different kind of dominance beginning to rise in the sky. President Zelenskyy also said it today in Brussels: “We urgently need better and stronger air defences.” Henner Hebestreit was live from Ukraine. Thank you very much.

    The current situation on the front and the lack of ammunition are also topics on “ZDFheute live” at 7:30 PM in our “ZDFheute” app and on our social media channels. A current example from the Czech Republic shows just how great the danger of Russian influence is ahead of the European elections:

    Western intelligence services have uncovered a network spreading Russian propaganda with pro-Kremlin support. The focus is on the Voice of Europe internet platform, which has since been shut down, repeatedly disseminating anti-Ukrainian articles. Money is also said to have flowed to European politicians. More from Britta Hilpert. The location is central, the visibility deliberately low.

    No sign hangs on Voice of Europe’s door in Prague, From here, Russian propaganda was put online, and political representatives in Europe were probably paid to spread it. The money for this came from Moscow, according to the Czech secret service. The group’s activities were directed against the European Parliament,

    According to Czech Prime Minister Fiala. They show how Russia has long been trying to increase its influence on the democratic process in Europe. The Czech Republic put Voice of Europe and its financier on the sanctions list. Viktor Medvedchuk is considered a personal friend of Vladimir Putin. According to the secret service,

    He has been covertly financing Voice of Europe since 23 March and probably also payments to European political representatives. AfD politicians have been interviewed by Voice of Europe. Have they also received money? Member of the European Parliament Krah told ZDF: “I can rule that out for myself”,

    But also said, “I did not ask Voice of Europe who is financing it or who is behind it. I will handle this differently in the future.” What is certain is that AfD MPs Krah and Bystron know Medvedchuk well. AfD MP Joachim Kuhs also ruled out payoffs,

    But said he did not check who was behind the interviewer. I didn’t know then, and I still don’t know. I’m a greenhorn in all these matters. If I had known that at that point, I probably wouldn’t have given the interview. The Voice of Europe website is now shut down.

    Russian propaganda likely is not. It will look for new ways. Now, something completely different. Easter time is also travel time. Lufthansa passengers can now take a more relaxed approach. Strikes on the holidays are off the table. The airline and the ver.di union have agreed on a new collective wage agreement

    For the more than 20,000 employees on the ground. They will receive an average wage increase of around 12.5% in two stages and an inflation adjustment of 3,000 euros in two instalments. This will be paid out over 24 months. Peter Theisen reports. Large crowds at Frankfurt Airport:

    For many, it’s the start of the Easter holidays and now it’s clear there will be no strike. Relaxation for today, serenity and the good feeling of being able to travel. It’s a relief now for the outward journey, but especially for the return journey, that we’ll be back safely in 10 days.

    After several strikes, some lasting several days, Lufthansa and the ver.di union finally reached an agreement. The more than 20,000 employees will receive an average salary increase of 12.5%, but at least 280 euros more per month. Arbitration made the breakthrough possible. According to Lufthansa, the company went up to its pain threshold.

    It is also an economic challenge for us. We have considerable investments ahead of us, in more fuel-efficient aircraft, new seats and digital products. We are extremely satisfied with this wage agreement. Employees will receive up to 18% more pay over the next two years.

    We have employees who will end up with over 1000 euros more per month in their pockets, so this is a complete success. After the agreement in the rail wage dispute with the gradual introduction of the 35-hour week, this represents another solid agreement for a trade union.

    The trade unions are currently operating in a cycle of the employee market characterised by a shortage of skilled workers and employees, vacancies. This gives them more mobility, strength and assertiveness. The good news for travellers is, at least, Lufthansa ground staff are not expected to strike for the next two years.

    One wage dispute ends, another continues. Shortly before Easter, ver.di called on wholesale and retail workers in several federal states to strike. According to the union, the supermarket chains Lidl and Kaufland were the main focus today. ver.di is demanding more money for the millions of employees.

    Negotiations have come to a standstill in both sectors. On the labour market, the expected spring upturn has been less than in previous years. According to the Federal Employment Agency, 2,769,000 people were registered as unemployed in March, a decrease of 45,000 compared to the previous month. The unemployment rate was 6%.

    Compared to March last year, 176,000 more people were looking for a job. In his report, Peter Böhmer introduces us to two people who have lost their jobs and are now looking for a new one. It shows how the process is not so easy,

    Even in times when there is a shortage of skilled workers, to find another job. Vallourec in Düsseldorf has been closed since December. Production in Brazil is cheaper. Frank Müller and Tobias Paczia have worked in maintenance for years. Now, they are looking for new jobs. I wanted to stay here until I retired.

    It was very difficult for me. I haven’t applied for a job in over 30 years, and back then I filled out two applications. I did my apprenticeship here and have been here ever since. Vallourec from France produced steel pipes at two plants in Düsseldorf and Mülheim, both now closed.

    A tradition of industry, formerly Mannesmann with 2,400 employees. Many found new jobs, for example at ThyssenKrupp. Many retired. Over 600 went into a transfer company that placed them in new jobs. The employee would then receive money from the Federal Employment Agency plus a top-up from the employer.

    The bottom line in the case of Vallourec is 85% of the old net salary. One would think the shortage of skilled workers would make finding a job easy. It’s not that easy. Industrial workers are not necessarily suited to occupations in demand, like nursing. At the same time, we also have a regional problem.

    In other words, we have a lot of vacancies, for example in the big cities where rents are expensive and the cost of living is high. We have unemployed people who tend to live in rural areas. The question is always: what is the employee prepared to do? Moving house is out of the question,

    Because I am very attached to my home with my two children, just born. That’s why I would like to stay in my current home. I don’t really want to work more than 30 kilometres away. They have both filled out applications and hope to have something new soon.

    Switching continents, we look to Cuba, where things are simmering. Food is becoming more and more expensive, electricity is frequently cut off, and there are protests against the communist government. The economy has shrunk by 2% in the past year, inflation is at 30% and tourism has also collapsed.

    In 2019 there were 4.2 million visitors, in 2023 just 2.4 million. More and more Cubans are leaving their struggling country for the USA and Latin America. Claudia Bates reports. Roxana and Rafael have painstakingly built up a small store. She is a computer scientist, he is a civil engineer.

    But they can’t do anything with it. The store doesn’t make enough to live on either. There are so many costs, taxes. Just getting the goods is difficult. That’s why the future means leaving. I love Cuba, but not the Cuba we live in today. Demonstrations, very rare in Cuba, are dangerous for the protesters.

    They face prison, but they’ve had enough. Frequent long power shutoffs. Nothing works anymore. Medicine and petrol are scarce, food expensive. The average wage is around 4,000 pesos. Prices continue to rise. Five pounds of chicken is enough food for two days. That costs between 1,600 and 2,000 pesos.

    How can you live in a country like this? Production is as good as idle. There are hardly any reforms. The government blames the problems on the US trade embargo. Whoever can leave is leaving. I will miss this very much. Our lives will change a lot, but we have no other choice for survival.

    You can’t do it here. No matter how much you want to. Hundreds of thousands of people have left Cuba in recent years. Around 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions are produced by shipping. Now, the world’s first container ship powered by methanol has arrived in the port of Hamburg.

    It reduces CO2 emissions by around two-thirds, raising hopes for green propulsion technology in the future. Sven Rieken was able to take a close look at the giant. The Ane Maersk is something special in every respect: the bridge in front, just a smokestack at the rear.

    The ship is the world’s first container giant to run on methanol, emitting around two-thirds less exhaust into the sea air. It was talked about for a long time and nobody could actually believe that it would be realised so soon.

    So it is a very special event to actually pick up this ship from the shipyard and take the first step in this direction. Everything in the engine room of the 16,000 container giant is huge. The system burns methanol, a type of industrial alcohol.

    At the moment, methanol is produced from biogas, biomass or residual waste. However, there is far too little of it. The use of green hydrogen, which together with CO2 forms methanol, makes sense but is much more expensive. Although the CO2 is released again during combustion, it can be captured and recycled.

    No more exhaust gases would be produced. Methanol is the alternative fuel that causes the least environmental damage. This means fewer air pollutants. Even if it gets into the sea, it doesn’t cause as much damage as heavy fuel oil or diesel. What’s more, it can be produced in a climate-neutral way.

    It’s a feasible way to make shipping climate-neutral and better for the environment at the same time. The bottleneck is methanol supply. Sufficient production facilities will be built only over time. There will probably not be enough green methanol until 2050 for the ships built by then.

    Following the serious bus accident on the A9 near Leipzig, the police have revised the number of fatalities from five to four. Six seriously injured people are still being treated in hospital. The 62-year-old bus driver from the Czech Republic is being investigated for involuntary manslaughter and personal injury.

    The Flixbus left the road for unknown reasons and overturned onto its side. Now, a look at the German club scene, or more precisely the dance floors. Many of them will stay empty again tomorrow. You can probably guess why. It’s like this every year.

    Good Friday is one of the quiet holidays, and dancing is banned in many places. But the protest against this ban is certainly not quiet. Over to Christoph Wiesel for the story. Dancing against the ban on dancing. On Munich’s Königsplatz this afternoon, these people are demonstrating against a regulation

    They believe no longer fits the times. I also want to dance on public holidays and I’m not a Christian believer. It makes no sense to me that we are not allowed to dance on these days. It’s just as important to let people dance as to let them have their faith.

    However, should the ban on dancing be abolished? Not everyone who comes here today thinks so. We have so many freedoms in our country. Maybe we can do without one day if we treat each other with respect. The discussion about the party break has a long tradition.

    While Hamburg, for example, has recently relaxed the rules further, Bavaria is one of the federal states with particularly strict rules on what are called “quiet days”, such as Holy Saturday, which is an annoying topic for the club industry financially.

    With a view to Easter, these are holidays, there are a lot of tourists in the city, and if no club nights at all are allowed there, it’s really a problem. The churches in particular say that quiet days such as Good Friday, when sporting events and concerts are also banned

    Depending on the federal state, are still justified. It’s about getting something like peace and quiet into our lives from time to time, so that we can think about the foundations on which we live, what we want from our lives. The Bavarian state government seems to see it that way too.

    At least, there is no softening in sight. As in many places, the quiet days here are likely to remain quiet for now. The German national soccer team has successfully found its rhythm again. But now it’s on to the Bundesliga.

    Starting off with a hit on Saturday evening, the German Clasico: FC Bayern against BVB. After nine defeats in Munich and 37 goals conceded, Dortmund have a clear goal: to finally leave the pitch as winners. Tense anticipation at the moment for BVB coach Terzic from the German Clasico.

    Why is Borussia Dortmund going to win after ten League defeats in Munich? Because it’s about time. Or because they’re simply doing well. Winning streak in the League, joy of the game, results. It could be an exciting match against Bayern, who, since the decision on Tuchel, play more freely than ever.

    Terzic wants to experience a win on Saturday. We’re looking forward to showing that we’re ready to invest all we have to achieve our goals. On Saturday, BVB will either be sky-high or disappointed once again. In the semi-finals of the European Basketball Cup, Chemnitz won the first leg against Bilbao Baskets last night,

    98:73, and is thus close to reaching the final. The host, playing all in white, started off impressively. Bilbao quickly took the lead with 23:9. However, Ousman Krubally then managed to narrow the lead to just five points for Chemnitz just before the half-time buzzer. The belief in a successful comeback was back.

    After the break, Rodrigo Pastoren’s team could see this. Wesley Van Beck extended the lead of the Bundesliga runners-up from three to a reassuring nine points. The American then also scored the last points for his team. At the end, a clear 98:73, Chemnitz with one foot in the finals.

    In the playoffs for the German volleyball championship, Schwerin have reached the semi-finals by beating Vilsbiburg. In the men’s competition, the Berlin Volleys won their first match to reach the semi-finals. The defending champions won last night against SVG Lüneburg 3:1. Volleyball, basketball, football. That’s all for sports! Thank you very much.

    Unfortunately, a lot of long-lasting rain tomorrow on Good Friday. After that, it will be better. More Easter weather in a moment from Katja Horneffer. At 9:45 PM, join us for the “heute journal”, today with Marietta Slomka. We on the 7:00 PM team wish you a nice start to this long Easter weekend

    And a relaxing evening. WEATHER REPORT Good evening. No sooner had one band of rain left towards the northeast than the next one followed. Behind this second rain band, rain showers and thunderstorms built up. You can recognise the thunderstorms by the small yellow dots. Tonight the rain is moving northeast for now.

    In the second half of the night, however, new rain will arrive in the west. Under these rain clouds, temperatures will drop to 8 degrees. On the edge of the Alps, it’ll drop to minus 1 degree. In the northwestern half of the country, the high temperature tomorrow will be around 10 to 14 degrees.

    In the southeastern half, it will be 15 to 22 degrees. Tomorrow morning it will rain heavily in Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, and in North Rhine-Westphalia, also towards Lower Saxony and Thuringia. From the Baltic coast to the edge of the Alps, however, it’ll be pleasant. This persistent rain will then ease in the afternoon,

    Then you can see the sun again, even in Emsland, with a southerly wind. Holy Saturday will be dry, especially in the eastern half of the country, with temperatures reaching 24 degrees. Easter Sunday will be quite nice overall, but on Easter Monday the weather will turn and become much more changeable again. Good evening.


    1. Weil Bahn und Flugangestellte ohnehin schon viel verdient hatten, wünsche ich mir eine Insolvenz dieser beiden Branchen in ganzer Breite. Mögen hoffentlich viele ihre flüge/fahrten reduzieren.

    2. Brauch auch mehr Geld 💰 ich streike, wer streikt mit? Ziel: rente mit 25, 3 stunden woche, 200€ pro stunde. Nimm das arbeitsmarkt 👻

    3. Statt Kuba hätte man eher über Haiti berichten können. Heute gab es nur die belanglosesten Nachrichten, die die Redakteure finden konnten.
      Gold heute auf Allzeithoch. Keiner traut mehr unseren Regierungen.

    4. HYPOKRITEN, den Koran verbrenen und Mohamed in der dreck ziehen is in ordnung aber am karfreitag tanzen NEIIIIIIN VERBOTEN, HEIIIIIILLIG!!
      Ihr seit so miserabel.
      Von eine Agnoste Atheist.

    5. Minute 12:35
      Keim Wunder bei den Sanktionen seitens unseres Vorbildes USA, Cuba wird seit mindestens 65 Jahren durch den Imperialisten USA in Grund und Boden sanktioniert 😢😢
      Und wir klatschen Beifall 🙈

    6. Minute 17:00
      Wer in Deutschland 2024 immer noch sinnloser Weise gegen diese "heiligen ruhigen 24h" rebelliert, lebt oder arbeitet definitiv im falschen Land 😂😂🤷‍♂️
      Gruss von einem nicht-christlichen Gastronomen der seit 30Jahren Deutschland respektiert, und vor allem dankbar dafür ist hierzulande immer noch Gastronomie betreiben zu dürfen ❤
      Nur die Corona Maßnahmen waren komplett falsch, dagegen sollten auch viele rebellieren, und um Aufarbeitung fordern❤❤
      Das Tanzverbot vor Ostern dürfte nichtmal mehr erwähnt werden ✌️🤷‍♂️🤔

    7. Hate die Kirche mit dem schließen der Kirchen in der Coronazeit nicht genügend stille Tage.Die scheinheiligen Moral Apostel sollen mal zu der 1500 jährigen Kriminalgeschichte der Kirche Stellungnahme nehmen. Wann wird die Weihrauchbande endlich verboten.

    8. Wer jetzt noch freiwillig Illegale Zwangsgelder zahlt dem is nicht mehr zu helfen , es gibt kein Vertrag und keine Gesetzliche Vorgabe die es dem ÖRR erlaubt dieses Geld ein zu fordern , es ist ein Privatunternehmen und somit sind die Gelder ohne Vertragliche Bindung Illegal !!!!

    9. Wenn es zum massiven Bau von Schützengräben kommt dann ist man als Ukraine weit weg vom Sieg. Die Russen haben klar und deutlich die Lufthoheit und werden diese auch mehr und mehr nutzen.

    10. Und warum gibt es Krisen auf Kuba ??
      Weil die USA seit Jahrzehnten durch Sanktionen die Kubaner und ihr Kuba klein hält.
      Denn die ach so bösen Kubaner wollten nicht nach den Regeln der USA spielen..
      Und wer nicht nach den Regeln der USA spielt, der alle Rechte verliert.

    11. Gott sei dank haben wir in der BRD keine Krise oder andere Probleme? Unsere Wirtschaft "Brummt", die Kriminalität – besondersunserer Goldstücke und Fachkräfte ist auf dem "Nullpunkt" und die Menschen sind in der Masse so zufrieden das man ruhig mal über andere Länder die Westdeutsche Oberlehrer Manier heraushängen lassen kann. Soetwas Ekelhaft Arrogant – Borniertes ist Unglaublich.

    12. Wann wurde in Kuba eigentlich zuletzt gewählt?
      Oh, Hühnchenfleisch braucht ihr? Kauft doch einfach aus Brasilien ein, aber leider will auch Lula US-Dollar. Tja, Pech gehabt, dann müsst ihr halt die PCC weiter unterstützen und hungern oder sie einfach stürzen, wenn sie Euch nicht versorgen kann. Viva la Revolucion.

    13. Trennung von staat und kirche, das ist christlicher fundamentalismus, andere Religion dürfen nun auch nicht tanzen, jeden Sonntag alles zu machen, weil gott am 7. Tage ruhte. Der islamische staat is böse. Aber ein christlicher staat ist gut. Die doppelmoral ist unerträglich in diesem land.

    14. Nur Jesus Christus rettet ✝️

      Das größte Problem des Menschen ist die Sünde, die in den Tod führt. Jesus Christus – Gottes Sohn wurde Mensch und starb sündlos am Kreuz von Golgatha um diesen Tod von den Menschen abzuwenden. Wer an Ihn glaubt und Ihn abnimmt, bekommt das Recht ein Kind Gottes zu werden und das ewige Leben geschenkt. Es gibt keinen anderen Weg zum Himmel als nur der, der zum ✝️ führt. Jesus Christus sagt: Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand kommt zum Vater (im Himmel) als nur durch mich! Keine Religion rettet, sondern nur der lebendige Glaube an Jesus Christus ✝️. Bekehrt euch zum lebendigen Gott, damit eure Sünden getilgt werden und ihr versöhnt werdet mit Gott dem Vater! Er hat alles gegeben, damit wir zu Ihm kommen können! Alle Ehre gebührt dem Vater im Himmel und dem König aller Könige und Herrn der Heerscharen Jesus Christus! Amen ❤

      Gott segne dich der du das liest und möge dir diese Wahrheit heute in dein Herz legen, damit es zu einer Frucht wird und Du Sein Kind wirst und ewiges Leben bekommst! Er liebt dich innig und er wartet auf dich, dass Du nach Hause kommst zu IHM! Er hat alles für dich bezahlt – komm heute zu Ihm – bekenne dein Leben ohne Ihn, nimm Ihn an, Er will dich sicher führen! Glaube an Ihn und sein Wort, das ewig Bestand hat! Du bist Ihm nicht egal, Er will dein Alles werden! Komm zu Ihm wie ein Kind, Er wird dich nicht abweisen und niemand wird dich aus Seiner Hand reißen können! Jesus Christus starb am Kreuz für dich und deine Sünden, der Schuldschein ist zerrissen, der Weg ist frei!

      Kehre heute um zu Ihm und bete, dass Du Sein Kind werden möchtest und danke Ihm für das was Er am Kreuz von Golgatha für dich getan hat. Bitte Ihn in dein Leben, in dein Herz zu kommen und von deinen Sünden zu reinigen. Er wird es tun, wenn du Ihn ernstlich bittest! Heute könnte der Tag werden, der Tag deiner Rettung, der Tag in deinem neuen Leben! Amen ❤

    15. Es wird wieder " vergessen" zu erwähnen, das die USA , bzw Trump, Kuba vor vier Jahren auf die Terrorunterstützer Liste gesetzt hat. SEITDEM geht in dem Land nichts mehr !! Biden unterstützt dies. Wer Kuba und seine unglaublichen Menschen kennt, weiß, was das mit dem Land gemacht hat. Wenn schon berichten, dann richtig.

    16. Seit 60 Jahren wird Kuba von Washington sanktioniert. Das ist nachweislich völkerrechtswidrig.
      Die deutsche Regierung unterstützt auch das.

    17. Wir haben die Kommentarfunktion für weitere Kommentare deaktiviert. Auf unserem Kanal findet ihr unsere tagesaktuellen Beiträge. Schaut dort gerne vorbei und diskutiert weiter mit!

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