Bikes, buddies, and the open road – it doesn’t get better than this! This episode is from my ride with Natalia through Colorado. Our journey was filled with stunning scenery, roadside laughs, and some drama!

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    In April 2017 I left Australia for a solo trip around the world on a BMW F800GS. I named it “Are We There Yet” because I don’t know my final destination or the duration of this journey.

    Throughout my journey, I’m raising money for a young disabled child in Poland named Franek. Franek was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (weakness of the entire right side of the body) and he will require constant rehabilitation for the rest of his life. All the money raised will go directly to helping Franek and his family lead as normal a life as possible so please donate generously:

    None of that would be possible without my official sponsors:
    Motorcycle Diaries


    Outback Motortek
    Lone Rider
    Quad Lock


    #onherbike #advrider #motovlog

    We’re so bad. We’re so bad. We spent a super nice night at this hostel. We had our own room, we had ba- Like, we went to the hot tub. We had a hot tub, yeah. We had an insane bathroom. We had a really nice outdoor area. We had it all.

    And we didn’t turn on the camera. Yeah, and it was like, $65 per person. Bargain. It was expensive, but worth it. Yup. But it’s not gonna be on YouTube because we were just too busy talking. Anyway, so what’s the plan? What’s the plan for today? Today, we’re just doing some mountain passes in…

    Around Telluride. Yeah, and then Ouray and Silverton, so those mining towns. That’ll be so much fun. Yes. So we’re gonna do a little bit of gravel. A little mixture of everything, really. [Natalia] Yeah. And then we will end up our day in Durango, which is a very cool Colorado town, too. Right. Yeah.

    It should be a good day. [Intro Music] This – I mean, the view from this street is spectacular, isn’t it? Look at that. Oh, wow. I guess we’re getting closer to the heart of town. Lots of little shops. Restaurants and stuff. This town just feels big. I mean, large. Right! And we are about to start Ophir Pass? Something like that. Apparently it’s gravel, so we’re excited about it. Okay, let’s go. Now! That’s an uphill. Let’s do it. Chillie! Wow! That’s a big one. Chillie. Now. Oh, Chillie! Chillie’s down! We slipped on the rocks. Luckily, we didn’t end up over the edge. So – So worst case scenario, she’s downhill. Facing down. That’s okay. I’m not gonna even use my energy because a car is coming, so they’re gonna help me out.

    Yeah. That’s all right. We’ve done this before. Don’t drop it! It’s hard to pick it up! Oh my God, I did the same up! Did you see me? No! Did you drop it? Yes, I did. Is it getting harder? Yes. That’s why we are going. Turning around. We’re turning around?

    This guy tells me that – It will be – It’s going to be more gnarly there. It’s so much loose rocks. And you’re going uphill, and then there’s a sharp turn there. He said he’s gonna – I’ll turn her around that way and we’ll pick her up. Yeah. He will help you. Okay.

    We’re turning around. Not with all this luggage. We’ll put her on this side. Just put the wheel in. Okay. Well done. Let’s do this. Chillie. Okay. You’re so tiring. Push it up. I have the stand up. Okay. Ready? One… Two… Three. Got it. I got this side. I got this side. Okay.

    Let me just take a breath. Well done. If you lean this way, there’s a stand on and I’m here. I think I got it. Okay. Thank you guys. Thank you so – Do you wanna push it? So it’s like, flat? [Kinga] No. I’ll ride down. Okay.

    All right, Chillie, let’s get out of here. We made it to the bottom. We didn’t die. Very nice pass, but I wouldn’t recommend it on a fully loaded bike. It was just – I was just not strong enough to hold Chillie straight. It was… Yeah. Way easier without the luggage to go down.

    But anyway, that’s okay. The day is not over. We still have stuff to do, and we’ll be doing gravels. Just not so rocky gravels, hopefully. That was so much easier without all that luggage, right? Yeah, definitely easier. Thank you! Thank you so much! You’re welcome. Kangaroo. Oh, thank you very much.

    And that’s my social media. You will be on YouTube if that’s okay. I guess. If you must. But, there you go. That’s On Her Bike. Thanks! Thank you so much for everything. Oh, you’re welcome. [Kinga] For all your help. Right. So.

    We came to this town all the way on a paved road because it’s already so late and we still have so much to do. Hot springs? Oh, wow! Look at that! They have hot springs and all. Yes, so we’re in Ouray? I think Ouray. That’s the name of the city.

    This is how it looks like. We’re gonna stop here for lunch. And then, after that, apparently we’re gonna be doing this like, epic, epic, epic, scenic One Million Dollar Highway? Something like that. Finally, we record something during our lunch break. What’s for lunch? A lot of – [Natalia] French toast and fruit.

    A lot of calories. I’m being a little bit healthier. Here’s the sandwich. And we have this like, nice view. Nice. So that’s it, right? This is where we start the… Million Dollar Highway. From now on, it’s supposed to be very pretty. Damn! What a ride! Look at that. Oh my God, I think we’re going like, really on the edge. I’ll put the other camera on. Yeah, look at these views! Definitely worth a million bucks! Oh my God, we’re so close to the edge. Kinga, focus. Whoa, you really don’t want to fall down.

    And now we’re going through another cool town. Silverton. Silverton? I think Silverton. Yeah. I think so. ‘World’s Highest Store.’ What’s the elevation? I mean, for Harley. 2,800. Wow, we’re very high. So we stopped here for a little break. At the lake. We’re both struggling with fatigue. We’re like, ‘We’re done.’

    We don’t wanna ride anymore. But anyway, before we do that, we don’t have much further to go. We’re going where today? Durango. Durango. I’ll take a seat here. I’ll sit here. Right, right, right. But before that, I – Before that, I wanted to do a tiny minute interview

    With Natalia because yes, we talked a lot for the last few days, and yes, I did a little interview with her when I was at her place. At Tim’s and Natalia. At Tim and Natalia’s place in Idaho. But… Maybe some of you didn’t watch the episode, so I’ll do it again. Natalia,

    How are you feeling? I feel tired, a little bit. Yeah. I feel like we’ve been riding the whole day. Well, we have been riding the whole day. We left quite early. Yeah, but we didn’t – We feel like we were riding the whole day, but we didn’t get anywhere. Yeah. We don’t –

    Yeah, exactly. We don’t really – Yeah. [Kinga] Yeah. Totally. At the same, we were riding Africa. In 2019. Am I right? 2019, right? [Natalia] Yeah. 2019, yeah. 2019. How long did it take you? Because you were riding with our Polish friends. We’re all friends, now. Right? I got in on a tour.

    How long did it take you to go to do the east coast of Africa at the time? I think it was total five or six months? Something like that. Right. Yeah, something like that. And then the Covid started and you guys – Yeah, you had to…

    Yeah, we were planning Malaysia, but… [Kinga] Change your plans. Yeah, Covid happened, so. Well, you met your future-now-husband, right? Yeah. So that was a good trip, yeah. That was a good trip, yeah. [Kinga] You got a marriage out of that. Right! Right. No big deal. Yeah, that’s right. You’re originally from Poland.

    And now you’re living in Idaho with Tim. [Natalia] Yeah. Completely changed your lifestyle, I guess. [Natalia] And with Zuzu. With Zuzu, yes. I’ll not forget about Zuzu, your dog. And I just wanted to ask you because I’m very impressed with your riding skills. You really –

    You’re a great rider. I mean, 1200 – Is it 1250? Or 1200. [Natalia] 1250, yeah. 1250, yeah. 1250. Yes. It’s a well balanced bike, but still, it’s a big bike. And um… So yeah, you’re doing so well on it. How many years have you been riding?

    I started riding in 2016, I think. Yeah. So not long. Not long, but I started my first bike was the 700, and then after a few months, I switched to 1200, so. Pretty much, I’ve been always riding the big bikes. Yeah. [Kinga] 1200. And then I – [Kinga] And you like it, hey?

    Yeah. And then I switched to Africa. [Natalia] African Twin. And you hated it. Yeah, I didn’t really know that I hated it. I honestly – I liked it, but I didn’t feel that confident. Yes. [Kinga] Too tall. It was – [Kinga] Too tall. Too top heavy. Yeah.

    The 1200 is much more well balanced than it, yeah. [Natalia] Yeah. So then when I switched again to 1250, I’m like, ‘Huh. Okay. That was the bike, that wasn’t my skill.’ So it was – That was the bike. No, well done. [Natalia] So now I’m more confident for sure. Well done, you.

    1250 is your favorite bike, now you’re living here, and now you’re traveling with me. Well, what else I wanted to ask you? Yeah. What’s your height? Yeah. Tell us what’s your height. 163, which is five foot… So you’re not very tall. [Natalia] Two.

    That’s what I mean. Like – [Natalia] Not very tall, yeah. But you really ride this bike so well. Well, thank you so much for this little interview. It was so much fun because today is our last riding day. Tomorrow – We’ll crash for tonight at Natalia’s friend’s place,

    And then tomorrow we’re gonna go – You’re going up home and I’m going back to Utah. [Natalia] Right. Because I need to be out of the country in seven days, because my visa is finishing in seven days. So… Yeah. It was so much fun. Yeah, it was so much fun. Really.

    It was so much fun. [Natalia] I enjoyed it. I know you didn’t see the fun because most of our fun was off the record. But yeah. No, we had a wonderful time. Yes. We bonded very well. And we – Yeah, I really enjoyed it. We have like –

    We enjoyed the same speed. We’re like, you know – Yeah. Nothing was a trouble. Nothing was a worry. It was – [Natalia] Yeah. For sure. It was really, really a pleasant ride. Okay, so we still have how far? Like, 50? Maybe 50 miles to do today? [Natalia] Maybe, yeah. Like –

    50 more miles. [Kinga] Are we there yet? We’re almost done. We’re almost done. [Outro Music] I just noticed we don’t do much commentary, Natalia. We’re just like, riding, riding, riding. Yeah. What’s the point? This is a really – [Kinga] No wonder I’m tired. No, it’s good.

    No, we actually do have a lot of – We talk a lot, but it’s just, you know. We’re not recording it. It’s all in Polish. You wouldn’t understand. [Outro Music]


    1. I've been following you for a while and your videos are great. I've been riding a motorcycle for a long time, but I'm not a world traveler…through your travels I live my dreams…this is from google translator, so if something is wrong…artificial intelligence is to blame 🤣 Many greetings from Croatia and good luck on your travels 💪💪

    2. Ophir pass is no joke Kinga. This area of Colorado is some of the most beautiful and dangerous that the US has to offer. People get injured on these passes every summer. And the altitude at 10,000-13,000ft. is no joke especially with a heavily loaded bike. So glad you ladies turned around. Ouray, Silverton, and Durango are some of my favorites in all of Colorado. ❤ the video!!

    3. Ophir is in pretty good shape compared to the other passes that have been damaged by all the side by side razors.
      You could have made it with different tires. Next time go the opposite direction, it’s easier that way with the tires you had on.

    4. Holy Cow! Getting Chillie back on her wheels at over 3,000 meters, with a soon to be "Broken" heart, even with all the help, is just plain SCARRY? You and Natalie make a fun team!

    5. super zajawka! Kiedys jezdzilem na crossie do puki go nie zatarlem ii sie hobby skonczylo 😀 Teraz dzieci dorastaja to sie zastanawiam czy do tego nie wrocic 🙂 Pozdro od kolegi youtuberka z Chicago 🙂

    6. It was Very Lucky that you fell to the Left…. That looked like a Big Drop on the Right…… Great video Kinga…… Natalia looks Very Cute, and She sure knows how to Ride…… :-)) xxxxx

    7. That's something the manufacturers could add as an expensive extra: the self-lifting of adventure bikes. Then they could go on building a 250 hp adv bike with 350 kg. A CyberGS. Happy travels, Günter/Nürnberg

    8. After that million-dollar highway, I got to Durango and that is where Tim Burke came up to me and introduced himself. I'd been trying to meet up with him for a few months and the guy just popped out of nowhere and it's when I first met Nat as well. Then we rode for a few weeks together. Great time!

    9. Привет Кинга,часто тебя вспоминаю,как свою подругу!)).Рад,что у тебя всё хорошо!Удачи!

    10. You made an excellent choice by turning around on Ophir Pass. I did the ride from the other direction on my BMW F650GS (800 ccs). with my buddy on his 1200 BMW. We were not heavily loaded like you. The problem for us was when we started the downhill, you have to ride on cobble size rocks and only have the brakes to slow and control. I fell 2 or 3 times and was completely exhausted like I have never been. The high altitude and no breakfast drained me, and I live close to there at 7000 feet. I tried walking the bike down but even that was too much. By this time I had a giant hematoma on my inner thigh from my last fall. Luckily a couple of young dudes rode and walked our bikes down to where it was a bit flatter. Where you fell is a one way section cross a steep scree slope. If you looked down the slope you would have seen vehicles that went over the edge years ago. Ophir is one of the easier passes in Colorado, no problem if you have 4 wheels. A much lighter enduro bike is better suited to ride it, or a very skilled rider. But the Million Dollar highway is fantastic. So, Kinga, you cheated death again!

    11. That could have ended so badly. Glad to see you're ok. Very nice of that guy to bring your bags down for you. The Million Dollar Highway is one of my favorite rides and you really do have to focus. It would be bad to go off there. Thanks to Tim and Natalia too! I appreciate this video, thanks Kinga!

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